
  • baby

    英 ['beɪbi]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692018989-6848d756da66e55.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['beɪbi]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692019043-6848d756da66e55.mp3"][/audio]  n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人 adj. 婴儿的;小型的 vt. 溺爱 形容词: babyish 比较级: babier 最高级: babiest 名词: babyhood 名词复数: babies 过去式: babied 过去分词: babied 现在分词: babying 第三人称单数: babies [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 baby 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:30 /ˈbeɪbi/ n. babies 13 婴儿 高考真题原句提选: The other photo showed a human baby. The baby is just one day old and has not yet left hospital. He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Why did the researchers test the babies with drumbeats? 幼猴;人类婴儿 The baby monkey is much more developed at birth than the human baby . 二、词组|习惯用语 baby girl 女婴;小女孩 have a baby 生孩子 baby boy 男婴;小男孩 baby boom 婴儿潮;生育高峰 baby food 婴儿食品;儿童食品 baby formula 婴幼儿配方奶粉;婴幼儿配方 baby carriage 婴儿车;童车(等于baby buggy,carriage) baby stroller 婴儿推车 come on baby 宝宝总动员(一款韩国街机游戏);来吧宝贝儿 baby teeth 乳牙 baby blue n. 淡蓝色 baby shower 宝宝派对(在孩子出生前举办的特殊派对) baby face n. 娃娃脸 baby talk 儿语 baby sitter 临时替人看小孩者;照顾婴孩者 baby carrier 童车;婴儿背带;轻型航空母舰 baby car 微型小客车 baby wear 婴儿装 test-tube baby n. [医]试管婴儿 tiny baby 个儿小的婴儿 三、词根记忆 baby n. 嬰兒;年齡最小的人;小動物a.嬰兒似的Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,長胡子的熊將在後方產一頭可愛的小崽. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baby / 5beibi / noun (pl. -ies) 1. a very young child or animal 婴儿;动物幼崽: The baby's crying! 婴儿在哭! a newborn baby 新生儿 My sister's expecting a baby. 我姐姐怀孕了。 She had a baby last year. 她去年生了个孩子。 a baby boy / girl 男婴;女婴 baby food / clothes 婴儿食品/服装 a baby monkey / blackbird 幼猴;黑鹂雏 2. (informal) the youngest member of a family or group (家庭或团体中)最年幼的成员: He's the baby of the team. 他在队里年纪最小。 3. (disapproving) a person who behaves like a young child and is easily upset 幼稚的人;孩子气的人: Stop crying and don't be such a baby. 别哭了,别这么孩子气。 4. (slang, especially NAmE) a word used to address sb, especially your wife, husband or lover, in a way that expresses affection but that can be offensive if used by a man to a woman he does not know (对爱人的昵称。男子用以称呼不相识的女子则有冒犯之嫌)宝贝儿,心肝儿 IDIOMS ▪ be your / sb's baby (informal) to be a plan or project that sb is responsible for and cares about because they have created it (计划或方案)归某人负责,由某人订出 ▪ leave sb holding the 'baby (informal) to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important that is really your responsibility (突然)把重大责任推给某人: He changed to another job and we were left holding the baby. 他换了工作,把活儿甩给我们。 ▪ throw the baby out with the 'bathwater (informal) to lose sth that you want at the same time as you are trying to get rid of sth that you do not want 把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉 ⇨ more at candy , sleep v. adjective [only before noun] baby vegetables are a very small version of particular vegetables, or are picked when they are very small (蔬菜)小型的,幼嫩的: baby carrots 小胡萝卜 verb (ba·bies, baby·ing, ba·bied, ba·bied) [VN] to treat sb with too much care, as if they were a baby 婴儿般对待;百般呵护 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baby1 /ˈbeɪbi/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural babies) [countable] 1  baby.jpgYOUNG CHILD 幼小的孩子 a very young child who has not yet learned to speak or walk 婴儿 The baby is crying. 宝宝在哭。 She gave birth to a baby on Thursday. 她于星期四产下一名婴儿。 What do you think of your new baby sister? 你觉得你刚出生的妹妹怎么样? → test-tube baby 2  YOUNG ANIMAL 幼小的动物 a very young animal 幼兽;雏鸟 baby birds 雏鸟 3  VEGETABLE 蔬菜 a type of vegetable which is grown to be much smaller than usual or is eaten before it has grown to its normal size 幼嫩的蔬菜〔指未长成就可食用的蔬菜〕 baby carrots 小胡萝卜 baby sweetcorn 小玉米 4  YOUNGEST 最年幼的 a younger child in a family, often the youngest 〔家中〕最小的孩子 Clare is the baby of the family. 克莱尔是家里最小的孩子。 5  WOMAN 女人 spoken a) used to address someone that you love 亲爱的〔用于称呼所爱的人〕 Relax, baby – we’re on holiday. 放松,亲爱的,我们这是在度假。 b) not polite used to address a young woman that you do not know 小妞〔用于称呼不认识的年轻女子〕 6  SILLY PERSON 不聪明的人 someone, especially an older child, who is not behaving in a brave way 幼稚的人〔尤指较大的孩子〕;胆怯的人 Don’t be a baby! 别像个三岁孩子似的! 7  RESPONSIBILITY 责任 something special that someone has developed or is responsible for 差事,任务;分内之事 Don’t ask me about the building contract – that’s Robert’s baby. 不要问我建筑合同的事——那是罗伯特的事情。 8  THING 东西 informal something, especially a piece of equipment or a machine, that you care about a lot 宝贝东西〔尤指你很喜欢的器材或机器〕 This baby can reach speeds of 130 miles per hour. 这宝贝能开到时速130英里。 → throw the baby out with the bathwater at throw1(37)  COLLOCATIONS  THESAURUS baby2 verb (babied, babying, babies) [transitive] to be too kind to someone and look after them as if they were a baby 把…当婴儿般照顾 Origin baby1 (1300-1400) babe [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baby ★★★★☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词婴儿;婴孩 A baby is a very young child, especially one that cannot yet walk or talk. She used to take care of me when I was a baby... 我还在襁褓中时,她曾经照顾过我。 My wife has just had a baby... 我妻子刚生了孩子。 Claire had to dress her baby sister. 克莱尔得给年幼的妹妹穿衣服。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(动物)幼崽;幼兽;幼鸟 A baby animal is a very young animal. 【搭配模式】:usu N n ...a baby elephant. 幼象 ...baby birds. 雏鸟 3.ADJ 形容词(蔬菜)幼嫩的 Baby vegetables are vegetables picked when they are very small. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n Serve with baby new potatoes. 配上小个的新土豆。 4.N-VOC; N-COUNT 称呼名词;可数名词宝贝儿(昵称,尤用于年轻女性) Some people use baby as an affectionate way of addressing someone, especially a young woman, or referring to them. 【搭配模式】:usu sing 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 You have to wake up now, baby... 该起床了,宝贝儿。 He was confused, poor baby. 他都懵了,可怜的家伙。 5.PHRASE 短语把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉;将精华连同糟粕一起丢弃;不分好坏地全盘抛弃 If you throw the baby out with the bath water, you lose the good parts of something as well as the bad parts, because you reject it as a whole instead of just removing what is bad. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 6.PHRASE 短语替他人擦屁股;替别人干苦差事 If you are left holding the baby, you are put in a situation where you are responsible for something, often in an unfair way because other people fail or refuse to take responsibility for it. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 You go off round the world, and leave me to hold the baby. 你满世界地跑,把苦差事都扔给我。 in AM, use 美国英语用 be left holding the bag [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 baby /ˈbeɪbi/ noun plural babies [count] 1 a : a very young child婴儿 She had the baby yesterday. = She gave birth to the baby yesterday. 她昨天生了孩子。 Are you expecting a baby? [=are you pregnant?] 你怀孕了吗? I hear the baby crying. 我听到婴儿在哭。 The baby is just learning to crawl. 这小宝宝刚刚开始学爬。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a baby girl/boy 女婴;男婴 baby clothes 婴儿服 baby pictures 婴儿照 a baby monitor 婴儿监控器 (US) I gave my sister a baby shower. [=a party at which gifts are given to a woman who is pregnant] 我给我妹妹举办了一场迎婴派对。 She has a real baby face. [=a face that resembles the face of a baby; a face that looks young and innocent] 她实在是长着一张娃娃脸。 b : a very young animal幼崽 a bird and its babies 一只鸟及它的几只幼鸟 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a baby bird 幼鸟 a baby deer 幼鹿 2 a : the youngest member of a group(成员中)年龄最小者 My sister is the baby of the family. 妹妹在我家年纪最小。 — often used before another noun 常用于另一名词前 my baby sister 我最小的妹妹 b : someone who is young in comparison with others(相比之下)较年轻者 “Only 32? Oh, you're just a baby!” “只有32岁?哦,你还很年轻呢! c : someone who behaves like a child especially : someone who is afraid or who complains a lot孩子气的人;(尤指)胆怯的人,老爱抱怨的人 When it comes to getting shots, I'm a real baby. 谈到拍照,我还真胆怯。 Don't be such a baby—you'll get your turn. 别老抱怨了,总会轮到你的。 3 slang a : a lover or sweetheart爱人;心上人 Nothing's gone right since my baby went away. 自从我的爱人离开后,所有事情全乱套了。 ◊ This sense of baby is common in song lyrics.此义项的baby常见于歌词中。 b — used as an informal way of addressing a lover, friend, etc. — used especially by men to address women and by women to address men心肝儿,宝贝儿(用作对爱人、好友等的非正式称呼,尤用于男女间的称呼) I missed you, baby. 我想你,宝贝儿。 ◊ This sense of baby is sometimes used in a very informal way by men to address an attractive woman.此义项的baby有时被男性用来称呼迷人的女子,是一种很不正式的表达方式。 Hey baby, nice car! 嘿,宝贝儿,车真漂亮! ◊ Using baby to address someone you do not know well may cause offense.用baby称呼不太熟悉的人可能引起冒犯。 4 : something that someone has created and developed with special personal attention or interest(倾注了个人心血和兴趣的)创作,作品 This project is my baby. 这个项目就是我的孩子。 hold the baby — see 1hold throw out the baby with the bathwater informal : to get rid of something you want while trying to get rid of something you do not want把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉;良莠不分一起抛;不分好坏全盘否定 If you ignore her message because you don't like the way she presents it, you will be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. 如果你因为不喜欢她那种呈现信息的方式而不理睬她提供的信息,那么你就是良莠不分一起抛。 — babyhood /ˈbeɪbiˌhʊd/ noun [noncount] We watched him grow from babyhood to adulthood. 我们看着他从婴儿长大成人。 — babyish /ˈbeɪbijɪʃ/ adjective [more babyish; most babyish] babyish behavior/toys 幼稚的行为;婴儿玩具 2 baby /ˈbeɪbi/ adjective always used before a noun : very small : much smaller than usual极小的;小型的 a baby grand piano 一台袖珍型三角钢琴 baby carrots/vegetables 小胡萝卜;嫩菜 Take baby steps. 一步步来 3 baby /ˈbeɪbi/ verb babies; babied; babying [+ object] 1 : to treat (someone) like a baby : to be kind or too kind to (someone)婴儿般对待;百般呵护 That boy will never learn to stand up for himself if you don't stop babying him. 如果你一直对他百般呵护,那么这个男孩永远无法学会保护自己。 I babied myself [=pampered myself] with a trip to the spa. 我去了趟水疗馆享受了一下。 2 : to operate or treat (something) in a very careful and gentle way小心翼翼地操作;小心对待 baby a car 对汽车特别爱惜 It looked like he was babying his injured foot. 他似乎对自己受伤的脚特别在意。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • back

    英 [bæk]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692019493-6d4cfd54e467ff0.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bæk]    [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692019484-9560578073d6f2c.mp3"][/audio] n. 后面;背脊;靠背;后背;后卫 vt. 支持;后退 adv. 向后地 adj. 向后的;后面的;偏远的;过时的;积欠的 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 back 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:206 /bæk/ ad. a.n.&v. backs 2 backs 0 backing 2 backed 2 回(原处);向后 & 后面的 & 背后,后部;背 & 退后,倒车 高考真题原句提选: The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to move. The back door and the windows were all locked. When will Billy be back? I got out of their way as fast as I could by backing into the garage once more. Turn your back on too many rules. 二、词组|习惯用语 go back 回去;追溯 back in [体育]后内刃 back of 在…后面;在…背后 back on 背靠 back into 倒车撞上(某物) in the back 在后面 at the back 在后面;在…后部 back and forth 反复地,来回地 back up v. 支持,援助;(资料)备份;倒退;裱 way back 好久以前,老早就 on the back of 在…之外,在…后面 at the back of 在…背后,支持;在…的后面;在…的后部 back down 放弃;让步 in the back of 在……后面;在……之后 back out 退出;收回 on my back 在背上;找我麻烦,挑我毛病 on one's back 卧病在床 back off 后退;软化;减轻;卸下 back to back 背靠背;连续,紧接 go back on 违背;背弃 三、词根记忆 back a. 後面的ad.向後v.倒退;支持n.背;後面Someone patted me on the back.有人在我背上輕輕地拍了一下. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] back [bak] ,back a'way; ,back a'way from sb/sth ■to move backwards away from sb/sth frightening or unpleasant退避,躲避(人或事物): He stepped forward and she backed away in alarm. 他向前跨了一步,她惊慌地退避开。 The child backed away from the dog nervously. 孩子紧张地后退躲避那条狗。 [synonym]retreat (from sb/sth) (more formal) see also BACK OFF 2 [G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep ,back a'way from sth; ,back a'way from doing sth ■to avoid doing sth unpleasant or difficult; to show that you no longer support an action or an idea退缩;背弃(某行动或想法): We will not back away from tough measures. 我们不会手软的。 The union has backed away from calling a strike. 工会放弃了号召罢工。 [G]v+adv+prep ,back 'down(on/from sth) ■to take back a claim or a demand that you have made, or sth that you have said, usually because sb forces you to(被迫)收回(声明、言论等);放弃(要求、主张等): Neither of them will back down on this issue. 他俩在此问题上都不会让步的。 His critics were forced to back down. 批评他的人被迫偃旗息鼓了。 [synonym]climb down (over sth); give in (to sb/sth) see also BACK OFF (FROM STH/FROM DOING STH),BACK OFF STH [G]v+adv ,back 'off ■(informal) to stop threatening or annoying sb放过(某人): Back off and let me make my own decisions. 别烦我了,让我自己做决定吧。 The press have agreed to back off and leave the couple alone. 新闻界同意不再打扰这对夫妻。 ■to move away from sb/sth frightening or unpleasant躲避(人或事物) : As the head teacher approached the children backed off. 校长过来时,孩子们闪开了。 [synonym]retreat (from sb/sth) see also BACK AWAY,BACK AWAY FROM SB/STH [G]v+adv ,back 'off (from sth/from doing sth), ,back 'off sth (especially AmE) ■to decide not to continue to do sth or support an idea, in order to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation放弃(某事);不再支持(某想法): The government backed off in the face of strong opposition. 政府在强烈的反对下退却了。 He refused to back off from his earlier statement. 他不肯撤回先前的声明。 The rebels backed off their demand for meeting with the President. 反叛者放弃了和总统会面的要求。 see also BACK DOWN (ON/FROM STH) [G]v+adv ◆ v+prep ,back 'onto sth (BrE) ■if a building backs onto sth, it has sth behind it(建筑物)背向,背靠: The hotel backs onto the golf course. 旅馆的后面是高尔夫球场。 [G]v+prep ,back 'out; ,back 'out of sth; ,back 'out of doing sth ■to decide not to do sth that you had agreed or promised to do退出;放弃(同意或答应做的事): Everything’s arranged. It’s too late to back out now. 一切都安排好了。现在打退堂鼓为时太晚。 There’s still time to back out of selling the house. 现在决定不卖房子还来得及。 [synonym]pull out,pull out of sth,pull out of doing sth;withdraw (from sth) (more formal) [G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep ,back 'up; ,back sb/sth 'up ■to move backwards a short distance, especially in a vehicle; to make sb/sth move backwards a short distance(使)后退;倒(车): You can back up another two metres or so. 你可以再退两米左右。 Jeff backed the van up and drove off quickly. 杰夫倒了倒车,然后飞快地开走。 (figurative) The woman was backed up against the wall. 那女子被挤到了墙边。 [synonym]reverse,reverse sth (more formal) [G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ,back 'up; ,back sth 'up ■if traffic backs up or is backed up, it cannot move and forms a long line(车辆)拥塞,排起长龙;交通阻塞: Two lanes were closed by the accident, causing cars to back up for miles. 因事故关闭了两条车道,汽车拥塞长达几英里。 The traffic is backed up to the traffic lights. 车辆在交通灯处阻塞了。 ■[NOTE]Back sth up is nearly always used in the passive. back sth up 几乎总是用于被动语态。 [G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ,back sb/sth 'up ■to say or show that what sb says is true证明某人(所言属实);证实(某人所言): If I tell my parents I was with you, will you back me up? 假若我对父母说我当时和你在一起,你肯为我作证吗? His version of events is not backed up by the evidence. 他对事情的陈述证据不足。 [OBJ]statement,claim ■to support or help sb/sth支持,帮助(某人或事): Mel complained that her husband never backed her up in the control of the children. 梅尔抱怨丈夫从未帮她管桝过孩子。 Backing her up }(=playing music to support her)&b{ was the band ‘Midnight Express’. 为她伴奏的是“午夜快车”乐队。 [synonym]support sb/sth [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent) 'backup n ■[C] [U] (AmE, music) (usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词) music that supports the main singer or player in popular music or jazz(流行音乐或爵士乐的)伴奏,伴唱: a backup singer for Stevie Wonder 史蒂维·旺德的伴唱歌手 She once sang backup for Madonna. 她曾经为麦当娜伴唱。 see also BACK-UP at BACK STH UP ,back sth 'up ■(computing) to make a copy of a file, a program, etc. that can be used if the original one is lost or damaged给(文件、程序等)做备份;备份: We back up all the files every night. 我们每晚都给所有文件做备份。 [OBJ]file ■to add sth extra to sth, especially as a support(将某物)添加到;(以某事物)辅助,支持: The lectures will be backed up by practical work. 课堂讲授将辅以实习。 They backed up their demands with threats. 他们提了要求并威胁说一定要满足。 [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n 'back-up n ■[U] support or help that you can use in order to do sth支持;援助: military backup 军事援助 They have a huge back-up team. 他们有一支庞大的后援队伍。 ■[C] a second piece of equipment, set of plans, person, etc. that can replace another if necessary备用器械(或计划、人员等);后备: He’s our back-up if another player isn’t available. 如果我们其他队员无法上场,就由他替补。 the back-up plan 备用计划 ■[C] (computing) a copy of a file, program, etc.for use in case the original is lost or damaged(文件、程序等的)备份: Have you kept a backup of this file? 你把这文件备份了吗? a backup disk 备份磁盘 see also BACKUP at BACK SB/STH UP [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] back / bAk / noun PART OF BODY 身体部位 1. the part of the human body that is on the opposite side to the chest, between the neck and the tops of the legs; the part of an animal's body that corresponds to this (人体或动物的)背部,背;腰背: Do you sleep on your back or your front? 你睡觉是仰着还是躺着? He stood with his back to the door. 他背对着门站着。 They had their hands tied behind their backs. 他们双手被反剪起来。 back pain 背痛 a back massage 背部按摩 A small boy rode on the elephant's back. 一个小男孩骑在大象背上。 ⇨ see also bareback , horseback 2. the row of bones in the middle of the back 脊柱;脊梁骨 SYN backbone , spine : She broke her back in a riding accident. 她在一次骑马事故中摔断了脊梁骨。 He put his back out (= dislocated sth in his back) lifting the crates. 他搬大木箱时脊椎脱了臼。 PART FURTHEST FROM FRONT 后部 3. [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the part or area of sth that is furthest from the front 后部;后面;末尾: We could only get seats at the back (= of the room). 我们只能找到后排的座位。 I found some old photos at the back of the drawer. 我从抽屉尽里头找到一些旧照片。 He was shot in the back of the knee. 他被子弹击中了膕窝。 The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back. 房屋正面有三间卧室,后面两间。 (BrE) There's room for three people in the back. 后排有可容三人的空位。 (NAmE) There's room for three people in back. 后排有可容三人的空位。 (BrE) If you'd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), I'll show you the garden. 请到屋子后面看看花园。 ⇨ see also hardback , paperback , short back and sides OF PIECE OF PAPER 纸张 4. [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the part of a piece of paper, etc. that is on the opposite side to the one that has information or the most important information on it (文件等的)背面: Write your name on the back of the cheque. 把你的名字写在支票背面。 OF BOOK 书刊 5. [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the last few pages of a book, etc. (书等的)最后几页,末尾: The television guide is at the back of the paper. 电视节目指南在报纸的末尾。 OF CHAIR 椅子 6. the part of a chair, etc. against which you lean your back (椅子等的)靠背 -BACKED 靠背… 7. (in adjectives 构成形容词) used to describe furniture which has the type of back mentioned (家具)…靠背的: a high-backed sofa 高靠背沙发 IN SPORT 体育运动 8. (in sports 体育运动) a player whose main role is to defend their team's goal 后衞 ⇨ compare forward n. ⇨ see also fullback , halfback IDIOMS ▪ at / in the back of your mind if a thought, etc. is at the back of your mind, you are aware of it but it is not what you are mainly thinking about 在潜意识里;依稀记得 ▪ the 7back of be'yond (informal) a place that is a long way from other houses, towns, etc. 偏僻地方;边远地区 ▪ 7back to 'back 1. if two people stand back to back, they stand with their backs facing or touching each other 背靠背;背对背 ⇨ see also back-to-back 2. if two or more things happen back to back, they happen one after the other 接连地;接二连三 ▪ 7back to 'front (BrE) (NAmE back·wards) if you put on a piece of clothing back to front, you make a mistake and put the back where the front should be (衣服)前后颠倒(或穿反): I think you've got that sweater on back to front. 我觉得你把毛衣前后穿反了。 ⇨ compare inside out at inside n. ▪ be glad, etc. to see the back of sb / sth (informal, especially BrE) to be happy that you will not have to deal with or see sb / sth again because you do not like them or it 庆幸终于摆脱(不喜欢的人或事物): Was I pleased to see the back of her! 真高兴不会再见到她了! ▪ behind sb's 'back without sb's knowledge or permission 背着某人;背地里;私下: Have you been talking about me behind my back? 你们是不是在背后说我的闲话? They went ahead and sold it behind my back. 他们迳自背着我把它卖了。 ⇨ compare to sb's face at face n. ▪ be on sb's 'back (informal) to keep asking or telling sb to do sth that they do not want to do, in a way that they find annoying 缠磨;烦扰 ▪ break the 'back of sth to finish the largest or most important part of a task 完成(任务等)的主要部份 ▪ get / put sb's 'back up (informal) to annoy sb 惹恼: That sort of attitude really gets my back up! 那种态度实在叫我恼火! ▪ get off sb's 'back (informal) to stop annoying sb, for example by criticizing them, or asking them to do sth 不再烦扰某人(如停止批评或缠磨等): Just get off my back, will you! 请别烦我了好吗! ▪ have your 7back to the 'wall (informal) to be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do sth but are unable to make the choices that you would like 处于背水一战的境地;没有退路 ▪ off the 7back of a 'lorry (BrE, informal, humorous) goods that fell off the back of a lorry were probably stolen. People say or accept that they came 'off the back of a lorry' to avoid saying or asking where they really came from. (指货物等)来路不明 ▪ on the back of sth as a result of an achievement or a success 由于(某项成就): The profits growth came on the back of a 26 per cent rise in sales. 利润增长来自百分之二十六的销售额增长。 ▪ (flat) on your back (informal) in bed because you are ill / sick 因病卧床;卧病: She's been flat on her back for over a week now. 她卧病有一个多星期了。 (figurative) The UK market was flat on its back (= business was very bad). (当时)英国的市场十分不景气。 ▪ put your 'back into sth to use a lot of effort and energy on a particular task 全力以赴 ▪ turn your back to turn so that you are facing in the opposite direction 扭头;转身 ▪ turn your back on sb / sth 1. to move so that you are standing or sitting with your back facing sb / sth 转身背对某人(或某物): When on stage, try not to turn your back on the audience. 在舞台上尽量不要背对观众。 2. to reject sb / sth that you have previously been connected with 背弃;抛弃: She turned her back on them when they needed her. 他们需要她的时候,她却背弃了他们。 ⇨ more at cover v., eye n., know v., pat n., pat v., push v., rod , scratch v., shirt , stab n., stab v., straw , water n. adjective [only before noun] AWAY FROM FRONT 在后 1. located behind or at the back of sth 背后的;后面的;后部的: We were sitting in the back row. 我们坐在后排。 back teeth 臼齿 a back room (= one at the back of a building) 后室(位于建筑物后部) the back page of a newspaper 报纸最末一页 ⇨ compare front adj. (1) FROM PAST 过去 2. of or from a past time 过去的;旧时的: a back number of the magazine 一份过期杂志 OWED 拖欠 3. owed for a time in the past 到期未付的;拖欠的: back pay / taxes / rent 欠薪/税 / 租金 PHONETICS 语音 4. (phonetics 语音) (of a vowel 元音) produced with the back of the tongue in a higher position than the front, for example / B: / in English ⇨ compare central (5), front adj. (2) 舌后的,后位性(舌高点位于口腔后部发音) ▪ on the back 'burner (informal) (of an idea, a plan, etc. 把主意、计划等) left for the present time, to be done or considered later 暂时搁置 ⇨ see also back-burner ⇨ compare on the front burner at front adj. adverb HELP For the special uses of back in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example pay sb back is in the phrasal verb section at pay. back 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 pay sb back 在词条 pay 的短语动词部份。 AWAY FROM FRONT 后面 1. away from the front or centre; behind you 向后;在后;在背面: I stepped back to let them pass. 我退后一步给他们让路。 Sit back and relax. 靠椅背坐好,放松放松。 You've combed your hair back. 你把头发往后梳了。 He turned and looked back. 他转身向后望。 She fell back towards the end of the race. 赛跑快结束时她落后了。 OPP forward AT A DISTANCE 距离 2. at a distance away from sth 与(某物)有距离: The barriers kept the crowd back. 障碍物拦住了人群。 Stand back and give me some room. 站远点儿,给我腾出些地方。 UNDER CONTROL 受控制 3. under control; prevented from being expressed or coming out 控制住;忍住: He could no longer hold back his tears. 他再也无法控制住眼泪。 AS BEFORE 像先前 4. to or into the place, condition, situation or activity where sb / sth was before 回原处;恢复原状: Put the book back on the shelf. 把书放回书架上。 Please give me my ball back. 请把我的球还给我。 He'll be back on Monday. 他星期一会回来。 It takes me an hour to walk there and back. 我步行往返要花一个小时。 Could you go back to the beginning of the story? 你能不能回到故事的开头? She woke up briefly and then went back to sleep. 她醒了片刻又睡了。 We were right back where we started, only this time without any money. 我们回到了起点,只是这次一点钱也没有。 IN PAST 过去 5. in or into the past; ago 以前: The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages. 这个村子的历史可追溯至中世纪。 She left back in November. 她十一月份已经离开了。 That was a few years back. 那是几年以前的事。 AT A PREVIOUS PLACE 在原处 6. at a place previously left or mentioned 在曾去过(或提到过)的地方;在前面: We should have turned left five kilometres back. 我们在五公里之前就该左拐的。 Back at home, her parents were worried. 在家中,她的父母很担心。 I can't wait to get back home. 我急不可待想赶回家。 IN RETURN 回应 7. in return or reply 回报;回答: If he kicks me, I'll kick him back. 他要是踢我,我就踢他。 Could you call back later, please? 请稍后再打电话来好吗? ▪ 7back and 'forth from one place to another and back again repeatedly 反复来回: ferries sailing back and forth between the islands 往返于岛屿之间的渡船 ▪ 7back in the 'day in the past 过去;从前;旧时: My dad's always talking about how great everything was back in the day. 我爸爸总是讲过去的一切如何如何的好。 ▪ 7back in the 'days at a particular time in the past 在过去的某个时候: I was a fan back in the days when the band wasn't yet famous. 在这个乐队还没出名的时候,我就是他们的歌迷。 ▪ back of sth (NAmE, informal) behind sth 在某物的背后(或背面): the houses back of the church 位于教堂后面的房屋 ⇨ more at earth n. verb MOVE BACKWARDS 后退 1. [+adv. / prep.] to move or make sth move backwards (使)后退,倒退: ▪ [V] He backed against the wall, terrified. 他退到墙边,惊恐万分。 ▪ [VN] If you can't drive in forwards, try backing it in. 若不能开车正面驶入,不妨倒车进去。 ⇨ compare reverse v. (6) SUPPORT 支持 2. [VN] to give help or support to sb / sth 帮助;支持: Her parents backed her in her choice of career. 她父母支持她的职业选择。 Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes. 医生们对提高烟草税计划给予了支持。 The programme of economic reform is backed (= given financial support) by foreign aid. 经济改革计划得到外资援助。 a United Nations-backed peace plan 得到联合国支持的和平计划 BET MONEY 下赌注 3. [VN] to bet money on a horse in a race, a team in a competition, etc. 下赌注于(赛马、参赛队伍等): I backed the winner and won fifty pounds. 我押对了赌注,赢了五十英镑。 MUSIC 音乐 4. [VN] to play or sing music that supports the main singer or instrument 伴奏;伴唱 ⇨ see also backing (3) COVER BACK 覆盖背面 5. [VN] ~ sth (with sth) [usually passive] to cover the back of sth in order to support or protect it (用某物)在…背后加固,给…加背衬 BE BEHIND 在后面 6. [VN] [usually passive] (BrE) to be located behind sth 位于(某物)的后面;在…后面: The house is backed by fields. 房子的后面是田野。 ▪ 7back the wrong 'horse (BrE) to support sb / sth that is not successful 下错赌注(支持了失败的一方或事情) PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7back a'way (from sb / sth) to move away backwards from sb / sth that is frightening or unpleasant; to avoid doing sth that is unpleasant 躲避(可怕或讨厌的人或事物);避免(做讨厌的事);退避 ▪ 7back 'down (on / from sth) (NAmE also 7back 'off) to take back a demand, an opinion, etc. that other people are strongly opposed to; to admit defeat 放弃(别人强烈反对的要求、主张等);认输: She refused to back down on a point of principle. 她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。 ▪ 7back 'off 1. to move backwards in order to get away from sb / sth frightening or unpleasant 退缩,退却(以躲避可怕或讨厌的人或事物): As the riot police approached the crowd backed off. 防暴警察靠近,人群就往后退却。 2. to stop threatening, criticizing or annoying sb 停止威胁(或批评、骚扰): Back off! There's no need to yell at me. 走开点!没必要对我大喊大叫。 The press have agreed to back off and leave the couple alone. 新闻界同意退让,不再搅扰这对夫妇。 ▪ 7back 'off (from sth) to choose not to take action, in order to avoid a difficult situation 放弃(采取行动);退让: The government backed off from a confrontation. 政府放弃对抗。 ▪ 7back 'onto sth (BrE) (of a building 建筑物) to have sth directly behind it 背向;背靠: Our house backs onto the river. 我们的房子背向河流。 ▪ 7back 'out (of sth) to decide that you are no longer going to take part in sth that has been agreed 退出;撒手: He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute. 他失去了信心,在最后一刻退出了协议。 ▪ 7back 'up | 7back sth ↔ 'up to move backwards, especially in a vehicle 后退;倒(车): You can back up another two feet or so. 你可以再退两英尺左右。 I backed the car up to the door. 我把车倒到门前。 ▪ 7back sb / sth ↔ 'up 1. to support sb / sth; to say that what sb says, etc. is true 支持;证实(某人所言): I'll back you up if they don't believe you. 如果他们不相信你,我会为你作证。 The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. 作者不用实例印证他的看法。 2. to provide support for sb / sth 支持;支援: two doctors backed up by a team of nurses 由一组护士辅助的两名医生 The rebels backed up their demands with threats. 反叛者以恐吓手段要挟。 ⇨ related noun backup (1) ▪ 7back sth ↔ 'up (computing 计) to prepare a second copy of a file, program, etc. that can be used if the main one fails or needs extra support 给(文件、程序等)做备份;备份 ⇨ related noun backup (2) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] back1 /bæk/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb 1  RETURN TO PLACE 回原处 in, into, or to the place or position where someone or something was before 回到原处 I’ll be back in a minute. 我马上回来。 Put that book back where you found it! 把那本书放回原处! back in/to/into etc Rory plugged the cable back into the socket. 罗里把缆线插回插座。 I feel like going back to bed. 我想回去睡觉。 go/get/head etc back We ought to try and get back before it gets dark. 我们应该尽量在天黑之前回去。 He was back home by half past eleven. 他是11点半之前回家的。 It’s possible to travel there and back in a day. 到那里一天来回是可以的。 2  AS BEFORE 和以前一样 in or into the condition or situation you were in before 恢复原状 Gary woke at 4 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. 加里凌晨4点钟醒来后就再也睡不着了。 It took me a long time to get my confidence back. 过了很久我才找回自信。 If you decide to marry him, there will be no going back (=you will not be able to get back to your previous situation). 你要是决定嫁给他,就没有回头路可走了。 go/get back to (doing) something There’s no way I’m going back to being poor. 我无论如何都不会让自己再过穷日子。 It’ll take a while for things to get back to normal. 要过一阵子才能恢复正常。 3  PREVIOUS PLACE 以前的地方 in or to a place where you lived or worked before 在以前的地方;回到以前的地方 back in/at She was the one who had fired him from his first job back in South Africa. 她就是以前在南非的时候炒他鱿鱼、使他失去第一份工作的人。 back home (=in the place that you come from and think of as your home) 以前在老家 It reminded me of evenings back home. 这让我想起了以前晚上在老家的时候。 4  BACKWARDS 向后面 in the opposite direction from the way you are facing 向后面;在后面 OPP forwards He glanced back at the house. 他回头看了一眼那房子。 Kirov stepped back a pace. 基洛夫往后退了一步。 She tilted her head back to look at him. 她仰起头来看着他。 5  REPLY/REACTION 回答/回应 if you do something back, you do it as a reply or reaction to what someone has said or done 回复,回应 6  RETURN STH TO SB 把某物还给某人 if you give something, get something etc back, you return it to the person who first had it, or you have it returned to you 归还;取回 7  IN THE PAST 在过去 in or towards a time in the past 以前,从前,过去;追溯至 8  AGAIN 再次 once again 再次,又一次 9  sit/lie/lean back to sit or lie in a comfortable relaxed way 舒舒服服地坐/躺/倚着 10  AWAY 离开 away from a surface, person, or thing 离开〔某个表面、人或物〕 11  back and forth going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 来回地 12  TOWARDS BEGINNING 往开始的地方 towards the beginning of a book, film, or computer document etc 往前,往回 Related topics: Human, Furniture, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Sport back2 ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable] 1  PART OF YOUR BODY 身体部位 2  NOT AT FRONT 不在前面 [usually singular] the part of something that is furthest from the front 后面,后部 OPP front 3  LESS IMPORTANT SIDE 较为不重要的一面 [usually singular] the less important side or surface of something such as a piece of paper or card 〔纸或纸牌等的〕背面,反面 OPP front 4  PART OF SEAT 座椅的一部分 the part of a seat that you lean against when you are sitting 椅背,靠背 5  BOOK/NEWSPAPER 书/报纸 [usually singular] the last pages of a book or newspaper 〔书报的〕末尾 OPP front 6  at/in the back of your mind a thought that is at the back of your mind is one you try to ignore because you do not want it to be true 在内心里〔指不希望某个想法是真实的〕 7  back to back 8  back to front British English 9  behind somebody’s back if you do something behind someone’s back, you do it without them knowing 在某人背后,背地里 10  when/while somebody’s back is turned if something happens when your back is turned, it happens when you are not able to see or know what someone is doing 在某人转身的时候〔指在看不见或不知道的时候〕 11  get/put somebody’s back up British English informal to annoy someone 使某人生气,使某人产生反感,惹怒某人 12  get (somebody) off somebody’s back spoken to stop annoying someone with a lot of questions, criticisms etc, or to make someone stop annoying you in this way (使某人)不烦扰某人 13  be on somebody’s back spoken to be trying to make someone do something they do not want to do 逼某人做,硬要某人做 14  on the back of something as a result of something that already exists or something you have already done 由于某事物〔指已存在的某物或已做成的某事〕 15  on the backs of somebody using the work of a particular group to achieve something that they will not get any advantage from 依靠某人〔指依靠从中得不到好处的某一群体〕 16. SPORTS 体育运动 a defending player in a sports team 后卫 SYN defender 17  the back of beyond informal a place that is a long way from other places and is difficult to get to 遥远偏僻的地方 18  be (flat) on your back 19  put your back into it informal to work extremely hard at something 全力以赴,拼命 20  be glad/delighted/pleased etc to see the back of somebody/something to be happy that someone is leaving or because you no longer have to deal with something 很高兴看到某人离开/某事结束 21. have your back to/against the wall informal to be in a difficult situation with no choice about what to do 陷入绝境,被逼得走投无路 22  at your back 23. on your back informal not polite if someone achieves something on their back, they achieve it by having sex with someone 在床上搞定〔指通过与别人发生性关系而达到目的〕 24  high-backed/straight-backed/low-backed etc with a high, straight, low etc back 高背的/直背的/低背的等→ know something like the back of your hand at know1(3), → turn your back on somebody/something at turn1(7) Related topics: Music, Gambling back3 ●●● S2 W3 verb 1  SUPPORT 支持 [transitive] 2  MOVE BACKWARDS 向后移动 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to move backwards, or make someone or something move backwards (使)后退 3  PUT STH ON THE BACK 加背衬 [transitive] to put a material or substance onto the back of something, in order to protect it or make it stronger 给…加背衬 4  BE BEHIND STH 在某物后面 [transitive] to be at the back of something or behind it 在…的后面 5  MUSIC 音乐 [transitive] to play or sing the music that supports the main singer or musician 伴奏;伴唱 6. RISK MONEY 下注 [transitive] to risk money on whether a particular horse, dog, team etc wins something 下赌注于 7. back the wrong horse to support someone or something that is not successful 下错赌注,支持了输家  PHRASAL VERBS Related topics: Linguistics back4 ●●● S2 W3 adjective [only before noun] 1  at or in the back of something 后面的,后部的 OPP front 2  behind something, especially a building 在〔建筑物〕后面的 OPP front 3  from the back 从后面的 4  back street/lane/road etc a street etc that is away from the main streets 偏僻的街道/小巷/马路等 5. back rent/taxes/pay etc money that someone owes from an earlier date 拖欠的租金/税款/薪水等 6. back issue/copy/number a copy of a magazine or newspaper from an earlier date 过期的报刊 7. technical a back vowel sound is made by lifting your tongue at the back of your mouth 〔元音〕舌后的,舌根的 Origin back2 Old English bæc [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] back ★★★★★ 1. ADVERB USES 副词用法 2. NOUN AND ADJECTIVE USES 名词和形容词用法 3. VERB USES 动词用法 In addition to the uses shown below, back is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘date back’ and ‘fall back on’. 除下列用法外,back还可用于date back, fall back on 等短语动词中。 1.ADV 副词向后;往后;往回 If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v The photographers drew back to let us view the body... 摄影师往后退开,好让我们查看尸体。 She stepped back from the door expectantly... 她满怀期待地从门口退了回来。 He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench... 他把她推开,她向后跌坐到长木椅上。 She pushes back her chair and stands. 她把椅子往后一推,站了起来。 2.ADV 副词回到原处 If you go back somewhere, you return to where you were before. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v I went back to bed... 我回到床上。 I'm due back in London by late afternoon... 我预计下午晚些时候回到伦敦。 Smith changed his mind and moved back home... 史密斯改变主意,搬回家了。 I'll be back as soon as I can... 我会尽快回来。 He made a round-trip to the terminal and back. 他到了终点,又折回来。 3.ADV 副词恢复原状;回到原来的状态 If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that state before and are now in it again. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal... 铁路公司表示,其运输服务将慢慢恢复正常。 Denise hopes to be back at work by the time her daughter is one... 丹尼丝希望等女儿满周岁就回去工作。 Having recently bought an old typewriter, I am now trying to bring it back into working order. 我刚买了一台旧打字机,正想办法让它能够重新正常工作。 4.ADV 副词归还;交还;放回;收回 If you give or put something back, you return it to the person who had it or to the place where it was before you took it. If you get or take something back, you then have it again after not having it for a while. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v She handed the knife back... 她递还刀子。 Put it back in the freezer... 把它放回冰箱。 You'll get your money back. 钱会还给你的。 5.ADV 副词(将钟表)拨回 If you put a clock or watch back, you change the time shown on it so that it shows an earlier time, for example when the time changes to winter time or standard time. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v 6.ADV 副词回应(来信、电话、目光等) If you write or call back, you write to or telephone someone after they have written to or telephoned you. If you look back at someone, you look at them after they have started looking at you. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v They wrote back to me and they told me that I didn't have to do it... 他们回信告诉我说不必那么做。 If the phone rings say you'll call back after dinner... 如果有电话打来,就说你吃完饭再回电话。 Lee looked at Theodora. She stared back. 李看着西奥多拉,她也回视着他。 7.ADV 副词回到(某个话题) You can say that you go or come back to a particular point in a conversation to show that you are mentioning or discussing it again. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v Can I come back to the question of policing once again?... 我能再回到维护治安的问题上来吗? To come back to what I said in the Introduction, in the nineteenth century Spain was fully a part of Europe... 回到我在导言中所说的,19世纪的西班牙是欧洲整体的一部分。 Going back to the school, how many staff are there? 回到学校这话题上来,教职员工有多少人? 8.ADV 副词再次流行;再度成为潮流 If something is or comes back, it is fashionable again after it has been unfashionable for some time. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v Short skirts are back... 短裙又流行起来了。 Consensus politics could easily come back into fashion. 共识政治很可能再度兴起。 9.ADV 副词在一段距离之外 If someone or something is kept or situated back from a place, they are at a distance away from it. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v Keep back from the edge of the platform... 请勿靠近站台边缘。 I'm a few miles back from the border... 我距离边境数英里。 He started for Dot's bedroom and Myrtle held him back. 他正要去多特的卧室,被默特尔拦住了。 10.ADV 副词收拢;拢起;束起 If something is held or tied back, it is held or tied so that it does not hang loosely over something. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v Her hair was tied back... 她的头发扎了起来。 The curtains were held back by tassels. 窗帘用穗子拢了起来。 11.ADV 副词(舒适地)向后仰 If you lie or sit back, you move your body backwards into a relaxed sloping or flat position, with your head and body resting on something. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v She lay back and stared at the ceiling... 她躺下盯着天花板。 She leaned back in her chair and smiled. 她靠在椅背上,微笑起来。 12.ADV 副词回头,转身(看或喊) If you look or shout back at someone or something, you turn to look or shout at them when they are behind you. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning... 尼克回头看了看,又皱着眉头停了下来。 He called back to her. 他转身叫她。 13.ADV 副词(表示描述场所的转换)在曾提到过的地方 You use back in expressions like back in London or back at the house when you are giving an account, to show that you are going to start talking about what happened or was happening in the place you mention. 【搭配模式】:ADV with v Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing... 与此同时,伦敦的皇宫影业公司也正在分崩离析。 Later, back at home, the telephone rang. 随后,家里的电话响了。 14.ADV 副词以前;过去;追溯至 If you talk about something that happened back in the past or several years back, you are emphasizing that it happened quite a long time ago. 【搭配模式】:ADV with v 【语用信息】:emphasis The story starts back in 1950, when I was five... 故事可以追溯到1950年,那时我才5岁。 I was in St. Lucia back in January of this year... 今年1月份我在圣卢西亚。 He contributed £50m to the project a few years back. 几年前,他向这个项目捐资了5,000万英镑。 15.ADV 副词回想;回忆 If you think back to something that happened in the past, you remember it or try to remember it. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill... 我回想起1975年我儿子病得奄奄一息的那段时间。 My mind flew back to stories I had heard about Vinnie. 我回想起曾听到过的关于文妮的那些传闻。 16.PHRASE 短语来回;往返 If someone moves back and forth, they repeatedly move in one direction and then in the opposite direction. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v He paced back and forth... 他来回踱步。 Two boys were in the street, tossing a baseball back and forth. 两个男孩在街上来来回回地投接棒球。 17. to cast your mind back→see: mind; 1.N-COUNT 可数名词背(部);后背;脊背 A person's or animal's back is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their chest and stomach. 【搭配模式】:oft poss N Her son was lying peacefully on his back... 她儿子安静地仰面躺着。 She turned her back to the audience... 她转过身背对着观众。 Three of the victims were shot in the back... 其中三名受害者背部中枪。 He threw the old cloth saddle across the donkey's back. 他把旧布鞍搭在驴背上。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词后面;后部 The back of something is the side or part of it that is towards the rear or farthest from the front. The back of something is normally not used or seen as much as the front. 【搭配模式】:usu sing ...a room at the back of the shop... 商店后部的一个房间 She raised her hands to the back of her neck... 她举起双手放于颈后。 Smooth the mixture with the back of a soup spoon... 用汤勺的背面把混合料抹平。 Her room was on the third floor, at the back. 她的房间在三楼靠后的位置。 3.ADJ 形容词后面的;后部的 Back is used to refer to the side or part of something that is towards the rear or farthest from the front. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n He opened the back door... 他打开了后门。 Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car. 安记得自己坐在他们车的后座上。 ...the back room of a pub in Camden. 在卡姆登的一个酒吧后面的房间 ...the path leading to the back garden. 通往后花园的小径 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(椅子或沙发的)靠背 The back of a chair or sofa is the part that you lean against when you sit on it. 【搭配模式】:usu sing There was a neatly folded pink sweater on the back of the chair. 椅子的靠背上搭着一件叠得整整齐齐的粉色毛衫。 5.N-COUNT 可数名词(纸、信封等的)反面,背面 The back of something such as a piece of paper or an envelope is the side which is less important. 【搭配模式】:the N Send your answers on the back of a postcard. 将答案写在明信片背面寄出。 6.N-COUNT 可数名词(书等的)末尾 The back of a book is the part nearest the end, where you can find the index or the notes, for example. 【搭配模式】:the N ...the index at the back of the book... 书末索引 You've given a whole list of names and addresses at the back. 你已经在末尾完整地列出了名字和地址。 7.N-SING 单数名词(用于round the back, out the back等表达方式中)房屋(或其他建筑物)后的区域 You can use back in expressions such as round the back and out the back to refer generally to the area behind a house or other building. 【搭配模式】:prep the N 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语 He had chickens and things round the back... 他在房子后面养了些鸡啊什么的。 The privy's out the back. 厕所在房子后面。 8.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词(用于out back等表达方式中)房屋(或其他建筑物)后的区域;(用于in back等表达方式中)汽车(或建筑物等)的后部 You use back in expressions such as out back to refer to the area behind a house or other building. You also use in back to refer to the rear part of something, especially a car or building. 【搭配模式】:prep N 【语域标签】:AM 美 Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes... 丹告诉她说他要去房子后面的露台上擦鞋。 Catlett got behind the wheel and I sat in back... 卡特利特开车,我坐在车子后面。 She hurried to the kitchen in back of the store. 她赶紧进到商店后面的厨房。 9.N-COUNT 可数名词(足球、曲棍球等运动中的)后卫 In team games such as football and hockey, a back is a player who is concerned mainly with preventing the other team from scoring goals, rather than scoring goals for their own team. 10.N-COUNT 可数名词(美式橄榄球运动中的)进攻后卫 In American football, a back is a player who stands behind the front line, runs with the ball and attacks rather than defends. 11.PHRASE 短语背着(某人) If you say that something was done behind someone's back, you disapprove of it because it was done without them knowing about it, in an unfair or dishonest way. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v 【语用信息】:disapproval You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back. 你吃着她的食物,享受着她的款待,然后还在背地里指责她。 12.PHRASE 短语完成…最困难的部分 If you break the back of a task or problem, you do the most difficult part of what is necessary to complete the task or solve the problem. 【搭配模式】:V inflects It seems at least that we've broken the back of inflation in this country... 看起来至少我们已经解决了这个国家通货膨胀中最棘手的问题。 We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine. 我们可以运送物资,努力解决饥荒中最关键的问题。 13.PHRASE 短语接连地;连续地 If two or more things are done back to back, one follows immediately after the other without any interruption. ...two half-hour shows, which will be screened back to back. 连续播放的两档半小时节目 14.PHRASE 短语(衣服)前后穿反;(顺序)前后颠倒 If you are wearing something back to front, you are wearing it with the back of it at the front of your body. If you do something back to front, you do it the wrong way around, starting with the part that should come last. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v 【语域标签】:mainly BRIT 主英 He wears his baseball cap back to front... 他把棒球帽反戴着。 The picture was printed back to front. 图片印反了。 in AM, use 美国英语用 backward 15.PHRASE 短语不再(对某人)批评(或施压等) If you tell someone to get off your back you are telling them angrily to stop criticizing you or putting pressure on you. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 He kept on at me to such an extent that occasionally I wished he would get off my back. 他一直对我唠叨个没完,有时我真希望他不要再烦我了。 16.PHRASE 短语紧跟着;紧接着 If you say that one thing happens on the back of another thing, you mean that it happens after that other thing and in addition to it. The cuts, if approved, come on the back of a difficult eight years that have seen three London fire stations closed. 8年的艰难时期刚刚过去,在此期间,伦敦有3家消防站遭关闭。如获批准,裁减又会接踵而至。 17.PHRASE 短语(使)受到威胁;(使)处于不利地位 If someone is on the back foot, or if something puts them on the back foot, they feel threatened and act defensively. From now on Labour will be on the back foot on the subject of welfare. 今后工党在福利问题上将处于下风。 ...another scheme designed purely to put the Scots Nationalists on the back foot. 另一项纯粹旨在让苏格兰民族党人被迫退居守势的计划 18.PHRASE 短语互相帮助;与人方便,与己方便 People say 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' to mean that one person helps another on condition that the second person helps them in return. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 19.PHRASE 短语希望(某人)离开 If you say that you will be glad to see the back of someone, you mean that you want them to leave. 【搭配模式】:PHR n 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 I was so badly behaved I was convinced she would be glad to see the back of me. 我的表现如此差劲,相信她会很高兴看到我离开。 20.PHRASE 短语忽略;背弃;拒绝;对…不予理睬 If you turn your back on someone or something, you ignore them, leave them, or reject them. 【搭配模式】:V inflects Stacey Lattisaw has turned her back on her singing career with Motown Records to become a gospel singer... 斯泰茜·拉蒂索抛弃了自己在摩城唱片公司的演唱事业,成为了一名福音歌手。 Gunnell is not the sort to turn her back on someone who has coached her for 12 years. 冈内尔不是那种将指导了自己12年的教练拒之门外的人。 21.PHRASE 短语使生气;触怒;惹恼 If someone or something puts your back up or gets your back up, they annoy you. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Some food labelling practices really get my back up. 有些食物标签的贴法实在让我生气。 22. off the back of a lorry→see: lorry; to take a back seat→see: seat; to have your back to the wall→see: wall; 1.VERB 动词背对;背向;背朝 If a building backs onto something, the back of it faces in the direction of that thing or touches the edge of that thing. 【语法信息】:V onto n We live in a ground floor flat which backs onto a busy street... 我们住在一楼的一套公寓房里,背对着一条繁忙的街道。 His garden backs onto a school. 他的花园背朝一所学校。 2.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词倒(车);倒退 When you back a car or other vehicle somewhere or when it backs somewhere, it moves backwards. 【语法信息】:V n prep/adv 【语法信息】:V prep/adv 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:Also V n He backed his car out of the drive... 他把车倒出了私人车道。 The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line... 火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。 I heard the engines revving as the lorries backed and turned. 卡车倒车和掉头的时候,我听见发动机的轰鸣声。 3.VERB 动词支持;资助 If you back a person or a course of action, you support them, for example by voting for them or giving them money. 【语法信息】:V n There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity. 有新的目击证人证明他的说法,他是被错认了。 ...if France cannot persuade all five permanent members of the Security Council to back the plan... 如果法国不能说服安理会五个常任理事国都支持该计划 The Prime Minister is backed by the civic movement, Public Against Violence. 首相得到“全民反暴力”公民运动的支持。 -backed ...government-backed loans to Egypt. 向埃及提供的政府贷款 4.VERB 动词预测…获胜;(通常指)下赌注于 If you back a particular person, team, or horse in a competition, you predict that they will win, and usually you bet money that they will win. 【语法信息】:V n to-inf 【语法信息】:V n Roland Nilsson last night backed Sheffield Wednesday to win the UEFA Cup... 昨晚罗兰·尼尔森打赌谢菲尔德周三队会捧得欧洲联盟杯。 The horse's owner Mr Hitchins backed him at 200-1 to finish in the first three... 马的主人希钦斯先生以200比1的赔率赌它获得前三名。 It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser. 发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。 5.VERB 动词为…伴奏(或伴唱) If a singer is backed by a band or by other singers, they provide the musical background for the singer. 【语法信息】:be V-ed by n 【搭配模式】:usu passive She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas. 原声吉他、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。 6.See also:backing; 相关词组: back away back down back off back out back up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 back /ˈbæk/ noun plural backs [count] 1 a : the rear part of the body : the part of the body that is opposite to the stomach and chest and that goes from the neck to the top of the legs(人的)背,背部 She was carrying her little daughter on her back. 她背着她的小女儿。 He injured his back. = He suffered a back injury. 他的背部受伤了。 She has a pain in the small of her back. 她的腰背部疼痛。 an aching back 疼痛的背 I slapped/patted him on his/the back to congratulate him. 我拍了拍他的背以示祝贺。 He broke his back [=spine] in a fall. 他摔了一跤,摔断了脊椎。 She stabbed/shot him in the back. 她刺中/射中了他的背部。 He was handcuffed with his hands behind his back. 他双手被铐在背后。 — see picture at human b : the part of an animal that is like a person's back(动物的)背部 a bird with a spotted back 背部有斑点的鸟 riding on the back of a horse/donkey/camel 骑在马/驴/骆驼的背上 — see also horseback 2 a : the side or surface of something that is opposite the front or face : the rear side or surface of something反面;背面;背部 — usually singular通常用单数 the back of the head 后脑勺 the back of a mirror/spoon 镜子/汤匙的背面 the back of the hand/leg/foot 手背;腿的后部;脚背 The book has fallen down the back of the couch. 那本书掉到长沙发后面了。 b : the side or surface of something (such as a piece of paper) that is not usually used or seen first(物体的)背面,反面 — usually singular通常用单数 She wrote something on the back of an envelope. 她在信封背面写了点东西。 He signed his name on the back of the check. 他在支票背面签了名。 c : a place, position, or area that is at or near the rear of something后面;后部 — usually singular通常用单数 He put the letter in the back of the drawer. 他把信放到抽屉的后部。 The kitchen is at/in the back of the house and the living room is at/in the front. 厨房位于房屋的后部,客厅位于房屋的前部。 Since our plane was leaving soon we were moved to the front of the line while others remained at the back. 由于我们的飞机很快就要起飞了,我们被叫到了队伍前面,其他人则仍留在后面。 Please move to the back of the elevator to make room for others. 请往电梯后面走,为其他人留出空间。 3 : the part of a chair or seat that supports a person's back椅背;靠背 a comfortable chair with a padded back 带衬垫靠背的舒适椅子 4 a : the section of a book, magazine, etc., that includes the last pages(书籍、刊物等的)末尾,最后几页 — usually singular通常用单数 There is an index in the back of the book. 这本书的后面有索引。 b : the part of a book's cover that can be seen when the book is on a shelf书脊 The title of the book is shown on its back. [=spine] 书脊上印有书名。 5 sports : a player in some games (such as soccer and American football) who is positioned behind the front line of players(足球、美式橄榄球等的)卫,后卫 a defensive back 防守后卫 — see also fullback, halfback, quarterback, running back a pat on the back — see 1pat a stab in the back — see 1stab at/in the back of your mind : in the part of your mind where thoughts and memories are kept在心灵深处;在脑海里— used to describe ideas, memories, etc., that someone has but that are not usually thought about or not perfectly remembered用于形容某人心里隐约存在的念头、记忆等 The thought of retiring and moving out into the country has been in the back of her mind for many years, and now she's finally doing it. 多年来,退休并移居乡下的想法一直藏在她的心里,如今她终于付诸实施了。 Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I'd met him before. 我隐约记得,我以前在什么地方见过他。 back is to/against the wall ◊ When your back is to/against the wall or you have your back to/against the wall you are in a bad position in which you are forced to do something in order to avoid failure.处于背水一战的境地;没有退路 With our backs to the wall we made a last desperate effort to finish the project on time. 由于已经没有了退路,我们背水一战,竭尽全力争取按时完成这个项目。 We knew that with so little time and money left to finish the project we had our backs to the wall. 我们明白靠剩下的这么一点时间和资金来完成这个项目,我们是在拼死一搏。 back to back 1 : with backs opposite or against each other背靠背 The soldiers stood back to back. 士兵们背靠背站着。 2 : happening one after the other一个接一个地;接连地 She won the annual competition two times back to back. [=in a row] 她接连两次赢得年度竞赛。 He's had two victories back to back. 他已经接连两次获胜。 I've scheduled two appointments back to back. 我已经安排好连续两次约会。 — see also back-to-back back to front of a piece of clothing : with the back where the front should be(衣服)前后穿反 He accidentally put the sweater on back to front. [=front to back, backwards] 他不小心把针织套衫前后穿反了。 behind someone's back : without someone's knowledge : in secret背地里;悄悄地;秘密地 You shouldn't gossip about people behind their back(s). 你不应该背地里议论他人。 If you have something to say, why not say it to my face instead of whispering it behind my back?! 如果你有话要说,干吗要背地里议论而不当着我的面说? She went behind his back and spoke directly to his supervisor. 她背着他直接向他的上司报告。 break the back of : to get control of (something you are trying to stop or defeat) : to greatly weaken or subdue (something)控制住;极大削弱 He says the government's new policies will break the back of inflation. 他说政府的新政策将会控制住通货膨胀。 eyes in the back of your head — see 1eye get your back up : to become angry or annoyed and want to fight or argue生气,恼怒(因而想要反击或反驳) He gets his back up and becomes defensive whenever someone questions his work. 只要有人质疑他的工作,他就会很恼火,还会起戒心。 — compare put someone's back up (below) have someone's back — see watch someone's back (below) in back : in an area at the back of something在后部;在后面 There was only room for one passenger in front. The rest of us sat in back. [=in the back] 前面只能容纳一个乘客,我们其余的人都坐在后面。 in back of chiefly US : directly behind (something or someone)紧挨在…后面 There's a small yard in back of the house. 有个小院子紧挨在那栋房子的后面。 on the back of 1 : because of (something)由于;因为 Profits have increased on the back of [=on the strength of] improved international sales. 由于国际市场销量提升,所以利润增长了。 2 disapproving : by using the efforts of (other people)利用,依赖于(他人) The company has achieved record profits on the back of cheap labor. 由于使用了低价劳动力,公司获得了创纪录的利润。 on/off your back ◊ Someone who is always or frequently criticizing you or telling you what to do is on your back and won't get off your back.缠磨,烦扰(某人)不再缠磨,不再烦扰(某人) He says his wife is always on his back about doing chores around the house. 他说他太太总是就做家务事对他指手画脚。 Get off my back! I'm working as hard as I can! 别烦我!我正在尽全力工作。 My boss is always criticizing me. I wish I knew some way to get him off my back. 我的老板总是批评我。要是有办法让他不再烦扰我就好了。 on your back ◊ If you are (flat) on your back you are lying with your back against the ground, on a bed, etc.平躺;仰卧 The accident left him (lying) flat on his back (in bed) for two weeks. 那次事故使他卧床两周。 ◊ This phrase is sometimes used figuratively.这个短语有时用作比喻。 The stock market has been flat on its back [=has been doing very poorly] in recent weeks. 最近几周股市很不景气。 out back (US) or chiefly British out the back or round the back : in the area behind something (such as a building)在(建筑物等的)后面 In my youth we didn't have a toilet in the house but there was one out back. 我年轻时屋里没有卫生间,不过屋子后面有一个。 put someone's back up : to offend or annoy someone : to make someone angry or ready to argue冒犯;激怒 I don't want to question his decision because that will just put his back up. 我不想质疑他的决定,因为那样会激怒他。 — compare get your back up (above) put your back into : to work very hard at (something) : to put a lot of effort into (something)全力以赴;专注于 If you want to get that floor clean you'll have to put your back into it. 如果你想把那块地板擦干净,你就必须使劲擦。 You'll really have to put your back into this project if you want it to succeed. 如果你希望这个项目取得成功,你就必须全力以赴。 scratch someone's back — see 1scratch see the back of ◊ In British English, to be glad/happy (etc.) to see the back of someone is to be glad to see someone finally going away.摆脱(某人);巴不得(某人)离开 He's done nothing but make trouble and I'll be glad to see the back of him! [=I'll be glad when he has gone] 他什么都没干,只会添乱,所以我巴不得他快点离开。 stab (someone) in the back — see 2stab the shirt off your back — see shirt turn your back : to turn so that you are facing away from someone转身背对(某人) He turned his back and walked away from me. 他转身从我身边走开了。 — often + on He turned his back on me and walked away. 他转身从我身边走开了。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 His former supporters have turned their backs on him. [=have abandoned him] 他原来的支持者都背弃了他。 watch someone's back or have someone's back : to protect someone who is doing something that is dangerous or risky保护某人;支持某人 The police officer's partner always watches his back. 那名警官的同伴总在保护他。 Don't worry, I've got your back. 别担心,我在后面保护你。 watch your back ◊ If people tell you to watch your back, they are telling you to be careful.小心点 I hear the boss is in a bad mood this morning, so you'd better watch your back. 我听说老板今早心情不好,所以你最好小心点。 — backless /ˈbækləs/ adjective a backless evening gown 露背晚礼服 2 back /ˈbæk/ adverb 1 a : in, toward, or at the back or rear在后部;朝后;在后 The soldiers moved back from the front lines. 士兵们从前线向后撤退。 The police asked the crowd to move/step back from the scene of the accident. 警方要求人群从事故现场向后退。 He left his friends two miles back. 他把几个朋友甩在两英里以后了。 She turned around and looked back toward him. 她转过身朝他望去。 a chapter beginning several pages back 在之后几页开始的一章 b : to, toward, or in the place where someone or something was previously回到从前的地方;回原处 He left his home and never went back. 他离开了家,再也没有回去。 I had to go back (to the office) for some papers I had left behind. 我得回(办公室)去取落下的几份文件。 It's time to go back home. 是该回家的时候了。 She took the book off the shelf and forgot to put it back. 她从书架拿了这本书但忘了把它放回去。 She left earlier but she should be back [=return] soon. 她稍早的时候走了,但应该很快就回来了。 2 : in or into the past : backward in time回到从前;以前 In the opening chapter the author looks back on his youth. 在开篇的第一章作者回顾了他的青年时代。 an event back in the last century 上个世纪发生的事件; also : ago It happened several years back. 这事是几年前发生的。 I met him in the city two days back. 我两天前在城里遇见过他。 3 a : to or toward a former state or condition回到原状 He has decided to go back to private life. [=to return to private life] 他已经决定重新回到个人的生活中去。 Good farming practices were needed to bring the fields back (to good condition). [=to restore the fields] 需要有好的耕作方法来恢复田地。 b : in return or reply归还;回报;回复 I gave the book to him and he gave it back (to me). 我把这本书给了他,他又把书还给了我。 He refused to give back the borrowed money. 他拒绝归还借款。 He hit his brother and his brother hit him right back. 他打了他的弟弟,他弟弟立刻还击了。 talk back 反驳 She refused to take back her accusations. 她拒绝撤销指控。 c — used to describe someone or something that is being held or kept from moving forward or happening控制住;止住 He would have jumped if his friends had not held him back. 要不是朋友们把他拉住,他就已经跳下去了。 He vowed that he wouldn't allow poverty to hold/keep him back. [=to keep him from succeeding] 他发誓不会让贫穷拖他的后腿。 She struggled to hold back a laugh. [=to keep from laughing] 她强忍着没笑出声来。 Landslides set the construction job back many days. [=caused the construction job to be delayed many days] 滑坡使建筑工作延迟了许多天。 d — used to describe something that is being kept instead of being given or revealed扣住;瞒住 They held back part of the money. 他们扣下了部分资金。 keep back the truth 隐瞒真相 4 : to or at an angle朝向;处于某个角度 The banks slant evenly back from the highway. 这些边坡与公路的倾斜角是相同的。 The doctor told her to lie back on the couch. [=to lie down on the couch] 医生让她躺在长沙发上。 When I get home from work I like to just sit/lean back on the couch and relax. 下班回家后我就喜欢坐/靠在长沙发上休息。 back of US, informal : on the rear side of (something) : behind在…后面 There's an old tractor out back of [=in back of] the barn. 在谷仓后面有一辆旧拖拉机。 get your own back — see get back at get 3 back /ˈbæk/ adjective always used before a noun 1 : of or relating to the back : located at the back后面的;位于后部的 the front door, not the back door [=the door at the back of a building] 前门,不是后门 He keeps his wallet in his back pocket. 他把钱包放在他的后兜里。 She likes to sit in the front/first row, not the back [=last] row. 她喜欢坐在前排/第一排,而不是最后一排。 We came in through the back entrance. 我们是从后面的入口进来的。 the back pages [=the last pages] of the newspaper 报纸的最后几页 back teeth 臼齿 a back room 后屋 2 : far from a central or main area偏远的;偏僻的 We drove on the back roads instead of the main roads. 我们在小道上而不是在主路上行驶。 a back alley 偏僻的小巷 3 : not yet paid : owed from an earlier time未付款的;拖欠的 The company owes him several months in back pay. 公司欠他数月工资。 back rent 拖欠的租金 4 : published at an earlier time : no longer current早期出版的;过期的 a back issue/number of a magazine 一本过期杂志 5 golf — used to refer to the final 9 holes of an 18-hole golf course(18穴高尔夫球场的)后9穴的 He was two over par on the front nine and three over par on the back nine. 他打前九穴时比标准杆数多出两杆,打后九穴时比标准杆数多出三杆。 4 back /ˈbæk/ verb backs; backed; backing 1 [+ object] a : to give help to (someone) : support支持 I'm backing him (against the Establishment) in his struggle for reform. 我支持他为改革而进行的(反对权势集团的)斗争。 I'm backing him for President. 我支持他当总统。 b : to bet on (someone or something)对…下赌注 She backed the winner of the race and won a lot of money. 她押对了比赛的赌注,赢了很多钱。 The pundits are all backing him to become the next President. [=the pundits all think that he will become the next President] 专家们都认为他将成为下一届总统。 c : to provide evidence that supports (something)提供有利证据 She backed her argument with written evidence. 她为自己的论点提供了书面证据。 d : to provide the money that is needed for (something)资助(某物) back a new company 资助一家新公司 back a Broadway play 资助一出百老汇戏剧 e : to sing or play music that supports (a main singer or musical instrument)(为…)伴唱,伴奏 She backed the singer on the guitar. 她弹吉他为歌手伴奏。 — often + up A guitarist backed up the singer. 吉他手为歌手伴奏。 — see also back up (below) 2 : to move backward后退;后移 [no object] She backed into a parking space. 她倒车进入了停车位。 She backed out of the garage. 她把车倒着开出了车库。 The dog kept growling but backed off/away cautiously. 那只狗不停地吼叫着,却小心翼翼地往后退。 [+ object] Could you back [=(more commonly) back up] your car a little to give me some room? 你能把车往后倒一点给我腾出点地方吗? — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The reporter backed her into a corner [=put her into a difficult position that was hard to get out of] with his probing questions. 记者盘根问底,将她逼人困境。 3 [+ object] : to provide (something) with a back为…提供背衬 back a skirt with stiff material 用挺括的材料为裙子做背衬 4 [no object] : to have the back toward something背对;背朝 The house fronts onto Main Street and backs onto/on the golf course. [=the back of the house faces the golf course] 这房子面朝主街,背对高尔夫球场。 back away [phrasal verb] : to move away from something or someone by walking backward退避;倒退着离开 The robber pointed a gun at the policeman and told him to back away slowly. 劫匪用枪对着警察,叫他慢慢向后退。 — often + from The policeman slowly backed away from the robber. 警察慢慢后退,远离劫匪。 She backed away from the growling dog. 她后退着躲开了那只咆哮的狗。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The government seems to be backing away from its earlier proposal. 政府似乎正在背弃其先前的计划。 She has backed away from her controversial position on the death penalty. 她已经不再坚持她在死刑问题上所持的有争议的立场。 back down [phrasal verb] : to stop arguing or fighting for something让步;打退堂鼓 When threatened with a revolt of its own supporters, the government backed down. 当支持者威胁要造反时,政府放弃了原来的主张。 The strike is expected to continue because neither side is willing to back down. 罢工可能还会继续,因为双方都不愿让步。 — often + from The government backed down from its position. 政府放弃了它的立场。 He'll never back down from a fight. 他绝不会放弃斗争。 back into [phrasal verb] back into (something) : to become involved in (something) without planning to become involved无意中卷入 He backed into the antiques business almost by accident when he sold some old furniture he'd inherited. 他在售卖家传旧家具时,几乎是纯属偶然地涉足了古玩业。 back off [phrasal verb] 1 : to stop arguing or fighting for something : to back down让步;打退堂鼓 He has refused to back off. 他已拒绝退让。 2 : to decide not to do something that you had agreed to do : to back out食言;反悔 The deal fell through when investors backed off. 由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。 3 : to stop bothering someone停止骚扰 She was getting irritated, so I backed off. 她正在气头上,所以我不打扰她了。 back out [phrasal verb] : to decide not to do something that you had agreed to do食言;反悔 The deal fell through when investors backed out. 由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。 — often + of The investors backed out of the deal. 投资者退出了这笔交易。 back up [phrasal verb] 1 a : to move backward后退;倒退 The car backed up slowly. 汽车缓缓后退。 Could you back up a little to give me some room? 你能往后退点给我腾出一些地方吗? — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Wait, let's back up for a second. [=let's go back to what we were discussing earlier] 等等,咱们还是暂且回到刚才的话题。 b back (a vehicle) up or back up (a vehicle) : to move (a vehicle) backward倒(车) Could you back your car up a little to give me some room? 你能把车往后倒点给我腾出点地方吗? 2 a : to become blocked so that movement or flow is slowed or stopped堵塞;淤积 Traffic backed up for miles because of the accident. 这个事故使交通堵塞了数英里。 The drain backed up [=clogged] and had to be unclogged by a plumber. 下水道堵塞了,必须请管道工来疏通才行。 b back (something) up or back up (something) : to cause (something) to become blocked使淤积;使堵塞 The accident backed up traffic for miles. = Traffic was backed up [=(Brit) tailed back] for miles because of the accident. 这个事故使交通堵塞了数英里。 The drain was backed up. 下水道堵塞了。 3 back (someone or something) up or back up (someone or something) : to give help or support to (someone or something)支持;帮助 I'll back you up if I think you're right. 如果我认为你是对的,我就支持你。 She backed her argument up with written evidence. = Written evidence backed her argument up. 她用书面证据来支持自己的论点。 It's time to back up your words with deeds! 是用行动来证明你的话的时候了! — see also 4back 1e (above) 4 back (something) up or back up (something) computers : to make a copy of (a computer file or data) to protect it from being lost备份;存储 Remember to back up your work before you log off. 记得在退出前备份你的文件。 — see also backup [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • background

    英 ['bækɡraʊnd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692044486-d229bbf31eaeebc.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bækɡraʊnd]    [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692044519-d229bbf31eaeebc.mp3"][/audio] n. 背景;经历;幕后;后景 vt. 提供背景 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 background 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:11 /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ n. backgrounds 2 背景 高考真题原句提选: He had no idea of his background at all. Add some background information. It’s now my dream to one day start a group of women’s clubs, helping people from all backgrounds. 二、词组|习惯用语 in the background 在后面,在幕后 cultural background 文化背景 educational background 学历;教育背景;教育程度 social background n. 社会背景 background music 背景音乐;[电]陪衬音乐 background information 背景资料;背景知识 education background 学历;教育背景 family background 家庭背景 background noise 背景噪声 background color 背景颜色 academic background 学术背景;学历;教育背景 background value 背景值 background image 背景影像 for background (美)供内部参考 white background 白色背景;比色板;比色纸 on background [美国、加拿大英语]仅供参考(不作援引) business background 工作经历;企业背景;事情履历 political background 政治背景 background radiation 背景辐射;[医]本底辐射 background check 背景调查 三、词根记忆 background n. 背景,經曆;幕後The backward man lacks black background.落後的男子缺少黑色背景. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] back·ground / 5bAk^raund / noun FAMILY / EDUCATION, ETC. 家庭、教育等 1. [C] the details of a person's family, education, experience etc. 出身背景;学历;经历: a person's family / social / cultural / educational / class background 一个人的出身/社会/文化/教育/阶级背景 The job would suit someone with a business background. 这项工作适合有商务经验的人。 PAST 过去 2. [C, usually sing., U] the circumstances or past events which help explain why sth is how it is; information about these (事态发展等的)背景: the historical background to the war 这场战争的历史背景 background information / knowledge 背景资料/知识 The elections are taking place against a background of violence. 选举正在暴乱的情况下进行。 Can you give me more background on the company? 你能多提供一些这家公司的背景资料吗? OF PICTURE / PHOTO 图画;照片 3. [C, usually sing.] the part of a picture, photograph or view behind the main objects, people, etc. 后景;背景: a photograph with trees in the background 以树木为远景的照片 ⇨ compare foreground n. (1) ⇨ note at environment LESS IMPORTANT POSITION 次要位置 4. [sing.] a position in which people are not paying attention to sb / sth or not as much attention as they are paying to sb / sth else 不显眼的位置;幕后: He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press. 他喜欢呆在幕后,让他的助理向新闻界发布消息。 A piano tinkled gently in the background. 背景是悠扬的钢琴声。 background music 背景音乐 There was a lot of background noise (= that you could hear, but were not listening to). 背景噪音很多。 ⇨ compare foreground n. (2) COLOUR UNDER STH 底色 5. [C, usually sing.] a colour or design on which sth is painted, drawn, etc. 底色;底花;底子: The name of the company is written in red on a white background. 公司的名称是用白底红字写的。 IDIOMS ▪ in the 'background (computing 计) (of a computer program 计算机程序) not being used at the present time and appearing on the screen behind programs that are being used 在后台;背景的 ⇨ compare in the foreground at foreground n. ⇨ more at merge [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] background /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ ●●● S2 W2 noun 1  [countable] someone’s family, education, previous work etc 出身,个人背景 Students with a background in chemistry will probably find the course easier. 学过化学的学生可能会觉得这门课程容易些。 It’s important to understand other people, people from different backgrounds. 要理解别人,理解那些来自不同背景的人,这是很重要的。 Do you know anything about his background? 关于他的背景,你知道什么吗? → See picture of foreground 前景, background 背景 2  [countable, uncountable] the situation or past events that explain why something happens in the way that it does 〔事情的〕背景情况 background to Without knowing the background to the case, I couldn’t possibly comment. 这案件我不了解背景情况,所以无法评论。 against a background of something The peace talks are being held against a background of increasing violence. 这次和平谈判正在暴力冲突愈演愈烈的背景下进行。 background information/details/data etc The author included a new chapter of background material for the second edition of the book. 作者为本书第二版新加了一章背景材料。 3  [countable usually singular] the area that is behind the main thing that you are looking at, especially in a picture 〔尤指图片上主要事物的〕背景,后景 The background looks out of focus. 背景看上去是模糊的。 in the background In the background, you can see my college friends. 在背景中可以看到我的几个大学朋友。 4  [countable] the pattern or colour on top of which something has been drawn, printed etc 〔图画、文字等的〕底子,底色 red lettering on a white background 白底红字 5  in the background someone who keeps or stays in the background tries not to be noticed 在不显著的位置,在幕后 The president’s advisors are content to remain in the background. 总统的顾问甘居幕后。 6  [countable, uncountable] the sounds that you can hear apart from the main thing that you are listening to 背景的声音;杂音 in the background In the background, I could hear the sound of traffic. 我听到背景中有车辆来往的声音。 All of the background noise made it difficult to have a phone conversation. 背景杂音很大,电话交谈很困难。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] background ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词出身背景;学历;经历 Your background is the kind of family you come from and the kind of education you have had. It can also refer to such things as your social and racial origins, your financial status, or the type of work experience that you have. 【搭配模式】:usu sing Moulded by his background, he could not escape the traditional role of strict father... 受成长环境的影响,他摆脱不了严父的传统角色。 She came from a working-class background... 她出身于工人家庭。 His background was in engineering. 他有工程学背景。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(事件或情况的)背景 The background to an event or situation consists of the facts that explain what caused it. 【搭配模式】:usu sing The background to the current troubles is provided by the dire state of the country's economy... 目前的问题是在国家经济岌岌可危的背景下出现的。 The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence. 这次会议是在政治暴力连续不断的背景下召开的。 ...background information. 背景信息 3.N-SING 单数名词背景声音;背景音乐 The background is sounds, such as music, which you can hear but which you are not listening to with your full attention. 【搭配模式】:the N I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background... 我不断听到隐约的鼓掌声。 ...police sirens wailing in the background... 隐约传来的警笛呼啸声。 The background music was provided by an accordion player. 背景音乐是由一位手风琴乐手演奏的。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(画等的)后景 You can use background to refer to the things in a picture or scene that are less noticeable or important than the main things or people in it. 【搭配模式】:usu sing ...roses patterned on a blue background... 蓝底上的玫瑰花样 Paint the background tones lighter and the colours cooler. 将背景色调涂淡一点,颜色偏冷一些。 Someone who stays in the background avoids being noticed, although the things that they do are important or influential.在不太显眼的位置;幕后地 Rosemary likes to stay in the background. 罗斯玛丽不喜欢抛头露面。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] background /ˈbækˌgraʊnd/ noun plural backgrounds 1 [count] a : the part of a scene or picture that is farthest from the viewer : the part of a scene that is behind a main figure or object in a painting, photograph, etc.(绘画、照片等的)背景,后景 Objects in the foreground are drawn larger than those in the background. 前景中的物体画得比背景中的物体大一些。 a photograph of a house with mountains in the background 以群山为背景的一座房子的照片 The mountains provided a perfect background [=backdrop] for the wedding photos. 这些山是拍婚纱照的绝佳背景。 background scenery 背景环境 b : a surface or color that is behind or around something (such as a printed design)底色;底子 red letters printed on a white background 印在白底上的红字 a background color 底色 2 [singular] a : a position that attracts little attention幕后;不显眼的位置 He was a shy man who always tried to keep/stay in the background. [=tried to avoid attracting attention] 他性格腼腆,总是尽量避免招人注意。 The war has pushed all other issues into the background. [=has made all other issues less important] 战争使得其他所有问题都变得不重要了。 An ethnic conflict that was simmering away in the background finally erupted into civil war. 民族冲突在暗中不断积蓄,最终引发了内战。 b — used to describe something that occurs without requiring attention while something else is also occurring后台;幕后 The software was automatically updated in the background while we continued to work on the data. 在我们处理数据的过程中软件在后台自动升级。 c — used to describe something that is heard while something else is being listened to杂音;干扰声 It was hard to enjoy the music because I could hear a dog barking in the background. 因为有狗叫的干扰声,我很难欣赏这个音乐。 3 a [count] : the events and conditions that help to explain why something happens : the situation in which something occurs(事情发生的)背景 — usually singular通常用单数 We learned about the social and economic background of the American Civil War. 我们学习了美国南北战争的社会和经济背景。 The meetings took place against a background of increasing tension. 这些会议是在日趋紧张的局势下召开的。 b [noncount] : information needed to understand a problem or situation背景资料;背景信息 Let me provide you with some background on this problem. 我来给你提供一些关于这个问题的背景资料。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 background information 背景资料 4 [count] : the experiences, knowledge, education, etc., in a person's past经历;阅历;学历 What is your academic background? 你的学术背景是什么? We need to know more about his background before we hire him. 雇用他之前,我们需要更多地了解他的个人经历。 He and his wife come from similar social backgrounds. [=they were raised in similar social environments] 他和妻子有着相似的社会背景。 His writing is influenced by his ethnic background. 他的写作受到其种族背景的影响。 — often used before another noun 常用于另一名词前 They ran a background check to make sure the job candidate had no criminal record. 他们对求职者进行了背景审查,确保其没有犯罪记录。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • backward

    英 ['bækwəd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692046629-195fe59b6f10378.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bækwərd]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692046605-195fe59b6f10378.mp3"][/audio]  adj. 向后的;落后的 adv. 向后 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 backwards (Am backward) 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:1 教材出处:译林版必修B2U2 /ˈbækwədz/ /ˈbækwərd/ ad. 向后地,相反地;追溯;退步,由好变坏 高考真题原句提选: The animal fell backwards with an angry loud cry. It is not that they are growing backwards—their legs, arms and backbones getting shorter. 二、词组|习惯用语 backward area 落后地区 step backward 倒退;返回;逐帧倒放 backward country 经济落后国家 backward extrusion 反挤压;反向挤压;逆向挤制 backward compatibility 向后兼容;反向兼容性 backward position 反转位置,回程位置 backward integration 向后整合 backward movement 反向运动 backward wave oscillator 逆波振荡器 backward somersault 倒毛跟斗;倒筋斗跳;后空翻 三、词根记忆 backward a. 向後的,倒行的;遲鈍的ad.向後,朝反方向The backward man lacks black background.落後的男子缺少黑色背景. a. 向後的(back後邊)[-ward表形容詞+副詞,"向…"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] back·ward / 5bAkwEd; NAmE -wErd / adjective 1. [only before noun] directed or moving towards the back 向后的;朝后的: She strode past him without a backward glance. 她大步从他身边走过,都没有回头瞧他一眼。 2. moving in a direction that means that no progress is being made 倒退的;反向的 SYN retrograde : She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step. 她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。 3. having made less progress than normal; developing slowly 落后的;进步缓慢的: a backward part of the country, with no paved roads and no electricity 该国的一个落后地区,没有铺设马路也没有电力 a backward child 迟钝儿童 (BrE, informal) She's not backward in coming forward (= she's not shy). 她勇敢地站出来。 ⇨ compare forward [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] backward /ˈbækwəd $ -wərd/ ●●○ adjective 1  [only before noun] looking or facing in the direction that is behind you 向后的,朝后的 OPP forward She went without a backward glance. 她头也不回地走了。 2  developing slowly and less successfully than most others 发展缓慢的,落后的 a backward country 落后的国家 a backward child 迟钝的孩子 —backwardness noun [uncountable] Word family  backwards /ˈbækwədz $ -wərdz/ ●●● S3 (also backward /-wəd $ -wərd/ American English) adverb 1  in the direction that is behind you 向后,朝后 OPP forwards Hannah took a step backward. 汉娜往后退了一步。 She pushed me and I fell backwards into the chair. 她推了我一下,我便往后倒在椅子上。 2  towards the beginning or the past 往回,往前面 OPP forwards Count backwards from 100. 从100倒数。 3  with the back part in front 前后反过来 Your T-shirt is on backwards. 你的T恤衫前后穿反了。 4  towards a worse state 倒退地,退步地,每况愈下地 OPP forwards The new measures are seen by some as a major step backwards. 新举措在有些人看来是一个很大的倒退。 5  backwards and forwards first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, usually many times 来回地,忽前忽后地 Kip stumbled backwards and forwards before falling down. 基普前后踉跄了几步便摔倒了。 6  bend/lean over backwards (to do something) to try as hard as possible to help or please someone 〔指为了帮助或取悦某人〕拼命(做某事),竭尽全力(做某事) City officials bent over backwards to help downtown businesses. 市政府官员竭力帮助发展市中心的企业。 7  know something backwards British English, know something backwards and forwards American English to know something very well or perfectly 对某事了如指掌,熟知某事 She practiced her part until she knew it backwards and forwards. 她反复练习她的台词和动作,直到非常熟练。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] backward ★★☆☆☆ In American English, backward is usually used as an adverb instead of backwards.Backward is also sometimes used in this way in formal British English. See backwards for these uses. 美国英语通常将backward用作副词,而不用backwards。正式的英国英语中有时也有这种用法。此类用法参见backwards。 1.ADJ 形容词向后的,往后的(一些人亦使用backwards) A backward movement or look is in the direction that your back is facing. Some people use backwards for this meaning. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry... 他打开2号公寓的门,回头瞥了拉里一眼,然后就进了房间。 He did a backward flip. 他做了一个后空翻。 2.ADJ 形容词倒退的;不进反退的 If someone takes a backward step, they do something that does not change or improve their situation, but causes them to go back a stage. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work... 到了一定的年龄,就不可能再退回去干不需要技能的工作。 Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country. 许多牙医不再为依靠国民保健制度的病人看病,这是该国的一大倒退。 3.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词落后的 A backward country or society does not have modern industries and machines. We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country. 我们应当为落后的祖国加快变革的脚步。 backwardness I was astonished at the backwardness of our country at the time. 我们国家当时的落后程度让我感到震惊。 4.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词迟钝的;学习吃力的 A backward child has difficulty in learning. ...research into teaching techniques to help backward children... 关于帮助落后孩子的教学方法研究 I was slow to walk and talk and my parents thought I was backward. 我学走路和说话都很慢,所以我父母以为我很迟钝。 backwardness ...her backwardness in practical and physical activities. 她在实践和体育活动方面的迟钝 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 backward (chiefly US) /ˈbækwɚd/ adverb or backwards /ˈbækwɚdz/ 1 : toward the back : to or toward what is behind向后;朝后 a sudden movement backward, not forward 突然向后而不是向前的移动 I heard a noise behind me and glanced backward. 我听见身后有声响便朝后扫了一眼。 He pushed the throttle backward. 他踩油门向后倒车 She took a small step backward. 她向后退了一小步。 Can you skate backward? 你能倒着滑冰吗? 2 : opposite to the usual way : in reverse反向地;逆向地 Count backward from 10. 从10开始倒数。 3 : toward the past(时间)向过去 a journey backward in time 回首往事的心路旅程 The narrative moves backward and forward in time. 故事的叙述手法既有顺叙,也有倒叙。 4 : to or toward a less advanced state or condition : toward a worse state倒退地;退步地 His new job, which paid less and had fewer responsibilities, felt like a step backward. 他的新工作薪酬低管事少,感觉像是倒退了一步。 bend over backward or lean over backward also fall over backward : to make a great effort to help someone or to reach agreement with someone(帮助别人或为与某人达成协议)尽心尽力,不遗余力 The salesman said he would bend over backward to make the deal. 推销员说他会尽力做成这笔交易。 I've leaned over backward to please you—and you haven't even said thank you! 我为了让你高兴使出浑身解数,可你连声谢谢都没说! know something backward and forward — see 1know 2 backward /ˈbækwɚd/ adjective 1 a : directed or turned toward the back向后的;朝后的 a backward glance 向后一瞥 a backward baseball cap 反戴的棒球帽 a sudden backward movement 突然的向后移动 b : done backward向后做的 a backward somersault 后空翻 2 [more backward; most backward] : behind others : not as advanced as others in learning or development落后的;后进的 (old-fashioned) He was a backward pupil who struggled to keep up in school. 他是一名落后生,非常努力地想跟上学校课程。 a technologically backward village that has no running water 没有自来水的科技落后的村庄 — backwardly adverb — backwardness noun [noncount] the technological backwardness of the village 村庄的技术落后 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bacon

    英 ['beɪkən]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692046988-7813258ef8c6b63.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['beɪkən]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692046999-7813258ef8c6b63.mp3"][/audio]  n. 培根;咸肉;熏肉 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bacon 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版选必修B4U2 /ˈbeɪkən/ n. 熏猪肉,咸猪肉 无高考真题原句 二、词组|习惯用语 francis bacon 弗朗西斯·培根 英国哲学家 bring home the bacon 成功;谋生 三、词根记忆 bacon n. 鹹豬肉,熏豬肉Bonus is a stimulus for me to study the silicon in the bacon.獎金是我研究薰肉中矽原子的動力. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bacon bacon / 5beikEn / noun [U] meat from the back or sides of a pig that has been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke), usually served in thin slices 咸猪肉;熏猪肉: a rasher of bacon 一片咸猪肉 bacon and eggs 咸肉和鸡蛋 smoked / unsmoked bacon 熏制/未熏制的猪肉 ⇨ compare gammon , ham (1), pork IDIOMS ⇨ see home adv., save v. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bacon /ˈbeɪkən/ ●●○ S3 noun [uncountable] → bacn 1  salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig, often served in narrow thin pieces 〔通常切成薄片的〕咸猪肉,熏猪肉 bacon and eggs 咸猪肉煎蛋 rasher of bacon British English (=piece of bacon) 熏肉(薄)片 2. bring home the bacon informal to provide enough money to support your family 挣钱养家→ save somebody’s bacon at save1(11) Origin bacon (1300-1400) Old French from an ancient Germanic word meaning “back” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bacon ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词咸猪肉;熏猪肉 Bacon is salted or smoked meat which comes from the back or sides of a pig. ...bacon and eggs. 熏肉煎蛋 ...smoked streaky bacon. 烟熏五花肉 2.PHRASE 短语成功;达到目的 If you bring home the bacon ,you achieve what you needed to achieve. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Voters are interested in the representative's ability to bring home the bacon... 选民感兴趣的是代表能否兑现承诺。 I will be most upset if this book does not bring home the bacon. 我就不信这本书不畅销。 3.PHRASE 短语养家糊口;赚钱养家 The person in a family who brings home the bacon provides the family with the money they need to live. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Who brings up the baby and who brings home the bacon? 是谁抚养孩子的,是谁赚钱养家的? 4.PHRASE 短语解救…于危难(或困境) If someone or something saves your bacon, they get you out of a dangerous or difficult situation. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Your mother once saved my bacon. She lent me money when I needed it. 你母亲帮过我一次大忙,在我需要的时候借过钱给我。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bacon /ˈbeɪkən/ noun [noncount] : thin strips of salted and smoked meat from the sides and the back of a pig培根;烟熏咸肉片 We ate bacon and eggs for breakfast. 我们早餐吃了培根和鸡蛋。 a slice of bacon = (Brit) a rasher of bacon 一片培根肉 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 bacon fat 熏肉油 bring home the bacon informal : to earn the money that is needed to live赚钱糊口 He worked hard all week to bring home the bacon for his family. 为了赚钱养家他一周都在辛苦工作。 save someone's bacon — see 1save [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bad

    英 [bæd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692047261-bae60998ffe4923.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bæd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692047249-bae60998ffe4923.mp3"][/audio]   adj. 坏的;不好的;差的;疼痛的;严重的;有害的;腐败的;低劣的;不利的;不舒服的;不健康的 n. 坏人;坏事 adv. 非常;不好地 比较级: worse 最高级: worst 名词: badness [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bad 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:62 /bæd/ a.&n. 坏的,拙于;有害的,不利的;严重的 & 坏的东西或情形 高考真题原句提选: Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. Arriving late, he explained that traffic had been bad. I were flying in bad weather. That’s not a bad idea. She has been the one teaching me all my life: to cook and sew: to enjoy the good times and put up with the bad. However, we all witness that preschool children are remarkably bad at hiding. (2022全国乙卷) 二、词组|习惯用语 in bad 倒霉;失宠 bad news n. 坏消息;令人讨厌的人;倒霉的事 bad weather 恶劣的天气 bad at 不善于 to the bad ◎亏损;负债,欠账;吃亏;◎处于不利的情况下;◎趋于毁坏; bad luck 运气不好,坏运气;噩运 bad thing 坏东西,坏事 bad habit 坏习惯 go bad 变酸;开始腐坏 bad mood 坏心情,坏情绪 bad influence 坏影响 feel bad 不舒服;为…感到难过 be bad for 对…不利;对…有害 bad behavior 坏行为 bad cold 重感冒;重伤风 bad temper 坏脾气;暴躁 bad situation 糟糕的局面,处于劣势 not so bad 并不坏;还凑合 in a bad way 病情严重 in a bad mood 心情不好;处在不好的情绪中 三、词根记忆 bad a. 壞的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐敗的;嚴重的I feel bad about the mistake.我對這個錯誤感到抱歉. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bad / bAd / adjective (worse / wE:s; NAmE wE:rs / worst / wE:st; NAmE wE:rst / ) UNPLEASANT 令人不快 1. unpleasant; full of problems 令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的: bad news / weather / dreams / habits 坏消息;坏天气;噩梦;恶习 I'm having a really bad day. 我今天倒霉透了。 It was the worst experience of her life. 那是她一生中最糟糕的经历。 Smoking gives you bad breath. 吸烟会引致口气。 Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us. 本来情况就够糟的了,偏偏我们自己的大炮又向我们开起火来。 POOR QUALITY 劣质 2. of poor quality; below an acceptable standard 质量差的;不合格的: bad conditions / driving 恶劣的情况;拙劣的驾驶技术 a bad copy / diet 不清晰的复印本;劣质饮食 I thought it was a very bad article. 我以为那是一篇很低劣的文章。 This isn't as bad as I thought. 这没我原来所想的那么差。 That's not a bad idea. 那个主意不错。 NOT GOOD AT STH 不擅长 3. ~ at sth / at doing sth (of a person 人) not able to do sth well or in an acceptable way 拙于;不擅;不善于 SYN poor : a bad teacher 不称职的教师 You're a bad liar! 你连说谎都不会! He's a bad loser (= he complains when he loses a game). 他是个输不起的人。 She is so bad at keeping secrets. 她一点都不会保守秘密。 SERIOUS 严重 4. serious; severe 严重的;剧烈的: You're heading for a bad attack of sunburn. 你会被严重晒伤的。 The engagement was a bad mistake. 这婚约是一项大错。 My headache is getting worse. 我头痛越来越厉害了。 NOT APPROPRIATE 不合适 5. [only before noun] not appropriate in a particular situation 不适合的;不适当的: I know that this is a bad time to ask for help. 我知道在这时候要求帮助不合适。 He now realized that it had been a bad decision on his part. 他现在意识到是他作了一个不恰当的决定。 WICKED 邪恶 6. morally unacceptable 不道德的;邪恶的: The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys. 主人公结果射杀了所有的坏蛋。 He said I must have done something bad to deserve it. 他说我肯定是罪有应得。 CHILDREN 儿童 7. [usually before noun] (especially of children 尤指儿童) not behaving well 顽皮的;不乖的 SYN naughty : Have you been a bad boy? 你调皮了吗? HARMFUL 有害 8. [not before noun] ~ for sb / sth harmful; causing or likely to cause damage 有害;招致损害: Those shoes are bad for her feet. 那双鞋会伤她的脚。 Weather like this is bad for business. 这种天气不利于做买卖。 PAINFUL 疼痛 9. [usually before noun] (of parts of the body 身体部位) not healthy; painful 有病的;疼痛的: I've got a bad back. 我背部疼痛。 FOOD 食物 10. not safe to eat because it has decayed 变质的;腐烂的: Put the meat in the fridge so it doesn't go bad. 把肉放进冰箱里,免得坏了。 TEMPER / MOOD 脾气;情绪 11. ~ temper / mood the state of feeling annoyed or angry 发脾气;坏情绪;恼怒: It put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. 那事让我整天再也没了好心情。 GUILTY / SORRY 愧疚;遗憾 12. feel ~ to feel guilty or sorry about sth 感到愧疚(或遗憾): She felt bad about leaving him. 她因离开他而感到歉疚。 Why should I want to make you feel bad? 我干吗要让你难过呢? ILL / SICK 有病;不舒服 13. feel / look ~ to feel or look ill / sick 觉得不舒服;感到有病;面有病容;气色不好: I'm afraid I'm feeling pretty bad. 很抱歉,我觉得很不舒服。 EXCELLENT 极好 14. (bad·der, bad·dest) (slang, especially NAmE) good; excellent 顶呱呱的;没治 IDIOMS Most idioms containing bad are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for example be bad news (for sb / sth) is at news. 大多数含 bad 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 be bad news (for sb / sth) 在词条 news 下。 ▪ can't be bad (informal) used to try to persuade sb to agree that sth is good (劝导时说)没有什么不好: You'll save fifty dollars, which can't be bad, can it? 你会省下五十元钱,这就够好了,对吧? ▪ have got it 'bad (informal, humorous) to be very much in love 热恋着;在热恋中: You're not seeing him again tonight, are you? That's nine times this week—you've got it bad! 你今天晚上不再和他见面了,是吧?这个星期都约会了五次,你们热恋了! ▪ not 'bad (informal) quite good; better than you expected 不错;比预料的好: 'How are you?' 'Not too bad.' "你怎么样?" "还不错。" That wasn't bad for a first attempt. 第一次尝试,还算不错。 ▪ too bad (informal) 1. (ironic) used to say 'bad luck' or 'it's a shame' when you do not really mean it (等于说"倒霉"或"可惜",实际上并无同情之意): If sometimes they're the wrong decisions, too bad. 如果有时这些决定是错误的,那可是太不幸了。 2. a shame; a pity 遗憾;可惜: Too bad every day can't be as good as this. 可惜并不是每一天都像今天这么好。 3. (old-fashioned) annoying 令人生气的;恼人的: Really, it was too bad of you to be so late. 你来得这么晚实在不像话。 noun the bad [U] bad people, things, or events 坏人;坏事: You will always have the bad as well as the good in the world. 人生在世总是有苦有甜。 ▪ 7go to the 'bad (old-fashioned) to begin behaving in an immoral way 堕落: I hate to see you going to the bad. 我不愿看到你堕落。 ▪ 'my bad (NAmE, informal) used when you are admitting that sth is your fault or that you have made a mistake 是我的错;我错了: I'm sorry—my bad. 对不起,我错了。 ▪ take the 7bad with the 'good to accept the bad aspects of sth as well as the good ones 接受人生的甘苦(或事物的好与坏) ▪ to the 'bad (BrE) used to say that sb now has a particular amount less money than they did before 亏损: After the sale they were £300 to the bad. 这笔买卖使他们亏损了 300 英镑。 adverb (NAmE, informal) badly 很;非常: She wanted it real bad. 她确实很想得到它。 Are you hurt bad? 你伤得重吗? [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bad1 /bæd/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective (comparative worse /wɜːs $ wɜːrs/, superlative worst /wɜːst $ wɜːrst/) → bade 1  NOT GOOD 不好的 unpleasant or likely to cause problems 不好的,糟糕的,坏的 OPP good I have some bad news for you. 我有坏消息要告诉你。 I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse. 我想事情最坏也不过如此了。 The plane was delayed for several hours by bad weather. 天气不好,飞机延误了好几个小时。 It’s difficult to break bad habits. 坏习惯很难改。 a bad smell 难闻的气味 2  LOW QUALITY 质量差 low in quality or below an acceptable standard 差的,拙劣的 OPP good The failure of the company was due to bad management. 公司倒闭是因为管理不善。 Your handwriting is so bad I can hardly read it. 你写的字太差,我几乎看不懂。 That was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. 那是我看过的最差劲的一部电影。 3  NOT SENSIBLE 不明智的 [usually before noun] not sensible, or not suitable in a particular situation 不好的,不明智的,不合适的 OPP good Cutting spending at this time is a bad idea. 这个时候削减开支不是好主意。 Making big changes in your diet all at once is a bad thing to do. 饮食突然大变是不好的。 4  MORALLY WRONG 道德品质不好的 morally wrong or evil 〔道德品质〕坏的,不好的 OPP good He’s a bad man – keep away from him. 他是个坏人,离他远一点。 → bad guy 5  WRONG BEHAVIOUR 不良行为 spoken doing something you should not do, or behaving in a wrong way – used especially about children or pets 〔尤指儿童或宠物〕顽皮的,表现差的,表现不好的 SYN naughty Katie was very bad today! 凯蒂今天很顽皮! bad girl/dog etc Bad cat! Get off the table! 坏猫咪!下去,别待在桌子上! 6  SERIOUS 严重的 serious or severe 严重的;厉害的 He was in a bad accident. 他遭遇了一场严重的事故。 The pain in my side is worse than it was yesterday. 我身体一侧的疼痛比昨天厉害了。 7  a bad time/moment etc a time that is not suitable or causes problems 不适当的时候 It’s a bad time to have to borrow money, with interest rates so high. 现在借款真不是时候,利率这么高。 You’ve come at the worst possible moment. I have a meeting in five minutes. 你来得真不是时候,我五分钟后有个会议。 8  HARMFUL 有害的 damaging or harmful 造成损害的,有害的 Pollution is having a bad effect on fish stocks. 污染正在使鱼类数量下降。 bad for Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟有害健康。 Too much salt can be bad for you. 摄入太多的盐对身体不好。 It is bad for kids to be on their own so much. 小孩子总是独处并不好。 9  FOOD 食物 food that is bad is not safe to eat because it has decayed 已变质的,腐烂的 10  NO SKILL 不熟练 having no skill or ability in a particular activity 不擅长的;能力不济的 11  bad heart/leg/back etc a heart, leg etc that is injured or does not work correctly 心脏/腿/背等不好 12  LANGUAGE 语言 bad language is rude or offensive 〔语言〕粗鲁的,下流的 13  be in a bad mood (also be in a bad temper British English) to feel annoyed or angry 情绪不好,心情不佳 14  feel bad 15  not bad spoken used to say that something is good, or better than you expected 不错的 16  not too/so bad spoken used to say that something is not as bad as expected 不是太糟糕 17  too bad spoken 18  go from bad to worse to become even more unpleasant or difficult 越来越坏,每况愈下 19  be in a bad way informal to be very ill, unhappy, or injured, or not in a good condition 病情严重;不高兴;受伤;处于困境 20  a bad name if something has a bad name, people do not respect or trust it 不好的名声 21. bad lot/sort/type British English old-fashioned someone who is morally bad or cannot be trusted 坏人,坏蛋,坏家伙 22  bad penny British English someone or something that causes trouble and is difficult to avoid 讨厌又避不开的人[事物] 23  be taken bad British English informal to become ill 生病 24  in bad faith if someone does something in bad faith, they are behaving dishonestly and have no intention of keeping a promise 存心不良地,背信弃义地 25  bad news spoken informal someone or something that always causes trouble 带来麻烦的人[事物] 26  bad form British English old-fashioned socially unacceptable behaviour 不礼貌的行为 27  bad blood angry or bitter feelings between people 恶感,敌意;仇恨 28. not have a bad word to say about/against somebody if no one has a bad word to say about a particular person, everyone likes and respects that person 如果没有人说某人一句不好,那某人口碑很好 29  it’s bad enough ... spoken used to say that you already have one problem, so that you do not want to worry about or deal with another one …已经够受了 30  something can’t be bad spoken used to persuade someone that something is good or worth doing 某事不错〔用于劝导〕 31  (comparative badder, superlative baddest) spoken informal especially American English —badness noun [uncountable]  THESAURUS bad2 noun 1  to the bad British English informal if you are a particular amount to the bad, you are that much poorer or you owe that much 亏损;负债 2. my bad! American English spoken informal used to say that you have made a mistake or that something is your fault 我的不是!是我不好! 3. go to the bad British English old-fashioned to begin living in a wrong or immoral way 开始学坏,堕落 bad3 adverb spoken a word used to mean ‘badly’ that many people think is incorrect 很,非常〔很多人认为此用法是错的〕 I need that money bad. 我急需那笔钱。 Origin bad1 (1200-1300) Perhaps from Old English bæddel “male homosexual” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bad ★★★★★ 1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词坏的;令人不快的;不合意的;有害的;糟糕的 Something that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable. The bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing... 糟糕的天气使飞机无法降落。 We have been going through a bad time... 我们正经历一段困难时期。 I've had a bad day at work... 我今天上班诸事不顺。 Divorce is bad for children... 离婚对孩子不好。 Analysts fear the situation is even worse than the leadership admits. 分析家担心情况比领导层承认的还要糟。 2.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词严重的;厉害的;剧烈的 You use bad to indicate that something unpleasant or undesirable is severe or great in degree. He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming... 他两年前遇到严重的车祸,不得不放弃务农。 This was a bad case of dangerous driving... 这是一起严重的危险驾驶案例。 The pain is often so bad she wants to scream... 剧烈的疼痛常常让她想大声叫喊。 The floods are described as the worst in nearly fifty years. 这次洪灾据说是近50年来最为严重的。 3.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词不明智的;错误的;不对的 A bad idea, decision, or method is not sensible or not correct. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea... 经济学家杰弗里·福克斯认为减税是不明智的。 Of course politicians will sometimes make bad decisions... 政治家当然有时也会作出错误的决定。 That's not a bad way to proceed, just somewhat different... 以此方法进行并没有错,只是有些与众不同。 The worst thing you can do is underestimate an opponent. 最严重的错误就是低估对手。 4.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词不利的;不幸的 If you describe a piece of news, an action, or a sign as bad, you mean that it is unlikely to result in benefit or success. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n The closure of the project is bad news for her staff... 项目终止对她的雇员来说是一个不幸的消息。 It was a bad start in my relationship with Warr... 我与沃尔的关系开始得不太顺利。 The report couldn't have come at a worse time for the European Commission. 这份报告发布的时间对欧盟委员会极为不利。 5.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词不合标准的;劣质的;蹩脚的;不足的 Something that is bad is of an unacceptably low standard, quality, or amount. She was in rather a bad film about the Mau Mau... 她出演了一部关于茅茅运动(20世纪50年代肯尼亚基库尤人反抗英国殖民者的民族主义运动)的烂片。 Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing... 英国有很多老人居住条件恶劣。 The state schools' main problem is that teachers' pay is so bad... 公立学校的主要问题是教师的薪资太低。 It was absolutely the worst food I have ever had. 这绝对是我吃过的最糟糕的食物。 6.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词不擅长的;不善于的 Someone who is bad at doing something is not skilful or successful at it. 【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ at -ing/n He had increased Britain's reputation for being bad at languages... 他加深了人们对英国人不擅长语言的印象。 He was a bad driver... 他是一个技术糟糕的司机。 Rose was a poor cook and a worse mother. 罗丝不太会做饭,更不会当母亲。 7.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词难以接受的;令人遗憾的 If you say that it is bad that something happens, you mean it is unacceptable, unfortunate, or wrong. 【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ Not being able to hear doesn't seem as bad as not being able to see... 看不见比听不到更让人难以忍受。 You need at least ten pounds if you go to the cinema nowadays — it's really bad. 现在看场电影至少要花上10英镑——真是太贵了。 8.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(尤表示惊讶)不错的,不坏的,挺好的 You can say that something is not bad to mean that it is quite good or acceptable, especially when you are rather surprised about this. 【搭配模式】:with neg 'How much is he paying you?' — 'Oh, five thousand.' —'Not bad.'... “他给你多少钱?”——“哦,5,000。”——“挺不错嘛。” 'How are you, mate?' — 'Not bad, mate, how's yourself?'... “最近怎么样,老兄?”——“还不错,你呢?” He's not a bad chap — quite human for an accountant... 这个家伙人不坏——就会计来说已经很有人情味了。 That's not a bad idea. 这个主意不错。 9.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词邪恶的;不道德的 A bad person has morally unacceptable attitudes and behaviour. I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person... 我贩卖毒品,但我并不觉得自己是个坏人。 He does not think that his beliefs make him any worse than any other man. 他觉得自己的信仰并不让他比其他人更邪恶。 badness They only recognise badness when they perceive it in others. 他们只看到别人身上的恶行。 10.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词不听话的;调皮的;捣蛋的 A bad child disobeys rules and instructions or does not behave in a polite and correct way. You are a bad boy for repeating what I told you... 重复我对你说的话,你真是个捣蛋鬼。 Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour. 很多父母觉得要孩子循规蹈矩是件很难的事情。 11.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词易怒的;乖戾的;阴郁的 If you are in a bad mood, you are angry and behave unpleasantly to people. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n She is in a bit of a bad mood because she's just given up smoking. 因为她刚刚戒烟,所以脾气有点大。 12.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词抱歉的;难过的;内疚的 If you feel bad about something, you feel rather sorry or guilty about it. 【搭配模式】:feel ADJ You don't have to feel bad about relaxing... 你不必为放松感到内疚。 I feel bad that he's doing most of the work... 大部分工作都是他在干,我觉得很过意不去。 Are you trying to make me feel bad? 你是想让我歉疚吗? 13.ADJ 形容词受伤的;有病的;虚弱的 If you have a bad back, heart, leg, or eye, it is injured, diseased, or weak. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n Alastair has a bad back so we have a hard bed. 阿拉斯泰尔背部有毛病,所以我们睡硬板床。 14.ADJ 形容词变质的;腐烂的 Food that has gone bad is not suitable to eat because it has started to decay. 【搭配模式】:usu go ADJ They bought so much beef that some went bad. 他们买了太多牛肉,有些都变质了。 15.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词污秽的;咒骂的 Bad language is language that contains offensive words such as swear words. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n I don't like to hear bad language in the street... 我不喜欢在街上听见一些污言秽语。 I said a bad word. 我说了一句脏话。 16.See also:worse;worst; 17.PHRASE 短语…真可惜;…真遗憾 If you say that it is too bad that something is the case, you mean you are sorry or sad that it is the case. 【搭配模式】:oft it v-link PHR that 【语用信息】:feelings It is too bad that Eleanor had to leave so soon... 埃莉诺不得不这么快就离开,真是太遗憾了。 Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes. 他把聪明都用在了犯罪上,太可惜了。 18.CONVENTION 惯用语(表示无法改变,亦不觉得抱歉或同情)算…倒霉 If you say 'too bad', you are indicating that nothing can be done to change the situation, and that you do not feel sorry or sympathetic about this. 【语用信息】:feelings Too bad if you missed the bus. 你没有赶上公交车只能算自己倒霉。 19.PHRASE 短语境况不佳;处于困境 If someone or something is in a bad way, they are in a bad condition or situation. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR The economy is in a bad way... 经济陷入困境。 'You look in a bad way,' chuckled Brad. “你看起来糟透了,”布拉德笑着说。 20.PHRASE 短语对…有不好的评价;说…的坏话 If nobody has a bad word to say about you, you are liked or admired by everyone. 【搭配模式】:with brd-neg She's got beauty, wealth, and fame, and we still can't find anyone with a bad word to say about her. 她美丽,富有,出名,而且我们还没有发现谁说她不好。 21. to make the best of a bad job→see: best; bad blood→see: blood; to be in someone's bad books→see: book; bad luck→see: luck; to get a bad press→see: press; to go from bad to worse→see: worse; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bad /ˈbæd/ adjective worse /ˈwɚs/ ; worst /ˈwɚst/ 1 a : low or poor in quality质量差的;拙劣的 a bad repair job 粗糙的修理活 bad work 差劲的工作 The house is in bad condition/shape. 这房子很破旧。 b : not correct or proper错误的;不合适的 bad manners 无礼行为 bad [=incorrect, faulty] grammar 错误的语法 a letter written in bad French 用蹩脚法语写的一封信 bad spelling 错误的拼写 a bad check [=a check that cannot be cashed] 空头支票 — see also bad language 2 a : not pleasant, pleasing, or enjoyable令人不快的;令人沮丧的 He had a bad day at the office. 这天上班他碰上许多倒霉事。 I was having a bad dream. 我当时正在做噩梦。 She made a very bad impression on her future colleagues. 她给未来的同事们留下了很不好的印象。 The food tastes bad. 这食物不好吃。 The flower smells bad. 这花很难闻。 He has bad breath. [=breath that smells bad] 他有口臭。 We've been having bad weather lately. 最近天气一直不好。 The medicine left a bad taste in his mouth. 这种药服用后在他嘴里留下了难闻的味道。 It feels bad [=uncomfortable, painful] to stretch out my arm. 我伸直胳膊感觉很不舒服。 I look bad in this hat. = This hat looks bad on me. 我戴这顶帽子不好看。 That hat doesn't look bad on you. [=that hat looks good on you] 那顶帽子你戴上还不错。 b : having, marked by, or relating to problems, troubles, etc.不好的;不妙的;有麻烦的 good and bad news 好消息和坏消息 They have remained together in good times and bad (times). 他们一直同甘共苦,不离不弃。 It's a bad time for business right now. 现在不适合经商。 a bad omen 不祥之兆 bad luck/fortune 坏运气 Things are looking pretty bad for us at this point. 看起来现在情况对我们不利。 I have a bad feeling about this. 我对此有种不祥之感 — see also bad blood, bad news c : not adequate or suitable不充分的;不合适的 I couldn't take a picture because the lighting was bad. 由于灯光不够亮,我无法拍照。 It's a bad day for a picnic. 这天气不适合野餐。 She made a bad marriage. 她的婚姻很不幸。 Is this a bad moment/time to have a word with you? 现在和你讲话是不是不方便? d : not producing or likely to produce a good result结果不好的;糟糕的 a bad deal 亏本买卖 a bad risk 风险很大的保险对象 a bad idea/plan 馊主意;烂计划 The plan has its good points and its bad points. 这个计划有优点,也有缺点。 a bad debt [=a debt that will not be paid] 坏账 a bad loan [=a loan that will not be repaid] 不良贷款 e : expressing criticism or disapproval批评的;不赞成的 The movie got bad reviews. 这部电影遭到恶评。 3 a : not healthy : marked or affected by injury or disease不健康的;伤病的 His health is pretty bad. = He's in pretty bad health. 他的健康状况很差。 The patient was pretty bad [=ill, sick] last week and even worse yesterday but is doing better now. 病人上周病得很厉害,昨天病情甚至更重了,不过现在好些了。 He came home early because he was feeling pretty bad. [=he wasn't feeling well] 他感觉身体很不舒服,所以早早就回家了。 My father has a bad back/leg. [=a back/leg that is always or often painful] 我父亲总是背/腿疼。 She has bad eyesight/hearing. 她的视力/听力不好。 bad teeth 坏牙 b : causing harm or trouble有害的 a bad diet 不健康饮食 a bad influence 不良影响 bad cholesterol [=a type of cholesterol that can cause serious health problems when there is too much of it in your blood] 有害胆固醇 — often + for Eating too much can be bad for you. = It can be bad for you to eat too much. 饮食过量可能伤身体。 Eating all that candy is bad for your teeth. 把那些糖果全吃掉有损你的牙齿。 Watching too much TV is bad for children. 看电视时间过长有损孩子健康 4 a : not morally good or right : morally evil or wrong不道德的;邪恶的 a bad person 坏蛋 bad conduct/behavior 恶劣行为 a man of bad character 品行不良的人 bad intentions/deeds 不良居心;劣迹 It's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys in this movie. 这部电影里很难分辨出好人和坏人。 — see also bad faith b : not behaving properly不听话的;不礼貌的 a bad dog 不听话的狗 I'm afraid your son has been a very bad [=naughty] boy. 恐怕你儿子是个捣蛋鬼吧。 — see also bad boy 5 a : not skillful : not doing or able to do something well不擅长的;拙劣的 a bad musician 差劲的音乐家 a bad doctor 庸医 She was pretty bad in that movie. [=she did not act well] 她在那部电影里演得很差劲。 — often + at a doctor who's bad at treating nervous patients 不擅长给紧张的患者看病的医生 He's very/really bad at expressing his true feelings. 他很不善于表达自己的真实情感 b : having a tendency not to do something总做不到的 — + about He's bad about getting to work on time. [=he often fails to get to work on time] 他总不能准点上班。 I'm very bad about remembering people's birthdays. [=I often forget people's birthdays] 我总是记不住别人的生日。 6 a : not happy or pleased : feeling regret or guilt about something难过的;遗憾的,内疚的 I feel bad about what happened. [=I regret what happened] 我对所发生的事感到难过。 She felt bad that she forgot to call. = She felt bad about forgetting to call. 她因忘了打电话而感到歉疚。 b : not cheerful or calm不开心的;不平静的 She's in a bad mood. [=an angry mood] 她心情不好。 He has a bad temper. [=he's bad-tempered; he becomes angry easily] 他脾气不好。 7 : serious or severe严重的;剧烈的 She's in bad trouble. 她遇上大麻烦了。 He has a bad cough/cold. 他咳嗽/感冒很严重。 That bruise looks bad: you'd better see a doctor about it. 那块瘀伤看上去挺严重,你最好去看看医生。 How bad is the pain? 疼得厉害吗? 8 : no longer good to eat or drink : not fresh不新鲜的;变质的 the smell of bad fish 臭鱼味 Is the milk still good or has it gone bad? [=spoiled] 这牛奶是好的还是坏的? 9 chiefly US, informal badder; baddest a : very good非常好的;顶呱呱的 He's the baddest guitar player you'll ever hear! 他将会是你听过的最棒的吉他手! b : very tough or dangerous粗野的;危险的 Don't mess around with him. He's a bad dude. 别跟他瞎混,他是个粗野的家伙。 a bad job — see job a bad lot — see lot bad apple — see apple come to a bad end — see 1end from bad to worse : from a bad state or condition to an even worse state or condition愈来愈坏;每况愈下 The company has been struggling for years, and things have recently gone from bad to worse. 公司多年来一直在惨淡经营,最近则是每况愈下。 in a bad way : in a bad condition陷入麻烦;处于困境 Without enough funding, public services are in a pretty bad way right now. 由于缺乏足够的资金,公共设施的状况现在很是糟糕。 The patient was in a bad way last week but is doing better now. 上周病人的病情很严重,但现在好些了。 in someone's bad books — see 1book not bad : fairly good or quite good不错;很好 All things considered, she's not a bad singer. [=she's a pretty good singer] 综合考虑,她是一名很不错的歌手。 “How are you?” “Not (too/so) bad, thanks. And you?” “你好吗?”“还不错,谢谢。你怎么样? too bad 1 — used to show that you are sorry or feel bad about something可惜,不幸(表遗憾或难过) It's too bad [=unfortunate] that John and Mary are getting divorced. = It's too bad about John and Mary getting divorced. [=I'm sorry to hear that John and Mary are getting divorced] 约翰和玛丽要离婚了,真是太遗憾了。 “I won't be able to come to the party.” “(That's) Too bad. I was hoping you'd be there.” “我不能去参加聚会了。”“那太遗憾了,我刚才还盼着你会去呢。” 2 — used in an ironic way to show that you are not sorry or do not feel bad about something可惜,不幸(用作讽刺之意) “But I need your help!” “(That's just) Too bad.” “但我需要你的帮助!”“(那可)太不幸了 with bad grace — see 1grace — badness noun [noncount] the badness of his behavior 他的行为的恶劣性 the badness [=severity] of his injuries 他的伤势的严重性 There's more goodness than badness in him. 在他身上,善多于恶。 2 bad /ˈbæd/ adverb worse; worst US, informal : badly She was struggling when she first started the job, but she's not doing so bad now. [=she's doing fairly well now] 她刚开始做这份工作时很吃力,但现在干得相当不错了。 He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough. 他还没有成功,因为他对成功的渴望还不够强烈。 He cut himself real bad. [=very badly] 他把自己割成了重伤。 I need a vacation and I need it bad. [=I need it very much] 我需要休假,非常迫切地需要。 “Is he in love with her?” “Oh yeah, he's got it bad.” [=he's extremely in love with her] “他与她相爱了吗?”“哦,是的,不能自己。” bad off US 1 : having little money贫穷的 They're pretty bad off [=they don't have enough money] now that he's lost his job. 由于他失业了,他们现在手头十分拮据。 We're not rich, but we're not too bad off (for money). [=we're not poor] 我们不富有,但我们也不是很穷。 2 : in a bad or difficult situation or condition形势不利的;境况不好的 When I heard how bad off they were, I asked if I could do anything to help. 听说他们处境很糟,我便问了问是否能帮上什么忙。 This state isn't too bad off compared to other parts of the country. 与该国其他地方相比,这个州的状况还不算很差 3 bad /ˈbæd/ noun 1 [noncount] : morally bad forces or influences : evil邪恶势力;不良影响 There's more good than bad in him. 在他身上,善多于恶 We need to teach our children the difference between good and bad. 我们要教会孩子区分善恶 2 the bad a [singular] : the unpleasant things that happen to people厄运;不幸 You have to take the good with the bad. [=you have to accept the bad things that happen to you as well as the good things] 你必须接受人生的苦与乐。 b [singular] : things that are morally wrong不道德的事;坏事 teaching children the difference between the good and the bad 教育孩子们分辨是非 c [plural] : morally bad people品德败坏之人 He believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell. 他相信好人死后上天堂,坏人死后下地狱。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • badminton

    英 ['bædmɪntən]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692047579-019b0b27113bc3d.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['bædmɪntən]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692047593-019b0b27113bc3d.mp3"][/audio]  n. 羽毛球 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 badminton 高中必修500 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版必修B3U3 /ˈbædmɪntən/ n. 羽毛球 高考真题原句提选: The twins, who had finished their homework, were allowed to play badminton on the playground. The girl has a great interest in sport and has been taking badminton classes twice a week over the last three years. 二、词组|习惯用语 badminton court 羽毛球场 badminton racket 羽毛球拍 三、词根记忆 badminton n. 羽毛球You mad madam, my dad doesn't like the bad badminton pad.你這個瘋太太,我爸爸不喜歡這種壞羽毛球墊. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] badminton bad·min·ton / 5bAdmintEn / noun [U] a game like tennis played by two or four people, usually indoors. Players hit a small light kind of ball, originally with feathers around it (= a shuttlecock ) across a high net using a racket . 羽毛球运动 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] badminton /ˈbædmɪntən/ noun [uncountable] badminton.jpga game that is similar to tennis but played with a shuttlecock (=small feathered object) instead of a ball 羽毛球 → See picture on 见图 Page A10 Sports centre 体育运动中心 → see picture at 见图 sport1 Origin badminton (1800-1900) Badminton grand house in Gloucestershire, England where it was first played [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] badminton ★☆☆☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词羽毛球运动 Badminton is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court with a high net across the middle. The players try to score points by hitting a small object called a shuttlecock across the net using a racket. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] badminton /ˈbædˌmɪtn̩/ noun [noncount] : a game in which a light feathered object (called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets羽毛球运动 — see picture at racket [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bag

    英 [bæɡ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692047875-4a82715423d654d.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bæɡ]    [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692047884-4a82715423d654d.mp3"][/audio] n. 袋;袋状物;包;一袋的量 vt. 把 ... 装进袋子;使膨胀;猎杀 vi. (如袋子般)松垂 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bag 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:14 /bæɡ/ n. bags 9 书包;提包;袋子 高考真题原句提选: The artist packed his bags and left. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl. 二、词组|习惯用语 bags of [俚语]许多的,充足的 in the bag 十拿九稳的;稳操胜券的 plastic bag 塑料袋;塑胶袋 paper bag 纸袋子 bag filter 袋式过滤器;袋滤器 shopping bag n. 购物袋 filter bag 过滤袋 sleeping bag 睡袋 air bag [机]气囊 cosmetic bag 化妆包;化妆袋 a bag of nails 颠三倒四;混乱 tea bag n. 茶叶袋 hand bag 手提袋,手提包 travel bag 旅行袋 cloth bag 布袋 bags under the eyes [口语]眼睛下面的鼓胀,肿眼泡 woven bag 编织袋;布袋;聚丙烯编织带 laundry bag 洗衣袋 vacuum bag 真空袋;真空加压袋 ice bag 冰袋(用于身体消肿,镇痛) 三、词根记忆 bag n. 袋,提包v.把…裝入袋中;獵殺;占有The lagging man tagged the bags among the luggage with small flags.落伍者給行李中的袋子加上小旗標簽. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bag [bag] (-gg-) ,bag sth 'up ■to put sth, usually large amounts of sth, into a bag or bags把(常指大量的东西)装进袋子: The vegetables are bagged up on the farm and then sent out to the shop. 蔬菜在农场装袋后送到商店。 ■[NOTE]Bag sth can also be used with this meaning. bag sth 也可作此义。 [G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bag / bA^ / noun CONTAINER 容器 1. [C] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a container made of paper or plastic, that opens at the top, used especially in shops / stores (尤指商店用的)纸袋,塑料袋: a plastic / polythene / paper bag 塑料/聚乙烯/纸袋 a laundry / mail bag 洗衣袋;邮袋 a black plastic rubbish / garbage bag 一只黑色塑料垃圾袋 2. [C] a strong container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc., usually with six or ten handles, used to carry things in when shopping or travelling 手提包;旅行袋: a shopping bag 购物袋 a make-up bag 化妆品提包 He's upstairs unpacking his bags. 他在楼上打开他的旅行袋取出东西。 She opened her bag (= her handbag ) and took out her comb. 她打开手提包,取出梳子。 ⇨ see also airbag , beanbag , bumbag , goody bag , punchbag , sandbag , tea bag AMOUNT 数量 3. [C] ~ (of sth) the amount contained in a bag 一袋(的量): She ate a bag of chips. 她吃了一袋炸土豆条。 ⇨ see also mixed bag , ragbag 4. bags (of sth) [U, pl.] (BrE, informal) a large amount or a large number of sth 大量;很多: Get in! There's bags of room. 进来吧!地方很空。 UNDER EYES 眼下方 5. bags [pl.] dark circles or loose folds of skin under the eyes, as a result of getting old or lack of sleep 黑眼圈;眼袋 UNPLEASANT WOMAN 讨厌的女人 6. [C] (informal, especially BrE) an insulting word for an unpleasant or bad-tempered older woman 丑妇,泼妇(指讨厌或坏脾气的年长女人) ⇨ see also ratbag , scumbag , windbag BIRDS / ANIMALS 鸟;动物 7. [C, usually sing.] all the birds, animals, etc. shot or caught on six occasion (一次)猎获物 HELP There are many other compounds ending in bag. You will find them at their place in the alphabet. 以 bag 结尾的复合词还有很多,可在各字母中的适当位置查到。 IDIOMS ▪ 7bag and 'baggage with all your possessions, especially secretly or suddenly (尤指秘密地或突然地)携带全部财产: He threw her out onto the street, bag and baggage. 他突然把她连人带东西一股脑儿扔到大街上。 ▪ a 7bag of 'bones (informal) a very thin person or animal 瘦骨嶙峋的人(或动物);皮包骨 ▪ be in the 'bag (informal) if sth is in the bag, it is almost certain to be won or achieved 十拿九稳;稳操胜券 ▪ leave sb holding the 'bag (NAmE, informal) to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important, such as finishing a difficult job, that is really your responsibility 突然把重担推给某人 ▪ (not) sb's 'bag (informal) (not) sth that you are interested in or good at (非)爱好,特长: Poetry isn't really my bag. 我其实并不擅长诗歌。 ⇨ more at cat , nerve n., pack v., trick n. verb (-gg-) ▪ [VN] PUT INTO BAGS 装进袋子 1. ~ sth (up) to put sth into bags 把…装进袋子: The fruit is washed, sorted and bagged at the farm. 水果在农场洗净、分拣并装袋。 CATCH ANIMAL 捕猎动物 2. (informal) to catch or kill an animal 捕获,猎杀(动物) IN SPORT 体育运动 3. (informal) to score a goal, point, etc. 得分: Dublin bagged ten goals in last night's win. 在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队射进了两球。 CLAIM STH 声称拥有 4. (BrE, informal) to claim sth as yours before sb else claims it; to take sth before sb else can get it 抢占;占有: Sally had managed to bag the ten best seats. 萨莉抢到了那两个最好的位子。 Quick, bag that table over there! 快点占住那边的桌子! 5. (AustralE, NZE, informal) to criticize sb / sth 批评;挑剔;指责 ▪ bags (I)... (BrE) (NAmE 'dibs on...) used to claim sth as yours before sb else can claim it …是我的;我要求…: Bags I sit in the front seat! 我一定要坐前面的位子! [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bag1 /bæɡ/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countable] 1  ldoce_015.pngCONTAINER 容器 a) a container made of paper, cloth, or thin plastic, that usually opens at the top 袋;包;囊 a paper bag 纸袋 a plastic bag 塑料袋 a garbage bag 垃圾袋 b) a handbag 手提袋,手提包 Don’t leave your bag in the car. 不要把手提包留在汽车里。 c) a large bag that you use to carry your clothes etc when you are travelling 旅行袋 Just throw your bags in the back of the car. 把你的行李放在车后部好了。 a garment bag 放衣服的旅行袋 → See picture of bin liner BrE【英】/garbage bag AmE【美】垃圾袋, label 标签, ribbon 丝带 ... → See picture of 见图 bag → See picture of 见图 CONTAINER 2  AMOUNT 数量 the amount that a bag will hold 一袋之量,一(满)袋 bag of a bag of popcorn 一袋爆玉米花 3  old/stupid bag spoken an insulting word for an old woman 老东西,老太婆〔侮辱性用语〕 You silly old bag! 你这愚蠢的老东西! 4  A LOT OF STH 许多东西bags of something British English spoken a lot of something 很多东西 SYN plenty She’s got bags of money. 她有的是钱。 No need to rush – we’ve got bags of time. 不用急,我们还有很多时间。 5  pack your bags informal to leave a place where you have been living, usually after an argument 〔通常在争吵之后〕收拾行李离开 We told her to pack her bags at once. 我们叫她立刻收拾东西走人。 6. EYES 眼睛bags [plural] dark circles or loose skin under your eyes, usually because of old age or being tired 黑眼圈;眼袋 7. a bag of bones informal a person or animal who is too thin 瘦骨嶙峋的人[动物],皮包骨 8  in the bag informal certain to be won or achieved 囊中之物;十拿九稳,稳操胜券 The governor’s advisors believe the election is in the bag. 州长的顾问认为这次选举已经胜券在握。 9  TROUSERS 裤子bags [plural] British English old-fashioned loose-fitting trousers 肥裤子,宽松裤 Oxford bags 牛津裤 10  not somebody’s bag old-fashioned informal something that someone is not very interested in or not very good at 不是某人的爱好[专长] Thanks, but dancing is not really my bag. 谢谢,可跳舞我实在不行。 11  bag and baggage British English with all your possessions 带着全部财物 They threw her out of the house, bag and baggage. 他们把她连人带东西全都撵出了房子。 12  HUNTING 打猎 [usually singular] British English the number of birds or animals that someone kills when they go hunting 〔一次打猎所获的〕捕猎物 We had a good bag that day. 那天我们猎获甚丰。 → sleeping bag, airbag, duffel bag, tote bag, beanbag, punchbag, sandbag1, teabag, → let the cat out of the bag at cat(2), → be left holding the bag at hold1(26), → a mixed bag at mixed(6) Related topics: Other sports bag2 verb (bagged, bagging) [transitive] 1  to put things into bags 把〔东西〕装进袋[包]里 He got a job bagging groceries. 他找到一份工作,负责把杂货装袋。 2  informal to manage to get something that a lot of people want 占有,抢占〔许多人都想要的东西〕 3  British English informal to score a goal or a point in sport 进球,得分 4  especially British English informal to kill or catch an animal or bird 猎杀,猎捕〔兽或鸟〕 5. be bagged and zip-tied if prisoners are bagged and zip-tied, bags are put over their heads and their hands are tied together 〔囚犯〕头上套袋双手被绑 6 bag something ↔ up phrasal verb especially British English to put things into bags 把…装入袋中 Origin bag1 (1200-1300) Old Norse baggi [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bag ★★★★☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词(纸质或塑料)袋 A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example one that is used in shops to put things in that a customer has bought. 【搭配模式】:usu N of n A bag of things is the amount of things contained in a bag.一袋之量 2.N-COUNT 可数名词拎袋;旅行袋 A bag is a strong container with one or two handles, used to carry things in. She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她提着一个购物袋离开了酒店。 A bag of things is the amount of things contained in a bag.一拎袋之量;一旅行袋之量 3.N-COUNT 可数名词同handbag A bag is the same as a handbag . →see usage note at:baggage 4.N-PLURAL 复数名词眼袋 If you have bags under your eyes, you have folds of skin there, usually because you have not had enough sleep. 5.QUANT 数量词大量;很多 If you say there is bags of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it. If you say that there are bags of things, you mean that there are a large number of them. 【搭配模式】:QUANT of pl-n/n-uncount 【语用信息】:emphasis 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 ...a hotel with bags of character. 很有特色的酒店 6.N-COUNT 可数名词老娘们;丑老太婆;蠢妇 If someone calls a woman an old bag or a stupid bag, they are insulting her. 【语用信息】:disapproval 【STYLE标签】:OFFENSIVE 冒犯 7.VERB 动词抢先占有 If you bag something that a lot of people want, you get it for yourself before anyone else can get it. 【语法信息】:V n 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them. 聪明人早已在座位上放一张卡片占住了位子。 8.See also:bum bag;carrier bag;mixed bag;shoulder-bag;sleeping bag;tea bag; 9.PHRASE 短语囊中之物;稳操胜券;十拿九稳 If you say that something is in the bag, you mean that you are certain that you will get it or achieve it. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 'I'll get the Republican nomination,' he assured me. 'It's in the bag.' “我会得到共和党提名的,”他向我保证,“这是十拿九稳的事。” 10.PHRASE 短语背别人甩掉的包袱;背黑锅 If you are left holding the bag, you are put in a situation where you are responsible for something, often in an unfair way because other people fail or refuse to take responsibility for it. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【语域标签】:AM 美 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong. 如果出了什么问题,我可不想替人背黑锅。 in BRIT, use 英国英语用 be left holding the baby 11.PHRASE 短语收拾行李;打点行装 If you pack your bags, you leave a place where you have been staying or living. 【搭配模式】:V inflects Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags. 警察来到他的酒店,命令他收拾行李走人。 12. to let the cat out of the bag→see: cat; 相关词组: bag up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bag /ˈbæg/ noun plural bags 1 [count] a : a container made of thin material (such as paper, plastic, or cloth) that opens at the top and is used for holding or carrying things纸袋;塑料袋;布袋 She packed her lunch in a paper bag. 她把午餐打包装在纸袋里。 (US) a garbage/trash bag = (Brit) a rubbish bag 垃圾袋 (US) shopping bags = (Brit) carrier bags [=plastic or paper bags used for holding items bought at a store] 购物袋 (US) grocery bags 杂货袋 b : a soft container carried by a woman and used to hold money and other small things (such as keys or makeup)(女士)手提包 She put the pencil in her bag. 她把铅笔放进了手提包。 — see also handbag, shoulder bag c : a container used for carrying personal things (such as clothes) when you are going somewhere手提箱;旅行包 an overnight bag 短途旅行包 a gym bag 运动包 — usually plural通常用复数 We carried our bags [=suitcases, luggage] to the hotel room. 我们把行李带进酒店房间。 She packed her bags and left. 她收拾好行李走了。 2 [count] : the amount of something that is inside a bag一袋(的量) We ate two bags [=bagfuls] of potato chips. 我们吃了两袋炸土豆条。 a bag of apples/flour/fertilizer 一袋苹果/面粉/化肥 3 bags [plural] : an area of swollen and often dark skin under a person's eyes黑眼圈;眼袋 a tired old man with bags under his eyes 眼袋下垂的疲惫老人 4 [singular] : a collection of different things (such as ideas)一批;一套 They tried using their usual bag of tricks. 他们试图使用那套惯用的伎俩。 — see also grab bag, mixed bag, ragbag 5 [singular] informal + old-fashioned : something that a person likes to do : something that a person does well爱好;特长 Housecleaning isn't her bag. [=she doesn't like housecleaning] 她不喜欢打扫房屋。 I've tried living in the city, but it's just not my bag. 我尝试过居住在城里,但那不是我喜欢的生活。 6 [count] baseball : a square white bag that marks the position of first base, second base, and third base垒;垒包;垒垫 He slid into the bag and was safe at second base. 他滑进垒包,成功上二垒。 7 [count] informal — used as an insulting word for an old woman老太婆;老婆子 Shut up, you old bag! 闭嘴,你这个老娘们! 8 bags [plural] British, informal : a large amount of something大量;许多 There's no need to hurry. We've still got bags [=lots] of time. 不用着急,我们还有很多时间 a bag of nerves — see nerve bag and baggage chiefly British : with all of your possessions连同全部财物 He got rid of the visitors, bag and baggage. [=altogether, completely] 他把那些来访者连人带东西一股脑儿给赶走了 hold the bag — see 1hold in the bag informal : sure to happen十拿九稳;确定无疑 Their success was in the bag. [=guaranteed] 他们胜券在握。 : certain to be successful稳操胜券 We had the game in the bag [=sewn up] by the end of first half. 上半场结束时,我们已经稳操胜券了 She seemed to have the election in the bag. [=she seemed sure to win the election] 她赢得选举似乎已成定局。 let the cat out of the bag — see cat 2 bag /ˈbæg/ verb bags; bagged; bagging [+ object] 1 : to put (something) into a bag把…装进袋子 He got a job bagging groceries. 他找了份给杂货装袋的工作。 2 : to kill or catch (an animal) while hunting, fishing, etc.捕杀,捕获(动物) The hunters bagged five deer altogether. 猎人们一共捕获了五只鹿。 We bagged 10 fish today. 我们今天捞到10条鱼。 3 informal : to get (something desired)获得;占有 She's expected to bag the award for the team's most valuable player. 她有望获得全队最佳球员的荣誉。 I bagged the last seat so everyone else had to stand. 我占了最后一个座位,其他人只好站着。 4 US, informal : to give up or leave (something)放弃;离开 She decided to bag her job and move to the country. 她决定放弃工作,搬到乡下去。 He finally bagged his acting career and went back to school. 他最终放弃了演艺事业,重返校园。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bakery

    英 ['beɪkəri]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692048128-ddf72373feb4952.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['beɪkəri]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692048139-ddf72373feb4952.mp3"][/audio]   n. 面包店;面包厂 名词复数: bakeries [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bakery 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:2 教材出处:译林版选必修B1U1 /ˈbeɪkərɪ/ n. bakeries 0 面包店 高考真题原句提选: A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery into a small hotel next door. 二、词组|习惯用语 bakery and confectionery 食品厂 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bakery bakery / 5beikEri / noun (pl. -ies) (NAmE also bake·shop) a place where bread and cakes are made and / or sold 麪包(糕饼)店;麪包(糕饼)烘房;麪包厂 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ ●●○ (also baker’s /ˈbeɪkəz $ -ərz/ British English) noun (plural bakeries) [countable] a place where bread and cakes are baked, or a shop where they are sold 面包[糕饼]烘房;面包[糕饼]店 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bakery ★☆☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词面包(或糕饼)烘房;面包(或糕饼)店 A bakery is a building where bread, pastries, and cakes are baked, or the shop where they are sold. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery. 一阵面包的香味从远处的面包房飘来。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ noun plural bakeries [count] : a place where bread, cakes, cookies, and other baked foods are made or sold面包房;糕饼店 They work at/in a bakery. 他们在面包房做事。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • balance

    英 ['bæləns]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692048343-2069ca795d8e10a.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bæləns]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692048333-2069ca795d8e10a.mp3"][/audio]   n. 平衡;天平;平静;结余;差额;调和;制衡 vt. 权衡;使平衡;抵消;称重量 vi. 均衡;建立平衡 过去式: balanced 过去分词: balanced 现在分词: balancing 第三人称单数: balances [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 balance 高中必修500 全国卷频次:5 教材出处:译林版必修B1U1 /ˈbæləns/ n.&v. balances 0 balances 0 balancing 2 balanced 0 平衡 & 使平衡;权衡 高考真题原句提选: He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情). Through such a balance, he had created a new type of Chinese architecture, said Tadao Ando. So we must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to balance the ecology. With only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a distance of 131 feet. Balancing Our Daily Diet 二、词组|习惯用语 balance of 平衡 in balance adv. 总而言之,总的来说 in the balance 悬而未决;在危急状态中 balance sheet 资产负债表 on balance 总而言之,总的来说 ecological balance 生态平衡 hold the balance 举足轻重 strike a balance 结帐;公平处理 energy balance [化]能量平衡,能量衡算 out of balance 不平衡,失去平衡 dynamic balance 动态平衡,动平衡 heat balance 热平衡;热量衡算 balance method 天平测比重法;平衡表法 material balance 物料平衡;物料衡算 balance equation 平衡方程,平衡方程式 water balance 水平衡;液体平衡 on the balance [经]两抵 load balance 负载平衡 balance of power (国际间的)均势;力量对比 mass balance 质量平衡;物料平衡 三、词根记忆 balance v. 稱,(使)平衡n.天平;平衡,均衡;差額,餘款I glimpsed the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by chance.我碰巧瞥見舞蹈者在救護車上使自己保持平衡. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] balance [ˈbal(ə)ns] 'balance A against B ■to compare the value or importance of one plan, argument, etc. against another将(两计划、论点等)进行比较;权衡(两事物的)重要性: You must balance the high salary against the long working hours. 你必须权衡高工资和长工时两者的利弊。 [synonym]set sth against sth [G]v+n/pron+prep ,balance 'out; ,balance sth 'out/ 'up ■if things that are very different or have opposite effectsbalance out or you balance them out, they become equal in amount or value(使) … 相等,抵消: If you eat a variety of food, protein and carbohydrate will balance out over a week. 饮食多样化,一个星期之后蛋白质和碳水化合物就均衡了。 We need to invite three more girls to balance up the numbers }(= so that there are equal numbers of boys and girls)&b{. 我们得再邀请三个女孩,这样男女就一样多了。 [G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bal·ance / 5bAlEns / noun EQUAL AMOUNTS 等量 1. [U, sing.] ~ (between A and B) a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts 均衡;平衡;均势 ⇨ see also imbalance : Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. 尽量保持工作与休闲均衡。 This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. 这份报纸不偏不倚地报道不同的意见。 Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. 观光客常常破坏岛上微妙的自然生态平衡。 His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind. 妻子的离世使他心神不宁。 OF BODY 身体 2. [U] the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body 平衡能力: Athletes need a good sense of balance. 运动员要有良好的平衡感。 I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. 我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。 She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. 她骑车拐弯时失去平衡,摔了下来。 MONEY 钱 3. [C, usually sing.] the amount that is left after taking numbers or money away from a total 余额: to check your bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in your account) 核对银行结存 4. [C, usually sing.] an amount of money still owed after some payment has been made 结欠: The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days. 500 元结欠款必须于 90 天之内付清。 INSTRUMENT FOR WEIGHING 秤 5. [C] an instrument for weighing things, with a bar that is supported in the middle and has dishes hanging from each end 天平;秤 IDIOMS ▪ (on) the balance of 'evidence / proba'bility (formal) (considering) the evidence on both sides of an argument, to find the most likely reason for or result of sth (从)总的来说;(考虑)正反两方面;权衡双方证据 ▪ (be / hang) in the 'balance if the future of sth / sb, or the result of sth is / hangs in the balance, it is uncertain (前途)不明朗的;(结果)未定的,悬而未决: The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance. 航天计划的长远前景尚未明朗。 ▪ (catch / throw sb) off 'balance 1. to make sb / sth unsteady and in danger of falling 使失去平衡(而有跌落危险): I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其来的一阵风差点儿把我吹倒。 2. to make sb surprised and no longer calm 使(毫无准备而)不知所措: The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question. 参议员显然因这意想不到的问题而不知所措。 ▪ on 'balance after considering all the information 总的来说: On balance, the company has had a successful year. 总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。 ⇨ more at redress v., strike v., swing v., tip v. verb KEEP STEADY 保持平衡 1. ~ (sth) (on sth) to put your body or sth else into a position where it is steady and does not fall 使(在某物上)保持平衡;立稳: ▪ [V] How long can you balance on one leg? 你单腿能站多久? ▪ [VN] The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books. 电视机摆在一堆书上面好危险。 She balanced the cup on her knee. 她把杯子在膝盖上放稳。 BE / KEEP EQUAL (使)相等 2. ~ (sth) (out) to be equal in value, amount, etc. to sth else that has the opposite effect 相抵;抵消 SYN offset : ▪ [VN] This year's profits will balance our previous losses. 本年度的赢利将可弥补我们之前的亏损。 His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. 他的好学弥补了他经验的不足。 ▪ [V] The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out. 任何决策的效果往往利弊互见。 3. [VN] ~ A with / and B to give equal importance to two contrasting things or parts of sth 同等重视(相对的两个事物或方面): She tries to balance home life and career. 她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。 COMPARE 比较 4. ~ A against B to compare the relative importance of two contrasting things 比较(两个相对的事物);权衡重要性: The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits. 法律咨询的费用与其效益需通盘考虑。 MONEY 钱 5. [VN] (finance 财) to show that in an account the total money spent is equal to the total money received; to calculate the difference between the two totals 结平(账目) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] balance1 /ˈbæləns/ ●●● S2 W2 noun 1  STEADY 稳定的 [uncountable] a state in which all your weight is evenly spread so that you do not fall 平衡 I lost my balance and fell on my face. 我失去平衡,脸着地摔倒了。 2  EQUAL AMOUNTS 相等的数量 [singular, uncountable] a state in which opposite forces or influences exist in equal or the correct amounts, in a way that is good 均衡,均势,平衡 OPP imbalance balance between Try to keep a balance between work and play. 尽量保持工作和娱乐的平衡。 balance of Pesticides seriously upset the balance of nature. 农药严重破坏了自然界的平衡。 3  on balance if you think something on balance, you think it after considering all the facts 全面考虑之后,权衡利弊,总的说来 I think on balance I prefer the old system. 总的说来,我更喜欢旧的那套制度。 4  SURPRISE SB 令某人吃惊catch/throw somebody off balance to surprise someone and make them confused and no longer calm 使某人乱了方寸,使某人慌了手脚 The question caught him off balance. 这个问题使他不知所措。 5  BANK 银行 [countable] the amount of money that you have in your bank account 账户余额,结余 My bank balance isn’t good. 我的银行账户里余额不多了。 6  MONEY OWED 所欠的钱 [countable] the balance of a debt is the amount of money that you still owe after you have paid some of it 〔债务的〕余款 The balance is due at the end of the month. 余款要在月底支付。 7  REMAINING 剩余the balance the amount of something that remains after some has been used, spent, mentioned etc 剩余(部分) SYN the rest The firm owns about 96% of the portfolio, with the balance belonging to our family. 资产组合中,公司拥有96%左右的股份,剩余部分为我们家族所有。 8  be/hang in the balance if the future or success of something hangs in the balance, you cannot yet know whether the result will be bad or good 悬而未决,尚未明朗 Meanwhile, the fate of the refugees continues to hang in the balance. 与此同时,难民的命运仍然悬而未决。 9  tip/swing the balance to influence the result of an event 影响某事的结果,使结果倾向某方 The dignity and courage shown by the president may tip the balance in his party’s favour. 总统所表现出来的尊严和勇气可能对他的政党有利。 10. FOR WEIGHING 用于称重量 [countable] an instrument for weighing things, with two dishes that hang from a bar 天平,秤 SYN scales 11  MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH 精神/心理健康 [singular] when someone’s mind is healthy and their emotional state is normal 心境的平稳,正常的神志 The death of her friend had disturbed the balance of her mind. 朋友的死使她心神不宁。 12. the balance of evidence/probability etc the most likely answer or result produced by opposing information, reasons etc 权衡各种证据/可能性等后得出的结论→ checks and balances at check2(4)  COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a state in which all your weight is evenly spread so that you do not fall 平衡  COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a state in which opposite forces or influences exist in equal or the correct amounts, in a way that is good 均衡,均势,平衡 balance2 ●●● S3 verb 1  [intransitive, transitive] to be in or get into a steady position, without falling to one side or the other, or to put something into this position (使)平稳,(使)保持平衡 balance something on something She was balancing a plate of food on her knees. 她把一盘食物稳稳地放在膝上。 balance on He turned around, balancing awkwardly on one foot. 他转过身去,笨拙地单腿站立着。 2  [intransitive, transitive] to be equal in importance, amount, value, or effect to something that has the opposite effect (使)〔重要性、数量、价值或影响〕均衡,相抵,相等 Job losses in manufacturing were balanced by job increases in the service sector. 制造业职位减少了,而服务行业就业机会却增加了,正好相抵。 just enough sugar to balance the acidity of the fruit 正好可中和水果酸味的适量的糖 3  [transitive] to consider the importance of one thing in relation to something else when you are making a decision 权衡,斟酌,比较 balance something against something The courts must balance our liberty against the security of the nation. 法庭必须在我们的自由和国家安全之间作出权衡。 4. balance the budget if a government balances the budget, they make the amount of money that they spend equal to the amount of money available 平衡预算,使收支平衡 5. balance the books to show that the amount of money a business has received is equal to the amount spent 结平账目,平衡账目 6 balance out phrasal verb if two or more things balance out, the final result is that they are equal in amount, importance, or effect 相等,相平衡 → balancing act Origin balance1 (1200-1300) Old French Vulgar Latin bilancia, from Late Latin bilanx “having two pans”, from Latin lanx “plate” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] balance ★★★★☆ 1.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(使)保持平衡;(使)平稳 If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv 【语法信息】:V n prep/adv I balanced on the ledge... 我在窗台上站稳。 He balanced a football on his head. 他将一只足球稳稳地顶在头上。 2.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词平衡能力 Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance. 你现在服用的药物可能会影响身体的平衡能力。 3.V-RECIP-ERG 使(力量、重要性等)相等;使均衡;使持平 If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance. 【语法信息】:V n with n 【语法信息】:V pl-n 【语法信息】:pl-n V 【语法信息】:Also V with n Balance spicy dishes with mild ones... 做到辛辣菜和清淡菜比重相当。 The state has got to find some way to balance these two needs... 国家必须找出平衡这两种需求的办法。 Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. 货币市场上的供求将大致持平。 balanced This book is a well balanced biography. 此书是一部相当客观的传记。 4.N-SING 单数名词(力量、重要性等的)均衡,均势 A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 【搭配模式】:with supp Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values... 他们的婚姻在传统和现代价值观之间保持着微妙平衡。 There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods. 没有其他方法可以确保人们饮食均衡。 ...the ecological balance of the forest. 森林的生态平衡 5.N-SING 单数名词(尤指冲突或比赛中的)局面,胜利天平 If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. 【搭配模式】:the N ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour... 将使他们在战争中占据优势的威力巨大的新型火炮 The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment. 期末考试渐渐被连续性评估所取代。 6.VERB 动词权衡;对比;斟酌 If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. 【语法信息】:V n against n She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. 她谨慎地试图对宗教情感和民主自由两者作出权衡。 7.VERB 动词使(预算、经济等)平衡 If someone balances their budget or if a government balances the economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received. 【语法信息】:V n He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure. 他通过严格控制公共开支保持预算平衡。 8.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词结算(账目);(使)收支相等 If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V ...teaching them to balance the books... 教他们结平账目 To make the books balance, spending must fall and taxes must rise. 为了使收支相等,必须减少支出,增加税收。 9.N-COUNT 可数名词(银行账户的)余额,余数,结存 The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp I'd like to check the balance in my account please. 请查一下我的账户余额。 10.N-SING 单数名词(钱款的)剩余部分 The balance of an amount of money is what remains to be paid for something or what remains when part of the amount has been spent. 【搭配模式】:the N They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们应该在货到时支付余额。 11.See also:bank balance; 12.PHRASE 短语悬而未决;待定 If something hangs in the balance, it is uncertain whether it will happen or continue. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v The fate of a project which could revolutionise the use of computers in hospitals hangs in the balance. 可能给医院的计算机使用带来革命的项目仍然前途未明。 13.PHRASE 短语保持/失去平衡 If you keep your balance, for example when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over. 【搭配模式】:V inflects She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance... 她抓住扶手以保持平衡。 He swung around, almost losing his balance. 他蓦地转身,差点失去平衡。 14.PHRASE 短语(身体)失去平衡,几近跌倒 If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud. 一阵大风刮得他失去平衡,脸朝下摔在泥里。 15.PHRASE 短语惊慌失措;迷惑不解 If you are thrown off balance by something, you are surprised or confused by it. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance. 她尽力装作对他的造访并不吃惊。 16.PHRASE 短语权衡之后;全面考虑之后;总的来说 You can say on balance to indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl On balance he agreed with Christine. 总的来说,他同意克里斯蒂娜的意见。 相关词组: balance out [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 balance /ˈbæləns/ noun plural balances 1 [noncount] a : the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall(身体的)平衡 He held on to the rail for balance. = He held on to the rail to keep/maintain his balance. 他抓住扶手以保持身体平衡。 She had trouble keeping her balance as the boat rocked back and forth. 小船来回摇晃,她很难保持平衡。 The skater suddenly lost his balance and fell. 滑冰者突然失去平衡,摔倒了。 Another skater bumped into him and knocked/threw him off balance. 另一个滑冰者撞到他身上,使他失去了平衡。 ◊ In figurative use, to knock/throw someone off balance or keep someone off balance is to make someone feel unsure about how to behave or what to expect.(用作比喻)不知所措 He was surprised and thrown off balance by her strong personality. 她的个性之强令他诧异,不知如何应对。 The sudden change in the schedule knocked me off balance. 日程突然改变让我不知所措。 The author keeps her readers off balance by always changing the subject. 这个作者总在变换她的话题,把读者弄得云里雾里。 b : the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling平衡能力 Gymnasts need flexibility and balance. 体操运动员要具有柔韧性和平衡能力。 She has a good sense of balance. 她的平衡感很不错。 2 [singular] : a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance平衡;均衡 To provide balance in her news story, she interviewed members of both political parties. 为使新闻报道不偏不倚,她对两个政党的成员都进行了采访。 Temperature changes could upset the delicate balance of life in the forest. 气温变化可能会打乱森林脆弱的生态平衡。 To lose weight you need the proper/right balance of diet and exercise. 你想减肥就需要注意饮食和运动的合理平衡。 The food had a perfect balance of sweet and spicy flavors. 这种食品很好地融合了甜和辣两种味道。 He needs to achieve/create/strike a better balance between his work life and his family life. [=he needs to spend less time at work and more time with his family] 他需要更好地平衡他的事业和家庭生活。 He's trying to keep his work life and his family life in balance. = He's trying to keep his work life in balance with his family life. [=he's trying to give a proper of amount of time and attention to both his work life and his family life] 他正在努力使他的事业和家庭生活保持平衡。 It's important to keep your life in balance. 保持你的生活平衡很重要。 His work life and his family life are out of balance. = His work life is out of balance with his family life. 他的事业和他的家庭生活失衡了。 If these ingredients are out of balance [=not used in good or correct amounts], the dish will not taste good. 如果这些调料的用量掌握不当,菜的味道就不会好。 The death of his wife threw/sent his life out of balance. 妻子的去世使他的生活失去了平衡。 3 a [count] : the amount of money in a bank account账户结存;账户余额 He has a comfortable/healthy/hefty bank balance. [=he has plenty of money in the bank] 他有很多银行存款。 You must maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 [=you must keep at least $1,000] in your bank account. 你的银行账户至少要有1000美元的余额。 b [count] : the amount of money that still needs to be paid结欠:差额 What are the unpaid balances on your credit cards? 你的信用卡有多少应付欠款? The bill was $500 and we've received $400, so the balance (of the bill) is $100. 账单是500美元,我们已收400美元,因此还差100美元。 c the balance : something that remains or is left over after other things have been done or used剩余部分 We planned to stay there for the balance [=the rest, the remainder] of the summer. 我们打算在那儿度过余夏。 Although the beginning is funny, the balance of the book is very serious. 这本书的开头部分很有趣,但后面的内容很严肃。 4 [count] : a device that measures weight and shows how heavy things are : scale天平;秤 — see also checks and balances in the balance ◊ If something (such as your future) hangs in the balance or is in the balance, it is not certain but will soon be known or decided.(未来)不明朗;(事情)未定,悬而未决 Our future hangs in the balance as we await their decision. [=our future depends on their decision; their decision will control our future] 我们的未来尚不可知,取决于他们的决定。 With his job in the balance, he went to ask his boss for a raise. 尽管有可能导致饭碗不保,他还是去找了老板要求加薪 on balance : with all things considered : in general总的说来 The meeting went well on balance. 会议总的说来进展不错 Although our lives are difficult now, I believe that on balance we are becoming stronger people. 尽管现在我们的生活很艰难,但我认为总的说来我们的民族正在变得更加强大。 tip the balance — see 1tip 2 balance /ˈbæləns/ verb balances; balanced; balancing 1 : to make (something, such as a plate or your body) steady by keeping weight equal on all sides使平衡 [+ object] — usually + on The waiters balanced the food on large trays. 服务生把食物均匀地放在大托盘上。 She learned to walk while balancing a book on her head. 她学习把一本书平放在头顶上走路。 Can you balance a spoon on your nose? 你能把一个勺子平放在你的鼻子上吗? [no object] I find it difficult to balance on one foot. 我发现单脚站立很难保持平衡。 He had trouble balancing on his skis. 他在滑雪板上很难保持平衡。 He helped his daughter balance on her bicycle before she started peddling. 他在女儿开始蹬脚蹬之前,帮她在自行车上保持平衡。 — see also balancing act at 1act 2 a [+ object] : to adjust (an account or budget) so that the amount of money available is more than or equal to the amount of money that has been spent使(账户的借方和贷方)平衡;使(预算)平衡 The legislature is still trying to balance the state's budget. 立法机构仍在努力使该州预算保持平衡。 a balanced budget 平衡的预算 b : to check and make adjustments to financial records so that they are accurate结平(账户);销(账) [+ object] He balances his checkbook every month. 他每月都结算他的支票簿。 The company hasn't done a good job balancing the books. [=keeping a record of the money it spends and earns] 这家公司没能结平账目。 [no object] Something's wrong: the books don't balance. 出问题了:账目没有结平。 3 [+ object] : to make (different or opposite things) equal in strength or importance使(力量或重要性)均衡 She's able to balance her career with her family life. = She balances work and family. 她能够做到事业与家庭兼顾。 The group is balanced between new and old members. [=the group had an equal number of new and old members] 这组新老成员的人数相等。 — see also balance out 2 (below) 4 [+ object] : to make (a different or opposite thing) less powerful, noticeable, etc.抵消;相抵 Serve black coffee to help balance the sweetness of the dessert. 来杯不加奶的咖啡解解甜点的腻。 His quickness will balance [=compensate for, make up for] the other fighter's greater strength. 他的敏捷将使他可以与力量更大的对手相抗衡。 The movie's serious subject matter is balanced [=offset] with humor. 这部电影的幽默掩盖了其严肃的主题。 His sadness was balanced by memories of happier days. 回忆昔日的快乐时光冲淡了他的忧伤。 — see also balance out 1 (below) 5 [+ object] : to think about (different things) and decide which is better or more important — usually + against or with衡量;权衡 Their fears must be balanced [=weighed] against the need for change. 必须将他们的畏惧心理与改变的必要性进行权衡。 A national government must balance [=compare] the needs of individuals with/against the needs of the entire country. 一国政府必须权衡个人需求和整个国家的需求。 They'll have to balance the risks with the rewards. [=they'll have to decide if the possible good results are worth the possible bad results] 他们必须要权衡一下风险和回报 balance out [phrasal verb] 1 balance out (something) or balance (something) out : to make (a different or opposite thing) less powerful, noticeable, etc.抵消;相抵 Serve black coffee to help balance out the sweetness of the dessert. 来杯不加奶的咖啡解解甜点的腻。 His quickness will balance out [=compensate for, make up for] the other fighter's greater strength. 他的敏捷将使他可以与力量更大的对手相抗衡。 The discount balances out the shipping charge. = The discount and the shipping charge balance each other out. [=the shipping charge and the discount together equal zero] 折扣与运费相抵。 — see also 2balance 4 (above) 2 : to be or become equal or even(与…)相等,不相上下 The good times and the bad times balanced out [=evened out] in the end. 顺境与逆境最终相抵。 — see also 2balance 3 (above) [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • ball

    英 [bɔːl]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692048558-7a10ea1b9b2872d.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɔːl]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692048571-7a10ea1b9b2872d.mp3"][/audio]   n. 球;球状物;炮弹;舞会;愉快的经历;<口>胆量;胡说;(复)睾丸 v. 使成球状;呈球状 过去式: balled 过去分词: balled 现在分词: balling 第三人称单数: balls [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 ball 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:20 /bɔːl/ n. balls 0 球;舞会 高考真题原句提选: In the original story, the king’s ball actually lasted for three days. While other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library. Do you play any ball games? It took a few youthful and daring businessmen to get the ball rolling. 二、词组|习惯用语 ball mill 球磨;[机]球磨机 on the ball adv. [口]机灵;留心;有见识;勤奋 ball valve 球阀,弹子阀;球形阀 ball bearing 滚珠,钢球;滚珠轴承 hit the ball 击球;顺利,成功 steel ball n. 钢珠 play ball 开始活动;开始赛球 ball screw 滚珠螺杆;滚珠丝杆;球头螺钉 ball milling 球磨碾磨 crystal ball (占卜用的)水晶球;预言未来的方法 rubber ball 橡皮球 ball pen 圆珠笔 golden ball 金球;金琥 tennis ball 网球 soccer ball 英式足球 golf ball 高尔夫球 ball rolling 钢球轧制 cotton ball 棉球;硼钠钙石 kick the ball 踢球 pass the ball [体育]传球 三、词根记忆 ball n. 球(狀物);(正式的)舞會vt.把…捏成球狀That guy is really on the ball.那個人的確很在行. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ball / bC:l / noun 1. a round object used for throwing, hitting or kicking in games and sports 球: a golf / tennis / cricket ball 高尔夫球;网球;板球 Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net. 让球反弹起来,然后试把它打过网。 2. a round object or a thing that has been formed into a round shape 球状物: The sun was a huge ball of fire low on the horizon. 落在地平线上的太阳像个大火球。 a ball of string 一团线 Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. 有些动物蜷缩成一团以保护自己。 3. a kick, hit or throw of the ball in some sports 踢出(或击出、投出)的一球: He sent over a high ball. 他投了一个高球。 4. (in baseball 棒球) a throw by the pitcher that the batter does not have to hit because it is not accurate (投手投出的)坏球 5. ~ of the foot / hand the part underneath the big toe or the thumb 拇指球;大脚趾球;鱼际;跖球 6. [usually pl.] (taboo, informal) a testicle 睾丸 ⇨ see also balls 7. a large formal party with dancing (大型正式的)舞会 IDIOMS ▪ a 7ball and 'chain (BrE) a problem that prevents you from doing what you would like to do 羁绊;障碍 ▪ the ball is in your / sb's 'court it is your / sb's responsibility to take action next (球已经丢给你了)下一步就看你的了: They've offered me the job, so the ball's in my court now. 他们已答应把那份工作给我,下一步就看我怎么办了。 ▪ a 7ball of 'fire (informal) a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm 精力充沛热情洋溢的人;生龙活虎的人;朝气蓬勃的人 ▪ get / set / start / keep the ball 'rolling to make sth start happening; to make sure that sth continues to happen 开始某事;继续某事 ▪ have a 'ball (informal) to enjoy yourself a lot 狂欢;玩得痛快 ▪ have something / a lot on the 'ball (US, informal) to be capable of doing a job very well; to be intelligent 有能耐;有才智 ▪ (be) on the 'ball to be aware of and understand what is happening and able to react quickly 敏锐;机警: The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新任宣传部经理的确精明干练。 ▪ play 'ball (with sb) (informal) to be willing to work with other people in a helpful way, especially so that sb can get what they want (和某人)合作 ▪ the whole ball of 'wax (NAmE, informal) the whole thing; everything 整个;全部;一切: I panicked, I cried—the whole ball of wax. 我惊慌失措,我大喊大叫——所有的反应都做了。 ⇨ more at carry v., drop v., eye n. verb 1. to form sth or be formed into the shape of a ball 做成球状;使成团块: ▪ [V] Her hands balled into fists. 她双手攥拳。 ▪ [VN] My hands were balled into fists. 我双手攥成拳头。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ball1 /bɔːl $ bɒːl/ ●●● S1 W2 noun → bawl 1  ROUND OBJECT 圆形物体 [countable] a round object that is thrown, kicked, or hit in a game or sport 球 throw/hit/kick/catch etc a ball Weiskopf hit the ball 330 yards and a cheer went up. 韦斯科夫把球击出330码,人群欢呼起来。 a tennis/golf/cricket etc ball 网球/高尔夫球/板球等 → see picture at 见图 croquet, sport 2  ROUND SHAPE 圆形 [countable] something formed or rolled into a round shape 球形物体 a ball of string 线团 Shape the dough into balls. 把面团搓成丸子。 3  GAME/SPORT 比赛/体育运动 [uncountable] any game or sport played with a ball, especially baseball or basketball 球类运动〔尤指棒球或篮球〕 D'you want to go out and play ball? 你想出去打球吗? Dad likes college ball. 爸爸喜欢看大学生球赛。 4. FOOT/HAND 脚/手the ball of the foot/hand the rounded part of the foot at the base of the toes, or the rounded part of the hand at the base of the thumb 大脚趾球/拇指球 5  on the ball informal able to think or act quickly and intelligently 机灵的,聪明的 an assistant who’s really on the ball 一名非常机灵的助手 6  set/start/keep the ball rolling to start something happening 开始某事,使某事发生 To start the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute £1 million. 政府被要求出资100万英镑作为启动经费。 7  the ball is in somebody’s court it is their turn to take action or to reply 现在轮到某人〔采取行动或回答〕 I’ve emailed him – now the ball’s in his court. 我写过电子邮件给他了——现在要看他的了。 8. FORMAL OCCASION 正式的活动 [countable] a large formal occasion at which people dance 舞会► see thesaurus at party 9. have a ball informal to have a very good time 玩得很开心 10  balls [plural] informal not polite a) testicles 睾丸 b) courage 胆量 I didn’t have the balls to ask. 我没有胆量问。 c) British English spoken something that is stupid or wrong 胡说八道 SYN nonsense That’s a load of balls! 那简直是放屁! → balls1 11  a fast/good/long etc ball a ball that is thrown, hit, or kicked fast etc in a game or sport 快球/好球/长球等 He hit a long ball to right field. 他往右场击出一记长球。 12. CRICKET 板球no ball a ball that is thrown too high, low etc towards someone trying to hit it, in the game of cricket or rounders 〔板球或圆场棒球的〕犯规球 13. BASEBALL 棒球no ball [countable] a ball that the hitter does not try to hit, because it is not within the correct area 〔棒球投手投出的〕坏球 14. the whole ball of wax American English informal the whole thing 一切,全部,所有 SYN everything 15. a ball of fire informal someone who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm 精力充沛的人,生龙活虎的人 16  keep several/too many etc balls in the air to struggle to deal with more than one problem or job at the same time 同时应付许多问题[工作] The company just won’t be able to keep that many balls in the air. 同时出现那么多的问题,公司根本招架不住。 17. drop the ball (also take your eye off the ball) to make a mistake when dealing with something because you stop thinking carefully or paying attention 〔因心不在焉而〕犯错 18  ball-buster/ball-breaker informal a) a problem that is very difficult to deal with 棘手的问题 b) an offensive word for a woman who uses her authority over men 泼妇,悍妇〔冒犯用语,指对男人发号施令的女人〕 → cannonball, crystal ball, wrecking ball, → play ball at play1(7) Related topics: Shapes, patterns ball2 verb [transitive] 1  (also ball up) to make something form a small round shape 把〔某物〕做成球状 Ray balled up his fists. 雷握起拳头。 2. American English informal not polite to have sex with a woman 和〔女人〕发生性关系 Origin ball1 1. (1200-1300) Old Norse böllr2. (1600-1700) French bal, from Old French baller “to dance”, from Late Latin ballare, from Greek ballizein [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ball ★★★★☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词球 A ball is a round object that is used in games such as tennis, baseball, football, basketball, and cricket. ...a golf ball. 高尔夫球 ...a tennis ball. 网球 2.N-COUNT 可数名词球状物 A ball is something or an amount of something that has a round shape. 【搭配模式】:oft N of n Thomas screwed the letter up into a ball... 托马斯把信揉成一团。 They heard a loud explosion and saw a ball of fire go up. 他们听见一声爆炸的巨响,看见一个火球腾空而起。 3.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(使)成球状(或团块) When you ball something or when it balls, it becomes round. 【语法信息】:V n adv/prep 【语法信息】:V adv/prep 【语法信息】:V-ed 【语法信息】:V n P 【语法信息】:V P 【语法信息】:Also V P n (not pron) He picked up the sheets of paper, and balled them tightly in his fists... 他抓起那几张纸,在手里紧紧攥成团。 His hands balled into fists... 他攥起了拳头。 I picked up the balled socks. 我把卷成团的袜子拾掇起来。 Ball up means the same as ball .ball up同 ball She balled the handkerchief up and threw it at his feet... 她把手绢揉成一团,丢在了他的脚边。 Brian's face balled up like a fist. 布赖恩的脸鼓得像个拳头。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(脚趾和脚相连或拇指和手相连的)球状部位;脚趾球;拇指球 The ball of your foot or the ball of your thumb is the rounded part where your toes join your foot or where your thumb joins your hand. 【搭配模式】:usu the N of n 5.N-COUNT 可数名词舞会 A ball is a large formal social event at which people dance. 6.N-COUNT 可数名词睾丸 A man's balls are his testicles. 【搭配模式】:usu pl 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 【STYLE标签】:RUDE 无礼 7.See also:balls; 8.PHRASE 短语轮到…采取行动(或作出决断) If you say that the ball is in someone's court, you mean that it is his or her responsibility to take the next action or decision in a situation. 【搭配模式】:V inflects The ball's now in your court — you have to decide what you're going to do. 轮到你了——你必须决定自己要做什么。 9.PHRASE 短语使某事发生;开始某种活动 If you get the ball rolling ,set the ball rolling, or start the ball rolling, you start something happening. 【搭配模式】:V inflects He will go to the Middle East next week to get the ball rolling again on peace talks... 他下周将前往中东,开始重启和谈。 I just want enough cash to start the ball rolling. 我只是想有足够的启动资金。 10.PHRASE 短语玩得很开心;尽情欢乐 If you are having a ball, you are having a very enjoyable time. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Outside the boys were sitting on the ground and, going by the gales of laughter, they were having a ball. 男孩们在户外席地而坐,从阵阵笑声来看,他们玩得很开心。 11.PHRASE 短语同时做数件事情 If you keep several balls in the air, you try to do several different things at once. 【搭配模式】:V inflects The detective has to discover the motive, the means and the opportunity and has to keep these three balls in the air. 那名侦探必须查明动机、手段和时机,而且对这三项的调查必须同步展开。 ...unhappy mothers trying to juggle ten balls in the air. 同时要做无数件事情的可怜的母亲 12.PHRASE 短语警觉;机警;留心 If someone is on the ball, they are very alert and aware of what is happening. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR She really is on the ball; she's bought houses at auctions so she knows what she's doing. 她很精明干练;她通过拍卖购过房,所以知道自己在做什么。 13.PHRASE 短语愿意合作 If someone refuses to play ball, they are unwilling to do what someone wants them to do. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball. 该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话,它将不再提供支持。 相关词组: ball up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 ball /ˈbɑːl/ noun plural balls 1 [count] : a usually round object that is used in a game or sport or as a toy球 a tennis/soccer ball 网球;足球 golf/billiard/bowling balls 高尔夫球;台球;保龄球 a toy rubber ball 玩具皮球 kick/throw/hit/catch/bounce/dribble the ball 踢/投/击/接/弹/运球 2 [count] : something that has a round shape球状物 a ball of string 一团线 She uses cotton balls to clean her face. 她用棉球清洁脸部。 eating rice/melon balls 吃饭团/瓜球 3 [count] : a round bullet shot out of an old-fashioned gun(老式枪炮的)弹丸 4 [count] : the rounded part of the human foot that is at the bottom of the foot and behind the toes大脚趾球;跖球 — usually plural通常用复数 He stood on the balls of his feet. 他踮脚站立。 — see picture at foot 5 informal + often offensive a [count] : testicle — usually plural通常用复数 She kicked him in the balls. 她一脚踢在了他的睾丸上 b balls [plural] : the courage that is needed to do something勇气 You don't have the/enough balls [=guts, nerve] to fight me. 你没胆量跟我斗 c balls [plural] British : nonsense — often used as an interjection to express disapproval or annoyance常用作感叹词,表不赞同或气恼 6 [count] a sports : a ball that is thrown or hit投出的一球;击出的一球 She hit a high arching ball over the net. 她打出一个网上高抛球。 I thought the ball [=serve] was good, but my opponent said it was out. 我认为这一发球是个好球,但我的对手说它出界了。 — see also air ball, curveball, fastball, fly ball, ground ball, fair ball at 1fair, foul ball at 1foul b baseball : a pitch that does not go through the proper area and that the batter does not swing at(投手投出的)坏球 The first pitch was a ball but the next two pitches were strikes. 第一投是个坏球,但后两投是好球。 carry the ball US, informal : to have the responsibility for doing something负责 No one else is available to make the arrangements, so it's up to you to carry the ball. 现在没有别人能安排这事,所以由你负责安排。 drop the ball US, informal : to make a mistake especially by not doing something important失职 I think the mayor dropped the ball by not hiring more police officers. 我认为没有雇用更多警力是市长的失职。 get/set/start the ball rolling informal : to begin an activity or process开始某种活动;开始某事 She tried to get the ball rolling by asking him a few questions. 她问了他几个问题,想要由此进入话题。 keep the ball rolling informal : to cause an activity or process to continue使活动继续 I've started the preparations for the party, but it's up to you to keep the ball rolling. 我已开始聚会的准备工作,但接下来就全看你的了 keep your eye on the ball informal : to continue thinking about or giving attention to something important that you want to do or achieve持续关注(所要完成的重要事情) She really needs to keep her eye on the ball [=stay focused] if she wants to win the election. 如果想要赢得选举,她的确需要时刻关注选情。 on the ball informal : mentally prepared : aware of what is happening and ready to do what is needed or wanted敏锐的;机警的 With so many intelligent students, the teacher must always be on the ball. 班上有那么多聪明学生,老师上课时必须时刻随机应变 Their lawyer was really on the ball. 他们的律师确实很精明。 play ball 1 : to begin or continue to play a game with a ball (such as baseball)开始打球,继续打球(如棒球等) “Let's play ball!” shouted the umpire. 裁判大声喊道:“开始!” We went outside to play some ball. 我们到外面打了会儿球。 2 : to do what other people want you to do : to cooperate or work with other people(与他人)合作 He refused to play ball with the police. 他拒绝与警方合作。 the ball is in your court ◊ If the ball is in your court, you are the person who is expected or required to do something.看你的了 What do you think we should do now? The ball is in your court. 你认为我们现在该怎么办?现在全看你的了。 She's waiting for the ball to be in her court. 她正伺机一显身手 — compare 3ball 2 ball /ˈbɑːl/ verb balls; balled; balling [+ object] : to form (something) into a ball形成球状 I stood up quickly and balled my hands into fists. 我迅速站起来,双手攥成拳头。 He balled the letter in his hands and threw it in the trash. 他把信揉成团扔到了垃圾箱里。 — often + up He balled up the letter and threw it in the trash.. 他把信揉成团扔到了垃圾箱里。 His clothes were balled up on the floor. 他的衣服被卷成一团放在地板上。 She lay in bed balled up [=curled up] under the blankets. 她盖着几条毯子蜷缩在床上。 3 ball /ˈbɑːl/ noun plural balls [count] : a large formal party for dancing Cinderella went to the ball and danced with the prince. 灰姑娘去了舞会,并和王子跳了舞。 They were invited to the governor's ball. 他们应邀参加了州长的舞会。 have a ball informal : to have fun : to spend time in a very enjoyable way玩得痛快 Everyone had a ball at the party. 每个人在派对上都玩得很痛快。 — compare 1ball [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • ballet

    英 ['bæleɪ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692049138-81f6f341a102b63.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bæleɪ]    [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692049146-81f6f341a102b63.mp3"][/audio] n. 芭蕾舞 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 ballet 高中必修500 全国卷频次:1 教材出处:译林版必修B3U3 /ˈbæleɪ/ /bæˈleɪ/ n. ballets 0 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞乐曲 高考真题原句提选: At what age did Emily start learning ballet? 二、词组|习惯用语 ballet dancer 芭蕾舞蹈家 water ballet [体]花样游泳;水上芭蕾舞 三、词根记忆 ballet n. 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞劇;芭蕾舞團Balloon, baseball, basketball, football and volleyball all dance ballet on the volcano.氣球,棒球,籃球,足球和排球都在火山上跳芭蕾舞. 芭蕾舞(ball+et→舞蹈→芭蕾舞)[ball,bol=throw,dance,ball,表示"拋,舞,球"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ballet bal·let / 5bAlei / noun 1. [U] a style of dancing that tells a dramatic story with music but no talking or singing 芭蕾舞: She wants to be a ballet dancer. 她想当芭蕾舞演员。 ballet shoes 芭蕾舞鞋 2. [C] a story or work of art performed by a group of ballet dancers 芭蕾舞剧: 'Swan Lake' is one of the great classical ballets. 《天鹅湖》是一部伟大的古典芭蕾舞剧。 3. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of dancers who work and perform ballet together 芭蕾舞团: members of the Royal Ballet 皇家芭蕾舞团演员 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ballet /ˈbæleɪ $ bæˈleɪ, ˈbæleɪ/ ●●○ noun 1  [countable] a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞表演 We’re going to the ballet tomorrow evening. 我们明天晚上要去看芭蕾舞演出。 → See picture of 见图 FOOTWEAR 2. [uncountable] this type of dancing 芭蕾舞 3  [countable] a group of ballet dancers who work together 芭蕾舞团 the Bolshoi ballet (莫斯科)大剧院芭蕾舞团 Origin ballet (1600-1700) French Italian balletto, from ballo “dance”, from ballare; → BALLERINA [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ballet ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词芭蕾舞 Ballet is a type of very skilled and artistic dancing with carefully planned movements. 【搭配模式】:also the N I trained as a ballet dancer... 我受过芭蕾舞训练。 She is also keen on the ballet. 她也热衷于芭蕾舞。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞段 A ballet is an artistic work that is performed by ballet dancers. The performance will include the premiere of three new ballets. 三段新编芭蕾舞将在演出中首演。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ballet /bæˈleɪ/ /ˈbæˌleɪ/ noun plural ballets 1 [noncount] : a kind of dancing that is performed on a stage and that uses dance, music, costumes, and scenery to tell a story芭蕾舞 She does tap dancing and ballet. 她跳踢踏舞和芭蕾舞。 a performance of ballet 芭蕾舞演出 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a ballet performance 芭蕾舞演出 He's taking ballet lessons. 他在学跳芭蕾舞。 a ballet dancer 芭蕾舞演员 ballet shoes 芭蕾舞鞋 2 : a show in which ballet is performed芭蕾舞剧 [count] We are going to a ballet tonight. 今晩我们要去看芭蕾舞剧。 This is one of my favorite ballets. 这是我最喜欢的芭蕾舞剧之一。 [noncount] We enjoy going to the ballet. [=we enjoy going to ballet performances] 我们喜欢去看芭蕾舞。 3 [count] : a group of dancers who perform ballets together芭蕾舞团 — often used in names常用于名称 the Royal Ballet 皇家芭蕾舞团 the New York City Ballet 纽约市芭蕾舞团 — balletic /bæˈlɛɾɪk/ adjective [more balletic; most balletic] balletic [=graceful] movements 优雅的动作 She moved with balletic grace. 她走路姿态优雅。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • balloon

    英 [bə'luːn]    [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692049372-698777432d4b635.mp3"] 美 [bə'luːn] [/audio][audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692049380-698777432d4b635.mp3"][/audio]    n. 气球;球状物 vt. 使膨胀 vi. 乘气球飞行;激增;如气球般膨胀 adj. 气球状的 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 balloon 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:14 /bəˈluːn/ n.&v. balloons 0 balloons 0 ballooning 0 ballooned 1 气球 & 像气球般鼓起;乘气球飞行 高考真题原句提选: An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea between France and England in a balloon in 1784. High over the water, they discovered a hole in the balloon. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers. 二、词组|习惯用语 air balloon 气球 hot-air balloon n. 热气球 weather balloon 气象气球;探空气球 balloon angioplasty [外科学]气囊血管成形术;球囊成形术(等于percutaneous transluminal angioplasty) balloon pump 球囊泵;气囊泵 balloon borne 球载反射器 balloon flower 桔梗花 like a lead balloon 毫无效果,毫无作用(意指如铅气球无法飞升) balloon catheter 气囊导管,气泡式导管 三、词根记忆 balloon n. 氣球,飛船;a.氣球狀的v.乘坐氣球;膨脹The inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau.膨脹的氣球對高原指示潛在的通貨膨脹. 氣球(ball球+oon表名詞)[ball,bol=throw,dance,ball,表示"拋,舞,球"] n. 氣球(ball球)[-oon表名詞,"人或物"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bal·loon / bE5lu:n / noun 1. a small bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when you fill it with air or gas. Balloons are brightly coloured and used as decorations or toys. 气球: to blow up / burst / pop a balloon 吹起气球;使气球爆裂 ⇨ compare trial balloon 2. (also hot-'air balloon) a large balloon made of strong material that is filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air, usually carrying a basket for passengers 热气球 IDIOMS ▪ when the bal'loon goes up (BrE, informal) when the trouble that you are expecting begins 意料中的麻烦出现时;(不出所料)出乱子时 ⇨ more at lead ² verb [V] 1. ~ (out / up) to suddenly swell out or get bigger (突然)膨胀,涨大: Her skirt ballooned out in the wind. 她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。 2. (usually go ballooning) to travel in a hot-air balloon as a sport 乘热气球飞行 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] balloon1 /bəˈluːn/ ●●○ noun [countable] 1  balloon.jpgan object made of brightly coloured thin rubber, that is filled with air and used as a toy or decoration for parties 气球 Can you help me blow up these balloons? 你帮我把这些气球吹起来好吗? He burst the balloon in my face. 他对着我的脸弄爆了气球。 → See picture of gondola 吊舱, hot-air balloon 热气球, balloon 气球 2  (also hot-air balloon) a large bag of strong light cloth filled with gas or heated air so that it can float in the air. It has a basket hanging below it for people to stand in 热气球 a balloon flight over the Yorkshire Moors 飞越约克郡沼泽区的热气球航行 → See picture of 见图 balloon 3. the circle drawn around the words spoken by the characters in a cartoon 〔卡通漫画中表示人物对白的〕气球状对话框,对白圆圈 SYN bubble 4  a balloon payment American English money borrowed that must be paid back in one large sum after several smaller payments have been made 〔分期付款中〕最后一笔数目特大的还款 a $10,000 balloon payment due in two years 最后一笔两年后到期该付的一万美元付款额 5  the balloon goes up British English informal used to refer to the moment when a situation starts to become really bad 出现大麻烦,出乱子 We’ll have to get out of there before the balloon goes up. 我们得趁事情还没闹大的时候赶快脱身。 → go down like a lead balloon at lead3(3) balloon2 (also balloon out) verb [intransitive] 1  to suddenly become larger in amount 突然增加,激增 SYN explode The company’s debt has ballooned in the past year. 在过去一年里,公司的债务激增。 2  if someone balloons, they suddenly become fat 突然长胖 Paul ballooned after he got married. 保罗婚后吹气球似地胖了起来。 3  to get bigger and rounder 膨胀,鼓起来 The sheet flapped and ballooned in the wind. 被单在风中飘动,被吹得鼓鼓的。 Origin balloon1 (1500-1600) French ballon “large football, balloon”, from Italian ballone “large football”, from balla “ball” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] balloon ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词气球 A balloon is a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer. Balloons are used as toys or decorations. She popped a balloon with her fork. 她用叉子戳破了一个气球。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词热气球 A balloon is a large, strong bag filled with gas or hot air, which can carry passengers in a container that hangs underneath it. 【搭配模式】:also by N They are to attempt to be the first to circle the Earth non-stop by balloon. 他们试图完成乘热气球不间断环球飞行的创举。 3.VERB 动词(数量)激增,猛涨,快速膨胀 When something balloons, it increases rapidly in amount. 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:V to n In London, the use of the Tube has ballooned... 在伦敦,坐地铁的人激增。 The budget deficit has ballooned to $25 billion... 预算赤字已经猛增到250亿美元。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 balloon /bəˈluːn/ noun plural balloons [count] 1 : a thin usually rubber bag that becomes larger when it is filled with air or gas气球 I blew up a balloon but then it burst. 我吹起一个气球,但之后它就爆了。 brightly colored balloons and other party decorations 各种颜色鲜艳的气球和其他派对装饰物 — see also hot-air balloon, trial balloon 2 : a picture or space in a cartoon that contains words that are spoken or thought by a character(卡通画中的)文字气球框 go over like a lead balloon (US) informal, of a joke, suggestion, etc. or British go down like a lead balloon : to fail completely(笑话、建议等)完全不起作用 He told a joke about his mother-in-law and it went over like a lead balloon. [=no one laughed at the joke] 他讲了个关于他岳母的笑话,可没有人觉得好笑。 My suggestion went over like a lead balloon. [=no one liked my suggestion] 我的建议完全不起作用。 2 balloon /bəˈluːn/ verb balloons; ballooned; ballooning [no object] : to become bigger quickly猛增;飞涨 Their credit card debt ballooned to more than $5,000. 他们的信用卡欠款猛增到5000美元以上。 His weight ballooned to 300 pounds. = He ballooned to 300 pounds. 他的体重猛增到300磅。 the ballooning costs of education 不断攀升的教育成本 ballooning weight 不断增加的体重 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bamboo

    英 [ˌbæm'buː]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692049765-82960335036ff4d.mp3"][/audio]  美 [ˌbæm'buː]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692049753-82960335036ff4d.mp3"][/audio]  n. 竹;竹子 名词复数: bamboos [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bamboo 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:4 /ˌbæmˈbuː/ n. bamboos 0 竹子 高考真题原句提选: The giant panda eats only one particular type of bamboo. Chopsticks are usually two long, thin pieces of wood or bamboo. 二、词组|习惯用语 bamboo shoot 竹笋,笋 bamboo leaves 竹叶 bamboo grove 竹林 bamboo pole 竹枝 bamboo curtain 竹幕(西方资产阶级舆论界过去对我国的诬蔑性用语) bamboo basket 竹篮;竹篓 bamboo raft 竹筏;竹排 bamboo fence 竹篱笆 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bam·boo / 7bAm5bu: / noun [C, U] (pl. -oos) a tall tropical plant that is a member of the grass family and has hard hollow stems that are used for making furniture, poles, etc. 竹;竹子: a bamboo grove 竹林 a bamboo chair 竹椅 bamboo shoots (= young bamboo plants that can be eaten) 竹笋 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bamboo /ˌbæmˈbuː◂/ noun [countable, uncountable] bamboo_table.jpga tall tropical plant with hollow stems that is used for making furniture 竹,竹子 Origin bamboo (1500-1600) Malay bambu [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bamboo ★☆☆☆☆ 1.N-VAR 可变名词竹;竹子 Bamboo is a tall tropical plant with hard, hollow stems. The young shoots of the plant can be eaten and the stems are used to make furniture. ...huts with walls of bamboo. 竹墙小屋 ...bamboo shoots. 竹笋 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bamboo /bæmˈbuː/ noun plural bamboos : a tall plant with hard hollow stems that are used for building and to make furniture, tools, etc.竹;竹子 [noncount] Bamboo grows in the grove near the house. 竹子生长在屋旁的树丛中。 [count] We cut down some bamboos. 我们砍了些竹子。 — bamboo adjective The house is full of bamboo furniture. 这宅子里全是竹制家具。 The recipe is prepared with bamboo shoots. [=young bamboo plants] 这个食谱的配方就是竹笋。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • ban

    英 [bæn]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692050056-4317652e7e08e3e.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bæn]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692050063-4317652e7e08e3e.mp3"][/audio]  v. 禁止;剥夺权利 n. 禁令;禁止 名词复数: bani 过去式: banned 过去分词: banned 现在分词: banning 第三人称单数: bans [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 ban 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:1 教材出处:译林版选必修B3U4 /bæn/ n.&v. bans 0 bans 0 banning 0 banned 1 官方禁令 & (官方)明令禁止;禁止;取缔 高考真题原句提选: Last month, San Franciso became the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags. The Modbury ban was the idea of Rebecca Hosking. Banned from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said. Over the last seven years, most states have banned texting by drivers. (2022全国II卷) 二、词组|习惯用语 ban ki-moon 潘基文(男子名,韩国前外长,联合国秘书长) ban from 禁止 lift the ban 解禁;取消禁令 三、词根记忆 ban v. 取締,查禁;(from)禁止n.禁止,禁令Swimming is banned in this pond.禁止在這個池塘中遊泳. n. 禁止;禁令[ban=prohibit,表示"禁止"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ban / bAn / verb (-nn-) [VN] 1. to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed 明令禁止;取缔 SYN prohibit : Chemical weapons are banned internationally. 国际上禁止使用化学武器。 2. [usually passive] ~ sb from sth / from doing sth to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc., especially officially 禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等): He was banned from the meeting. 他被取消了出席会议的资格。 She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. 当局对指控进行调查期间,禁止她离开希腊。 (BrE) He was banned from driving for six months. 他被禁止驾驶六个月。 noun ~ (on sth) an official rule that says that sth is not allowed 禁令: There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. 办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。 to impose / lift a ban 颁布/解除禁令 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ban1 /bæn/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable] an official order that prevents something from being used or done 禁止,禁令 ban on a total ban on cigarette advertising 香烟广告的全面禁止 a call to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military 要求取消军中严禁同性恋的呼声 → test ban  COLLOCATIONS ban2 ●●○ verb (banned, banning) [transitive] to say that something must not be done, seen, used etc 禁止,取缔 SYN prohibit OPP allow Smoking is banned in the building. 大楼内禁止吸烟。 ban somebody from doing something Charlie’s been banned from driving for a year. 查理被禁驾一年。 a banned substance/drug (=a drug that people competing in a sport are not allowed to take because it improves their performance) 〔体育竞技〕违禁药品 ► see thesaurus at forbid —banning noun [uncountable] the banning of trade unions 取缔工会 Origin ban2 Old English bannan “to command people to come” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ban ★★★★☆ 1.VERB 动词(明令)禁止;取缔 To ban something means to state officially that it must not be done, shown, or used. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V-ed Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year. 加拿大将从今年晚些时候起在办公场所全面禁烟。 Last year arms sales were banned. 去年武器遭禁售。 ...a banned substance. 违禁药物 banning No reason was given for the banning of the magazine... 杂志被无端取缔了。 Opposition groups see the bannings as the latest stage of a government clampdown. 反对派将这些查禁事件视为政府压制的一个新阶段。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词禁令 A ban is an official ruling that something must not be done, shown, or used. 【搭配模式】:oft N on n The General also lifted a ban on political parties. 将军同时取消了对政党的禁令。 3.VERB 动词禁止(做某事) If you are banned from doing something, you are officially prevented from doing it. 【语法信息】:be V-ed from n 【语法信息】:Also V n He was banned from driving for three years. 他被吊扣驾照3年。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 ban /ˈbæn/ verb bans; banned; banning [+ object] 1 : to forbid people from using (something) : to say that something cannot be used or done禁止;取缔 The school banned that book for many years. 学校查禁那本书好多年了。 The city has banned smoking in all public buildings. 全市所有公共建筑内已禁烟。 The drug was banned a decade ago. 这种药十年前就被禁止了。 The use of cell phones is banned in the restaurant. 餐厅内禁用移动电话。 2 : to forbid (someone) from doing or being part of something禁止(某人)做某事;禁止加入 — usually + from They banned [=barred] him from entering the building. = He was banned from entering the building. 他们禁止他进入这栋楼。 She was banned from the team because of drug use. 她因吸毒被取消了队员资格。 2 ban /ˈbæn/ noun plural bans [count] : an official rule saying that people are not allowed to use or do something禁令 The city has imposed a smoking ban in all public buildings. 全市所有公共建筑内已强制实施禁烟令。 — often + on She challenged the ban on smoking. 她对禁烟令提出了质疑。 They lifted the ban on the drug. 他们解除了对这种药的禁令。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • banana

    英 [bə'nɑːnə]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692050287-72b302bf297a228.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bə'nænə]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692050298-72b302bf297a228.mp3"][/audio]  n. 香蕉 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 banana 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:17 /bəˈnɑːnə/ /bəˈnæːnə/ n. bananas 10 香蕉 高考真题原句提选: For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter. But they only used the stick to get a banana when both the stick and the banana were in view at the same time. 二、词组|习惯用语 banana skin 香蕉皮;尴尬事 top banana 主要滑稽演员,引申为最好的演员或重要的官员;主要人物 banana split 香蕉圣代(剖开香蕉夹以冰淇淋等);香蕉半剖条 banana republic n. 香蕉共和国(指中、南美洲发展中国家) 三、词根记忆 banana n. 香蕉In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.在運河裏,那個加拿大人化驗了香蕉. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] banana ba·nana / bE5nB:nE; NAmE bE5nAnE / noun a long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin and soft flesh, that grows on trees in hot countries 香蕉: a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉 IDIOMS ▪ go ba'nanas (slang) to become angry, crazy or silly 发怒;发疯;犯傻 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] banana /bəˈnɑːnə $ -ˈnæ-/ ●●● S2 noun [countable] bananas.jpga long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin 香蕉 → See picture of 见图 FRUIT 1 → see picture at 见图 fruit1 Origin banana (1500-1600) Spanish Portuguese, from Mande [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] banana ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-VAR 可变名词香蕉 Bananas are long curved fruit with yellow skins. ...a bunch of bananas. 一串香蕉 2.ADJ 形容词愚蠢的;发狂的;疯狂的 If someone is behaving in a silly or crazy way, or if they become extremely angry, you can say that they are going bananas . 【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 People went bananas with boredom... 人们闷得发狂。 Adamson's going to go bananas on this one. 亚当森会被这个气疯的。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] banana /bəˈnænə/ Brit /bəˈnɑːnə/ noun plural bananas [count, noncount] : a long curved fruit with a thick peel that is yellow when it is ripe香蕉 a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉 peel a banana 剥香蕉皮 (US) a banana peel = (Brit) a banana skin 香蕉皮 ◊ In British English banana skin is used figuratively to describe a foolish or embarrassing mistake or failure.在英国英语中banana skin用作比喻,指愚蠢或令人尴尬的失误。 a director who has slipped on a banana skin [=who has failed in an embarrassing way] in her latest film 在她的电影新作中栽了跟头的导演 — see color picture on this page; see also second banana [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • band

    英 [bænd]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692050556-574ff4699083ce5.mp3"][/audio]  美 [bænd]    [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692050564-574ff4699083ce5.mp3"][/audio] n. 乐队;队;一群 n. 带;箍;波段 v. 绑扎 v. 联合;结合 过去式: banded 过去分词: banded 现在分词: banding 第三人称单数: bands [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 band 高中必修500 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版必修B2U3 /bænd/ n. bands 1 bands 0 banding 0 banded 0 带子,镶边;波段;队,乐队 高考真题原句提选: We’re bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. 二、词组|习惯用语 frequency band 频带;频段 wide band 宽频带;规定较大幅度的浮动汇率制度 band gap 带隙 broad band 宽带 narrow band [计]窄带,窄频带;[经]狭小汇率幅度 rock band 摇滚乐团 rubber band 橡皮筋 wave band n. (无线电)波段 band structure 带结构;能带结构 band width 频带宽度 energy band 能带 band saw 带锯;带锯机;环形锯 band together 结合起来,团结起来 steel band n. 钢鼓乐队 base band 基带,窄带;基频带;基极信号 forbidden band [化]禁带 marching band 军乐队;奏进行曲作操练表演的乐队 band pass 通过频带 jazz band 爵士乐队 elastic band 橡皮筋 三、词根记忆 band n. 條,帶;樂隊;波段;一群,一夥v.縛,綁紮The wandering band abandoned her bandaged husband on Swan Island.流浪的樂隊把她那位打著繃帶的丈夫遺棄在天鵝島上. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] band [band] ,band to'gether ■to form a group and act together in order to achieve sth, etc.联合;携手: We need to band together to fight these reforms. 我们要齐心协力与这些变革作斗争。 [G]v+adv [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] band / bAnd / noun GROUP OF MUSICIANS 乐队 1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a small group of musicians who play popular music together, often with a singer or singers 流行音乐乐队: a rock / jazz band 摇滚乐/爵士乐队 She's a singer with a band. 她是一个乐队的歌手。 ⇨ see also boy band , girl band 2. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments 管乐队;鼓号乐队: a military band 军乐队 ⇨ see also brass band , marching band , one-man band GROUP OF PEOPLE 人群;团伙 3. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of people who do sth together or who have the same ideas 一伙人;一帮人: a band of outlaws 一帮歹徒 He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help. 他劝服了一小批志愿者来帮忙。 STRIP OF MATERIAL / COLOUR 带子;颜色带 4. [C] a thin flat strip or circle of any material that is put around things, for example to hold them together or to make them stronger 带;箍: She always ties her hair back in a band. 她总是用一条带子把头发扎在后面。 All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists. 医院里所有新生儿手腕上都套着写有名字的手箍。 She wore a simple band of gold on her finger. 她戴着一枚净面的金戒指。 ⇨ see also armband , hairband , hatband , rubber band , sweatband , waistband 5. [C] a strip of colour or material on sth that is different from what is around it 条纹;条饰: a white plate with a blue band around the edge 带蓝边的白盘子 OF RADIO WAVES 无线电波 6. (also wave·band) [C] a range of radio waves 频带;波段: Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band. 短波收音机用的波段是 20–50 米。 RANGE 范围 7. [C] a range of numbers, ages, prices, etc. within which people or things are counted or measured (数目、年龄、价格等的)范围,段: the 25-35 age band 25–35 岁的年龄段 tax bands 税收等级 verb [VN] [usually passive] WITH COLOUR / MATERIAL 色彩;材料 1. to put a band of a different colour or material around sth 加彩条(或嵌条等): ▪ [VN-ADJ] Many insects are banded black and yellow. 很多昆虫有黑色和黄色的条纹。 ▪ [also VN] PUT INTO RANGE 划分范围 2. (BrE) to be organized into bands of price, income, etc. (将价格、收入等)划分档次,分等级: Tax is banded according to income. 赋税是按收入划分等级的。 PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7band to'gether to form a group in order to achieve sth 联合;携手: Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers. 当地人齐心协力打击毒品贩子。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] band1 /bænd/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable] → banned 1  a group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular music 〔尤指演奏流行音乐的〕乐队,乐团 The band was playing old Beatles songs. 乐队正在演奏披头士的老歌。 I grew up playing in rock bands. 我是在摇滚乐队里玩音乐长大的。 Smith joined the band in 1989. 史密斯在1989年加入这个乐队。 They formed a band when they were still at school. 他们还在读书的时候就组建了一个乐队。 The entertainment includes a disco and live band. 娱乐活动有跳迪斯科和乐队现场演奏。 interviews with band members 对乐队成员的采访 → big band, brass band, marching band, one-man band 2  a group of people formed because of a common belief or purpose 一伙,一群,一帮〔志趣相投的人〕 band of a small band of volunteers 一小批志愿者 bands of soldiers 一群群士兵 3  a range of numbers within a system 〔数目的〕范围,段 Interest rates stayed within a relatively narrow band. 利率在一个相对较小的范围内波动。 age/tax/income etc band people within the $20,000–$30,000 income band 收入在两万至三万美元这个范围的人 4  a flat narrow piece of something with one end joined to the other to form a circle 圈,箍,带 papers held together with a rubber band 用橡皮筋捆在一起的文件 a slim gold band on her finger 她手指上戴的一枚细细的金指环 5  a narrow area of light, colour, land etc that is different from the areas around it 带状物,条纹〔指异于周围的狭窄光带、色带、土地等〕 The birds have a distinctive blue band round their eyes. 这种鸟的眼圈是蓝色的,很特别。 band of a thin band of cloud 一条细细的云彩 6. technical a range of radio signals 波段,频带 SYN waveband band2 verb [transitive] 1 British English to put people or things into different groups, usually according to income, value, or price 〔通常按收入、价值或价格〕给…分级 After valuation, properties will be banded in groups of £20,000 or more. 经过估价,房产将归在两万英镑或以上的组别里。 2 band together phrasal verb if people band together, they unite in order to achieve something 团结起来,联手 Origin band1 1. (1400-1500) French bande “group of people”2. (1400-1500) French bande “flat strip, edge, side” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] band ★★★★☆ 1.N-COUNT-COLL 可数集合名词See also:one-man band;(流行音乐)乐队,乐团 A band is a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz, rock, or pop. He was a drummer in a rock band... 他曾是一个摇滚乐团的鼓手。 Local bands provide music for dancing. 当地的乐队为跳舞伴乐。 2.N-COUNT-COLL 可数集合名词See also:brass band;(演奏铜管和打击乐器的)乐队,乐团 A band is a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments. Bands played German marches. 乐队演奏了德军进行曲。 3.N-COUNT-COLL 可数集合名词(一)群;(一)帮;(一)伙 A band of people is a group of people who have joined together because they share an interest or belief. 【搭配模式】:with supp Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods. 成群结队的政府军士兵、反叛分子和彻头彻尾的犯罪分子一直在一些街区游荡。 ...a small but growing band of Japanese companies taking their first steps into American publishing. 数量不多、但仍在增长的一批初次涉足美国出版业的日本公司 4.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:armband;hatband;waistband;(佩戴用或衣物上的)带,箍 band is a flat, narrow strip of cloth which you wear round your head or wrists, or which forms part of a piece of clothing. Almost all hospitals use a wrist-band of some kind with your name and details on it. 几乎所有的医院都用某种腕带记录名字和详细信息。 5.N-COUNT 可数名词条纹;带状物 A band is a strip of something such as colour, light, land, or cloth which contrasts with the areas on either side of it. 【搭配模式】:with supp ...bands of natural vegetation between strips of crops... 农作物狭地之间的野生植被带 A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door. 一束阳光透过地板和门之间的缝隙照了进来 6.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:elastic band;rubber band;(用以加固或捆绑的)圈,箍 A band is a strip or loop of metal or other strong material which strengthens something, or which holds several things together. Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together. 外科医生在膝盖骨上套了个金属箍以帮助其愈合。 ...a strong band of flat muscle tissue. 一圈坚韧的扁平肌肉组织 7.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:waveband;(数字、值等的)范围 A band is a range of numbers or values within a system of measurement. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp For an initial service, a 10 megahertz-wide band of frequencies will be needed. 初始服务需要10兆赫宽的频带。 ...a new tax band of 20p in the pound on the first £2,000 of taxable income. 对应税收入的头两千英镑每镑征收20便士的新税阶 8.VERB 动词将…划分范围;把…分段 If something such as a tax is banded, it is divided into bands according to the value of the thing being taxed. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V-ing 【语法信息】:V-ed 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 They appear to rule out some of the ideas that have been mentioned — banding the tax so higher earners would pay more. 他们看来要剔除其中提到的一些想法——如把税率分档,使收入越高,缴得越多。 ...a banding system based on property values... 基于财产价值的分级制 The choice will be between a flat-rate or a banded charge. 将在统一费用和分级费用之间作出选择。 in AM, use 美国英语用 be bracketed 9.See also:wedding band; 相关词组: band together [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 band /ˈbænd/ noun plural bands [count] 1 : a usually small group of musicians who play popular music together流行音乐乐队 The band's drummer is also the lead singer. 这个乐队的鼓手同时还担任领唱。 a rock-and-roll band 摇滚乐队 a jazz band 爵士乐队 — compare orchestra; see also big band, brass band, garage band, marching band, one-man band 2 : a group of people or animals一群人;一群动物 A band of scientists questioned the theory. 一帮科学家对这个理论提出了质疑。 She photographed a band of gorillas. 她给一群大猩猩拍了照。 a band of hunters from the tribe 部落的一群猎人 3 : a flat, straight piece of material (such as plastic or metal) that forms a circle around something条;箍;圈 A band of plastic holds the lid on the container. 容器上的盖子箍着一圈塑料条。 They placed a metal band with an identification number on the bird's leg. 他们把有识别码的金属圈固定在鸟的腿上。 She lost her wedding band. [=wedding ring] 她把婚戒弄丢了。 — see also armband, rubber band, sweatband, waistband 4 : a strip of something that is different from what is around it : a thick line条纹;线状带 The bird has black bands above its eyes. 鸟的眼上方有几道黑纹。 The dress has an embroidered band at the hem. 这件连衣裙的下摆有一道刺绣花边。 — often + of There is a band of white near the hem of the dress. 连衣裙下摆处有一道白色织带。 A band of thunderstorms crossed the area late last night. 昨天深夜一场雷暴席卷整个地区。 They left a narrow band of grass growing near the street. 他们在街旁留出一条狭窄的草坪。 5 technical : a range of frequencies over which radio signals are broadcast波段;频带 The radio station broadcasts on the AM band. 这家电台用调幅波段广播。 6 British : a range or group between a lower and an upper limit : bracket范围;段;档次 People in younger age bands may be in higher or lower tax bands. 年纪较轻的人群可能会处在较高或较低的税级。 to beat the band US, informal : in a very forceful or obvious way起劲地;显眼地 He was snoring to beat the band. [=he was snoring very loudly] 他鼾声如雷。 2 band /ˈbænd/ verb bands; banded; banding band together [phrasal verb] : to form a group in order to do or achieve something联合在一起;携手;团结起来 They banded together for protection. 他们共同防卫。 If we band together, we can meet the deadline. 如果我们携起手来就能如期完成。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bank

    英 [bæŋk]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692051139-bd5af1f610a1243.mp3"][/audio]  美 [bæŋk]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692051151-bd5af1f610a1243.mp3"][/audio]   n. 银行;岸;筹码;库;田埂;堤;积云;一系列;一组;一排;一团;用于循环再利用的废旧物品回收站 v. 把钱存入银行;开户;筑堤防护;堆积 过去式: banked 过去分词: banked 现在分词: banking 第三人称单数: banks [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bank 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:26 /bæŋk/ n. banks 7 banks 0 banking 2 banked 0 (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行 高考真题原句提选: Wild roses flowered along the banks. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. We’ve all been there: in a lift, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people. When does the bank close on Saturday? 二、词组|习惯用语 central bank [经]中央银行 commercial bank 商业银行 bank of china 中国银行 world bank n. 世界银行 bank account 银行存款;银行往来帐户 people's bank of china 中国人民银行 investment bank 投资银行 development bank 开发银行 construction bank 建设银行 west bank 约旦河西岸 bank credit 银行信贷;银行信用状 bank loan 银行贷款 agricultural bank 农业银行 industrial and commercial bank 工商银行 issuing bank 开证银行;发行钞票的银行 river bank 河岸;河堤 china construction bank 中国建设银行 in bank 存入银行 bank on 指望;依赖 bank of america n. 美国银行 三、词根记忆 bank n. 銀行;岸,堤;vi.存入(經營)銀行;信賴Thanks to the bankrupt banker, my ankle avoided an injury.多虧那位破產的銀行家,我的腳踝免受傷害. n. 銀行(由櫃台轉化而來)[bank=bench(長椅)] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bank [baŋk] 'bank on sb/sth;'bank on doing sth;'bank on sb/sth doing sth ■to rely on sb/sth; to be confident that sth will happen依靠; 指望;对…有信心: I’m banking on your help. 我还得靠你帮忙呢。 I’m banking on you to help me. 我还得靠你帮忙呢。 I’d banked on getting a cup of coffee at the airport, but everything was closed. 我原指望在机场能弄杯咖啡喝,可所有的地方都关门了。 He was banking on the train being on time. 他指望火车会正点到达。 She might already have cleaned up but I wouldn’t bank on it . 她或许打扫过了,可我不敢打保票。 [synonym]count on sb/sth,count on doing sth,count on sb/sth doing sth;reckon on sb/sth,reckon on doing sth,reckon on sb/sth doing sth [G]v+prep ◆ v+prep+n/pron+to inf ,bank 'up; ,bank sth 'up (BrE) ■to form into a large pile; to make sth form a large pile(使)堆积: The snow had banked up on either side of the road. 路的两旁尽是积雪。 [G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bank / bANk / noun FOR MONEY 金钱 1. an organization that provides various financial services, for example keeping or lending money 银行: My salary is paid directly into my bank. 我的工资直接拨到我的银行。 I need to go to the bank (= the local office of a bank). 我得去趟银行。 a bank loan 银行贷款 a bank manager 银行经理 ⇨ see also investment bank , merchant bank IN GAMBLING 赌博 2. a supply of money or things that are used as money in some games, especially those in which gambling is involved (尤指赌博中的)筹码;赌本 STH COLLECTED / STORED 收集/贮存物 3. an amount of sth that is collected; a place where sth is stored ready for use 库存;库: a bank of knowledge 知识宝库 a blood / sperm bank 血/精液库 ⇨ see also databank OF RIVER / CANAL 河;水道 4. the side of a river, canal , etc. and the land near it 岸;河畔: He jumped in and swam to the opposite bank. 他跳下水,游到对岸。 It's on the north bank of the Thames. 它位于泰晤士河北岸。 a house on the banks of the River Severn (= on land near the river) 塞文河畔的一所房子 SLOPE 斜坡 5. a raised area of ground that slopes at the sides, often at the edge of sth or dividing sth 斜坡;垄;埂: There were low banks of earth between the rice fields. 稻田之间有低矮的田埂。 The girls ran down the steep grassy bank. 女孩子们沿长满青草的陡坡跑下去。 6. an artificial slope built at the side of a road, so that cars can drive fast around bends (路面拐弯处为方便车辆快速行驶而筑起的)边坡 OF CLOUD / SNOW, ETC. 云、雪等 7. a mass of cloud, snow, etc., especially one formed by the wind (尤指风吹到一起的)积云,积雪: The sun disappeared behind a bank of clouds. 太阳消失在一大片云后面。 OF MACHINES, ETC. 机器等 8. a row or series of similar objects, especially machines 一排(同类物品);一系列(机器等): a bank of lights / switches / computers 一排灯/开关/计算机 IDIOMS ▪ not 7break the 'bank (informal, humorous) if you say sth won't break the bank, you mean that it won't cost a lot of money, or more than you can afford 花费不太大;支付得起 ⇨ more at laugh v. verb MONEY 钱 1. [VN] to put money into a bank account 把(钱)存入银行: She is believed to have banked (= been paid) £10 million in two years. 据信她两年内在银行存了 1 000 万英镑。 2. [V] ~ (with / at...) to have an account with a particular bank (在某银行)开账户,存款: The family had banked with Coutts for generations. 那家几代人都在库茨银行存钱。 OF PLANE 飞机 3. [V] to travel with one side higher than the other when turning (转弯时)倾斜飞行: The plane banked steeply to the left. 飞机向左作高度倾斜飞行。 FORM PILES 堆积 4. [VN] ~ sth (up) to form sth into piles 堆积(某物): They banked the earth (up) into a mound. 他们把土堆成了一个土丘。 A FIRE 炉火 5. [VN] ~ sth (up) to pile coal, etc. on a fire so that the fire burns slowly for a long time (用煤等)封炉火: The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter. 炉火被封得很厚实,好像就是隆冬。 PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 'bank on sb / sth to rely on sb / sth 依靠;指望: I'm banking on your help. 我还得靠你帮助呢。 ▪ [+ to inf ] I'm banking on you to help me. 我还得靠你帮忙呢。 ▪ [+ -ing ] I was banking on getting something to eat on the train. 我指望在火车上能找到吃的。 'I'm sure he'll help.' ' Don't bank on it (= it is not likely to happen).' "我相信他会帮忙的。" "那可不见得。" ▪ 7bank 'up to form into piles, especially because of the wind 堆积(尤指由于风吹): The snow had banked up against the wall. 雪靠墙堆积起来了。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bank1 /bæŋk/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable] 1  PLACE FOR MONEY 存钱的地方 a) a business that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services 银行 in the bank We have very little money in the bank. 我们存在银行里的钱很少。 Barclays Bank 巴克莱银行 a bank loan 银行贷款 b) a local office of a bank 银行(营业厅) I have to go to the bank at lunch time. 午饭时间我得去银行。 → clearing bank, merchant bank 2  RIVER/LAKE 河/湖 land along the side of a river or lake 岸,堤 bank of the banks of the River Dee 迪河两岸 the river bank 河岸 3. blood/sperm/organ bank a place where human blood etc is stored until someone needs it 血库/精子库/器官库 4  CLOUDS/MIST 云/雾 a large mass of clouds, mist etc 云团,积云;雾团 a fog bank 一团雾气 bank of banks of mist 团团薄雾 5  RAISED AREA 高出的地方 a large sloping mass of earth, sand, snow etc 〔土、沙、雪等堆积起来的〕坡,埂 She was sitting on a grassy bank. 她坐在草坡上。 bank of steep banks of snow 陡峭的雪坡 banks of flowers 满坡的野花 6  MACHINES 机器 a large number of machines, television screens etc arranged close together in a row 〔紧密排成的〕一排,一列 bank of banks of TV monitors 一排排的电视监视器 7. GAME 游戏 a supply of money used to gamble, that people can win 庄家的赌本 → break the bank at break1(24) 8  be makin' bank American English spoken informal to earn a lot of money for the work that you do 挣大钱 Check out Omar’s new car. The brother must be makin' bank. 看看奥马的新车,这位兄弟肯定是在赚大钱了。 10. ROAD 道路 a slope made at a bend in a road or racetrack to make it safer for cars to go around 〔公路或赛道拐弯处防止车辆侧滑或侧翻的〕内侧斜坡,边坡 → bottle bank, food bank, memory bank Related topics: Banking, Air, Nature bank2 verb 1  MONEY 钱 a) [transitive] to put or keep money in a bank 把 〔钱〕存入银行 Did you bank that check? 你把那张支票存入银行了吗? b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to keep your money in a particular bank 在〔某家银行〕存钱 bank with Who do you bank with? 你把钱存入哪家银行? bank at I’ve always banked at First Interstate. 我总是在第一州际银行存钱。 2  PLANE 飞机 [intransitive] if a plane banks, it slopes to one side when turning 〔飞机转弯时〕倾斜飞行 3  PILE/ROWS 堆/排 (also bank up) [transitive] British English to arrange something into a pile or into rows 把…堆起来[排成行] 4  CLOUD/MIST 云/雾 (also bank up) [transitive] to form a mass of cloud, mist etc 〔云团、雾团等〕聚集,堆积起来 5  FIRE 火 (also bank up) [transitive] to cover a fire with wood or coal to keep it going for a long time 〔用木柴或煤〕封〔火〕,压〔火〕 6 bank on somebody/something phrasal verb to depend on something happening or someone doing something 依靠,指望 SYN count on Origin bank1 1. (1400-1500) French banque, from Old Italian banca “long seat, bank”2. (1100-1200) Probably from a Scandinavian language. 3. (1200-1300) Old French banc “long seat” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bank ★☆☆☆☆ 1. FINANCE AND STORAGE 金融;储藏 2. AREAS AND MASSES 地区;大团物质 3. OTHER VERB USES 其他动词用法 1.N-COUNT 可数名词银行 A bank is an institution where people or businesses can keep their money. Which bank offers you the service that best suits your financial needs?... 哪家银行提供的服务最适合您的理财需求? I had £10,000 in the bank. 我在银行有1万英镑的存款。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词银行营业厅;银行办事处 A bank is a building where a bank offers its services. 3.VERB 动词把(钱)存入银行 If you bank money, you pay it into a bank. 【语法信息】:V n Once you have registered your particulars with an agency and it has banked your cheque, the process begins. 一旦在某个代理行登记了详细信息并由它将支票存入银行,这一程序就开始了。 4.VERB 动词与(银行)有业务来往;在(银行)有账户 If you bank with a particular bank, you have an account with that bank. 【语法信息】:V with n My husband has banked with the Co-op since before the war. 我丈夫自战前以来就在合作银行有户头。 5.N-COUNT 可数名词库(如血库等) You use bank to refer to a store of something. For example, a blood bank is a store of blood that is kept ready for use. 【搭配模式】:with supp ...Britain's National Police Computer, one of the largest data banks in the world. 英国国家警务计算机系统,世界上最大的数据库之一 6.PHRASE 短语斥巨资;花费大笔的钱;倾家荡产 If you say that the cost of something will not break the bank, you mean that it will not cost a large sum of money. 【搭配模式】:V inflects Prices starting at £6 a bottle won't break the bank. 每瓶6英镑的起价不算太贵。 1.N-COUNT 可数名词(河、湖等的)岸,堤岸 The banks of a river, canal, or lake are the raised areas of ground along its edge. 【搭配模式】:usu N of n ...30 miles of new developments along both banks of the Thames. 泰晤士河两岸30英里的新开发区 ...an old warehouse on the banks of a canal. 运河河畔的一座旧仓库 2.N-COUNT 可数名词垄;埂 A bank of ground is a raised area of it with a flat top and one or two sloping sides. ...resting indolently upon a grassy bank. 懒洋洋地躺在草埂上休息 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(长条形的)堆,团 A bank of something is a long high mass of it. 【搭配模式】:N of n On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland. 南行途中,他们在苏格兰东北海岸外遭遇了大雾。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(尤指机器、开关、仪表的)(一)排,(一)组 A bank of things, especially machines, switches, or dials, is a row of them, or a series of rows. The typical laborer now sits in front of a bank of dials. 现如今,工人通常都是坐在一排仪表前。 5.See also:banked; 1.VERB 动词(通常指飞机在改变方向时)倾斜飞行 When an aircraft banks, one of its wings rises higher than the other, usually when it is changing direction. 【语法信息】:V A plane took off and banked above the highway in front of him. 一架飞机起飞后在他前方的公路上空侧飞转向。 相关词组: bank on [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bank /ˈbæŋk/ noun plural banks [count] 1 : a business where people keep their money, borrow money, etc., or the building where such a business operates银行 Our paychecks are deposited in/into the bank automatically. 我们的收入自动存入银行。 How much money do you have in the bank? 你在银行里有多少存款? My cousin works in/at a bank. 我表哥在一家银行工作。 I have to go to the bank today. 我今天必须得去银行 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 bank customers 银行客户 How much money do you have in your bank account? 你的银行账户上有多少钱? — see also savings bank 2 : a small closed container in which money is saved储蓄罐 She saves all her change in a small bank on her desk. 她把所有零钱都存放在桌上的小储蓄罐里。 — see also piggy bank 3 : a place where a particular thing is stored until it is needed(存储某物以备使用的)库 information stored in a computer's memory banks 存储在电脑内存中的资料 — see also blood bank, sperm bank break the bank : to be very expensive or too expensive : to cost a lot of money太昂贵;花费太大 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 Buy a car that's dependable but won't break the bank. 购买一辆质量可靠但又不太昂贵的车。 laugh all the way to the bank — see 1laugh — compare 3bank, 5bank 2 bank /ˈbæŋk/ verb banks; banked; banking 1 [no object] : to have money in a bank : to use the services of a bank把钱存入银行;与银行有业务往来 We bank locally. 我们把钱存入当地银行。 Where do you bank? [=which bank do you use?] 你把钱存入哪家银行? 2 [+ object] : to put (something, such as money) in a bank把(钱)存入银行;把…储存入库 bank a check 把支票存入银行 bank on [phrasal verb] bank on (something) : to feel confident or sure about (something)寄希望于;指望;依赖 We're banking on [=counting on] fair weather for the trip. 我们指望旅游时有好天气。 She may support us, but don't bank on [=rely on, depend on] it. 她也许会支持我们,但不要寄希望于此 — compare 4bank 3 bank /ˈbæŋk/ noun plural banks [count] 1 : the higher ground that is along the edge of a river, stream, etc.堤岸 We sat on the bank of the river [=on the riverbank] to watch the boats. 我们坐在河岸边看船。 The stream overflowed its banks. 溪水漫过了两岸。 2 a : a steep slope : the side of a hill陡坡;斜坡;埂 We planted bushes all along the bank in front of the house. 我们在屋前的斜坡上都种上了灌木。 They climbed a steep bank to get to the terrace. 他们爬上一道陡坡,登上了平台。 — see also sandbank b : a small hill that is built next to a road along a curve in order to make driving on that section of road safer(路面拐弯处为安全行驶而筑的)边坡 3 : a thick mass of clouds or fog一大片积云;一大团雾 a fog bank 雾层 A bank of dark clouds entered the region. 一团团乌云向这个地区压来。 — see also snowbank — compare 1bank, 5bank 4 bank /ˈbæŋk/ verb banks; banked; banking 1 : to cause (something, such as an airplane) to tilt or lean to one side when turning(飞机等)转弯时倾斜飞行,倾斜行进 [+ object] The pilot banked the plane (to the right/left) and then leveled it out to land. 飞行员驾驶飞机(向右/左)倾斜飞行,然后水平飞行降落。 [no object] The pilot/plane banked (right/left) and then leveled out to land. 飞行员/飞机(向右/左)倾斜飞行,然后水平飞行降落。 The motorcycle banked steeply as it went around the curve. 摩托车大角度倾斜驶过弯道 2 [+ object] US : to cause (something, such as a ball) to bounce off a surface使反弹 The basketball player banked the ball off the backboard. 篮球运动员把球投向篮板弹回 3 [+ object] : to form (something) into a pile(把某物)堆积起来,聚集起来 — often + up banking sand up along the river to prevent flooding 在河边堆积沙子以防河水泛滥 4 [+ object] : to cover (a fire) with fresh fuel in order to make it continue to burn封火 — often + up bank up a campfire 封住营火 — compare 2bank 5 bank /ˈbæŋk/ noun plural banks [count] : a group or series of objects that are arranged close together in a row一排;一组— usually + of There is a bank of vending machines in the basement. 地下室里有一排自动售货机。 Several banks of lights hung above the stage. 舞台上方悬吊着几组照明灯。 a bank of file cabinets 一排文件柜 — compare 1bank, 3bank [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bar

    英 [bɑː(r)]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692051543-37b51d194a7513e.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɑːr]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692051526-37b51d194a7513e.mp3"][/audio]   n. 酒吧;条;横木;栅 vt. 禁止;阻挠;闩上;在 ... 设栅栏 过去式: barred 过去分词: barred 现在分词: barring 第三人称单数: bars [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bar 高中必修500 全国卷频次:10 教材出处:译林版必修B3U2 /bɑː/ /bɑːr/ n. 条,棒;(酒)吧 高考真题原句提选: Our bar is open from 7:00pm for drinks and snacks. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered gifts to mystery lovers. He began experimenting with chocolate and managed to sell his first chocolate bars in 1900. 二、词组|习惯用语 at the bar 在酒吧;受到公开审问 bar code 条形码;电脑条码 steel bar 钢筋;棒材;型钢;条钢 behind bars 在监狱服刑 status bar 状态栏 internet bar 网吧 reinforcing bar 钢筋 menu bar n. [计]菜单栏 bar none 没有例外地;毫无例外地; progress bar 进度条;进度指示器 title bar 标题栏 coffee bar 咖啡馆 reinforcing steel bar 增强钢筋 iron bar 铁条;铁锭 snack bar 小吃店;快餐柜 scroll bar [计]滚动条 chocolate bar 巧克力棒;巧克力条 oxygen bar 氧气吧 round bar 圆条;圆钢筋 bar association 律师协会 三、词根记忆 bar n. 條,杆,閂;酒吧;柵,障礙(物)v.閂上,阻攔In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.在酒巴裏理發師為一罐果醬講了價然後越過桶作的屏障. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bar / bB:(r) / noun FOR DRINKS / FOOD 饮食 1. [C] a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks 酒吧: We met at a bar called the Flamingo. 我们在一家名为弗拉明戈的酒吧相遇。 the island's only licensed bar (= six that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks) 岛上唯一有酒类销售许可证的酒吧 a cocktail bar 鸡尾酒酒吧 (BrE) I found David in the bar of the Red Lion (= a room in a pub where drinks are served). 我在红狮酒吧找到了戴维。 ⇨ see also barroom , lounge bar , minibar , public bar , saloon bar at saloon 2. [C] a long wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. are served (出售饮料等的)柜枱: She was sitting at the bar. 她坐在酒吧的柜枱那里。 It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar. 人太多了,我无法挤到柜枱那儿。 3. [C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a place in which a particular kind of food or drink is the main thing that is served (专售某类饮食的)小吃店,馆,处所: a sandwich bar 三明治店 a coffee bar 咖啡馆 ⇨ see also oxygen bar , snack bar , wine bar OF CHOCOLATE / SOAP 巧克力;肥皂 4. [C] a piece of sth with straight sides (长方形)条,块: a bar of chocolate / soap 一条巧克力/肥皂 candy bars 糖棒 OF METAL / WOOD 金属;木材 5. [C] a long straight piece of metal or wood. Bars are often used to stop sb from getting through a space. 长条,棒,栏杆(常用作护栏): He smashed the window with an iron bar. 他用铁棒敲碎了窗户。 All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars. 底层所有的窗户都装了铁栅。 a five-bar gate (= six made with nine horizontal bars of wood) 用五根横木条钉成的栅门 ⇨ see also bull bars , roll bar , space bar , tow bar IN ELECTRIC FIRE 电热炉 6. [C] a piece of metal with wire wrapped around it that becomes red and hot when electricity is passed through it 电热棒 IN SPORTS 体育运动 7. the bar [sing.] the crossbar of a goal (球门的)横梁: His shot hit the bar. 他射门击中球门的横梁。 OF COLOUR / LIGHT 颜色;光 8. [C] a band of colour or light 条;带: Bars of sunlight slanted down from the tall narrow windows. 一道道阳光从高高的狭窄窗口斜射下来。 THAT PREVENTS STH 障碍 9. [C, usually sing.] ~ (to sth) a thing that stops sb from doing sth 障碍;羁绊: At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in most professions. 那时在大多数职业中,身为女性就是晋升的障碍。 ⇨ see also colour bar IN MUSIC 音乐 10. (BrE) (NAmE meas·ure) [C] one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it (乐谱的)小节: four beats to the bar 小节的四拍 the opening bars of a piece of music 乐曲开头的几个小节 LAW 法律 11. the Bar [sing.] (BrE) the profession of barrister (= a lawyer in a higher court) 大律师专业(可出席高等法庭): to be called to the Bar (= allowed to work as a qualified barrister ) 获得大律师资格 12. the Bar [sing.] (NAmE) the profession of any kind of lawyer 律师专业 MEASUREMENT 度量 13. a unit for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere, equal to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre 巴(气压单位,等于 100 000 牛顿/平方米) ⇨ see also millibar IDIOMS ▪ not have a 'bar of sth (AustralE, NZE) to have nothing to do with sth 与(某事)无关;与(某事)毫不相干;不沾手: If he tries to sell you his car, don't have a bar of it. 他若是想要把车卖给你,你可别去理他。 ▪ be7hind 'bars (informal) in prison 蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢: The murderer is now safely behind bars. 杀人犯现在被关在监狱里,不会再造成危险了。 verb (-rr-) ▪ [VN] CLOSE WITH BARS 用铁条等封住 1. [usually passive] to close sth with a bar or bars (用铁条或木条)封,堵: All the doors and windows were barred. 所有的门、窗都加上了铁条。 BLOCK 阻挡 2. to block a road, path, etc. so that nobody can pass 阻挡;拦住: Two police officers were barring her exit. 两名警察挡着她的出路。 We found our way barred by rocks. 我们发现大石块挡住了我们的路。 PREVENT 阻止 3. ~ sb (from sth / from doing sth) to ban or prevent sb from doing sth 禁止,阻止(某人做某事): The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match. 运动员在参赛前夜不得喝酒。 ⇨ more at hold n. preposition except for sb / sth 除…外: The students all attended, bar ten who were ill. 除了两名生病,所有的学生都到了。 It's the best result we've ever had, bar none (= none was better). 这是我们所取得的前所未有的最好成绩。 ⇨ more at shouting [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bar1 /bɑː $ bɑːr/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable] → bah, baa 1  PLACE TO DRINK IN 饮酒场所 a) a place where alcoholic drinks are served 酒吧 → pub The hotel has a licensed bar. 宾馆里有一家有售酒许可证的酒吧。 a cocktail bar 鸡尾酒酒吧 b) British English one of the rooms inside a pub 〔酒馆里的〕酒吧间 The public bar was crowded. 大众酒吧间里人很多。 → See picture of wrapper 包装纸, a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力, a bar of soap 一块肥皂 ... → See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方 2  PLACE TO BUY DRINK 买酒的地方 a counter where alcoholic drinks are served 售酒柜台,吧台 They stood at the bar. 他们站在吧台旁边。 3. a wine/coffee/snack etc bar a place where a particular kind of food or drink is served 酒吧/咖啡馆/小吃店等 4. a breakfast bar British English a place in your kitchen at home where you eat breakfast or a quick meal 〔家庭厨房里的〕早餐台 5  BLOCK SHAPE 长条形 a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide 块,条,棒,根 a chocolate bar 一条巧克力 a candy bar 一根糖果棒 bar of a bar of soap 一块肥皂 → see picture at 见图 piece1 6  PIECE OF METAL/WOOD 金属/木头 a length of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out 〔门、窗等的〕闩;铁栅;横木;阻碍物 houses with bars across the windows 窗户上钉有铁条的房屋 ► see thesaurus at piece 7  behind bars informal in prison 在狱中,在牢里 Her killer was finally put behind bars. 杀害她的凶手终于被关进了监狱。 8  MUSIC 音乐 a group of notes and rests, separated from other groups by vertical lines, into which a line of written music is divided 〔乐曲中的〕小节 a few bars of the song 这首歌的几个小节 9  bar to (doing) something written something that prevents you from achieving something that you want (做)某事的障碍 I could see no bar to our happiness. 我不觉得我们的幸福有任何障碍。 10  the bar a) British English the group of people who are barristers 〔有资格出庭处理诉讼案件的〕讼务律师,大律师〔总称〕 b) American English an organization consisting of lawyers 律师界,律师组织 11  be called to the bar a) British English to become a barrister 取得大律师资格,成为大律师 b) American English to become a lawyer 取得律师资格,成为律师 12  ON COMPUTER SCREEN 计算机屏幕上 a long narrow shape along the sides or at the top of a computer screen, usually containing signs that you can click on 〔计算机屏幕侧边或顶部可点击的〕功能条 the main menu bar at the top of the screen 屏幕上方的主菜单栏 the toolbar 工具条 → scroll bar 13  IN SPORTS 体育运动中 the long piece of wood or metal across the top of the goal in sports such as football 球门横木[横梁] The ball hit the bar. 球打在球门的横梁上。 14. PILE OF SAND/STONES 沙堆/石堆 a long pile of sand or stones under the water at the entrance to a harbour 〔港口入口处的〕沙洲,暗礁 15. COLOUR/LIGHT 颜色/光 a narrow band of colour or light 线条,条纹,带 16. UNIFORMS 制服 a narrow band of metal or cloth worn on a military uniform to show rank 〔军服上的〕军阶杠,绶带 17. ldoce_017.pngHEATER 加热器 British English the part of an electric heater that provides heat and has a red light 〔电暖气的〕电热丝[棒] bar2 ●○○ verb (barred, barring) [transitive] 1  to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something 阻止,禁止 2  to prevent people from going somewhere by placing something in their way 阻挡,阻拦 3. (also bar up) to shut a door or window using a bar or piece of wood so that people cannot get in or out 〔用铁条、木条等〕封,堵〔门、窗〕 bar3 preposition 1  except 除了…以外 2  bar none used to emphasize that someone is the best of a particular group 无人可比〔用于强调〕→ barring the BarBar, the noun 4. be called to the Bar British English to become a barrister 取得大律师资格,成为大律师 Origin bar1 (1100-1200) Old French barre [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bar ★★★★☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词酒吧 A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks. 【语域标签】:mainly AM 主美 ...Devil's Herd, the city's most popular country-western bar. “魔鬼之群”——这个城市最火的西部乡村酒吧 ...the Brass Nickel Bar. “黄铜镍币”酒吧 2.N-COUNT 可数名词酒吧间 A bar is a room in a pub or hotel where alcoholic drinks are served. 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 I'll see you in the bar later... 一会儿酒吧见。 On the ship there are video lounges, a bar and a small duty-free shop. 船上有录像厅、一个酒吧间和一家小型免税商店。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:coffee bar;public bar;singles bar;snack bar;wine bar;吧台;售酒柜台 A bar is a counter on which alcoholic drinks are served. Michael was standing alone by the bar when Brian rejoined him... 布赖恩回到迈克尔身边时,他正一个人站在吧台旁边。 He leaned forward across the bar. 他将身子探过吧台。 Usage Note : A bar is a place where you can buy alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. It can be part of a larger building such as a hotel, nightclub, or theatre, or it can be a separate building. A pub is a building where you can buy alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, especially in Britain and Ireland rather than in America. Pubs usually have two or more bars. Both pubs and bars have a counter where drinks are served and this is also called a bar. See also note at café. bar 是出售酒和其他饮料的地方。它可以是酒店、夜总会、剧院等的一部分,也可以是独立的建筑。pub是出售酒和其他饮料的独立场所,尤其在英国和爱尔兰常用,但在美国不常用。一个pub通常包括两个或以上的bar。pub和bar都有出售酒和饮料的柜台,这个柜台也称为bar。亦见café词条下的说明。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词金属条;金属棒 A bar is a long, straight, stiff piece of metal. ...a brick building with bars across the ground floor windows. 一楼窗户装有铁栅的砖砌建筑 ...a crowd throwing stones and iron bars. 投掷石块和铁条的人群 5.PHRASE 短语在狱中;被囚禁 If you say that someone is behind bars, you mean that they are in prison. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder... 费希尔被控谋杀未遂,昨晚入狱。 Nearly 5,000 people a year are put behind bars over motoring penalties. 每年有近5,000人因违章驾车而入狱。 6.N-COUNT 可数名词条;棒;长块 A bar of something is a piece of it which is roughly rectangular. 【搭配模式】:with supp What is your favourite chocolate bar? 你最喜欢哪种巧克力? ...a bar of soap. 一块肥皂 7.N-COUNT 可数名词(电热炉的)电热棒,电热片 A bar of an electric fire is a piece of metal with wire wound round it that glows and provides heat when the fire is switched on. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 ...a two-bar electric fire with a frayed flex. 电线已经磨损的双片电热炉 8.VERB 动词(用木条,铁条等)闩(门等) If you bar a door, you place something in front of it or a piece of wood or metal across it in order to prevent it from being opened. 【语法信息】:V n For added safety, bar the door to the kitchen. 为了确保安全,把厨房的门闩上。 barred The windows were closed and shuttered, the door was barred. 窗户都关紧了,百叶窗都拉下了,门也闩上了。 9.VERB 动词阻拦;阻挡 If you bar someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place, by blocking their path. 【语法信息】:V n Harry moved to bar his way... 哈里走过去挡住了他的路。 He stepped in front of her, barring her way. 他走到她前面,挡住了她的去路。 10.VERB 动词禁止;不准 If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it. 【语法信息】:be V-ed from n 【语法信息】:be V-ed to n 【搭配模式】:usu passive Amnesty workers have been barred from Sri Lanka since 1982... 从1982年起,大赦国际的工作人员就被禁止进入斯里兰卡。 Many jobs were barred to them. 很多工作将他们拒之门外。 11.N-COUNT 可数名词障碍;阻碍;妨碍 If something is a bar to doing a particular thing, it prevents someone from doing it. 【搭配模式】:usu N to n/-ing One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language... 交流的一个基本障碍就是缺少一种大家都说的通用语。 In industry after industry, government bodies have erected bars to competition. 政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。 12.PHRASE 短语不受任何规则约束;不限任何方式方法;不择手段 If you say that there are no holds barred when people are fighting or competing for something, you mean that they are no longer following any rules in their efforts to win. It is a war with no holds barred and we must prepare to resist... 这是一场没有规则的战争,我们必须作好抵抗的准备。 When she'd get angry it was no holds barred. 她发起火来什么都干得出。 13.PREP 介词See also:barring;除了…以外 You can use bar when you mean 'except'. For example, all the work bar the washing means all the work except the washing. 【语用信息】:emphasis Bar a plateau in 1989, there has been a rise in inflation ever since the mid-1980's... 除1989年物价稳定之外,从20世纪80年代中期开始,通货膨胀就一直在上升。 The aim of the service was to offer everything the independent investor wanted, bar advice. 该项服务的目的就是向独立投资者提供除建议外他们想要的一切。 He is simply the best goalscorer we have ever had, bar none. 他绝对是我们从未有过的最佳进球手,无人可及。 14.N-PROPER 专有名词(英格兰有资格在任何法庭作辩护的)出庭律师职业;(美国的)律师职业,律师界 The Bar is used to refer to the profession of a barrister in England, or of any kind of lawyer in the United States. 【搭配模式】:the N Robert was planning to read for the Bar. 罗伯特打算学法律。 15.N-COUNT 可数名词(乐曲中的)小节 In music, a bar is one of the several short parts of the same length into which a piece of music is divided. 【语域标签】:mainly BRIT 主英 in AM, use 美国英语用 measure [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bar /ˈbɑɚ/ noun plural bars 1 [count] a : a building or room where alcoholic drinks and sometimes food are served酒吧 We went to a bar for a drink. 我们去酒吧喝了一杯。 — see also sports bar, tiki bar b : a counter where alcoholic drinks are served售酒的柜台;吧台 We sat at the restaurant's bar while we were waiting for a table. 我们坐在饭店的吧台等候就餐。 — see also cash bar, open bar, wet bar c : a building or room where a particular food or drink is served(专售某一种食物或饮料的)…吧,…店,…馆 a seafood bar 海鲜馆 a juice/coffee bar 果汁吧;咖啡吧 — see also salad bar, snack bar 2 [count] : a straight piece of metal, wood, etc., that is used as a tool, as part of a structure, or to keep people from entering or leaving through a door or window(木、金属等)条 There were bars across all the windows. 窗户上都钉了横条。 The door was secured with an iron bar. 门上有一根铁闩加固。 The pole-vaulter narrowly cleared the bar. [=the long bar that is set at a specific height and that a jumper tries to go over] 撑竿跳选手擦身越过了横杆。 ◊ In U.S. English, bar is used figuratively in phrases like raise/lower the bar and set the bar higher/lower to refer to changing the standard that is used to judge whether someone or something is good, successful, etc.(在美国英语中用作比喻)提高/降低标准,设定较高/较低标准 The company's new software raises the bar for its competitors. [=the company's new software is very good and its competitors will have to produce better software to compete with it] 公司推出的新软件提高了对手与其竞争的难度。 Critics say that he has lowered the bar on what is considered acceptable behavior by politicians. [=he has caused people to accept worse behavior by politicians] 批评家们认为他降低了可接受的政治家的行为标准。 — see also crossbar, crowbar, parallel bars, uneven bars 3 [count] : a solid piece of something that is shaped like a rectangle(长方形的)块,条 She bought a chocolate/candy bar. 她买了一块巧克力/糖。 a bar of soap 一块肥皂 4 [count] : a straight line, stripe, or section that is longer than it is wide线条;条纹;带 The bird's tail has an alternating series of white and black bars. [=bands] 这只鸟的尾巴上有黑白相间的条纹。 a menu bar [=a narrow section that is across the screen in a computer program and that shows the names of available menus] (计算机程序中的)菜单条 — see also bar code, bar graph, task bar, toolbar 5 [count] formal : something that makes it difficult or impossible to do or achieve something障碍;羁绊;限制— + to His poor attitude was a bar to his success. [=his poor attitude prevented him from succeeding] 他不认真的态度是他成功的障碍。 6 the bar a US : the profession of a lawyer律师职业;律师界 She is a member of the bar. [=she is a lawyer] 她是一名律师。 the American Bar Association 美国律师协会 She has been called to the bar. [=she has become a lawyer] 她当上了律师。 b British or the Bar : the profession of a barrister大律师职业 c US : the test that a person must pass in order to be a lawyer律师资格考试 She passed the bar on her first try. 她第一次考就通过了律师资格考试。 the bar exam/examination 律师资格考试 7 [count] music a : a line in written music that shows where a measure begins小节线 b : the beats between two bars in a piece of music节拍 I'm not sure I know that song. Can you hum a few bars? [=measures] 我好像没听过这首歌。你能哼几个节拍吗? behind bars : in jail在狱中 He has been behind bars for 10 years. 他已经蹲了10年的班房。 tend bar US : to work as a bartender : to prepare and serve drinks at a bar做酒吧侍者;在酒吧做酒保 He tends bar at the restaurant. 他在餐厅的酒吧做酒保。 2 bar /ˈbɑɚ/ verb bars; barred; barring [+ object] 1 : to put a bar or a set of bars in front of a door, window, etc., so that people cannot go in or out of it设置栅栏;闩(门、窗等) He barred the door as soon as he got in. 他一进来就把门闩上了。 All the windows and doors were barred. 所有的门窗上都设有护栏。 a barred window 有护栏的窗户 2 : to put something in a road, path, etc., so that people cannot get by阻塞,封锁(道路) A herd of goats was barring the road. 一群山羊挡住了道路。 obstacles barring our way 挡住我们道路的障碍 3 a : to prevent or forbid (someone) from doing something阻止,禁止(某人做某事) Nothing barred them from meeting together. 没有任何东西能阻止他们会面。 The judge will bar the jurors from talking to reporters. 法官将禁止陪审团成员接受记者采访。 A federal court has barred the group from using the name. 联邦法院已禁止该集团使用此名称。 Reporters were barred [=excluded] from the meeting. [=reporters were not allowed to go to the meeting] 记者不得进入会场。 b : to prevent or forbid (something)禁止(某事) The decision bars the possibility of additional development in the area. 这个决定排除了在该地区进一步开发的可能性。 forms of punishment barred by the Constitution 美国宪法禁止的处罚方式 no holds barred — see 2hold 3 bar /ˈbɑɚ/ preposition 1 — used in the phrase bar none to emphasize that a statement is completely true没有例外地;千真万确地 She is the brightest student I've ever known, bar none. [=I have never known a student who is brighter than she is] 她是我所认识的最聪明的学生,无人可比。 2 British : except for : barring除…以外,不包括 They have lost every match, bar one. 除了一场比赛他们每场比赛都输了。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • barbecue

    英 ['bɑːbɪkjuː]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692051875-9d40936a0c551a7.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bɑːrbɪkjuː]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692051887-9d40936a0c551a7.mp3"][/audio]  n. 烤肉;烧烤;烤架 v. 烤炙 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 barbecue 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:1 教材出处:译林版选必修B3U1 /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ /ˈbɑːrbɪkjuː/ n. barbecues 0 吃烤烧肉的野餐 高考真题原句提选: Have a barbecue. One evening at sunset, we sat by the fire, having our barbecue. 二、词组|习惯用语 barbecue sauce 烤肉调味酱;在全烧时涂抹烤物用的沙司;烧烤鱼或肉时所用调味液 korean barbecue 韩国烤肉 三、词根记忆 barbecue n. 烤肉;烤肉用的台架vt.炙烤(肉等) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barbecue bar·be·cue / 5bB:bikju:; NAmE 5bB:rb- / noun (abbr. BBQ) (also informal bar·bie BrE, AustralE) 1. a metal frame for cooking food on over an open fire outdoors (烧烤野餐用的)烤架: I put another steak on the barbecue. 我在烤架上又放了一块肉排。 a barbecue sausage (= cooked in this way) 烤香肠 2. an outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way 烧烤野餐: Let's have a barbecue! 我们来一次户外烤肉餐吧! ⇨ compare cookout verb [V VN] to cook food on a barbecue 烧烤野餐 ⇨ compare broil [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barbecue1 (also barbeque American English) /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː $ ˈbɑːr-/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] 1  (written abbreviation BBQ) a meal or party during which food is cooked on a metal frame over a fire and eaten outdoors 烧烤野餐 We had a barbecue on the beach. 我们在海滩上烧烤。 → See picture of BARBECUE 烤架 2. barbecue.jpga metal frame for cooking food on outdoors 〔用于户外的〕烤架 → See picture of 见图 barbecue Related topics: Cooking, Outdoor barbecue2 (also barbeque American English) verb [transitive] to cook food on a metal frame over a fire outdoors 〔用烤架〕烧烤 barbecued chicken 〔用烤架烧的〕烤鸡 ► see thesaurus at cook Origin barbecue1 (1600-1700) American Spanish barbacoa, probably from Taino [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barbecue ★☆☆☆☆ in AM, also use 美国英语亦用 barbeque,Bar-B-Q 1.N-COUNT 可数名词(户外烧烤用的)烤肉架 A barbecue is a piece of equipment which you use for cooking on in the open air. 2.N-COUNT 可数名词烧烤野餐 If someone has a barbecue, they cook food on a barbecue in the open air. 3.VERB 动词烧烤(尤指烤肉) If you barbecue food, especially meat, you cook it on a barbecue. 【语法信息】:be V-ed 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V-ed 【语法信息】:Also V Tuna can be grilled, fried or barbecued... 金枪鱼可以用烤炉烤、油炸或者烧烤。 Here's a way of barbecuing corn-on-the-cob that I learned in the States. 这是我在美国学的一种烤玉米的方法。 ...barbecued chicken. 烤鸡 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 barbecue /ˈbɑɚbɪˌkjuː/ noun plural barbecues 1 [count] : a flat metal frame that is used to cook food over hot coals or an open fire烧烤架 grill a steak on the barbecue 在烤架上烤牛排 2 [count] : an outdoor meal or party at which food is cooked on a barbecue户外烧烤 We plan to have a barbecue for the whole family. 我们计划全家人到户外烧烤。 — abbreviation BBQ 3 [noncount] chiefly US, informal : food that has been cooked on a barbecue : barbecued food烧烤食物 She invited us over for some beer and barbecue. 她邀请我们去喝啤酒,吃烤肉。 He makes a barbecue sauce [=a spicy sauce that is usually eaten with barbecued food] that tastes great with chicken. 他调制的烤肉酱与鸡肉搭配时味道美极了。 2 barbecue /ˈbɑɚbɪˌkjuː/ verb barbecues; barbecued; barbecuing : to cook (food) on a barbecue : to broil or roast (meat, fish, etc.) over hot coals or an open fire(在烤架上)烧烤 [+ object] We barbecued chicken and ribs. 我们在户外烤了鸡和排骨。 [no object] We barbecue often during the summer. 夏天我们常去户外烧烤。 — barbecued adjective They served barbecued chicken/shrimp/pork at the cookout. 他们在露天烤肉餐上上了烤鸡/烤虾/烤猪肉。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • barely

    英 ['beəli]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692052253-22c1febc0ae5b70.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['berli]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692052265-22c1febc0ae5b70.mp3"][/audio]  adv. 几乎不;刚刚;勉强;少量地 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 barely 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版选必修B4U1 /ˈbeəlɪ/ /ˈbeərlɪ/ ad. 仅仅,刚刚,几乎不能 高考真题原句提选: In fact, I barely slept the night before. I could barely make out the stage in the darkness. 二、词组|习惯用语 您要查找的是不是: bare adj. 空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的 vt. 露出,使赤裸 barely satisfactory 差强人意 barely not 几乎不 Barely Legal 我的美好欲望(电影名) barely enough 勉强够; 仅够; 网络短语: Albeit Just Barely 虽然可以也勉强 barely passed 不及格 Barely Ther 紧身无痕 Barely Mucilaginous 仅黏 malting barely 啤酒大麦 Barely Audibly 几乎没有出声来 Barely Boobs 刚好是咪咪 Barely Perceptible 几乎不能被察觉; 勉强可觉察的; But Barely 但几乎没有 三、词根记忆 barely ad.赤裸裸地,無遮蔽地;僅僅,勉強,幾乎沒有He has barely enough money to live on.他的錢僅夠勉強維持生計. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barely bare·ly / 5beEli; NAmE 5berli / adverb 1. in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty 仅仅;刚刚;勉强可能: The music was barely audible. 音乐声勉强能听见。 She was barely able to stand. 她勉强能站立。 We barely had time to catch the train. 我们差点没赶上火车。 2. in a way that almost does not happen or exist 几乎不;几乎没有: She barely acknowledged his presence. 她只略微向他打了个招呼。 There was barely any smell. 几乎没有什么气味。 3. just; certainly not more than (a particular amount, age, time, etc.) 刚好;不超过(某个数量、年龄、时间等): Barely 50% of the population voted. 仅有 50% 的人口投票。 He was barely 20 years old and already running his own company. 他只有 20 岁,却已经营起自己的公司了。 They arrived barely a minute later. 过了不到一分钟他们就到了。 4. only a very short time before 刚才;刚刚: I had barely started speaking when he interrupted me. 我刚刚开始讲话,他便打断了我。 ⇨ note at hardly [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barely /ˈbeəli $ ˈberli/ ●●○ adverb 1  only with great difficulty or effort 勉强才能 SYN only just She was very old and barely able to walk. 她年纪非常大,只能勉强走几步路。 Mary had barely enough money to live on. 玛丽的钱只够勉强度日。 barely audible/perceptible/visible/discernible etc His voice was barely audible. 他的声音勉强能听见。 She could barely understand English. 她勉强懂一点英语。 2  almost not 几乎不 SYN hardly She was barely aware of his presence. 她几乎没有注意到他的存在。 Joe and his brother are barely on speaking terms. 乔和他哥哥几乎不说话。 3  used to emphasize that something happens immediately after a previous action 刚刚〔表示强调〕 SYN British English only just Graham had barely finished his coffee when Henry returned. 格雷厄姆刚刚喝完咖啡,亨利就回来了。 4  used before amounts or numbers to emphasize that they are surprisingly small 只有,仅仅〔强调数量之少〕 SYN only Nowadays, the village has barely 100 inhabitants. 如今这个村庄只有100个居民。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barely ★★★☆☆ 1.ADV-BRD-NEG 广义否定结构副词刚刚;勉强;仅仅 You use barely to say that something is only just true or only just the case. 【搭配模式】:ADV before v Anastasia could barely remember the ride to the hospital... 阿纳斯塔西娅几乎记不起来怎么去的医院。 It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room... 当时气温达到了90度,空调也不能让房间凉快多少。 His voice was barely audible... 他的声音几乎听不见。 She was an elfin-like girl who looked barely 10 years old. 她是个鬼马小精灵,看起来也就刚满10岁。 2.ADV-BRD-NEG 广义否定结构副词刚刚…(就) If you say that one thing had barely happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. 【搭配模式】:ADV before v The Boeing 767 had barely taxied to a halt before its doors were flung open... 这架波音767刚刚停住,它的舱门就弹开了。 Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped. 推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barely /ˈbeɚli/ adverb 1 a : hardly or scarcely — used to say that something was almost not possible or almost did not happen几乎不;简直不;勉强能 I barely recognized you with your hair cut short. 你头发剪短了,我简直认不出来了。 He could barely walk/read/write. 他勉强能走路/识字/写字。 His voice was barely audible above the sound of the river. 他的声音刚刚盖过小河流水声,勉强能听到。 The boat was barely visible off the coast. 在海面上几乎看不到那只船。 We barely [=almost do not] have enough money to pay the bills. 我们的钱勉强够付账单。 I barely [=almost do not] have time to eat my lunch. 我几乎没时间吃午饭。 He barely made his flight. [=he almost was too late for his flight] 他差一点没赶上航班。 b — used to say that someone or something only has a specified small size, age, length, etc.仅仅;只有 The movie is (just) barely an hour long. 这部电影只有一个小时。 He's barely a teenager. 他只是个青少年。 She's barely four feet tall. 她仅有四英尺高。 Barely 50 percent of the population voted. 仅有50%的民众投了票。 c — used to say that something reached a specified condition or happened only a short time before刚刚 The paint is barely dry. 油漆刚干。 They had barely [=just] set up the tents when it started to rain. 他们刚扎好帐篷就开始下雨了。 2 a : almost not at all几乎没有 We barely spoke the entire time we were in the car. 在车上,我们从头到尾几乎没说一句话。 I barely knew him. 我几乎不认识他。 b : almost not几乎没有 There are barely any new features in this software. 这款软件几乎没有什么新特点。 There is barely a difference between the two. 这两者之间几乎没有什么差别。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bark

    英 [bɑːk]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692064148-33c6c2397a1b079.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɑːrk]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692064168-33c6c2397a1b079.mp3"][/audio]   v. (狗)吠;咆哮 v. 剥皮;擦伤 n. 狗吠;咆哮 n. 树皮 过去式: barked 过去分词: barked 现在分词: barking 第三人称单数: barks [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bark 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:1 教材出处:译林版选必修B2U1 /bɑːk/ /bɑːrk/ n.&v. barks 0 barking 3 barked 5 吠声,树皮 & 吠,咆哮,剥树皮 高考真题原句提选: She never barked or tried to get away. Then at a dog show in London in 1953, a basenji actually barked. Over this shape pieces of tree bark were laid to protect the Indians from bad weather. For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. 二、词组|习惯用语 bark at 狗朝着(对着)某人叫;对…狗吠 tree bark 树皮绉 cinnamon bark 肉桂皮 pine bark 松树皮 cassia bark 肉桂;桂皮 eucommia bark 杜仲;杜仲粉末 bark beetle 树皮甲虫 三、词根记忆 bark vi. (狗等)吠,叫n.吠聲,叫聲;樹皮In the sparking park, the darling dark dog barked at the embarked larks.在閃著火花的公園裏,可愛的深色狗對著裝載於船雲雀吠叫. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bark [bɑːk] ,bark sth 'out ■to shout sth loudly大声说出;喊出: She barked out instructions to her secretary. 她扯着嗓子对秘书发号施令。 [OBJ]orders,instructions [synonym]rap sth out ■Bark sth can also be used with the same meaning. bark sth 也可作此义: He barked orders at Tim. 他厉声命令蒂姆。 [G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+speech [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bark bark / bB:k; NAmE bB:rk / noun [U, C] 1. the outer covering of a tree 树皮 2. the short loud sound made by dogs and some other animals (狗等的)吠声,嗥叫声 3. a short loud sound made by a gun or a voice 枪声;短促响亮的人声: a bark of laughter 一声大笑 IDIOMS ▪ sb's bark is worse than their bite (informal) used to say that sb is not really as angry or as aggressive as they sound 嘴硬心软;说话强硬,其实并不伤人;貌似凶狠 verb 1. [V] ~ (at sb / sth) when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound (狗)吠叫: The dog suddenly started barking at us. 那条狗突然开始对我们汪汪叫。 2. ~ (out) sth to give orders, ask questions, etc. in a loud, unfriendly way 厉声发令;厉声质问: ▪ [VN] She barked out an order. 她厉声宣布命令。 He barked questions at her. 他厉声质问她。 ▪ [also V speech] 3. (especially BrE) to rub the skin off your knee, etc. by falling or by knocking against sth 擦破(或蹭掉)…的皮 SYN graze ▪ be barking up the wrong 'tree (informal) to have the wrong idea about how to get or achieve sth 把方法搞错(或想偏);走错路线: You're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting us to lend you any money. 你要是指望我们借钱给你,你是走错庙门了。 ⇨ more at dog n. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bark1 /bɑːk $ bɑːrk/ ●●○ verb → barque 1  [intransitive] when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound or series of sounds 〔狗〕吠叫 → growl bark at The dog always barks at strangers. 这条狗总是对着陌生人叫。 2  (also bark out) [transitive] to say something quickly in a loud voice 大声嚷,吼叫 bark at ‘Don’t just stand there, give me a hand, ’ she barked at the shop assistant. “别光站在那里,帮我一把。”她对那店员吼道。 3  bark up the wrong tree informal to have a wrong idea, or do something in a way that will not give you the information or result you want 打错主意;认错目标 The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation. 警方调查这起凶杀案时方向不对头,枉费了三个月的精力。 4  [transitive] to rub the skin off your knee, elbow etc by falling or knocking against something 擦破,蹭破〔皮〕 SYN graze I barked my shin against the step. 我在台阶上蹭破了胫部。 Related topics: Animals, Pets, Plants, Colours & sounds bark2 ●●○ noun 1. [countable] the sharp loud sound made by a dog 狗叫声,吠声 2. [uncountable] the outer covering of a tree 树皮 → see picture at 见图 tree 3  [countable] a loud sound or voice 很大的响声;吼叫声 Amy’s voice was a hoarse bark. 艾美发出的是粗哑的吼声。 4. somebody’s bark is worse than their bite used to say that someone who seems unpleasant or difficult to deal with is not really too bad 某人表面上厉害,某人嘴凶心不狠 Origin bark1 Old English beorcan bark2 1. (1500-1600) → BARK12. (1200-1300) Old Norse börkr Word family  Related topics: Water barque /bɑːk $ bɑːrk/ noun [countable] → bark a sailing ship with three, four, or five masts (=poles that the sails are fixed to) 三桅[四桅,五桅]帆船 Origin barque (1400-1500) French Old Provençal barca, from Late Latin [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bark ★★☆☆☆ 1.VERB 动词(犬)吠,狺狺 When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times. 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:V at n Don't let the dogs bark... 让那些狗别叫。 A small dog barked at a seagull he was chasing. 小狗对着它正在追赶的一只海鸥吠叫。 Bark is also a noun. The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks. 短毛猎犬一阵狂吠。 2.VERB 动词大声嚷;吼叫;厉声叫喊 If you bark at someone, you shout at them aggressively in a loud, rough voice. 【语法信息】:V at n 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:Also V with quote I didn't mean to bark at you... 我不是成心对你嚷嚷的。 A policeman held his gun in both hands and barked an order. 警察双手握枪,厉声发出指令。 3.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词树皮 Bark is the tough material that covers the outside of a tree. 4.PHRASE 短语刀子嘴,豆腐心;冷面孔,菩萨心 If you say that someone's bark is worse than their bite, you mean that they seem much more unpleasant or hostile than they really are. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 She can be a bit tetchy but her bark is worse than her bite. 她脾气可能有点暴躁,但她是刀子嘴,豆腐心。 5. to be barking up the wrong tree→see: tree; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bark /ˈbɑɚk/ verb barks; barked; barking 1 [no object] of a dog : to make a short loud sound犬吠;吠叫 The dog only barks when someone approaches the house. 有人靠近房子时这只狗才会叫。 2 : to shout or say (something) in a loud and angry way厉声说;咆哮 [+ object] The captain barked orders/commands to the crew. 船长厉声向船员们下达了指令。 “Come over at once!” he barked (at/to her). “马上过来!”他厉声(对她)叫道。 — often + out The captain barked out an order to the crew. 船长厉声向船员们下达了一道指令。 [no object] He was barking into the phone, giving orders to one of his employees. 他在电话里咆哮着向一位员工发号施令。 The captain barked at the crew. 船长厉声地对船员训话。 barking up the wrong tree informal : trying to do something in a way that will not be successful找错了目标;走错了方向;白费力气 If you are looking for money, you're barking up the wrong tree. [=you are asking the wrong person] 如果你是为了要钱,那你找错人了。 She claims that researchers are barking up the wrong tree by focusing on conventional forms of treatment for the disease. 她声称,研究人员将注意力集中在这种病的常规疗法上是犯了方向性错误。 2 bark /ˈbɑɚk/ noun plural barks [count] : the short, loud sound made by a dog犬吠声 The dog gave a loud bark. 那只狗大叫了一声。; also : a similar sound类似犬吠的声音 The captain gave his orders with a sharp bark. 船长咆哮着发出指令。 The bark of the baby's cough woke the other children. 这个婴儿的咳嗽声吵醒了其他孩子。 ◊ If your bark is worse than your bite, you appear to be more angry or dangerous than you really are.嘴硬心软;貌似凶狠 Don't get upset if the boss yells at you. His bark is worse than his bite. 如果老板对你吼叫不要难过。他是刀子嘴,豆腐心。 — compare 3bark, 4bark 3 bark /ˈbɑɚk/ noun plural barks : the outer covering of a tree树皮 [noncount] a piece of birch bark 一片桦树皮 [count] She compared the barks of various trees. 她对各种树木的树皮进行了比较。 — compare 2bark, 4bark 4 bark noun or barque /ˈbɑɚk/ plural barks or barques [count] : a small sailing ship小帆船;三桅帆船 — compare 2bark, 3bark [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • barrier

    英 ['bæriə(r)]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692064659-fa9c8ab925b4a1c.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bæriər]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692064674-fa9c8ab925b4a1c.mp3"][/audio]  n. 栅栏;障碍物;屏障 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 barrier 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版选必修B2U4 /ˈbæriə(r)/ /ˈbæriər/ n. barriers 0 障碍物,栅栏,屏障 高考真题原句提选: Many of those barriers to travel also act as barriers to communication. A boy would try to climb a barrier before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others. Though Diana met with the language barrier, she was always going ahead while at college. Natural barriers that were difficult or dangerous to cross a hundred years ago can now be crossed easily. 二、词组|习惯用语 trade barrier 贸易壁垒 language barrier n. 语言障碍 barrier reef 堡礁;堤礁 thermal barrier 热障;保温层;绝热层 great barrier reef 大堡礁 blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障;血脑障壁 tariff barrier 关税壁垒 barrier property 防护性能;隔离性,不透气性 sound barrier 声障(等于sonic barrier) barrier layer 阻挡层;势垒层 potential barrier 势垒;位垒 non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒 noise barrier 隔音屏障;隔声板 blood brain barrier 血脑屏障 moisture barrier 防潮层 natural barrier 天然屏障;天然堤 safety barrier 安全势垒,安全栅;停机拦截网 fire barrier 阻火器;防火墙;防火煤柱;防火隔板 protective barrier 遮壁;防护栏杆;防护栅障 barrier system 屏障系统;柱式开采法;栅栏系统 三、词根记忆 barrier n. 柵欄,屏障;障礙(物)In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.在酒巴裏理發師為一罐果醬講了價然後越過桶作的屏障. n. 柵欄(barr+ier)[barr=stick,表示,"捧,欄"] n. 障礙[barr=bar(柵欄)] n. 障礙物(barr柵欄+ier)[-ier表名詞,"人或物"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bar·rier / 5bAriE(r) / noun 1. an object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another 屏障;障碍物: The crowd had to stand behind barriers. 人群只好站在障碍物后面。 Show your ticket at the barrier. 请在验票处出示车票。 ⇨ see also crash barrier 2. ~ (to sth) a problem, rule or situation that prevents sb from doing sth, or that makes sth impossible 障碍;阻力;关卡: the removal of trade barriers 贸易壁垒的消除 Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success. 缺乏信心是阻碍成功的心理因素。 3. ~ (between A and B) | ~ (against sth) something that exists between one thing or person and another and keeps them separate 分界线;隔阂;障碍: The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east. 长江是东北面的一道天然屏障。 There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind. 在他的头脑中,现实与幻想之间没有真正的界线。 Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation. 臭氧是地球防止紫外线辐射的屏障。 the language barrier (= when people cannot communicate because they do not speak the same language) 语言隔阂(因语言不通而无法交流) 4. a particular amount, level or number which it is difficult to get past 难以逾越的数量(或水平、数目);关口: the first player whose earnings passed the $10 million barrier 第一位收入超过 1 000 万元大关的运动员 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barrier /ˈbæriə $ -ər/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable] 1  barrier.jpga rule, problem etc that prevents people from doing something, or limits what they can do 〔妨碍或限制人们做事的〕障碍,壁垒 He advocated the removal of trade barriers. 他提倡消除贸易壁垒。 barrier to Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work. 照顾子女问题依然是女性争取事业成功的最大障碍。 barrier between barriers between doctors and patients 医生和病人之间的隔阂 → See picture of 见图 barrier 2  a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction 障碍物;栅栏;关卡 Crowds burst through the barriers and ran onto the pitch. 人群冲破围栏跑进球场。 3  a physical object that keeps two areas, people etc apart 屏障 barrier between The mountains form a natural barrier between the two countries. 群山构成了两国之间的天然屏障。 4  the 10-second/40% etc barrier a level or amount of 10 seconds, 40% etc that is seen as a limit which it is difficult to get beyond 〔难以超越的〕10秒/40%等的关口 I’m hoping to crash the 20-second barrier in the final and get a bronze. 我希望决赛的时候能突破20秒的关口,拿到一枚铜牌。 → sound barrier, crash barrier  COLLOCATIONS Origin barrier (1300-1400) Old French barriere, from barre; → BAR1 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barrier ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词障碍;壁垒;阻碍 A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved. 【搭配模式】:oft N to/against/between n Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade. 关税和税收是自由贸易的最大壁垒。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词隔阂;阻碍 A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from agreeing, communicating, or working with each other. 【搭配模式】:oft supp N There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier... 爱没有理由不能跨越年龄的阻碍。 She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them... 她一直在等待西蒙打破他们之间的隔阂。 When you get involved in sports and athletes, a lot of the racial barriers are broken down. 当你参与到体育运动中的时候,很多种族隔阂就消失了。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词关卡;栅栏 A barrier is something such as a fence or wall that is put in place to prevent people from moving easily from one area to another. The demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers... 示威者们冲破了警察的重重设防。 As each woman reached the barrier one of the men glanced at her papers. 每一位女士来到关卡前,其中一个男士便会扫一眼她的证件。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词障碍物;挡板;屏障 A barrier is an object or layer that physically prevents something from moving from one place to another. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp ...a severe storm, which destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake... 猛烈的暴风雨摧毁了房子和湖之间的一道天然屏障 The packaging must provide an effective barrier to prevent contamination of the product. 包装必须提供有效的保护,以免产品受污染。 5.N-SING 单数名词大关;界限 You can refer to a particular number or amount as a barrier when you think it is significant, because it is difficult or unusual to go above it. 【搭配模式】:the N They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million... 他们担心失业人数很快将突破300万大关。 The Popular Front failed, as expected, to pass the 5 per cent barrier. 不出所料,人民阵线没能突破5%大关。 6.See also:crash barrier;sound barrier; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] barrier /ˈberijɚ/ noun plural barriers [count] 1 : something (such as a fence or natural obstacle) that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another屏障;障碍物 Concrete barriers surround the racetrack to protect spectators. 跑道周围设立了混凝土障碍物,以保护观众。 The tree's roots serve/act as a barrier against soil erosion. 树根起了防止水土流失的作用。 The mountain range forms a natural barrier between the two countries. 这条山脉构成了两国之间的天然屏障。 barrier beaches 滨外沙埂 — see also barrier island, barrier reef, crash barrier 2 a : a law, rule, problem, etc., that makes something difficult or impossible壁垒;关卡;阻碍 Both leaders are in favor of removing trade barriers. 两位领导人都赞同消除贸易壁垒。 Cultural/social barriers have made it hard for women to enter many professions. 文化/社会壁垒使得女性难以进入许多职业领域。 He argues that regulations should not be viewed as barriers to progress. 他认为规定不应被视为对进步的阻碍。 b : something that makes it difficult for people to understand each other障碍;隔阂 — often + between The lecture was about finding ways to break through barriers between the social classes. 这个讲座探寻了消除社会阶层之间隔阂的方法。 Age can be a big barrier between parents and children. 年龄可能成为父母和孩子之间的一大障碍。 A language barrier existed between the two countries. [=people in the two countries did not understand each other because they spoke different languages] 两国之间存在语言障碍。 3 : a level, amount, or number that is difficult to get past难以逾越的水准(或数量、数目等);极限;关口 His fastball broke the 100-mph barrier. [=he threw a baseball over 100 mph] 他投出的快球打破了时速100英里的极限。 a price barrier [=a price that is regarded as a limit] 价格限制 — see also sound barrier [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • base

    英 [beɪs]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692072168-593616de15330c0.mp3"][/audio]  美 [beɪs]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692072175-593616de15330c0.mp3"][/audio]   n. 底部;基地;基础;基数;基线;(棒球)垒;[化]碱 vt. 以 ... 作基础 adj. 卑鄙的;不道德的 副词: basely 比较级: baser 最高级: basest 过去式: based 过去分词: based 现在分词: basing 第三人称单数: bases [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 base 高中必修500 全国卷频次:9 教材出处:译林版必修B1U1 /beɪs/ n.&v. bases 0 basing 0 based 25 基地,大本营;底部;基础 & 以…为基础 高考真题原句提选: They are the base of the food chain. If traveling to your destination by train, you may want to find a good base close to the station. His first book to be published next month is based on a true story. Some websites can help find the right schools based on one’s interests. Actually, vacation happiness is based on the following top rules. 二、词组|习惯用语 base on 基于,以……为根据;在……基础上 production base 生产基地 on base [体]占垒 base in 基于 at base 本质上 in base 【纹章学】在盾形纹章的下部 knowledge base 知识库 data base 数据库(等于data bank);基本数据;储存之资料 customer base 客户群;客户基础 industrial base 工业基地 base oil 基础油;原油 base station 基站;基电台 economic base [经]经济基础 base material 基础材质 main base 主基地;控制点 base area 底面积;底面 base metal [化]基底金属;碱金属 base point 基准点;原点 base plate 底盘,底座;[医]基板(牙) base class 基础类别,基本类 三、词根记忆 base n. 基礎,底部;基地a.卑鄙的v.(on)把…基於The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.最初的會談是後來達成協議的基礎. 低下的;基礎[bas,base=low,foundation,表示"低下,基礎"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] base [beɪs] 'base sth on sth (also 'base sth upon sth more formal) ■to use or have an idea, an experience, etc.as the point from which sth can be developed以概念(或经验等)为…的基础(或根据): The novel is based on a true story. 这部小说是根据一件真事创作的。 She is basing the prosecution case on the evidence of two witnesses. 她是依照两名目击者的证词提起诉讼的。 What’s the design based on? 这一设计的蓝图是什么? The report has been based upon inaccurate information. 这份报告所依据的情报不准确。 Sue’s knowledge of Japan was based only on what she had read in books. 休对于日本的了解仅限于书本知识。 [OBJ]decision,theory,design,opinion, etc. ■[NOTE]Base sth on/upon sth is often used in the passive. base sth on/upon sth 常用于被动语态。 [G]v+n/pron+prep [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] base / beis / noun LOWEST PART 底部 1. [C, usually sing.] the lowest part of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands 根基;基底;底座: the base of a column / glass 柱基;玻璃杯底座 a pain at the base of the spine 脊柱末端的疼痛 The lamp has a heavy base. 这枱灯的底座很沉。 ⇨ note at bottom ORIGINAL IDEA / SITUATION 根源思想/状况 2. [C] an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. from which sth is developed 根据;出发点 SYN basis : She used her family's history as a base for her novel. 她以她的家族史作为小说的素材。 His arguments have a sound economic base. 他的论点有充分的经济上的根据。 ⇨ note at basis OF SUPPORT / INCOME / POWER 支持;收入;力量 3. [C, usually sing.] the people, activity, etc. from which sb / sth gets most of their support, income, power, etc. (支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础: These policies have a broad base of support. 这些政策受到广泛支持。 an economy with a solid manufacturing base 以制造业为坚实基础的经济体 ⇨ see also customer base , power base FIRST / MAIN SUBSTANCE 首要/基本材料 4. [C, usually sing.] the first or main part of a substance to which other things are added 混合物的首要(或主要)成分: a drink with a rum base 主要成分为朗姆酒的饮料 Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make-up. 化妆前先搽些润肤霜打底。 MAIN PLACE 主要地方 5. [C] the main place where you live or stay or where a business operates from 据点;总部;大本营: I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base. 我有很多时间在英国度过,但主要还是居住在巴黎。 The town is an ideal base for touring the area. 这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。 The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. 公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。 OF ARMY, navy, ETC. 陆军、海军等 6. [C, U] a place where an army, a navy, etc. operates from 基地: a military / naval base 军事/海军基地 an air base 空军基地 After the attack, they returned to base. 他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。 CHEMISTRY 化学 7. [C] a chemical substance, for example an alkali , that can combine with an acid to form a salt 硷; 盐基 MATHEMATICS 数学 8. [C, usually sing.] a number on which a system of counting and expressing numbers is built up, for example 10 in the decimal system and 2 in the binary system 基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2) IN BASEBALL / ROUNDERS 棒球;圆场棒球 9. [C] one of the five positions that a player must reach in order to score points 垒 ⇨ see also database IDIOMS ▪ off base (NAmE, informal) completely wrong about sth 完全错误: If that's what you think, you're way off base. 你如果那么想就全错了。 ⇨ more at cover v., first base , touch v. verb [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb / sth / yourself in... to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday / vacation, etc. 以…为据点(或大本营等);把(总部等)设在: They decided to base the new company in York. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡。 We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there. 我们将以东京为据点到各地旅行。 PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 'base sth on / upon sth to use an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. as the point from which sth can be developed 以…为基础(或根据): What are you basing this theory on? 你这种理论的根据是什么? ⇨ see also based adjective (baser, bas·est) (formal) not having moral principles or rules 卑鄙的;不道德的: He acted from base motives. 他的行动动机卑鄙。 • base·ly adv. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] base1 /beɪs/ ●●● S1 W1 verb → bass 1 [transitive] to have your main place of work, business etc in a particular place 把基地设于,以…为基地 The paper had intended to base itself in London. 这家报社原来打算把总部设在伦敦。 be based in something The new organization will be based in Dallas. 这个新的机构总部将设在达拉斯。 → based 2 base something on/upon something phrasal verb to use something as the thing from which something else is developed 以…为基础,以…为根据 → basis Their relationship was based upon mutual respect. 他们之间的关系以相互尊重为基础。 an economy based on farming 以农业为基础的经济 Related topics: Military, Baseball, Compounds, Maths, Chemistry base2 ●●● S2 W2 noun 1  LOWEST PART 最低的部分 [countable usually singular] a) the lowest part or surface of something 底部;根基;基础 SYN bottom base of There is a door at the base of the tower. 塔基上有一扇门。 the base of a triangle 三角形的底边 a frozen dessert with a biscuit base 一个以脆饼作底的冻甜品 a wine glass with a heavy base 一个杯底厚实的葡萄酒杯 The leather of his left trainer was coming away from its rubber base. 他左脚运动鞋上的皮面快要从橡胶底上脱落下来了。 b) the lowest point on a plant or part of your body, where it joins another part 〔植物或身体部位的〕基部,连接处 SYN bottom base of a hole in the base of the tree 这棵树根部的一个洞 He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull. 他是颅底遭斧子重创死亡的。 ► see thesaurus at bottom 2  KNOWLEDGE/IDEAS 知识/想法 [countable] the most important part of something, from which new ideas develop 〔思想的〕基础,根据 SYN foundation India has a good scientific research base. 印度有良好的科研基础。 base for They were laying the base for a new economic recovery. 他们正在为经济的再次复苏打基础。 3  MILITARY 军事 [countable] a place where people in a military organization live and work 〔军事〕基地 military/naval/air base 军事/海军/空军基地 4  COMPANY/ORGANIZATION 公司/组织 [countable, uncountable] the main place from which a person, company, or organization controls their activities 基地,根据地,总部,大本营 base for He used the house as a base for his printing business. 他把这房子作为他印刷业务的基地。 5  PEOPLE/GROUPS 人/群体 [countable usually singular] the people, money, groups etc that form the main part of something 〔人、经济、集团等的〕基础,支柱 The company has built up a loyal customer base. 该公司已经建立了一个稳定的客户基础。 By broadening the tax base (=all the people who pay taxes), he could raise more revenues. 通过扩大征税来源,他就可以增加财政收入。 an attempt to strengthen the city’s economic base (=things that produce jobs and money) 加强本市经济基础的一项举措 The country’s manufacturing base (=all the factories, companies etc that produce goods in a country) has shrunk by 20%. 该国的制造业基础萎缩了20%。 → power base 6  SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE 物质/混合物 [singular, uncountable] the main part of a substance, meal etc to which other things are added 基础成分,主要成分 7. SPORT 体育运动 [countable] one of the four places that a player must touch in order to get a point in games such as baseball 〔棒球等的〕垒 → see picture at 见图 baseball 8  be off base American English informal to be completely wrong 完全错误,离谱 9. CHEMICAL 化学品 [countable] technical a chemical substance that combines with an acid to form a salt 碱,盐基 10. NUMBERS 数目 [countable usually singular] technical the number in relation to which a number system or mathematical table is built up, for example 10 in the decimal system 基数〔如十进制的10〕 11. touch base (with somebody) to talk to someone to find out what is happening about something (跟某人)联系上 —basal adjective → cover (all) the bases at cover1(12) base3 adjective 1 not having good moral principles 卑鄙的,下流的,无耻的 base attitudes and desires 卑鄙的态度和欲望 → base metal Origin base2 (1300-1400) Old French Latin basis; → BASIS base3 (1300-1400) Old French bas, from Medieval Latin bassus “short, low” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] base ★★★★★ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词基础;根基;底部 The base of something is its lowest edge or part. 【搭配模式】:usu the N of n There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall, right at its base... 在墙的这边,沿着墙根有一条自行车道。 Line the base and sides of a 20cm deep round cake tin with paper. 把一个20厘米深的圆形糕饼盒的底部和四周都垫上纸。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词基部;相连处;连接处 The base of something is the lowest part of it, where it is attached to something else. 【搭配模式】:usu the N of n The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head. 外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词底;底部;底面 The base of an object such as a box or vase is the lower surface of it that touches the surface it rests on. 【搭配模式】:usu with poss Remove from the heat and plunge the base of the pan into a bowl of very cold water. 先把锅从炉子上拿开,然后把锅底浸入一盆冷水中。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词底部;基座 The base of an object that has several sections and that rests on a surface is the lower section of it. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp The mattress is best on a solid bed base... 这种床垫最好放在结实的床板上。 The clock stands on an oval marble base, enclosed by a glass dome. 钟放在椭圆形的大理石基座上,外罩玻璃罩。 5.N-COUNT 可数名词基层;底层 A base is a layer of something which will have another layer added to it. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp Spoon the mixture on to the biscuit base and cook in a preheated oven... 把混合好的糊糊舀到饼干坯上,然后放入已预热的烤箱烘烤。 On many modern wooden boats, epoxy coatings will have been used as a base for varnishing. 很多现代的木船将采用环氧涂层作底漆。 6.N-COUNT 可数名词出发点;起点;基础 A position or thing that is a base for something is one from which that thing can be developed or achieved. 【搭配模式】:usu sing The post will give him a powerful political base from which to challenge the Kremlin... 这个职位将给他提供一个强有力的政治基点来挑战克里姆林宫。 The family base was crucial to my development. 家庭基础对我的发展至关重要。 7.VERB 动词以…为基础 If you base one thing on another thing, the first thing develops from the second thing. 【语法信息】:V n on/upon n He based his conclusions on the evidence given by the captured prisoners. 他根据被俘囚犯提供的证据得出了这个结论。 based Three of the new products are based on traditional herbal medicines... 有3种新产品是以传统的草药为基础研制的。 The figures are based upon average market prices. 这些数字是基于平均市场价格而得出的。 8.N-COUNT 可数名词(公司的)客户基础,主要(客户)群体 A company's client base or customer base is the group of regular clients or customers that the company gets most of its income from. 【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商 The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising. 公司一直通过在商业杂志上刊登广告扩展客户群。 9.N-COUNT 可数名词(军事)基地 A military base is a place which part of the armed forces works from. 【搭配模式】:usu supp N Gunfire was heard at an army base close to the airport. 机场附近的军事基地传出了炮火声。 ...a massive air base in eastern Saudi Arabia. 沙特阿拉伯东部的一个大型空军基地 10.N-COUNT 可数名词(工作或生活的)据点,基地 Your base is the main place where you work, stay, or live. 【搭配模式】:usu poss N For most of the spring and early summer her base was her home in Scotland. 春天和初夏的大部分时间,她都是在苏格兰的家里度过的。 11.N-COUNT 可数名词(活动的)地点,中心,大本营 If a place is a base for a certain activity, the activity can be carried out at that place or from that place. 【搭配模式】:usu sing The two hotel-restaurants are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany... 对于去托斯卡纳东南部探险的人们来说,这两家酒店是很有吸引力的驻扎地。 Los Angeles was still my financial base. I was still doing business there. 洛杉矶仍然是我的财务中心。我还在那里做生意。 12.N-COUNT 可数名词基础成分;主要成分;主料 The base of a substance such as paint or food is the main ingredient of it, to which other substances can be added. Drain off any excess marinade and use it as a base for a pouring sauce... 先滗出多余的卤汁,把它当作浇汁的主料。 Oils may be mixed with a base oil and massaged into the skin. 将油和基础油混合,按摩直至皮肤吸收。 13.N-COUNT 可数名词(数字进位制中的)基数 A base is a system of counting and expressing numbers. The decimal system uses base 10, and the binary system uses base 2. 【搭配模式】:also N num 14.N-COUNT 可数名词(棒球、垒球、圆场棒球等的)垒 A base in baseball, softball, or rounders is one of the places at each corner of the square on the pitch. 15.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词卑鄙的;下流的;无耻的 Base behaviour is behaviour that is immoral or dishonest. 【STYLE标签】:LITERARY 文 Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions. 爱能够战胜邪念。 16.PHRASE 短语完全错误;大错特错 If you say that someone is off base, you mean that they are wrong. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR 【语域标签】:mainly AM 主美 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Am I wrong? Am I way off base? Because I want you to set me straight if you think I'm wrong. 我错了吗?我大错特错了吗?因为如果我不对的话,我希望你能纠正我的错误。 17.PHRASE 短语(尤指在近期没有联系的情况下与某人)取得联系 If you communicate with someone, especially someone you have not communicated with recently, you can say that you touch base with them. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Being there gave me a chance to touch base with three friends whom I had not seen for a year. 在那里,让我有机会和一年没见面的三个朋友取得了联系。 18.PHRASE 短语面面俱到;应付各种情况 If someone touches all the bases or covers the bases, they deal with everyone or everything involved in a situation. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 He has managed to touch all the bases necessary, and trade goes on... 他想方设法把所有必要的事情都处理妥当,生意也维持了下来。 The boss covers all bases when he sets up a job. 老板设立一个工作岗位时,需要方方面面都考虑到。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 base /ˈbeɪs/ noun plural bases 1 [count] : the bottom or lowest part of something : the part on which something rests or is supported底部;根基;底座— usually singular通常用单数 The lamp has a heavy base. 这盏灯的底座很沉。 He planted flowers around the stone's base. 他沿石头的底部栽了一些花儿。 Make sure the base of the stove rests evenly on the floor. 一定要确保炉子的底部平稳地放在地面上。 The climbers established a camp at the base of the mountain. = The climbers established a base camp. 攀登者们在山脚扎了一个营地。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Although I disagreed with the book's theoretical base [=basis, foundation], I couldn't really find fault with its logic. 虽然我不同意这本书的理论基础,但确实挑不出它逻辑上的毛病。 The tour was informative, thanks to the guide's broad base of knowledge. 多亏导游宽广的基础知识,这次旅行很长见识。 2 [count] : something (such as a group of people or things) that provides support for a place, business, etc.基础;支柱— usually singular通常用单数 At one time paper mills were the industrial base for the region. 造纸厂曾一度是这个地区的工业支柱。 The economic base of the village is tourism. [=tourism is the most important part of the village's economy] 这个村庄的经济支柱是旅游业。 The company has a solid customer base. [=set of customers it can depend on] 这家公司拥有坚实的客户基础。 The sport's fan base [=group of fans] is growing. 这项运动的粉丝群在扩大。 — see also power base, tax base 3 [count] : a main ingredient to which other things are added to make something主要成分;底料 — usually singular通常用单数 The paint has a water base, not an oil base. 这种漆是水基涂料,而不是油基涂料。 She uses chicken broth as the base of the soup. 她用鸡汤来做这道汤的底料。 4 a [count] : the main place in which a person works or lives or a business operates基地;总部;主要场所 He uses his home as the base for his accounting business. 他把自己的家作为会计业务的大本营。 The company's base is in London. = The company's base of operations is (in) London. [=the company's main offices are in London] 这家公司的总部在伦敦。 The band recently returned to its home base of Chicago after three months on tour. 在三个月的巡演之后,这支乐队最近返回了其位于芝加哥的大本营。 b : a place where a military force keeps supplies and where people in the military live and work军事基地 [count] naval/military bases 海军/陆军基地 the commander of the base = the base commander 基地司令 [noncount] The troops were ordered back to base. 部队受命返回基地。 — see also air base 5 baseball : any one of the four places a runner must touch in order to score垒;垒位 [count] He threw the ball to the wrong base. 他把球掷错垒了。 [noncount] There's a runner on base. [=there's a runner on first, second, or third base] 有名跑垒员在垒上。 The batter reached base on an error by the shortstop. 游击手失误,击球手趁机上垒。 — compare home plate; see also first base, second base, third base 6 [count] chemistry : a chemical that reacts with an acid to form a salt ◊ A base has a pH higher than 7.碱,盐基(pH值高于7) — compare 1acid 1, ph 7 [count] mathematics : a number on which a system for counting and calculating is established基数— usually singular通常用单数 Computers use a binary, or base 2, system, rather than the decimal, or base 10, system we usually use. 计算机使用的是二进制,而非我们常用的十进制。 cover all the bases also cover every base : to do or include everything that needs to be done or included面面俱到;无所不包 The book is sometimes confusing because the writer tries too hard to cover all the bases. 这本书有时令人困惑,因为作者过于追求面面俱到。 They reviewed the contract to make sure that it covered all the bases. 他们把合同又看了一遍,确保没有任何遗漏。 off base US, informal 1 : not correct : wrong or mistaken不对的;错误的 Her study proves that the theory is off base. 她的研究证明这个理论是错误的。 It turns out that the estimates were way off base. [=very wrong] 结果证明这些估计太离谱了。 2 : in an unprepared state措手不及的;无准备的 He was caught off base [=off guard] by the accusations. [=he was not prepared for the accusations] 这些指控令他措手不及。 touch all the bases chiefly US or touch every base : to cover all the bases谈及所有相关事项 especially : to mention every subject or point that needs to be considered She made sure that she touched all the bases in her report. 她确保自己在报告中把问题的各个方面都谈到了。 His opening remarks at the meeting touched all the bases. 他在大会的开幕词里提及了所有要点。 touch base informal : to meet and talk as a way of learning about recent news联系,谈论(以了解最新动态) Let's get together for lunch next week to touch base. 咱们下周一起吃午餐,聊聊近况吧。 — usually + with He attended the conference for a chance to touch base with other people in the computer industry. 为了寻找机会了解计算机行业其他人的近况,他参加了会议。 2 base /ˈbeɪs/ verb bases; based; basing [+ object] : to have a particular place as the main place where a person works or lives or where a business operates以…为总部(或据点、大本营);驻扎 They are going to base their new company in Seattle. 他们打算把新公司的总部设在西雅图。 The company has based itself in London. 这家公司把总部设在伦敦。 Our tour group based itself in a hotel in the heart of the city. 我们旅行团在市中心的一家宾馆里安顿了下来。 — often used as (be) based常用作(be) based The company is based in London. [=the company's main offices are in London] 这家公司的总部在伦敦。 The band was based in Chicago until recently. 直到不久前,这支乐队的大本营还在芝加哥。 a London-based company 一家总部在伦敦的公司 base on/upon [phrasal verb] base (something) on/upon (something) : to form, make, or develop (something, such as an opinion, decision, or calculation) by using (something, such as information) as a basis, starting point, etc.基于;以…为基础 You've based your opinion on faulty information. = Your opinion is based on faulty information. [=the information that you used to form your opinion is wrong] 你的意见是建立在错误的情报上的。 The interest rate is based on credit history. [=credit history is used to determine the interest rate] 利率是根据信用记录来决定的。 The story is based on real-life events. [=the story was developed from real-life events] 这个故事是以真实事件为基础的。 The island's economy is based on tourism. 岛上的经济支柱是旅游业。 3 base /ˈbeɪs/ adjective 1 [also more base; most base] formal + literary baser; basest : not honest or good不诚实的;不良的;卑鄙的 base motives 不良的动机 a base criminal 卑鄙的罪犯 2 technical, of a metal : having low quality and value(金属)低质的,不值钱的 Iron is a base metal. 铁是低质金属。 — basely adverb He acted basely. 他行为卑劣。 — baseness noun [noncount] the baseness of his actions 他行为的卑劣 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • baseball

    英 ['beɪsbɔːl]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692072494-276f8db0b86edaa.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['beɪsbɔːl] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692072503-276f8db0b86edaa.mp3"][/audio]    n. 棒球 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 baseball 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:2 /ˈbeɪsbɔːl/ n. 棒球 高考真题原句提选: Shay and his father had walked past a park, where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy. 二、词组|习惯用语 baseball game 棒球比赛 baseball team 棒球队;棒球队型 baseball player 棒球运动员;棒球选手 baseball cap 棒球帽 baseball bat 棒球棒 major league baseball (美)职业棒球大联盟 baseball glove 棒球手套 baseball diamond 棒球内场 三、词根记忆 baseball n. 棒球Balloon, baseball, basketball, football and volleyball all dance ballet on the volcano.氣球,棒球,籃球,足球和排球都在火山上跳芭蕾舞. 壘球(base+ball球→建立基礎打球→壘球)[bas,base=low,foundation,表示"低下,基礎"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baseball base·ball / 5beisbC:l / noun 1. [U] a game played especially in the US by two teams of nine players, using a bat and ball. Each player tries to hit the ball and then run around four bases before the other team can return the ball. 棒球运动: a baseball bat / team / stadium 棒球球棒/球队/球场 ⇨ compare rounders 2. [C] the ball used in this game 棒球 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baseball /ˈbeɪsbɔːl $ -bɒːl/ ●●● S3 W2 noun 1. [uncountable] an outdoor game between two teams of nine players, in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running around four bases 棒球(运动) → See picture of throw 传球, pitcher 投手, runner 跑垒员 ... 2. [countable] the ball used in baseball 棒球 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baseball ★★★☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词棒球运动 In America, baseball is a game played by two teams of nine players. Each player from one team hits a ball with a bat and then tries to run around three bases and get to the home base before the other team can get the ball back. 2.N-COUNT 可数名词棒球 A baseball is a small hard ball which is used in the game of baseball. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] baseball /ˈbeɪsˌbɑːl/ noun plural baseballs 1 [noncount] : a game played on a large field by two teams of nine players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running to each of the four bases without being put out棒球运动 He likes playing baseball. 他喜欢打棒球。 We watched baseball on TV last night. 我们昨晚在电视上看棒球赛了。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a baseball player/team/game 棒球选手/球队/比赛 a baseball bat/card 棒球球棒/卡 — see pictures at bat, glove 2 [count] : the ball used in baseball棒球 — see picture at ball [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • basic

    英 ['beɪsɪk]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692072804-f17aaabc20bfe04.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['beɪsɪk]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692072813-f17aaabc20bfe04.mp3"][/audio]   adj. 基本的;基础的;初级的;含硅少的 n. 基础;根本;[计]BASIC语言 副词: basically 名词: basicity [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 basic 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:13 /ˈbeɪsɪk/ a. 基本的 高考真题原句提选: And you need to understand a few basic rules about the wind. 二、词组|习惯用语 basic principle 基本原理 basic theory 基本理论 basic level 基本水平 basic knowledge 基础知识,基本知识 basic concept 基本概念;本义 basic structure 基本结构 basic education 基础教育 basic research 基本研究 basic information 基本信息;基本资料 basic data 基本资料;原始数据 basic function 基本功能;基本函数 basic law 基本法律;一国或一邦的政府的基本组织的书面说明 basic unit 基本单元 basic ideas n. 基本观念 basic course 基础课,基础课程;基本训练 basic framework 基本框架 basic design 基本设计;原图 basic approach 基本方法 basic english 基础英语 basic model 基本模型 三、词根记忆 basic a. 基本的,基礎的Based on the basic case, the purchaser found the vase in the basin in the basement.根據這個基本情況,購買者在地下室的盆子裏找到了花瓶. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] BASIC / 5beisik / noun [U] a simple language, using familiar English words, for writing computer programs BASIC 语言,初学者通用符号指令码(一种使用一般英语词汇的简单计算机编程语言) ☞ basic basic / 5beisik / adjective 1. ~ (to sth) forming the part of sth that is most necessary and from which other things develop 基本的;基础的: basic information / facts / ideas 基本信息/事实/思想 the basic principles of law 法律的基本原则 Drums are basic to African music. 鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。 2. of the simplest kind or at the simplest level 最简单的;初级的;初步的: The campsite provided only basic facilities. 野营地只提供最基本的设施。 My knowledge of French is pretty basic. 我的法语学得很粗浅。 3. [only before noun] necessary and important to all people 必需的;基本需要的: basic human rights 基本人权 the cost of basic foods 基本食粮的费用 4. before anything extra is added 基本的;没有附加成分的: The basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent. 工人的平均基本工资上升了百分之三。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basic /ˈbeɪsɪk/ ●●● S2 W1 adjective 1  forming the most important or most necessary part of something 基础的,基本的,根本的 → basics the basic principles of chemistry 化学的基本原理 The basic idea is simple. 基本思想很简单。 basic research 基础研究 basic information 基本信息 basic to medical techniques basic to the control of infection 控制感染最基本的医疗技术 2  at the simplest or least developed level 基本的,最简单的,最初级的 → basics the basic skills of programming 编程基本技巧 Their knowledge is very basic. 他们所掌握的知识是相当初级的。 The farm lacks even basic equipment. 这个农场连最基本的设备都没有。 3  basic salary/pay/pension etc the amount of money that you are paid before any special payments are added 基本工资/底薪/基本养老金等 On top of the basic salary, there are numerous other benefits. 除了基本工资外还有许多其他的福利。 4  [only before noun] basic rights, needs etc are ones that everyone needs or should have 〔权利、需要等〕最基本的,起码的 basic human rights 基本的人权 poor families unable to meet their basic needs 连最基本的需求都得不到满足的贫困家庭 Origin basic (1800-1900) base [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basic ★★★★☆ 1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词根本的;首要的;主要的 You use basic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook. 不管以什么方式钓鱼,有一个锋利的鱼钩都是最基本的要求之一。 ...the basic skills of reading, writing and communicating. 基本的读写和交流技巧 ...the basic laws of physics... 基本的物理定律 Access to justice is a basic right. 享有司法公正是一项最基本的权利。 2.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词基本的;起码的 Basic goods and services are very simple ones which every human being needs. You can also refer to people's basic needs for such goods and services. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n ...shortages of even the most basic foodstuffs... 最基本食物的短缺 Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations. 医院连最基本的外科手术药物也没有。 ...the basic needs of food and water. 对食物和水的基本需求 3.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词基础的;必要的 If one thing is basic to another, it is absolutely necessary to it, and the second thing cannot exist, succeed, or be imagined without it. 【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ to n ...an oily liquid, basic to the manufacture of a host of other chemical substances... 制造许多其他化学物质所必需的油性液体 There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions. 某些道德原则在所有主要宗教中都是必不可少的。 4.ADJ 形容词根本的;最重要的 You can use basic to emphasize that you are referring to what you consider to be the most important aspect of a situation, and that you are not concerned with less important details. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n 【语用信息】:emphasis There are three basic types of tea... 茶主要分为三种。 The basic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago... 其本质设计和100多年前爱迪生的专利设计相差无几。 The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result. 最重要的一点是,制裁并不一定能带来一个确定的结果。 5.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词最简单的;最基本的;最朴实的 You can use basic to describe something that is very simple in style and has only the most necessary features, without any luxuries. We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment. 我们提供双人帐篷和最基本的炊具以及露营装备。 ...the extremely basic hotel room. 陈设极简单的旅馆房间 6.ADJ 形容词(价格、工资等)基本的 Basic is used to describe a price or someone's income when this does not include any additional amounts. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n ...an increase of more than twenty per cent on the basic pay of a typical coalface worker... 普通采煤工人的底薪上浮超过20% The basic retirement pension will go up by £7.95 a week... 基本退休金每周将增加7.95英镑。 The basic price for a 10-minute call is only £2.49. 10分钟的基本通话费只有2.49英镑。 7.ADJ 形容词(所得税率)最低标准的,基本的 The basic rate of income tax is the lowest or most common rate, which applies to people who earn average incomes. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n All this is to be done without big rises in the basic level of taxation. 所有这些都必须在未大幅度提高税收起征点的前提下完成。 ...a basic-rate taxpayer. 适用最低标准税率的纳税人 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 basic /ˈbeɪsɪk/ adjective [more basic; most basic] 1 : forming or relating to the most important part of something基础的;基本的 In this class, you will learn the basic principles of chemistry. 在这节课上,你们将会学到化学的基本原理。 At its most basic level, the book is about a father's relationship with his children. 从根本上来说,这本书讲的是一个父亲和他的孩子们之间的关系。 The basic difference between the two companies is their size. 这两家公司的根本区别在于其规模。 The organization fights for basic human rights [=the rights that all people should have] throughout the world. 这个组织致力于在全世界范围内争取基本人权。 These ingredients are a basic part of Thai cooking. = These ingredients are basic to Thai cooking. 这些是做泰国菜的基本配料。 rights that are basic to all human beings 人类的基本权利 2 : forming or relating to the first or easiest part of something初级的;初步的;最容易的 We're learning basic [=beginning] English. 我们正在学习初级英语。 basic reading, writing, and mathematics 初级阅读、写作和数学 She lacks even the most basic skills necessary for the job. 她甚至缺乏做这份工作所必需的最基本技能。 3 : not including anything extra基本的;没有任何附加成分的 That's just the basic salary without overtime or tips. 这只是基本工资,不包含加班费或小费。 The motel is comfortable but pretty basic: you get the necessities all right, but no luxuries. 这个汽车旅馆舒适不过只有基本设施:必需的东西都有,但没有可供享受的东西。 2 basic /ˈbeɪsɪk/ noun plural basics 1 basics [plural] : the simplest and most important parts of something (such as a subject of study)基本要素 He's teaching me the basics of Japanese cooking. 他正在教我做日本料理的基本要领。 the basics of computers = computer basics 计算机概要 2 [noncount] chiefly US : basic training He starts basic in two months. 两个月后他开始基本训练。 get/go back to (the) basics : to return to a simpler way of doing something or thinking about something回归本原;返璞归真 The restaurant is getting back to basics in terms of food, using fresh ingredients to make simple, good food. 这家餐厅在食材方面返璞归真,使用新鲜配料来做简单、美味的食品。 BASIC /ˈbeɪsɪk/ noun [noncount] computers : a simple language used for programming computers*BASIC语言(一种简单的计算机程序语言) The program is written in BASIC. 这个程序是用BASIC语言写的。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • basin

    英 ['beɪsn]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692107329-f4d3b5a1116ded3.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['beɪsn] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692107349-f4d3b5a1116ded3.mp3"][/audio]    n. 脸盆;盆地;流域;水池 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 basin 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:2 教材出处:译林版选必修B3U4 /ˈbeɪsən/ n. basins 0 盆,盆地,水池 高考真题原句提选: Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang’e-4 to find and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. 二、词组|习惯用语 river basin 流域 tarim basin 塔里木盆地(位于中国西部) lake basin 湖盆;湖泊盆地 drainage basin (美)[地](河流的)流域;流域盆地 fault basin 断层盆地,断陷盆地 wash basin 洗脸盆;洗涤盆 stilling basin 消力池;静水池;沉水池;消速池 coal basin 煤盆地;煤田;成煤盆地 a basin of 一脸盆…… ocean basin 洋盆;海洋盆地 basin area 硫面积 harbor basin 港池;港域 aeration basin 曝气池;曝气塘;通气池 settling basin 沉降池;沉淀池 detention basin 蓄洪水库,滞洪区域;拦洪水库 tidal basin 潮汐湖;潮汐盆地;潮船坞;蓄潮池(等于tidal dock) downfaulted basin 断陷盆地 great basin 大盆地(美国西南部) sedimentation basin 澄清池;沉淀池 structural basin 构造盆地 三、词根记忆 basin n. 盆,臉盆;內海,盆地Based on the basic case, the purchaser found the vase in the basin in the basement.根據這個基本情況,購買者在地下室的盆子裏找到了花瓶. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basin basin / 5beisn / noun 1. (especially BrE) = washbasin 2. a large round bowl for holding liquids or (in British English) for preparing foods in; the amount of liquid, etc. in a basin 盆;(英国英语)调菜盆;一盆(的量): a pudding basin 布丁盆 3. an area of land around a large river with streams running down into it 流域: the Amazon Basin 亚马孙河流域 4. (technical 术语) a place where the earth's surface is lower than in other areas of the world 盆地;凹地;海盆: the Pacific Basin 太平洋海盆 5. a sheltered area of water providing a safe harbour for boats 港池;内港;内湾;船坞: a yacht basin 停放游艇的内港 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basin /ˈbeɪsən/ ●●○ noun [countable] 1  British English a round container attached to the wall in a bathroom, where you wash your hands and face 〔装在盥洗室墙上的〕洗脸盆 SYN sink a wash basin 洗脸盆 2  a large bowl-shaped container for liquids or food 盆;大碗 Fill the basin with the cake mixture. 在盆里装入蛋糕拌料。 3  (also basinful /ˈbeɪsənfʊl/) the amount of liquid that a basin can contain 一盆[一碗]之量 a basin of hot water 一盆热水 4  an area of land that is lower at the centre than at the edges, especially one from which water runs down into a river 流域;低洼地 the Amazon basin 亚马孙河流域 5  a place where the Earth’s surface is lower than in other areas 〔地表的〕凹地;盆地;海盆 the Pacific Basin 太平洋海盆 → pudding basin Origin basin (1200-1300) Old French bacin, from Late Latin bacchinon [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basin ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词盆;大碗 A basin is a large or deep bowl that you use for holding liquids, or for mixing or storing food. 【搭配模式】:N of n Place the eggs and sugar in a large basin. 把鸡蛋和糖放在一个大碗里。 ...a pudding basin. 布丁碗 A basin of something such as water is an amount of it that is contained in a basin.一大碗之量;一盆之量 We were given a basin of water to wash our hands in. 有人给了我们一盆洗手的水。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词同 washbasin A basin is the same as a washbasin . ...a cast-iron bath with a matching basin and wc. 铸铁浴缸及配套的洗涤槽和马桶 3.N-COUNT 可数名词流域 The basin of a large river is the area of land around it from which streams run down into it. 【搭配模式】:with supp ...the Amazon basin. 亚马孙河流域 4.N-COUNT 可数名词盆地;洼地 In geography, a basin is a particular region of the world where the earth's surface is lower than in other places. 【搭配模式】:with supp 【FIELD标签】:TECHNICAL 术语 ...countries around the Pacific Basin. 太平洋盆地的周边国家 5.N-COUNT 可数名词泊船处 A basin is a partially enclosed area of deep water where boats or ships are kept. 【搭配模式】:usu n N [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basin /ˈbeɪsn̩/ noun plural basins [count] 1 a chiefly British : a kitchen sink厨房洗涤槽 b British : a large bowl that is used for mixing, cooking, or serving food调菜盆;大碗 c : the amount contained in a basin一盆(的量) a basin of cold water 一盆冷水 2 : the area of land around a large river and the small rivers that flow into it流域 the drainage basin of a river 河的流域 the Amazon Basin 亚马孙河流域 3 : a large area of the earth's surface that is lower than the area around it盆地;海盆 the Great Basin of the western U.S. 美国西部的大盆地 4 : an area of water where people keep their ships and boats when they are not sailing them内港;内湾;船坞 a yacht basin 停放游艇的内港 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • basis

    英 ['beɪsɪs] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692107605-d7c95dd61cc3588.mp3"][/audio]    美 ['beɪsɪs]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692107612-d7c95dd61cc3588.mp3"][/audio]   n. 基础;根据;基底 名词复数: bases [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 basis 高中必修500 全国卷频次:7 教材出处:译林版必修B1U3 /ˈbeɪsɪs/ n. bases 0 基础,基本,根据,主要成分,基本原理 高考真题原句提选: “Small talk is the basis of good manners,” he says. A mere hundred species are the basis of our food supply. Remember, even world champion athletes practice their skills on a consistent basis. 二、词组|习惯用语 on the basis of 根据;基于… basis for 以…作基础;为…打基础 theoretical basis 理论基础 on basis of 以…为基础 basis function 基函数 on a regular basis 定期地;经常地 on a daily basis 每天(指一起共事) design basis 设计基础 on a basis of 以…为基础 basis weight 纸张定量;基重 accrual basis 权责发生制;应计基础 cash basis [经]现金基础;现金制 dry basis 干基;折干计算 basis point [经]基点(等于0.01%) permanent basis 平时编制 basis material 基体材料 orthogonal basis 正交基底 basis of accounting 会计基础 collection basis 回收基准;[经]征收基础 tax basis 课税基础;课税标准 三、词根记忆 basis n. 基礎,根據What is the basis of your standpoint?你的觀點的根據是什麼? [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basis / 5beisis / noun (pl. bases / 5beisi:z / ) 1. [sing.] the reason why people take a particular action 原因;缘由: She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications. 她因资历适合而获选中担任这项工作。 Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent. 有些录像带因暴力镜头过多而被查禁。 2. [sing.] the way things are organized or arranged 基准;准则;方式: on a regular / permanent / part-time / temporary basis 以定期/永久/兼职/临时性的方式 on a daily / day-to-day / weekly basis 按每天/每日/每周一次的标准 3. [C, usually sing., U] the important facts, ideas or events that support sth and that it can develop from 基础;要素;基点: The basis of a good marriage is trust. 美满婚姻的基础是信赖。 This article will form the basis for our discussion. 这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。 The theory seems to have no basis in fact. 这一理论似乎没有事实根据。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basis /ˈbeɪsɪs/ ●●● S2 W1 noun (plural bases /-siːz/) 1  [countable] the facts, ideas, or things from which something can be developed 基础;根据;基点 Their claim had no basis in fact (=it was not true). 他们的说法没有事实根据。 basis of Bread forms the basis of their daily diet. 面包是他们日常饮食中的主食。 basis for The video will provide a basis for class discussion. 录像将为课堂讨论提供基本内容。 ► see thesaurus at reason 2  on the basis of something because of a particular fact or situation 在某事的基础上;根据某事 discrimination on the basis of sex 性别歧视 3  [singular] the way that something happens, or the way that something is organized or done 定期/每天/每周等 on a regular/daily/weekly etc basis (=regularly, every day, week, etc) I’m saving money on a regular basis. 我定期存钱。 on a voluntary/part-time/temporary etc basis 自愿性质/以兼职的形式/临时性地等 Nurses are employed on a full-time basis. 护士是全职的。  THESAURUS Origin basis (1500-1600) Latin Greek, “step, base”, from bainein “to go” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basis ★★★★☆ 1.N-SING 单数名词基本原则;基本规律 If something is done on a particular basis, it is done according to that method, system, or principle. 【搭配模式】:with supp We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis... 我们将定期在那里会面。 The tea is prepared on a rota basis by the lady members... 女性成员轮流准备茶水。 They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis... 他们希望对待所有的团体都能做到一视同仁。 I've always worked on the basis that if I don't know anything technical I shan't be any worse off. 我一贯认为,即便我对技术一窍不通,我也不会比现在更穷困潦倒。 2.N-SING 单数名词(行事的)理由,根据 If you say that you are acting on the basis of something, you are giving that as the reason for your action. 【搭配模式】:on N McGregor must remain confined, on the basis of the medical reports we have received... 根据我们收到的病历报告,麦格雷戈的行动仍然必须受到限制。 On the basis that recognising the problem is halfway to a solution, Mulcahy's comments yesterday should be well received. 鉴于认识到问题的存在就相当于把它解决了一半,马尔卡希昨天的那番话应该会受到欢迎。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词基础;起点 The basis of something is its starting point or an important part of it from which it can be further developed. 【搭配模式】:usu sing Both factions have broadly agreed that the UN plan is a possible basis for negotiation. 双方大致同意联合国的计划可能成为谈判的基础。 ...the subatomic particles that form the basis of nearly all matter on earth. 构成地球上几乎所有物质的基础的亚原子粒子 4.N-COUNT 可数名词依据;根据 The basis for something is a fact or argument that you can use to prove or justify it. 【搭配模式】:usu sing ...Japan's attempt to secure the legal basis to send troops overseas... 日本试图找到向海外派兵的法律依据 This is a common fallacy which has no basis in fact. 这是一个没有事实依据的常见谬误。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basis /ˈbeɪsəs/ noun plural bases /ˈbeɪˌsiːz/ 1 : something (such as an idea or set of ideas) from which another thing develops or can develop基础;要素;基点 [count] — usually singular通常用单数 This principle forms the basis [=base, foundation] of the country's economic policies and will provide a firm basis for future development. 这条原则是制定国家经济政策的基本依据,同时也将为国家未来的发展打下坚实的基础。 The actor's letters form the basis of the biography. [=the biography is based on the actor's letters; the most important information in the biography comes from the actor's letters] 这个演员的传记取材自他的信件。 [noncount] These stories have very little basis [=foundation] in fact/reality. [=these stories are not based on or supported by facts/reality] 这些故事没有什么现实基础。 2 [noncount] : a reason for doing something根据;原因 The judge ruled that there is no legal basis [=ground] for a new trial. 法官裁决认为没有进行新一轮审判的法律依据。 The latest news at least provides some basis for hope. [=some reason to hope] 最新的消息至少给了我们有所期盼的理由。 On what basis were the students chosen/selected? [=how were the students chosen/selected?; what was considered when the students were chosen/selected?] 选拔出这些学生的依据是什么? Students were chosen/selected on the basis of [=according to] their grades and test scores. 选拔出这些学生的依据是他们的成绩和测验分数。 Our decisions are made on the basis of the available information. [=we base our decisions on the available information] 我们是根据手头上的信息做出的判断。 The company does not hire employees on the basis of their race, sex, age, or religion. 种族、性别、年龄或者宗教信仰不是公司招收员工的依据。 3 [singular] a : a fixed pattern or system for doing something固定模式;固定体系 — used with on与on连用 He visits his grandmother on a regular basis. [=regularly] 他定期看望祖母。 The company changes its Web site on a daily/weekly basis. [=every day/week] 这家公司每天/每周更改网页。 changes that occur on an hourly basis 每个小时都发生的变化 They hired her on a trial/temporary basis. 他们是以试用/临时工的方式雇佣她的。 People are seated on a first-come, first-served basis. [=the people who arrive first are given seats first] 人们就座的方式是先到先坐。 b — used to describe the way people act with each other交流方式;互动方式 The two golfers still compete on a friendly basis. [=in a friendly way] 这两个高尔夫球手仍然进行友好竞技。 — see also on a first-name basis at first name [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • basket

    英 ['bɑːskɪt]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692107852-0f6cdb621b452ac.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['bæskɪt] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692107860-0f6cdb621b452ac.mp3"][/audio]    n. 篮;篓;筐;[篮]球篮;投篮得分 名词: basketful [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 basket 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:9 /ˈbɑːskɪt/ /ˈbæːskɪt/ n. baskets 2 篮子 高考真题原句提选: 钢丝笼, 铁丝筐 A wire basket was found. 废纸篓 I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. But Lieberman isn’t putting all his eggs in one basket. One day, armed with a basket of vegetables, he announced he was going to make stew (炖菜). Baskets of perfect red strawberries, the red-painted sides of the Java Dawg coffee truck; and most of all, the tomatoes: amazing, large, soft and round red tomatoes. 二、词组|习惯用语 picnic basket 野餐篮 fruit basket 果篮,水果篮 bamboo basket 竹篮;竹篓 shopping basket 购物篮;提篮 basket case 四肢不全的人;完全伤残者;完全没有希望的人 hanging basket 挂篮;吊篮 a basket of currencies [经]笼统货币;一篮子货币 laundry basket 洗衣篮 wastepaper basket 废纸篓 rattan basket 藤篮 bread basket 产粮区;面包篮;谷物产品 三、词根记忆 basket n. 筐,籃,簍The man in mask asked me for a task; I let him put the basket on the desk in the dusk.戴面具的人向我要任務,我讓他在黃昏時把籃子放到桌子上. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basket bas·ket / 5bB:skit; NAmE 5bAs- / noun 1. a container for holding or carrying things. Baskets are made of thin strips of material that bends and twists easily, for example plastic, wire or wicker . 篮;篓;筐: a shopping basket 购物篮 a picnic basket 野餐篮子 a clothes / laundry basket (= in which dirty clothes are put before being washed) 存放待洗衣服的洗衣筐 a wicker / wire basket 柳条/铁丝筐 a cat / dog basket (= in which a cat or dog sleeps or is carried around) 猫/狗篮 ⇨ see also waste-paper basket 2. the amount contained in a basket 一篮,一筐,一篓(的量): a basket of fruit 一筐水果 3. the net and the metal ring it hangs from, high up at each end of a basketball court ; a point that is scored by throwing the ball through this net (篮球运动的)篮;投篮得分: to make / shoot a basket 投球得分/入篮 4. (economics 经) a number of different goods or currencies 一组(不同的物品或货币): the value of the rupee against a basket of currencies 卢比对各种货币的比值 IDIOMS ⇨ see egg n. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basket /ˈbɑːskɪt $ ˈbæ-/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] 1  basket.jpga container made of thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood woven together, used to carry things or put things in 篮子;篓子;筐子 a shopping basket 购物篮 a basket full of vegetables 装满蔬菜的篮子 clothes/laundry basket (=for dirty clothes) 洗衣篮 2  a net with a hole at the bottom, attached to a metal ring, through which the ball is thrown in basketball 〔篮球运动的〕球篮 make/shoot a basket (=to throw the ball through the basket) 投篮得分 → see picture at 见图 basketball 3. technical the average or total value of a number of different goods or currencies 一组〔不同的货物或货币〕 → put all your eggs in one basket at egg1(6), → wastepaper basket Origin basket (1300-1400) Probably from an unrecorded Old North French baskot, from Latin bascauda “bowl for washing dishes” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basket ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词篮子;篓子;筐子 A basket is a stiff container that is used for carrying or storing objects. Baskets are made from thin strips of materials such as straw, plastic, or wire woven together. 【搭配模式】:N of n ...big wicker picnic baskets filled with sandwiches. 装满三明治的柳编野餐篮 ...a laundry basket. 洗衣筐 A basket of things is a number of things contained in a basket.一篮(或篓、筐)之量 ...a small basket of fruit and snacks. 一小筐水果和点心 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(用于比较不同货币或商品价值的)一篮子,一组(货币或商品) In economics, a basket of currencies or goods is the average or total value of a number of different currencies or goods. 【搭配模式】:usu sing 【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商 The pound's value against a basket of currencies hit a new low of 76.9. 英镑对一篮子货币的比价创下76.9的新低。 ...an inflation measure that gauges the price of a fixed basket of goods and services. 通过衡量固定的一组商品和服务的价格来测算通货膨胀的方法 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(篮球运动的)篮 In basketball, the basket is a net hanging from a ring through which players try to throw the ball in order to score points. 4.See also:bread basket;hanging basket;wastepaper basket. to put all your eggs in one basket; →see: egg; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basket /ˈbæskɪt/ Brit /ˈbɑːskɪt/ noun plural baskets [count] 1 a : a container usually made by weaving together long thin pieces of material篮;筐;篓 wicker/straw/wire baskets 柳条筐;草篮;铁丝筐 a fruit basket = a basket filled with fruit 水果篮 a laundry basket [=a basket that holds dirty clothes] 洗衣篮 They brought their lunch in a picnic basket. 他们用一个野餐提篮带来了自己的午餐。 — see also breadbasket, handbasket, wastebasket b : the amount contained in a basket一篮,一筐,一篓(的量) a basket [=basketful] of eggs 一篮鸡蛋 2 basketball a : a net hanging from a thin metal ring that the ball must go through in order to score points(篮球运动中的)篮 His shot missed the basket completely. 他完全没有投中篮筐。 b : a successful shot投篮得分;投球中篮 She made/scored a basket. [=she scored points by making a shot that went through the basket] 她投中得分了。 put all your eggs in one basket — see 1egg — basketful noun, plural basketfuls [count] a basketful of eggs 一篮子鸡蛋 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • basketball

    英 ['bɑːskɪtbɔːl]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692108084-d0199f51d2728db.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['bæskɪtbɔːl]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692108093-d0199f51d2728db.mp3"][/audio]  n. 篮球 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 basketball 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:8 /ˈbɑːskətbɔːl/ /ˈbæskətbɒːl/ n. 篮球 高考真题原句提选: 打篮球 Play basketball . While volleyball is her main focus, she’s also great at basketball. 篮球队员, 篮球运动员 Among them are the writer Elie Wiesel and the basketball player Magic Johnson. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, thinking that all children like these things. 篮球队 The basketball team helped pay for cups. 二、词组|习惯用语 play basketball 打篮球 basketball player n. 篮球选手;篮球球员 basketball game 篮球比赛;篮球运动 basketball court 篮球场 national basketball association 国家篮球协会(简称NBA) basketball shoe 篮球鞋 basketball field 篮球场 三、词根记忆 basketball n. 籃球,籃球運動Balloon, baseball, basketball, football and volleyball all dance ballet on the volcano.氣球,棒球,籃球,足球和排球都在火山上跳芭蕾舞. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basketball bas·ket·ball / 5bB:skitbC:l; NAmE 5bAs- / noun 1. [U] a game played by two teams of five players, using a large ball which players try to throw into a high net hanging from a ring 篮球运动: a basketball game / coach / team 篮球比赛/教练/球队 2. [C] the ball used in this game 篮球 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basketball /ˈbɑːskətbɔːl $ ˈbæskətbɒːl/ ●●● S3 noun 1. [uncountable] a game played indoors between two teams of five players, in which each team tries to win points by throwing a ball through a net 篮球(运动) → See picture of jump shot 跳投, jump ball 跳球, dribble 运球 ... 2. [countable] the ball used in this game 篮球 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basketball ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词篮球运动 Basketball is a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a circular net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court. 2.N-COUNT 可数名词篮球 A basketball is a large ball which is used in the game of basketball. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] basketball /ˈbæskɪtˌbɑːl/ Brit /ˈbɑːskɪtˌbɔːl/ noun plural basketballs 1 [noncount] : a game in which two teams of five players bounce a ball and try to score points by throwing the ball through one of the raised nets at each end of a rectangular court篮球运动 She plays basketball. 她是名篮球运动员。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a basketball game/team/player/coach 篮球比赛/队/运动员/教练 2 [count] : a large rubber ball that is used in the game of basketball篮球 — see picture at ball [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bat

    英 [bæt]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692108404-5f3f4681121b460.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bæt] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692108414-5f3f4681121b460.mp3"][/audio]    n. 球棒;球拍 n. 蝙蝠 v. 用棒击打;拍打 v. 眨眼睛 过去式: batted 过去分词: batted 现在分词: batting 第三人称单数: bats [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bat 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版必修B2U2 /bæt/ n.&v. bats 0 batting 0 batted 0 球棒,蝙蝠 & 用球棒打,挥打 高考真题原句提选: Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. I guess he can be on our team and we’ll try to put him in to bat in the final inning (局). 二、词组|习惯用语 at bat 轮到击球 baseball bat 棒球棒 off the bat 马上;立刻 bat around 详细讨论;到处游荡 blind as a bat [口语] 近乎全盲的;视力很差的,眼力不行的;鼠目寸光的;完全看不见东西的 cricket bat 板球拍 vampire bat 吸血蝙蝠;勾引并导致男人毁灭的女人;吮吸膏血者 big brown bat 蝙蝠 三、词根记忆 bat n. 球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠On the flat platform the bat will pat whatever hat it likes.在平坦的站台上,蝙蝠會拍打它喜歡的任何帽子. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bat [bat] (-tt-) ,bat sth a'round (informal) ■to talk about or discuss plans or ideas, etc. before you decide what to do讨论(想法、计划等)的可行性: We’re just batting some ideas around. 我们只不过是在讨论一些想法。 [OBJ]ideas,figures [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bat bat / bAt / noun 1. a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball , cricket and table tennis 球棒;球拍;球板: a baseball / cricket bat 棒球球棒;板球球板 ⇨ compare racket (3) 2. an animal like a mouse with wings, that flies and feeds at night (= it is nocturnal ). There are many types of bat. 蝙蝠 ⇨ see also fruit bat , old bat , vampire bat IDIOMS ▪ like a bat out of 'hell (informal) very fast 疾速地;迅速地 ▪ off your own 'bat (BrE, informal) if you do sth off your own bat, it is your own idea and you do it without help or encouragement from anyone else 自觉地;主动地 ⇨ more at blind adj., right adv. verb (-tt-) to hit a ball with a bat, especially in a game of cricket or baseball 用球板击球,用球棒击球(尤指板球或棒球运动): ▪ [V] He bats very well. 他擅长击球。 Who's batting first for the Orioles? 巴尔的摩金莺队谁第一个出场击球? ▪ [also VN] ▪ 7bat your 'eyes / 'eyelashes to open and close your eyes quickly, in a way that is supposed to be attractive 眉目传情;挤眉弄眼 ▪ bat a 'thousand (NAmE, informal) to be very successful 非常成功;大获全胜 ▪ go to 'bat for sb (NAmE, informal) to give sb help and support 帮助(或支持)某人 ▪ not bat an 'eyelid (BrE) (NAmE not bat an 'eye) (informal) to show no surprise or embarrassment when sth unusual happens 不动声色;面不改色;眼睛都不眨一下: She didn't bat an eyelid when I told her my news. 我把我最近的事告诉她时,她一点也不为所动。 PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7bat sth ↔ a'round (informal) to discuss whether an idea or a plan is good or not, before deciding what to do 详细讨论(想法、计划等)的可行性: It's just an idea we've been batting around. 这只不过是我们一直在讨论的一种想法。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bat1 /bæt/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] 1. a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies around at night 蝙蝠 → fruit bat 2 baseball_bat.jpg a) a long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games 球棒;球拍;球板 a baseball bat 棒球球棒 a cricket bat 板球球板 b) British English a round flat piece of wood with a handle, used to hit a ball in table tennis 乒乓球拍 SYN American English paddle → See picture of 见图 bat → see picture at 见图 sport1 3. be at bat to be the person who is trying to hit the ball in a game of baseball 〔棒球比赛中〕轮到击球 4  do something off your own bat British English informal to do something without being told to do it 主动地做某事,自觉地做某事 She went to see a solicitor off her own bat. 她主动去找了律师。 5  do something right off the bat American English informal to do something immediately 立刻去做某事 He said yes right off the bat. 他当即就答应了。 6  like a bat out of hell informal very fast 极快地,飞快地 I drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital. 我飞快地开车赶往医院。 7. old bat spoken an unpleasant old woman 老家伙,老太婆→ as blind as a bat at blind1 Related topics: Cricket, Baseball bat2 verb (batted, batting) 1. [intransitive, transitive] to hit the ball with a bat in cricket or baseball 〔板球或棒球运动〕用球板[棒]击(球) 2  not bat an eye/eyelid informal to not seem to be shocked, surprised, or embarrassed 眼睛/眼皮都不眨一下;泰然不动,面不改色 They started talking about sex, but she didn’t bat an eyelid. 他们说起了男女之间的事,可她若无其事,连眼睛都不眨一下。 3. bat your eyes/eyelashes if a woman bats her eyes, she opens and closes them several times quickly, in order to look attractive to men 〔女人〕扑闪眼睛/挤眉弄眼〔为在男人面前显得动人〕 4. go to bat for somebody American English informal to help and support someone 帮助某人,为某人出力 5  be batting a thousand American English informal to be very successful 很有成就 She’s been batting a thousand since she got that job. 她得到那份工作以后,一直一帆风顺。 6.bat something ↔ around phrasal verb informal to discuss various ideas or suggestions 讨论,商量 Origin bat1 1. (1500-1600) back “bat” ((14-16 centuries)), probably from a Scandinavian language. 2. Old English batt bat2 1. (1400-1500) → BAT122. (1800-1900) Probably from bate “to beat the wings” ((13-20 centuries)), from Old French batre “to hit” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bat ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词球棒;球拍 A bat is a specially shaped piece of wood that is used for hitting the ball in baseball, softball, cricket, rounders, or table tennis. ...a baseball bat. 棒球球棒 2.VERB 动词轮到击球 When you bat, you have a turn at hitting the ball with a bat in baseball, softball, cricket, or rounders. 【语法信息】:V Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start. 轮到澳大利亚队出场击球,他们开始打得很谨慎。 batting ...his batting average... 他的击球率 He's likely to open the batting. 他可能先发击球。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词蝙蝠 A bat is a small flying animal that looks like a mouse with wings made of skin. Bats are active at night. 4.See also:old bat; 5.PHRASE 短语连眼睛也不眨一下;镇定自若;泰然处之 When something surprising or shocking happens, if someone doesn't bat an eyelid in British English, or doesn't bat an eye in American English, they remain calm and do not show any reaction. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 6.PHRASE 短语支持;为…出力 If you go to bat for someone or go in to bat for them, you give them your support. 【搭配模式】:V inflects The old judge doesn't like the thought of no one going in to bat for the accused. 老法官不希望没有人为被告辩护。 7.PHRASE 短语(开车)飞一般地,风驰电掣地,飞快地 If you drive like a bat out of hell, you drive extremely fast. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 He took off for Helsinki like a bat out of hell. 他飞快赶往赫尔辛基。 8.PHRASE 短语独立地;自主地;主动地 If someone does something off their own bat, they do it without anyone else suggesting it. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 Whatever she did she did off her own bat. Whatever she did was nothing to do with me. 她所做的一切都是她自己主动要做的。她做的任何事都与我无关。 9.PHRASE 短语马上;立刻 If something happens right off the bat, it happens immediately. 【搭配模式】:usu PHR after v 【语域标签】:AM 美 He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business. 他立刻明白在这一行业中不能依靠任何东西。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bat /ˈbæt/ noun plural bats [count] 1 : a long rounded stick that is used to hit the ball in baseball(棒球)球棒 a baseball bat 棒球球棒 2 : a long flattened stick that is used to hit the ball in cricket(板球)球板 3 British : paddle 2 a table tennis bat 乒乓球拍 at bat baseball 1 — used to describe the player or team that is batting(球员或球队)击球 He got a home run on his first time at bat. 他首次击球就打出了一个本垒打。 The home team is at bat. [=is batting] 主队正在击球。 2 : the act of batting击球(动作) She has two hits in three at bats. 她三次击球两次安打。 go to bat baseball : to be the player or team that is batting上场击球 The visiting team goes to bat first. [=the visiting team bats first] 客队首先上场击球。 go to bat for US, informal : to try to help, support, or defend (someone or something) in an active way(积极)帮助,支持,捍卫(某人或某事物) Many of his friends went to bat for him while he was under investigation for fraud. 在他涉嫌诈骗接受调查时,他的朋友们都很支持他。 off the bat chiefly US, informal : without any delay : immediately立刻;毫不迟疑 — usually used with right通常与right连用 I could tell it was fake right off the bat. [=right away] 我一眼就能看出这是假货。 off your own bat British, informal : through your own efforts通过自身努力 He didn't need my help—he made good off his own bat. 他没有寻求我的帮助——他靠自己的努力取得了成功。 — compare 3bat 2 bat /ˈbæt/ verb bats; batted; batting 1 a [+ object] : to hit (something, such as a ball) with a bat, club, etc., or with your hand(用球拍、球棒等或用手)击打(球等) The ball was batted down. 球被击落。 a batted ball [=a ball that has been hit by a batter in baseball] 被击中的球 b [no object] : to try to hit a ball with a bat in baseball, cricket, or a similar game(在棒球、板球等类似运动中)击球 It's your turn to bat. 轮到你击球了。 She was batting when it began to rain. 天开始下雨时她正在击球。 Who's batting? = Who's up to bat? 该谁击球了? 2 [no object] baseball : to have a specified batting average击球率达… This year he's batting [=hitting] .300. [=his batting average is .300] 他今年的击球率达.300。 She has five hits in five at bats, so she's batting a thousand. [=her batting average is 1.000] 她五次上场击球五个安打,击球率达1.000。 ◊ In figurative use, to bat a thousand is to succeed in every attempt. This is an informal phrase that is used chiefly in U.S. English.*bat a thousand用作比喻时指每次尝试都成功,属非正式短语,主要用于美国英语。 So far in her career, she's batting a thousand. [=she has succeeded in everything she has done in her career] 到目前为止,她的事业一帆风顺。 No one bats a thousand in this business. 在这个行业没有人是一帆风顺的。 bat around [phrasal verb] bat (something) around or bat around (something) informal : to think about or talk about (something, such as an idea) for a period of time(在一段时间内)考虑,讨论(想法等) The plan was batted around for a while, but it was finally rejected. 这个计划经过一段时期的讨论之后还是被否决了。 We've been batting the idea around for a few years. 这个想法我们已经考虑好几年了。 bat in [phrasal verb] bat in (a run) also bat (a run) in baseball : to hit the ball in a way that makes it possible for a run to score击球使(跑垒)得分 He batted in 70 runs last year. 去年他击球使跑垒得分70次。 — compare 4bat — batting adjective, always used before a noun batting practice 击球练习 a batting coach 击球教练 batting gloves/helmets 击球手套/头盔 3 bat /ˈbæt/ noun plural bats [count] 1 : an animal that has wings and a furry body like a mouse蝙蝠 2 informal : an unpleasant old woman讨厌的老女人 Don't take any notice of that old bat! 别理那个讨厌的老女人! bats in the/your belfry — see belfry (as) blind as a bat — see 1blind like a bat out of hell informal : very quickly非常迅速 He ran out of the house like a bat out of hell. 他飞速地从那栋房子跑出来。 — compare 1bat 4 bat /ˈbæt/ verb bats; batted; batting [+ object] : to close and open (your eyes or eyelashes) very quickly several times especially as a way of flirting(尤指在调情时)快速地眨眼 She smiled and batted her eyelashes at him. 她笑着冲他眨眨眼睛。 not bat an eye/eyelash (US) informal or British not bat an eyelid : to show no surprise, fear, concern, etc.不露声色;面不改色;眼睛都不眨一下 He thought the news would make her upset, but she never batted an eye. [=she did not appear to be upset at all] 他原以为这个消息会使她伤心,没想到她没流露出任何表情。 He listened without batting an eyelash. 他不动声色地听着。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
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    英 [bɑːθ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692108882-d01befa8b1782c2.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bæθ] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692108893-d01befa8b1782c2.mp3"][/audio]    n. 洗澡;浴室;沐浴;浴盆 v. 洗澡 Bath. n. 巴斯(英国城市) 名词复数: baths [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bath 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:7 教材出处:译林版选必修B2U1 /bɑːθ/ /bæθ/ n. baths 1 baths 0 bathing 16 bathed 1 沐浴,浴室 高考真题原句提选: He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. 二、词组|习惯用语 take a bath 洗个澡 water bath [医]水浴 plating bath 电镀槽 hot bath 热水浴 salt bath 盐浴 bath towel 浴巾 bath water 浴水,浴缸里的水 bubble bath n. 泡沫浴 bath temperature 镀浴的温度;电解质温度;熔体温度 taking a bath [经]注销一笔巨大资产;冲销 steam bath 蒸汽浴 room with bath 带有浴室的房间 shower bath 淋浴,淋湿 bath room 浴室;洗澡间 tin bath 锡槽;锡浴;锡沐盆 have a bath 洗澡;冲凉;淋浴 bath tub 浴盆;盆形燃烧室 bath salt 浴盐;腌制槽用食盐 oil bath 油浴;油浴锅;油槽 electroplating bath 电镀槽;电镀浴 三、词根记忆 bath n. 沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆)v.(給…)洗澡Both the math pathfinders bathed in the bathtub.兩個數學先驅都在浴盆裏洗過澡. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bath / bB:W; NAmE bAW / noun (pl. baths / bB:Tz; NAmE bATz / ) 1. [C] (BrE) (also bath·tub, informal tub NAmE, BrE) a large, long container that you put water in and then get into to wash your whole body 浴缸;浴盆 ⇨ see also bird bath 2. [C] (BrE) the water in a bath / bathtub , ready to use 浴缸的水: a long soak in a hot bath 一次长时间的热水浴 Please run a bath for me (= fill the bath with water). 请给我把浴缸放满水。 3. [C] an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water 洗澡;洗浴: I think I'll have a bath and go to bed. 我想洗个澡,然后睡觉。 (especially NAmE) to take a bath 洗澡 ⇨ see also bubble bath 4. baths [pl.] (old-fashioned, BrE) a public building where you can go to swim 游泳池 ⇨ see also swimming bath , swimming pool 5. [C, usually pl.] a public place where people went in the past to wash or have a bath (旧时的)公共浴室,澡堂: Roman villas and baths 罗马别墅和浴室 ⇨ see also Turkish bath 6. [C] (technical 术语) a container with a liquid such as water or a dye in it, in which sth is washed or placed for a period of time. Baths are used in industrial, chemical and medical processes. 浴器,浴锅,染缸(工业、化学以及医学加工处理用) ⇨ see also bloodbath IDIOMS ▪ take a 'bath (NAmE) to lose money on a business agreement (在交易中)蒙受经济损失 verb (BrE) (NAmE bathe) 1. [VN] to give a bath to sb 给…洗澡: It's your turn to bath the baby. 轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。 2. [V] (old-fashioned) to have a bath 洗澡 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bath1 /bɑːθ $ bæθ/ ●●● S2 W3 noun (plural baths /bɑːðz, bɑːθs $ bæðz, bæθs/) [countable] 1  if you take a bath, you wash your body in a bath 洗澡,沐浴 After a week of camping, I really needed a bath. 我露营了一个星期,实在得洗个澡了。 have a bath British English take a bath American English 你多久洗一次澡? I’ll have a bath and go to bed. 我要洗个澡上床了。 How often do you take a bath? 你多久洗一次澡? I’ll give the children their bath (=wash them in a bath). 我要给孩子们洗澡了。 2. British English a large long container that you fill with water and sit or lie in to wash yourself 浴缸,澡盆 SYN American English bathtub 3  water that you sit or lie in to wash yourself 洗澡水 a hot bath 热水澡 She ran a bath (=put water into a bath). 她往浴缸里放水。 4  a bathroom, used especially in advertising 浴室,卫生间〔尤用于广告中〕 All our luxury bedrooms have a private bath. 我们所有的豪华卧房都具备独立的卫生间。 5  a container full of liquid in which something is placed for a particular purpose 缸;盆;池 bath of Plunge the fabric into a bath of black dye. 把织物投入黑色染料缸中。 6  baths [plural] a) British English old-fashioned a public building in which there is a swimming pool 〔室内〕公共游泳池 b) a public building where people could go in the past to wash themselves 〔旧时的〕澡堂,公共浴室 the Roman baths at Cirencester 赛伦塞斯特的罗马式公共浴室 7  take a bath American English informal to lose money, especially in a business deal 赔钱,亏本 We took a bath in the market over that stock. 我们买那只股票赔了钱。 → birdbath, bubble bath, → throw the baby out with the bath water at throw1(37) Related topics: House bath2 verb British English 1  [transitive] to wash someone in a bath 给…洗澡 SYN American English bathe I’ll bath the children. 我要给孩子们洗澡。 2. [intransitive] old-fashioned to wash yourself in a bath 洗澡 SYN American English bathe Origin bath Old English bæth [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bath ★★★☆☆ When the form baths is the plural of the noun it is pronounced /bɑːðz/ or /bæθs/ in British English, and /bæðz/ in American English. When it is used in the present tense of the verb, it is pronounced /bɑːθs/ or /bæθs/. baths 用作名词的复数形式时在英国英语中读作 /bɑːðz/ 或 /bæθs/,在美国英语中读作 /bæðz/。用作动词的一般现在时形式时读作 /bɑːθs/ 或者 /bæθs/。 1.N-COUNT 可数名词浴盆;浴缸 A bath is a container, usually a long rectangular one, which you fill with water and sit in while you wash your body. 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own. 那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。 in AM, use 美国英语用 bathtub 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(在浴缸中的)洗澡,沐浴 When you have or take a bath, or when you are in the bath, you sit or lie in a bath filled with water in order to wash your body. ...if you have a bath every morning... 如果你每天早上泡澡 Take a shower instead of a bath. 洗淋浴吧,别用浴缸了。 ...a bath and shower gel. 沐浴凝胶 3.VERB 动词给(小孩)洗澡 If you bath someone, especially a child, you wash them in a bath. 【语法信息】:V n 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 Don't feel you have to bath your child every day. 不用每天给孩子洗澡。 Bath is also a noun. The midwife gave him a warm bath. 助产士给他洗了个热水澡。 in AM, use 美国英语用 bathe 4.VERB 动词洗澡;沐浴 When you bath, you have a bath. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 The three children all bath in the same bath water. 这三个小孩用同一盆水洗澡。 in AM, use 美国英语用 bathe 5.N-COUNT 可数名词澡堂;(附带泳池的)公共浴室 A bath or a baths is a public building containing a swimming pool, and sometimes other facilities that people can use to have a wash or a bath. One of the most important buildings in this ruined city is a public bath... 在这座被毁坏的城市里,最重要的建筑物之一就是公共澡堂。 As well as a Roman amphitheatre and baths, the town has two superb museums. 除了罗马式圆形剧场和公共浴池,这个镇上还有两座非常好的博物馆。 6.N-COUNT 可数名词(盛放溶液的)容器 A bath is a container filled with a particular liquid, such as a dye or an acid, in which particular objects are placed, usually as part of a manufacturing or chemical process. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp ...a developing photograph placed in a bath of fixer. 放在定影液中冲洗的照片 7.See also:bloodbath;bubble bath;swimming bath;Turkish bath; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bath /ˈbæθ/ Brit /ˈbɑːθ/ noun plural baths /ˈbæðz/ /ˈbæθs/ Brit /ˈbɑːðz/ /ˈbɑːθs/ 1 [count] a : the act of washing the body usually by sitting or lying in a container filled with water洗澡;泡澡 Do you prefer baths or showers? 你喜欢泡澡还是淋浴? I was taking a bath when the phone rang. 电话铃响的时候我正在洗澡。 (chiefly Brit) I was having a bath. 那时我正在洗澡。 We tried giving the dog a bath in the bathtub. 我们试着在浴缸里给狗洗澡。 a long hot bath 一次长时间的热水澡 bath towels [=large towels used for drying yourself after a bath or shower] 浴巾 — see also bubble bath, sponge bath, turkish bath, take a bath (below) b : the water used for a bath洗澡水 a bath of warm/hot water 温/热水澡 I was in the bath when the phone rang. 电话铃响的时候我正在洗澡。 Would you like me to draw/run a bath for you? [=to fill the bathtub with water for you?] 要我给你放洗澡水吗? c chiefly British : bathtub He slipped and fell in the bath. 他滑了一下,摔倒在浴缸里。 2 [count] chiefly US : bathroom — used when describing the number or kinds of bathrooms in a place用于描述某处浴室的数量或种类 a room with a private bath 带独立卫浴的房间 The house has three bedrooms and one and a half baths. [=one full bathroom and one bathroom with only a sink and a toilet] 这房子有三个卧室、一个全卫浴室和一个卫生间。 a full bath [=a bathroom with a sink, toilet, and a bathtub or shower] 全卫浴室 3 baths [plural] a : a public building where people in the past went to wash or soak their bodies(旧时的)澡堂,公共浴室 ancient Roman baths 古罗马浴场 b British, old-fashioned : a public building with a swimming pool in it带泳池的公共建筑 4 [count] technical : a container filled with a liquid in which an object is placed to be cleaned, treated, etc.浴器;浴锅 She dipped the metal in a bath of acid. 她把这个金属浸在酸液浴锅里。 a chemical bath 化学浴器 take a bath US, informal : to lose a large amount of money in a business deal蒙受巨大经济损失 The movie studio took a bath on his last picture. 这家电影制片厂拍摄的他的最新影片赔了很多钱。 — see also 1bath 1a (above) — see also bloodbath 2 bath /ˈbæθ/ Brit /ˈbɑːθ/ verb baths; bathed; bathing British 1 [+ object] : to wash (someone) in a container filled with water : to give a bath to (someone)给…洗澡 She baths [=(US) bathes] the baby in the kitchen sink. 她在厨房水槽里给宝宝洗澡。 2 [no object] formal : to have a bath : to wash yourself in a bath洗澡 I usually bath [=(US) bathe] before going to bed. 我通常在睡前洗澡。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bathroom

    英 ['bɑːθruːm]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692109155-67518d646b9c986.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bæθruːm] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692109166-67518d646b9c986.mp3"][/audio]    n. 浴室;<美>洗手间 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bathroom 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:7 /ˈbɑːθrʊm, ˈbɑːθruːm/ /ˈbæθrʊm/ n. bathrooms 1 浴室 高考真题原句提选: We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. Tour A—Bath & Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge—£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter. 二、词组|习惯用语 bathroom accessories 浴室配件 go to the bathroom 上厕所 bathroom cabinet 浴室柜 bathroom equipment 浴室设备 bedroom and bathroom 卧室和浴室 bathroom scale 浴室磅秤;体重秤 三、词根记忆 bathroom n. 浴室;盥洗室,衛生間The bathroom is upstairs.洗澡間在樓上. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bath·room / 5bB:Wru:m; -rum; NAmE 5bAW- / noun 1. a room in which there is a bath / bathtub , a washbasin and often a toilet 浴室: Go and wash your hands in the bathroom. 到盥洗室洗手去。 2. (NAmE) a room in which there is a toilet, a sink and sometimes a bath / bathtub or shower 洗手间;浴室: I have to go to the bathroom (= use the toilet). 我得上洗手间。 Where's the bathroom? (= for example in a restaurant) 衞生间在哪里? ⇨ note at toilet [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bathroom /ˈbɑːθrʊm, -ruːm $ ˈbæθ-/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable] 1. a room where there is a bath or shower, a basin, and sometimes a toilet 浴室,卫生间 2  American English a room where there is a toilet 卫生间,厕所,洗手间 Where’s the bathroom? 洗手间在哪里? I really need to go to the bathroom (=use a toilet). 我很想上厕所。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bathroom ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词浴室;盥洗室 A bathroom is a room in a house that contains a bath or shower, a washbasin, and sometimes a toilet. 2.N-SING 单数名词洗手间;厕所 A bathroom is a room in a house or public building that contains a toilet. 【搭配模式】:usu the N 【语域标签】:AM 美 She had gone in to use the bathroom. 她去洗手间了。 in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 toilet 3.PHRASE 短语去洗手间;上厕所 People say that they are going to the bathroom when they want to say that they are going to use the toilet. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【语用信息】:politeness Although he had been treated with antibiotics, he went to the bathroom repeatedly. 虽然他已经服用了抗生素,但他还是不停地上厕所。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bathroom /ˈbæθˌruːm/ Brit /ˈbɑːθˌruːm/ noun plural bathrooms [count] 1 : a room with a sink and toilet and usually a bathtub or shower浴室;卫生间;盥洗室 Their house has three bathrooms. 他们的房子有三个浴室。 ◊ In U.S. English, a bathroom is mainly thought of as a room with a toilet. In British English, a bathroom is mainly thought of as a room with a bathtub or shower.在美国英语中主要指带马桶的卫生间。在英国英语中主要指带浴缸或淋浴器的浴室。 2 US : a room in a public place with a toilet and sink卫生间;厕所 The restaurant has only one bathroom. 这家餐馆只有一个卫生间。 a public bathroom [=restroom, lavatory] 公厕 go to the bathroom US or use the bathroom : to use the toilet上厕所 The little boy told his mother that he had to go to the bathroom. 小男孩对妈妈说他要上厕所。 You should use the bathroom before we leave. 你应该在我们出发前上趟洗手间。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • battery

    英 ['bætərɪ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692109567-20c1d18791a2460.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bætəri]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692109580-20c1d18791a2460.mp3"][/audio]   n. 电池;一系列;炮兵连;排炮;[律]殴打 名词复数: batteries [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 battery 高中必修500&[话题]2010年山东卷阅读理解D篇 全国卷频次:5 教材出处:译林版必修B3U3 /ˈbætərɪ/ n. batteries 2 电池 高考真题原句提选: I’d left the lights on all day, and the battery was dead. Due in part to old, inefficient batteries, Helios finished fourth—out of four—in its kind, the sun-powered class. 二、词组|习惯用语 battery of 一组;一套 storage battery 蓄电池;蓄电池组 lithium battery 锂电池;锂蓄电池 battery charger 电池充电器 in battery (炮)准备发射的状态 lithium ion battery 锂离子电池 lead-acid battery 铅酸蓄电池 battery pack 电池组 rechargeable battery 可充电电池 solar battery 太阳能电池 battery charging 电池充电;蓄电池室充电 car battery 汽车电池;车用蓄电池 battery capacity 电池容量;蓄电池容量 battery voltage 电池组电压 secondary battery 二次电池;蓄电池 lead acid battery 铅酸蓄电池;铅酸电池;密封蓄电池 battery charge 电池充电器;蓄电池充电 dry battery 干电池 alkaline battery 碱性电池 battery separator 电池隔板;蓄电池隔板 三、词根记忆 battery n. 電池(組);(器具等的)一組,一套;炮兵連The pattern of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle.電池的式樣對與脆小牛作戰無關要緊. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bat·tery / 5bAtri; -tEri / noun (pl. -ies) 1. [C] a device that is placed inside a car engine, clock, radio, etc. and that produces the electricity that makes it work 电池: to replace the batteries 更换电池 a rechargeable battery 充电电池 battery-powered / -operated 用电池供电的/发动的 a car battery 汽车蓄电池 The battery is flat (= it is no longer producing electricity). 电池没电了。 2. [C] ~ (of sth) a large number of things or people of the same type 一系列;一批;一群: He faced a battery of questions. 他面临一连串的问题。 a battery of reporters 一大批记者 3. [C] (technical 术语) a number of large guns that are used together 排炮 4. [C] (BrE) (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) a number of small cages that are joined together and are used for keeping chickens, etc. in on a farm 层架式鸡笼;层架式饲养笼: a battery hen 层架式养鸡笼养的母鸡 battery eggs 层架式养鸡场所产的蛋 ⇨ compare free-range 5. [U] (law 律) the crime of attacking sb physically 殴打罪 ⇨ see also assault and battery IDIOMS ⇨ see recharge [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] battery /ˈbætəri/ ●●● S2 noun (plural batteries) 1  batteries.jpgELECTRICITY 电 [countable] an object that provides a supply of electricity for something such as a radio, car, or toy 电池 You have to take the top off to change the batteries. 你得把顶盖拿掉才能更换电池。 When the red light comes on, you should recharge the battery. 红灯亮起的时候你就应该给电池充电了。 The car’s got a flat battery. 汽车的蓄电池没电了。 a battery-operated hairdryer 使用电池的吹风机 → See picture of 见图 ELECTRICS 2  a battery of something a group of many things of the same type 〔同类事物的〕一排,一组,一连串 a battery of medical tests 一组医疗化验 3  FARM 农场 [countable] British English a row of small cages in which chickens are kept, so that the farm can produce large numbers of eggs 层架式鸡笼 battery hens 在层架式鸡笼里饲养的母鸡 → free-range 4  GUNS 枪炮 [countable] several large guns used together 炮组,排炮 an anti-aircraft battery 防空炮 5  CRIME 罪行 [uncountable] law the crime of hitting someone 殴打罪 He was charged with assault and battery. 他被控殴打和侵犯人身罪。 → assault and battery 6  recharge your batteries informal to rest or relax in order to get back your energy 休息[放松]以恢复精力 A week in the mountains should recharge my batteries. 在山里待一个星期,我的精力应该能恢复过来。 Origin battery 1. (1500-1600) Old French baterie, from batre “to hit”; 2. from the idea of hitting with gunfire; 3. from the idea of a group of electricity-producing cells joined together [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] battery ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词电池 Batteries are small devices that provide the power for electrical items such as radios and children's toys. The shavers come complete with batteries. 这些剃须刀都已经配好了电池。 ...a battery-operated cassette player. 使用电池的磁带播放机 ...rechargeable batteries. 充电电池 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(汽车)电瓶,蓄电池 A car battery is a rectangular box containing acid that is found in a car engine. It provides the electricity needed to start the car. ...a car with a flat battery. 电瓶没电了的汽车 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(设备的)一排,一套 A battery of equipment such as guns, lights, or computers is a large set of it kept together in one place. 【搭配模式】:usu N of n They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns. 他们在一排废弃火炮旁停了下来。 ...batteries of spotlights set up on rooftops. 装在房顶的一排排聚光灯 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(物品的)一组,一系列;(人的)一群 A battery of people or things is a very large number of them. 【搭配模式】:N of n ...a battery of journalists and television cameras... 一大群记者和众多电视摄像机 Crack is part of a battery of drugs used by addicts. 强效可卡因是瘾君子们吸食的众多毒品之一。 5.N-COUNT 可数名词一系列(测试、检查等) A battery of tests is a set of tests that is used to assess a number of different aspects of something, such as your health. 【搭配模式】:usu sing We give a battery of tests to each patient. 我们给每个病人都做了一系列的检查。 6.ADJ 形容词(养鸡场)层架式的 Battery farming is a system of breeding chickens and hens in which large numbers of them are kept in small cages, and used for their meat and eggs. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 ...battery hens being raised in dark, cramped conditions. 在黑暗、拥挤的层架式鸡舍里饲养的母鸡 7.See also:assault and battery; to recharge your batteries→see: recharge; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 battery /ˈbætəri/ noun plural batteries 1 [count] : a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity电池;蓄电池 I bought new batteries for the flashlights. 我给手电筒买了新电池。 a car battery 汽车蓄电池 battery-powered computers 靠电池供电的计算机 a dead battery = (Brit) a flat battery [=a battery that has no more electricity] 没电的电池 — see picture at car 2 [count] : a usually large group of similar people, things, or ideas that work together, are used together, etc.一群;一批;一系列 a battery of tests 一连串测验 The operation was performed by a battery of doctors. 这个手术由一组医生共同完成。 3 [count] : a group of two or more big guns used by the military炮组;排炮 an artillery battery 炮组 4 [noncount] law : the crime of hitting or touching someone in a way that is meant to cause harm or injury殴打罪 He was found guilty of battery. 他被判犯有殴打罪。 — see also assault and battery 5 [count] baseball : the pitcher and catcher on a particular team(棒球队的)投手和接球手 recharge your batteries — see recharge 2 battery /ˈbætəri/ adjective always used before a noun British : relating to or produced by a type of farming in which animals (such as chickens) are kept in small cages笼养的;层架式养殖的 a battery farm 层架式养殖场 battery chickens versus free-range chickens 笼养鸡与散养鸡相比 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • battle

    英 ['bætl]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692109769-a5101e70e5a075a.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bætl] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692109779-a5101e70e5a075a.mp3"][/audio]    n. 战斗;争斗 v. 与 ... 作战;与 ... 竞争 名词: battler 过去式: battled 过去分词: battled 现在分词: battling 第三人称单数: battles [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 battle 高中必修500 全国卷频次:10 教材出处:译林版必修B1U2 /ˈbætl/ n.&v. battles 1 battles 0 battling 0 battled 1 战役,战斗 & 奋争,与…作战 高考真题原句提选: Before long his father was killed in a battle. Few of us are asked to make great decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. The battle didn’t last long. On the morning of May 27, the last battle was fought. The most important reasons for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors battled nature with the basic tools they had. Matilda’s battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, are equally funny and frightening. 二、词组|习惯用语 in battle 在战斗中;在战争中 half the battle 有助于成功的条件;成功一半 battle with 与…战斗 battle against 斗争;与…战斗 battle for 为……斗争 battle it out 打出胜负,奋力争夺 battle field 战场 battle line 战线;主战部队 battle effectiveness n. 战斗力 losing battle 必败之仗 battle cry 呐喊;战斗口号;标语(体育竞赛中) battle group 战斗群 battle of life 生存的斗争 have the battle 战胜 give battle 挑战 battle royal 混战;激战;激烈的争论 battle of britain 不列颠之战(1940年7至10月英德空军的一系列战斗);伦敦上空的鹰(电影名称) pitched battle 激战 fall in battle 阵亡 give the battle v. 认输;打败仗 三、词根记忆 battle n. 戰役,戰鬥;鬥爭v.戰鬥,鬥爭,搏鬥The pattern of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle.電池的式樣對與脆小牛作戰無關要緊. n. 戰鬥(batt+le)[bat=beat,表示"打,擊"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bat·tle / 5bAtl / noun 1. [C, U] a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people 战役;战斗;搏斗: the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役 to be killed in battle 阵亡 a gun battle 枪战 ⇨ see also pitched battle 2. [C] ~ (with sb) (for sth) a competition, an argument or a struggle between people or groups of people trying to win power or control 较量;争论;斗争: a legal battle for compensation 要求赔偿的法律斗争 a battle with an insurance company 同一家保险公司的争执 a battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win) 智斗 a battle of wills (= when each side is very determined to win) 意志的较量 ⇨ note at campaign 3. [C, usually sing.] ~ (against / for sth) a determined effort that sb makes to solve a difficult problem or succeed in a difficult situation 奋斗;斗争: her long battle against cancer 她同癌症的长期斗争 to fight an uphill battle against prejudice 同偏见作艰苦斗争 a battle for survival 一场生死斗 IDIOMS ▪ the battle lines are 'drawn used to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in an argument or contest that is going to begin 战线已经划清(指人或群体已表明打算支持争论或比赛哪一方) ▪ do 'battle (with sb) (over sth) to fight or argue with sb (同某人就某事)进行斗争或辩论 ▪ half the 'battle the most important or difficult part of achieving sth (完成某事的)关键;最艰难的阶段 ⇨ more at fight v., join v. verb ~ (with / against sb / sth) (for sth) to try very hard to achieve sth difficult or to deal with sth unpleasant or dangerous 搏斗;奋斗;斗争: ▪ [V] She's still battling with a knee injury. 她还在同膝部的伤痛作斗争。 Both teams battled hard. 两队拚得很厉害。 The ten leaders are battling for control of the government. 两位领导人在为控制政府而斗争。 I had to battle hard just to stay afloat. 我得用力挣扎才能勉强浮住。 ▪ [VN] The ten sides will battle it out in the final next week. 双方将于下周决赛中决一胜负。 (NAmE) He battled cancer for five years. 他同癌症斗争了四年。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] battle1 /ˈbætl/ ●●● W2 noun [countable] 1  FIGHT 打仗 a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships, groups of people etc, especially one that is part of a larger war 〔尤指大型战争中的〕战斗,战役 the Battle of Trafalgar 特拉法尔加战役 in battle Her son was killed in battle. 她儿子在战斗中阵亡。 into battle a knight riding into battle 策马上战场的一名骑士 battle between battles between government forces and the rebels 政府军和叛军之间的战斗 a pitched battle (=a long and serious battle) between police and drug gangs 警方和贩毒团伙之间的一场激战 ► see thesaurus at war 2  COMPETITION/ARGUMENT 竞争/争论 a situation in which opposing groups or people compete or argue with each other when trying to achieve success or control 较量,竞争,斗争;争论 a long-running legal battle 一场旷日持久的法律争讼 battle for a battle for custody of their children 子女监护权之争 battle between a fierce ratings battle between rival TV stations 相互竞争的电视台之间一场激烈的收视率大战 battle with an ongoing battle with my mother about eating properly 我和母亲有关合理饮食的持续争论 3  CHANGE BAD SITUATION 改变境遇 an attempt to solve a difficult problem or change an unpleasant situation 奋斗,抗争 battle against a battle against the racism of the school system 一场反对学校种族歧视的斗争 battle with a long battle with lung cancer 与肺癌的长期抗争 battle for Scientology has fought long battles for acceptance as a religion. 科学论派为使人们承认它是一种宗教而进行了长期的斗争。 4  be half the battle to be a difficult or important part of what you have to do 是(完成某事)的关键(最艰难阶段) Just getting an interview is half the battle. 只要得到面试机会就等于成功了一半。 5  a battle of wits a situation in which opposing sides try to win by using their intelligence 智慧的较量,斗智 A good mystery story is a battle of wits between author and reader. 好的悬疑故事是作者和读者之间智慧的较量。 6  battle of wills a situation in which opposing sides refuse to change what they want, in the hope that the other side will decide to change first 意志的较量 a battle of wills between teacher and student 师生之间意志的较量 7  do battle (with somebody) to argue with someone or fight against someone (与某人)争论[斗争] She walked into the room with her eyes blazing, ready to do battle. 她眼里燃着怒火走进房间,一副随时准备吵架的样子。 8  fight your own battles to argue with someone, or compete in a difficult situation, without having help from other people – used to show approval 独力应付挑战〔含褒义〕 It’s all right, Mum. I can fight my own battles. 没关系,妈妈,我自己能应付。 9. the battle of the sexes the relationship between men and women when it is considered as a fight for power 两性的较量〔指争夺权力〕 10. the battle of the bulge the act of trying to lose weight – used humorously 反肥战,减肥之战〔幽默用法〕  COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: an attempt to solve a difficult problem or change an unpleasant situation 奋斗,抗争 Related topics: Military battle2 ●○○ verb 1  [intransitive, transitive] to try very hard to achieve something that is difficult or dangerous (与…)斗争,(与…)搏斗 2  battle it out to keep fighting or opposing each other until one person or team wins 决一胜负 3. [intransitive] literary to take part in a fight or war 参战,作战 Origin battle1 (1200-1300) Old French bataille, from Late Latin battalia “fighting”, from Latin battuere “to hit” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] battle ★★★★☆ 1.N-VAR 可变名词战役;战斗 A battle is a violent fight between groups of people, especially one between military forces during a war. ...the victory of King William III at the Battle of the Boyne. 国王威廉三世在博因河战役中的胜利 ...after a gun battle between police and drug traffickers. 在警察和毒贩子一番枪战之后 ...men who die in battle. 在战斗中阵亡的人们 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(为争取成功或控制权的)斗争,冲突 A battle is a conflict in which different people or groups compete in order to achieve success or control. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp ...a renewed political battle over Britain's attitude to Europe. 围绕英国对欧洲的态度问题展开的新一轮政治斗争 ...the eternal battle between good and evil in the world. 世界上正义与邪恶的永恒斗争 ...a macho battle for supremacy... 男性为争取支配地位而进行的斗争 He was appalled to discover members of the board fighting damaging personal battles. 他惊恐地发现董事会成员正在进行你死我活的私人争斗。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(在艰难环境中的)奋争,斗争 You can use battle to refer to someone's efforts to achieve something in spite of very difficult circumstances. 【搭配模式】:usu sing ...the battle against crime... 打击犯罪的斗争 She has fought a constant battle with her weight... 她一直在竭力控制体重。 Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago. 格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。 4.V-RECIP 相互动词与…抗争;与…搏斗;同…作战 To battle with an opposing group means to take part in a fight or contest against them. In American English, you can also say that one group or person is battling another. 【语法信息】:V with/against n 【语法信息】:pl-n V 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:Also pl-n V to-inf Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded... 数千人与警方发生冲突,据报道有数人在冲突中受伤。 The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16... 双方将在12月16日再次交锋以争夺进入四分之一决赛的席位。 They're also battling the government to win compensation. 他们也在跟政府交涉以争取补偿。 5.VERB 动词奋战;(与…)搏斗(在英国英语中用battle against something或with something,在美国英语中用battle something) To battle means to try hard to do something in spite of very difficult circumstances. In British English, you battle against something or with something. In American English, you battle something. 【语法信息】:V to-inf 【语法信息】:V with/against/through n 【语法信息】:V n Doctors battled throughout the night to save her life. 医生们彻夜奋战来挽救她的生命。 ...a lone yachtsman returning from his months of battling with the elements... 只身驾驶游艇与恶劣天气搏斗数月后成功归航的人 In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes. 在怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。 battler If anyone can do it, he can. He's a battler and has a strong character. 只要有人能做到这一点,他就能做到。他是一位斗士,个性坚毅。 6.See also:pitched battle;running battle; 7.PHR-RECIP 相互短语作战;交战;竞争 If one person or group does battle with another, they take part in a battle or contest against them. You can also say that two people or groups do battle . 【搭配模式】:V inflects ...the notorious Montonero guerrilla group who did battle with the army during the dirty war... 曾在那场肮脏的战争中与这支部队交战的臭名昭著的蒙特内罗游击队 This March, a British and an American company will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs. 今年3月,一家英国公司和一家美国公司将会在最高法院就光盘压制权展开争夺。 8.PHRASE 短语成功的一半;成功的重要条件 If you say that something is half the battle, you mean that it is the most important step towards achieving something. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR Choosing the right type of paint for the job is half the battle. 选对了涂料,这项工作就成功了一半。 9.PHRASE 短语战线已划定;对垒之势已成 If you say that the battle lines are drawn between opposing groups or people, you mean that they are ready to start fighting or arguing, and that it has become clear what the main points of conflict or disagreement will be. 【搭配模式】:V inflects The battle lines were drawn after the government refused to budge from its final offer. 政府拒绝改变其最后条件之后,双方对立态势趋向明朗。 10.PHRASE 短语作无望成功的尝试 If you are fighting a losing battle, you are trying to achieve something but are not going to be successful. 【搭配模式】:V inflects The crew fought a losing battle to try to restart the engines. 全体船员努力尝试重新启动发动机,但结果徒劳无功。 ...on a day when the sun is fighting a losing battle against the lowering clouds. 那天,太阳慢慢被低垂的云层遮蔽起来。 11.PHR-RECIP 相互短语一决胜负;一决高低 If one group or person battles it out with another, they take part in a fight or contest against each other until one of them wins or a definite result is reached. You can also say that two groups or two people battle it out . 【搭配模式】:V inflects In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United... 在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。 Barbados could have three new political parties battling it out in the next General Election. 在下一届大选中,巴巴多斯可能有三个新的政党参加角逐。 12.PHRASE 短语虽败犹胜/ 虽胜犹败 If you say that someone has lost the battle ,but won the war, you mean that although they have been defeated in a small conflict they have won a larger, more important one of which it was a part. If you say that someone has won the battle but lost the war, you mean that they have won the small conflict but lost the larger one. 【搭配模式】:Vs and battle inflect The strikers may have won the battle, but they lost the war. 罢工者们虽胜犹败。 13.PHRASE 短语 考验意志的持久战 A battle of wills is a situation that involves people who try to defeat each other by refusing to change their own aims or demands and hoping that their opponents will weaken first. The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power. 总统对国会作出让步,以求结束这场旷日持久的权力争斗。 14.PHRASE 短语智慧的较量;斗智 If you refer to a situation as a battle of wits, you mean that it involves people with opposing aims who compete with each other using their intelligence, rather than force. 【搭配模式】:battle inflects With chess you're involved in a battle of wits from start to finish. 下国际象棋从头到尾都是在比拼智慧。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 battle /ˈbætl̟/ noun plural battles 1 a : a military fight between groups of soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc.战斗;战役 [count] That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history. 那场持续了两天的战斗已成为史上最著名的战役之一。 The battle continued late into the night. 战斗一直持续到深夜。 the battle of Gettysburg 葛底斯堡战役 [noncount] The men never spoke of the difficulties of battle. [=war] 士兵们绝口不谈战争的艰苦。 Hundreds of dead soldiers lay on the field of battle. [=the battlefield] 数百名将士陈尸疆场。 the brave warriors who died/fell in battle [=while fighting in a war] 在战斗中英勇献身的战士 Thousands of soldiers were willing to go into battle to fight the enemy. 成千上万的士兵决心投入战斗打击敌人。 b [count] : a violent fight in which people use weapons械斗 A police officer was injured in a gun battle that took place last night. 一名警员在昨夜发生的枪战中受了伤。 2 [count] a : a fight between people or groups in which each side tries to win a contest (such as a game or an election) or to gain control of something (such as a company)竞赛;较量;争夺 The divorced couple is now in a fierce custody battle over their son. [=a legal fight about who their son will live with] 这对离婚夫妇现在正在激烈争夺对儿子的监护权。 The company was involved in a legal battle with/against one of its employees. 这家公司与它的一名雇员在打官司。 He has been engaged in a running battle [=a fight or disagreement that continues for a long time] with the government over the amount of money he owes in taxes. 他在所欠税款多少的问题上一直无法与政府达成一致。 — often + for They are engaged in a battle for the presidency. [=a fight to win an election and become the president] 他们加入到总统的选战当中。 a battle for control of the land 土地控制权的争夺 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 a battle to control the land 土地控制权的争夺 ◊ A battle of wits is a contest in which each side tries to win by being smarter or cleverer than the other side.智力竞赛;智斗 In this movie, it's a battle of wits as the bank robbers try to outsmart the city's detectives. 在这部影片中,银行劫匪想要智胜城市侦探,双方展开了一场智斗。 ◊ A battle of wills is a contest in which each side tries to win by refusing to stop trying.意志的较量 The workers' strike became a difficult battle of wills between the company and the labor union. 工人罢工演变成公司与工会之间一场艰难的意志较量。 b : a fight between two different or opposite forces斗争 the never-ending battle between/of good and evil 正义与邪恶之间永无休止的斗争 The comedy is a classic treatment of the battle of the sexes. [=the struggle for power between women and men] 这部喜剧是描述男女之间权力争夺的经典之作。 3 [count] : a long struggle to succeed or survive during a difficult situation抗争;拼搏;奋斗 Last year, he lost his 10-year battle with/against AIDS. [=he died of AIDS after being sick with the disease for 10 years] 去年,在与艾滋病抗争了10年之后,他与世长辞了。 Starting her own business has proven to be an uphill battle. [=a very difficult struggle] 开创自己的事业对她来说是一场异常艰苦的奋斗。 ◊ If you are involved in a losing battle you are trying to do something with little or no chance of success.毫无希望;徒劳无功 I tried to get him to change his mind, but it was a losing battle. [=he refused to change his mind] 我想方设法让他改变主意,但却是白费口舌。 She tried to stay awake but it was a losing battle. 她努力保持清醒,但却没能做到。 a gardener fighting a losing battle against weeds 白费力气对付杂草的园丁 do battle : to fight or struggle斗争;战斗 political opponents who have been doing battle [=battling] for years 多年一直争斗的政敌 — usually + with political opponents who have been doing battle with each other for years 多年一直相互争斗的政敌 soldiers doing battle with the enemy 与敌人战斗的士兵 half the battle : an important and necessary part of doing or achieving something成功的关键 When you're opening a new restaurant, good advertising is half the battle. 经营一家新餐馆,好的宣传是成功的关键。 — often used with words like only and just to stress that something is not enough by itself to achieve a desired goal常与only、just等词连用,强调仅靠某物不足以实现预定目标 If you want a career in show business, having talent is only half the battle—you also need to be lucky. 如果你想投身演艺界,天赋仅仅是成功的一半——你还需要有运气。 in the heat of (the) battle : while fighting in a battle激战中 The soldier became confused in the heat of battle. 这个士兵在激战中乱了阵脚。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 He apologized to his wife for the angry things he had said to her in the heat of battle. [=while they were arguing] 他为自己在争执中所说的气话向妻子道歉。 join battle — see join 2 battle /ˈbætl̟/ verb battles; battled; battling 1 [no object] : to fight with weapons作战;战斗 The army battled for control of the bridge. 军队为取得那座桥的控制权而战。 The battling armies agreed to a truce. 交战双方同意休战。 2 [no object] a : to try or struggle very hard to do something拼搏;奋斗 The team battled [=fought] bravely to win their last game. 这支队伍为赢得最后一场比赛奋力拼搏。 They battled [=struggled] to keep their son out of jail. 他们为让儿子免于牢狱之苦而拼尽了全力。 : to struggle or fight for something为…斗争;争夺 The two families have battled for control of the land for many years. 两个家庭多年来一直在争夺这块土地的控制权。 b : to fight or argue with someone over something争吵;争论 The couple battled fiercely over how to spend their money. 这对夫妇就如何花钱的问题激烈争吵。 3 [+ object] a : to fight, compete, or argue with (someone or something)和…作战;和…斗争 The two teams are set to battle each other for the championship. 两支队伍准备好为冠军而战。 Members of both parties continue to battle the governor over her policies. 两个政党的成员继续就州长的政策与其争论。 b : to try to stop or defeat (something)阻止;打败 Hundreds of firefighters came to help battle the forest fire. 数百名消防队员赶来帮助扑灭林火。 People often need help battling their drug and alcohol problems. 戒除毒瘾和酒瘾时,人们通常需要帮助。 She's been battling cancer for 10 years. 她与癌症已经抗争10年了。 battling the forces of evil 遏制邪恶势力 battle it out : to argue or fight打出胜负;决一雌雄;战斗到底 People were battling it out [=fighting it out] over parking spaces. 人们为了停车位而争执不下。 The two sides are now battling it out in the courtroom. 双方在法庭上展开激辩。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bay

    英 [beɪ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692110931-c77f1151c85fc07.mp3"][/audio]   美 [beɪ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692110943-c77f1151c85fc07.mp3"][/audio]   n. 海湾;月桂树;隔间;犬吠;【计】机架,底板 vi. 嗥叫;哀号 adj. 红棕色 过去式: bayed 过去分词: bayed 现在分词: baying 第三人称单数: bays [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bay 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:8 教材出处:译林版选必修B1U1 /beɪ/ n. bays 0 baying 0 bayed 0 海湾;小屋;猎狗的嚎叫 高考真题原句提选: In a small bay big waves will never build up. 二、词组|习惯用语 bay area 海湾地区 at bay ◎(猎物等) 被困;◎处于走投无路的境地; bay bridge 海湾大桥 causeway bay 铜锣湾(位于中国香港) san francisco bay n. 旧金山湾;海湾 guantanamo bay 关塔那摩湾(位于古巴的东南沿海) bay of bengal 孟加拉湾 san francisco bay area 旧金山港湾区 hudson bay 哈得逊湾(位于加拿大中东部) chesapeake bay 切萨皮克湾 tampa bay 坦帕湾(美国佛罗里达州西部海湾) bay city 海湾城;贝城(位于美国密歇根州) discovery bay 愉景湾(位于香港大屿山东北部分);发现湾(哥伦布第一脚踏上的土地) tokyo bay 东京湾(日本) repulse bay 浅水湾 bay leaf 月桂树叶 prudhoe bay 普拉德霍湾(美国阿拉斯加州北部) engine bay n. 引擎室;发动机舱 quarry bay 鲗鱼涌 manila bay 马尼拉湾(菲律宾海湾) 三、词根记忆 bay n. 海灣,(港)灣"The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay.他沮喪地說:"快活的市長大概躺在嬰兒灣邊上的幹草中." [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bay / bei / noun 1. [C] a part of the sea, or of a large lake, partly surrounded by a wide curve of the land (海或湖的)湾: the Bay of Bengal 孟加拉湾 Hudson Bay 哈得孙湾 a magnificent view across the bay 海湾对面的壮观景象 2. [C] a marked section of ground either inside or outside a building, for example for a vehicle to park in, for storing things, etc. 分隔间(户外或室内的,用以停放车辆、存放货物等): a parking / loading bay 停车位;装货区 Put the equipment in No 3 bay. 把设备放在 3 号仓房。 ⇨ see also sickbay 3. [C] a curved area of a room or building that sticks out from the rest of the building (建筑物的)突出结构 4. [C] a horse of a dark brown colour 栗色马: He was riding a big bay. 他骑着一匹高大的栗色马。 5. [C] a deep noise, especially the noise made by dogs when hunting (尤指猎犬捕猎时的)低沉吠声 6. (also 'sweet bay) [C] = bay tree 7. [U] a herb used to give flavour to food, made of the leaves of the bay tree 月桂(用作香料) IDIOMS ▪ at 'bay when an animal that is being hunted is at bay, it must turn and face the dogs and hunters because it is impossible to escape from them (猎物)被围困,被迫作困兽之斗 ▪ hold / keep sb / sth at 'bay to prevent an enemy from coming close or a problem from having a bad effect 不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题恶化) SYN ward off : I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我在竭力避开债主。 Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay. 夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。 verb [V] 1. (of a dog or wolf 狗或狼) to make a long deep sound, especially while hunting (尤指捕猎时)发出长嗥,低沉地吠叫 SYN howl : a pack of baying hounds 一群不断吠叫着正在捕猎的猎犬 2. ~ (for sth) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to demand sth in a loud and angry way 厉声强要: The referee's decision left the crowd baying for blood (= threatening violence towards him). 裁判的裁决引起群众怒吼着要暴力相向。 adjective (of a horse 马) dark brown in colour 深棕色的;枣红色的: a bay mare 一匹枣红色的母马 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bay1 /beɪ/ ●●○ noun [countable] 1  SEA 大海 a part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land 湾,海湾 a house with a view across the bay 能看到海湾全景的一幢房子 Montego Bay 蒙特哥湾 2  keep/hold something at bay to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening or from coming too close 阻止某事发生;使某物不能接近 A thick wall keeps the noise at bay. 一道厚实的墙挡住了声音。 3  AREA 地区 an area within a large room or just outside a building that is used for a particular purpose 〔大房间里面或建筑物外面的〕专用空间 a storage bay 储藏室 loading bay 装货区 4  FOR CARGO 装货的地方 the part of a ship or plane where things are stored 〔船或飞机上的〕货舱 the cargo bay 货舱 5. TREE 树 (also bay tree) a tree that has leaves that smell sweet and are often used in cooking 月桂树 6. HORSE 马 a horse that is a reddish brown colour 红棕马,栗色马 Related topics: Animals, Colours & sounds bay2 verb [intransitive] 1  if a dog bays, it makes a long high noise, especially when it is chasing something 〔尤指猎犬〕狂吠,长嚎 SYN howl dogs baying at the moon 对着月亮狂吠的狗 2  to make strong demands to get answers to questions or force someone to give you something 强烈要求 bay for Reporters began baying for the president’s blood (=demanding that he be punished). 记者开始大声疾呼,要求给予总统惩罚。 Related topics: Animals bay3 adjective a bay horse is reddish brown in colour 〔马〕红棕色的,栗色的 Origin bay1 1. (1300-1400) Old French baie, from Old Spanish bahia2. (1500-1600) bay “condition of a hunted animal that is trapped and has to turn around” ((14-17 centuries)), from Old French abai, from abaiier; → BAY23. (1300-1400) Old French baee “opening”, from baer “to have the mouth wide open”4. (1300-1400) Old French baie “berry”, from Latin baca5. (1500-1600) → BAY3 bay2 (1200-1300) Old French abaiier, from the sound bay3 (1300-1400) Old French bai, from Latin badius [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bay ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词湾;海湾 A bay is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards. 【搭配模式】:oft in names ...a short ferry ride across the bay. 乘渡船横渡海湾的短途旅行 ...the Bay of Bengal. 孟加拉海湾 ...the San Francisco Bay area. 旧金山湾地区 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(建筑物的)开间,隔间 A bay is a partly enclosed area, inside or outside a building, that is used for a particular purpose. 【搭配模式】:oft supp N The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered... 动物们被赶到一个隔间里,然后进行宰杀。 The car reversed into the loading bay. 汽车倒入装卸间。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(飞机或船只的)货舱,分隔舱 On an aircraft or ship, a bay is a section that is used for carrying cargo or equipment. 【搭配模式】:usu n N ...in the cargo bays of aircraft. 在飞机的货舱里 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(建筑物的)凸出部分;(尤指)飘窗,凸窗 A bay is an area of a room which extends beyond the main walls of a house, especially an area with a large window at the front of a house. 5.ADJ 形容词(马)棕红色的 A bay horse is reddish-brown in colour. 6.VERB 动词大声疾呼;强烈要求 If a number of people are baying for something, they are demanding something angrily, usually that someone should be punished. 【语法信息】:V for n 【语法信息】:V-ing 【搭配模式】:usu cont The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty. 裁判对要求判罚点球的叫喊声不予理睬。 Opposition politicians have been baying for his blood. 反对派的政治家们一直呼吁对其严惩。 ...the baying crowd. 怒吼的人群 7.VERB 动词(犬)连续吠;(狼)连续嚎叫 If a dog or wolf bays, it makes loud, long cries. 【语法信息】:V at n 【语法信息】:Also V A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon. 一只狗突然对着月亮狂吠不止。 8.See also:sick bay; 9.PHRASE 短语使…不能靠近;防止…侵袭 If you keep something or someone at bay, or hold them at bay, you prevent them from reaching, attacking, or affecting you. 【搭配模式】:V inflects Eating oranges keeps colds at bay... 吃橘子可以预防感冒。 Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay. 手持棒球棒的囚犯们挟持了人质,使警察无法靠近。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bay /ˈbeɪ/ noun plural bays [count] : a large area of water that is part of an ocean or lake and partly surrounded by land(海或湖的)湾 They went fishing in the bay. 他们去海湾钓鱼。 She lives in California near San Francisco Bay. 她住在靠近旧金山湾的加利福尼亚州。 — see color picture on this page — compare 2bay, 3bay, 4bay, 5bay 2 bay /ˈbeɪ/ noun plural bays [count] 1 : a section of a ship, airplane, etc., that is used for a special purpose (such as storing things)(轮船或飞机等的)舱 a cargo bay on a ship 船上的货舱 the airplane's bomb bay 飞机的炸弹舱 an engine bay 引擎室 2 : a section of a room or building(建筑物或房间的)隔段,分隔间 a barn with three bays 有三个隔间的谷仓 — see also bay window — compare 1bay, 3bay, 4bay, 5bay 3 bay /ˈbeɪ/ noun at bay : in the position of being unable to move closer while attacking or trying to approach someone无法近身— used with keep or hold与keep或hold连用 The soldiers kept the attackers at bay. [=they did not allow the attackers to come closer] 士兵们使进攻者无法靠近。 Armed with a gun, he held the police at bay [=he did not allow the police to arrest him] for 10 hours. 由于有枪,他与警方僵持了10个小时。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Although the doctors had been able to keep her illness at bay [=to prevent her illness from becoming worse] for a few months, the disease soon began to spread again. 尽管医生将她的病情控制住了几个月,可疾病不久又开始扩散了。 — compare 1bay, 2bay, 4bay, 5bay 4 bay /ˈbeɪ/ noun plural bays [count] : a kind of European tree that has leaves which are used in cooking月桂树 — see also bay leaf — compare 1bay, 2bay, 3bay, 5bay 5 bay /ˈbeɪ/ noun plural bays [count] : a horse that is a reddish-brown color枣红马;栗色马 — compare 1bay, 2bay, 3bay, 4bay — bay adjective, of a horse a bay [=reddish-brown] colt/mare 枣红色的公驹/母马 6 bay /ˈbeɪ/ verb bays; bayed; baying [no object] 1 : to bark with long sounds连续吠叫 The dog was baying [=howling] at the moon. 这条狗正对着月亮吠叫。 2 : to shout or cry out in a loud and often angry way大声叫嚷 a baying crowd 骚乱的人群 an angry mob baying for blood [=angrily demanding or threatening violence] 一个叫嚣着要动武的愤怒的暴徒 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • BC

    英 [ˌbiː'siː]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692111167-f85b7b377112c27.mp3"][/audio]   美 [ˌbiː'siː]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692111176-f85b7b377112c27.mp3"][/audio]   abbr. 公元前(=Before Christ) =B.;C [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 BC/B.C. 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:0 /ˌbiːˈsiː/ abbr. 公元前 高考真题原句提选: The Olympic Games, first played in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912. 二、词组|习惯用语 BC Clouds 流动的云(插件名) 网络短语: s l BC 顺时针 BC Between Centers 中心距 s esy s BC 像BC一样容易 s BC 前0年代 BC CONDIMENTS 地区; 区域; 美国买家; BC PROBER 铍铜针 Fibrolane BC 菲帛罗纶; 菲帛罗纶BC酪蛋白短纤维; Calculus BC 微积分BC; 真题及答案; 微积分; BC Composite 合成 BC-S 加综合征 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] BC BC (BrE) (US B.C.) / 7bi: 5si: / abbreviation before Christ (used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of years before the year when Christ is believed to have been born) 公元前(基督教会历法用): in (the year) 2000 BC 在公元前 2000 年 the third century BC 公元前三世纪 ⇨ compare AD , AH , BCE , CE [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] BC British English, B.C. American English /ˌbiː ˈsiː/ (before Christ) used after a date to show that it was before the birth of Christ 公元前 → AD The Great Pyramid dates from around 2600 BC. 大金字塔建于公元前2600年左右。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] BC ★☆☆☆☆ 1.公元前 You use BC in dates to indicate a number of years or centuries before the year in which Jesus Christ is believed to have been born. The brooch dates back to the fourth century BC. 这枚胸针的历史可以追溯到公元前4世纪。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] BC abbreviation or chiefly US B.C. before Christ公元前(耶稣基督诞生前的年份)— used to refer to the years that came before the birth of Jesus Christ 550 B.C. 公元前550年 in the fifth century B.C. [=between the years 499 and 400 B.C.] 在公元前5世纪 — compare a.d., b.c.e., c.e. [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • be

    英 [bi]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692111370-910955a907e739b.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bi]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692111394-910955a907e739b.mp3"][/audio]   v. 有;在;是;到达;拜访 第三人称单数: is 现在分词: being 过去式: was/were 过去分词: been [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 be (am is are; was were; been) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:1028 /biː/ v. 其人称和形式变化有am,is,are,was,were,being,been (助动词)用于构成时态或被动语态;(连系动词)是 高考真题原句提选: Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. Don’t be afraid of asking for help when it is needed. I hope the examination won't be too difficult for you. No one could be sure. How Can a Small Stamp Be Worth $16,800? A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen. Such an idea could not even be considered. The dark-colored road surface makes the youngsters hard to be noticed. Take our car. We won't be using it over the holiday. Which of the following will the trainees be doing during the program? Fred just told me that you’re going to be leaving us. It's a pleasure to be here. And it turns out to be an hour. There did seem to be a mistake. I don't pretend to be an expert. I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travellers. I need to be in my office in 15 minutes. Well, maybe things are not as bad as they seem to be. Now, a new study suggests getting benefits from exercise doesn’t have to be that demanding. Tomorrow’s going to be tough, much tougher than today. And what kind of person does he show himself to be? The other day someone named Davis came to me and said that he used to be a great dreamer. To be honest, I don’t think I was helping very much. Hehan lived the rest of his days—eight years, to be exact—imprisoned not far from the Taj Mahal. Tales From Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the programme and anyone who has a lively interest in their pet, whether it be cat, dog or snake! Then when they come to other doors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they won’t hesitate to open them and walk through. This great new mass of humanity will be using technologies that have yet to be invented in ways we cannot imagine and in jobs that don't yet exist. They may require that travellers be with an official guide at all times during their stay. 二、词组|习惯用语 so be it 诚心所愿;顺其自然 let be 听任;不干涉,不打扰 三、词根记忆 be v. (就)是,等於;(存)在;到達,來到,發生He will be happy in the future.他將來會幸福的. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be [biː] (is/are,being,was/were/been) be 'after sth ■to try to get or obtain sth追求,争取(某事物): Several people in the office are after the same job. 办公室里有几个人想做同一件工作。 She’s being too nice. I wonder what she’s after. 她表现得好过了头。我不知道她图的是什么。 [G]v+prep be 'at sb (informal, especially BrE)=BE/GO/KEEP ON AT SB be 'at sth ■to be busy doing sth忙于(做某事): He’s been at his essay all night. 他整整一夜都在写文章。 I’ll be at it all day tomorrow. 我明天一整天都会用来处理这事的。 [G]v+prep be 'at it ■to behave badly; to argue or fight表现差;争吵;打架: The kids are at it again. 孩子们又闹起来了。 be a'way ■to not be at home, especially when you are on holiday/vacation or on a business trip外出(尤指度假或出差): We’ll be away for the month of August. 我们八月份要外出度假。 He’s away on business at the moment. 他出差了。 [G]v+adv be be'fore sb=BE UP BEFORE SB be be'hind sb ■to give sb your support支持某人: Don’t forget that we’re behind you all the way. 别忘了我们始终支持你。 [G]v+prep be be'hind with sth ■to be late doing sth, such as paying a bill, your rent, etc.耽搁;拖欠: We’re behind with the mortgage repayments. 我们没有按时偿还按揭贷款。 I’m behind with my college assignments. 我没依时完成大学作业。 [G]v+adv+prep be 'down ■if a computer system is down, it is not working temporarily(计算机系统)出故障;暂时停机: Surely your computer isn’t down again? 你的计算机一定不是又坏了吧? [G]v+adv be 'down on sb ■to treat sb severely or unfairly对某人苛刻(或不公平): He’s been really down on me lately. 他最近特别和我过不去。 [G]v+adv+prep be 'down to sb ■to be the responsibility of sb; to be sb’s fault是某人的责任;是某人的错: It’s down to you to help them now. 现在该你帮助他们了。 [G]v+adv+prep be 'down to sth ■to have only a little money left只剩一点钱; 所剩无几: I’m down to my last dollar. 我只剩最后一块钱了。 [G]v+adv+prep be/go 'down with sth ■to have or catch an illness生病;患…病: Gill’s down with flu. 吉尔得了流感。 [G]v+adv+prep be 'in ■to be in fashion时髦;入时: Miniskirts are in this season. 本季度流行超短裙。 ■to be elected to a political position当选(政治职位): The Democrats are in for another term. 民主党获选连任。 [G]v+adv be 'in for sth (informal) ■to be going to experience sth soon, especially sth unpleasant即将面临(尤指令人不快的事): She’s in for a shock. 她就要碰上一件震惊的事了。 It looks like we’re in for a storm. 我们好像要遇到暴风雨了。 [G]v+adv+prep be/get 'in on sth (informal) ■to have a share in or knowledge of sth; to be or become involved in sth参与;知道;涉足: Are you in on the secret? 你知道这个秘密吗? I’d like to be in on the deal. 我很想加入这桩交易。 [G]v+adv+prep be (well) 'in with sb ■to be (very) friendly with sb and likely to get an advantage from the friendship同某人关系密切(可从中获益) [G]v+adv+prep be 'into sth ■to have a taste for or an interest in sth爱好;对…感兴趣: Are you into jazz music? 你喜欢爵士乐吗? He’s been into trains since he was a small boy. 他从小就很喜欢火车。 [G]v+prep be 'off ■to leave; to go, especially in a hurry离开;(匆忙)走开: I must be off. 我必须走了。 ■to have gone bad and not be fit to eat or drink变质(不宜食用或饮用): This milk is off. 牛奶坏了。 [G]v+adv be 'off sth ■to have no interest in sth; to have stopped liking sth对(某事物)不感兴趣;不再喜欢: She can’t be well. She’s been off her food all week. 她的身体不可能很好。她厌食整整一星期了。 That’s it. I’m off men for life. 就是这样。我一辈子都对男子提不起兴趣。 ■to have finished speaking on the telephone打完电话: Isn’t he off the phone yet? 他还没打完电话吗? [G]v+prep be ,off for 'sth (informal) ■to have a particular amount of sth有某数量的…: How are we off for coffee }(= how much have we got)&b{? 我们有多少咖啡? [G]v+adv+prep be 'on ■(of an event, a show, a performance, etc.活动、演出、表演等) to be happening; to take place进行中: Is the party still on? 聚会还没散吗? ■(of a performer演员) to be on the stage; to perform在台上;演出: Who’s on next? 下面该谁上台? We’re on after the support band. 我们在伴奏响起之后上台。 ■(of food食物) to be cooking在烹调中: Are the potatoes on? 土豆烧上了吗? [G]v+adv you’re 'on (spoken, informal) ■used when you are accepting a bet or a challenge(接受赌注或挑战时说) //// be 'on sb ■if sth such as drinks, food, tickets, etc.are on sb, they are paid for by that person(饮料、食物、票等)由某人支付: The drinks are on me tonight. 今晚的饮料我买单。 [G]v+prep be 'on sth ■to be taking medicine, a drug, etc.在服用(药物、毒品等): She’s been on the pill for ten years. 她服用这种药有十年了。 I’m on strong painkillers. 我在服用强力止痛药。 ■to be talking to sb on the telephone(和某人)在通电话: She’s been on the phone for hours. 她打电话有好几个小时了。 ■to be eating or drinking sth在吃(或喝)…: I’m on my third coffee already this morning. 这是我今早喝的第三杯咖啡了。 [G]v+prep what are you 'on? (spoken, informal) ■used when you are very surprised at sb’s behaviour and are suggesting that they are acting in a similar way to sb using drugs(认为对方行为不正常)你吃了什么药 be 'on about sth (informal, especially BrE) ■to talk about sth, often in a boring way; to mean sth谈论,唠叨(某事);意思是: He’s always on about how much money he earns. 他总爱唠叨他赚多少钱。 What are you on about? }(= I don’t really understand)&b{. 你究竟是什么意思? [G]v+adv+prep be/go/keep 'on at sb (also be 'at sb) (informal,especially BrE) ■to try to persuade sb to do sth by talking about it very often and in an annoying way反复劝说,纠缠(某人): I’ve been on at my husband to go to the doctor, but he won’t. 我不断地劝我丈夫去看医生,可他就是不去。 [synonym]nag sb [G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+prep be 'onto sb (informal) ■to become aware that sb has done sth wrong or illegal and be trying to catch them捕捉,缉捕(犯错或违法者): The police aren’t onto us yet. 警方还没有发觉要捉拿我们。 ■to talk to sb about sth, especially to complain about sth or ask them to do sth和某人谈(某事);(尤指)向某人抱怨,要求某人(做某事): I’ve been onto the council about the noise. 我已经和委员会谈过噪音的问题了。 [G]v+prep be 'onto sth ■to find or discover sth that could have very good results for you or for sb else找到,发现(会对自己或他人带来很好结果的事物): She could be onto something }(= she might have discovered sth that will prove important)&b{. 她可能发现了重要线索。 [G]v+prep be 'out ■to have stopped work as a protest and be on strike罢工: The postal workers are still out. 邮政工人还在罢工。 ■to be no longer in prison获释出狱: I’ve heard Smith’s out now. 我听说史密斯出狱了。 ■if a jury (= a group of people who decide the results of a competition or whether or not sb is guilty of a crime) is out,they are still trying to make a decision(评委会或陪审团)还在裁决中 ■to no longer be in fashion过时;不流行: Black is out this year. 今年不时兴黑色。 Politeness seems to be out of fashion these days }(= no one is polite any more)&b{. 如今讲礼貌似乎已经过时了。 ■if an action, for example, is out, it is not possible or is not allowed(行动等)不可能,不允许: Shall we get together one evening next week? Monday’s out — I’ve got a French class. 我们下周抽个晚上聚一聚吧?星期一不行—我有法语课。 [G]v+adv the jury is (still) 'out on sth ■used when you are saying that sth is still not certain(某事)仍未定夺, 悬而未决: The jury is still out on whether wine can be good for you. 葡萄酒对人是否有好处尚无定论。 be 'out for sth;be 'out to do sth ■to be trying very hard to do sth or to get sth企求;力图(做某事): He’s out for revenge. 他企图进行报复。 Everyone’s just out for what they can get these days }(= they are trying to get things for themselves)&b{. 如今每个人都只顾图谋私利。 The German team want to win this game, but Brazil are out to stop them. 德国队想赢得这场比赛,但巴西队会竭力阻止他们。 [G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+to inf be 'out of sth ■to have used up a supply of sth and have nothing left用光;耗尽: We’re out of sugar. 我们的糖吃完了。 [G]v+adv+prep be 'over sb ■to have returned to your usual state of happiness after the end of a relationship(和某人关系结束后)恢复心情: It was hard at first, but I’m over him now. 和他分手之初很难过,可我熬过来了。 [G]v+prep be 'over sth ■to have returned to your normal state of health after an illness病瘉;恢复健康: He’s over the flu now. 他的流感好了。 [G]v+prep be 'past it (informal) ■used to show that you think sb is so old that they can no longer do anything useful or interesting(某人)年老无用: The children laughed at him and said he was past it. 孩子们嘲笑他,说他年老不中用了。 [G]v+prep+it be 'through (to sb) ■to be connected to sb on the telephone(和某人)接通电话: You’re through now. 您的电话接通了。 You’re through to the manager now. 您可以和经理通话了。 [G]v+adv be 'through (with sb/sth) (especially AmE) ■to have finished using or doing sth; to have finished a relationship with sb不再使用(某物);做完(某事);已结束(同某人的)关系: Aren’t you through yet? You’ve been ages! 你还没做完?你真是没完没了! He promised he was through with drugs. 他答应不再吸毒了。 Keith and I are through. 基思和我吹了。 [G]v+adv be 'up ■to be awake醒来;醒着: You’re up early. 你醒得真早。 I’ve been up all night. 我彻夜未眠。 ■(of the wind, the sea, etc.风、海等) to increase in strength or become violent增强;变得猛烈; 水势(变得) 兇猛: In the morning the wind was up and we got ready for a day’s sailing. 早晨风力增强了,我们为一天的航行作好了准备。 ■(spoken, informal) (of a drink, a meal,etc.饮料、饭菜等) to be ready准备好;预备好: Tea’s up! Come and get it. 茶沏好了!来用吧。 see also WHAT’S UP at BE UP TO STH [G]v+adv be 'up against sb/sth ■to be facing problems or difficulties面对问题(或困难) : We’re up against tough competition. 我们面临着激烈的竞争。 With three players injured, they were really up against it }(= in a difficult situation)&b{. 三名队员受了伤,他们的处境实在艰难。 Do you realize what you’re up against? 你意识到你面临着什么吗? [G]v+adv+prep be 'up before sb (also be be'fore sb) ■to appear in court or before a judge上法庭; 出庭(受审): He’s up before the judge tomorrow. 他明天出庭受审。 [G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+prep be 'up for sth ■to be considered for sth, especially as a candidate for a job, in an election, etc.为(职位或选举等的)候选人: She’s up for promotion. 她可能升职。 (informal) There are 50 tickets up for grabs }(= available for people who ask quickly)&b{. 有50 张票,来晚了就没了。 ■to be for sb to buy供出售: I see your house is up for sale . 我知道你的房子要出售。 A Picasso is up for auction . 有一幅毕加索的画要拍卖。 ■(informal) to be ready to take part in an activity准备好参加…: The new job will be a challenge, but I’m up for it . 新工作将是一个挑战,但我已准备应战。 [G]v+adv+prep be 'up to sb ■to be sb’s responsibility or duty是某人的责任(或职责): It’s up to you to make sure the house is kept tidy. 保持房屋整洁是你的责任。 ■to be left to sb to decide由某人决定: ‘Shall we go out?’ ‘It’s up to you.’ “ 我们出去好吗?”“你来决定吧。 ” [G]v+adv+prep be 'up to sth (informal) ■to be busy doing sth,especially sth bad忙于做(尤指坏事): What have you been up to lately? 你最近忙些什么呢? The kids are quiet — I’m sure they’re up to no good }(= they are doing sth bad)&b{. 孩子们鸦雀无声的─我敢肯定他们没在干什么好事。 ■to be as good as people expect和期待的一样好;不负所望: Was your meal up to standard? 给你的饭菜够标准吗? [G]v+adv+prep what’s up? (spoken, informal) ■used to ask sb if there is something wrong出什么事了;怎么了: You look terrible! What’s up? 你看上去糟透了!出什么事了? I couldn’t understand what was up with George. 我无法理解乔治是怎么了。 ■used as a greeting to mean ‘how are you?’,‘what have you been doing?’, etc.(问候语)你好吗,忙些什么呢 be upon sb ( formal) ■to be going to happen very soon即将发生: The election is almost upon us. 选举很快就要开始了。 [G]v+prep [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be / bi; strong form bi: / ⇨ see irregular verbs verb 1. linking verb [V-N] there is / are to exist; to be present 有;存在: Is there a God? 上帝存在吗? Once upon a time there was a princess... 从前有一位公主… I tried phoning but there was no answer. 我试打过电话,但没人接。 There's a bank down the road. 沿马路不远有一家银行。 Was there a pool at the hotel? 饭店里有游泳池吗? 2. [V +adv. / prep.] to be located; to be in a place 位于;在(某处): The town is three miles away. 镇子距此地三英里远。 If you're looking for your file, it's on the table. 你要找的文件在桌子上。 Mary's upstairs. 玛丽在楼上。 3. [V +adv. / prep.] to happen at a time or in a place (在某时或某地)发生: The party is on Friday evening. 聚会定于周五晚上举行。 The meetings are always in the main conference room. 会议总是在主会议室举行。 4. [V +adv. / prep.] to remain in a place 留在(某地);逗留: She has been in her room for hours. 她已经在她的房间里呆了几个小时了。 They're here till Christmas. 他们将在这里一直住到圣诞节。 5. [V +adv. / prep.] to attend an event; to be present in a place 出席;到场: I'll be at the party. 我将出席聚会。 He'll be here soon (= will arrive soon). 他很快就会到达。 6. [V +adv. / prep.] (only used in the perfect tenses 仅用于完成时) to visit or call 前往;造访;访问: I've never been to Spain. 我从未去过西班牙。 He had been abroad many times. 他曾多次出国。 (BrE) Has the postman been yet? 邮递员来过了吗? (NAmE) Has the mailman come yet? 邮递员来过了吗? 7. [V] ~ from... used to say where sb was born or where their home is 出生于(某地);来自…;是(某地的)人: She's from Italy. 她是意大利人。 8. linking verb used when you are naming people or things, describing them or giving more information about them (提供名称或信息时用) ▪ [V-N] Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。 'Who is that?' 'It's my brother.' "那个人是谁?" "是我哥哥。" She's a great beauty. 她是个大美人。 Susan is a doctor. 苏珊是医生。 He wants to be (= become) a pilot when he grows up. 他想在长大后当飞行员。 ▪ [V-ADJ] It's beautiful! 美呀! Life is unfair. 人生没有公平。 He is ten years old. 他十岁了。 'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thanks.' "你好吗?" "我很好,谢谢。" Be quick! 快点! ▪ [V (that)] The fact is (that) we don't have enough money. 事实是我们没有那么多钱。 ▪ [V -ing V to inf] The problem is getting it all done in the time available. 问题是要在现有的时间内把它全部完成。 The problem is to get it all done in the time available. 问题是要在现有的时间内把它全部完成。 9. linking verb it is / was used when you are describing a situation or saying what you think about it (描述情况或表达想法) ▪ [V-ADJ] It was really hot in the sauna. 桑拿浴的确很热。 It's strange how she never comes to see us any more. 奇怪,她怎么再也不来看我们了。 He thinks it's clever to make fun of people. 他觉得拿别人开玩笑显得聪明。 ▪ [V-N] It would be a shame if you lost it. 你要是把它丢了就太可惜了。 It's going to be a great match. 这将是一场了不起的比赛。 10. linking verb it is / was used to talk about time (用于表达时间) ▪ [V-N] It's two thirty. 现在是两点三十。 ▪ [V-ADJ] It was late at night when we finally arrived. 我们最后到达时已是深夜。 11. linking verb ▪ [V-N] used to say what sth is made of (表示所用的材料): Is your jacket real leather? 你的夹克是真皮的吗? 12. linking verb ▪ [V] ~ mine, yours, etc. | ~ for me, you, etc. used to say who sth belongs to or who it is intended for (表示某物所属): The money's not yours, it's John's. 这钱不是你的,是约翰的。 This package is for you. 这份包裹是给你的。 13. linking verb [V-N] to cost 花费;值: 'How much is that dress?' 'Eighty dollars.' "那条连衣裙多少钱?" "八十块钱。" ⇨ note at cost 14. linking verb [V-N] to be equal to 等于;等同: Three and three is six. 三加三等于六。 How much is a thousand pounds in euros? 一千英镑合多少欧元? Let x be the sum of a and b. 设 x 为 a 加 b 之和。 London is not England (= do not think that all of England is like London). 伦敦并不等于英国(不要以为整个英国都像伦敦)。 15. linking verb ▪ [V-N] ~ everything, nothing, etc. (to sb) used to say how important sth is to sb (表示对某人的重要性): Money isn't everything (= it is not the only important thing). 金钱不是一切(不是唯一重要的东西)。 A thousand dollars is nothing to somebody as rich as he is. 一千英镑对于像他这么富有的人来说算不上什么。 IDIOMS Most idioms containing be are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example be the death of sb is at death. 大多数含 be 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 be the death of sb 在词条 death 下。 ▪ the 7be-all and 'end-all (of sth) (informal) the most important part; all that matters 最重要的部份;最要紧的事: Her career is the be-all and end-all of her existence. 她的事业是她生活中一切的一切。 ▪ as / that was as sb / sth used to be called 像以往所称呼的;作为曾用名: Jill Davis that was (= before her marriage) (婚前)姓名为吉尔 · 戴维斯 the Soviet Union, as was 旧称苏联 ▪ (he, she, etc. has) been and 'done sth (BrE, informal) used to show that you are surprised and annoyed by sth that sb has done (表示吃惊和恼怒): Someone's been and parked in front of the entrance! 有人居然把车停在大门口前! ⇨ see also go and do sth at go v. ▪ if it wasn't / weren't for... used to say that sb / sth stopped sb / sth from happening 若不是(某人/某事);幸亏: If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive today. 如果不是你,我今天不会还活着。 ▪ 7leave / 7let sb / sth 'be to leave sb / sth alone without disturbing them or it 随…去;不打扰某人/某事: Leave her be, she obviously doesn't want to talk about it. 别烦她了,她显然不想谈论这事。 Let the poor dog be (= don't annoy it). 别逗弄那条可怜的狗了(别惹它)。 ▪ -to-be (in compounds 构成复合词) future 将来: his bride-to-be 他的未婚妻 mothers-to-be (= pregnant women) 孕妇 auxiliary verb 1. used with a past participle to form the passive (与过去分词连用构成被动语态): He was killed in the war. 他死于这场战争。 Where were they made? 这些是在哪里制造的? The house was still being built. 房子还在建造中。 You will be told what to do. 会有人告诉你该干什么的。 2. used with a present participle to form progressive tenses (与现在分词连用构成进行时): I am studying Chinese. 我正在学中文。 I'll be seeing him soon. 我很快就要见到他了。 What have you been doing this week? 你这个星期都在做些什么? I'm always being criticized. 我总是受到批评。 3. used to make question tags (= short questions added to the end of statements) (用于反意疑问句): You're not hungry, are you? 你不饿,对吧? Ben's coming, isn't he? 本要来,是不是? The old theatre was pulled down, wasn't it? 老戏院被拆了,对不? 4. used to avoid repeating the full form of a verb in the passive or a progressive tense (在被动语态或进行时中代替重复的动词完整形式): Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. 卡伦没有输掉任何一场比赛,但所有其他人都输过。 'Are you coming with us?' 'No, I'm not.' "你和我们一起去吗?" "不,我不了。" 5. ~ to do sth used to say what must or should be done (表示必须或应该): I am to call them once I reach the airport. 我一到机场就得给他们打电话。 You are to report this to the police. 你应该报警。 What is to be done about this problem? 该如何处理这个问题? 6. ~ to do sth used to say what is arranged to happen (表示安排或计划时用): They are to be married in June. 他们计划于六月份结婚。 7. ~ to do sth used to say what happened later (表示后来发生的事): He was to regret that decision for the rest of his life (= he did regret it). 他终生都会后悔作出了那一决定。 8. ~ not, never, etc. to be done used to say what could not or did not happen (表示不会或没有发生时用): Anna was nowhere to be found (= we could not find her anywhere). 我们到处都找不到安娜。 He was never to see his wife again (= although he did not know it would be so at the time, he did not see her again). 他注定再也见不到他的妻子了。 She wanted to write a successful novel, but it was not to be (= it turned out never to happen). 她曾想写一部成功的小说,但从未如愿。 9. if sb / it were to do sth... | were sb / it to do sth... (formal) used to express a condition (表述条件): If we were to offer you more money, would you stay? 假如我们给你加钱,你愿意留下吗? Were we to offer you more money, would you stay? 假如我们给你加钱,你愿意留下吗? [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be1 /bi; strong biː/ ●●● S1 W1 auxiliary verb (past tense was, were, past participle been, present participle being, first person singular am, second person singular and plural are, third person singular is) → bee 1  used with a present participle to form the continuous(4) tenses of verbs 〔和现在分词构成动词的进行时态〕 Don’t disturb me while I’m working. 我工作的时候不要打扰我。 Gemma was reading. 吉玛正在看书。 They’ve been asking a lot of questions. 他们已经问了许多问题。 That guy’s always causing trouble. 那家伙总是惹麻烦。 We’ll be starting in about an hour. 我们过一小时左右开始。 He isn’t leaving, is he? 他不会走吧? 2  used with past participles to form the passive 〔和过去分词构成被动语态〕 Smoking is not permitted. 禁止吸烟。 I was told about it yesterday. 昨天有人告诉了我这件事。 The house is being painted. 房子正在上油漆。 She’s been invited to a party. 她受邀参加聚会。 The flames could be seen several miles away. 熊熊的火焰在几英里以外都能看见。 The police should have been informed about this. 警察本应获悉此事。 3  be to do something formal a) used to talk about arrangements for the future 将要做某事〔用于表示将来的安排〕 Audrey and Jimmy are to be married in June. 奥德丽和吉米将在六月份结婚。 Two men are to appear in court on charges of armed robbery. 两名男子因被控持械抢劫将出庭受审。 b) used to give an order or to tell someone about a rule 必须做某事〔用于下命令或解释规则〕 You are to wait here in this room until I return. 你必须留在这个房间里等到我回来。 All staff are to wear uniforms. 所有员工都必须穿制服。 c) used to say or ask what someone should do or what should happen 应该做某事〔用于表示或询问某人应该做什么或应该会发生什么事〕 What am I to tell her? 我该对她说什么呢? He is not to be blamed. 不应该怪他。 d) used to ask how something can be done 应该做某事〔用于询问某事可以怎么做〕 How are we to get out of the present mess? 我们该如何摆脱目前的困境呢? 4  be to be seen/found/heard etc used to say that something can be seen, found, or heard somewhere 能被看到/找到/听到等 A large range of species are to be seen in the aquarium. 水族馆里可以看到许许多多不同种类的鱼。 We searched everywhere but the ring was nowhere to be found (=could not be found). 我们找遍了所有地方,却怎么都找不到那枚戒指。 The only sound to be heard was the twittering of the birds above us. 唯一能听到的声音就是鸟儿在我们头顶上的啁啾。 5  was/were to do something used when talking about a time in the past to say what happened later 后来发生某事〔用于谈及过去某时间之后发生的事〕 6  7  old use used instead of ‘have’ to form the perfect3 tense of some verbs 〔代替have构成某些动词的完成时态〕 be2 ●●● S1 W1 verb 1  [linking verb] used to say that someone or something is the same as the subject of the sentence 是〔表示某人或某物与主语相同〕 2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] used to say where something or someone is 〔用于表示某物或某人在哪里〕 3  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] used to say when something happens 〔用于表示某事发生的时间〕 4  [linking verb] used to describe someone or something, or say what group or type they belong to 是 〔描述某人或某物的特征或所属的群体或类型〕 5  there is/are used to say that something exists or happens 有,存在〔表示某物存在或某事发生〕 6  [linking verb] to behave in a particular way 有某种表现 7  [linking verb] used to say how old someone is 〔用于表示某人的年龄〕 8  [linking verb] used to say who something belongs to 〔用于表示某物属于某人〕 9  [linking verb] used to talk about the price of something 〔用于表示某物的价格〕 10  [linking verb] to be equal to a particular number or amount 等于,是 11  be that as it may formal used to say that even though you accept that something is true, it does not change a situation 即便如此,尽管如此 12  [intransitive] formal to exist 存在 13  be yourself to behave in a natural way, rather than trying to pretend to be different 行为自然,不做作 14  not be yourself to be behaving in a way that is unusual for you, especially because you are ill or upset 不是你正常的状况,状态不好〔尤因为生病或不高兴〕 15  the be-all and end-all the most important part of a situation or of someone’s life 首要的事情,最要紧的事情 be- /bɪ/ prefix 1  [in verbs] used to mean that someone or something is treated in a particular way 把…视作,把…当作 2  [in adjectives] literary wearing or covered by a particular thing 佩戴,穿戴;覆盖 Origin be- Old English bi-, be- be2 Old English beon [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be ★★★★★ 1. AUXILIARY VERB USES 助动词用法 2. OTHER VERB USES 其他动词用法 In spoken English, forms of be are often shortened, for example ‘I am’ is shortened to ‘I'm’ and ‘was not’ is shortened to ‘wasn't’. 在英语口语中,be经常使用缩合形式。如,I am 略作 I'm, was not 略作 wasn't。 1.AUX 助动词(和现在分词连用构成动词的进行式) You use be with a present participle to form the continuous tenses of verbs. be going to→see: going; 【语法信息】:AUX -ing 【语法信息】:AUX This is happening in every school throughout the country... 全国各地每所学校都在发生这样的事情。 She didn't always think carefully about what she was doing... 她对自己在做的事情并不总是考虑得很清楚。 Pratt & Whitney has announced that it will be making further job reductions... 普惠公司宣布将进一步裁员。 He had only been trying to help... 他只是想尽力帮忙。 He's doing better than I am. 他现在混得比我好。 2.AUX 助动词(和过去分词连用构成被动语态) You use be with a past participle to form the passive voice. 【语法信息】:AUX -ed Forensic experts were called in... 法医专家被请来。 Her husband was killed in a car crash... 她的丈夫死于车祸。 The cost of electricity from coal-fired stations is expected to fall... 用煤作燃料的火力发电站的成本有望降低。 Similar action is being taken by the US government. 美国政府正在采取相似的行动。 3.AUX 助动词(和不定式连用表示将来的安排或确定会发生的事情) You use be with an infinitive to indicate that something is planned to happen, that it will definitely happen, or that it must happen. be about to→see: about; 【语法信息】:AUX to-inf The talks are to begin tomorrow... 谈判将于明天开始。 It was to be Johnson's first meeting with the board in nearly a month... 这将是近一个月来约翰逊首次和董事会碰面。 You must take the whole project more seriously if you are to succeed... 如果你想成功的话,你必须更认真地对待整个项目。 You are to answer to Brian, to take your orders from him. 你需要向布赖恩汇报,听从他的指挥。 4.AUX 助动词(和不定式连用表示在某种情况下会发生什么事,应该怎样做或应该由谁来做) You use be with an infinitive to say or ask what should happen or be done in a particular situation, how it should happen, or who should do it. 【语法信息】:AUX to-inf What am I to do without him?... 没有他,我该怎么办? Who is to say which of them had more power?... 谁来决定他们之中谁的权力应该更大一些? What is to be done?... 应该怎么做? Professor Hirsch is to be commended for bringing the state of our educational system to public notice. 在赫希教授的努力下,我们教育体系的现状引起了公众关注,为此对他应该给予嘉许。 5.AUX 助动词(was和were和不定式连用,表示说话时间之后发生的事) You use was and were with an infinitive to talk about something that happened later than the time you are discussing, and was not planned or certain at that time. 【语法信息】:AUX to-inf Then he received a phone call that was to change his life... 然后,他接到一个将改变他一生的电话。 A few hours later he was to prove it. 几个小时之后他将证明这一点。 6.AUX 助动词(表示可见到、可听到、可发现等) You can say that something is to be seen, heard, or found in a particular place to mean that people can see it, hear it, or find it in that place. 【语法信息】:AUX -ed Little traffic was to be seen on the streets... 街上车辆很少。 They are to be found all over the world. 它们遍布于世界各地。 In spoken English, forms of be are often shortened, for example ‘I am’ is shortened to ‘I'm’ and ‘was not’ is shortened to ‘wasn't’. 在英语口语中,be经常使用缩合形式。如,I am 略作 I'm, was not 略作 wasn't。 1.V-LINK 连系动词(用于提供与主语相关的信息) You use be to introduce more information about the subject, such as its identity, nature, qualities, or position. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V adj 【语法信息】:V prep/adv 【语法信息】:V She's my mother... 她是我母亲。 This is Elizabeth Blunt, BBC, West Africa... 英国广播公司的伊丽莎白·布伦特在西非为您报道。 He is a very attractive man... 他是一个很有魅力的男人。 My grandfather was a butcher... 我祖父是个屠夫。 The fact that you were willing to pay in the end is all that matters... 最后你愿意付钱才是最重要的。 He is fifty and has been through two marriages... 他今年50岁,经历过两次婚姻。 The sky was black... 天空一片漆黑。 It is 1,267 feet high... 它有1,267英尺高。 Cheney was in Madrid... 切尼当时在马德里。 His house is next door... 他的房子就在隔壁。 Their last major film project was in 1964... 他们上一个重要电影项目完成于1964年。 'Is it safe?' — 'Well of course it is.'... “安全吗?”——“当然啦。” He's still alive isn't he? 他还活着,不是吗? 2.V-LINK 连系动词(以it作主语,用来进行描述或作出判断) You use be, with 'it' as the subject, in clauses where you are describing something or giving your judgment of a situation. 【语法信息】:it V adj 【语法信息】:it V adj to-inf 【语法信息】:it V adj that 【语法信息】:it V adj -ing 【语法信息】:it V n that 【语法信息】:it V n -ing 【语法信息】:it V n to-inf 【语法信息】:it V prep to-inf It was too chilly for swimming... 这时候游泳太冷了。 Sometimes it is necessary to say no... 有时候拒绝是必要的。 It is likely that investors will face losses... 投资者们可能要面临损失。 It's nice having friends to chat to... 有朋友聊聊天是很惬意的。 It's a good thing I brought lots of handkerchiefs... 还好我买了很多手帕。 It's no good just having meetings... 光开会是没有用的。 It's a good idea to avoid refined food... 最好少吃精加工食品。 It's up to us to prove it. 这得靠我们来证明。 3.V-LINK 连系动词(与非人称代词there连用构成there is和there are表示存在或发生) You use be with the impersonal pronoun 'there' in expressions like there is and there are to say that something exists or happens. 【语法信息】:there V n Clearly there is a problem here... 显然,这里出了个问题。 There are very few cars on this street... 这条街道上车辆很少。 There was nothing new in the letter... 信里没有什么新的内容。 There were always things to think about when she went walking. 她去散步的时候总是有一些事情要考虑。 4.V-LINK 连系动词(表示主语和从句和其他从句结构之间的某种联系) You use be as a link between a subject and a clause and in certain other clause structures, as shown below. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V to-inf 【语法信息】:V -ing 【语法信息】:V wh 【语法信息】:V that 【语法信息】:V as if It was me she didn't like, not what I represented... 她不喜欢的是我,而不是我的陈述。 What the media should not do is to exploit people's natural fears... 媒体不应该利用人们天生的恐惧心理。 Our greatest problem is convincing them... 我们最大的问题就是要说服他们。 The question was whether protection could be improved... 问题在于是否能够加强保护。 All she knew was that I'd had a broken marriage... 她只知道我的婚姻已经破裂。 Local residents said it was as if there had been a nuclear explosion. 当地的居民说就好像发生了核爆炸一样。 5.V-LINK 连系动词(用在如the thing is和the point is这样的结构中,引导表示陈述或提出观点的从句) You use be in expressions like the thing is and the point is to introduce a clause in which you make a statement or give your opinion. 【语法信息】:V cl 【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语 The fact is, the players gave everything they had... 事实上,选手们尽了全力。 The plan is good; the problem is it doesn't go far enough. 计划不错;问题在于不够深入。 6.V-LINK 连系动词(用在如to be fair, to be honest或to be serious 这样的结构中表示尽量) You use be in expressions like to be fair ,to be honest, or to be serious to introduce an additional statement or opinion, and to indicate that you are trying to be fair, honest, or serious. 【语法信息】:V adj She's always noticed. But then, to be honest, Ghislaine likes being noticed... 她总是受到关注。但是说句实在话,吉莱纳喜欢被人关注。 It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation. 它可以让学生们有更多的时间来学习,或者更准确一点说,有更多的时间来放松自己。 7.V-LINK 连系动词(有时用来代替现在时态中be的几个常规形式,尤用于whether后) The form 'be' is used occasionally instead of the normal forms of the present tense, especially after 'whether'. 【语法信息】:be n 【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式 The chemical agent, whether it be mustard gas or nerve gas, can be absorbed by the skin. 这类化学制剂,不管是芥子气还是神经瓦斯,都会被皮肤吸收。 8.VERB 动词存在 If something is, it exists. 【语法信息】:V 【STYLE标签】:mainly FORMAL or LITERARY 主正式或文 It hurt so badly he wished to cease to be. 他觉得疼痛难忍,恨不得死了算了。 ...to be or not to be. 活着还是死去 9.V-LINK 连系动词保持真我;按自己的方式行事;显常态 To be yourself means to behave in the way that is right and natural for you and your personality. 【语法信息】:V pron-refl She'd learnt to be herself and to stand up for her convictions. 她已经学会了按自己的方式行事,坚持自己的信仰。 10.PHRASE 短语非常;极为 If someone or something is, for example, as happy as can be or as quiet as could be, they are extremely happy or extremely quiet. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR 11.PHRASE 短语如果不是…的话;如果没有…的话 If you talk about what would happen if it wasn't for someone or something, you mean that they are the only thing that is preventing it from happening. 【搭配模式】:V inflects I could happily move back into a flat if it wasn't for the fact that I'd miss my garden... 如果不是因为我会想念自己的花园的话,我会很乐意搬回公寓住。 If it hadn't been for her your father would be alive today. 如果不是因为她,你父亲今天可能还活着。 12.PHRASE 短语尽管那样;即便如此 You say 'Be that as it may' when you want to move onto another subject or go further with the discussion, without deciding whether what has just been said is right or wrong. 【语用信息】:vagueness 'Is he still just as fat?' — 'I wouldn't know,' continued her mother, ignoring the interruption, 'and be that as it may, he has made a fortune.' “他还是那么胖吗?”——“我不知道,”她妈妈接着说,没有理睬这一打岔,“就算那样,他已经发财了。” 13.PHRASE 短语身体不舒服;身体不适 If you say that you are not yourself, you mean you are not feeling well. 【搭配模式】:V inflects She is not herself. She came near to a breakdown. 她身体不舒服,简直要崩溃了。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be /ˈbiː/ verb present first singular am /ˈæm/ /əm/ second singular are /ˈɑɚ/ /ɚ/ third singular is /ˈɪz/ /əz/ plural are past tense for first and third singular was /ˈwəz/ second singular were /ˈwɚ/ plural were past participle been /ˈbɪn/ Brit /ˈbiːn/ present participle being /ˈbiːjɪŋ/ 1 [linking verb] a — used to indicate the identity of a person or thing是(用于指出人或物的身份、属性) Today is Wednesday. 今天是星期三。 John is my brother. 约翰是我的兄弟。 The first person I met was Susan. = Susan was the first person I met. 我遇见的第一个人是苏珊。 Who are you? 你是谁? “There's someone at the door.” “Who is it?” “It's David.” “门口有人。”“是谁呀?”“是戴维。” Your responsibility is to keep this area clean. = Keeping this area clean is your responsibility. 你负责这片区域的卫生。 b — used to describe the qualities of a person or thing是(用于描述人或物的特性) My hands are cold. 我双手冰凉。 He is 35 years old and six feet tall. 他35岁,身高六英尺。 I'm hungry. 我饿了。 The leaves are green, and so is the grass. 树叶是绿色的,草也是。 The noise was very loud. 噪声很大。 The way he behaves is foolish. 他的行为方式很愚蠢。 How foolish he is! 他真傻! “(Are) You hungry?” “Yes, I am.” “你饿吗?”“是的,我饿了。” The book is about English grammar. 这是本英语语法书。 These people are with me. 这些都是我的人。 The letter is for you. 这封信是写给你的。 They asked the students not to be late. = They asked that the students not be late. 他们要求学生不要迟到。 Treat people with respect, whether they are rich or poor. = (formal) Treat people with respect, whether they be rich or poor. = (formal) Treat people with respect, be they rich or poor. 尊重他人,不分贵贱。 Our neighbors are being unusually friendly lately. 我们的邻居最近格外友好。 Don't be such a fool! [=don't act in such a foolish way] 别傻了! To be perfectly/quite honest/frank (with you), I didn't like the movie. [=I am speaking honestly/frankly when I say that I didn't like the movie] 坦白说,我不喜欢这部电影。 The book is mine. 这本书是我的。 I'd do it if I were you. [=I think you should do it] 如果我是你,我就会去做。 c — used to indicate the condition of a person or thing表示某人或某事的状态 “Hi. How are you?” “Fine, thanks. How are you?” “嗨,你好吗?”“我很好,谢谢。你呢?” How is your father? = How is your father's health? 你父亲身体好吗? 2 [linking verb] — used to indicate the group, class, category, etc., that a person or thing belongs to是,属于(表示某人或某物所属群体或类别) I'm a doctor and my sister is a lawyer. 我是医生,我妹妹是律师。 That fish is a trout. 那是一条鳟鱼。 The trout is a (kind of) fish. 鳟是一种鱼。 Apes are mammals. 猿是哺乳动物。 She's a hard worker. [=she works hard] 她是一个工作勤奋的人。 What a fool he is! [=he is a fool] 他真是个傻瓜! Being an artist herself [=because she is an artist herself], she tends to look at other people's paintings very critically. 由于自己是画家,她看别人的画往往非常挑剔。 3 [linking verb] — used to indicate the place, situation, or position of a person or thing在…;处于… The book is on the table. 书在桌子上。 “Where's John?” “He's in the living room.” “约翰在哪儿?”“他在客厅。” The house is past the bridge. 那座房子在桥的那头。 It was great being here. = It was great to be here. 很高兴来到这里。 I must be on my way. [=I must go] 我得上路了。 Here's the book. = Here it is. 书在这里。 4 [linking verb] a — used in phrases with there to describe a situation, occurrence, etc.有,存在(与there连用构成短语) There is a book on the table. [=a book is on the table] 桌上有本书。 There are concerts several times a week. [=concerts are held several times a week] 一周有好几场音乐会。 There will be concerts next week. 下周有几场音乐会。 “There's someone at the door.” “Who is it?” “It's John.” “门口有人。”“是谁呀?”“是约翰。” b — used in phrases with it to indicate a time or place or to describe a current, past, or future condition与it连用构成短语,表示时间、地点或描述现在、过去、未来的情况 It's 12 o'clock. [=the time is 12 o'clock] 现在是12点。 It's noon/early/late. 现在是中午/时间还早/时间晚了。 It's Wednesday today. [=today is Wednesday] 今天是星期三。 It was noon when we arrived. [=we arrived at noon] 我们到的时候已经是中午了。 It was here that I lost my way. [=I lost my way here] 我就是在这里迷路的。 It's raining. 正在下雨。 It's hot out! 外面很热! It's odd that he didn't see us. [=the fact that he didn't see us was odd] 他居然没看见我们,真奇怪。 5 [linking verb] — used to say how much something costs花费;值 “I like this painting. How much is it?” [=how much does it cost?] “It's 600 dollars.” [=it costs 600 dollars] “我喜欢这幅画。它要多少钱?”“600美元。” 6 [linking verb] — used to say that one amount or number is the same as another等于;等同 Three plus two is [=equals] five. 三加二等于五。 7 [no object] : to happen or take place举行;发生 The concert was last night. 音乐会是昨晚举行的。 The concert is [=will be] tomorrow night. [=the concert will take place tomorrow night] 音乐会将在明晚举行。 “When was the Battle of Waterloo?” “(It was) In 1815.” “滑铁卢战役发生在什么时候?”“1815年。” “When is Christmas?” “It's on a Wednesday this year.” “圣诞节是什么时候?”“今年是在星期三。” 8 [no object] : to come or go来;去 — used in perfect tenses用于完成时 She has already been [=come] and gone. 她已经来过又走了。 Have you ever been [=gone] to Rome? 你去过罗马吗? I haven't been there for several years. 我好几年没去那里了。 I've been waiting for you for half an hour. Where have you been? [=where were you?; why weren't you here?] 我等了你半个小时。你去哪儿了? ◊ People who have been there, done that are bored about the idea of going somewhere or doing something because they have already done it before. This is an informal phrase that is often used in a joking way.早就去过,早就做过,不稀奇(非正式短语,用作戏谑之意) I suggested to my cousin that she go to Florida for her vacation, but she said, “Been there, done that.” 我建议表姐去佛罗里达度假,但她却说:“去过了,不稀奇。” 9 [no object] somewhat formal : to exist or live在;存在;生存 I think, therefore I am. [=exist] 我思故我在。 Once upon a time there was [=lived] a knight. 从前有一位骑士。 There once was a man who dwelt alone in a small village. 曾经有个人独自居住在小村庄里。 all the things that are [=exist] 存在着的万物 “To be, or not to be: that is the question.” “生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。” Shakespeare, Hamlet (1600)莎士比亚,《哈姆雷特》(1600) 10 [auxiliary verb] — used with the past participle of a verb to form passive constructions与动词的过去分词连用构成被动语态 The money was found by a child. 钱被一个孩子找到了。 They were [=got] married by a priest. 他们的婚礼是由牧师主持的。 Don't be fooled by what he says. 不要被他的话骗了。 Please be seated. [=please sit down] 请坐。 The election was expected to produce a very close result. 预计这次选举的得票数会非常接近。 God be praised! [=let God be praised] 赞美主啊! I was surprised by her rudeness. 她的无礼让我感到惊讶。 11 [auxiliary verb] a — used with the present participle of a verb to express continuous action与动词的现在分词连用表示持续进行的动作 They are studying. 他们正在学习。 I have been sleeping. 我一直在睡觉。 He was reading. 他那会儿在看书。 Are you getting hungry? 你饿了没? Our neighbors are being unusually friendly. 我们的邻居一直格外地友好。 b — used with the present participle of a verb to express future or later action与动词的现在分词连用表示将来的动作 I'm seeing him tomorrow. [=I will see him tomorrow] 我明天去看他。 We are leaving soon. [=we will leave soon] 我们马上就要离开了。 12 [auxiliary verb] a — used with to + verb to say what will happen or was going to happen in the future与动词不定式连用表示将来会发生的事情 The best is yet/still to come. [=the best has not yet happened] 最好的尚未出现。 No one realized that she was one day to become famous. [=that she would become famous one day] 谁也没想到她有朝一日会成名。 She was not/never to see him again. [=she would never see him again] 她再也不会去见他了。 There are to be two concerts next week. [=there will be two concerts next week] 下周将举行两场音乐会。 b — used with to + verb to say what should happen or be done与动词不定式连用表示应该发生的事情 People like that are to be pitied, not hated. [=people like that should be pitied] 像这样的人应该得到我们的怜悯,而不是憎恶。 You are not (allowed) to smoke in here! 此处禁止吸烟! What am I to do? [=what should I do?] 我应该做什么? c — used in negative statements with to + verb to say what is or was possible在否定句中与动词不定式连用,表示可能性 The truth of their argument was not to be denied. [=could not be denied] 不能否认他们论据的真实性。 You're not to blame: you weren't to know he'd be offended. [=you could not have known that he would be offended] 不能怪你:当时你不可能知道那样会冒犯他。 The book was nowhere to be found. [=could not be found] 这本书找不到了。 d — used with to + verb to say that one thing must happen or be true so that another thing can happen or be true与动词不定式连用表示某事的成立是另一事成立的前提条件 He must study if he is to pass his exams. [=he must study in order to pass his exams] 他要想通过考试就必须学习。 13 [auxiliary verb] — used like have with the past participle of some verbs to form perfect tenses与某些不及物动词的过去分词连用,构成完成时态 He isn't here: he is [=has] gone. 他不在这儿:他已经走了。 — now often considered archaic现常被视为古体用法 Christ is risen. [=Christ has risen] 基督升天了。 be yourself : to behave in a normal or natural way显得自然;处于正常状态 You're not yourself today. What's the matter? 你今天和平时不太一样。出什么事了? I'll be myself again once I've had something to eat. 我只要吃点东西就会恢复正常。 “How can I impress her?” “Just be yourself!” “我怎样才能打动她呢?”“平时什么样就什么样!” leave (someone or something) be — see 1leave let (someone or something) be — see 1let the best is yet to be — see 3best the powers that be — see 1power to be sure — see 1sure [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beach

    英 [biːtʃ]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692111731-7193529abbf96dc.mp3"][/audio]  美 [biːtʃ] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692111743-7193529abbf96dc.mp3"][/audio]    n. 海滩;海滨;沙滩 vt. 拖(船)上岸 过去式: beached 过去分词: beached 现在分词: beaching 第三人称单数: beaches [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beach 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:16 /biːtʃ/ n. beaches 7 beaches 0 beaching 0 beached 0 海滨,海滩 高考真题原句提选: My wife Laura and I were on the beach. The next day, my brother and I went to the beach where we watched some people play volleyball. You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. 二、词组|习惯用语 on the beach adj. 在海滩上;失业的;潦倒的;退休的 at the beach 在海边;在海滩上 beach volleyball 沙滩排球,排球 sandy beach 沙滩;砂质海滩 go to the beach 去海滩;去海边;去沙滩 sand beach 沙滩,沙质海滩 long beach 长滩(美国加州西南部港市);长滩(美国纽约州东南部城市) bathing beach n. 海水浴场 beach resort 海滩度假村 beach umbrella n. (美)遮阳伞(海滨或花园用的) palm beach 棕榈滩(位于美国佛罗里达州东南部) miami beach 迈阿密海滩(位于美国佛罗里达州) golden beach 金色的海滨 sea beach 海滩;海滨 beach house n. 海滨别墅 beach towel 沙滩毛巾;沙滩浴巾;海滩浴巾 beach ball (在海滨,游泳池等玩的)大充气球,水皮球 beach party 海滩派对(等于shore party) virginia beach 维珍尼亚滩(美国弗吉尼亚州东南部城市) west palm beach 西棕榈滩(美国度假胜地) 三、词根记忆 beach n. 海灘,湖灘,河灘Each pea and peach on the beach can be reached by the peacock.海灘上的每一顆豌豆和桃子孔雀都能觸及. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beach / bi:tF / noun an area of sand, or small stones (called shingle ), beside the sea or a lake 海滩;海滨;湖滨: tourists sunbathing on the beach 在海滩上沐浴着阳光的游客 a sandy / pebble / shingle beach 细沙/卵石/砾石海滩 a beach bar 海滨酒吧 ⇨ note at coast verb to come or bring sth out of the water and onto the beach (使)上岸;把…拖上岸 ▪ [VN] He beached the boat and lifted the boy onto the shore. 他把小船拖上岸,把男孩抱到海岸上。 a beached whale (= one that has become stuck on land and cannot get back into the water) 搁浅在海滩上的鲸 ▪ [also V] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beach1 /biːtʃ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable] → beech an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake 海滩,沙滩;湖滨 a sandy beach 沙滩 surfers on the beach 沙滩上的冲浪者 → See picture on 见图 Page A4 Country 乡间 Related topics: Water beach2 verb [transitive] 1. to pull a boat onto the shore away from the water 把〔船〕拖上岸 2. if a whale beaches itself or is beached, it swims onto the shore and cannot get back in the water (使)〔鲸〕搁浅 Origin beach1 (1500-1600) Perhaps from Old English bæce “small stream” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beach ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词海滩;海滨 A beach is an area of sand or stones beside the sea. ...a beautiful sandy beach... 美丽的沙滩 I just want to lie on the beach in the sun. 我只想躺在海滩上晒晒太阳。 2.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词把(船)拖上岸;(船等)搁浅 If something such as a boat beaches, or if it is beached, it is pulled or forced out of the water and onto land. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:V pron-refl We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank... 我们把独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖上岸。 The boat beached on a mud flat... 船搁浅在一片淤泥滩上。 Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves. 专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。 Usage Note : You can use beach, coast, and shore to talk about the piece of land beside a stretch of water. A beach is a flat area of sand or pebbles next to the sea. The coast is the area of land that lies alongside the sea. You may be referring just to the land close to the sea, or to a wider area that extends further inland. The shore is the area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake, or a wide river. beach, coast和shore都可以用来指大片水域的岸边陆地。beach是指海边的沙滩或碎石滩。coast是沿海陆地区域,既可以指紧靠海边的区域,也可以泛指沿海地区。而shore是指海洋、湖泊或宽广的河流的岸边陆地。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 beach /ˈbiːtʃ/ noun plural beaches [count] : an area covered with sand or small rocks that is next to an ocean or lake沙滩;海滩;湖滩 We spent the day at the beach. 我们在海滩过了一天。 walking/lying on the beach 走在/躺在海滩上 white, sandy beaches 白色沙滩 private/public beaches 私人/公共海滩 — see color picture on this page 2 beach /ˈbiːtʃ/ verb beaches; beached; beaching [+ object] 1 : to cause (a boat or ship) to go out of the water and onto a beach使(船只)上岸 The pirates beached the ship on the island. 海盗将船驶到岛上。 2 ◊ When a large ocean animal, such as a whale, is beached or has beached itself, it has come out of the water onto land and is unable to return to the water.搁浅 People were trying to rescue a whale that had beached itself on the shore. 人们正设法抢救一条在岸上搁浅的鲸。 a beached whale 搁浅的鲸 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bean

    英 [biːn]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692112146-46086bc60bd5c19.mp3"][/audio]  美 [biːn]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692112159-46086bc60bd5c19.mp3"][/audio]   n. 豆;豆科植物 v. 打某人的头部 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bean 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:1 /biːn/ n. beans 4 豆,豆形果实 高考真题原句提选: The professor invited the students to guess how many beans the jar contained. The Exotic Series – with Sichuan pepper, red bean, cheese and other flavors – also does well and is fun to taste. 二、词组|习惯用语 bean curd 豆腐 red bean 红豆;赤豆 soya bean 大豆 bean paste 豆瓣酱;豆酱;绿豆糕 broad bean 蚕豆 mung bean n. [植]绿豆 coffee bean 咖啡豆 green bean 青豆,嫩菜豆 bean milk 豆奶;豆浆 soy bean 大豆;黄豆 kidney bean 菜豆;四季豆;肾形豆 bean oil 豆油 full of beans 精神旺盛的;弄错的 black bean 豆鼓,黑大豆 spill the beans 泄密;说漏嘴 bean cake 豆饼;豆糟 fermented bean curd 腐乳,豆腐乳 vanilla bean 香草豆荚 adzuki bean 小豆;红豆;赤豆 bean sprout 豆芽 三、词根记忆 bean n. 豆;菜豆,蠶豆The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.瘦人斜靠在幹淨的豆科植物上讀葉片傳單. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bean / bi:n / noun 1. a seed, or pod containing seeds, of a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable. There are several types of bean and the plants that they grow on are also called beans. 豆;菜豆;豆荚;豆科植物: broad beans 蚕豆 runner beans 红花菜豆 beans (= baked beans ) on toast 麪包片加烘豆 2. (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) a seed from a coffee plant, or some other plants (咖啡树或其他某些植物的)籽实: coffee / cocoa beans 咖啡/可可豆 ⇨ see also jelly bean IDIOMS ▪ full of 'beans / 'life having a lot of energy 精力充沛 ▪ not have a 'bean (BrE, informal) to have no money 没钱;不名一文 ⇨ more at hill , know v., spill v. verb [VN] (NAmE, informal) to hit sb on the head 击中(某人)头部: I got beaned by a rock someone threw. 我的头遭扔出的石头砸中了。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bean1 /biːn/ ●●● S2 noun [countable] → been 1  a seed or a pod (=case containing seeds), that comes from a climbing plant and is cooked as food. There are very many types of beans 豆;豆荚 baked beans 烘豆 Soak the beans overnight. 把豆子浸泡一夜。 kidney beans 芸豆 green beans 青刀豆,四季豆 → see picture at 见图 vegetable1 2. a plant that produces beans 豆科植物 3  a seed used in making some types of food or drinks 〔用于做某类食物或饮料的〕籽实 coffee beans 咖啡豆 cocoa beans 可可豆 4  be full of beans informal to be very eager and full of energy 生气勃勃,精力充沛 She’s full of beans this morning. 她今天早上精神十足。 5. not have a bean British English informal to have no money at all 身无分文 6. not know/care beans (about somebody/something) American English informal to not know anything or care at all about someone or something (对某人/某物)一无所知/毫不关心 → spill the beans at spill1(3), → not amount to a hill of beans at hill(5), → jelly bean bean2 verb [transitive] informal to hit someone on the head with an object 〔用东西〕打〔某人〕的头部 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bean ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词豆;豆子;豆荚 Beans such as green beans, French beans, or broad beans are the seeds of a climbing plant or the long thin cases which contain those seeds. 【搭配模式】:usu pl 2.N-COUNT 可数名词干豆 Beans such as soya beans and kidney beans are the dried seeds of a bean plant. 【搭配模式】:usu pl 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(咖啡)豆;(可可)豆;(巧克力)豆 Beans such as coffee beans or cocoa beans are the seeds of plants that are used to produce coffee, cocoa, and chocolate. 【搭配模式】:usu pl 4.N-COUNT 可数名词烘豆 Beans are baked beans . ...sausage and beans. 香肠和烘豆 5.N-SING 单数名词(一文)钱 If someone has not got a bean, they have no money at all. 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 It's quite incredible to think that he now hasn't got a bean... 很难相信他现在身无分文。 It doesn't cost a bean. 这一分钱也不用花。 6.PHRASE 短语充满活力的;兴高采烈的;生机勃勃的 If someone is full of beans, they are very lively and have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR Jem was full of beans after a long sleep. 杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。 7.PHRASE 短语泄露秘密 If you spill the beans, you tell someone something that people have been trying to keep secret. 【搭配模式】:V inflects [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bean /ˈbiːn/ noun plural beans [count] 1 a : a seed that is eaten as a vegetable and that comes from any one of many different kinds of climbing plants豆;豆子 We ate rice and beans for dinner. 我们正餐吃的是米饭和豆子。 b : a part of a plant that contains very young seeds and that is eaten as a vegetable豆;豆荚;菜豆 — see also green bean, pole bean, snap bean, string bean, wax bean c : a plant that produces beans豆科植物 We're growing tomatoes and beans in our garden this year. 今年,我们会在菜园里种些西红柿和豆子。 2 : a seed that looks like a bean but that does not come from a climbing plant籽实;豆形种子 coffee beans 咖啡豆 cocoa beans 可可豆 a vanilla bean 香子兰豆 — see also jelly bean, jumping bean a hill of beans — see hill full of beans informal 1 : full of energy and life精力充沛的;生气勃勃的 We were young and full of beans. 我们青春年少,精力无限。 Although she's much older now, she's still full of beans. 尽管她现在老多了,却依旧精力充沛。 2 US : not correct or truthful : full of nonsense错误的;不真实的;胡说八道的 If that's what he's been saying, then he's full of beans. 如果那真是他说的话,那他就是在胡说八道了。 not know beans about US, informal : to not know anything about (something)(对某事)一无所知,一窍不通 He doesn't know beans about computers. [=he knows nothing about computers] 他对电脑一窍不通。 spill the beans informal : to reveal secret information透露;泄密 I tried to get him to tell me what he knew, but he refused to spill the beans. 我想方设法让他把所知道的都告诉我,可他却守口如瓶。 2 bean /ˈbiːn/ verb beans; beaned; beaning [+ object] informal : to hit (someone) on the head with something(用某物)击中(某人)头部 A kid in the back of the room beaned me with an eraser. [=threw an eraser that hit my head] 后排的一个小孩用一块橡皮砸中了我的头。 (baseball) The pitcher almost beaned the first batter. [=he threw a pitch that almost hit the batter's head] 投手的投球差点儿砸到击球手的头。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bean curd

    bean curd =tofu /'bi:n kə:rd/ n. 豆腐 Bean curd is a soft white or brown food made from soya beans.
  • bear

    英 [beə(r)]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692112916-893b56e3cfe153f.mp3"][/audio]   美 [ber]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692112952-893b56e3cfe153f.mp3"][/audio]  n. 熊 v. 忍受;负荷;结果;证实;生子女 过去式: bore 过去分词: borne/born 现在分词: bearing 第三人称单数: bears [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bear¹ 义务阶段1500&[话题]2014年北京卷阅读理解B篇 全国卷频次:17 /beə(r)/ /beər/ n. 熊 高考真题原句提选: The bear eats fruits and fish. Shipton believed that they were not simply the tracks of a monkey or bear. 北极熊; 白熊There are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide. bear² bore born n. 忍受,承受;经得起;携带 高考真题原句提选: Children know the words "banana" and "stick" which help them bear the banana and the stick in mind. They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again. He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. I couldn’t bear people to look at me and think I was not like them. 二、词组|习惯用语 bear oneself 举止,表现;为人处事 bear in mind vi. 记住;考虑到 bear market 熊市;空头市场;卖空市场 polar bear 北极熊 teddy bear 泰迪熊 bear on 对…施加压力;与…有关;对…有影响;瞄准 bear with 忍受;宽容 bear fruit 结出果实;奏效 black bear [动](北美,亚洲)黑熊 bear hardships 吃苦;吃苦耐劳 bear the weight of 承载;支撑;承受…的重量 bear the palm 获奖;获胜 bear arms 携带武器;当兵 bear stearns 贝尔斯登(美国投资银行) little bear 小熊座 bear the brunt 首当其冲;承受打击 big bear 大熊;大支承 bring to bear 施加 brown bear 棕熊,棕色熊 bear the brunt of 首当其冲 三、词根记忆 bear n. 熊v.忍受,容忍;負擔;結果實,生子女Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,長胡子的熊將在後方產一頭可愛的小崽. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bear [bɛː] (bore/borne) ,bear 'down on sb/sth (also ,bear 'down upon sb/sth more formal) ■(especially BrE) to move towards sb/sth in a determined or threatening way冲向;咄咄逼近: A crowd of journalists bore down on the minister. 一群记者冲向部长。 A hurricane is bearing down on central America. 飓风向中美洲袭来。 ■(especially AmE) if a problem or a difficult situation bears down on you, it makes you feel very worried and has a severe effect on you(问题或困境)深深烦扰,严重影响: The drought is bearing down very hard on farmers. 旱情让农民忧心忡忡。 ■(especially AmE) to press or push on sb/sth施加压力于;压住;推动: ( figurative)The government has announced it will bear down on }(= deal strictly with)&b{ inflation. 政府宣布将严加遏制通货膨胀。 [G]v+adv+prep 'bear on/upon sb/sth ■( formal) to be connected with sb/sth; to have an effect on sb/sth和… 有关; 涉及; 对… 有影响: This decision bears directly on our everyday lives. 这一决定直接影响我们的日常生活。 [synonym]affect sb/sth ■[NOTE]This verb is mainly used in written English.这个动词主要用于书面语。 [G]v+prep ,bear sb/sth 'out (especially BrE) ■to show that sth is true or that what sb says is true; to support sb/sth证实; 为… 作证; 支持: I always said she’d do well. John will bear me out on this. 我总是说她会做好的。约翰会证实这一点。 John will bear out what I say. 约翰会证实我的话。 This theory is not borne out by the facts. 这个理论没有事实根据。 [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ,bear 'up (under sth) ■to remain cheerful and in control in a difficult situation保持振作;承受;挺住: ‘How is your mother?’ ‘She’s bearing up very well.’ “你母亲好吗?”“她很硬朗。” ‘How are you?’ ‘Oh, bearing up.’ “你怎么样了?”“还挺得住。 ” [G]v+adv 'bear upon sb/sth =BEAR ON/UPON SB/STH 'bear with sb ■to be patient with sb耐心对待;容忍: If you’ll just bear with me for a moment, I’ll try to find her. 你如果能给我一点时间,我会尽力找她的。 She’s under a lot of strain. Just bear with her. 她承受着很大的压力。对她要有耐心。 ■[NOTE]Bear with sb is usually used in the present tense or to ask sb to be patient. bear with sb 通常用于现在时,或叫某人要有耐心。 [G]v+prep [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bear / beE(r); NAmE ber / verb (bore / bC:(r) / borne / bC:n; NAmE bC:rn / ) ACCEPT / DEAL WITH 承受;应付 1. (used with can / could in negative sentences and questions 在否定句和疑问句中与 can / could 连用) to be able to accept and deal with sth unpleasant 承受;忍受 SYN stand : ▪ [VN] The pain was almost more than he could bear. 这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。 She couldn't bear the thought of losing him. 失去他的情况她想都不敢想。 ▪ [V -ing] I can't bear having cats in the house. 家里有猫我可受不了。 ▪ [V to inf] How can you bear to eat that stuff? 你怎么吃得下那种东西? ▪ [V -ing V to inf] He can't bear being laughed at. 他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。 He can't bear to be laughed at. 他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。 ▪ [also VN -ing] ⇨ note at hate NOT BE SUITABLE 不合适 2. not ~ sth / doing sth to not be suitable for sth 不适于某事(或做某事): ▪ [VN] Her later work does not bear comparison with her earlier novels (= because it is not nearly as good). 她后期的作品比不上她早期的小说。 The plan won't bear close inspection (= it will be found to be unacceptable when carefully examined). 这项计划经不起仔细检查。 ▪ [V -ing] The joke doesn't bear repeating (= because it is not funny or may offend people). 这个笑话不可说第二遍(因为不好笑或可能得罪人)。 His sufferings don't bear thinking about (= because they are so terrible). 他遭受的苦难不堪回首。 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STH 负责 3. [VN] (formal) to take responsibility for sth 承担责任: She bore the responsibility for most of the changes. 她对大多数变革负责。 Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees? 父母是否应当负担全部学费? You shouldn't have to bear the blame for other people's mistakes. 你不应该非得代人受过。 NEGATIVE FEELING 坏心情 4. ~ sth (against / towards sb) | ~ sb sth to have a feeling, especially a negative feeling 心怀(感情,尤指坏心情): ▪ [VN] He bears no resentment towards them. 他对他们毫无怨恨。 ▪ [VNN] She bore him no ill will. 她对他没有恶意。 ▪ [VN VNN] He's borne a grudge against me ever since that day. 从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。 He's borne me a grudge ever since that day. 从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。 SUPPORT WEIGHT 支撑重量 5. [VN] to support the weight of sb / sth 支撑;承受(重量): The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。 SHOW 显示 6. [VN] (formal) to show sth; to carry sth so that it can be seen 显示;带有: The document bore her signature. 文件上有她的签字。 He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. 他在战争中负了重伤,现在还留有伤疤。 She bears little resemblance to (= is not much like) her mother. 她很不像她的母亲。 The title of the essay bore little relation to (= was not much connected with) the contents. 这篇文章的题目与内容很不相符。 NAME 名称 7. [VN] (formal) to have a particular name 有某个名称: a family that bore an ancient and honoured name 名门世家 CARRY 携带 8. [VN] (old-fashioned or formal) to carry sb / sth, especially while moving 携带: three kings bearing gifts 三个带着礼品的国王 YOURSELF 自身 9. [VN] ~ yourself well, etc. (formal) to move, behave or act in a particular way 举止;表现: He bears himself (= stands, walks, etc.) proudly, like a soldier. 他昂首阔步,像个军人。 She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral. 整个葬礼过程中她都保持着尊严。 CHILD 孩子 10. (formal) to give birth to a child 生孩子: ▪ [VN] She was not able to bear children. 她不能生育。 ▪ [VNN] She had borne him one sons. 她为他生了六个儿子。 OF TREES / PLANTS 树木花草 11. [VN] (formal) to produce flowers or fruit 开(花);结(果实) TURN 转向 12. [V] ~ (to the) left, north, etc. to go or turn in the direction mentioned 转向(左或北等): When you get to the fork in the road, bear right. 走到岔道时向右拐。 IDIOMS ▪ bear 'arms (old use) to be a soldier; to fight 当兵;打仗 ▪ bear 'fruit to have a successful result 成功;取得成果 ▪ bear 'hard, 'heavily, se'verely, etc. on sb (formal) to be a cause of difficulty or suffering to sb 使为难;使受苦;压迫: Taxation bears heavily on us all. 赋税给我们大家带来沉重的负担。 ▪ be borne 'in on sb (formal, especially BrE) to be realized by sb, especially after a period of time (逐渐)认识到: It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable. 我们逐渐认识到,失败是不可避免的。 ▪ bring sth to bear (on sb / sth) (formal) to use energy, pressure, influence, etc. to try to achieve sth or make sb do sth 把精力用于;对…施加压力(或影响等): We must bring all our energies to bear upon the task. 我们必须全力以赴不辱使命。 Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time. 我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。 ⇨ more at brunt , cross n., grin v., mind n., witness n. PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7bear 'down on sb / sth 1. (especially BrE) to move quickly towards sb / sth in a determined or threatening way 冲向;咄咄逼近 2. (especially NAmE) to press on sb / sth 施加压力于;压住: Bear down on it with all your strength so it doesn't move. 用全力压住它,别让它动弹。 ▪ 'bear on sth (formal) to relate to sth 和(某事物)有关;涉及 SYN affect : These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community. 这些是关系到整个社群的福祉的事情。 ▪ 7bear sb / sth ↔ 'out (especially BrE) to show that sb is right or that sth is true 证实;为…作证: The other witnesses will bear me out. 其他证人将给我作证。 The other witnesses will bear out what I say. 其他证人将会证实我的话。 ▪ 7bear 'up (against / under sth) to remain as cheerful as possible during a difficult time 保持振作;承受;挺住: He's bearing up well under the strain of losing his job. 他坚强地顶住了失业的压力。 'How are you?' 'Bearing up.' "你怎么样了?" "还挺得住。" ▪ 'bear with sb / sth to be patient with sb / sth 耐心对待;容忍: She's under a lot of strain. Just bear with her. 她承受着很大的压力。对她要有耐心。 If you will bear with me (= be patient and listen to me) a little longer, I'll answer your question. 你如果能耐心点听我把话说完,我会回答你的问题的。 noun 1. a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws (= pointed parts on the ends of its feet). There are many types of bear. 熊: a black bear 黑熊 ⇨ see also grizzly bear , polar bear , teddy bear 2. (finance 财) a person who sells shares in a company, etc., hoping to buy them back later at a lower price (在证券市场等)卖空的人 ⇨ compare bull (3) ⇨ see also bearish ▪ like a bear with a sore 'head (informal) bad-tempered or in a bad-tempered way 急性子;脾气暴躁 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bear1 /beə $ ber/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (past tense bore /bɔː $ bɔːr/, past participle borne /bɔːn $ bɔːrn/) [transitive] → bare 1  DEAL WITH STH 应付某事 to bravely accept or deal with a painful, difficult, or upsetting situation 忍受,忍耐,经受住 SYN stand She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to bear the pain. 她恐怕自己忍受不了这种痛苦。 Overcrowding makes prison life even harder to bear. 过度拥挤使监狱生活更加难以忍受。 Make the water as hot as you can bear. 把水温调到你能忍受的最高温度。 The humiliation was more than he could bear. 这样的羞辱是他万万不能忍受的。 Black people continue to bear the brunt of most racial violence (=have to deal with the most difficult or damaging part). 在大多数种族暴力事件中,黑人仍然是首当其冲的受害群体。 Passengers could be insulting, and stewardesses just had to grin and bear it (=accept it without complaining). 乘客有时会破口大骂,而乘务员只能微笑着默默忍受。 Experts were worried the financial system would not be able to bear the strain. 专家担心现行金融体系承受不了这样的压力。  Register 2  can’t bear something spoken a) to be so upset about something that you feel unable to accept it or let it happen 接受不了某事 SYN can’t stand Please don’t leave me. I couldn’t bear it. 请你不要离开我,我受不了。 can’t bear the thought of (doing) something I just can’t bear the thought of having to start all over. 我想都不敢想要从头开始。 can’t bear to do something I can’t bear to see her cry. 我不忍心看见她哭。 can’t bear doing something I couldn’t bear not seeing him again. 我不能忍受再也见不到他。 b) to dislike something or someone very much, often so that they make you feel annoyed or impatient 忍受不了某事/某人 SYN can’t stand Oh, I really can’t bear him. 噢,我实在受不了他。 can’t bear somebody doing something He can’t bear people smoking while he’s eating. 他受不了有人在他吃饭的时候吸烟。 can’t bear doing something I can’t bear being cold. 我怕冷。 3  bear (something) in mind to remember a fact or piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future 记住(某事),把(某事)记在心里 SYN keep (something) in mind bear in mind (that) Bear in mind that some children will need help. 记住,有些孩子需要帮助。 4  ACCEPT/BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 接受/承担 formal to be responsible for or accept something 承担,负担 bear the costs/burden Each company will bear half the costs of development. 两家公司将均摊开发费用。 Fares have gone up, perhaps to more than the market will bear. 票价上涨了,而且可能超出了市场的承受能力。 bear the responsibility/blame etc Developed countries bear much of the responsibility for environmental problems. 发达国家对环境问题负有主要责任。 5  SUPPORT 支持 to be under something and support it 支撑,承受,支承〔重量〕 SYN hold 6  SIGN/MARK 标记/记号 formal to have or show a sign, mark, or particular appearance, especially when this shows that something has happened or is true 带有〔某种标记或外观特征〕 SYN have 7  bear a resemblance/relation to somebody/something to be similar to someone or something else 与某人/某物相似/有关 8  BABY 婴儿 formal to give birth to a baby 生育 9  bear fruit 10  ABLE TO BE EXAMINED/COMPARED ETC 经得起检验/比较等 [often in negatives] to be suitable or good enough to be examined, compared, repeated etc without failing or being wrong 经得起〔检验、比较、重复等〕 11  something doesn’t bear thinking about used to say that something is so upsetting or shocking that you prefer not to think about it 某事不堪设想 12. bear interest if a bank account, investment etc bears interest, the bank pays you a particular amount of money for keeping your money in the account 生利息 13  CARRY 携带 literary to carry someone or something, especially something important 携带〔尤指重要的东西〕 14  bring pressure/influence to bear (on somebody/something) to use your influence or power to get what you want (对某人/某物)施加压力/影响 15  bear witness/testimony to something formal to show that something is true or exists 见证某事,为某事证明 16  HAVE FEELINGS 怀有某种情感 formal to have a particular feeling, especially a bad feeling 怀有〔某种情感,尤指不好的情感〕 17  bear right/left to turn towards the right or left 向右转/向左转 18  bear yourself formal to walk, stand etc in a particular way, especially when this shows your character 表现;保持某种举止 19  WIND/WATER 风/水 literary if wind, water, or air bears something, it carries it somewhere 吹动;传送 20  NAME/TITLE 姓名/头衔 formal to have a particular name or title 具有,拥有〔名字或头衔〕  FREQUENCY 使用频率  PHRASAL VERBS Related topics: Animals, Stocks & shares bear2 ●●○ noun [countable] 1  black_bear.jpga large strong animal with thick fur, that eats flesh, fruit, and insects 熊 2  American English informal something that is very difficult to do or to deal with 难做的事情;棘手的事情 3. be like a bear with a sore head British English informal to be rude to people because you are feeling bad-tempered 脾气暴躁 4. technical someone who sells shares or goods when they expect the price to fall 〔股市或期货〕看跌的人,卖空的人 → bull Origin bear1 Old English beran bear2 Old English bera [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bear ★☆☆☆☆ 1. VERB USE 动词用法 2. NOUN USES 名词用法 1.VERB 动词抬;背负;负载;驮 If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there. 【语法信息】:V n adv/prep 【STYLE标签】:LITERARY 文 They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table. 他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。 -bearing ...food-bearing lorries. 装着食物的卡车 2.VERB 动词持有;携带 If you bear something such as a weapon, you hold it or carry it with you. 【语法信息】:V n 【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式 ...the constitutional right to bear arms. 宪法规定的携带武器的权利 -bearing ...rifle-bearing soldiers. 持来复枪的士兵 ...hundreds of flag-bearing marchers. 成百上千举着旗帜的游行者 3.VERB 动词承载;支撑 If one thing bears the weight of something else, it supports the weight of that thing. 【语法信息】:V n The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men. 冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。 -bearing ...the load-bearing joints of the body. 身体的承重关节 4.VERB 动词带有(某种标记或特征) If something bears a particular mark or characteristic, it has that mark or characteristic. 【语法信息】:V n The houses bear the marks of bullet holes. 房子上散布着弹孔。 ...note paper bearing the Presidential seal... 盖有总统印章的便笺 ...a corporation he owned that bore his name... 他所拥有的一家以他名字命名的公司 The room bore all the signs of a violent struggle. 这个房间留有激烈打斗的痕迹。 5.VERB 动词忍受,容忍,忍耐(不愉快经历) If you bear an unpleasant experience, you accept it because you are unable to do anything about it. 【语法信息】:V n They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war... 他们不得不忍受长期生活在战争恐惧中的痛苦。 He bore his sufferings manfully. 他勇敢地面对苦难。 6.VERB 动词接受,容忍(某人或某物) If you can't bear someone or something, you dislike them very much. 【语法信息】:V n/-ing 【语法信息】:V to-inf 【搭配模式】:with neg I can't bear people who make judgements and label me... 我讨厌人们对我品头论足。 I can't bear having to think what I'm going to say... 我不愿意考虑将要说什么话。 He can't bear to talk about it, even to me. 他不想和别人谈论这件事,哪怕对我也是一样。 7.VERB 动词负担(开支);承担(费用) If someone bears the cost of something, they pay for it. 【语法信息】:V n Patients should not have to bear the costs of their own treatment. 病人不应该自己承担治疗费用。 8.VERB 动词承担(责任);负(责) If you bear the responsibility for something, you accept responsibility for it. 【语法信息】:V n If a woman makes a decision to have a child alone, she should bear that responsibility alone. 如果一个女人决定独自抚养孩子,她就必须独自承担所有责任。 9.VERB 动词带有,具有(相似之处);有(关系等) If one thing bears no resemblance or no relationship to another thing, they are not at all similar. 【语法信息】:V n 【搭配模式】:usu with brd-neg Their daily menus bore no resemblance whatsoever to what they were actually fed... 他们每天的食谱和他们实际吃到的东西完全不同。 For many software packages, the price bears little relation to cost. 对于很多软件包来说,价钱和成本没有什么联系。 10.VERB 动词开(花);结(果) When a plant or tree bears flowers, fruit, or leaves, it produces them. 【语法信息】:V n As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water. 当植物生长并开始结果的时候,它们需要大量的水。 -bearing ...a strong, fruit-bearing apple tree. 粗壮的结满果实的苹果树 11.VERB 动词带有,产生(利息等) If something such as a bank account or an investment bears interest, interest is paid on it. 【语法信息】:V n 【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商 The eight-year bond will bear annual interest of 10.5%. 这种8年期的债券年利率为10.5%。 -bearing ...interest-bearing current accounts. 带息活期存款账户 12.VERB 动词生(孩子);生育 When a woman bears a child, she gives birth to him or her. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V n n 【STYLE标签】:OLD-FASHIONED 过时 Emma bore a son called Karl... 埃玛生了个儿子叫卡尔。 She bore him a daughter, Suzanna. 她给他生了个女儿,苏珊娜。 13.VERB 动词怀有(某种感情) If you bear someone a feeling such as love or hate, you feel that emotion towards them. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V n n 【STYLE标签】:LITERARY 文 She bore no ill will. If people didn't like her, too bad... 她没有恶意。如果人们不喜欢她,那就太糟糕了。 I have lived with him on the best terms and bear him friendship. 我跟他住在一起,相处得非常不错,我把他当好朋友。 14.VERB 动词举止;表现 If you bear yourself in a particular way, you move or behave in that way. 【语法信息】:V pron-refl adv/prep 【STYLE标签】:LITERARY 文 There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself. 他举止优雅而庄重。 15.VERB 动词向(左或右)转 If you bear left or bear right when you are driving or walking along, you turn and continue in that direction. 【语法信息】:V adv Go left onto the A107 and bear left into Seven Sisters Road. 向左驶入A107号公路,然后左转进七姐妹路。 16.See also:bore;borne; 17.PHRASE 短语用…处理;用…应对 If you bring something to bear on a situation, you use it to deal with that situation. 【搭配模式】:V inflects British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem. 英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。 18.PHRASE 短语对…施加(影响、压力等) If you bring pressure or influence to bear on someone, you use it to try and persuade them to do something. 【搭配模式】:V inflects His companions brought pressure to bear on him, urging him to stop wasting money. 他的伙伴们给他施加压力,劝他不要再浪费钱。 19. to bear the brunt of→see: brunt; to bear comparison→see: comparison; to bear fruit→see: fruit; to grin and bear it→see: grin; to bear in mind→see: mind; to bear witness to→see: witness; 相关词组: bear down bear out bear up bear with 1.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:polar bear;teddy bear;熊 A bear is a large, strong wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws. 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(对股市行情)看跌的人 On the stock market, bears are people who sell shares in expectation of a drop in price, in order to make a profit by buying them back again after a short time. 【搭配模式】:usu pl 【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bear /ˈbeɚ/ noun plural bear or bears [count] 1 : any one of a group of large and heavy animals that have thick hair and sharp claws and that can stand on two legs like a person熊 a mother bear and her cubs 母熊和它的小熊崽 — sometimes used figuratively to describe a large man有时用作比喻,形容大块头的男人 a tall, friendly bear of a man 为人友善的大块头男人 My father can be a grumpy old bear when he's tired. 我父亲疲惫时就会像只大熊一样暴躁。 ◊ In informal British English, a person who becomes angry or annoyed very easily is (like) a bear with a sore head.易怒的,暴躁的(用于非正式英国英语) My father can be like a bear with a sore head when he's tired. 我父亲疲惫时会十分暴躁。 — see also black bear, grizzly bear, polar bear, teddy bear 2 finance : a person who expects the price of stocks to go down and who sells them to avoid losing money(股票市场)看跌的人,卖空的人,空头 The bears outnumbered the bulls on Wall Street today. 今天在华尔街卖空的人要比买进的人多。 — compare 1bull; see also bear market 3 US, informal : something that is difficult to do or deal with麻烦事;棘手之事 This oven is a bear to clean. [=this oven is very hard to clean] 清洗这个烤箱真费事。 loaded for bear — see loaded 2 bear /ˈbeɚ/ verb bears; bore /ˈboɚ/ ; borne /ˈboɚn/ ; bearing 1 : to accept or endure (something)忍受;承受;容忍 [+ object] He bore [=tolerated] their insults patiently. 他默默地忍受着他们的侮辱。 — usually used in questions and negative statements with can, can't, could, and couldn't通常在疑问句和否定句中与can、can't、could和couldn't连用。 He could hardly bear [=stand] the pain. 他几乎无法忍受这种疼痛。 I can't bear cold weather. [=I strongly dislike cold weather] 我受不了寒冷的天气。 I couldn't bear the suspense. 这么提心吊胆的我可受不了。 I can't bear it if/when people behave like that! 我容忍不了人们的那种举动! I can't bear doing this. = I can't bear to do this. 这么做我可受不了。 How can you bear to see him again after the way he's treated you? 他那样对待你,你怎么还能再去见他? I couldn't bear you to get the wrong idea. 我不能容忍你有这种错误的想法。 I couldn't bear his behavior. = His behavior was more than I could bear. 我无法忍受他的行为。 I couldn't bear the thought/idea of moving again. 再要搬家,我连想都不敢想。 [no object] (US) — + for I couldn't bear for you to get the wrong idea. 我不能容忍你有这种错误的想法。 2 [+ object] : to be worthy of (something) : to deserve or allow (something)值得;应得;经得起 a joke too silly to bear repeating [=a joke that is too silly to be worth repeating] 过于荒谬不值得重复的笑话 It's so horrible it doesn't bear thinking about! [=it's so horrible that I don't want to think about it] 太恐怖了,我想都不敢想! a symphony that can bear comparison with Beethoven's best 可与贝多芬最佳作品相媲美的交响曲 a plan that will not bear [=withstand] close scrutiny/examination 经不起仔细审查的计划 suspicious behavior that bears watching [=that should be watched] 值得注意的可疑行为 3 [+ object] : to assume or accept (something, such as cost or responsibility)承担;负担 The company agreed to bear the costs/expenses. 公司同意承担这笔费用。 The criminals must bear full responsibility for the deaths of these innocent people. 那些罪犯必须为这些无辜者的死承担全部责任。 Who will bear the blame for this tragedy? 谁将为这场悲剧负责呢? 4 [+ object] somewhat formal + literary : to move while holding up and supporting (something) : carry手持;携带 The demonstrators bore banners and sang songs. 示威者手持横幅,高声歌唱。 They arrived bearing gifts. 他们带着礼物来了。 The leaves were borne aloft/away by the wind. 叶子被风刮了起来/刮走了。 disease-bearing germs [=germs that carry and spread diseases] 致病菌 germ-borne diseases [=diseases that are carried and spread by germs] 病菌性疾病 He believes that citizens should have the right to bear arms. [=to carry weapons] 他认为,公民应有携带武器的权利。 ◊ If something is borne in on/upon you, it is made very clear to you. This is a formal phrase.(正式短语)使…清楚地认识到 It was borne in on us by the new evidence that prompt action was very important. [=the new evidence strongly indicated that prompt action was very important] 新的证据使我们清楚地认识到,立即采取行动至关重要。 5 [+ object] a : to have (something) as a feature or characteristic具有,带有(某种特点或特征) His leg was badly injured in the accident and it still bears [=shows] the scars/wounds/marks. 他的腿在事故中受过重伤,至今还留有伤疤/伤口/伤痕。 His face bears marks/signs of suffering. 他脸上露出了痛苦的表情。 Your conclusion bears [=has] no relation to the evidence. 你的结论与证据没有任何关系。 She bore a resemblance to her aunt. [=she looked like her aunt] 她长得像她姑姑。 b : to have a surface on which something is written, drawn, etc.写有;刻有;印有 The cornerstone bears a Latin inscription. 基石上刻有拉丁铭文。 a letter bearing the date of 1900 标有1900年某日的信 a shield bearing strange symbols 刻有奇特符号的盾牌 c : to have (a name, price, etc.)有,具有(名字、价格等) He bore the name (of) John. 他名叫约翰。 The store sells imported goods bearing [=having, with] high prices. 这家商店出售价格不菲的进口商品。 d : to have or hold (a feeling) in the mind怀有,抱有(某种感情) She still bears a grudge against him. = She still bears him a grudge. 她仍然对他怀恨在心。 She says she bears him no resentment for the way he treated her. 她说,她并不怨恨他先前那么对待她。 I can't deny the love I still bear [=feel] for her. 无法否认,我依然深爱着她。 6 [+ object] a formal : to give birth to (a child)生(孩子) She has borne three children. 她生了三个孩子。 She has borne her husband three children. 她为丈夫生了三个孩子。 b : to produce (something)产生;产出 a bank account that bears interest = an interest-bearing bank account 带息银行账户 a bush that bears red flowers 开红花的灌木 trees that bear fruit 结果实的树 — see also bear fruit (below) 7 [+ object] : to support the weight of (something)支撑,承受(重量) How much weight is that wall able to bear? 这堵墙能承受多大重量? 8 [no object] : to go, move, or turn in a specified direction向…行进;移动;拐向 Bear south. 向南走。 The road bears (to the) right. 这条路往右拐了。 When you get to the fork in the road, you should bear [=turn] left. 走到岔道口,向左拐。 ◊ Do not confuse bear with bare. bear down [phrasal verb] US : to use all of your strength and effort to do something : to try very hard to do something竭尽全力;全力以赴 The pitcher bore down and struck out the last batter. 投手拼尽全力,终于将最后一名击球手淘汰出局。 If we're going to finish on time, we really have to bear down. 如果我们想按时完成,那就真得加把劲才行。 bear down on [phrasal verb] 1 bear down on (something) : to push or lean down on (something)按在;靠在 The old man bore down heavily on his cane. 老人用力拄着拐杖。 She bore down hard on her pencil. 她使劲地按着铅笔。 2 bear down on (someone) : to place pressure on (someone)对(某人)施加压力 Don't let your problems bear down too hard on you. [=don't let your problems weigh you down] 别让那些问题给你造成太大压力。 3 bear down on (someone or something) : to approach or move toward (something or someone) quickly and in a frightening or impressive way(快速或来势汹汹地)逼近,冲向 The enemy battleship bore down on us. 敌舰已向我方逼近。 bear fruit : to produce a desired result or reward取得成效 All his plans have finally borne fruit. [=all his plans have finally been realized] 他所有的计划最终都取得了成效。 — see also 2bear 6b (above) bear in mind — see 1mind bear on [phrasal verb] 1 bear on (something) formal : to have an effect on (something)对…产生影响 Personal feelings did not bear on our decision. [=did not affect or influence our decision] 个人感情并没有影响我们的决定。 2 : to apply or relate to (something)涉及;和…有关 What are the facts bearing directly on this matter? 与这件事直接相关的事实都是什么? bear out [phrasal verb] bear out (something or someone) or bear (something or someone) out : to show the correctness of (something or someone)证实,证明(…的正确) The facts bore out [=confirmed] her story. [=the facts showed that her story was true] 事实证明她说的是真的。 Research has fully borne him out. [=has shown that he was completely correct] 研究证明他完全正确。 bear up [phrasal verb] : to not be overwhelmed during a time of trouble, pain, etc.(面对困难、痛苦等)不被压垮,挺住 She's been going through a tough time, but she's bearing up pretty well. 她经历了一段艰难的岁月,但她始终顽强地支撑着。 — often + under She has found it hard to bear up under the strain. 她感到自己很难在那种压力下坚持下去。 bear with [phrasal verb] bear with (someone) : to be patient with (someone)容忍,耐心对待(某人) I'll have that information for you soon. Just bear with me for another minute or two. 我过会儿就把信息告诉你,再耐心等一两分钟。 bear witness — see 1witness bear yourself formal : to move, stand, or behave in a specified way站得;表现得 The soldier bore himself [=carried himself] stiffly upright. 那个士兵站得笔直。 The soldier never failed to bear himself [=conduct himself, behave] courageously on the battlefield. 那个士兵在战场上总是表现得十分英勇。 He always bore himself [=behaved] like a gentleman. 他一向表现得像位绅士。 bring (something) to bear : to cause (something) to have an effect or influence使…产生影响;使…起作用 The company's new president brings 30 years of experience to bear. 公司新总裁30年的工作经验发挥了重要作用。 If we hope to resolve these issues, more resources must be brought to bear. 如果我们要想解决这些问题,就必须利用更多的资源。 — often used with on常与on连用 They will bring their considerable skills/talent/experience/knowledge to bear on the problem. 他们将利用自己相当丰富的技术/才智/经验/知识来解决这一问题。 The demonstrators will continue to bring pressure to bear on the government. 示威者将继续向政府施压。 cross to bear — see 1cross grin and bear it — see grin [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beard

    英 [bɪəd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692113214-d8355948568f2e8.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪrd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692113226-d8355948568f2e8.mp3"][/audio]   n. 胡须 形容词: bearded 名词: beardedness 过去式: bearded 过去分词: bearded 现在分词: bearding 第三人称单数: beards [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beard 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:2 教材出处:译林版选必修B4U4 /bɪəd/ /bɪərd/ n. beards 0 胡须 高考真题原句提选: He was tall, with broad shoulders and a beard. 二、词组|习惯用语 full beard 大胡子 三、词根记忆 beard n. 胡須Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,長胡子的熊將在後方產一頭可愛的小崽. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beard / biEd; NAmE bird / noun [C, U] hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of a man's face; similar hair that grows on some animals (人的)胡须,络腮胡子;(动物的)颔毛,须: He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. 他已经决定留起络腮胡子和髭。 a week's growth of beard 一星期未刮的胡子 a goat's beard 山羊的胡子 ⇨ compare moustache • beard·ed adj.: a bearded face / man 有胡子的脸/男子 verb [VN] IDIOMS ▪ to beard the lion in his 'den to go to see an important or powerful person to tell them that you disagree with them, that you want sth, etc. 进狮穴捋狮须(敢于触犯有权势者) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beard1 /bɪəd $ bɪrd/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] 1. hair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks 胡须,髯 → moustache 2. something similar to a beard, such as hair growing on an animal’s chin 须状物〔如动物的颔毛等〕 —bearded adjective beard2 verb [transitive] beard somebody (in their den) to go and see someone who has influence or authority, and tell them what you want, why you disagree with them etc 摸老虎屁股,老虎头上拍苍蝇,太岁头上动土〔指敢于当面责问有权势者〕 Origin beard Old English [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beard ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词胡须;胡子 A man's beard is the hair that grows on his chin and cheeks. He's decided to grow a beard. 他已经决定蓄胡子。 ...Charlie's bushy black beard. 查利乌黑浓密的胡须 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beard /ˈbiɚd/ noun plural beards [count] 1 : the hair that grows on a man's cheeks and chin胡须;髯;络腮胡子 He grew a beard and mustache. 他曾留着络腮胡子和髭须。 2 : the long hair that grows on the chin of some animals(动物的)颔毛,须 the beard of a goat 山羊的胡子 — bearded /ˈbiɚdəd/ adjective a bearded college professor 蓄着胡子的大学教授 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beat

    英 [biːt]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692113449-ed6966981beb595.mp3"][/audio]  美 [biːt]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692113458-ed6966981beb595.mp3"][/audio]  v. 打;打败;跳动;敲打;战胜 n. 拍子;敲打;心跳声 adj. 精疲力尽的 过去式: beat 过去分词: beaten/beat 现在分词: beating 第三人称单数: beats [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beat¹ (beat beaten) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:13 /biːt/ v. 敲打;跳动;打赢 高考真题原句提选: Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest. Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs? I know I should have beaten it for the sake of mankind (为人类着想) , but I just couldn't win. beaten 全国卷频次:8 /ˈbiːtn/ Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into the pan together. He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile. My heart missed a beat. beat² 全国卷频次:8 /ˈbiːt/ n. (连续有节奏的)跳动﹐敲击;(音乐)节拍 I am listening to the first beats of a lion's heart. Even if you don’t have a timepiece of some sort nearby, your body keeps its own beat. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; 二、词组|习惯用语 beat all [口]意想不到;压倒一切;了不起 beat someone to something 在某件事上占某人之先 heart beat [医]心搏 beat down 打倒;杀价;大雨倾盆而下;强烈地照射下来 beat up adj. 年久失修的;残破的;v. 暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌; beat out 搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽 beat back vt. 击退,打退;驶回 beat in 打进 beat on 火般照晒 beat a retreat [军]撤退;放弃 beat it out (节奏强的)爵士乐 beat about 迎斜风行驶;搜索;四处闲逛;拐弯抹角 beat off 击退;打退 beat for 搜索 beat about the bush 旁敲侧击;转弯抹角 beat it up [俚语]胡闹,寻欢作乐 beat the rap [美俚]逃过刑事责任;摆脱困境 beat generation 美国“垮了的一代”;美国二战后的一代 beat frequency 拍频;差频 premature beat [医]过早搏动 三、词根记忆 beat n. 敲打;(心髒等)跳動v.打敗;(心髒等)跳動With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我親耳清楚地聽到原子彈的心髒的跳動. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beat [biːt] (beat,beaten) ,beat sb 'back ■to make sb move backwards away from sth使后退;使倒退: She was beaten back by the flames. 火焰迫使她退了回去。 They tried to beat the enemy forces back. 他们试图把敌军击退。 ■[NOTE]Beat sb back is usually used in the passive. beat sb back 通常用于被动语态。 [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ,beat 'down (on/upon sb/sth) ■if the sun beats down, it shines with great heat(阳光)强烈照射, 曝晒: The sun beat down all afternoon from a clear sky. 整个下午晴空当头,骄阳似火。 ■if rain beats down, it falls with great force(雨)倾泻: The rain was beating down on them. 大雨浇在他们身上。 [G]v+adv ,beat sb/sth 'down ■to persuade sb to reduce theprice of sth; to get sb to accept a lower price forsth说服某人降价;杀价: Chris tried to beat them down to a lower price. 克里斯设法让他们降价。 [synonym]knock sb/sth down [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent) ,beat sth 'down ■to hit sth hard, often manytimes, until it falls down用力将(某物)砸倒: The police had to beat the door down. 警察不得不把门撞开。 People are hardly beating the door down to get her latest book }(= they are notrushing to buy it)&b{. 人们并没有争相购买她最近出版的书。 [OBJ]door [synonym]break sth down;batter sth down ■to make sth flatter or lower byhitting it hard, usually with sth flat(用平展的工具)把…拍平,把…打下去: I used a spade to beat down the mud until it was flat and hard. 我用铁锹把泥土拍得又平又硬实。 Two women tried to beat down the flames on his back. 两个女子试图把他后背上的火焰扑打灭。 [OBJ]flames [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ,beat sb/sth 'off ■to drive sb/sth back or awayby fighting击退;驱走: They beat off an attack by the rebel army. 他们击退了叛军的进攻。 He tried to beat the thugs off with a stick. 他想用棍子打走那些流氓。 [OBJ]attack,attacker ■todefeat sb/sth in a competition(在竞争中)赢, 打败… : The company has beaten off very strong competition from abroad. 公司战胜了来自国外的强有力的竞争。 [OBJ]challenge,competition [G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv 'beat on sb (AmE, informal) ■to hit or kick sbrepeatedly不断击打(或踢)某人 see also BEAT SB UP;BEAT UP ON SB [G]v+prep ,beat sth 'out ■to produce a rhythm by hittingsth such as a drum repeatedly敲打出节奏 [OBJ]rhythm ■to put out a fire by hitting it with sthsuch as a blanket, a jacket, a brush, etc.(用毯子、上衣、刷子等)扑打灭(火): He used his jacket to beat out the flames. 他用短上衣把火扑灭了。 [OBJ]flames,fire ■to make a piece of metalflat by hitting it with a hammer, etc.锤平(金属板): Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets. 纯金可以锤成金箔。 [OBJ]gold/iron,dent [G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent) ,beat sb 'out (for sth) (AmE) ■to defeat sb in acompetition(在竞争中)赢某人,打败某人: They beat out nine other companies for the contract. 他们击败另外九家公司,赢得了合同。 [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n 'beat sb to sth; ,beat sb 'to it ■to achieve sth orreach a place before sb else抢先; 捷足先登: Beckham beat everyone else to the ball. 贝克汉姆超过了所有的人先得到球。 Book now before somebody else beats you to it! 别人还没预订之前赶紧捷足先登吧! [G]v+n/pron+prep ,beat sb 'up ■to hit or kick sb repeatedly殴打;毒打: Her husband used to beat her up. 她的丈夫过去常对她大打出手。 The gang went round beating up old ladies. 这伙匪徒四处殴打老妇。 [synonym]bash sb up (informal, less frequent) see also BEAT UP ON SB [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ,beat-'up (especially AmE) (BrE usually ,beaten-'up) adj ■[usually before noun] (informal)old or damaged破旧的;破损的: He drives a beat-up old van. 他开一辆破破烂烂的旧货车。 ,beat yourself 'up (informal) ■to blame yourself for sth; to criticize yourself自责;自我批评: If we don’t succeed the first time, we shouldn’t beat ourselves up, but try again. 第一次不成功,我们不应该自责,而要再次努力。 [G]v+pron+adv ,beat 'up on sb (AmE, informal) ■to attack sb physically or with words攻击某人(身体);(言语上)攻击某人: Of course it’s not OK to beat up on your wife. 打妻子当然不对。 He was accused of beating up on the President in the press. 有人指责他在报章上攻击总统。 see also BEAT ON SB [G]v+adv+prep [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beat / bi:t / verb (beat, beaten / 5bi:tn / ) IN GAME 比赛 1. [VN] ~ sb (at sth) to defeat sb in a game or competition (在比赛或竞争中)赢,打败(某人): He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。 Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat (= the most difficult team to beat). 他们最近的胜利已证明,他们仍然是最难打败的队。 CONTROL 控制 2. [VN] to get control of sth 控制 SYN defeat : The government's main aim is to beat inflation. 政府的主要目标是抑制通货膨胀。 BE TOO DIFFICULT 太难 3. to be too difficult for sb 难倒 SYN defeat : ▪ [VN] a problem that beats even the experts 连专家都难以解决的问题 ▪ [VN wh-] It beats me (= I don't know) why he did it. 我弄不懂他为什么这样做。 What beats me is how it was done so quickly (= I don't understand how). 使我困惑不解的是,这事怎么这么快就完成了。 BE BETTER 更好 4. [VN] to do or be better than sth 比…更好;赛过;胜过: Nothing beats home cooking. 什么也比不上家里做的好吃。 You can't beat Italian shoes. 意大利鞋是无与伦比的。 They want to beat the speed record (= go faster than anyone before). 他们想打破这一速度纪录。 AVOID 避免 5. [VN] to avoid sth 避免;逃避: If we go early we should beat the traffic. 我们早点出发就会避开交通拥挤。 We were up and off early to beat the heat. 我们很早就起床出发了,趁天还没热。 HIT 击打 6. to hit sb / sth many times, usually very hard 敲打;锤砸 ▪ [V +adv. / prep.] Somebody was beating at the door. 有人在打门。 Hailstones beat against the window. 冰雹不断地砸在窗户上。 ▪ [VN , often +adv. / prep.] Someone was beating a drum. 有人在敲鼓。 She was beating dust out of the carpet (= removing dust from the carpet by beating it). 她正在拍掉地毯上的灰尘。 An elderly man was found beaten to death. 有人发现一名老翁被打死了。 At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). 那时候孩子们常常因为很小的过错而捱打。 ▪ [VN-ADJ] They beat him unconscious (= hit him until he became unconscious). 他们把他打得不省人事。 OF HEART / DRUMS / WINGS 心脏;鼓;翅膀 7. to make, or cause sth to make, a regular sound or movement (使)规律作响,作节奏运动: ▪ [V] She's alive—her heart is still beating. 她没死——她的心还在跳动。 We heard the drums beating. 我们听到鼓声。 ▪ [VN] The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. 鸟儿没命地扑着翅膀。 MIX 搅拌 8. [VN] ~ sth (up) | ~ A and B together to mix sth with short quick movements with a fork, etc. (用叉等)快速搅拌,打: Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. 把鸡蛋打成黏稠泡沫状。 Beat the flour and milk together. 把麪粉和牛奶搅拌在一起。 SHAPE METAL 使金属成形 9. ~ sth (out) (into sth) to change the shape of sth, especially metal, by hitting it with a hammer, etc. 把(金属等)锤成;敲打(成…): ▪ [VN] beaten silver 银箔 The gold is beaten out into thin strips. 金子被锤成了薄薄的长条。 ▪ [VN-ADJ] The metal had been beaten flat. 那块金属被锤薄了。 MAKE PATH 开辟路径 10. [VN] ~ sth (through, across, along, etc. sth) to make a path, etc. by walking somewhere or by pressing branches down and walking over them 踏出,踩出(道路): a well-beaten track (= six that has been worn hard by much use) 经过很多人踏出来的路 The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth. 猎人们在灌木丛中踩出了一条小径。 IDIOMS ▪ beat about the 'bush (BrE) (NAmE beat around the 'bush) to talk about sth for a long time without coming to the main point 拐弯抹角地讲话;绕圈子: Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want. 别绕来绕去了,告诉我你想要什么吧。 ▪ beat sb at their own 'game to defeat or do better than sb in an activity which they have chosen or in which they think they are strong 赢某人的看家本领;打败某人的强项 ▪ beat your 'brains out (informal, especially NAmE) to think very hard about sth for a long time 绞尽脑汁;反复推敲 ▪ beat your 'breast to show that you feel sorry about sth that you have done, especially in public and in an exaggerated way 捶胸顿足(尤指对自己的作为刻意表示悲伤或愧疚) ▪ beat the 'clock to finish a task, race, etc. before a particular time 提前完成任务(或跑到终点等) ▪ 'beat it (slang) (usually used in orders 通常用于命令) to go away immediately 滚开;立即走开: This is private land, so beat it! 这里是私人土地,滚开! ▪ beat a path to sb's 'door if a lot of people beat a path to sb's door, they are all interested in sth that person has to sell, or can do or tell them 使门庭若市;蜂拥而至;使成注意焦点: Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door. 顶尖级戏剧演员代理人正纷纷把目光投向那个十多岁的孩子。 ▪ beat the 'rap (NAmE, slang) to escape without being punished 逃脱惩罚 ▪ beat a (hasty) re'treat to go away or back quickly, especially to avoid sth unpleasant (仓促)逃走;(慌忙)撤退 ▪ beat 'time (to sth) to mark or follow the rhythm of music, by waving a stick, tapping your foot, etc. (随着音乐)打拍子: She beat time with her fingers. 她用手指打拍子。 ▪ beat sb to the 'punch (informal) to get or do sth before sb else can 抢先下手;抢在前面 ▪ can you beat that / it! (informal) used to express surprise or anger 难以置信;太不像话 ▪ if you can't beat them, 'join them (saying) if you cannot defeat sb or be as successful as they are, then it is more sensible to join them in what they are doing and perhaps get some advantage for yourself by doing so 打不赢,就投靠 ▪ 7off the 7beaten 'track far away from other people, houses, etc. 远离闹市;偏远: They live miles off the beaten track. 他们住在偏远地带。 ▪ a rod / stick to 'beat sb with a fact, an argument, etc. that is used in order to blame or punish sb 用以责备或惩罚某人的事实依据(或把柄等) ▪ take some 'beating to be difficult to beat 难以超越: That score is going to take some beating. 这一得分将很难超过。 For sheer luxury, this hotel takes some beating. 单看豪华的程度,这家旅馆是难以超越的。 ⇨ more at black adj., daylights , drum n., hell PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7beat sth ↔ 'down to hit a door, etc. many times until it breaks open 砸开;砸破(门等) ▪ 7beat 'down (on sb / sth) if the sun beats down it shines with great heat (阳光)强烈照射,曝晒 ▪ 7beat sb / sth 'down (to sth) to persuade sb to reduce the price at which they are selling sth 说服某人降价;杀价: He wanted $8 000 for the car but I beat him down to $6 000. 他那辆汽车要价 8 000 元,但我压到了 6 000 元。 I beat down the price to $6 000. 我把价杀到了 6 000 元。 ▪ 7beat 'off (NAmE, taboo, slang) to masturbate 手淫 ▪ 7beat sb / sth ↔ 'off to force sb / sth back or away by fighting 击退;驱走: The attacker was beaten off. 进攻者被击退了。 She beat off a challenge to her leadership. 她战胜了对她的领导地位的挑战。 ▪ 7beat sth ↔ 'out 1. to produce a rhythm by hitting sth many times 敲打出节奏 2. to put a fire out by beating 扑打灭(火): We beat the flames out. 我们把火扑打灭了。 3. to remove sth by hitting it with a hammer , etc. 敲掉;锤平: They can beat out the dent in the car's wing. 他们能把汽车挡泥板上的凹痕敲平。 ▪ 'beat sb out of sth (NAmE, informal) to cheat sb by taking sth from them (从某人)骗取,骗得: Her brother beat her out of $200. 她哥哥骗走了她 200 元。 ▪ 'beat sb to sth / ... | 7beat sb 'to it to get somewhere or do sth before sb else 抢先;捷足先登: She beat me to the top of the hill. 她比我先到达山顶。 I was about to take the last cake, but he beat me to it. 我正要拿那最后一块饼,却给他抢先一步。 ▪ 7beat sb ↔ 'up to hit or kick sb hard, many times 痛殴;毒打: He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. 他被一帮暴徒打得遍体鳞伤。 ▪ 7beat 'up on sb (NAmE) to hit sb hard, especially sb who is young or weak 狠打,虐待(弱小者): I've heard people say he used to beat up on his wife. 我听说他以前常打妻子。 ▪ 7beat yourself 'up (about / over sth) (NAmE, informal) to blame yourself too much for sth (为某事)过分自责: Look, there's no need to beat yourself up over this. 听我说,没有必要为此过分自责。 noun OF DRUMS / HEART / WINGS 鼓;心脏;翅膀 1. [C] a single blow to sth, such as a drum, or a movement of sth, such as your heart; the sound that this makes (鼓的)一击;(翅的)一振;(心脏等的)跳动;击鼓声;振翅声;跳动声: several loud beats on the drum 几下隆隆鼓声 His heart missed a beat when he saw her. 他在见到她的一刹那心跳顿了一下。 2. [sing.] a series of regular blows to sth, such as a drum; the sound that this makes 有规律的敲击(声): the steady beat of the drums 有节奏的敲鼓声 ⇨ see also heartbeat RHYTHM 节奏 3. [C] the main rhythm, or a unit of rhythm, in a piece of music, a poem, etc. (音乐、诗歌等的)主节奏,节拍: This type of music has a strong beat to it. 这种音乐节奏感很强。 The piece has five beats to the bar. 这首曲子每小节四拍。 OF POLICE OFFICER 警察 4. [C] the area which a police officer walks around regularly and which he or she is responsible for 管区;辖区;巡逻地段: More police officers out on the beat may help to cut crime. 增加巡逻的警察可能有助于减少罪行。 ⇨ more at heart , walk v. adjective [not before noun] (informal) = dead beat [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beat1 /biːt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (past tense beat, past participle beaten /ˈbiːtn/) → beet 1  COMPETITION/ELECTION 比赛/竞选 [transitive] to get the most points, votes etc in a game, race, or competition 击败,打败,战胜 SYN defeat Brazil were beaten 2–1. 巴西队以1比2告负。 Labour easily beat the Conservatives in the last election. 工党在上一届选举中轻松击败保守党。 beat somebody at/in something I beat him more often at pool than he beats me. 我和他打落袋台球胜多负少。 beat somebody hollow British English, beat the pants off somebody American English (=defeat them easily) 把某人打得落花流水 2  HIT 打 [transitive] to hit someone or something many times with your hand, a stick etc 〔多次〕击打 photographs of rioters beating a policeman 暴徒殴打一名警察的照片 He was questioned and beaten. 他受到了审问和拷打。 The woman had been beaten to death by her husband. 那女子已被丈夫殴打致死。 Two prisoners were beaten unconscious. 两名囚犯被打昏过去。 beat somebody black and blue (=hit someone until it makes marks on their body) 把某人打得青一块紫一块 beat the living daylights out of somebody (=beat someone very hard) 把某人打得半死 ► see thesaurus at hit 3  HIT AGAINST 碰撞 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to hit against something many times or continuously 〔多次或连续〕撞击,拍打 beat on/against/at etc Waves beat against the cliffs. 海浪拍打着悬崖。 rain beating on the windows 敲打着窗户的雨滴 Sid beat on the door with his hand. 锡德用手打门。 4  DO BETTER 做得更好 [transitive] to do something better, faster etc than what was best before 打破〔记录〕;突破 beat a record/score etc The record set by Kierson in '84 has yet to be beaten. 基尔逊在1984年创下的记录至今无人打破。 The company’s profits are unlikely to beat last year’s £10 million. 公司不太可能突破去年的一千万英镑利润。 5  BE BETTER 更好 [transitive not in progressive] especially spoken to be much better and more enjoyable than something else 赛过,胜过 Fresh milk beats powdered milk any time. 新鲜牛奶任何时候都比奶粉好。 beat doing something ‘Well, ’ said Culley, ‘it beats going to the office.’ “好吧,”卡利说,“那总比到办公室去好。” You can’t beat swimming as a good all-body exercise. 游泳是再好不过的全身运动。 Nothing beats homemade cake. 什么也比不上家里做的蛋糕。 you can’t beat something (for something) For excitement, you just can’t beat college basketball. 要说刺激,没有什么可以跟大学篮球赛比。 6  FOOD 食物 [intransitive, transitive] to mix things together quickly with a fork or special kitchen machine 搅拌,搅打 Beat the eggs, then add the milk. 把鸡蛋搅一搅,然后加入牛奶。 beat something in Gradually beat in the sugar. 一边打,一边慢慢地加入糖。 beat something together Beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy. 把黄油和糖混在一起搅打到松软为止。 ► see thesaurus at mix 7  CONTROL/DEAL WITH 控制/应付 [transitive] to successfully deal with a problem that you have been struggling with 克服,战胜〔困难〕 SYN conquer 8  HEART 心 [intransitive] when your heart beats, it moves in a regular rhythm as it pumps your blood 〔心脏〕跳(动) 9. DRUMS 鼓 [intransitive, transitive] if you beat drums, or if drums beat, they make a regular continuous sound 击(鼓),打(鼓);〔鼓〕敲响 10. WINGS 翅膀 [intransitive, transitive] if a bird beats its wings, or if its wings beat, they move up and down quickly and regularly 拍打〔翅膀〕;〔翅膀〕有节奏地拍动 SYN flap 11  take some beating if something or someone will take some beating, it will be difficult for anyone or anything to be or do better 难以超过 12  AVOID 避免 [transitive] to avoid situations in which a lot of people are trying to do something, usually by doing something early 避开,避免 13  DO BEFORE SB ELSE 先于别人做某事 [transitive] informal to get or do something before someone else, especially if you are both trying to do it first 抢在…前面 14  beat about/around the bush to avoid or delay talking about something embarrassing or unpleasant 〔说话〕转弯抹角,旁敲侧击 15  beat the system to find ways of avoiding or breaking the rules of an organization, system etc, in order to achieve what you want 钻制度的空子 16  beat a path to somebody’s door (also beat down somebody’s door) if people beat a path to your door, they are interested in something you are selling, a service you are providing etc 踏破某人的门槛〔指对某人出售的东西或提供的服务等感兴趣〕 17  beat a (hasty) retreat to leave somewhere or stop doing something very quickly, in order to avoid a bad situation 〔为避免困境〕(赶紧)溜走,(匆忙)撤退 18  beat the clock to finish something very quickly, especially before a particular time 提前完成  SPOKEN PHRASES 24. beat the rap American English informal to avoid being punished for something you have done 逃脱惩罚 25  beat time to make regular movements or sounds to show the speed at which music should be played 打拍子 26. beat a path/track to make a path by walking over an area of land 踏出一条小路 27  to beat the band American English informal in large amounts or with great force 大量地;大力地 28  beat the heat American English informal to make yourself cooler 去暑,解热 29. METAL 金属 (also beat out) [transitive] to hit metal with a hammer in order to shape it or make it thinner 锤打,〔用锤〕敲打 30. HUNTING 打猎 [intransitive, transitive] to force wild birds and animals out of bushes, long grass etc so that they can be shot for sport 将(猎物)赶出〔树丛、草丛等〕 31. beat your breast literary to show clearly that you are very upset or sorry about something 捶胸顿足〔表示难过或愧疚〕 → beaten, beating  THESAURUS  PHRASAL VERBS Related topics: Colours & sounds, Music, Police beat2 ●●○ S3 noun 1  [countable] one of a series of regular movements or hitting actions 〔连续有节奏的〕跳动,敲击 2  [singular] a regular repeated noise 有节奏的声音 SYN rhythm 3  [countable] the main rhythm that a piece of music or a poem has 〔音乐或诗歌的〕节奏 4  [singular] a subject or area of a city that someone is responsible for as their job 〔某人在工作中〕负责的领域,辖区 5. [countable] one of the notes in a piece of music that sounds stronger than the other notes 节拍,拍子 beat3 adjective [not before noun] 1 informal very tired 累坏的 SYN exhausted I’m beat. 我累坏了。 Come and sit down – you must be dead beat. 过来坐下吧,你肯定累坏了。 ► see thesaurus at tired Origin beat1 Old English beatan [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beat ★★★★★ The form beat is used in the present tense and is the past tense. beat 的过去式与原形相同。 1.VERB 动词打;猛击 If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V n to n My wife tried to stop them and they beat her... 我妻子想阻止他们,他们就打了她。 They were beaten to death with baseball bats. 他们被人用棒球棒打死了。 2.VERB 动词(通常指多次或连续地)撞击,猛撞,拍打 To beat on, at, or against something means to hit it hard, usually several times or continuously for a period of time. 【语法信息】:V against n 【语法信息】:V at n 【语法信息】:V on n 【语法信息】:Also V n 【搭配模式】:usu the N of n There was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass... 当时一片寂静,只听见一只苍蝇不停地撞击着玻璃。 Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow... 尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。 The rain was beating on the windowpanes. 雨点拍打着窗玻璃。 Beat is also a noun. ...the rhythmic beat of the surf. 海浪有节奏的拍打 beating ...the silence broken only by the beating of the rain. 一片寂静,只听见雨声 3.VERB 动词(心脏、脉搏等)跳动 When your heart or pulse beats, it continually makes regular rhythmic movements. 【语法信息】:V I felt my heart beating faster. 我感觉我的心越跳越快。 Beat is also a noun. He could hear the beat of his heart... 他能听见自己的心跳声。 Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute. 大多数人的脉率都在每分钟70次以上。 beating I could hear the beating of my heart. 我能听见自己的心跳。 4.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词敲,打,击(鼓等);(鼓等)敲响 If you beat a drum or similar instrument, you hit it in order to make a sound. You can also say that a drum beats . 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V When you beat the drum, you feel good. 敲鼓的时候感觉很好。 ...drums beating and pipes playing. 敲鼓和吹风笛 Beat is also a noun. ...the rhythmical beat of the drum. 有节奏的鼓点 5.N-COUNT 可数名词(音乐的)节奏 The beat of a piece of music is the main rhythm that it has. 【搭配模式】:usu sing ...the thumping beat of rock music. 摇滚乐强烈的节奏 ...the dance beats of the last two decades. 过去20年的舞曲节奏 6.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:upbeat;downbeat;(音乐的)拍子,节拍 In music, a beat is a unit of measurement. The number of beats in a bar of a piece of music is indicated by two numbers at the beginning of the piece. 【搭配模式】:usu pl It's got four beats to a bar. 一个小节有4拍。 7.VERB 动词搅拌;搅打 If you beat eggs, cream, or butter, you mix them thoroughly using a fork or beater. 【语法信息】:V n Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken. 把鸡蛋和白糖混在一起搅打至开始变稠。 8.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词拍打,拍动(翅膀);(翅膀)拍动 When a bird or insect beats its wings or when its wings beat, its wings move up and down. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V Beating their wings they flew off... 它们拍打着翅膀飞走了。 Its wings beat slowly. 它的翅膀缓慢拍动着。 9.VERB 动词打败;击败;战胜 If you beat someone in a competition or election, you defeat them. 【语法信息】:V n 【语法信息】:V n into n In yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States two-one... 在昨天的比赛中,瑞士以2比1击败美国。 There are men who simply don't like being beaten by a woman... 有些男人就是不想被女人打败。 She was easily beaten into third place. 她轻易落败,跌至第三。 10.VERB 动词打破(纪录等);超过; 突破 If someone beats a record or achievement, they do better than it. 【语法信息】:V n He was as eager as his Captain to beat the record. 他和队长一样渴望打破这项纪录。 11.VERB 动词战胜(某个组织、问题、疾病等) If you beat something that you are fighting against, for example an organization, a problem, or a disease, you defeat it. 【语法信息】:V n It became clear that the Union was not going to beat the government... 情况已然明朗,工会无法和政府抗衡。 They recognise that tough action offers the only hope of beating inflation... 他们认识到这一严厉举措是战胜通货膨胀的唯一希望。 Kate Jackson is expecting her first child at 43—two years after beating breast cancer. 凯特·杰克逊在43岁的时候怀上了第一个孩子——那时她战胜乳腺癌已经有两年了。 12.VERB 动词(常指暂时)击退,中断,中止 If an attack or an attempt is beaten off or is beaten back, it is stopped, often temporarily. 【语法信息】:be V-ed adv 【语法信息】:V adv n 【搭配模式】:usu passive The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents... 救援人员因风浪太大而被迫中断工作。 South Africa's ruling National Party has beaten off a right-wing challenge. 南非执政的国民党已经击退了右翼分子的一次挑战。 13.VERB 动词好于;优于;胜于 If you say that one thing beats another, you mean that it is better than it. 【语法信息】:V n 【搭配模式】:no cont 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Being boss of a software firm beats selling insurance... 当软件公司的老板比卖保险强多了。 Nothing quite beats the luxury of soaking in a long, hot bath at the end of a tiring day... 辛苦一天之后美美地泡个热水澡比什么都强。 For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat. 傍晚散步去迪耶普的海滩简直是不二之选。 14.VERB 动词没有比…更好的;什么也比不上;最好的莫过于 If you say you can't beat a particular thing you mean that it is the best thing of its kind. 【语法信息】:V n 【搭配模式】:no cont You can't beat soap and water for cleansing. 做清洁没有比用肥皂和水更好的了。 15.VERB 动词赶在…前面;抢先 To beat a time limit or an event means to achieve something before that time or event. 【语法信息】:V n They were trying to beat the midnight deadline... 他们要努力赶在午夜的最后期限之前完成。 Those who shop on Sunday to beat the rush are wasting their time. 那些为了在抢购高峰前下手而在星期天购物的人是在浪费时间。 16.N-COUNT 可数名词(警察的)辖区,巡逻区;(记者的)负责采访的区域 A police officer's or journalist's beat is the area for which he or she is responsible. The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat. 小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的群众。 17.VERB 动词把…难住;使不明白;使无法解释 You use beat in expressions such as 'It beats me' or 'What beats me is' to indicate that you cannot understand or explain something. 【语法信息】:V n 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语 'What am I doing wrong, anyway?' — 'Beats me, Lewis.'... “不管怎样,我到底做错了什么?”——“这我也不知道,刘易斯。” How you can be so insensitive absolutely beats me. 我真搞不懂你怎么会这么麻木。 18.PHRASE 短语滚开;走开 If you tell someone to beat it, you are telling them to go away. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语 Beat it before it's too late. 趁早滚开。 19.CONVENTION 惯用语(表示惊讶或恼怒)竟然有这种事?岂有此理! You can say Can you beat it? or Can you beat that? to show that you are surprised and perhaps annoyed about something. 【语用信息】:feelings 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa. 真是岂有此理!格雷厄姆·格林在弗里敦,而我却在非洲的另一边。 20.See also:beaten;beaten-up;beating;beat-up; 21.PHRASE 短语比…抢先行动;赶在…前面(做某事) If you intend to do something but someone beats you to it, they do it before you do. 【搭配模式】:V inflects Don't be too long about it or you'll find someone has beaten you to it. 别拖得太久,不然就会有人捷足先登了。 22.PHRASE 短语打不过,就入伙 If you can't beat them, join them means that, if someone is too strong for you to defeat, it is better to be on the same side as them. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 23.PHRASE 短语停顿;犹豫 If you say or do something without missing a beat, you continue to speak or do it, even though people might have expected you to hesitate or stop. 'Are you jealous?' — 'Only when I'm not in control,' he says, not missing a beat. “你眼红吗?”——“除非我把持不住自己,”他毫不犹豫地说道。 24.PHRASE 短语错失机会 If you say that someone never misses a beat, you mean that they always know what is going on and how they can take advantage of it. Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models since her marriage. 丝凯作为黄金海岸大红大紫的模特儿,自结婚以后从来就没有错失过任何机会。 25.PHRASE 短语(警察)值勤,当班,巡逻 A police officer on the beat is on duty, walking around the area for which he or she is responsible. 【搭配模式】:usu n PHR The officer on the beat picks up information; hears cries for help; makes people feel safe. 值勤警员注意观察情况,对救援呼叫及时反应,确保让百姓有一种安全感。 26.PHRASE 短语打拍子 If you beat time to a piece of music, you move your hand or foot up and down in time with the music. A conductor beats time to show the choir or orchestra how fast they should sing or play the music. 【搭配模式】:V inflects He beats time with hands and feet. 他手脚并用地打着拍子。 27. to beat someone black and blue→see: black; to beat someone's brains out→see: brain; to beat one's breast→see: breast; to beat about the bush→see: bush; to beat the clock→see: clock; to beat or knock the living daylights out of someone→see: daylights; to beat the drum for someone or something→see: drum; to beat someone at their own game→see: game; to beat a retreat→see: retreat; to beat a retreat→see: kick or knock the shit out of someone; to beat→see: shit; a stick to beat someone with→see: stick; beating-up There had been no violence, no beatings-up until then. 在那之前没有动粗打人。 相关词组: beat down beat out beat out of beat up beat up on [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 beat /ˈbiːt/ verb beats; beat; beaten /ˈbiːtn̩/ or chiefly US beat; beating 1 : to hit (something) repeatedly(反复地)敲,击,打 [+ object] He beat the door with his fists. = He beat his fists against/on the door. 他不停地用拳头砸门。 He beat the dusty rug with a stick. = He beat a stick against the dusty rug. 他用棍子敲打着满是灰尘的地毯。 He beat the dust out of the rug with a stick. 他用棍子敲打掉地毯上的灰尘。 She used a hammer to beat the metal into shape. 她用锤子把金属块捶打成形。 She used a hammer to beat the nail into the wall. 她用锤子把钉子钉在了墙上。 The dented metal was beaten flat. 那块有凹痕的金属被敲平了。 The waves were beating the shore. 波涛不停地拍打着岸边。 [no object] He beat at/against/on the door with his fists. 他不停地用拳头砸门。 The waves were beating on/against the shore. 波涛不停地拍打着岸边。 The rain beat on the roof. 雨水打在屋顶上。 2 [+ object] : to hit (someone) repeatedly in order to cause pain or injury狠打;猛揍 They beat him with clubs. 他们用棍子狠狠打了他一顿。 He was beaten badly/savagely/brutally. 他被人毒打了一顿。 a man accused of beating his wife 被指控虐打妻子的男人 They beat him to the ground. [=they hit him repeatedly and he fell to the ground] 他们一直打得他瘫倒在地。 They threatened to beat the (living) daylights out of him. [=to beat him very badly] 他们威胁说要把他揍扁。 He was beaten to death. 他被殴打致死。 — see also beating, beat up (below), beat up on (below) 3 : to hit (a drum) repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal击(鼓);敲(鼓) [+ object] The drummer kept beating his drum. 鼓手在不停地击鼓。 the sound of a beaten drum 敲鼓声 They beat (out) a message on their drums. 他们击鼓传信。 The drum kept beating (out) its rhythm. 有节奏的鼓声响个不停。 [no object] The drummer kept beating. 鼓手在不停地敲鼓。 The drum kept beating. 鼓声不断。 the sound of a beating drum 连续的击鼓声 — see also beat the drum for at 1drum 4 cooking : to stir or mix (something) in a forceful way搅拌;混合 [+ object] She used a whisk to beat the eggs. 她使用打蛋器打鸡蛋。 The recipe says you should beat the eggs lightly/thoroughly/well. 菜谱上说,你应该轻轻/充分/均匀地打散鸡蛋。 Slowly beat the sugar into the batter. = Slowly beat in the sugar. = Slowly beat the sugar in. 慢慢地把糖搅进面糊里。 [no object] Separate out the egg whites and beat until stiff. 先把蛋白分离出来,然后再打到发稠。 5 : to move (wings) with an up and down motion拍动,扇动(翅膀) [+ object] The bird was beating [=flapping] its wings. 那只鸟儿在不停地扇动着翅膀。 [no object] the sound of beating wings 扇动翅膀的声音 6 [no object] of the heart : to make the regular movements needed to pump blood(心脏)跳动,搏动 My heart was beating wildly/frantically with excitement and my pulse was racing! 我的心激动得狂跳起来,脉搏也加速了。 (humorous) We get free doughnuts? Be still, my beating heart! 甜甜圈不要钱?不行了,我的心都快要跳出来了! 7 [+ object] a : to defeat (someone) in a game, contest, etc.打败;击败;战胜 He gets very angry when I beat him at chess. 每当我下棋赢他的时候,他都会非常恼火。 We beat them 14 to 3. 我们14:3赢了他们。 Our team was badly beaten in the championship game. 我们队在锦标赛中一败涂地。 She was narrowly beaten in the previous election, but she won this time. 在上一次选举中,她被对手险胜,但这一次她获胜了。 We beat them soundly/convincingly/comfortably/easily/badly. = (US) We beat the pants off them. 我们把他们打得落花流水。 They tried to lure away our customers by offering deep discounts, but we beat them at their own game. [=we offered even deeper discounts than they did] 他们试图以压低折扣的方式抢走我们的顾客,没想到我们以其人之道还治其人之身,打败了他们。 ◊ People say if you can't beat them, join them or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em when they decide to do what other people are doing and to stop opposing them.打不赢,就投靠 b : to do better than (something)胜过;超出 She managed to beat the old record by several seconds. 她以几秒的优势成功打破纪录。 We can still beat the deadline if we work quickly. 如果我们快点干,还能赶在截止日期前完成任务。 His wonderful performance will be hard/tough to beat. = His wonderful performance will take some beating. [=it will be difficult for anyone to do better than his wonderful performance] 他表现得那么出色,很难有人能够超越。 Most new restaurants fail, but this one somehow managed to beat the odds. [=this one succeeded even though it did not have a good chance of succeeding] 大多数新开张的餐馆都倒闭了,但是这一家却奇迹般地生存了下来。 ◊ People say can you beat that? when they are surprised or angry about something.(对某事表示惊讶或愤慨)那怎么可能? Can you beat that?! A person like him being elected mayor! [=it is surprising or ridiculous to think that a person like him has been elected mayor] 那怎么可能呢?!像他那种人竟然当选了市长! c not used in progressive tenses : to be better than (something)优于;好过 For sheer luxury you can't beat a nice hot bath. = For sheer luxury, nothing beats a nice hot bath. = For sheer luxury, a nice hot bath beats anything. 要想彻底地舒服一下,泡个热水澡比什么都强。 d : to control or overcome (something)控制;克服 By working together we can beat crime! 只要我们团结协作,就一定能抑制住犯罪! (US) His favorite way of beating the heat [=remaining cool in hot weather] is to have a couple of cold beers. 他最喜欢的消暑方法就是喝几瓶冰镇啤酒。 e : to be too difficult for (someone)难倒;使困惑 This problem has beaten everyone. [=no one has been able to solve this problem] 这个问题难倒了所有人。 ◊ The informal expression (it) beats me means “I don't know.”我不清楚;我不知道 “How did she manage to fix the problem so quickly?” “Beats me.” “她怎么会这么快就把问题解决了?”“我也不清楚。” I don't believe anything he tells me. It beats me how people can continue to trust him. 我不相信他跟我说的任何事情,真不知道别人怎么还会相信他。 8 [+ object] a : to come, arrive, or act before (someone or something)抢…之先;赶在…之前 I beat him narrowly to the finish line. [=I reached the finish line slightly before he did] 我略微抢先于他冲过终点线。 I bet I can beat you to the front door! 我打赌我能比你先到前门。 I wondered which of us would finish our work first, but she beat me to it by two days. [=she finished two days before I did] 我之前还寻思着我们俩谁能最先完成任务呢,结果她比我提前了两天完成。 b : to avoid having problems with (something) by acting earlier避开;避免 We left early so that we could beat the traffic. 我们提早出发了,以便避开交通高峰时段。 We got to the store when it opened and managed to beat the rush. 商店一开门我们就进去了,刚好避开购物高峰。 beat a dead horse — see 1horse beat a path : to make a path by walking over the ground many times走出,踏出(小路) They beat a path through the woods to the stream. 他们踏出了一条穿过树林通往小溪的路。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 If you work hard and well, success will beat a path to your door. [=you will be very successful] 如果你工作努力又出色,成功将会接踵而至。 beat a retreat : to leave quickly迅速离开;匆匆走开 A group of teenagers was causing trouble, but they beat a hasty retreat when the cops arrived. 那群小青年正在惹事,但警察一来他们便赶紧跑掉了。 beat around/about the bush — see bush beat back [phrasal verb] beat back (someone) or beat (someone) back : to force (someone) to go back or to retreat by fighting打退;击退;逼退 Our troops were beaten back by enemy forces. 我们的部队被敌军逼退了。 beat down [phrasal verb] 1 of the sun : to shine down with great heat and strength(太阳)暴晒,直射 The blazing sun was beating down on us mercilessly/relentlessly. 似火的骄阳无情地直射在我们身上。 2 beat (something) down or beat down (something) : to hit (something, such as a door) so that it falls down把…击倒;使…倒下 The police had to beat down the door to get into the house. 警方不得不破门而入。 The storm beat down the crops. 风暴刮倒了庄稼。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Years of failure had beaten him down. [=had caused him to lose hope or spirit] 年复一年的失败早已把他击垮了。 3 chiefly British a beat (someone) down or beat down (someone) : to cause (someone) to lower a price使(某人)降价 I beat her down from £30 to £15. 我让她把价格从30英镑减到15英镑。 b beat (a price) down or beat down (a price) : to cause someone to lower (a price)杀价;压价 I beat her asking price down from £30 to £15. 我把她的开价从30英镑杀到15英镑。 beat it informal : to go away quickly迅速离开;跑掉 The teenagers beat it when the cops arrived. 警察赶到后,那些小青年赶紧跑了。 — often used as a command常用作命令 Stop bothering me. Beat it! [=get lost] 别烦我,走开! beat off [phrasal verb] 1 beat off (someone or something) or beat (someone or something) off : to force (someone or something) to go away by fighting打退;击退;逐走 She managed to beat off her attacker. 她成功地击退了袭击者。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The company has managed to beat off [=fight off] its competitors and maintain control of the market. 这家公司成功击败了众多竞争对手,掌控了市场。 2 US, informal + impolite, of a man : masturbate beat out [phrasal verb] 1 beat out (something) or beat (something) out a : to put out (a fire) by beating扑灭(火) The fire was raging but we managed to beat it out. 火势不断蔓延,但我们最终将它扑灭了。 b baseball : to turn (a ground ball) into a base hit by running fast to first base(击跑员先于球到达一垒而)使(滚地球)成为安打 He beat out a bunt. 他借触击球上一垒。 2 beat out (someone or something) or beat (someone or something) out US : to defeat or overcome (a person, team, etc.)击败;战胜 They were beaten out [=beaten] in the semifinals. 他们在半决赛中输了。 She thought she would get the job, but someone else beat her out. [=someone else got the job] 她以为自己会得到那份工作,结果却被别人得到了。 beat someone to the punch — see 2punch beat the clock — see 1clock beat the rap — see 1rap beat up [phrasal verb] beat up (someone) or beat (someone) up : to hurt or injure (someone) by hitting痛打;狠揍 A gang of bullies threatened to beat him up. 一伙暴徒威胁说要狠狠揍他一顿。 He was beaten up badly by the bullies. 他被一群流氓打得遍体鳞伤。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 a politician who is getting beat/beaten up by liberal/conservative critics 被自由派/保守派的批评家们批得体无完肤的政治人物 He's been beating himself up [=he has been harshly blaming or criticizing himself] because of the failure of his marriage. 他因为失败的婚姻而一直非常自责。 — see also beat-up beat up on [phrasal verb] beat up on (someone) US, informal : to hit (someone) repeatedly in order to cause pain or injury : to beat (someone)痛打;狠揍 A gang of bullies was beating up on him. 一群歹徒正在对他大打出手。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 a politician who is getting beat up on by his critics 惨遭评论家抨击的政治人物 to beat the band — see 1band — beatable /ˈbiːtəbəl/ adjective an easily beatable opponent [=an opponent that can be easily defeated] 可轻而易举击败的对手 2 beat /ˈbiːt/ noun plural beats 1 a [count] : the act of beating敲;击;打 a single beat on a drum 在鼓上的一击 a beat of the bird's wings 鸟翼的扇动 a single beat of his heart [=a single heartbeat] 他的一次心跳 — see also heart skipped a beat at heart b [singular] : a sound produced by beating敲击声;击打声 We could hear the steady beat of the waves against the shore. 我们能听见波涛有节奏的拍岸声。 They danced to the beat of the drums. 他们踩着鼓点跳舞。 listening to the beat of his heart 听听他的心跳声 2 a [count] : a loud or strong sound that occurs regularly in music or poetry(音乐或诗歌的)强音拍 music that has four beats to a bar 每小节四拍的音乐 — see also downbeat b [singular] : the regular pattern of sounds in music or poetry : rhythm(音乐或诗歌的)节拍,节奏 She likes music with a Latin beat. 她喜欢拉丁节奏的音乐。 a pounding beat 有力的节奏 The music had a steady beat. 这首曲子节奏稳健。 3 [count] : a place or area that someone (such as a policeman) regularly goes to, walks through, or covers as part of a job(经常去或经过的)路线,地点,区域— usually singular通常用单数 The policeman was patrolling/pounding his/the beat. = The policeman was on his/the beat. 那名警察正在自己的辖区巡逻。 a reporter's beat 记者的工作站 miss a beat chiefly US : to have difficulty in continuing : to stop or hesitate briefly暂时地停止;迟疑片刻 He answered their questions without missing a beat. [=he answered all their questions very easily and without hesitating] 他毫不犹疑地回答了他们的所有问题。 He answered all their questions and never missed a beat. 他一口气回答了他们的所有问题。 He didn't miss a beat. 他一气呵成。 3 beat /ˈbiːt/ adjective not used before a noun informal : very tired : exhausted筋疲力尽;疲惫不堪 Let me sit down. I'm absolutely beat! 让我坐坐,累死我了! [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beautiful

    英 ['bjuːtɪfl]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692190998-e8008e06909d08b.mp3"][/audio]  美 ['bjuːtɪfl] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692191006-e8008e06909d08b.mp3"][/audio]    adj. 美丽的;好的;出色的 副词: beautifully 名词: beautifulness [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beautiful 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:32 /ˈbjuːtəfəl/ a. 美的,美丽的,美观的 高考真题原句提选: They all looked beautiful. There were beautiful old buildings in the city. 二、词组|习惯用语 so beautiful 如此美丽;如此漂亮 beautiful girl 美丽姑娘 beautiful woman 美人;漂亮的女人 how beautiful 如此美好;美极了 beautiful view 美丽的景色,美丽景观 life is beautiful 美丽人生(电影名称) beautiful people 美丽的人民,名流 beautiful lady 美丽的女人 beautiful eyes 美丽的眼睛 beautiful design 造型优美 beautiful morning 美丽的早晨 beautiful work 完美的工作 very beautiful flowers 姹紫嫣红 三、词根记忆 beautiful a. 美的,美麗的;出色的,完美的In the beautiful bureau my daughter's laughter served for the sauce of the sausage.在漂亮的辦公署,女兒的笑聲充當了香腸的調料. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beau·ti·ful / 5bju:tifl / adjective 1. having beauty; pleasing to the senses or to the mind 美丽的;美好的: a beautiful woman / face / baby / voice / poem / smell / evening 漂亮的女人/面孔/婴儿;美妙的声音/诗歌/香味/夜晚 beautiful countryside / weather / music 美丽的乡村;美好的天气;美妙的音乐 2. very good or skilful 很好的;出色的;巧妙的: What beautiful timing! 时间把握得正好! [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beautiful /ˈbjuːtəfəl/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective 1  someone or something that is beautiful is extremely attractive to look at 美丽的,美好的,优美的 She was even more beautiful than I had remembered. 她比我记忆中更美。 a beautiful bunch of flowers 一束美丽的花 2  very good or giving you great pleasure 极好的,妙极的 SYN lovely beautiful music 美妙的音乐 What a beautiful shot! 多么漂亮的射门! The weather was beautiful. 天气好极了。 ► see thesaurus at good —beautifully adverb [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beautiful ★★★★☆ 1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词美丽的;漂亮的 A beautiful person is very attractive to look at. She was a very beautiful woman... 她是个大美女。 To me he is the most beautiful child in the world. 对我来说,他是世界上最美丽的孩子。 2.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词美好的;极好的;美妙的 If you describe something as beautiful, you mean that it is very attractive or pleasing. New England is beautiful... 新英格兰很美。 It was a beautiful morning... 那是一个美妙的早晨。 He has beautiful manners. 他举止优雅。 beautifully The children behaved beautifully. 孩子们很乖。 ...a beautifully clear, sunny day. 晴好的艳阳天 3.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词巧妙的;娴熟的;漂亮的 You can describe something that someone does as beautiful when they do it very skilfully. That's a beautiful shot! 射得漂亮! beautifully Arsenal played beautifully. 阿森纳队踢得赏心悦目。 Usage Note : When you are describing someone's appearance, you usually use beautiful and pretty to describe women, girls, and babies. Beautiful is a much stronger word than pretty. The equivalent word for a man is handsome. Good-looking and attractive can be used to describe people of either sex. 在描述人的外貌时,通常用 beautiful 和 pretty 来形容女人、女孩和婴儿。beautiful 语气比 pretty 强烈得多。形容男性的对应词是 handsome。good-looking 和 attractive 既可以形容女性,也可以形容男性。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ adjective [more beautiful; most beautiful] 1 : having beauty: such as美的;美丽的;美好的 a : very attractive in a physical way(身材或外表)美丽的,漂亮的,迷人的 a beautiful young woman/child 漂亮的年轻女子/小孩 You have the most beautiful smile/eyes. 你有着世上最迷人的笑容/眼睛。 b : giving pleasure to the mind or the senses(给精神或感官)带来愉悦的;美妙的 The film tells a beautiful story about two young lovers. 影片讲述了一对年轻恋人间的美好故事。 a beautiful song 优美的歌曲 a beautiful dress/color/garden/house 漂亮的连衣裙/颜色/花园/房子 Our hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean. 在我们宾馆的房间可看到美丽的海景。 The sunsets here are absolutely beautiful. 这里的日落美极了。 2 : very good or pleasing : not having any bad qualities极好的;令人愉悦的;完美的 We've been having such beautiful [=excellent, fine] weather lately. 最近的天气一直晴朗宜人。 a beautiful sunny day 美丽的艳阳天 What a beautiful day for a picnic! 真是个野餐的好天气! They did a beautiful job [=an excellent job] fixing up the house. 他们装修房子的活儿干得漂亮极了。 a beautiful friendship/relationship 美好的友谊/爱情 This is a beautiful example of early American poetry. 这是美国早期诗歌的经典之作。 — beautifully /ˈbjuːtɪfli/ adverb You sang beautifully. 你唱得真是太好了。 a beautifully written poem 优美的诗作 Synonyms同义词 beautiful, pretty, lovely, and handsome describe people and things that are pleasing to look at, hear, etc.*beautiful、pretty、lovely和handsome均用于形容令人愉悦的人或事物。 beautiful applies to things that give the greatest pleasure and cause people to feel strong emotions. *beautiful用于形容最令人愉悦且使人产生强烈情感的事物。 beautiful sunsets 美丽的落日 a beautiful poem 优美的诗篇 When used of a person, it usually describes a woman, girl, or small child.指人时,通常用于形容女人、女孩或小孩。 She's the most beautiful woman I've ever met. 她是我见过的最美丽的女人。 Their son was a beautiful baby. 他们的儿子是个漂亮的宝宝。 pretty often applies to small things that are attractive in a delicate way.*pretty常用于形容精致漂亮的小东西。 a pretty little dress with pink ribbons 系着粉色丝带的漂亮的小连衣裙 He paints pretty pictures and sells them on the street. 他画了些精美的画摆在街上出售。 When used of a person, it almost always describes a woman or girl.指人时,几乎总是用于形容女人或女孩。 their pretty daughter 他们漂亮的女儿 She looked very pretty in her new dress. 穿上新连衣裙,她看上去格外漂亮。 lovely applies to things that make people feel strong emotions by being very graceful or delicate.*lovely用于形容使人产生强烈情感的优美雅致的事物。 a lovely melody 优美动听的旋律 When used to describe a person's appearance, it almost always refers to a woman or girl.形容人的外表时,几乎总是用于指女人或女孩。 They have two lovely daughters. 他们有两个可爱的女儿。 It can also describe a person's character, and in this use it refers to both women and men.它亦可用于形容人的性格,这时可用于指男人和女人。 My uncle is a lovely man. [=a very good man] 我叔叔是个大好人。 handsome applies to things that are attractive because they have a balanced design or shape.*handsome用于形容样式或造型协调、匀称的东西。 a handsome house surrounded by gardens 被花园环绕的漂亮房子 She wore a handsome gray suit to the office. 她身着笔挺的灰色西装去上班。 When used to describe a person, it usually refers to a man or boy.指人时,通常用于指男人或男孩。 their handsome son 他们那帅气的儿子 a very handsome actor 十分英俊的男演员 He has a strong, handsome face. 他面容刚毅英俊。 A woman who is described as handsome is attractive but usually not in a very delicate or feminine way.被形容为hand-some的女子,通常很有魅力但并非很柔弱或很有女人味。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beauty

    英 ['bjuːti] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692191221-bd273e238dc0305.mp3"][/audio]    美 ['bjuːti] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692191230-bd273e238dc0305.mp3"][/audio]    n. 美人;美丽;美的东西 名词复数: beauties [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beauty 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:13 教材出处:译林版必修B1U4 /ˈbjuːtɪ/ n. beauties 0 美;美景;美人 高考真题原句提选: Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. 二、词组|习惯用语 natural beauty 自然美 beauty salon n. 美容院 sense of beauty n. 美感;审美感 beauty of nature 美丽的大自然,自然美 beauty contest 选美比赛 sleeping beauty n. [植]睡美人;白花酢浆草 beauty spot 风景区;美人痣 inner beauty 内在美 physical beauty n. 人体美 beauty shop 美容院 beauty itself 非常美丽 beauty treatment 美容 beauty queen 选美大赛王后,第一美女 beauty parlor 美容院 beauty parlour 美容院;美容室 beauty and the beast 《美女与野兽》(动画片) american beauty 月月红(美国产四季开花的红蔷薇) scenic beauty 美丽的风景 essence of beauty 美的本质 beauty sleep n. 午夜前之睡眠;小睡 三、词根记忆 beauty n. 美,美麗;美人,美麗的事物Her beauty is magical.她美麗無比. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beauty / 5bju:ti / noun (pl. -ies) 1. [U] the quality of being pleasing to the senses or to the mind 美;美丽: the beauty of the sunset / of poetry / of his singing 落日/诗作/他的歌声之美 a woman of great beauty 大美人 The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty. 这片森林被划定为超级自然美景区。 beauty products / treatment (= intended to make a person more beautiful) 美容产品;美容 2. [C] a person or thing that is beautiful 美人;美好的东西: She had been a beauty in her day. 她年轻时是个美人。 3. [C] an excellent example of its type 极好的榜样;典型的例子: That last goal was a beauty! 最后进的一球真绝! 4. [C] a pleasing feature 好处;优点 SYN advantage : One of the beauties of living here is that it's so peaceful. 在这里生活的好处之一是安宁。 The project will require very little work to start up; that's the beauty of it. 这项工程几乎不需要启动工作,好就好在这里。 IDIOMS ▪ beauty is in the eye of the 'beholder (saying) people all have different ideas about what is beautiful 情人眼里出西施;对美的判别因人而异 ▪ beauty is only skin-'deep (saying) how a person looks is less important than their character 美貌不过一张皮;貌美不如心灵美 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beauty /ˈbjuːti/ ●●● S3 W2 noun (plural beauties) 1  APPEARANCE 外表 [uncountable] a quality that people, places, or things have that makes them very attractive to look at 美,美丽,漂亮 her beauty and grace 她的美貌和优雅风姿 an area of outstanding natural beauty 一个自然风景极美的地区 Millions of dollars are spent each year on beauty products. 每年都有上千万的钱花在美容产品上。 2  WOMAN 女性 [countable] a woman who is very beautiful 美人 She was considered a great beauty in her youth. 她年轻时被视为大美人。 3  POEM/MUSIC/EMOTION ETC 诗歌/音乐/情感等 [uncountable] a quality that something such as a poem, song, emotion etc has that gives you pleasure or joy 美感 beauty of the beauty of Shakespeare’s verse 莎士比亚诗歌的美 4  ADVANTAGE 优点the beauty of something a particularly good quality that makes something especially suitable or useful 某事物的优点[好处、妙处] The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of use. 电子邮件的好处就是快捷和便利。 5  [countable] spoken a very good, large etc example of something 绝好的东西 You should have seen the boat – a real beauty. 你应该一早看看那艘船——棒极了。 6. beauty is in the eye of the beholder used to say that different people have different opinions about what is beautiful 情人眼里出西施;对美的判别因人而异 7. beauty is only skin-deep used to say that how someone looks is not as important as a good character 美貌只是一张皮,内在美比外在美更重要 Origin beauty (1200-1300) Old French biauté, from bel, biau “beautiful”, from Latin bellus “pretty” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beauty ★★★☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词美丽;漂亮 Beauty is the state or quality of being beautiful. ...an area of outstanding natural beauty... 自然美景美不胜收的景区 Everyone admired her elegance and her beauty. 人人都羡慕她的优雅和美丽。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词美女;美人 A beauty is a beautiful woman. 【FIELD标签】:JOURNALISM 新闻 She is known as a great beauty. 她是出了名的大美女。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词极好的事物 You can say that something is a beauty when you think it is very good. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 The pass was a real beauty, but the shot was poor. 传得非常漂亮,但是临门一脚太臭了。 4.N-COUNT 可数名词魅力;美好;吸引人之处 The beauties of something are its attractive qualities or features. 【搭配模式】:usu pl 【STYLE标签】:LITERARY 文 He was beginning to enjoy the beauties of nature. 他开始享受大自然之美。 5.ADJ 形容词美容的 Beauty is used to describe people, products, and activities that are concerned with making women look beautiful. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n Additional beauty treatments can be booked in advance. 额外的美容服务可以提前预订。 6.N-COUNT 可数名词好处;妙处;优点 If you say that a particular feature is the beauty of something, you mean that this feature is what makes the thing so good. 【搭配模式】:usu the N of n There would be no effect on animals—that's the beauty of such water-based materials. 对动物毫无影响——水基材料妙就妙在这儿。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beauty /ˈbjuːti/ noun plural beauties 1 [noncount] : the quality of being physically attractive(外貌的)美,美丽 Her beauty is beyond compare. [=she is very beautiful; no one is as beautiful as she is] 她的美貌无与伦比。 — sometimes used before another noun有时用于另一名词前 beauty products [=soaps, makeup, and other things that help make people more physically attractive] 美容产品 a beauty treatment 美容 2 : the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind(愉悦感官或精神的)美,美丽 [noncount] the beauty [=loveliness] of the stars 明星的魅力 We explored the natural beauty of the island. 我们领略了这座岛的自然美景。 I'm learning to appreciate the beauty of poetry. 我正在学习欣赏诗歌的美。 We have different ideas/notions/conceptions of beauty. [=different opinions about what makes things beautiful] 我们有着截然不同的审美观。 “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever…” “美丽的东西将永远赏心悦目…” John Keats, Endymion (1818)约翰·济慈,《恩底弥翁》(1818) [plural] We explored the natural beauties of the island. 我们领略了这座岛的自然美景。 3 [count] : a beautiful woman美女 She was one of the great beauties of her time. 她是那个时代的几大美女之一。 She was no beauty. 她不是美女。 4 [count] informal : a very good thing : a very good example of something绝妙的事物;典型的例子 That was a beauty of a fight. [=that was an excellent fight] 那是一场经典之战。 Dad and I went fishing and we caught a couple of beauties. 我和爸爸一起去钓鱼,钓到了好几条大鱼。 — often used in an ironic way to describe a bad thing or person常用作讽刺之意,指糟糕的东西或人 That mistake was a beauty. 那个错误真够绝的。 5 : a good or appealing part of something优点;妙处 [noncount] The beauty of the game is that everyone can play. 这个游戏的优点在于人人都可以参与。 No one knows when it's going to happen, and that's the beauty of it! 没人知道它什么时候会发生,这就是它的妙处! [count] One of the beauties of the system is that it allows you to adjust the schedule easily. 这一体系的优点之一是便于调整计划。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • because

    英 [bɪ'kɒz]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692191454-cc70865f1ecd933.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'kɔːz] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692191467-cc70865f1ecd933.mp3"][/audio]    conj. 因为;由于 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 because 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:258 /bɪˈkɔz, bɪˈkəz/ conj. 因为 高考真题原句提选: Many animals recognize their food because they see it. We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us. Food prices have increased because of higher oil prices. I've learned to get over bad life's experiences and learned how to move on because of her. To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of thinking that I completely changed my life. 二、词组|习惯用语 because of adv. 因为;由于 三、词根记忆 because conj.因為,由於The applause paused because of the cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.掌聲停了是因為一條謹慎的似乎有理的條款引起的原因. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be·cause / bi5kCz; -5kEz; NAmE -5kC:z; -5kQz / conjunction for the reason that 因为: I did it because he told me to. 是他吩咐我才做的。 Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied. 就因为我不发牢骚,大家便以为我满意了。 • because of prep.: They are here because of us. 他们是因为我们来这里的。 He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。 Because of his wife('s) being there, I said nothing about it. 他的妻子在场,我便没提及这事。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] because1 /bɪˈkɒz, bɪˈkəz $ bɪˈkɒːz, bɪˈkəz/ ●●● S1 W1 conjunction 1  used when you are giving the reason for something 因为 We didn’t enjoy the day because the weather was so awful. 那天我们很不尽兴,因为天气实在太糟。 ‘Why can’t I go?’ ‘Because you’re not old enough.’ “我为什么不能去?”“因为你年纪太小。” Hubert never experienced any fear, and this was partly because he was not particularly intelligent. 休伯特从来都没有害怕的感觉,部分原因是他这人不大聪明。 Many exam candidates lose marks simply because they do not read the questions properly. 许多应试者失分只是因为没有好好地读题。 I decided to go with them, mainly because I had nothing better to do. 我决定和他们一起去,主要是因为我没有更好的事情可做。 2  just because ... spoken used to say that, although one thing is true, it does not mean that something else is true 仅仅因为… Just because you’re my brother doesn’t mean I have to like you! 你是我兄弟,那也不代表我一定得喜欢你呀!  THESAURUS because2 ●●● S1 W1 preposition because of somebody/something used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something 因为某人/某事物 He had to retire because of ill health. 他因为健康问题不得不退休。 We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you! 因为你,我们在雨里等了三个小时!  Register Origin because (1300-1400) by cause (that) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] because ★★★★★ 1.CONJ-SUBORD 连词(说明原因)因为,由于 You use because when stating the reason for something. He is called Mitch, because his name is Mitchell... 人们叫他米奇,因为他大名叫米切尔。 Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, you can't build on it... 考虑到这一带自然风光旖旎,你不能建在这里。 Women are doing the job well. This is partly because women are increasingly moving into a man's world... 女性工作出色,部分原因在于她们越来越多地涉足男性的领域。 'Why didn't you tell me, Archie?'— 'Because you might have casually mentioned it to somebody else.' “你怎么没告诉我呀,阿奇?”——“因为你可能会一不小心说了出去。” 2.CONJ-SUBORD 连词(作出解释)因为 You use because when stating the explanation for a statement you have just made. Maybe they just didn't want to ask too many questions, because they rented us a room without even asking to see our papers... 也许他们只是懒得问太多的问题,因为他们都没要求看我们的证件就把一个房间租给我们了。 The President has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks with the United States... 总统玩了一场高明的外交游戏,因为从一开始他就要求和美国直接对话。 I had a sense of déjà-vu because I could recognise everything in London. 我有一种似曾相识的感觉,因为我能认出伦敦的一切。 3.PREP-PHRASE 短语介词因为;由于 If an event or situation occurs because of something, that thing is the reason or cause. Many families break up because of a lack of money... 许多家庭由于缺钱而破裂。 Because of the law in Ireland, we had to work out a way of getting her over to Britain. 由于爱尔兰的法律所限,我们不得不想办法把她弄到英国去。 4.PHR-CONJ-SUBORD 仅仅因为 You use just because when you want to say that a particular situation should not necessarily make you come to a particular conclusion. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语 Just because it has a good tune does not mean it is great music... 仅凭旋律优美并不见得就是一首杰出的音乐作品。 Just because something has always been done a certain way does not make it right. 仅仅因为老是以某种方式做事并不意味着这么做就是对的。 Usage Note : You can use because, as, since, or for to give an explanation for something. Because is the commonest of these, and is used when answering a question beginning with 'why?'.You can use as or since instead of because to introduce a clause containing a reason for something, especially in writing. ...a note about The National Portrait Gallery, as the word 'Gallery' can be misleading... Since the juice is quite strong, you should always dilute it. In stories, for is sometimes used to explain or justify something. He seemed to be in need of company, for he suddenly went back into the house. Note that because is a conjunction, and is used to link two ideas within one sentence. I'm unsocial, because of my deafness. because, as, since 或者 for 都可以用来给出解释。because 最常用,用来回答以 why 开头的疑问句。as 或 since 可以代替 because 引导原因从句,尤其是在书面语中:a note about The National Portrait Gallery, as the word ‘Gallery’ can be misleading(对 The National Portrait Gallery 的注释,因为 Gallery 一词容易令人误解),Since the juice is quite strong, you should always dilute it(这种果汁太浓,所以必须加以稀释)。在故事中,for有时用于解释或论证:He seemed to be in need of company, for he suddenly went back into the house(他看起来需要陪伴,因为他突然回到了屋里)。注意,because 是连词,用来连接一个句子中的两个观点:I'm unsocial, because of my deafness(我耳朵聋,所以不善交际)。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] because /bɪˈkɑːz/ /bɪˈkʌz/ conjunction : for the reason that因为;由于 I ran because I was afraid. 我因为害怕就跑了。 We were late because our car wouldn't start. = Because our car wouldn't start, we were late. 我们因为汽车抛锚而迟到了。 “Why did you do it?” “Because she told me to.” “你为什么这样做呢?”“因为是她让我这样做的。” because of : for the reason of因为;由于 The picnic has been canceled because of [=due to, on account of] bad weather. 由于天气不好,野餐活动被取消了。 Because of this [=for this reason], only very rich people can afford to live on the island. 由于这个原因,只有非常有钱的人才能住得起这个岛。 Because of you, we missed the bus. [=you caused us to miss the bus] 都是因为你我们才没赶上那班公共汽车。 The accident happened because of [=through] carelessness. 由于粗心大意,造成了那起事故。 just because : for the simple or single reason that只是因为;仅仅是由于 Don't get nervous just because the teacher might ask you a question. 别因为老师有可能提问你,就过于紧张。 We can't assume it will rain today just because it rained yesterday. 我们不能仅仅因为昨天下雨了,就认为今天也会下雨。 Just because your friends do it, that doesn't mean that you should do it, too. 你朋友这样做了并不意味着你也应该这样做。 collins双解词典 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • become

    英 [bɪ'kʌm]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692210799-86280ac8a7f8881.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'kʌm] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692210814-86280ac8a7f8881.mp3"][/audio]    v. 变成;成为;变得;适合(某人);使(人)显得漂亮 过去式: became 过去分词: become 现在分词: becoming 第三人称单数: becomes [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 become (became become) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:77 /bɪˈkʌm/ v. 变得;成为 高考真题原句提选: When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. I tell my mom that if we’re forced to eat things, we may become ill. The birds then become a good meal for cats and other animals. The problem will become more serious in the future. He becomes the first rider ever to win the race three times. Elizabeth Blackwell, however, was determined to become a doctor. Shantzis believes his system could help recycled materials become more cost-effective. Choosing the right food, therefore, has become an area of study in modern life. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class. David Gram has become a familiar face to millions of fans of Animal Hospital. In 1927, he became a teacher of Ohio State University where he further developed a new method of testing. became 全国卷频次:70 /bɪˈkeɪm/ Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. Begin at the grocery store. 二、词组|习惯用语 become one 成为一体,结合 become a member 成为一名成员/会员 become of 使遭遇…;…降临于;发生…情况 become a doctor 成为一名医生 become extinct 灭绝;绝种 become aware of 知道;发觉 become accustomed to 习惯于;对…变得习以为常 become used to 习惯于…;适应于… become involved in 使卷入,使陷入 become interested in 对……感兴趣 become due 到期 become conscious of 观察到 become deformed 变形 become attached to 结缘;喜爱;对…有依赖 become one flesh 成为一体 become insolvent 破产 三、词根记忆 become vi. 變成,開始變得vt.適合,同…相稱With shortcomings overcome, the outcome become welcome.隨著缺點被克服,結果變得受歡迎. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] become [bɪˈkʌm] (became /become) be'come of sb/sth ( formal) ■to happen to sb/sth发生在…上: I wonder what became of the people who lived next door. 我不知道原来住隔壁的人怎么样了。 What will become of us if I lose my job? 如果我丢了工作,我们会怎么样? ■[NOTE]Become of sb/sth is always used in a question with what. become of sb/sth 总是用于带what的疑问句。 [G]v+prep [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be·come / bi5kQm / verb (be·came / bi5keim / , be·come) 1. linking verb to start to be sth 开始变得;变成: ▪ [V-ADJ] It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary. 他越来越难以靠他的工资维持生计了。 It soon became apparent that no six was going to come. 很快就很清楚,没人会来。 She was becoming confused. 她开始糊涂了。 ▪ [V-N] She became queen in 1952. 她于 1952 年成为女王。 The bill will become law next year. 该议案将于明年成为法律。 2. [VN] [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to be suitable for sb 适合(某人);(与…)相称: Such behaviour did not become her. 这种举止与她的身分不相称。 3. [VN] [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to look attractive on sb 使(人)显得漂亮;使好看 SYN suit : Short hair really becomes you. 你理短发的确很帅。 IDIOMS ▪ what became, has become, will become of sb / sth? used to ask what has happened or what will happen to sb / sth (遭遇)如何;(结果)怎么样: What became of that student who used to live with you? 以前和你住在一起的那个学生后来怎么样了? I dread to think what will become of them if they lose their home. 我不敢设想他们如果无家可归将会怎么样。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] become /bɪˈkʌm/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense became /-ˈkeɪm/, past participle become) 1  [linking verb] to start to have a feeling or quality, or to start to develop into something 变成,变得 The weather became warmer. 天气变暖和了。 Slowly my eyes became accustomed to the darkness. 我的眼睛渐渐适应了黑暗。 Helen became increasingly anxious about her husband’s strange behaviour. 海伦越来越担心她丈夫的反常行为。 Pollution from cars has become a major problem. 汽车污染已成为严重的问题。 2  [linking verb] to start to have a job or position 成为,变成 George became king at the age of 54. 乔治在54岁时当上了国王。 When did you first want to become a teacher? 你最早是什么时候想要当一名教师的? 3  [transitive not in progressive] formal to be suitable for someone, or to look attractive on them 适合 SYN suit Blue really becomes her. 蓝色非常适合她。 Don’t try to be clever – it doesn’t become you. 不要装聪明——这样跟你不相称。 4  what became of ... ? whatever will become of ... ? used to ask what has happened to someone or something, especially when you have not seen them for a long time, or what will happen to someone that you are worried about …怎么样了?/…会怎么样? What became of those Chinese vases that Mum used to have? 妈妈以前的那些中国花瓶呢? Whatever will become of Sam when his wife dies? 如果妻子死了,萨姆会怎么样呢?  THESAURUS Origin become Old English becuman “to come to, become”, from cuman “to come” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] become ★★★★★ The form become is used in the present tense and is the past participle. become 的过去分词与原形相同。 1.V-LINK 连系动词变成;成为;变得 If someone or something becomes a particular thing, they start to change and develop into that thing, or start to develop the characteristics mentioned. 【语法信息】:V adj 【语法信息】:V -ed 【语法信息】:V n I first became interested in Islam while I was doing my nursing training... 我在接受护理培训的时候开始对伊斯兰教产生了兴趣。 The cocoa industry dwindled because it became increasingly difficult to cover costs... 由于越来越难以收回成本,可可产业日渐衰落。 During the 1980s the world's financial systems became more open... 在20世纪80年代,世界金融体系变得更加开放。 The pilot decided to land, but as we lost altitude the wind became stronger... 飞行员决定着陆,但随着我们越飞越低,风变得越来越大。 As she reached the age of thirty she became convinced she would remain single all her life... 步入而立之年时,她确信自己会独身一辈子。 After leaving school, he became a professional footballer... 走出校门后,他成了一名职业足球运动员。 In 1823 Honduras became a part of the United Provinces of Central America. 1823年,洪都拉斯成为了中美洲联邦的一部分。 2.VERB 动词适合;适宜;与…相称 If something becomes someone, it makes them look attractive or it seems right for them. 【语法信息】:V n 【搭配模式】:no passive Does khaki become you?... 卡其布适合你吗? Don't be crude tonight, Bernard, it doesn't become you. 今晚别说荤话,伯纳德,说荤话可不好。 3.PHRASE 短语…怎么样了;…会怎么样 If you wonder what has become of someone or something, you wonder where they are and what has happened to them. 【搭配模式】:V inflects She thought constantly about her family; she might never know what had become of them... 她一直挂念着家人;她也许再也听不到他们的消息了。 Where will he go to school now he's been thrown out of Eton? What will become of him? 现在他被伊顿公学开除了,他去哪儿上学呢?他将来又会怎样呢? [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] become /bɪˈkʌm/ verb becomes; became /-ˈkeɪm/ ; /bɪˈkeɪm/; become; becoming 1 [linking verb] : to begin to be or come to be something specified成为;变为;变成 Although I've known him for years, we didn't become close friends until recently. 虽然我与他相识多年,但直到最近我们才成了好朋友。 She won the election, becoming the first woman to be President of the nation. 她在大选中获胜,成为这个国家的首任女总统。 They both became teachers. 他们俩都当上了老师。 : to begin to have a specified quality开始具有…特质;变得 The book has become quite popular. 这本书现在很受欢迎。 We became interested in the property last year. 去年,我们开始对这块房地产有了兴趣。 The crackers had become stale. 这些饼干已经变质了。 It's becoming [=getting] quite cold in the evenings. 晚上天气会变得越来越冷。 It eventually became clear that he had lied. 事情最终真相大白,是他说了谎。 She's become [=gotten] somewhat cynical. 她变得有点愤世嫉俗了。 2 [+ object] formal a not used in progressive tenses : to look attractive on (someone) : to be flattering to (someone)使好看;使漂亮 That dress becomes you. 你穿上那件连衣裙真好看。 b : to be suitable for (someone) : to be proper for (someone)适合(某人);与…相称 Though poor, he carried himself with a dignity becoming [=befitting] a king. 他虽然穷困潦倒,却俨然一副国王的气派。 This kind of behavior hardly becomes a person of your age and position. 这种行为与你的年龄和地位大不相称。 become of : to happen to…怎么样 Whatever became of our old friend? I haven't heard from her in years. 我们的那位老朋友近况如何?我已经多年没有她的消息了。 I don't know what became of my keys. I can't find them anywhere. 我的钥匙哪儿去了,我到处找也没有找到。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bed

    英 [bed]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211094-001cbc059a402b3.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bed] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211104-001cbc059a402b3.mp3"][/audio]    n. 床;基座;底层;河床;花坛;苗圃;地层 v. 安置; 过去式: bedded 过去分词: bedded 现在分词: bedding 第三人称单数: beds [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bed 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:37 /bed/ n. beds 13 床;(河)床;(海等的)底;花坛;苗圃;菜园 高考真题原句提选: One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants. But they do feel the cold, especially since they would much rather be at home in bed than walking around outside. You just go to bed in one country and wake up in another. Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed. The average height of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds, doorways, and chairs has remained unchanged. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed. 二、词组|习惯用语 in bed 在床上;卧床 go to bed 上床睡觉 fluidized bed [化]流化床;流动层 on the bed 在床上 coal bed 煤层;煤床 went to bed 上床睡觉 fixed bed [化]固定床 in the bed 在床上 stay in bed 卧病在床,卧床;呆在床上;在床休息 test bed n. 试验台 river bed 河床 moving bed [化]移动床;活动底 fluid bed 流化床;怜床 packed bed 填充层 under the bed 在床下,在床底下 double bed 双人床 fluidized bed reactor 流化床反应器;怜床反应堆 get out of bed 起床,从床里出来 sea bed 海底;海床 circulating fluidized bed boiler 循环流化床锅炉;循环怜床锅炉 三、词根记忆 bed n. 床,床位;(苗)床,壇;河床,(湖,海的)底Spell smell! Very well, the well-being for human being will swell.拼寫氣味(一詞)!很好,人類的福利將會膨脹. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bed [bɛd] (-dd-) ,bed 'down (BrE) ■to lie down to go to sleep somewhere you do not normally sleep换个地方睡觉: Young people bedded down in doorways. 年轻人睡在各家门口。 [synonym]doss down (BrE,less formal) ■(also ,bed 'in) if sth/sb newbeds down, it/they become settled and start to work well(新事物或人)适应,开始正常工作: It’ll take a while for the new system to bed down. 新系统需要过段时间才能正常运转。 The new players have bedded down well in the team. 新队员已经很好地适应了这个队。 [G]v+adv [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bed / bed / noun FURNITURE 家具 1. [C, U] a piece of furniture for sleeping on 床: a single / double bed 一张单人/双人床 She lay on the bed (= on top of the covers). 她躺在床上(指未掀被子)。 He lay in bed (= under the covers). 他躺在床上(指盖着被子)。 I'm tired—I'm going to bed. 我累了——我要睡觉了。 It's time for bed (= time to go to sleep). 该是睡觉的时候了。 I'll just put the kids to bed. 我这就安排孩子们去睡觉。 He likes to have a mug of cocoa before bed (= before going to bed). 他睡前喜欢喝一大杯可可。 to get into / out of bed 就寝;起床 to make the bed (= arrange the covers in a tidy way) 铺床 Could you give me a bed for the night (= somewhere to sleep) ? 今晚你能给我弄个睡的地方吗? There's a shortage of hospital beds (= not enough room for patients to be admitted). 医院床位短缺。 He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. 他因患流感,已经几天未下床了。 ⇨ see also air bed , camp bed , sofa bed , twin bed , waterbed OF RIVER / LAKE / SEA 河;湖;海 2. [C] the bottom of a river, the sea, etc. (河)床;(海等的)底: the ocean bed 海洋底 oyster beds (= an area in the sea where there are many oysters ) 牡蛎层 FOR FLOWERS / VEGETABLES 花卉;蔬菜 3. [C] an area of ground in a garden / yard or park for growing flowers, vegetables, etc. 花坛;苗圃;菜园: flower beds 花坛 ⇨ see also seedbed BOTTOM LAYER 底层 4. [C] ~ of sth a layer of sth that other things lie or rest on 底层;基;基座: grilled chicken, served on a bed of rice 烤鸡盖饭 The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete. 石块应该固定在混凝土基座上。 GEOLOGY 地质学 5. [C] a layer of clay , rock, etc. in the ground (地下由黏土、岩石等构成的)地层 ⇨ see also bedrock IDIOMS ▪ (not) a bed of 'roses (not) an easy or a pleasant situation (并非)轻松的境况,令人愉快的情况: Their life together hasn't exactly been a bed of roses. 他们在一起的生活并不十分幸福。 ▪ get out of bed on the wrong side (BrE) (NAmE get up on the wrong side of the bed) to be bad-tempered for the whole day for no particular reason (无缘由地)一起床就整天情绪不好 ▪ go to bed with sb (informal) to have sex with sb 与(某人)发生性关系 ▪ in bed used to refer to sexual activity (指性行为): What's he like in bed? 他的床上功夫怎么样? I caught them in bed together (= having sex). 我撞见他们睡在一起。 ▪ you've made your bed and you must 'lie in / on it (saying) you must accept the results of your actions 自己承担后果 ▪ take to your 'bed to go to bed and stay there because you are ill / sick (因病)卧床;卧病 ⇨ more at die v., wet v. verb (-dd-) [VN] 1. ~ sth (in sth) to fix sth firmly in sth 把…固定在: The bricks were bedded in sand to improve drainage. 沙里埋入砖块,以改进排水系统。 Make sure that you bed the roots firmly in the soil. 一定要使根部牢牢地扎在土壤里。 2. (old-fashioned) to have sex with sb 与(某人)发生性关系 PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7bed 'down to sleep in a place where you do not usually sleep 换个地方睡觉: You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room. 你用我的房间,我睡客厅。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bed1 /bed/ ●●● S1 W1 noun 1  SLEEP 睡眠 [countable, uncountable] a piece of furniture that you sleep on 床 in bed Simon lay in bed thinking. 西蒙躺在床上想事情。 You should go to bed early. 你应该早点上床。 She got into bed and turned out the light. 她上了床,关掉灯。 before bed (=before going to bed) 睡前 Dad has a whisky before bed. 爸爸睡觉前要喝一杯威士忌。 → camp bed, four-poster bed, sofa bed → See picture of camp bed 折叠床, bunk beds 双层床, cot BrE【英】/crib AmE【美】婴儿床 ... → See picture of 见图 bed 2  SEX 性 [uncountable] informal used to refer to having sex 性交 I came home and found him in bed with (=having sex with) my best friend. 我回到家里,发现他和我最要好的朋友在床上。 He wanted me to go to bed with him. 他要我跟他上床。 He’s been trying to get his secretary into bed. 他一直想把他的秘书弄上床。 She told me he was good in bed (=a skilful lover). 她跟我说他的床上功夫很好。 3  RIVER/LAKE/SEA 河/湖/海 [countable] the flat ground at the bottom of a river, lake, or sea 〔河、湖或海的〕底;(河)床 the sea bed 海底 ► see thesaurus at bottom 4  GARDEN 花园 [countable] an area of a garden, park etc that has been prepared for plants to grow in 苗床;花圃;花坛 rose beds 玫瑰花坛 5. ROCK 岩石 [countable] a layer of rock 岩层 → bedrock(2) 6  LOWEST LAYER 最下面一层 [singular] a layer of something that forms a base that other things are put on top of 底部;地基,基座 bed of prawns on a bed of lettuce 铺在生菜上面的大虾 7  IN RIVER/WATER 在河里/在水中 [countable] an area at the edge of a river or in deeper water where things grow 〔有某物生长的〕河边;水底 an oyster bed 牡蛎层 The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank. 鸟儿把巢筑在河边的芦苇丛中。 8. get out of bed on the wrong side British English, get up on the wrong side of the bed American English to feel slightly angry or annoyed for no particular reason 〔无缘由地〕感觉不对劲,心情不好 9  not a bed of roses not a happy, comfortable, or easy situation 不是一帆风顺,不是称心如意 Life isn’t always a bed of roses, you know. 要知道,人生并非总能事事如意。 10. you’ve made your bed and you must lie on it spoken used to say that you must accept the results of your actions, even if they are bad 自己铺的床自己躺;自作自受,自食其果 11. put something to bed technical to complete a newspaper, magazine, or book, so that it is ready to be printed 把〔报刊或书籍〕付印  COLLOCATIONS bed2 verb (bedded, bedding) [transitive] 1  to fix something firmly and deeply into something else 固定在…上;嵌入;埋置 bed something in something The foundations were bedded in cement. 地基埋在水泥中。 2. old-fashioned to have sex with someone 和…上床〔发生性关系〕 3 bed down phrasal verb a) to sleep somewhere which is not your bed and where you do not usually sleep 〔在一个临时的地方〕睡觉 Can I bed down on your sofa? 我能睡在你的沙发上吗? b) bed somebody/something ↔ down to make a person or animal comfortable in a place where they do not usually sleep 安置〔人或动物在一个临时的地方〕睡觉 c) if a new system or arrangement beds down, problems with it are solved and it gradually starts to work in the way that it should 〔新制度或安排〕开始生效,开始运作 4.bed something ↔ out phrasal verb to put plants into the ground so that they can grow 栽,种〔在地里〕 BEd British English, B.Ed. American English /biː ˈed/ noun [countable] 1.(Bachelor of Education) a first university degree in education 教育学学士 Origin bed Old English bedd [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] BEd 1.N-COUNT 可数名词床;床铺 A bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep. 【搭配模式】:also prep N She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed... 她走进卧室,躺在床上。 We finally went to bed at about 4am... 我们最后大概是凌晨4点上的床。 By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed... 我们吃完饭回来时,诺娜已经睡下了。 When she had gone Sam and Robina put the children to bed. 她走了以后,萨姆和罗宾娜就安顿孩子们上床睡觉了。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词(旅馆、医院等的)床位 If a place such as a hospital or a hotel has a particular number of beds, it is able to hold that number of patients or guests. 3.N-COUNT 可数名词畦;苗床;花圃;花坛 A bed in a garden or park is an area of ground that has been specially prepared so that plants can be grown in it. 【搭配模式】:usu n N The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain. 花坛里的天竺葵被大雨浇得七零八落。 ...beds of strawberries and rhubarb. 种有草莓和大黄的苗圃 4.N-COUNT 可数名词(海洋或湖泊中某种贝类和植物密集分布的)场,层,带 A bed of shellfish or plants is an area in the sea or in a lake where a particular type of shellfish or plant is found in large quantities. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp Fishermen fear valuable oyster and mussel beds could be decimated... 渔民们害怕宝贵的牡蛎和贻贝层会被破坏。 The whole lake was rimmed with thick beds of reeds. 整片湖都被密密层层的芦苇围了起来。 5.N-COUNT 可数名词海床;河床 The sea bed or a river bed is the ground at the bottom of the sea or of a river. 【搭配模式】:usu sing For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed. 打捞海底残骸这一浩大工程持续了三周。 ...the bare bed of a dry stream. 干涸小河裸露的河床 6.N-COUNT 可数名词(岩)层 A bed of rock is a layer of rock that is found within a larger area of rock. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay. 在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石之间是一层薄薄的黏土。 ...a sandstone bed. 砂岩层 7.N-COUNT 可数名词底部食物;底层食物 If a recipe or a menu says that something is served on a bed of a food such as rice or vegetables, it means it is served on a layer of that food. 【搭配模式】:usu sing Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice. 把咖喱热透后浇在米饭上。 8.See also:-bedded;bedding; 9.PHRASE 短语把…搞上床;诱使…发生性关系 To get someone into bed means to persuade them to have sex with you. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 10.PHR-RECIP 相互短语和…上床;和…发生性关系 To go to bed with someone means to have sex with them. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 11.PHRASE 短语正在和…性交 If you say that someone is in bed with someone else, you mean that they are having sex in bed. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR 12.PHRASE 短语在做爱方面;就床上功夫而言 If you say that someone is good in bed, you mean that they are a skilful lover. 13.PHRASE 短语自作自受;自食其果 If you say that someone has made their bed and must lie in it, you mean that since they have chosen to do a particular thing, they must now accept the unpleasant results of their action. 14.PHRASE 短语铺床 When you make the bed, you neatly arrange the sheets and covers of a bed so that it is ready to sleep in. 【搭配模式】:V and N inflect 15.PHRASE 短语自打起床心情就不好 If you say that someone got out of bed on the wrong side, you mean that they have been bad-tempered ever since they woke up that morning. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 16. bed of roses→see: rose; 相关词组: bed down [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bed /ˈbɛd/ noun plural beds 1 a : a piece of furniture that people sleep on床 [count] The room contains only a bed and a dresser. 房间里只有一张床和一个梳妆台。 There are two beds in the hotel room. 酒店的房间里有两张床。 a hospital bed 医院病床 a single bed [=a bed for one person] 单人床 a double bed [=a bed for two people] 双人床 He lay on the bed [=on top of the sheets, blankets, and bedspread] for a long time. 他在床上躺了好长时间。 Don't forget to make the bed. [=to neatly arrange the sheets, blankets, and bedspread on the bed so that the mattress is covered] 别忘了把床铺整理好。 He became ill and took to his bed. [=he went to lie in bed for a long time] 他因病卧床休息了。 [noncount] She usually goes to bed [=lies down in her bed to sleep] around 11:00. 她通常在11点钟左右睡觉。 It's time to get out of bed. [=get up] 起床的时间到了。 He lay/stayed in bed all morning. 他在床上躺了一上午。 The kids like to hear a story before bed. [=before they go to sleep] 孩子们喜欢在睡觉前听故事。 Have you put the children to bed? [=have you prepared the children to go to sleep and put them in their beds?] 你安顿好孩子们上床睡觉了吗? Come on, children. It's time for bed. [=bedtime, time to sleep] 快点,孩子们。该睡觉了。 b [count] : something that is used to sleep on睡觉的地方 The blanket by the fireplace is the dog's bed. 壁炉旁的毯子就是那只狗睡觉的地方。 Her bed was a mound of soft pine needles. 她睡在软乎乎的松针堆上。 — see also deathbed, sickbed, sunbed, water bed 2 — used in phrases that describe having sexual relations用于短语,表示发生性关系 ◊ Someone who is good in bed is a skillful lover. When two people are in bed, they are in the act of having sex.*good in bed指某人床上功夫一流;in bed指在交媾 She caught her husband and his secretary in bed together. = She caught her husband in bed with his secretary. 她撞见自己的丈夫在和秘书偷情。 ◊ To go to bed with someone is to have sex with someone.(与某人)发生性关系 She likes him as a friend, but she's not interested in going to bed with him. 她喜欢和他做朋友,但没有兴趣和他上床。 ◊ To get someone into bed is to get someone to have sex with you.使某人(与自己)发生性关系 He has fantasies about getting a fashion model into bed. 他幻想着能和时装模特上床。 ◊ Phrases like these are also used figuratively.此类短语也用作比喻。 a politician who is accused of being in bed with the oil industry [=of having an improperly close relationship with the oil industry] 被指控与石油行业有染的政客 The Communists and the Fascists got into bed with each other [=joined forces] to keep the liberals out of power. 这两家公司私下里联手制定了一个双赢的方案。 3 [count] : a small area of ground specially prepared for plants苗床;苗圃;花坛 I'm planning on putting a bed of perennials in that corner of the yard. 我打算在庭院的那个角落里搭个多年生植物的苗床。 a bed of flowers 花坛 — see also bed of roses, flower bed, seedbed 4 [count] a : a flat pile or layer of something层;薄层 a bed of coals 煤层 b : a flat pile or layer of food that is placed on a dish with other food on top of it(食物的)底层 grilled fish served on a bed of greens 用青菜作底的烤鱼 a bed of rice 底层米饭 5 [count] a : the ground that is at the bottom of a sea, lake, etc.(海、湖等的)底;(河)床 seaweed growing on the ocean bed [=floor] 生长在海底的海藻 b : an area of shallow water where something grows(生长某种生物的)浅水区 an oyster bed [=an area where there are many oysters] 牡蛎层 — see also riverbed, seabed 6 [count] technical : a layer of rock or some other material from inside the earth(地下岩石等构成的)地层 fossil beds 化石层 a bed of shale 页岩层 7 [count] : the platform or box in the back of some kinds of trucks(卡车后部的)平板,车厢 the bed of the truck 卡车的后厢 We loaded the equipment and put a cover over the truck bed. 我们把设备装上了卡车,并用苫布把车厢盖好。 — see also flatbed die in (your) bed — see 1die get up on the wrong side of the bed (US) or chiefly British get out of bed on the wrong side : to be in a bad mood throughout the day全天心情不好 Be careful when you talk to the boss. He got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. 和老板说话可要留点神,他今早一直都心情不好。 make your bed and lie in it ◊ Expressions like you've made your bed, and now you must lie in it mean that you have done something that causes problems and now you must accept and deal with those problems.自作自受;自食其果 There's nothing we can do to help her. She's made her bed and has to lie in it. 我们没法帮助她,她这是自作自受。 marriage bed : a bed that married people share — sometimes used figuratively to refer to marriage in general or to the sexual relations that married people have婚床;(有时用作比喻)婚姻,夫妻间的房事 the sorrows of their marriage bed 他们婚姻的诸多不幸 2 bed /ˈbɛd/ verb beds; bedded; bedding [+ object] 1 informal + old-fashioned : to have sex with (someone)(与某人)上床 He has fantasies about bedding a fashion model. 他幻想着能和时装模特上床。 2 : to place (food) on a pile or layer of something else把(食物)放在…上 — usually used as (be) bedded通常用作(be) bedded a mixture of scallops and lobster bedded on rice 扇贝龙虾焗饭 bed down [phrasal verb] 1 : to lie down somewhere for sleep睡;躺 There were so many people that some of us had to bed down in the living room. 我们人太多了,有些人得睡在客厅里了。 2 bed (someone or something) down or bed down (someone or something) : to provide (a person or animal) with a place to sleep为…提供睡觉的地方 They bedded us down in the living room. 他们安排我们睡在客厅里。 When the animals had been fed and bedded down, we went inside to eat dinner. 给动物喂完食、收拾好窝后,我们才进屋去吃饭。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bedroom

    英 ['bedruːm]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211395-cff8b1fe936268f.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['bedruːm]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211406-cff8b1fe936268f.mp3"][/audio]   n. 卧室 adj. 两性关系的;性感的;市郊住宅区的 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 bedroom 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:9 /ˈbedrʊm, ˈbedruːm/ n. bedrooms 1 寝室,卧室 高考真题原句提选: His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. 二、词组|习惯用语 master bedroom 主卧室 bedroom furniture 卧室家具 bedroom and bathroom 卧室和浴室 clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 single bedroom 单人卧室;单人房;单人间 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bed·room / 5bedru:m; -rum / noun 1. a room for sleeping in 卧室: the spare bedroom 备用卧室 a hotel with 20 bedrooms 有 20 个房间的旅馆 This is the master bedroom (= the main bedroom of the house). 这是主卧室。 2. -bedroomed having the number of bedrooms mentioned 有…个卧室的: a three-bedroomed house 有三个卧室的房子 adjective [only before noun] used as a way of referring to sexual activity 房事的;男女性爱的: the bedroom scenes in the movie 电影中的床上戏 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bedroom /ˈbedrʊm, -ruːm/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countable] 1  a room for sleeping in 卧室 a hotel with 50 bedrooms 有50间客房的旅馆 three-bedroomed/five-bedroomed etc They’ve just bought a new four-bedroomed house in Edinburgh. 他们刚在爱丁堡买了一幢有四间卧室的新房子。 → See picture on 见图 Page A1 Bedroom 卧室 2. bedroom eyes a look in your eyes that shows that you are sexually attracted to someone 媚眼,调情的目光 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bedroom ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词卧室;卧房 A bedroom is a room used for sleeping in. ...the spare bedroom. 空置的卧室 ...a two-bedroom apartment. 两居室公寓 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bedroom /ˈbɛdˌruːm/ noun plural bedrooms [count] : a room used for sleeping卧室;寝室 a house with three bedrooms = a 3-bedroom house 有三间卧室的房子 a spare/guest bedroom 备用卧室;客卧 a large master bedroom [=a large bedroom that is the main bedroom in a house] 宽敞的主卧室 — bedroomed adjective, British — used in combination用于合成词 a three-bedroomed house 有三间卧室的房子 2 bedroom /ˈbɛdˌruːm/ adjective always used before a noun 1 US : lived in by people who go to another town or city to work(供在城里工作的人们)在城外居住的 They live in a bedroom community [=(Brit) dormitory town] just outside of the city. 他们住在离城里不远的城郊住宅区。 2 : dealing with sexual relationships性爱的;性关系的 The play is a bedroom farce about a middle-aged couple. 这是一部关于一对中年夫妇的性爱滑稽剧。 bedroom humor 黄色笑话 3 informal : showing sexual attraction性感的;激发性欲的 She looked at him with bedroom eyes. 她用勾人魂魄的眼神望着他。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bee

    英 [biː] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211741-9dfd70fdf15a3cb.mp3"][/audio]    美 [biː] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211770-9dfd70fdf15a3cb.mp3"][/audio]    n. 蜜蜂 n. 集会 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、词组|习惯用语 bee pollen 蜂花粉 queen bee 蜂王;社交界女王 honey bee n. 蜜蜂 busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌,忙得不可开交 spelling bee 拼字比赛会 bee venom 蜂毒 bee honey 蜂蜜 bumble bee 大黄蜂,熊蜂;桁洩网渔船 worker bee 工蜂 二、词根记忆 bee n. 蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人A bee stung him.他被蜜蜂螫了. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bee / bi: / noun 1. a black and yellow flying insect that can sting. Bees live in large groups and make honey (= a sweet sticky substance that is good to eat). 蜜蜂: a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂 a bee sting 蜜蜂蜇伤 Bees were buzzing in the clover. 蜜蜂在三叶草丛中嗡嗡作响。 ⇨ see also beehive , beeswax , bumblebee , queen bee 2. (NAmE) a meeting in a group where people combine work, competition and pleasure (集工作、竞赛、娱乐为一体的)聚会: a sewing bee 缝纫友谊赛 ⇨ see also spelling bee IDIOMS ▪ the 7bee's 'knees (informal) an excellent person or thing 出类拔萃的人(或物): She thinks she's the bee's knees (= she has a very high opinion of herself). 她自以为很了不起。 ▪ have a 'bee in your bonnet (about sth) (informal) to think or talk about sth all the time and to think that it is very important 一心想着;念念不忘;总认为很重要 ⇨ more at bird , busy adj. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bee /biː/ ●●○ noun [countable] → be 1  bee.jpga black and yellow flying insect that makes honey and can sting you 蜜蜂 a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂 a bee sting 蜜蜂蜇伤 → bumblebee → See picture of 见图 INSECT → see picture at 见图 insect 2  have a bee in your bonnet (about something) informal to think something is so important, so necessary etc that you keep mentioning it or thinking about it 一心想着(某事),念念不忘(某事) Dad’s got a bee in his bonnet about saving electricity. 爸爸一心想着要省电。 3. sewing/quilting etc bee American English informal an occasion when people, usually women, meet in order to do a particular type of work 〔妇女聚在一起的〕缝纫会/缝被会等 4. a busy bee spoken someone who enjoys being busy or active 忙碌活跃的人 5  be the bee’s knees spoken old-fashioned to be very good 好极了,棒极了 She thought the party was just the bee’s knees. 她觉得这次聚会棒极了。 → spelling bee, → the birds and the bees at bird(3) Origin bee Old English beo [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bee ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词蜜蜂 A bee is an insect with a yellow-and-black striped body that makes a buzzing noise as it flies. Bees make honey, and can sting. 2.PHRASE 短语痴迷于…;对…念念不忘 If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you are so enthusiastic or worried about it that you keep mentioning it or thinking about it. 【搭配模式】:V and bee inflect He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming. 他满脑子都是工厂化养殖的事儿。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词(进行缝纫等比赛或集体活动的)聚会 A bee is a social event where people get together for a competition or to do something such as sew. 【搭配模式】:usu n N 【语域标签】:AM 美 That year I won first prize in the spelling bee... 那年,我在单词拼写比赛中得了第一名。 ...a group of friends at a quilting bee. 大家缝聚会上的一群好友 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 bee /ˈbiː/ noun plural bees [count] : a black and yellow flying insect that can sting and that is often kept in hives for the honey that it produces蜜蜂 flowers pollinated by bees and other insects 靠蜜蜂和其他昆虫授粉的花 a swarm of buzzing/humming bees 一群嗡嗡叫的蜜蜂 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 My mom is a real busy bee around Christmastime. [=she is very busy and active] 圣诞节期间,我妈妈真是忙得团团转。 — see also bumblebee, honeybee, killer bee (as) busy as a bee informal : very busy and active非常忙碌;忙得不可开交 My mom is (as) busy as a bee around Christmastime. 圣诞节期间,我妈妈忙得团团转。 have a bee in your bonnet informal : to talk and think a lot about something念念不忘;一心想着 He always has a bee in his bonnet about safety. 他念念不忘安全第一。 the birds and the bees — see bird — compare 2bee 2 bee /ˈbiː/ noun plural bees [count] US : a gathering of people for the purpose of spending time together while working on similar projects(集工作和娱乐于一体的)聚会 a quilting bee 缝棉被聚会 — see also spelling bee — compare 1bee [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beef

    英 [biːf]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211953-34902903de8d4fe.mp3"][/audio]   美 [biːf] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692211961-34902903de8d4fe.mp3"][/audio]    n. 牛肉;肌肉;力气;牢骚 v. 抱怨;告发;加强 名词复数: beeves 过去式: beefed 过去分词: beefed 现在分词: beefing 第三人称单数: beefs [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beef 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:3 /biːf/ n. 牛肉 高考真题原句提选: I’d like a plate of noodles, two chicken wings, some beef and a bowl of rice. 二、词组|习惯用语 beef cattle 菜牛 roast beef 烤牛肉 beef up vt. 加强(增援,充实);补充(人数, 兵力)等 ground beef 绞碎的牛肉 beef steak 牛排 minced beef n. 牛肉馅;绞碎的牛肉 beef extract n. 浓缩牛肉汁;牛肉膏 beef noodles 牛肉面;家传牛肉面;牛肉火锅面 beef jerky n. 牛肉干 dried beef 牛肉干 corned beef 咸牛肉 beef sausage 牛肉香肠 stewed beef 红烩牛肉;清炖牛肉;红煨牛肉 braised beef 焖牛肉;炖牛肉;烩牛肉 curry beef 咖喱牛肉 三、词根记忆 beef n. 牛肉The bee paid the fee of coffee, beef and beer for the cheerful deer.蜜蜂為歡快的鹿付了咖啡,牛肉和啤酒的費用. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津短语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beef [biːf] ,beef 'up sth; ,beef it/them 'up (informal) ■to make sth bigger, stronger, more interesting, etc.使较大(或强壮、有意思等);加强…: Security has been beefed up. 安全措施已经加强了。 The company has been trying to beef up its image. 公司一直致力于改善形象。 ■[NOTE]A noun must always follow up, but a pronoun comes between the verb and up .名词必须放在up 之后,但代词放在动词和up 之间。 [G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv 'beefed-up adj ■[only before noun] improved;made bigger, stronger, more interesting, etc.改进的;强化了的: beefed-up security 强化的安全措施 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beef / bi:f / noun 1. [U] meat that comes from a cow 牛肉: roast / minced beef 烤牛肉;碎牛肉 beef and dairy cattle 菜牛和奶牛 ⇨ see also corned beef 2. [C] (informal) a complaint 抱怨;牢骚: What's his latest beef? 他最近在抱怨什么? verb [V] ~ (about sb / sth) (informal) to complain a lot about sb / sth 老是抱怨;大发牢骚 PHRASAL VERBS ▪ 7beef sth ↔ 'up (informal) to make sth bigger, better, more interesting, etc. 使更大(或更好、更有意思等) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beef1 /biːf/ ●●● S3 noun 1  [uncountable] the meat from a cow 牛肉 roast beef 烤牛肉 We have both dairy and beef cattle on the farm. 我们农场里奶牛和菜牛都有。 2  [countable] informal a complaint 牢骚,怨言 OK, so what’s the beef this time? 好了,这一次又有什么苦要诉? 3. where’s the beef? American English spoken used when you think someone’s promises sound good, but you want to know what they actually plan to do 葫芦里究竟卖什么药?→ corned beef beef2 verb [intransitive] 1 informal to complain a lot 老发牢骚,怨声不断 beef about They’re always beefing about something. 他们总是有这样那样的不满。 2 beef something ↔ up phrasal verb informal to improve something or make it more interesting, more important etc 加强;改进;充实 a beefed-up news story 一个内容充实的新闻报道 We need to beef the campaign up. 我们的宣传活动要加把劲儿。 Origin beef1 (1100-1200) Old French buef, from Latin bos “ox” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beef ★★☆☆☆ 1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词See also:corned beef;牛肉 Beef is the meat of a cow, bull, or ox. ...roast beef. 烤牛肉 ...beef stew. 炖牛肉 ...exports of beef and powdered milk. 牛肉和奶粉的出口 2.VERB 动词不断抱怨;大发牢骚 If someone beefs about something, they keep complaining about it. 【搭配模式】:no passive 【语用信息】:disapproval 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done, her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do. 批评者不要老是抱怨马丁太太没有做什么事情,不妨看看她正要做什么事情。 Beef is also a noun. I really don't have a beef with Wayne. 我对韦恩真的没有什么不满的。 相关词组: beef up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 beef /ˈbiːf/ noun plural beefs 1 [noncount] : meat from a cow牛肉 a pound of beef 一磅牛肉 ground beef 绞碎的牛肉 I'm not eating as much beef as I used to. 我现在吃牛肉比以前少了。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 the beef industry 牛肉加工业 beef stew [=a stew made with beef] 炖牛肉 2 [count] informal : complaint My real beef is with the organization's president, not the group itself. 我真正不满的是这个组织的领导人,而不是组织本身。 What's your beef? 你有什么不满? 3 [noncount] informal : muscles肌肉 a football player with a lot of beef and brawn [=a very muscular football player] 肌肉发达的橄榄球运动员 2 beef /ˈbiːf/ verb beefs; beefed; beefing [no object] informal : complain She's always beefing about something. 她总是为一些事情发牢骚。 beef up [phrasal verb] beef (something) up or beef up (something) informal : to add weight, strength, or power to (something)增加;增大;加强 Security around the city will be beefed up during the event. 盛会期间,城市周边的安全措施会得到加强。 The medicine helps beef up the immune system. 这种药有助于增强免疫系统。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beer

    英 [bɪə(r)]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692212197-3e1867f5aee8304.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪr] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692212206-3e1867f5aee8304.mp3"][/audio]    n. 啤酒 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 beer 高中必修500 全国卷频次:4 教材出处:译林版必修B2U3 /bɪə(r)/ /bɪər/ n. beers 0 啤酒 高考真题原句提选: Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine. We imagine a world in which a beer company could find out not only when you bought a beer but also when you drank it. 二、词组|习惯用语 beer yeast n. 啤酒酵母 drink one's beer [美国俚语]闭嘴,住嘴 qingdao beer 青岛啤酒 beer bottle 啤酒瓶 draft beer 生啤酒 beer belly 大肚子,啤酒肚 beer and skittles 吃喝玩乐 small beer 淡啤酒;[英俚]琐事;小人物 light beer 淡啤酒,低度啤酒 bottled beer 瓶装啤酒 beer garden 露天啤酒店 beer brewery 啤酒厂 on the beer 烂醉着;狂饮中 draught beer 生啤酒 ginger beer 姜汁啤酒 green beer 生啤;新啤酒 beer glass 啤酒杯 root beer 沙士(以黄樟油、冬青油为香料的无醇饮料) malt beer 麦牙啤酒;黑啤酒 dark beer 黑啤酒 三、词根记忆 beer n. 啤酒The bee paid the fee of coffee, beef and beer for the cheerful deer.蜜蜂為歡快的鹿付了咖啡,牛肉和啤酒的費用. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beer / biE(r); NAmE bir / noun 1. [U, C] an alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops . There are many types of beer. 啤酒: a barrel / bottle / glass of beer 一桶/一瓶/一杯啤酒 beers brewed in Germany 德国酿造的啤酒 a beer glass 啤酒杯 Are you a beer drinker? 你经常喝啤酒吗? 2. [C] a glass, bottle or can of beer 一杯(或一瓶、一罐)啤酒: Shall we have a beer? 我们来杯啤酒吧? ⇨ see also ginger beer , guest beer , keg beer , root beer , small beer [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beer /bɪə $ bɪr/ ●●● S2 W3 noun → bier 1  [uncountable] an alcoholic drink made from malt and hops 啤酒 a pint of beer 一品脱啤酒 We sell draught beer (=beer served from a large container, not a bottle). 我们出售散装啤酒。 → See picture of 见图 GLASS 1 2  [countable] a glass, bottle, or can of beer 一杯[瓶,罐]啤酒 Do you fancy a beer? 你想来瓶啤酒吗? → see picture at 见图 glass1 —beery adjective his beery breath 他那带有啤酒味的口气 → ginger beer, root beer, → small beer at small1(16) Origin beer Old English beor [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beer ★★★☆☆ 1.N-MASS 物质名词啤酒 Beer is a bitter alcoholic drink made from grain. He sat in the kitchen drinking beer... 他坐在厨房里喝啤酒。 We have quite a good range of beers. 我们有多种多样的啤酒。 A glass of beer can be referred to as a beer .一杯啤酒 Would you like a beer? 来杯啤酒吗? [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beer /ˈbiɚ/ noun plural beers 1 : an alcoholic drink made from malt and flavored with hops啤酒 [noncount] Would you like beer with dinner? 你晚饭想喝点啤酒吗? The pub brews its own beer. 这家酒吧自己酿制啤酒。 a glass of beer 一杯啤酒 a beer mug 啤酒杯 [count] I'll have a beer, please. 请给我来杯啤酒。 a couple of cold beers 几杯冰啤酒 2 [noncount] : a drink made from roots or other parts of plants(由植物根茎等制成的)软饮料;根汁啤酒 a glass of birch/ginger beer 一杯桦啤/姜汁汽酒 — see also root beer — beery /ˈbiri/ adjective beerier; beeriest a beery flavor/smell 啤酒味 a beery tavern 啤酒馆 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • before

    英 [bɪ'fɔː(r)] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692212393-2f44417567bc123.mp3"][/audio]    美 [bɪ'fɔːr] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692212402-2f44417567bc123.mp3"][/audio]    conj. 在 ... 以前 pref. 在 ... 以前;在..前面 adv. 以前;以往;之前 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 before 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:219 /bɪˈfɔː/ /bɪˈfɔːr/ prep. ad.&conj. 在…以前;在…前面 & 以前 & 在…之前 高考真题原句提选: Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch. It was only after he had read the papers that Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. We had guests last night who had not stayed in a B&B hotel before. 二、词组|习惯用语 before and after 前后,之前之后 than before 比以前 as before 如以前 before long 不久以后 ever before 以前;从前 than ever before 比以往任何时候更… from before 从…以前 go before 居先;走在前面 on or before 截至;在或在…以前 before all 尤其,特别 三、词根记忆 before prep. (指時間)在…以前,在..前面,在..之前They've seen that long before.他們早就看過那個了. 在前面(be+fore前面)[be-②構成一些介詞①構成動詞,表示"使…成為"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be·fore / bi5fC:(r) / preposition 1. earlier than sb / sth 在…以前: before lunch 午餐前 the day before yesterday 前天 The year before last he won a gold medal, and the year before that he won a silver. 他前年得了一枚金牌,大前年得了一枚银牌。 She's lived there since before the war. 她从战前起就一直住在那里。 He arrived before me. 他比我先到。 She became a lawyer as her father had before her. 像她父亲先前一样,她成了一名律师。 Leave your keys at reception before departure. 离开前请把钥匙留在服务枱。 Something ought to have been done before now. 先前就该采取措施了。 We'll know before long (= soon). 我们很快就会知道了。 Turn left just before (= before you reach) the bank. 在快到银行时向左拐。 2. (rather formal) used to say that sb / sth is in a position in front of sb / sth 在…面前(或前面): They knelt before the throne. 他们跪在御座前。 Before you is a list of the points we have to discuss. 放在你面前的是一份我们所要讨论的要点。 ⇨ compare behind prep. (1) 3. used to say that sb / sth is ahead of sb / sth in an order or arrangement (次序或排列)在前面: Your name is before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。 He puts his work before everything (= regards it as more important than anything else). 他一切以工作为重。 4. used to say that sth is facing sb in the future (表示面临或临近): The task before us is a daunting one. 我们所面临的任务令人胆怯。 The whole summer lay before me. 整个夏季正等待着我。 5. in the presence of sb who is listening, watching, etc. 当面: He was brought before the judge. 他被带上法庭。 She said it before witnesses. 她当着证人的面讲出这事。 They had the advantage of playing before their home crowd. 他们有在主场观众面前比赛的优势。 6. (formal) used to say how sb reacts when they have to face sb / sth (表示面对某人、某事时的反应): They retreated before the enemy. 面对强敌,他们只好撤退。 conjunction 1. earlier than the time when 在…以前: Do it before you forget. 尽早动手,免得忘了。 Did she leave a message before she went? 她走之前留言了吗? 2. until 到…为止;到…之前: It may be many years before the situation improves. 这种状况或许要过很多年才能得到改善。 It was some time before I realized the truth. 过了很长一段时间我才了解到真相。 3. used to warn or threaten sb that sth bad could happen 以免;不然: Put that away before it gets broken. 把它收好,免得砸碎了。 4. (formal) rather than (宁可…而)不愿: I'd die before I apologized! 我宁愿死也不道歉! adverb at an earlier time; in the past; already 以前;过去;已经: You should have told me so before. 你早该告诉我的。 It had been fine the week before (= the previous week). 前一个星期天气很好。 That had happened long before (= a long time earlier). 那是很早以前的事了。 I think we've met before. 我觉得我们以前见过面。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] before1 /bɪˈfɔː $ -ˈfɔːr/ ●●● S1 W1 conjunction 1  earlier than a particular event or action 在…以前 OPP after Say goodbye before you go. 你走之前要告别。 I saw her a few days before she died. 她去世的前几天我见过她。 2  so that something does not or cannot happen 在…发生之前,以防 Put that money somewhere safe before it gets stolen. 把那些钱放在安全的地方,以防被窃。 That dog ought to be destroyed before it attacks any more children. 那条狗应该宰掉,免得它伤害更多的孩子。 Before I could say anything more, Holmes had rushed off towards the station. 没等我把话说完,福尔摩斯已经急匆匆离去,直奔车站了。 3  used to say that something happens after a period of time …之后才 It was several minutes before we realised what was happening. 几分钟以后我们才明白发生了什么事情。 It will be a while before we know the results. 我们要过一会儿才能知道结果。 4  used to say that something must happen in order for something else to be possible 在…之前〔必须做某事〕,…之后才能 You have to pass a test before you can get a licence. 你得通过考试才能拿到执照。 5  spoken used to warn someone that something bad will happen to them if they do not do something 要不然,否则〔表示警告〕 Get out before I call the police! 滚出去,要不然我叫警察了! 6  used to emphasize that someone does not want to do something 〔宁可…〕也不愿 She would die before she would admit she was wrong. 她死也不肯承认自己有错。  GRAMMAR 语法 before2 ●●● S1 W1 preposition 1  earlier than something or someone 〔时间上〕在…以前 OPP after The new road should be completed before the end of the year. 这条新公路应该在年底前完工。 Let’s meet at our house before the show. 看演出前在我们家碰头吧。 Larry arrived home before me. 拉里在我之前到家。 five minutes/two hours etc before something Hugh arrived just five minutes before the ceremony. 修在仪式开始前五分钟才到。 before doing something I usually take a shower before having my breakfast. 我通常先洗个澡再吃早餐。 We only got back from Scotland the day before yesterday (=two days ago). 我们前天才从苏格兰回来。 Other students joined in the protest, and before long (=soon) there was a crowd of 200 or so. 其他学生也加入了抗议队伍,不久就有200人左右了。 2  ahead of someone or something else in a list or order 〔名单或次序上〕较…为先,在…之前 OPP after You were before me in the queue. 你排在我前面。 The files are in alphabetical order, so B1 comes before C1. 文件是按字母顺序摆放的,所以B1在C1之前。 3  used to say that something happens where it can be watched by people 在…面前,当着…的面 SYN in front of Italy will face Brazil this afternoon before a crowd of 100,000 spectators. 今天下午意大利队将在10万名观众面前迎战巴西队。 an actor who had performed before the Queen 曾在女王面前献演的一名演员 4  used to say that someone or something comes to be judged or considered by a person or group of people 摆在…面前;供…考虑 5  used to say that one thing or person is considered more important than another 〔重要性〕在…之前,比…更重要 6  formal in front of something or someone 在…前面 7  if one place is before another place on a road or journey, the first place is nearer to you than the second, so you will reach it first 〔路上或旅途中的某个地方〕在〔另一个地方〕前面 OPP after 8  formal if there is a job or situation before you, you will have to do the job or face the situation 〔工作或局面〕摆在…面前 SYN ahead of 9  formal if a period of time is before you, it is about to start and you can do what you want during it 〔指一段时间〕临近 SYN in front of  THESAURUS before3 ●●● S1 W1 adverb 1  at an earlier time 先前,从前,以前 2  the day/week/month etc before the previous day, week, month etc 前一天/一个星期/一个月等 OPP after 3  old use ahead of someone or something else 在前面 Origin before2 Old English beforan, from foran “before”, from fore; → FORE- [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] before ★★★★★ In addition to the uses shown below, before is used in the phrasal verbs ‘go before’ and ‘lay before’. 除下列用法外,before 还可用于 go before 和 lay before 等短语动词中。 1.PREP 介词(时间上)在…之前,早于 If something happens before a particular date, time, or event, it happens earlier than that date, time, or event. →see usage note at:ago Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas... 安妮出生在圣诞节前几周。 Before World War II, women were not recruited as intelligence officers... 在第二次世界大战之前,女性不能当情报人员。 My husband rarely comes to bed before 2 or 3am. 我丈夫很少在凌晨两三点之前睡觉。 Before is also a conjunction. Stock prices climbed close to the peak they'd registered before the stock market crashed. 股价几乎攀升到了股市崩盘前的历史最高位。 2.PREP 介词在(做某事)之前 If you do one thing before doing something else, you do it earlier than the other thing. 【搭配模式】:PREP -ing He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to England... 在移居英格兰之前,他早年是在斯里兰卡度过的。 Before leaving, he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet. 离开前,他到自己的办公室填写了日常考勤表。 Before is also a conjunction. He took a cold shower and then towelled off before he put on fresh clothes. 他冲了个凉水澡,用毛巾擦干身子后换上了新衣服。 3.ADV 副词在(某时间或某事)以前 You use before when you are talking about time. For example, if something happened the day before a particular date or event, it happened during the previous day. 【搭配模式】:n ADV 【搭配模式】:n PREP n The war had ended only a month or so before. 战争大约一个月前才刚刚结束。 Before is also a preposition. It's interesting that he sent me the book twenty days before the deadline for my book. 有趣的是,他在我的书到期前20天把那本书送给了我。 Before is also a conjunction. Kelman had a book published in the US more than a decade before a British publisher would touch him. 克尔曼早在英国出版商同他接触前十多年就已经在美国出版过一本书了。 4.CONJ-SUBORD 连词在(他人做某事)之前 If you do something before someone else can do something, you do it when they have not yet done it. Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it. 加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。 5.ADV 副词以前;以往;过去 If someone has done something before, they have done it on a previous occasion. If someone has not done something before, they have never done it. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v I've been here before... 我以前来过这儿。 I had met Professor Lown before... 我以前见过劳恩教授。 She had never been to Italy before. 她以前从来没有去过意大利。 6.CONJ-SUBORD 连词(直到…)才;(过了…)才 If there is a period of time or if several things are done before something happens, it takes that amount of time or effort for this thing to happen. It was some time before the door opened in response to his ring. 他按完门铃后过了一会儿门才打开。 7.CONJ-SUBORD 连词(必须先具备某一条件)才能;在…之前(必须具备某一条件) If a particular situation has to happen before something else happens, this situation must happen or exist in order for the other thing to happen. There was additional work to be done before all the troops would be ready. 在全军准备就绪之前,还有一些杂事必须处理。 8.PREP 介词(方位)在…前面,在…面前 If someone is before something, they are in front of it. 【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式 They drove through a tall iron gate and stopped before a large white villa. 他们开车穿过一个大铁门,在一栋白色的大别墅前面停了下来。 9.PREP 介词(所经位置)在…前面 If you tell someone that one place is a certain distance before another, you mean that they will come to the first place first. The turn is about two kilometres before the roundabout. 拐弯就在环岛前面约2公里处。 10.PREP 介词面对…(回答质询) If you appear or come before an official person or group, you go there and answer questions. The Governor will appear before the committee next Tuesday. 下周二,州长将接受委员会的质询。 11.PREP 介词当着…的面;在…注视之下 If something happens before a particular person or group, it is seen by or happens while this person or this group is present. The game followed a colourful opening ceremony before a crowd of seventy-four thousand. 绚丽多彩的开幕式过后,这场比赛在74,000名观众的瞩目之下开始了。 12.PREP 介词摆在…面前;使面对;使面临 If you have something such as a journey, a task, or a stage of your life before you, you must do it or live through it in the future. 【搭配模式】:PREP pron Everyone in the room knew it was the single hardest task before them... 房间里所有人都清楚,摆在他们面前的是最为艰巨的任务。 I saw before me an idyllic life. 展现在我眼前的是充满诗情画意的生活。 13.PREP 介词(重要性)超过;比…重要 When you want to say that one person or thing is more important than another, you can say that they come before the other person or thing. 【搭配模式】:v PREP n Her husband, her children, and the Church came before her needs. 丈夫、孩子和教会都比她本人的需求重要。 14. before long→see: long; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 before /bɪˈfoɚ/ adverb 1 : at an earlier time以前;过去 Haven't we met before? 我们以前没见过吗? the night/day before 前一晚/天 I've never seen her so happy before. [=I've never seen her as happy as she is now] 我之前从未见过她如此高兴。 We haven't had these problems before. 我们以前从未碰到过这些问题。 Everything is just as (it was) before. 一切如故。 2 formal + old-fashioned : to or toward the place where someone is going : in advance向前;在前边 marching on before [=ahead] 向前行进 2 before /bɪˈfoɚ/ preposition 1 a : at a time preceding (something or someone) : earlier than (something or someone)(时间)在…之前,早于 We arrived shortly before six o'clock. 我们快到六点时到达的。 before dinner 晚饭前 He left just before sunrise. 他刚好在天亮之前离开了。 I've never seen her so happy before now. 我之前从未见过她如此高兴。 Call me before your arrival. 你快到时给我打电话吧。 She arrived the day before yesterday. 她是前天到的。 Why haven't you ever helped me before now/this? 你在此之前怎么从来没有帮助过我呢? I finished the exam before him. [=before he finished the exam] 我比他先考完试。 You can go before me. [=before I go] 你可以比我早走。 He's an electrician, like his father before him. [=his father was also an electrician] 他是电工,他父亲以前也是电工。 They earned 50,000 dollars before (paying) taxes. 他们的税前收入是5万美元。 b US — used to describe a time earlier than a specified hour在(某个钟点)之前 It's 20 (minutes) before 12. [=it's 20 of/to 12; it's 11:40] 差20分12点。 2 : preceding (something or someone) in order or in a series(次序)在…之前,先于 Your name is listed before mine. 你的名字排在我之前。 You'll see my house just before the bank and after the school. 你会看到我家就在银行前面,学校后面。 The number 2 comes before 3 and after 1. [=2 comes between 1 and 3] 数字2在3和1之间。 3 a : in front of (someone or something)(位置)在…前面,在…面前 The Great Plains stretched endlessly before them. 一望无际的大平原在他们面前延展开来。 The championship fight took place before a crowd of thousands. 冠军争夺战在成千上万的观众面前打响了。 : in the presence of (someone)当着(某人)的面 The defendant stood up before the judge. 被告在法官面前站了起来。 — see also (right) before/in front of your (very) eyes at 1eye b : being considered by (someone or something)由…考虑中 The case before the court involves a robbery. 法庭正在审理的是一宗抢劫案。 the candidates before the voters 选民可选的候选人 I have a proposal to put before [=to] the board. 我有个提案供董事会考虑。 The question before us is this: did he fall or was he pushed? 我们要弄清的问题是:他是自己摔倒的,还是被人推倒的? c : in the future for (someone) : ahead of (someone)等待着…;面临着… They had no idea of the ordeal that lay before them. 他们完全没有预想到即将面临的这场磨难。 4 a : in a higher or more important position than (something)(重要性)优于,在…之前 They put quantity before [=above] quality. [=they cared more about quantity than about quality] 他们重数量轻质量。 b : rather or sooner than(宁可…而)不愿… He vowed that he would choose death before dishonor. [=he would rather die than be dishonored] 他发誓说宁愿死也不肯蒙羞。 5 formal : under the force of (something)在…影响下;在…威慑下 The tree fell before the force of the wind. [=the force of the wind caused the tree to fall] 树被大风刮倒了。 3 before /bɪˈfoɚ/ conjunction 1 a : earlier than the time that : earlier than when(时间)在…之前,早于 He left long before morning came. 他早在黎明之前就离开了。 The judge stood up before the defendant did. [=the defendant stood up after the judge did] 法官先于被告站了起来。 Say goodbye before you go. 你临走之前告个别吧。 Call me before you arrive. 你抵达前给我打个电话吧。 Before [=until] she met him she had never been so happy. 在遇见他以前,她从未如此快乐过。 I finished the exam before he did. 我比他先考完试。 It was/happened not long before he arrived. 此事发生在他到达前不久。 He left before I could thank him. [=I wasn't able to thank him because he left too soon] 我还没来得及谢他,他就走了。 I'll resign before I give in! [=I would rather resign than give in] 我宁可辞职也不愿屈从。 — see also before you know it at 1know b : until the time that到…之前;到…为止 It did not take long before he had earned their trust. [=he earned their trust quickly] 他很快就赢得了他们的信任。 “I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep…” “但我还要守一些诺言,还要赶多少路才安眠…” Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (1923)罗伯特·弗罗斯特,《雪夜林畔小驻》(1923) 2 a — used to refer to something that might happen以免;不然 Get out of there before you get dirty! [=get out of there because you will/might get dirty if you don't] 离开那里,以免弄一身脏! Before I forget, will you give me your telephone number? [=I'm asking for your telephone number now because I might forget to do it later] 趁我还记得,把你的电话号码给我可以吗? b — used to say that one thing must happen for another thing to happen or be possible(先…)才… He must be convicted before he can be removed from office. 必须先证明他有罪才能将他撤职。 You must have completed an introductory class before you can take an advanced class. 你必须先修完入门课才能上高级班。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • begin

    英 [bɪ'ɡɪn]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692212732-8d589afa4dfaeee.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'ɡɪn]   [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692212742-8d589afa4dfaeee.mp3"][/audio]  v. 开始;着手 过去式: began 过去分词: begun 现在分词: beginning 第三人称单数: begins [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 begin (began begun) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:27 /bɪˈɡɪn/ v. 开始,着手 高考真题原句提选: To begin with, all of us can start reducing the use of oil by driving only when we have a real need. At what time does your last film begin? Her job in travel writing began some eight years ago. began 全国卷频次:62 /bɪˈɡæn/ That was how Mary Cassatt, born 1844, began her struggle as an artist. After I finished school, I began to look for work. Recently, people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈). begun 全国卷频次:13 /bɪˈɡʌn/ All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens. Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and softly. 二、词组|习惯用语 begin with 以…开始;开始于… begin at 几点开始;从……开始 begin again 重新开始;重做 begin to do 开始做某事 begin as 作为…开始 begin doing 开始做某事 三、词根记忆 begin v. (began,begun)開始,著手At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.拂曉時在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者開始皺眉頭. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] begin / bi5^in / verb (be·gin·ning, began / bi5^An / begun / bi5^Qn / ) 1. to start doing sth; to do the first part of sth 开始;启动: ▪ [VN] We began work on the project in May. 我们于五月份启动了这项工程。 I began (= started reading) this novel last month and I still haven't finished it. 我上月就开始读这本小说,到现在还没读完。 He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. 他讲课前总是先让学生做预备练习题。 He began his political career as a student (= when he was a student). 他从当学生时起就开始了他的政治生涯。 ▪ [V] Shall I begin? 我可以开始了吗? Let's begin at page 9. 咱们从第 9 页开始。 She began by thanking us all for coming. 她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。 ▪ [V to inf] I began to feel dizzy. 我开始感到头晕目眩。 At last the guests began to arrive. 客人们终于陆续到达了。 She began to cry. 她哭起来了。 It was beginning to snow. 开始下雪了。 I was beginning to think you'd never come. 我开始以为你是不会来了。 ▪ [V -ing] Everyone began talking at once. 大家同时开始讲话。 When will you begin recruiting? 你们何时开始招募人员? ⇨ note at start 2. [V] to start to happen or exist, especially from a particular time 起始;开始存在(或进行): When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时间开始? Work on the new bridge is due to begin in September. 新桥定于九月份动工。 The evening began well. 晚会开始得很顺利。 3. ~ as sth [V] to be sth first, before becoming sth else 起初是;本来是: He began as an actor, before starting to direct films. 他先是当演员,后来开始执导影片。 What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot. 开始的小冲突演变成了大规模的暴乱。 4. [V] to have sth as the first part or the point where sth starts (从…)开始;(以…)为起点: Use 'an' before words beginning with a vowel. 在以元音开始的词之前使用 an。 'I'm thinking of a country in Asia.' 'What does it begin with (= what is the first letter) ?' "我在想一个亚洲国家。" "它的首字母是什么?" Each chapter begins with a quotation. 每一章的开头都有一条引语。 Where does Europe end and Asia begin? 欧洲和亚洲的交界处在哪里? The path begins at Livingston village. 这条小路始于利文斯顿村。 5. [V speech] to start speaking 开始讲话: 'Ladies and gentlemen,' he began, 'welcome to the Town Hall.' "女士们、先生们,"他开始发言说,"欢迎光临市政厅。" 6. to start or make sth start for the first time 创始;创办: ▪ [V] The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils. 这所学校创建于 1920 年,当时只有十名学生。 ▪ [VN] He began a new magazine on post-war architecture. 他创办了一份专论战后建筑的新杂志。 7. [V to inf] not ~ to make no attempt to do sth or have no chance of doing sth 不想;绝不能: I can't begin to thank you enough. 我说不尽对你的感激。 He didn't even begin to understand my problem. 他完全没有弄明白我的问题。 IDIOMS ▪ to be'gin with 1. at first 起初;开始: I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. 我起初觉得很累,但不久便适应了。 We'll go slowly to begin with. 我们开始时会慢慢来的。 2. used to introduce the first point you want to make 首先;第一点: 'What was it you didn't like?' 'Well, to begin with, our room was far too small.' "你不喜欢的是什么呢?" "唔,首先是,我们的屋子太小了。" ⇨ more at charity [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense began /-ˈɡæn/, past participle begun /-ˈɡʌn/, present participle beginning) 1  START DOING STH 开始做某事 [intransitive, transitive] to start doing something 开始;着手 As everybody’s here, let’s begin. 大家都到齐了,我们就开始吧。 In the third year, students begin the study of classical Chinese. 学生在三年级开始学古代汉语。 The president begins talks with the prime minister tonight. 总统将于今晚和首相展开会谈。 begin to do something She began to feel a sense of panic. 她开始有一种恐慌的感觉。 begin doing something I began teaching in 1984. 我在1984年开始教书。 ► see thesaurus at start 2  START HAPPENING 开始发生 [intransitive, transitive] if something begins, or you begin something, it starts to happen or exist from a particular time (使)开始〔发生或存在〕 It was the coldest winter since records began. 那是有史以来最寒冷的冬天。 begin at The meeting begins at 10.30 am. 会议上午10点半开始。 3  DO FIRST 首先做 [intransitive] if you begin with something or begin by doing something, this is the first thing you do 以…开始 begin with Shall we begin with a prayer? 我们先做个祷告好吗? begin by doing something I’ll begin by thanking you all for being here tonight. 首先我要感谢大家今晚来到这里。 4  BOOK/WORD ETC 书/单词等 [intransitive] if a book, film, or word begins with something, it starts with a particular event or letter 〔书、电影或单词〕以…开始,以…开头 begin with ‘Psychosis’ begins with a P. 单词 psychosis的第一个字母是p。  Register 5  SPEECH 话语 [intransitive, transitive] to start speaking 开始(说话) ‘Ladies and gentlemen, ’ he began. ‘I am delighted to be here.’ “女士们,先生们,”他开始发言说,“我很高兴来到这里。” 6  to begin with a) spoken used to introduce the first and most important point you want to make 首先〔用于引出首先想说的、最重要的内容〕 Well, to begin with, he shouldn’t even have been driving my car. 好吧,首先他本来就不应该开我的车。 b) used to say that something was already in a particular condition before something else happened 原来 I didn’t break it! It was like that to begin with. 不是我弄坏的!它原来就是这样的。 c) during the first part of a process or activity 起初,开始的时候 The kids helped me to begin with, but they soon got bored. 开始时孩子们都来帮忙,但他们很快就厌烦了。 7  can’t begin to understand/imagine etc spoken used to emphasize how difficult something is to understand etc 根本无法理解/想象等 8 begin (something) as something phrasal verb to be a particular thing at the start of your existence, working life etc 〔指生活、工作等〕从…开始,从…做起  FREQUENCY 使用频率 Origin begin Old English beginnan [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] begin ★★★★★ 1.VERB 动词开始;着手 To begin to do something means to start doing it. 【语法信息】:V to-inf 【语法信息】:V -ing He stood up and began to move around the room... 他起身开始在屋里来回走动。 The weight loss began to look more serious... 体重下降眼看开始变得愈发厉害了。 Snow began falling again. 雪又开始下了。 2.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(使)开始(进行或存在) When something begins or when you begin it, it takes place from a particular time onwards. 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:V n The problems began last November... 问题在去年11月份开始出现。 He has just begun his fourth year in hiding... 他东躲西藏的第四个年头刚刚开始。 The US is prepared to begin talks immediately. 美国愿意立刻开始谈判。 3.VERB 动词从…开始;从…着手;首先做(某事) If you begin with something, or begin by doing something, this is the first thing you do. 【语法信息】:V with n 【语法信息】:V by -ing 【语法信息】:V n prep Could I begin with a few formalities? 请允许我开场先讲几句套话。 ...a businessman who began by selling golf shirts from the boot of his car... 靠他的汽车后备箱练摊兜售高尔夫球衫起家的商人 He began his career as a sound editor. 他是从声音剪辑师做起的。 4.VERB 动词开始说;开口说 You use begin to mention the first thing that someone says. 【语法信息】:V with quote 【语法信息】:V 【搭配模式】:no cont 'Professor Theron,' he began, 'I'm very pleased to see you'... “西伦教授,”他开口说道,“很高兴见到您。” He didn't know how to begin. 他不知从何说起。 5.VERB 动词起初是;开始是 If one thing began as another, it first existed in the form of the second thing. 【语法信息】:V as n 【搭配模式】:no cont What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 原先的地方节日已经发展成为一项国际性活动。 6.VERB 动词(界限或边缘)起始于 If you say that a thing or place begins somewhere, you are talking about one of its limits or edges. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv 【搭配模式】:no cont The fate line begins close to the wrist... 命运线始于接近手腕的地方。 Rue Guynemer begins at the front of the Fitzgerald site. 吉内梅街始于菲茨拉德故居前。 7.VERB 动词以…开头;首字母为 If a word begins with a particular letter, that is the first letter of that word. 【语法信息】:V with n 【搭配模式】:no cont The first word begins with an F. 第一个词的首字母为F。 8.VERB 动词无法,难以(解释、理解、想象等) If you say that you cannot begin to imagine, understand, or explain something, you are emphasizing that it is almost impossible to explain, understand, or imagine. 【语法信息】:V to-inf 【搭配模式】:no cont 【语用信息】:emphasis You can't begin to imagine how much that saddens me. 你都无从想象这让我有多悲伤。 9.PHRASE 短语最初;刚开始 You use to begin with when you are talking about the first stage of a situation, event, or process. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl It was great to begin with but now it's difficult. 一开始非常好,但现在可就难了。 10.PHRASE 短语首先;第一 You use to begin with to introduce the first of several things that you want to say. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl 'What do scientists you've spoken with think about that?' — 'Well, to begin with, they doubt it's going to work.' “跟你聊过的科学家是怎么看的?”——“嗯,首先,他们怀疑这能否行得通。” 11. charity begins at home→see: charity; begin life→see: life; Usage Note : Begin, start, and commence all have a similar meaning, although commence is more formal and is not normally used in conversation. The meeting is ready to begin... He tore the list up and started a fresh one. ...an alternative to commencing the process of European integration. Note that begin, start, and commence can all be followed by an -ing form or a noun, but only begin and start can be followed by a 'to' infinitive. begin, start 和 commence 意思相近,但 commence 更为正式,通常不用在日常对话中:The meeting is ready to begin(会议可以开始了),He tore the list up and started a fresh one(他把清单撕碎,开始另列一张),an alternative to commencing the process of European integration(启动欧洲一体化进程的另一种方式)。注意,begin, start 和commence 后都可以接 -ing 形式或名词,但只有 begin 和 start 可以接带 to 的动词不定式。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] begin /bɪˈgɪn/ verb begins; began /-ˈgæn/ ; /bɪˈgæn/; begun /-ˈgʌn/ ; /bɪˈgʌn/; beginning 1 a : to do the first part of an action : to start doing something开始;着手;启动 [+ object] They will begin construction on the new school soon. 他们将很快开始建设新学校。 I got the job and I begin work on Monday! 我得到了这份工作,周一开始上班。 She'll begin the lecture at 10. 她将在10点钟开始讲座。 He plans to begin the project later this week. 他计划在本周晚些时候启动这个项目。 They both began their careers at the local newspaper. 他们俩的职业生涯都是从当地这家报纸开始的。 The university began accepting applications in November. 这所大学十一月开始接受入学申请。 I had just begun eating when the phone rang. 我刚开始吃饭,电话铃就响了。 She interrupted as soon as I began to speak. 我刚一开口,她就打断了。 [no object] He began by showing some photographs of his trip. = He began with some photographs of his trip. 他首先展示了他旅行时的一些照片。 Now that I've begun, I'll go on till I finish. 既然我已经开始,我就会继续下去直到完成。 You'll have to begin again. [=start over] 你得重新开始。 b [+ object] : to start to work on, produce, or give attention to (something)着手做;开始注意 I began the quilt last month. 我上个月开始缝制这床被子。 I began (reading) the book last week. 我上周开始读这本书。 Schubert began more symphonies than he finished. 舒伯特开始创作的交响乐多于他所完成的。 c [+ object] : to cause (something) to start使开始;使出现 The chairman began the meeting at noon. 主席在中午召开了会议。 They began [=founded] the state's first traveling theater troupe. 他们创建了国内首家巡回演出剧团。 d [+ object] : to start to have a feeling, thought, etc.开始感到;开始认为 — usually followed by to + verb通常接动词不定式 She began to feel dizzy soon after the accident. 事故发生后不久,她开始感到头晕。 I'm beginning to think the oversight was intentional. 我开始意识到这个疏忽是有意的。 — sometimes + -ing verb She began feeling dizzy soon after the accident. 事故发生后不久,她开始感到头晕。 2 : to start to happen, to exist, to be done, etc.开始发生;开始进行 [no object] The meeting began [=started] in the morning and finished/ended at noon. 会议在上午开始,中午结束。 Construction on the new school will begin soon. 新校舍的建设即将开工。 Our problems were just beginning. 我们的问题才刚刚开始。 When does the play begin? 比赛什么时候开始? The rain began around noon. 正午前后便开始下雨了。 Let the games begin. 让游戏开始吧。 The American Civil War began in 1861 and ended in 1865. 美国南北战争于1861年开始,1865年结束。 His passion for music began at the age of six when he had his first piano lessons. 他对音乐的热爱始于六岁时的第一堂钢琴课。 [+ object] — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 It's beginning [=starting] to rain. 天开始下雨了。 The flowers on the trees are beginning to bloom. 树上的花儿开始绽放了。 3 [no object] a : to have a particular starting point : to start at a specified place or in a specified way以…为起点;从…开始 “Where does the river begin?” “It begins in the mountains to the north.” “这条河的源头在哪里?”“它发源于北面的山脉。” The meeting began on a positive note. 会议在积极的气氛中开始了。 The meeting began with an announcement. [=an announcement was made at the start of the meeting] 这次会议首先发表了一项声明。 The English alphabet begins with A and ends with Z. 英语字母表从字母A开始,到字母Z结束。 Each sentence should begin with a capital. 每个句子的首字母都应大写。 The season began with our team in last place but finished (up) with us in first place. 我们队在本赛季初排名垫底,但到了赛季末则名列第一。 Her long career in advertising began at a small firm in Chicago. 她漫长的广告生涯始于芝加哥的一家小公司。 Prices for the hotel rooms begin at 85 dollars. [=85 dollars is the lowest price for a hotel room; some rooms cost more than 85 dollars] 这家酒店客房的起价为85美元。 The road begins at the bottom of the hill and ends at the top of the hill. 公路起于山脚,延伸至山顶。 b : to have a specified quality, identity, job, etc., at the start — + as开始具有(某种品质、身份、职位等) What began [=started] as a simple idea has become a complicated project. 最初的简单想法已经演变成一项复杂的工程。 The town began as a small farming community. 这座城市起初只是个小小的农耕社区。 He began as a clerk [=he was a clerk when he started working] and eventually became president of the company. 他起初只是名公司职员,后来当上了董事长。 4 [+ object] : to start speaking by saying (something)以…作开场白 “Allow me to introduce myself,” he began. “请允许我做一下自我介绍。”他首先说道。 5 — used in an exaggerated way to say that something is not possible用于夸张地表示某事不可能 I can't even begin to describe how good the food was. [=the food was very good] 我简直无法形容那种食物有多好吃。 I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for all your help. [=I am very grateful for all your help] 对于你的帮助,我不胜感激。 I can hardly begin to thank you for all you've done. 对于你所做的一切,我万分感激。 to begin with 1 : as the first thing to be thought about or considered首先;第一 “I don't think we should buy the car.” “Why not?” “To begin with, I'm not sure we can afford it.” “我认为我们不该买车。”“为什么?”“首先,我们能否买得起我没有把握。” 2 : at the start : before the current time or situation起初;原先;开始的时候 She has lost a lot of weight, and she wasn't very heavy to begin with. 她体重减了不少,而且原本她就不是很重。 She didn't like her job to begin with, [=at first, initially] but she got used to it eventually. 刚开始她并不喜欢自己的工作,但最后就适应了。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • behalf

    英 [bɪ'hɑːf]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692213102-f8e2ef4903e4973.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'hæf] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692213109-f8e2ef4903e4973.mp3"][/audio]    n. 代表;利益;方面 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 behalf 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:0 /bɪˈhɑːf/ /bɪˈhæf/ n. 代表;利益 高考真题原句提选: On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. 二、词组|习惯用语 behalf of 代表 on one's behalf 为…的利益;代表 on behalf of 代表;为了 on our behalf 代表我方 on the behalf of 代表 in behalf of 为…之利益;代表… on somebody's behalf 为了某人;代表...一方;为了某人的利益 三、词根记忆 behalf n. 利益"My behavior is on behalf of half zebras," the algebra teacher said."我的行為代表了一半斑馬的利益,"代數老師說. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be·half / bi5hB:f; NAmE bi5hAf / noun IDIOMS ▪ in behalf of sb | in sb's behalf (US) in order to help sb 为帮助某人: We collected money in behalf of the homeless. 我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐。 ▪ on behalf of sb | on sb's behalf 1. as the representative of sb or instead of them 代表(或代替)某人: On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all. 我谨代表全系感谢大家。 Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. 奈特先生不能来,因此由他的夫人代他领奖。 2. because of sb; for sb 因为某人;为了某人: Don't worry on my behalf. 别为我担心。 3. in order to help sb 为帮助某人: They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers. 他们为政治难民发起运动。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behalf /bɪˈhɑːf $ bɪˈhæf/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL noun on behalf of somebody (also in behalf of somebody American English) a) instead of someone, or as their representative 代表某人 She asked the doctor to speak to her parents on her behalf. 她请医生代她同她父母谈谈。 On behalf of everyone here, may I wish you a very happy retirement. 请允许我代表在座的各位祝你退休后生活愉快。 b) because of or for someone 因为某人;为了某人 Oh, don’t go to any trouble on my behalf. 噢,不要为我费事。 Origin behalf (1300-1400) by half “on (someone's) side” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behalf ★★★☆☆ 1.PHRASE 短语代表(亦使用 in someone's behalf,主要用于美国英语中) If you do something on someone's behalf, you do it for that person as their representative. The form in someone's behalf is also used, mainly in American English. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v She made an emotional public appeal on her son's behalf... 她代表儿子动情地发出了公开呼吁。 Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues. 特工处官员罗宾·汤普森代表他的同僚发表了讲话。 2.PHRASE 短语为(某人);替(某人) If you feel, for example, embarrassed or angry on someone's behalf, you feel embarrassed or angry for them. 'What do you mean?' I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf. “你什么意思啊?”我问,替利迪感到愤愤不平。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behalf /bɪˈhæf/ Brit /bɪˈhɑːf/ noun on behalf of someone or on someone's behalf 1 : as a representative of someone代表某人 The teacher accepted the award on behalf of the whole class. 老师代表全班同学接受了这个奖项。 She's been elected to go before the town council on behalf of the county's farmers. 她被推选为本县的农民代表出席市镇议会。 2 or US in behalf of someone or in someone's behalf : for the benefit of someone : in support of someone为了某人的利益;支持某人 She spoke in behalf of the other candidate. 她为另一位候选人说话。 They're willing to do anything on their child's behalf. 他们为了自己的孩子做什么都愿意。 He argued before the court on her behalf. 他在法庭上为她辩护。 3 : because of someone因为某人 Don't get up on my behalf. 别为我而起身。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • behave

    英 [bɪ'heɪv]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692213798-6353f6420da001e.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'heɪv] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692213805-6353f6420da001e.mp3"][/audio]    v. 表现;行为;举止 过去式: behaved 过去分词: behaved 现在分词: behaving 第三人称单数: behaves [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 behave 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:1 教材出处:译林版选必修B4U2 /bɪˈheɪv/ v. behaves 0 behaving 0 behaved 1 举止,行为表现 高考真题原句提选: After a while, she apologized for the way she behaved at the beginning. Amazingly, Daniel is quite well behaved in school. After a while, she apologized for the way she behaved at the beginning. 二、词组|习惯用语 behave oneself 使举止规矩 behave well 表现好;举止得体;行为检点;表现良好 behave yourself 请检点一点,行为规矩些 behave properly 行为正当 三、词根记忆 behave v. 舉止,舉動,表現;運轉,開動Parents always ask children to behave themselves at dinner.吃飯時父母總要求孩子規矩點. v. 舉動,舉止(be表示動作+have→[一個人]擁有的動作→舉動)[hau=possess,表示"擁有"] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be·have / bi5heiv / verb 1. [V +adv. / prep.] to do things in a particular way 表现 SYN act : The doctor behaved very unprofessionally. 那位医生的做法违反专业道德。 They behaved very badly towards their guests. 他们对客人们很不礼貌。 He behaved like a true gentleman. 他的行为像个真正的绅士。 She behaved with great dignity. 她显得很尊贵。 He behaved as if / though nothing had happened. 他显得像是什么都没发生过。 They behave differently when you're not around. 你不在时他们就是另一副面孔。 HELP In spoken English people often use like instead of as if or as though, especially in NAmE : He behaved like nothing had happened. This is not considered correct in written BrE. 英语口语中,尤其是北美英语,常用 like 代替 as if 或 as though: He behaved like nothing had happened. 书面英国英语中,此用法被视为不正确。 2. ~ (yourself) to do things in a way that people think is correct or polite 表现得体;有礼貌: ▪ [V] Will you kids just behave! 孩子们,规矩点! She doesn't know how to behave in public. 她在公共场合举止无措。 ▪ [VN] I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away. 我不在家时你要乖乖的。 OPP misbehave 3. -behaved (in adjectives 构成形容词) behaving in the way mentioned 表现得…的: well- / badly-behaved children 表现好/差的孩子 4. [V +adv. / prep.] (technical 术语) to naturally react, move, etc. in a particular way 作某种自然反应(或变化等): a study of how metals behave under pressure 对于金属受压反应的研究 IDIOMS ⇨ see own v. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behave /bɪˈheɪv/ ●●● S3 W3 verb [intransitive] 1  [always + adverb/preposition] to do things that are good, bad, sensible etc 表现 SYN act She behaved in a very responsible way. 她表现得很有责任心。 behave towards I think he behaved disgracefully towards you. 我觉得他对你太不像话了。 behave like grown men behaving like schoolboys 表现得像小学生一样的成年男子 behave as if/though He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was an adult. 他是个小男孩,可表现得跟大人一样。 2  (also behave yourself) to not do things that annoy or offend people 举止规矩有礼;检点 OPP misbehave Will you children please behave! 你们这些孩子能不能规矩一点! I hope Nicholas behaved himself at the party. 我希望尼古拉斯在聚会上规矩一点。 well-behaved/badly-behaved a badly-behaved class 不守规矩的班级 3  [always + adverb/preposition] if something behaves in a particular way, it does those things 作出反应,发生作用 Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave. 量子力学是研究原子运动的学科。 Origin behave (1400-1500) have “to hold or bear (yourself), behave” ((14-16 centuries)) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behave ★★★☆☆ 1.VERB 动词表现 The way that you behave is the way that you do and say things, and the things that you do and say. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv I couldn't believe these people were behaving in this way... 我难以相信这些人竟会有这种举动。 He'd behaved badly. 他表现得很糟糕。 2.VERB 动词守规矩;举止得体;行为检点 If you behave or behave yourself, you act in the way that people think is correct and proper. 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:V pron-refl You have to behave... 你得规矩点。 They were expected to behave themselves. 他们应该守规矩。 3.VERB 动词(在科学领域)运动,起作用,作出反应 In science, the way that something behaves is the things that it does. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles. 在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behave /bɪˈheɪv/ verb behaves; behaved; behaving 1 : to act in an acceptable way : to act properly表现良好;举止得体 [no object] If you can't behave in the store we'll have to leave. 如果你在店里表现不好,我们就得离开。 [+ object] If you can't behave yourself in the store we'll have to leave. 如果你在店里表现不好,我们就得离开。 I wish those children would behave themselves. 但愿那些孩子都能规规矩矩。 — opposite misbehave 2 [no object] : to act in a particular way表现 He behaves like a child! 他的表现像个孩子! behave well/generously 表现良好/大方 3 [no object] of a thing : to function, react, or move in a particular way(事物)起作用,起反应,起变化 The experiment tested how various metals behave under heat and pressure. 实验测试了不同金属在高温和高压下的反应。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • behaviour

    behaviour (behavior) 英 [bɪ'heɪvjə] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692214058-4f5ce9544341a81.mp3"][/audio]    美 [bɪ'heɪvjə]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692214070-4f5ce9544341a81.mp3"][/audio]   n. 行为;举止;习性;态度 形容词: behavioral 副词: behaviorally [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 behaviour (Am behavior) 高中必修500 全国卷频次:0 教材出处:译林版必修B1U3 /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ /bɪˈheɪvjər/ n. 行为,举止;运转状态,性能 高考真题原句提选: Women tend to be social in their behavior. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and understand his behavior. We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them. If her studies prove the theory, scientists may be able to monitor the behaviour of sharks to predict bad weather. She calls for a focused programme to teach people about buildings and their own behaviour in them. 二、词组|习惯用语 mechanical behaviour 机械性能,机械特性 good behaviour 品行良好;得体的行为 consumer behaviour 消费行为;消费者行为学 social behaviour 社会行为 animal behaviour 动物行为;动物习性 fire behaviour 防火性能;火灾特性 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behaviour be·hav·iour (BrE) (NAmE be·hav·ior) / bi5heivjE(r) / noun 1. [U] the way that sb behaves, especially towards other people 行为;举止;态度: good / bad behaviour 良好/恶劣行为 social / sexual / criminal behaviour 社会/性 / 犯罪行为 His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. 他对待她的态度越来越蛮横。 2. [U, C] the way a person, an animal, a plant, a chemical, etc. behaves or functions in a particular situation (人、动植物、化学药品等的)表现方式,活动方式: the behaviour of dolphins / chromosomes 海豚/染色体的习性 studying human and animal behaviour 研究人类和动物的行为模式 (technical 术语) to study learned behaviours 研究习得行为 • be·hav·iour·al (BrE) (NAmE be·hav·ior·al / -jErEl / ) adj.: children with behavioural difficulties 有行为问题的儿童 behavioural science (= the study of human behaviour) 行为科学 IDIOMS ▪ be on your best be'haviour to behave in the most polite way you can 尽量表现得体 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behaviour British English, behavior American English /bɪˈheɪvjə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [uncountable] 1  the things that a person or animal does 行为,举止 It is important to reward good behaviour. 表现好要给予奖励,这是很重要的。 behaviour towards She complained of her boss’s inappropriate behavior towards her. 她抱怨说老板对她有不规矩行为。 the effects of alcohol on human behaviour 酒精对人的行为产生的影响 2  be on your best behaviour to behave as well and politely as you can in order to please someone 尽可能好地表现,尽量行为检点 I want you both to be on your best behaviour at Grandad’s. 我希望你们俩在爷爷家里乖乖的。 3  the things that something in science normally does 〔科学上的〕表现方式,活动方式;特点 behaviour of the behaviour of human chromosomes 人类染色体的特点 —behavioural adjective behavioural science 行为科学 —behaviourally adverb [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behaviour ★★★★☆ in AM, use 美国英语用 behavior 1.N-VAR 可变名词行为;举止 People's or animals' behaviour is the way that they behave. You can refer to a typical and repeated way of behaving as a behaviour . 【搭配模式】:with supp Make sure that good behaviour is rewarded. 确保懿行得到嘉奖。 ...human sexual behaviour... 人类性行为 These eating patterns are a learned behavior. 这些进食模式是习得性行为。 2.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词(科学领域中的)运动方式,活动方式,性能,特点 In science, the behaviour of something is the way that it behaves. 【搭配模式】:also N in pl It will be many years before anyone can predict a hurricane's behavior with much accuracy. 要能够相当准确地预测出飓风的特性尚需多年。 3.PHRASE 短语极力表现;尽量做到举止得体 If someone is on their best behaviour, they are trying very hard to behave well. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behavior (US) noun or British behaviour /bɪˈheɪvjɚ/ plural behaviors 1 : the way a person or animal acts or behaves行为;举止 [noncount] I'm surprised by her bad behavior toward her friends. 她对待朋友的不良举止让我感到惊讶。 Students will be rewarded for good behavior. 表现优秀的学生会受到奖励。 scientists studying the behavior of elephants 研究大象行为的科学家 normal adolescent behavior 正常的青春期行为 criminal behavior 犯罪行为 an interesting pattern of behavior = an interesting behavior pattern 有趣的行为模式 The children were all on their best behavior [=were all behaving very well and politely] at the museum. 孩子们在博物馆参观时都表现得非常好。 Inmates may be released from prison early for good behavior. [=because they have followed prison rules and have not caused problems] 同狱犯人因为表现好可能提前获释。 [count] An acceptable social behavior in one country may be unacceptable in another country. 在一个国家被认可的社会行为在另一个国家可能不被认可。 Doctors are trying to educate people about behaviors that can put them at increased risk for skin cancer. 医生正尽力让人们了解可能增加皮肤癌患病风险的行为。 2 [noncount] : the way something (such as a machine or substance) moves, functions, or reacts(机器或物质的)活动方式,作用方式,反应方式 The experiment tested the behavior of various metals under heat and pressure. 实验测试了不同金属在高温和高压下的反应方式。 — behavioral (US) or British behavioural /bɪˈheɪvjərəl/ adjective behavioral problems 行为问题 behavioral patterns 行为模式 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • behind

    英 [bɪ'haɪnd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692215942-9da3be8f92c0bbf.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'haɪnd] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1692215951-9da3be8f92c0bbf.mp3"][/audio]    prep. 在...之后;迟于...;落后于;基于;追赶 adv. 在后面地;落后地;迟;不如 n. <口> 屁股 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="考点" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 一、真题好句 behind 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:45 /bɪˈhaɪnd/ prep.&ad. (表示位置)在…后面 & 在后面;向后 高考真题原句提选: I looked left, right and behind me. He left the book behind in Montreal. A car pulled up behind me. 二、词组|习惯用语 from behind 从…后面 drop behind 落…之后;落伍 go behind 进一步斟酌;探究 come from behind 迎头赶上 line up behind 拥护;追随:;使追随;跟随; 三、词根记忆 behind prep. 在…的背後,(遺留)在..後面;落後於It's acertained that the certificate is behind the curtain of the stainless steel container.經查實證書在不鏽鋼容器的簾子後面. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be·hind / bi5haind / preposition 1. at or towards the back of sb / sth, and often hidden by it or them 在(或向)…的后面;在(或向)…的背面: Who's the girl standing behind Jan? 站在简身后的女孩是谁? Stay close behind me. 紧跟在我后面。 a small street behind the station 车站后面的小街 She glanced behind her. 她扭头朝背后扫了一眼。 Don't forget to lock the door behind you (= when you leave). 出门时记着把门锁上。 The sun disappeared behind the clouds. 太阳消失在云层里。 ⇨ compare in front of at front n. ⇨ note at back 2. making less progress than sb / sth 落后于: He's behind the rest of the class in reading. 他的阅读能力不及班上其他人。 We're behind schedule (= late). 我们的工作进度落后了。 3. giving support to or approval of sb / sth 支持;赞成: She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her. 她知道,无论她做出什么决定,她的家人肯定会支持她的。 4. responsible for starting or developing sth 是…产生(或发展)的原因: What's behind that happy smile (= what is causing it) ? 为什么会笑得那么开心? He was the man behind the plan to build a new hospital. 他就是策划建立新医院的人。 5. used to say that sth is in sb's past 成为(某人的)过去: The accident is behind you now, so try to forget it. 这次意外已经过去了,把它忘掉吧。 She has ten years' useful experience behind her. 她有十年的经验,能派上用场。 adverb 1. at or towards the back of sb / sth; further back 在(或向)…的后面;在后面较远处: She rode off down the road with the dog running behind. 她骑车沿路而去,狗跟在后面奔跑着。 The others are a long way behind. 其余的人远远地落在后面。 He was shot from behind as he ran away. 他逃跑时后背中了弹。 I had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless trying to catch up. 我落后太多,似乎追赶下去也毫无意义。 2. in the place where sb / sth is or was 留在原地: I was told to stay behind after school (= remain in school). 我被告知放学后留下。 This bag was left behind after the class. 这个书包是有人下课后落下的。 3. ~ (with / in sth) late in paying money or completing work 拖欠;积压(工作): She's fallen behind with the payments. 她已经拖欠付款了。 He was terribly behind in his work. 他积压了大量工作。 noun (informal) a person's bottom. People often say 'behind' to avoid saying 'bottom'. (义同 bottom,委婉说法,即屁股) SYN backside : The dog bit him on his behind. 狗咬了他的屁股。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behind1 /bɪˈhaɪnd/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition , adverb 1  at or towards the back of a thing or person 在[向]…后面 I turned to speak to the person standing behind me. 我转身和站在我后面的那人说话。 Someone could easily creep up behind us. 很可能有人跟在我们后面。 The car behind was hooting impatiently. 后面那辆车不耐烦地按着喇叭。 Jane shut the door behind her. 简随手关上身后的门。 The manager was sitting behind a large desk. 经理坐在一张大办公桌的后面。 close behind/not far behind He set off down the road with the rest of us following close behind. 他带头上路,我们其他人紧随其后。 Don’t say ‘behind of’: He hid behind a chair (NOT behind of a chair). 不要说 ‘behind of’: He hid behind a chair (不说 behind of a chair). 他躲在一把椅子的后面。 2  not as successful or not having made as much progress as someone or something else 劣于;落后于;低于 Mark’s always behind the rest of his class in mathematics. 马克的数学成绩总是落在班上其他同学后面。 This victory lifts Ferguson’s team into fifth place, nine points behind leaders Norwich. 这场胜利使弗格森的球队升到了第五名,落后领先的诺里奇队九分。 Europe was falling behind in the important field of computer technology. 欧洲在计算机技术这一重要领域落后了。 3  used to say that someone is late in doing what they have to do 〔必须做的事情在时间上〕落后 This work should have been finished yesterday. I’m getting terribly behind. 这项工作应该昨天完成的,我落后太多了。 Victor had fallen behind with his mortgage payments after losing his job. 维克托失业以后就拖欠抵押贷款了。 an important research project that is already two years behind schedule (=not ready at the time planned) 进度已经落后了两年的一个重要研究项目 4  used for talking about the hidden reason for something 在…背后〔用于表示某事背后的原因〕 I wonder what’s behind this change of plan. 我想知道这次计划改变背后的原因是什么。 Perhaps a bitter experience lay behind her anger. 在她愤怒的背后可能隐藏着一次痛苦的经历。 5  supporting a person, idea etc 支持 The workers are very much behind these proposals. 工人们非常支持这些建议。 I suppose I’m lucky because my parents were behind me all the way. 我想我是幸运的,因为父母一直支持我。 6  responsible for a plan, idea etc or for organizing something 对…负责 It was alleged that foreign agents were behind the recent violence. 据称最近的暴力事件是由国外特工策划的。 The Rotary Club is behind the fund-raising for the new hospital. 扶轮社负责新医院的筹款工作。 7  if an unpleasant experience or situation is behind you, it no longer upsets you or affects your life 置于…之后〔指不愉快的事情不再困扰你或影响你的生活〕 Now you can put all these worries behind you. 现在你可以把这些烦恼全部撇在脑后了。 a chance to start a new life and leave all your troubles behind 抛开所有烦恼、开始新生活的一个机会 8  if you have experience behind you, you have gained valuable skills or important qualities that can be used 〔经验〕为…所拥有 Marjorie is one of the top designers in the business, with years of experience behind her. 玛乔里是这个行业里的顶级设计师之一,拥有多年的工作经验。 9  used when the real facts about a situation or someone’s character are hidden by the way things seem or by the way a person behaves 在…背后,在…表面下〔指现象背后的真实情况,或某人行为后面的真实性格〕 10. if a student stays behind after school or after a lesson, they stay after it has finished 〔学生放学后〕留堂 → behind somebody’s back at back2(9), → behind bars at bar1(7), → behind the times at time1(38) behind2 noun [countable] informal the part of your body that you sit on 屁股 SYN bottom Origin behind1 Old English behindan, from hindan “from behind” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] behind 1. PREPOSITION AND ADVERB USES 介词和副词用法 2. NOUN USE 名词用法 In addition to the uses shown below, behind is also used in a few phrasal verbs, such as ‘fall behind’ and ‘lie behind’. 除下列用法外,behind 还可用于 fall behind 和 lie behind 等短语动词中。 1.PREP 介词在…后面 If something is behind a thing or person, it is on the other side of them from you, or nearer their back rather than their front. 【搭配模式】:be ADV I put one of the cushions behind his head... 我把其中的一个软垫垫在他脑后。 They were parked behind the truck... 他们停在了卡车后面。 The moon disappeared behind a cloud. 月亮消失在云后。 Behind is also an adverb. Rising into the hills behind are 800 acres of parkland... 800英亩绿地延伸至山丘后面。 She was attacked from behind. 有人从后面袭击了她。 2.PREP 介词跟在…后面 If you are walking or travelling behind someone or something, you are following them. Keith wandered along behind him... 基思跟在他后面闲逛。 Myra and Sam and the children were driving behind them. 迈拉和萨姆带着孩子们开车跟在他们的后面。 Behind is also an adverb. The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire. 骑兵尾随其后,精神高度紧张以防突袭。 3.PREP 介词在(桌子、柜台、吧台等)的后面 If someone is behind a desk, counter, or bar, they are on the other side of it from where you are. The colonel was sitting behind a cheap wooden desk... 上校坐在一张廉价的木桌后面。 He could just about see the little man behind the counter. 他勉强能看到柜台后面的小个子男人。 4.PREP 介词在…身后(随手关上门) When you shut a door or gate behind you, you shut it after you have gone through it. 【搭配模式】:PREP pron I walked out and closed the door behind me... 我走了出来,随手带上了门。 He slammed the gate shut behind him. 他砰的一声带上了大门。 5.PREP 介词在(某一局势)背后(或幕后) The people, reason, or events behind a situation are the causes of it or are responsible for it. It is still not clear who was behind the killing... 凶杀案的幕后主使尚不清楚。 He is embarrassed about the motives behind his decision. 关于这项决策的背后动机,他觉得难以启齿。 6.PREP 介词支持;作为…的后盾 If something or someone is behind you, they support you and help you. 【搭配模式】:PREP pron He had the state's judicial power behind him. 他有国家司法权作后盾。 7.PREP 介词在(…的外表)之下 If you refer to what is behind someone's outside appearance, you are referring to a characteristic which you cannot immediately see or is not obvious, but which you think is there. What lay behind his anger was really the hurt he felt at Grace's refusal... 他生气的表面之下是因遭格雷斯拒绝而深受伤害的心。 Behind the smiling eyes lurks the evil that led her to murder the two babies in her care. 她笑里藏刀,杀害了她照顾的两个宝宝。 8.PREP 介词不及;比不上;落后于 If you are behind someone, you are less successful than them, or have done less or advanced less. She finished second behind the American, Ann Cody, in the 800 metres... 她在800米赛跑中落后于美国选手安·科迪而位居第二。 Food production has already fallen behind the population growth. 粮食生产已经跟不上人口增长。 Behind is also an adverb. The rapid development of technology means that she is now far behind, and will need retraining... 随着技术的快速发展,她已经远远落伍了,需要接受再培训。 The accounts are more than three months behind. 这些账目滞后三个多月。 9.PREP 介词对…来说成为过去;抛到…的脑后 If an experience is behind you, it happened in your past and will not happen again, or no longer affects you. 【搭配模式】:PREP pron Maureen put the nightmare behind her... 莫琳已将噩梦抛诸脑后。 He will attempt to put behind him the misery of failing to win a medal in his individual event. 他会尽力忘掉自己没能在个人项目上夺牌的痛苦。 10.PREP 介词有(某种成就) If you have a particular achievement behind you, you have managed to reach this achievement, and other people consider it to be important or valuable. 【搭配模式】:have/with n PREP pron He has 20 years of loyal service to Barclays Bank behind him... 他已经忠心耿耿地为巴克莱银行效力了20年。 Birgit was a popular actress with half a decade of filmmaking behind her. 比吉特曾是一位当红女演员,有着五年的从影经历。 11.PREP 介词落后于;迟于;晚于 If something is behind schedule, it is not as far advanced as people had planned. If someone is behind schedule, they are not progressing as quickly at something as they had planned. 【搭配模式】:oft n PREP n The work is 22 weeks behind schedule... 这项工作比计划滞后了22周。 We were two months behind schedule, and already over budget. 我们的进度晚了两个月,而且已经超出了预算。 12.ADV 副词留在原处;留下来 If you stay behind, you remain in a place after other people have gone. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v As women were not permitted in the war zone, Eleanor would have to stay behind... 女性是不允许进入战区的,所以埃莉诺不得不留在后方。 About 1,200 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base. 大约会有1,200人留守看管这个空军基地。 13.ADV 副词丢下;抛下 If you leave something or someone behind, you do not take them with you when you go. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v The rebels fled into the mountains, leaving behind their weapons and supplies... 叛军丢下武器和给养,逃进了山里。 He came to Saudi Arabia, leaving behind his wife and their three children. 他抛下妻子和三个孩子来到了沙特阿拉伯。 14. to do something behind someone's back→see: back; behind bars→see: bar; →see: behind the scenes; →see: scene; behind the times→see: time; 1.N-COUNT 可数名词臀部;屁股 Your behind is the part of your body that you sit on. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ adverb 1 a : in or toward the back在后面;向后 look behind 向后看 The older students entered the room first with the younger students following behind. 高年级学生先走进房间,低年级学生跟在后面。 b : in the place that someone is going away from留在原地 She stayed behind after the other guests left. 其他客人走后,她留了下来。 They left behind everything they owned when they fled the country. 他们逃离那个国家时,所有财产都没有带走。 We had to leave our family, friends, and neighbors behind. 我们不得不告别我们的家人、朋友和邻里。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 She has left her fears and doubts behind. [=she is no longer fearful and doubtful] 她抛开了恐惧和疑虑。 She wanted to leave the past behind. [=forget about the past] 她想忘掉过去。 c : later in time迟;晚 “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” “如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? P. B. Shelley, “Ode to the West Wind” (1820)P.B.雪莱,《西风颂》(1820) 2 : in a losing position in a race or competition(在比赛中)落后 “How far behind was she?” “At least 50 yards (behind).” “她落后多远?”“至少50码。” We were ahead in the first half, but now we're behind. 上半场我们领先,但现在落后了。 We were behind by five runs. = We were five runs behind. 我们落后五分。 a politician who is behind in the polls 选票落后的政治人物 She was losing the race but she came from behind and is now in front. 眼看就要输掉比赛了,但她迎头赶上,现已经跑到了前面。 3 a — used to describe something that is not happening or proceeding as quickly as it should(进程)慢,落在后面 We're running about five minutes behind [=late] with tonight's schedule. 按照今晚的安排,我们迟到了五分钟。 b — used to describe someone who is not doing something (such as paying a debt) as quickly as required or expected拖延;拖欠;不按时 He got a bit behind [=late] in/with his payments. 他付款有些迟了。 He is behind in (paying) his rent. 他未按时缴纳租金。 2 behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ preposition 1 : in or to a place at the back of or to the rear of (someone or something)在…的后面;向…的后面 Look behind you. 向后看。 He was standing in front of me and she was standing behind [=in back of] me. 他站在我前面,她站在我后面。 The older students entered the room first with the younger students following behind them. 高年级学生先走进房间,低年级学生跟在后面。 The house is behind some trees. [=there are some trees in front of the house] 房子在几棵树的后面。 The cat hid behind the couch. 那只猫藏在了长沙发后面。 The sun went/hid/was behind a cloud. 太阳躲进了云层。 — see also behind the eight ball at eight ball 2 : losing to (someone or something) in a race or competition(在比赛中)落后于 “How far behind the other runners was she?” “At least 50 yards (behind them).” “她落后其他选手多远?”“至少50码。” They were ahead of us by 5 points earlier in the game, but now they're behind us by 7. 他们在比赛前阶段领先我们5分,但现在落后我们7分。 The polls show that he is behind the other candidates. 投票结果显示,他落后于其他候选人。 The company is now behind the competition. 目前这家公司在竞争中处于劣势。 3 : in a less advanced position than (someone or something)低于 He was a year behind me in school. [=he finished school a year after I did] 他在上学时比我低一届。 : not happening or proceeding as quickly as (someone or something)(进程)落后于 He was behind the other students in his studies. 他学习不如其他同学。 This year's sales have lagged considerably/significantly behind last year's sales. [=sales have not been as good this year as they were last year] 今年的销售额远不如去年。 We're running about five minutes behind schedule. [=late] 按照预定计划,我们迟了五分钟。 4 a : in the past for (someone or something)已成为…的过去 Those problems are behind us now. 那些问题对我们而言已经过去了。 Her best work is behind her. [=her best work was in the past] 她曾创作过上乘之作。 He has many years of experience behind him. [=he has many years of experience in his past] 他有多年的经验。 b : out of the mind or thoughts of (someone)不再想;忘掉 Let's put our troubles behind us. [=let's stop thinking/worrying about our troubles] 我们把烦恼抛开吧。 5 a : providing the reason or explanation for (something)为…提供原因(或解释) We need to learn more about the conditions behind the strike. [=the conditions that led to the strike] 我们需要了解有关此次罢工的更多原因。 What was really behind his murder? [=what was the real reason for his murder?] 他被谋杀的真正原因是什么? b : responsible for (something)(对某事)负责,有责任 We'll get to the bottom of this conspiracy and find out who's behind it! 我们将弄清这起阴谋的真相,查明谁是幕后的主使。 6 a : in support of (someone or something)支持 Despite the controversy, most of his supporters remain solidly behind him. 尽管存在争议,但他的大多数拥护者仍坚定地支持他。 We're behind you all the way! 我们将一直支持你! I encourage everyone to get behind these proposals. [=to support these proposals] 我鼓励大家都来支持这些提议。 b : with the support of (something)有…的支持 They won the game 1-0 behind brilliant pitching. [=brilliant pitching made it possible for them to win the game 1-0] 一记绝妙的投球使得他们以1:0赢得了比赛。 behind bars — see 1bar behind the times — see 1time 3 behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ noun plural behinds [count] informal : the part of the body above the legs that is used for sitting : buttocks屁股 kicked him in the behind 踢他的屁股 Get your behind over here right now! [=come here right now] 马上过来! [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • believe

    英 [bɪ'liːv] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714827339-2d46f6286511bd2.mp3"][/audio]     美 [bɪ'liːv]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714827297-2d46f6286511bd2.mp3"][/audio]   v. 相信;认为 [su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="用法" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 这个动词(表示状态的延续动词,第一类)十分普通,但是它的用法和意义还是有一些值得注意之处: 1. believe某人和believe in某人意义不同。前者是相信某人在某一次或几次具体场合所说的话,后者是对某人的人品予以信赖。【例如】There's a big difference between believing someone and believing in someone. 相信某人所言和信赖某人,两者有很大的不同。believe in还有信仰或相信某一主张的意思。【例如】believe in God信仰上帝 / believe in Buddhism信仰佛教 / believe in the generation gap相信代沟之说 / believe in exercising every day相信每天做运动有效果。 2. believe somebody是相信某人所说的话。但是后面如果加上一个动词不定式,就成了“相信某人具有某种性质或处于某种状态”。【例如】I believe him to be honest. (加强语气可以省略to be)我相信他是老实的。/ I believe him to be dying.我相信他快要死了。同时要注意,后面加上的to inf.,其动词必须是表示性质或状态的静态动词,不能说*I believe him to die. 这是因为believe与后面动词所表示的事情是同时发生的,我不可能现在这一刹那相信他现在这一刹那死去。如果是瞬时的动态动词,唯有采取完成式,才可以与believe相容:I believe him to have died. 因为完成式间接表示了一种状态“死了”,“人在死亡状态”。同样,这个某人也可以改成为某物。【例如】I believe the story to be true. 我相信故事是真实的。从逻辑分析,这时候真正被相信的已经不是某人或某物,而是某人或某物具有某性质或处于某状态的这件事。 3. 此外,believe的宾语补足语可以不是动词不定式而是动词过去分词,此时这个过去分词所表示的是一种持续状态。【例如】Electricity was considered a mysterious force believed entwined with mind and body. (The Sunday Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Sept. 12, 2004, G8) 从前电被看作是一股同心灵和肉体都交织在一起的神秘力量。 4. 由此出发,这个believe还可以采取被动语态,此时,原先是直接宾语的人或物变成主语,后面的to inf. 情况不变。同样,这时候真正被相信的,不是某人或某物,而是某人或某物具有某性质或处于某状态的这件事。【例如】Oil prices are believed to be the biggest threat to the economy. 据信油价是对经济的最大威胁。/ The FBI released photographs of 19 individuals believed to be the hijackers of the four airliners that crashed on September 11. 联邦调查局公布了十九名据信是“9·11”撞毁的四架客机的劫持者的照片。/ The fugitive cocaine importer is believed to have fled Australia dressed as a priest. 据信那个在逃的携带可卡因入境者已经乔装教士逃出了澳大利亚。/ At least 21,000 people are believed to have been killed by the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. 据信印尼至少有两万一千人在地震和海啸中丧生。 否定时,可以否定后面的动词不定式,也可以否定to be believed。但后一种否定比前一种强烈。【例如】This product is believed not to contain toxic materials. 该产品据信不包含毒性材料。/ The plan is believed not to require approval. 据信计划不需要经过批准。/ The plan is not believed to require approval.人们并不认为计划需要经过批准。/ Five Iraqis believed not to have been enemy combatants have died. 五名据信并非敌方战斗人员的伊拉克人丧生。/ Bin Laden is not believed to have nuclear weapons. 据信本·拉登并没有核武器。/ Judging from the relatively weak axial musculature and the thick bones in the limbs, Basilosaurus is not believed to have been capable of sustained swimming. 从基底龙的中轴肌肉系统比较弱以及四肢骨头很厚看来,估计它不会有持续游泳的能力(与此相类似的动词,还有assume, say, report, schedule, fear等,均参见各单词)。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] believe verb /bɪˈliːv/ /bɪˈliːv/ not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时 Verb Forms Idioms Phrasal Verbs feel certain相信 [transitive] to feel certain that something is true or that somebody is telling you the truth相信;认为真实 believe somebody I don't believe you!我不相信你的话! The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him.那个男人自称是社会福利工作者,老妇人信以为真。 Do you really believe her?你真的相信她吗 Believe me, she's not right for you.相信我,她不适合你。 believe something I believed his lies for years.我很多年都对他的谎话信以为真。 I find that hard to believe.我对此感到难以相信。 Don't believe a word of it (= don't believe any part of what somebody is saying).一点也不要相信那些话。 believe (that)… People used to believe (that) the earth was flat.人们一度认为地球是平的。 He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs.他不愿相信他的儿子沾染毒品。 I do believe you’re right (= I think something is true, even though it is surprising).我的确相信你是对的。 Extra Examples Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyA1 Oxford Collocations Dictionary think possible认为有可能 [intransitive, transitive] to think that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain把(某事)当真;认为有可能 ‘Where does she come from?’ ‘Spain, I believe.’“她是哪里人?” “我想是西班牙人。” ‘Does he still work there?’ ‘I believe so/not.’“他还在那里工作吗?” “我想是/不是。” believe (that)… Police believe (that) the man may be armed.警方认为那个人可能携有武器。 Experts believe that the diamond is the only one of its kind.专家认为,钻石是唯一的一种。 l firmly believe that she is still alive.我坚信她还活着。 There is no reason to believe he is dangerous.没有理由相信他很危险。 it is believed (that)… It is believed that the couple have left the country.据信那对夫妇已经离开了这个国家。 It is widely believed that he was forced to resign.人们普遍认为他被迫辞职。 believe something Few people believe the claim that the cost of living has not risen since last year.很少有人相信自去年以来生活费用没有增加的说法。 be believed to be, have, etc. something The vases are believed to be worth over $20 000 each.那些花瓶据估计每个价值都超过 2 万美元。 be believed + adj. Three sailors are missing, believed drowned.有三位船员失踪,相信是淹死了。 Synonyms think Extra Examples Topics Opinion and argumentA1, Doubt, guessing and certaintyA1 have opinion认定 [transitive] believe (that)… to have the opinion that something is right or true认定;看作 The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government.该党把教育视为政府面临的最重要的问题。 She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral.她认为,为获取食物或皮毛而杀害动物是完全不道德的。 I strongly believe that competition is a good thing. 我坚信竞争是一件好事。 She truly believes that love can change the world.她坚信爱情可以改变世界。 Language Bank according to Language Bank opinion Extra Examples Topics Opinion and argumentA1 Oxford Collocations Dictionary be surprised/annoyed吃惊;恼怒 [transitive] don’t/can’t believe used to say that you are surprised or annoyed at something(表示对某事吃惊或恼怒) believe (that)… She couldn’t believe (that) it was all happening again.她简直无法相信整件事又在重演。 I don't believe I'm doing this!我不相信我正在这样做! believe how, what, etc… I can't believe how much better I feel.真想不到我觉得好多了。 I couldn't believe what I was hearing.我无法相信自己所听到的。 Oxford Collocations Dictionary religion宗教 [intransitive] to have a religious faith有宗教信仰 The god appears only to those who believe.信神则神在。 Topics Religion and festivalsA1 Word Origin Idioms believe it or not (informal) used to introduce information that is true but that may surprise people信不信由你 Believe it or not, he asked me to marry him!信不信由你,他向我求婚了! believe (you) me (informal) used to emphasize that you strongly believe what you are saying我敢保证 You haven't heard the last of this, believe you me!我敢保证你没听说过最新的消息。 don’t you believe it! (informal) used to tell somebody that something is definitely not true绝对不正确(不可相信) ‘She wouldn’t do a thing like that.’ ‘Don’t you believe it!’“她不会那样做。” “你不相信!” give somebody to believe/understand (that)… [often passive] (formal) to make somebody believe/understand something使某人相信;使某人理解 I was given to understand that she had resigned.我得知她已经辞职了。 I don’t believe it! (informal) used to say that you are surprised or annoyed about something(表示吃惊或恼怒)我简直无法相信 I don't believe it! What are you doing here?我简直无法相信!你在这里干什么? if you believe that, you’ll believe anything (informal) used to say that you think somebody is stupid if they believe that something is true你要是连这都相信,还有什么不信的 ‘He promised not to do it again.’ ‘Sure, and if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.’他答应不再做。“当然,如果您相信这一点,那么您将相信任何事情。” make believe (that…) to pretend that something is true假装 related noun make-believe not believe your ears/eyes (informal) to be very surprised at something you hear/see不相信自己的耳朵(或眼睛);对所闻(或所见)非常吃惊 I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。 seeing is believing (saying) used to say that somebody will have to believe that something is true when they see it, although they do not think it is true now眼见为实;百闻不如一见 would you believe (it)? (informal) used to show that you are surprised and annoyed about something(表示惊讶或气愤)你能相信吗 And, would you believe, he didn't even apologize!而且,可气的是,他连个道歉都没有! you/you’d better believe it! (informal) used to tell somebody that something is definitely true当然没错;千真万确 ‘He’s not a bad player, is he?’ ‘You’d better believe it!’“他打得不错,是吗?”“没错!” Phrasal Verbs believe in believe of [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] believe /bəˈliːv/ ●●● S1 W1 verb 1[transitive] to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth相信: You shouldn’t believe everything you read.你不应尽信书上看来的东西。 I believed him, even though his story sounded unlikely.我相信了他﹐尽管他的话听上去不太可信。 believe (that) I don’t believe he’s only 25.我不相信他只有25岁。 I don’t believe a word of it (=I think it is completely untrue).我一句话也不相信。 2[transitive] to think that something is true or possible, although you are not completely sure认为﹔料想﹐猜想 believe (that) Detectives believe that the victim knew his killer.侦探们认为被害人认识凶手。 it is believed (that) It is believed that the house was built in 1735.据信这房子建于1735年。 believe so (=think that something is true) ‘Have they arrived yet?’ ‘Yes, I believe so.’“他们到了吗?”“嗯﹐我想到了。” be believed to be something At 115, Mrs Jackson is believed to be the oldest person in the country.115岁的杰克逊夫人被认为是国内最高寿的人。 The four men are widely believed (=believed by a lot of people) to have been killed by their captors.人们普遍认为﹐那四名男子已遭劫持者杀害。 Did you honestly believe that I’d be stupid enough to do that?你真的认为我会傻到做那样的事情吗? I firmly believe that the business will be a success.我坚信公司会成功的。 ► see thesaurus at think 3it’s difficult/hard to believe (that) used when you are surprised that something is true很难相信〔用于表示惊异〕: Sometimes, it’s hard to believe we’ve been married for 50 years.有时很难相信我们已经结婚50年了。 SPOKEN PHRASES 4can’t/don’t believe something used when you are very surprised or shocked by something不能/不敢相信某事〔用于表示惊异或震惊〕: I can’t believe he’s expecting us to work on Sunday!我真不敢相信﹐他竟然要我们星期天上班! I couldn’t believe it when he told me what had happened.当他告诉我发生的这一切时﹐我简直没法相信。 can hardly/scarcely believe something I could scarcely believe my luck.我几乎不敢相信自己有这样的运气。 5believe it or not used when you are saying something that is true but surprising信不信由你: He enjoys school, believe it or not.信不信由你﹐他喜欢上学。 6would you believe it! (also I don’t believe it!) used when you are surprised or angry about something你能相信吗!我不能相信!〔表示惊讶或生气〕: And then he just walked out. Would you believe it!然后他就走出去了。你能相信吗! 7believe (you) me used to emphasize that something is definitely true相信我〔用于强调某事绝对是真的〕: There’ll be trouble when they find out about this, believe you me!相信我﹐这件事如果给他们发现了会很麻烦的! 8 you’d better believe it! used to emphasize that something is true你最好相信!〔用于强调某事是真的〕 9 don’t you believe it! used to emphasize that something is definitely not true千万不要相信!〔用于强调某事绝对不是真的〕 10can’t believe your eyes/ears used to say that someone is very surprised by something they see or hear不敢相信自己的眼睛/耳朵 11if you believe that, you’ll believe anything used to say that something is definitely not true, and that anyone who believes it must be stupid你要是连这都相信﹐还有什么不信的﹔谁相信谁就是傻瓜 12seeing is believing (also I’ll believe it when I see it) used to say that you will only believe that something happens or exists when you actually see it眼见为实 13[intransitive] to have a religious faith有宗教信仰﹐信教: She says those who believe will go to heaven.她说信教的人可以进天堂。 → make believe at make1(19) GRAMMAR Patterns with believe • You believe that something is true: 可以用believe that表示认为某事属实 · We believe that all men are equal.我们认为人人平等。 • You believe that something should happen: 可以用believe that something should happen表示认为某事应当发生 · We believe all men should be treated equally.我们认为所有人应该受到平等的对待。 • You believe that someone can do something: 可以用believe that someone can do something表示认为某人有可能做某事 · I still believe that we can win.我仍然认为我们能赢。 • You believe that something might or could happen: 可以用believe that something might/could happen表示认为某事有可能发生 · Do you believe that things might change?你相信形势会有所变化吗? • In more formal English, you can say it is believed that: 在较正式的英语中,可以用it is believed that表示据信某事会发生 · It was believed that the King’s touch could cure diseases.据信国王的按抚可以治愈疾病。 • In all the above patterns with that, ‘that’ can be omitted: 以上所有含that的语法结构中,that均可省略 · We believe all men are equal.我们认为人人平等。 grammar guide ‒ verbs • You can use the phrases I believe so or I don’t believe so, usually to give a short answer: 短语I believe so(我觉得是)或I don’t believe so(我觉得不是)一般用于简略作答 · ‘Are they married?’ ‘I believe so.’“他们结婚了吗?”“我觉得是。” · ‘Were there any problems?’ ‘I don’t believe so.’“有什么问题吗?”“我觉得没有。” ✗Don’t say: I believe it. Using the progressive Believe is not used in the progressive. You say: believe不用进行式。 · I believe you.我相信你。 ✗Don’t say: I am believing you. grammar guide ‒ verbs THESAURUS TO BELIEVE SOMETHING believe to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth相信: · I believed her when she said that she loved me.她说她爱我﹐我相信了。 · Don’t believe anything he tells you.他告诉你的任何话都别信。 accept to believe that something is true, especially because someone has persuaded you to believe it〔尤指经说服而〕接受﹐相信: · His wife accepted his explanation for why he was late.他妻子接受了他对于迟到的解释。 · Leah had slowly come to accept her brother’s version of events. take somebody’s word for it especially spoken to believe what someone says is true, even though you have no proof or experience of it〔在没有证据或经验的情况下〕相信某人的话: · I don’t know anything about him, so I’ll just have to take your word for it.我对他一点也不了解﹐所以只能相信你的话。 · You don’t have to take my word for it – go and see for yourself. · ‘Cakes are very easy to make.’ ‘I’ll take your word for it.’ give somebody the benefit of the doubt to believe what someone says, even though you think it might not be true姑且先相信某人: · Unless you have proof, you should give him the benefit of the doubt.除非你有真凭实据﹐否则只能姑且相信他的话。 TO BELIEVE SOMETHING THAT IS UNTRUE be taken in (also fall for something informal) to be tricked into believing something that is not true受骗﹐上当: · A lot of people were taken in by these claims.许多人都给这些说法蒙骗了。 · I can’t believe she fell for that old excuse!我简直不敢相信她竟会听信那种惯用的借口! swallow informal to believe a story or explanation that is not true, especially when this makes you seem silly〔尤指愚蠢地〕轻信﹐误信: · His aunt had swallowed his story unquestioningly.他姑妈毫无疑心地相信了他的说法。 · Police refused to swallow his story, and put him in a cell. believe in somebody/something phrasal verb 1to be sure that someone or something exists相信…存在: Do you believe in God?你相信有上帝吗? 2to think that something is effective or right相信…有用﹔相信…正确: I don’t believe in these diets.我不相信这些节食方法。 believe in doing something The school believes in letting children learn at their own pace.这所学校认为要让孩子按着自己的进度学习。 3to trust someone and be confident that they will be successful信任﹐信赖﹐相信〔某人会成功〕: The people want a president they can believe in.老百姓想要一个可以信赖的总统。 Believe in yourself, or you’ll never succeed.相信自己﹐否则你永远不会成功。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] believe ★★★★★ 1.VERB 动词相信;认为 If you believe that something is true, you think that it is true, but you are not sure. 【语法信息】:V that 【语法信息】:V n to-inf 【语法信息】:V so/not 【语法信息】:Also V n adj 【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式 Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive... 专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区。 I believe you have something of mine... 我想你拿了我什么东西。 The main problem, I believe, lies elsewhere... 主要的问题,我认为,出在别的地方。 We believe them to be hidden here in this apartment... 我们相信他们就被藏在这套公寓里。 'You've never heard of him?' — 'I don't believe so.' “你从来没有听说过他?”——“我认为不是这样的。” 2.VERB 动词相信(某人或某人的话) If you believe someone or if you believe what they say or write, you accept that they are telling the truth. 【语法信息】:V n He did not sound as if he believed her... 他听起来似乎并不相信她。 Never believe anything a married man says about his wife... 永远不要相信一个已婚男人说的任何有关他妻子的话。 Don't believe what you read in the papers. 不要相信报纸上看到的东西。 3.VERB 动词相信有…;认为…存在 If you believe in fairies, ghosts, or miracles, you are sure that they exist or happen. If you believe in a god, you are sure of the existence of that god. 【语法信息】:V in n 【语法信息】:Also V I don't believe in ghosts... 我不相信有鬼。 Do you believe in magic? 你相信魔法真的存在吗? 4.VERB 动词认为…是应该的(或正确的) If you believe in a way of life or an idea, you are in favour of it because you think it is good or right. 【语法信息】:V in n He believed in marital fidelity. 他认为婚内应该忠诚。 ...decent candidates who believed in democracy. 信奉民主政治的正派候选人 5.VERB 动词对…有信心;信任;信赖 If you believe in someone or what they are doing, you have confidence in them and think that they will be successful. 【语法信息】:V in n If you believe in yourself you can succeed. 只要自信,就能成功。 Usage Note : Note that when you are using the verb believe with that-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally make believe negative, rather than the verb. For instance, it is more usual to say 'He didn't believe she could do it...' than 'He believed she couldn't do it'. The same applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such as consider, suppose, and think. I don't consider that you kept your promise... I don't suppose he ever saw it... I don't think he saw me. 注意,当 believe 和 that 从句连用陈述否定的观点或看法时,通常对 believe 而不是从句中的动词加以否定。例如,通常说 He didn't believe she could do it(他认为她做不到),而很少说 He believed she couldn't do it。同样的句型结构也适用于 consider, suppose 和 think 等意思相近的动词:I don't consider that you kept your promise(我认为你没有遵守诺言),I don't suppose he ever saw it(我想他从没见过它),I don't think he saw me(我认为他没有看到我)。 6.VERB 动词(表示惊奇)难以置信 Believe is used in expressions such as I can't believe how or it's hard to believe that in order to express surprise, for example because something bad has happened or something very difficult has been achieved. 【语法信息】:V wh 【语法信息】:Also V that 【搭配模式】:with brd-neg 【语用信息】:feelings Many officers I spoke to found it hard to believe what was happening around them... 很多和我谈过的官员都觉得发生在他们周围的事情令人难以置信。 I was a physical and emotional wreck — I still can't believe how I ever got any work done. 我那时身心俱疲——现在还难以相信我是怎么把一些事情做成的。 7.PHRASE 短语(表示对所见所闻惊讶不已)相信自己的眼睛/耳朵 If you say that you cannot believe your eyes or cannot believe your ears, you are emphasizing that you are very surprised about something you have seen or heard. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【语用信息】:emphasis I could not believe my eyes. She was far more beautiful than I had imagined. 我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。她比我想象的漂亮多了。 8.PHRASE 短语(强调刚才所述之事令人吃惊)信不信由你 You can use believe it or not to emphasize that what you have just said is surprising. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl 【语用信息】:emphasis That's normal, believe it or not. 那很正常,信不信由你。 9.PHRASE 短语(强调对某事感到惊讶)你会相信吗? If you say would you believe it, you are emphasizing your surprise about something. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl 【语用信息】:emphasis And would you believe it, he's younger than me! 你信吗?他比我年轻! 10.PHRASE 短语(强调所述属实)相信我 You can use believe you me to emphasize that what you are saying is true. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl 【语用信息】:emphasis It's absolutely amazing, believe you me. 这太不可思议了,真的。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] believe /bəˈliːv/ verb believes; believed; believing not used in progressive tenses 1 [+ object] a : to accept or regard (something) as true相信 The scientists believed the reports. 科学家们相信这些报告。 Many people seem to believe that theory, but I find it hard/difficult to believe. 许多人似乎都相信那个理论,可我却觉得难以置信。 You shouldn't believe everything you read. 不要全信你所读到的东西。 I knew that he was a liar and so I didn't believe a word he said. [=I didn't believe anything he said] 我知道他是个撒谎大王,所以他说的话我一句都不信。 I did not want to believe (that) it could happen. 我不愿意相信会发生这种情况。 He says he'll help us, but I don't believe what he says. 他说他会帮我们,但我不相信他的话。 They were tricked into believing that he was a doctor. 他们被骗了,竟然相信他是个医生。 — opposite disbelieve b : to accept the truth of what is said by (someone)相信…说的话 He says he'll help us, but I don't believe him. 他说他会帮我们,但我不相信他的话。 — opposite disbelieve 2 [+ object] : to have (a specified opinion) : think认为;料想 I'm beginning to believe (that) this war will never end. 我开始认为,这场战争永远不会结束了。 I used to believe (that) I was the only one who felt that way but now I know (that) there are others like me. 过去,我一直认为只有我一个人有这种感受,但现在我知道还有其他人也和我一样。 He clearly/firmly/honestly believes (that) it is possible. = He clearly/firmly/honestly believes it (to be) possible. 他清楚地/坚定地/的确认为那是可能的。 He had reason to believe that they would accept his offer. = He had reason for believing that they would accept his offer. 他有理由相信他们会接受他的报价。 She was widely believed to be guilty. [=many people believed that she was guilty] 人们普遍认为她是有罪的。 We were led to believe it was true. [=we heard, saw, or read something that made us think it was true] 我们的所见所闻让我们相信那是真的。 “Has he accepted the job?” “I believe so.” = “So I believe.” “他接受那份工作了吗?”“我想是的。” “Has he accepted the job?” “I believe not.” = “I don't believe so.” “他接受那份工作了吗?”“我想没有。” 3 [no object] : to regard the existence of God as a fact : to have religious beliefs信仰上帝;有宗教信仰 She went to church because her family expected it, but she didn't really believe. 她去教堂做礼拜是因为家人希望她这样做,但她并非真的信仰上帝。 4 [no object] : to have trust in the ability, worth, etc., of someone or something相信(能力、价值等) The team hasn't won a championship in many years, but their fans still believe. [=their fans still believe in them; their fans still believe that they will win] 这个队多年来一直未能夺冠,但粉丝们依然相信他们总有一天会赢得冠军。 5 informal — used for emphasis in phrases that express certainty, surprise, annoyance, etc.在表达肯定、惊讶、气恼等的短语中用于强调 “Do you think they can win?” “You/You'd better believe it!” [=yes, I definitely think so] “你认为他们能赢吗?”“那当然!” Believe me, he can really play the game. = Believe you me, he can really play the game. 相信我,他办事非常公道。 I can't believe how ugly that dress is. [=what an ugly dress] 我真不敢相信,那条连衣裙竟然这么难看。 You broke the window? I can't believe you guys! [=I'm annoyed and shocked by what you did] How could you do such a thing? 是你们把玻璃窗打碎的吧?我真的不敢相信是你们干的!你们怎么可以做这种事呢? I can't believe [=I am amazed/surprised] that that terrible restaurant is still in business. 我简直不敢相信,那家糟糕的餐馆居然还在营业。 That terrible restaurant is still in business, if you can believe it/that. 你能相信吗,那家糟糕的餐馆居然还在营业。 Can/Would you believe it?! That terrible restaurant is still in business. 你相信吗?!那家糟糕的餐馆居然还在营业。 You won't believe what I just heard! [=you will be very surprised by what I just heard] 你绝不会相信刚才我听到了什么! You wouldn't believe how long it took us to get here. [=it took us a surprisingly long/short time to get here] 你不会相信我们花了多长时间才到达这里。 I don't believe it! I swept the floor 10 minutes ago, and it's already dirty again! 我简直无法相信!我10分钟前才扫完地,现在又脏了! I could not believe my good fortune/luck. 我真不敢相信我的运气居然这么好。 It's hard to believe that he's gone. 真难以相信,他居然离开了。 His latest movie, believe it or not, is a romantic comedy about a group of lawyers. [=it is surprising but true that his latest movie is a romantic comedy about a group of lawyers] 信不信由你,他最新的影片是关于一群律师的浪漫喜剧。 “I hear that their marriage is in trouble.” “Don't you believe it! [=that is completely untrue] They're the happiest couple I know!” “我听说他们的婚姻出了问题。”“千万别信!他们可是我认识的最幸福的一对了!” “He says he's going to become a doctor.” “If you believe that, you'll believe anything!” [=it would be very foolish to believe that he is going to become a doctor] “他说他要当医生了。”“你这话也信,真是没有不相信的了!” “He says he's going to become a doctor.” “I'll believe that when I see it!” “他说他要当医生了。”“除非亲眼看到,否则我才不信!” believe in [phrasal verb] 1 believe in (something) a : to have faith or confidence in the existence of (something)相信…的存在 Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗? b : to have trust in the goodness or value of (something)相信…的益处(或价值) She believes in (the value of) regular exercise. 她相信经常锻炼是有好处的。 They believed in liberty for all. 他们信奉人人享有自由的理念。 I believe in working hard to achieve success. 我相信取得成功在于努力进取。 She doesn't believe in using pesticides. [=she doesn't believe that it's right to use pesticides; she believes that pesticides do more harm than good] 她认为使用杀虫剂没有任何益处。 2 believe in (someone) : to have trust in the goodness or ability of (someone)相信…的优点(或能力) Despite his problems, his parents still believe in him. 尽管他有一些毛病,他的父母仍相信他是个好孩子。 She believes in herself and in her abilities. 她相信自己,也相信自己的能力。 can't believe your eyes/ears ◊ If you can't believe your eyes/ears or can hardly/scarcely believe your eyes/ears, you are very surprised at or upset by what you are seeing or hearing.不敢相信自己的眼睛(或耳朵);对于所见所闻非常吃惊 I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw what he was wearing. 看到他的穿着,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 make believe : to act as though something that is not true or real is true or real : pretend假装;假扮 When we were children we used to make believe (that) we were soldiers fighting in a war. 小时候我们常常玩士兵打仗的游戏。 He isn't really angry, he's just making believe (that he is). 他并没有真的生气,他只是假装而已。 They want to make believe that everything is all right. 他们想装出一切都安然无恙的样子。 — see also make-believe seeing is believing ◊ The expression seeing is believing means that when you actually see something, you have to believe that it exists or is true.眼见为实 I didn't think it could happen, but seeing is believing. [=I saw it happen, so now I believe it's possible] 我以为这不会发生,可现在是眼见为实。 — believable /bəˈliːvəbəl/ adjective [more believable; most believable] The novel's ending is not very believable. 小说的结局并不十分可信。 His excuse was barely/scarcely believable. 他的理由很值得怀疑。 — believably /bəˈliːvəbli/ adverb The characters are all believably portrayed. 所有人物都刻画得惟妙惟肖。 — believer noun, plural believers [count] a believer in religion 宗教信徒 devout believers 虔诚的信徒 She's a firm/great/strong believer in adult education. [=she firmly/strongly believes in the value of adult education; she thinks adult education is very useful and important] 她坚信成人教育确有裨益。 I was doubtful that he could run his own company, but he's made a believer out of me. = He's made me a believer. [=he's convinced me that he can run his own company] 我曾对他能经营好自己的公司持怀疑态度,结果他让我信服了。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • bell

    英 [bel] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714834007-8d45c85b51b27a0.mp3"][/audio]     美 [bel][audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714834034-8d45c85b51b27a0.mp3"][/audio] n. 钟;铃;门铃;钟声;钟状物 vt. 敲钟;使象钟状地张开 vi. 使呈钟状;张开 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="速记" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell beln.铃,钟bellboy 'belbɔɪn.年轻侍者pageboy(n.小听差)belle beln.美女,艳压群芳的女子Belle百丽(女鞋品牌),百变所以美丽→美女the belle of the ball 舞会之花bellow 'beləʊv.(牛、象等)怒吼;咆哮n.(牛、象等的)吼叫声;咆哮声bellow sth. at sb. 大声或愤怒地朝…咆哮belly 'belin.肚子,腹部abdomen(n.腹部)doorbell 'dɔ:beln.门铃〈door门+bell铃〉dumbbell 'dʌmbeln.哑铃;笨蛋〈dumb哑的+bell铃〉idiot(n.傻瓜,白痴) *ell 英语词汇速记大全2 形近词比较记忆① fell felvt.砍倒,砍伐;击倒a.凶猛的pell peln.一卷羊皮纸mell melvt.使融合vi.干预bell beln.钟,铃hell heln.地狱;苦境;究竟(作加强语气词)What the bloody hell do you want? 你到底想干什么?: pe看作pen,用笔在羊皮纸(pell)上书写 mell形似melt,融化(melt)后才能融合(mell) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] n. 锺,铃 The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt. 小单间的卖主很少见到铃铛带子融化. 词源: O.E. belle, common North Sea Gmc. (cf. M.Du. belle, M.L.G. belle) but not found elsewhere in Gmc. (except as a borrowing), from PIE base *bhel- "to sound, roar." Statistical bell curve was coined 1870s in French. Bell, book, and candle is a reference to a form of excommunication. To ring a bell "awaken a memory," 1934, is perhaps a reference to Pavlovian experiments. bell 钟 →来自PIE *bhel-(3), 发声,怒吼,拟声词。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="疑难" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell /ˈbɛl/ noun plural bells [count] 1 : a hollow usually cup-shaped metal object that makes a ringing sound when it is hit铃;钟 ring/sound/toll a bell 响铃;鸣钟 We heard the church bells ringing. 我们听见了教堂的钟声。 The school bell clanged. 学校的铃响了。 a dinner bell [=a bell that is rung to call people to dinner] 用餐铃 The round ended when the bell sounded. 终场铃声响起来,这一回合就结束了。 the Liberty Bell [=a large bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that is a traditional symbol of U.S. freedom] 自由钟(位于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的一口大钟,是美国自由的传统象征) — see also bells and whistles 2 : an electronic device that makes a ringing sound电铃 We rang the bell [=doorbell] twice, but no one came to answer the door. 我们按了两次门铃,但都没有人回应。 Warning/alarm bells went off. = Warning/alarm bells started to sound/ring. 警钟响了起来。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻。 (Warning/alarm) bells went off (in my head) as I read her letter. [=there was something in her letter that alarmed me] 当我读她的来信时,脑海里响起了警钟。 3 : something (such as a flower) that is shaped like a bell钟状物 (as) clear as a bell — see 1clear (as) sound as a bell — see 3sound give (someone) a bell British, informal : to call someone on the telephone给…打电话 I'll give you a bell [=give you a call] tomorrow. 我明天会给你打电话。 have/get your bell rung ◊ In informal U.S. and Canadian English, if you have/get your bell rung, you get hit hard on the head.头被重重一击,遭到当头一棒(非正式美国英语和加拿大英语) The hockey/football player had his bell rung during the play. 比赛中,那个冰球/橄榄球运动员的头部挨了重重的一击。 ring a bell [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell noun [ C ] /bel/ › a hollow metal object shaped like a cup which makes a ringing sound when hit by something hard, especially a clapper 钟,铃 The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year. 教堂的钟声响起,迎接新年的到来。 I stood at the front door and rang the bell several times. 我在前门按了好几次门铃。 Related Phrases/Idioms give sb a bell warning/alarm bells start to ring/sound with bells on [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell /bel/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable] 1 a piece of electrical equipment that makes a ringing sound, used as a signal or to get someone’s attention铃﹔电铃 ring/press the bell He rang the bell and waited for someone to answer the door.他按了门铃﹐等着有人来开门。 She pressed the bell for the nurse.她按铃叫护士。 a bell rings/goes The bell went and everyone rushed out of the classroom.铃声一响﹐大家都冲出了教室。 2a hollow metal object like a cup with a piece of metal hanging inside it, that makes a ringing noise when it moves or you shake it钟﹔响铃: church bells教堂的钟 3give somebody a bell British English spoken to telephone someone给某人打电话: I must give Vicky a bell later.我过一会儿必须给维基打个电话。 4something that is shaped like a bell钟状物: the bell of a flower花的钟状部 → alarm bells ring at alarm1(5), → as clear as a bell at clear1(10), → ring a bell at ring2(4), → diving bell, doorbell COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2 VERBS a bell rings · I could hear the church bells ringing in the distance. ring a bell · He was ringing a big brass bell. a bell rings out (=it rings loudly) · The bells rang out to celebrate the end of the war. a bell sounds · Somewhere across the valley a bell sounded. a bell chimes (=it rings a certain number of times, in order to tell you the time of day) · The bells began to chime, calling people to church. a bell tolls (=it slowly rings with a long low sound, when someone has died) · The church bell was tolling mournfully as the carriage entered the cemetery gate. a bell tinkles (=a small bell rings with a gentle high sound) · We were sleeping under the stars, camel bells tinkling in a cool breeze. NOUN + bell a church bell · She woke on Sunday morning to the sound of church bells. wedding bells (=rung when people marry in a church) · Mark and Bridget seem very happy and we expect to hear wedding bells soon. PHRASES a peal of bells (=the sound of bells being rung several times) · From the temple he could hear the peal of bells. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词铃 A bell is a device that makes a ringing sound and is used to give a signal or to attract people's attention. I had just enough time to finish eating before the bell rang and I was off to my first class... 我刚吃完饭铃声就响了,于是我赶去上第一堂课。 I've been ringing the door bell, there's no answer. 我一直按门铃,但是没有人应门。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词钟 A bell is a hollow metal object shaped like a cup which has a piece hanging inside it that hits the sides and makes a sound. My brother, Neville, was born on a Sunday, when all the church bells were ringing. 我弟弟内维尔是星期天出生的,当时所有的教堂钟声齐鸣。 3.PHRASE 短语十分清晰;非常清楚 If something is as clear as a bell, it is very clear indeed. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR There are 80 of these pictures and they're all as clear as a bell. 这些照片一共有80张,都非常清晰。 4.PHRASE 短语给…打电话 If you give someone a bell, you telephone them. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【语域标签】:BRIT 英 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 I was going to give you a bell tomorrow. 我明天给你打电话。 5.PHRASE 短语听起来耳熟(但记不真切) If you say that something rings a bell, you mean that it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is. 【搭配模式】:V inflects 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell. 对其中一个小伙子的描述确实似曾熟悉。听起来挺耳熟。 6.PHRASE 短语非常健康的;完好无损的 If something is as sound as a bell it is healthy and not damaged in any way. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR The horse returned sound as a bell. 这匹马安然无恙地回来了。 Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary bell noun [ C ] /bel/ › a hollow metal object shaped like a cup which makes a ringing sound when hit by something hard, especially a clapper 钟,铃 The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year. 教堂的钟声响起,迎接新年的到来。 I stood at the front door and rang the bell several times. 我在前门按了好几次门铃。 Related Phrases/Idioms give sb a bell warning/alarm bells start to ring/sound with bells on [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell noun /bel/ /bel/ Idioms a hollow metal object, often like a cup in shape, that makes a ringing sound when hit by a small piece of metal inside it; the sound that it makes铃(声);钟(声);钟状物 A peal of church bells rang out in the distance.远处响起了一阵教堂的钟声。 a bicycle bell自行车铃铛 His voice came down the line as clear as a bell.他的声音如铃声般清脆地从听筒里传出来。 the bell of a trumpet (= the part at the end like a bell in shape)小号的喇叭口 The church bells rang out.教堂的钟声响了。 a bell-shaped flower喇叭形花朵 Off in the distance a bell tolled two in the morning. 在远处,一个钟在早晨鸣响了两声。 a bell tower钟楼 wedding bells(figurative)婚礼的钟声 The dancers wore bells on their ankles.舞者的脚踝上戴着铃铛。 Culture bells and bell-ringing Extra Examples Oxford Collocations Dictionary an electrical device which makes a ringing sound when a button on it is pushed; the sound that it makes, used as a signal or a warning电铃(声) Ring the bell to see if they're in.按按门铃,看他们在不在家。 The bell's ringing!打铃了! The bell went for the end of the lesson.下课的铃声响了。 An alarm bell went off.警钟响了。 (figurative) Warning bells started ringing in her head as she sensed that something was wrong.当她意识到有差错时,头脑中便敲了警钟。 (figurative) This decision is going to sound a warning bell to other couples. 这一决定将给其他夫妇敲响警钟。 Saved by the bell! (= a bell that signals the end of something) I thought I'd have to sit here listening to you two argue forever.谢天谢地!我原以为我得坐在这里听你俩没完没了地吵下去。 see also doorbell Topics EducationB1 Oxford Collocations Dictionary Idioms alarm bells ring/are ringing if you say that alarm bells are ringing, you mean that people are starting to feel worried and to suspect that something is wrong警钟敲响;发出危险信号 The government’s proposal has set alarm bells ringing for people on low incomes.政府的提议给低收入人群敲响了警钟。 give somebody a bell (British English, informal) to call somebody by phone打电话给某人 Topics Phones, email and the internetC2 pull the other one (—it’s got bells on) (British English, informal) used to show that you do not believe what somebody has just said(表示不相信对方的话)别打哈哈了 ring a bell (informal) to sound familiar to you, as though you have heard it before听起来耳熟 His name rings a bell but I can't think where we met.他的名字听着很熟,但我想不起我们在哪里见过。 (as) sound as a bell (informal) in perfect condition状况极佳;十分健康 The doctor said I was as sound as a bell.医生说我身体很好。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bell UK [bel] US noun [countable] [singular bell plural bells] ★★ a metal object shaped like an upside down cup that makes a noise when its sides are hit by a metal piece inside it The little silver bells on its harness tinkled merrily. The school bell clanged noisily. The wedding bells rang out. ring a bell: Villagers rang the church bells as the victorious soldiers returned. Thesaurus: bells and bell partshyponym gardening and farming tools and machineshyponym a. a piece of equipment that makes a ringing sound, used for getting someone’s attention The referee did not hear the final bell. There was no one at the counter, so I rang the bell. Thesaurus: bells and bell partshyponym gardening and farming tools and machineshyponym b. the sound that a bell makes when it rings The bell indicates the exam is over. Thesaurus: ringing soundshyponym [/su_tab] [su_tab title="近反义联想词" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 近义词 n. acoustic device, signaling device, push button, push, button, sound, time unit v. attach 联想词 ring按铃;rings吊环;rung横档,脚蹬横木;chimes编钟;ringing响亮的;doorbell门铃;rang戒指;buzzer蜂鸣器;gong锣;whistle口哨;whistles汽笛; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ring the bell 鸣钟;按门铃 bell the cat 为大家的利益承担危险 alarm bell 警钟;警铃 bell tower n. 钟塔,钟楼 bell pepper 灯笼椒;柿子辣 alexander graham bell n. 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔(电话发明者) ring a bell 使某人想起某事,使人回忆起 golden bell 连翘 bell labs 贝尔实验室 small bell 小钟;小吊钟;小料钟 bell jar 钟形玻璃罩或容器 bell curve 钟形曲线;贝尔曲线 jingle bell 门铃 bell mouth 喇叭口;锥形孔 liberty bell n. [美]独立钟(指美国费城独立厅的大钟,1776年7月4日鸣此钟宣布美国独立,1835年被损) electric bell 电铃 bell shape 钟形;喇叭皮带线盆 diving bell 潜水钟 alexander bell 亚历山大·贝尔 give me a bell 尽快给我打电话联系;尽快给我打电话联系; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 名词演变出动词敲钟以及钟形地张开 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs][/su_tabs]
  • belong

    英 [bɪ'lɒŋ] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714835111-e455e61aa5220a2.mp3"][/audio]    美 [bɪ'lɔːŋ] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714835130-e455e61aa5220a2.mp3"][/audio]    vi. 应归入;属于 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="速记" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belongbɪ'lɒŋ v.属于;适用belong with 应该在某处,通常在某处;适应某种环境 long 英语词汇速记大全2 词形记忆法 long lɒŋa.长的ad.长久,长期oblong 'ɒblɒŋn.长方形;椭圆形a.长方形的;椭圆形的ob(看作object,物体)+long(长的)→长的物体→长方形的headlong 'hedlɒŋa./ad.头在前的(地);轻率的(地)〈head头脑+long长的〉rush/jump/plunge headlong into sth. 不顾一切去做The long haired boy ran headlong across the street. 那个长(long)头发的男孩猛(headlong)地跑过街道。long-sighted ˌlɒŋ'saɪtɪda.有远见的;远视的〈long长的+sighted有…视力的〉My dad has been longsighted for a long time. 我爸爸患远视眼(longsighted)很长(long)时间了。farseeing(a.有远见的,目光远大的)lifelong 'laɪflɒŋa.终生的,毕生的〈life生命+long长的〉The program played an important role in promoting lifelong learning. 这一计划在推广终生(lifelong)学习方面起着重要作用。yearlong ˌjɪə(r)'lɒŋa.整整一年的,持续一年的〈year年+long长的〉After a yearlong tour, Tom's hair became very long. 经过一年的(yearlong)旅行,汤姆的头发长得很长(long)。sidelong 'saɪdlɒŋa./ad.横向的(地),侧面的(地)〈side侧面+long长的〉a sidelong glance/look 瞟一眼Vic looked sidelong at a girl with a long skirt. 维克斜着(sidelong)眼瞄一个穿长(long)裙的女孩。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 词源: mid-14c., "to go along with, relate to," from be- intensive prefix, + O.E. langian "pertain to, to go along with." Sense of "to be the property of" first recorded late 14c. Related to M.Du. belanghen, Du. belangen, Ger. belangen. Replaced earlier O.E. gelang, with completive prefix ge-. 词根记忆: v. (to)属於,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等) The lengthened long fishing rod alongside the lake belongs to me. 靠在湖边的加长长钓竿属於我. v. 属於(be+long→使长久拥有→属於)[long=leng,表示"长"] 词根词缀: belong v 属于(be+long=使长久拥有=属于) long=leng,表示”长” longevity n 长命,寿命(long+ev生命+ity=长生命) longanimity n 坚忍不拔(long+anim精神+ity=精神长=坚韧) longing n 渴望(long+ing=很长时间[想要]=渴望) longheaded a有远见的,精明的(long+head头脑+ed=有头脑的) longsighted a 有远见的(long+sight眼光+ed=眼光很长) longitude n 经线(long+itude状态) belong v 属于(be+long=使长久拥有=属于) elongate v 延长,伸长(e出+long+ate=长出去=延长) prolong v 延长,引申(pro向前+long=向前长=延长) oblong n 长方形(ob反+long=反过来一样长=长方形) length n 长度(leng=long) lengthy a 冗长的,漫长的(length+y) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="疑难" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 通常把belong同to连在一起(“属于”),但是belong也有不同to一起而是同别的状语或表语成分一起的时候,意思是“处在这个状况时很合适”。【例如】Are you sure these documents belong together? 你肯定这几份文件是应该放在一起的吗?/ She doesn't belong married to Joseph. 她嫁给约瑟夫是嫁错了人。有时候belong单用,也可以表示“处在这个状况时很合适” 。【例如】When he opened it he was taken aback — what was printed inside didn't seem to belong.(Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory, p. 18)他把书打开,愣了一下,里面印的似乎不对头。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong /bɪˈlɑːŋ/ verb belongs; belonged; belonging [no object] 1 — used to say that someone or something should be in a particular place or situation应在(某处);应处于(某种状况) This book belongs [=goes] on the top shelf. 这本书应放在架子顶层。 Put the groceries away where they belong. 请把这些食品杂货拿走,放到应放的位置。 Those kids really belong in school. [=they should be in school] 那些孩子的确该待在学校里。 Does that item really belong on the list? 那件商品真的应该列在这张清单上吗? A dictionary belongs in every home. [=every home should have a dictionary] 每个家庭都应备一部词典。 A sick person belongs in bed. 病人该待在床上。 A man with his abilities belongs in teaching. [=he should be a teacher] 有他这种能力的人应该当教师。 Whales belong among the mammals, not fish. [=whales are mammals, not fish; whales are classified as mammals] 鲸应属于哺乳类动物,而非鱼类。 She and her husband are a perfect couple. They belong together. 她和她丈夫是完美的一对儿,天生就该在一起。 They belong with each other. 他们是天作之合。 2 : to be accepted and liked by the other people in a group合得来;被集体所接受 She was here for 15 years, but she never really belonged. 她到此地已经有15个年头了,从未真正有过归属感。 belong to [phrasal verb] 1 belong to (someone) : to be the property of (someone) : to be owned by (someone)属于(某人);归(某人)所有 The money belongs to him. [=the money is his] 这钱是他的。 That watch belongs to me. 那块表是我的。 The house belongs not just to her, but to her husband as well. 这幢房子不仅是她的,也是她丈夫的。 His style belongs only to himself. [=no one else has his style] 他的风格独一无二。 2 belong to (something) a : to be a member of (a club, organization, etc.)是…的成员;属于(俱乐部、组织等) The family belongs to a country club. 这家人是乡村俱乐部的成员。 Most of the company's employees belong to an HMO. 这家公司的大部分员工都是健康维护组织的会员。 b : to be included in (a category, group, etc.)包含在,属于(某一类别、群体等) What family does that bird belong to? 那种鸟属于哪一科? c : to be a part of (something) : to be connected with (something)是…的一部分;与…有关联 the parts belonging to the clock 那个时钟的零件 — belonging noun [noncount] The kindness that they showed to her when she first arrived gave her a real sense/feeling of belonging. 她刚到这儿时,他们的友善给她带来了实实在在的归属感。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong verb /bɪˈlɒŋ/ /bɪˈlɔːŋ/ not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时 Verb Forms Phrasal Verbs [intransitive] + adv./prep. to be in the right or suitable place应在(某处) Where do these plates belong (= where are they kept)?这些盘子该放在哪里? Are you sure these documents belong together?你肯定这些文件应放在一起吗? Several of the points you raise do not belong in this discussion.您提出的几点要点不属于本讨论范围。 A person like that does not belong in teaching.这样的人不属于教学。 [intransitive] to feel comfortable and happy in a particular situation or with a particular group of people适应;合得来 I don't feel as if I belong here.我在这里感觉格格不入。 Topics FeelingsB1 Phrasal Verbs belong to [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong /bɪˈlɒŋ $ bɪˈlɒːŋ/ ●●● S2 W2 verb [intransitive] 1[always + adverb/preposition] if something belongs somewhere, that is the right place or situation for it应在〔某处〕﹔适合〔某种情形〕: Put the chair back where it belongs.把椅子放回原处。 belong in an attitude that doesn’t belong in modern society不适合现代社会的处世态度 2if you feel you belong in a place or situation, you feel happy and comfortable in it, because you have the same interests and ideas as other people〔在某个地方或某种情形中〕能适应﹔感到自在: I worked there for five years but never really felt I belonged.我在那里工作了五年﹐但是从来没有真正觉得自己属于那里。 —belonging noun [uncountable]: It’s important to have a sense of belonging (=a feeling that you are happy and comfortable somewhere).有归属感是很重要的。 belong to somebody/something phrasal verb 1if something belongs to someone, they own it属于〔某人〕: The book belongs to Dan.这本书是丹的。 Who does this scarf belong to?这是谁的围巾? 2to be a member of a group or organization是…的成员﹐属于〔某团体或组织〕: He belongs to the golf club.他是该高尔夫球俱乐部的会员。 3to be related to something or form part of it与〔某事物〕有关﹔是…的一部分: cars that belong to a different era属于另一个时代的汽车 4to be related to or produced by a particular person与〔某人〕有关﹐出自〔某人〕: She recognized the voice as belonging to the man who had attacked her.她听出那就是袭击她的那个人的声音。 5if a competition or period of time belongs to someone, they are the most important or successful person in it属于〔指某人是一场比赛或一段时间中最重要或最成功的人〕: All the acts were good, but the evening belonged to a dance group from Moscow.所有的表演都很精彩﹐但是当晚最受欢迎的是一个来自莫斯科的舞蹈团。 GRAMMAR: Using the progressive Belong is not used in the progressive. You say: belong不用进行式。 · My friend belongs to the choir.我朋友是合唱团里的。 ✗Don’t say: My friend is belonging to the choir. grammar guide ‒ verbs [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong ★★★☆☆ 1.VERB 动词属于;归…所有 If something belongs to you, you own it. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont The house had belonged to her family for three or four generations. 这套房子归她们家有三四代人了。 2.VERB 动词与…有关;是…的一部分 You say that something belongs to a particular person when you are guessing, discovering, or explaining that it was produced by or is part of that person. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont The handwriting belongs to a male... 这是男性的笔迹。 They established that the body belonged to a 15-year-old girl. 他们确定这是一具15岁女孩的尸体。 3.VERB 动词是…的成员;属于(某团体) If someone belongs to a particular group, they are a member of that group. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont I used to belong to a youth club. 我过去是一个青年俱乐部的成员。 4.VERB 动词属于(某个类别、类型或群体) If something or someone belongs in or to a particular category, type, or group, they are of that category, type, or group. 【语法信息】:V in/to n 【搭配模式】:no cont The judges could not decide which category it belonged in... 评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。 I realized that he and I belonged to different worlds. 我意识到我和他不是一路人。 5.VERB 动词源于,来自于(某个时代) If something belongs to a particular time, it comes from that time. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society. 这些画出自一个人人向往上流社会的时代。 6.VERB 动词(权利)属于(某人) If you say that something belongs to someone, you mean that person has the right to it. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont ...but the last word belonged to Rosanne. 但是最终决定权在罗莎娜手里 7.VERB 动词以…为特点;以…为特征 If you say that a time belongs to a particular system or way of doing something, you mean that that time is or will be characterized by it. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont The future belongs to democracy. 未来属于民主。 8.VERB 动词(孩子)是…的,为…所拥有(或监护) If a baby or child belongs to a particular adult, that adult is his or her parent or the person who is looking after him or her. 【语法信息】:V to n 【搭配模式】:no cont He deduced that the two children belonged to the couple. 他推断这俩小孩是这对夫妇的。 9.V-RECIP 相互动词属于彼此(恋人用来表示亲密关系) When lovers say that they belong together, they are expressing their closeness or commitment to each other. 【语法信息】:V together 【语法信息】:V with n 【搭配模式】:no cont I really think that we belong together... 我真的觉得我们属于彼此。 He belongs with me. 他是我的。 10.VERB 动词归属于(某地或某一情形) If a person or thing belongs in a particular place or situation, that is where they should be. 【语法信息】:V adv/prep 【语法信息】:V 【搭配模式】:no cont You don't belong here... 你不属于这里。 This piece really belongs in the concert hall... 这曲子很适合在音乐厅演奏。 I'm so glad to see you back where you belong... 我真高兴看到你又回到了属于你自己的天地。 They need to feel they belong. 他们需要有归属感。 belonging ...a man utterly without a sense of belonging. 完全没有归属感的男人 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong verb /bɪˈlɒŋ $ -ˈlɑːŋ/ › [ I + adv/prep ] to be in the right or suitable place 应在…处 This table belongs in the sitting-room. 这张桌子应该放在客厅里。 Where do these spoons belong? 这些匙应放在哪儿? These papers belong with the others. 这些报纸应该和其他的放在一起。 › [ I ] to feel happy or comfortable in a situation 适应;合得来 After three years in Cambridge, I finally feel as if I belong here. 在剑桥呆了3年以后,我终于找到了归属感。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong UK [bɪˈlɒŋ] US [bɪˈlɔŋ] verb [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they belong he/she/it belongs present participle belonging past tense belonged past participle belonged] ★★★ 1. to be in the right place When you’ve finished, put the cassettes back where they belong. That lamp belongs on the desk. These workers belong in a different category. Thesaurus: to be in a particular position or placesynonym 2. to feel happy and comfortable in a particular place or with a particular group of people I don’t feel that I belong here. sense/​feeling of belonging: After three years here, I feel a strong sense of belonging. Thesaurus: to be, or to become happy or happiersynonym Phrasal Verb: belong to be/take/long always in negatives or questions phrase used for saying or asking whether you will have to wait a long time for someone or something to be ready, arrive, or happen Will you be long, or shall I wait? I’m just going to the shops – I won’t be long. Dinner won’t be long now. Thesaurus: passing of timesynonym Main entry: long [/su_tab] [su_tab title="近反义联想词" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 近义词 v. be, exist 联想词 pertain关于;exist存在;represent表现;reside居住;not不;seem似乎;imply暗示;grouped分组的;necessarily必要地, 必需地;originate发起;inhabit居住于; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong in v. 应归入 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belong to sb. 属于某人 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • below

    英 [bɪ'ləʊ]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714868054-6cede1cfde12fc6.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'loʊ] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714868066-6cede1cfde12fc6.mp3"][/audio]    prep. 低于;在 ... 下面 adv. 在下面;向下 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="速记" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] bellow 'beləʊv.大声喊叫,咆哮n.吼叫声,轰鸣声If the man for the first date was hours late for dinner, would you bellow? 如果第一次约会男方在吃饭时迟到几个小时,你会气得大喊大叫吗?below bɪ'ləʊprep.在…下面billow 'bɪləʊn.巨浪v.(使)翻腾Black smoke billow came from three buildings. 黑色的烟雾像巨浪一样从三座大楼里涌出。: bellow:bel看作bell,钟+low低声地→如钟声一样低沉→咆哮 below:be在+low低的→在低的位置→在…下面 below★bɪˈləʊprep. 在…下面be+low(低)→在低处→在…下面🏠be- ① 构成动词,表示“使”;② 构成介词;③ 表示“加以,饰以” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="辨析" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] under, below, underneath, beneath 这组词都有“在……下面”的意思,其区别是: under: 普通用词,与over相对,指在某物的正下方,含垂直在下的意思。 below: 指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽。 underneath: 书面口语均用,也常与beneath和under换用,但更含遮蔽的意味。 beneath: 书面用词,指紧挨……之下,其反义词是on。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 词源: early 14c., biloogh, from be- "by" + logh, lou, lowe "low." Apparently a variant of earlier a-lowe (influenced by other advs. in be-, cf. before), the parallel form to an-high (now on high). Beneath was the usual word; below was very rare in M.E. and only gained currency in 16c. It is frequent in Shakespeare. Below is the opposite of above and concerns difference of level and suggests comparison of independent things. Under is the opposite of over and is concerned with superposition and subjection and suggests some interrelation. 词根记忆: prep. 在…下面,在…以下ad.在下面,向下 I lowered flowing flowers below the table. 我把飘垂的花降低到桌子之下. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="疑难" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] below, beneath, under 和 underneath 四个介词略有区别,有下面几点该注意: (1)under 最普通,不论指实质上的上下或精神上的上下都可以用。 (2)below 跟 above 相反,指“比……低下”,under 跟 over 相反,指“在……的下面”。如在飞机上看来,地上的一切都是 below,但只有那飞机垂直下面的地方是 under。又如 those below him 是“职位比他低的人们”,those under him 是“受他管理的人们”。 (3)a man below twenty(一个 20 岁以下的男人)里的 below 改作 under 也可以,an income below ¥100 里的 below 改作 under 也可以。 (4)beneath 除了在下面各句里的用法以外,现在很少用。 In old days, when a gentleman's daughter married a peasant, a worker, or a shop assistant, people would say that she married beneath her (同比她身份低的人结婚). You must not consider it beneath you (有失你的身份) to ask his help. He used to regard such matters as beneath his notice (不值得被他注意). A lazybones is beneath contempt (不值得轻视,极可鄙). A captain is beneath a major (比陆军少校级别低). (5)underneath 只指实质上的上下,语气比 under 重些,如under the bed 是“在床下“,underneath the bed 有“被压在床下”或“被覆在床下”的意思。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 below /bɪˈloʊ/ adverb 1 : in or to a lower place在下面;到下面 The pencil rolled off the desk and fell to the floor below. 铅笔从书桌上滚下来,掉到了地板上。 The pilot looked down at the sea far below. 飞行员从高空俯视下面的大海。 We heard the elevator stop at the floor below. 我们听见电梯停在了下面的楼层。 ◊ The opposite of every sense of below is above.*below的各义项的反义词都是above。 2 : on or to a lower deck on a ship or boat在船(或艇)的下层甲板;到船(或艇)的底层甲板 They secured the goods on deck and went below. 他们把货物固定在甲板上就到下层舱去了。 The captain ordered the men below. [=ordered them to go below the main deck] 船长命令船员到底层甲板去。 3 : in or to a lower rank or number(数字或级别)在…以下 All personnel, captain and below, were ordered to report for duty. 船长及其以下的所有人员都接到去报到的命令。 The game is suitable for children at age 10 and below. [=younger, under] 这个游戏适合于10岁及以下儿童。 4 : lower than zero零度以下 The temperature ranged from 5 below to 10 above. [=from −5 degrees to 10 degrees Fahrenheit] 温度在零下5华氏度至零上10华氏度之间。 5 : lower, further down, or later on the same page or on a following page : at a later point in the same document在同一页底端;在下一页末;在下文 The results of the test are discussed/explained/listed/shown below. 测试结果在下文中讨论/解释/列举/显示 See the graph below. 见下页图表。 from below : from a lower place从下方 We heard voices calling from below. 我们听见从下面传来的呼叫声。 I felt a draft from below. 我感觉到一股来自下方的气流。 2 below /bɪˈloʊ/ preposition 1 : in or to a lower place than (something) : beneath在…的下方;低于 Our apartment is below theirs. 我们的公寓在他们的下面。 She wore a skirt that reached below her knees. = The bottom of her skirt was below her knees. 她穿着一条过膝的裙子。 We could see only clouds below us. 我们只能看见下方的云层。 The diver descended below 25 meters. 潜水员潜到了水下25米。 The sun disappeared below the horizon. 太阳消失在地平线下。 a spot directly below us 在我们正下方的地方 the valley far below us 我们下方远处的山谷 just/slightly below the horizon 略低于地平线 ◊ The opposite of every sense of below is above.*below的各义项的反义词都是above。 2 : lower in number, amount, or size than (something) : less than (something)(数量、大小等)在…之下,少于 Temperatures were below average/normal all week. 一周的气温都低于平均值/正常值。 The game is suitable for children below [=younger than, under] the age of 10. 这个游戏适合10岁以下的儿童。 She worked for wage rates below those of other workers. 她干活的报酬低于其他工人。 3 : less important or powerful than (someone) : having a lower rank than (someone)(重要性、权力、级别等)低于 A lieutenant is below a captain. [=a captain outranks a lieutenant] 中尉的级别低于上尉。 He ranks far below his superior. 他的级别远低于他的上司。 4 : in a lower or less important position than (something)(位置)在…之后,次于 He puts his own needs below his child's needs. 他把自身需求置于他的孩子的需求之后。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] below adverb /bɪˈləʊ/ /bɪˈləʊ/ at or to a lower level, position or place在(或到)下面 They live on the floor below.他们住在下一层楼。 I could still see the airport buildings far below.我还能远远地看到下方的机场建筑。 See below (= at the bottom of the page) for references.见本页末参考资料。 The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck).晕船的乘客待在下层客舱。 at a lower rank下级 This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.这项规定适用于巡官及以下人员。 (of a temperature温度) lower than zero零度以下 The thermometer had dropped to a record 40 below (= −40 degrees).温度计降到了零下 40 度的纪录。 below preposition /bɪˈləʊ/ /bɪˈləʊ/ at or to a lower level or position than somebody/something在(或到)…下面 He dived below the surface of the water.他潜入了水中。 Please do not write below this line.请不要在这条线下面书写。 Skirts will be worn below (= long enough to cover) the knee.穿裙子要过膝。 of a lower amount or standard than somebody/something(数量)少于;(标准)低于 The temperatures remained below freezing all day.气温一整天都保持在冰点以下。 Her work was well below average for the class.她的功课远在班上的中等水平以下。 of a lower rank or of less importance than somebody/something(级别、重要性)低于 A police sergeant is below an inspector.巡佐的级别低于巡官。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] below /bɪˈləʊ $ -ˈloʊ/ ●●● S2 W2 adverb, preposition 1in a lower place or position, or on a lower level〔地方或位置〕在…的下面﹔低于 OPP above: an animal that lives below ground生活在地下的动物 Water was dripping onto the floor below.水滴到下面的地板上。 I could hear voices in the courtyard below my window.我能听到院子里有人在我的窗下说话。 They camped a few hundred feet below the summit.他们在山顶下面几百英尺的地方扎了营。 Down below, people were talking and laughing.人们在下面谈笑风生。 Somewhere far below, a door slammed.下面远处的什么地方,有一扇门砰的一声关上了。 The kitchen is directly below her bedroom.厨房就在她卧室的正下方。 Captain Parker went below (=to the lower level of the ship), leaving Clooney in charge.帕克船长下去了﹐让克卢尼掌舵。 ► see thesaurus at under 2of a lower rank or having a less important job than someone else〔级别或职位〕低于 OPP above: No one below the level of senior manager was present at the meeting.高级经理职位以下没有人出席会议。 and/or below officers of the rank of captain and below上尉及上尉以下的军官 3less than a particular number, amount, level etc〔数量﹑水平等〕在…以下﹐低于 OPP above: Test scores below 50 were classed as ‘unsatisfactory’.50分以下的测验成绩归入“不理想”一类。 In June the rate of inflation fell below 3%.6月份﹐通货膨胀率降到了3%以下。 Tom’s spelling is well below average (=much worse than the normal standard).汤姆的拼写远低于平均水平。 below freezing/zero (=lower than the temperature at which water freezes) In winter, temperatures dip to 40 degrees below freezing.冬天﹐气温会降到零下40度。 and/or below free travel for children four years old and below四岁及四岁以下儿童免费乘车 4lower on the same page, or on a later page〔书页上〕在下面,在下页 OPP above: Details of courses are listed below.课程的详细介绍列在下面。 For more information, see below.详情请看下面。 → below par at par(2), → below the belt at belt1(4) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] below ★★★★☆ 1.PREP 介词(位置)在…下面,低于 If something is below something else, it is in a lower position. He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard's... 他从伦纳德家正下方的公寓里走了出来。 The path runs below a long brick wall... 小道位于长砖墙脚下。 The sun had already sunk below the horizon... 太阳已经落到了地平线以下。 The boat dipped below the surface of the water. 这条船沉入水下。 Below is also an adverb. We climbed rather perilously down a rope-ladder to the boat below. 我们冒着相当大的危险沿着绳梯爬到了下面的船上。 ...a view to the street below... 可以看到下面的街道 Spread out below was a great crowd. 下面是摩肩接踵的人群。 2.PHRASE 短语在地下;在地表以下 If something is below ground or below the ground, it is in the ground. They have designed a system which pumps up water from 70m below ground... 他们设计了一套从地下70米处抽水的系统。 Coils buried in tunnels below the ground might soon be used to store large amounts of electricity. 埋在地下隧道里的线圈可能很快就会被用来储存大量的电。 3.ADV 副词以下;在下文中 You use below in a piece of writing to refer to something that is mentioned later. 【搭配模式】:n ADV Please write to me at the address below... 请按照下面的地址给我写信。 The BBC Good Food Show is giving away free tickets in a competition. For details, see below. 英国广播公司“美食秀”正在派送比赛免费券,详情见下文。 4.PREP 介词(数量、比率或水平)低于,小于,少于 If something is below a particular amount, rate, or level, it is less than that amount, rate, or level. Night temperatures can drop below 15 degrees Celsius... 夜间气温会降到15摄氏度以下。 British Telecom agreed to keep overall price increases to 7.5 per cent below inflation... 英国电信同意将整体价格增幅控制在低于通货膨胀7.5%的水平。 Rainfall has been below average. 降雨量低于平均水平。 Below is also an adverb. ...temperatures at zero or below. 零度或零度以下的温度 5.PREP 介词(职位、官衔等)低于 If someone is below you in an organization, they are lower in rank. Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks immediately below them. 这些人承受的压力往往小于那些职位仅次于他们的人。 ...pay rises awarded to all white-collar staff below chief officer level. 所有职位低于首席官员的白领员工的薪酬增长 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1. adverb, preposition (POSITION) 2. adverb, preposition (LESS) 1 below adverb, preposition (POSITION)位置 /bɪˈləʊ $ -ˈloʊ/ › in a lower position (than), under 在下面;在…的下面 From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects. 从摩天大楼顶上往下看,下面的汽车小得像昆虫一样。 The author's name was printed below the title. 作者的名字登在标题之下。 For further information on this subject, see below (= lower on the page or later in the book) . 关于这一点的详细说明请看下文。 The ship's captain went below (= to the lower, covered part of the ship) . 船长去下层甲板了。 Do you usually wear your skirts above or below the knee? 你通常穿露膝裙还是过膝裙? She has three people working below her (= people to whom she gives orders) . 她手下有3个人干活。 2 below adverb, preposition (LESS)较小 /bɪˈləʊ $ -ˈloʊ/ › less than a particular amount or level 比某数额或某标准低 They have three children below the age of (= younger than) four. 他们有3个不到4岁的孩子。 His marks in English have been below average for some time now. 最近一段时间他的英语成绩一直低于平均水平。 The temperature has fallen below zero/freezing (= cooled to less than zero) recently. 最近气温已经降到零下了。 Last night it was eight degrees below (= eight degrees less than zero). 昨晚只有零下8度。 Related Phrases/Idioms below the belt Below Below is a preposition or an adverb. Below meaning ‘lower than’ We use below most commonly as a preposition meaning ‘lower than’. It has a similar meaning to under. The opposite of below is above. We use it when there is no contact between people or things: [a teacher talking to a class] Open your exercise book on page 27. Just below the picture there are some questions. Look at the picture and answer the questions. There was a big clock below the painting. When the adverb below is used to modify a noun, it follows the noun: The apartment below is owned by a French couple. We lived up in the mountains and the nearest town below was half an hour’s drive. We use the adverb below when referring to the lower level or deck of a boat or ship: [talking about a boat] It was a wonderful little boat. We spent most of our time fishing and watching the sea. We’d go below to sleep and to eat. Below with numbers, amounts or statistics When we talk about numbers, amounts or statistics being at a lower level, we use below more than under: Inflation has fallen below 5% for the first time in six years. The company’s profits in 2008 were below what they had hoped for. Below referring forward in writing In formal writing, we use below to refer to something that we will mention or show later: In the figure below, the results show that 54% of the rats tested were carrying the antibody … There has been much discussion and debate about global warming (see below). See also: Above Beneath Below: typical error We don’t use below when one thing touches or covers or hides something else; we usually use under instead: Under a white coat, she wore an amazing red dress. Not: Below a white coat … [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] below UK [bɪˈləʊ] US [bɪˈloʊ] adverb, preposition ★★★ Summary Below can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): The lake is almost 900 feet below sea level. as an adverb (without a following noun): I heard someone calling from the street below. 1. in a lower place or position Someone was having a party in the flat below. a gunshot wound below the left shoulder Thesaurus: under or belowsynonym 1a. in a later part of a piece of writing This suggestion is discussed in more detail below. For further information, see below. Thesaurus: referring to parts of documents or pieces of writingsynonym parts of pieces of writingmeronym 1b. in or into the lower part of a ship He went below to speak to the engineer. Thesaurus: at a low position or levelsynonym 2. less than a certain number, amount, or level During the night, temperatures dropped below zero. The college will not accept candidates with test scores below 60. House prices are still 2% below 2000 levels. Thesaurus: less and not as muchsynonym 2a. not as good as a particular standard Students were sent home if their behaviour fell below an acceptable standard. The team’s performance has been well below average. Thesaurus: not very goodsynonym 3. used for saying that someone’s rank is lower or their job is less important than someone else’s Officers below the rank of captain receive no special privileges. Thesaurus: general words used to describe rank and statushyponym from an upper class familysynonym [/su_tab] [su_tab title="近反义联想词" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 反义词 n. above, higher up, in a higher place, to a higher place, supra 解析 below 指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽。 beneath 书面用词,指紧挨……之下,其反义词是on。 under 普通用词,与over相对,指在某物的正下方,含垂直在下的意思。 under neath书面口语均用,也常与beneath和under换用,但更含遮蔽的意味。 联想词 above在……上面;bellow大声喊叫;listed列出的;here在这里;beneath在…之下;link联系,关系;bottom底部;click点击;underneath在下面;outlined轮廓;shown表露; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] far below 远低于 down below adv. 在底下 here below 在尘世间;在这一世 go below 走下甲板 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be 表状态,low是“低、下”的意思。 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • belt

    英 [belt]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714868704-960dc476150dbdb.mp3"][/audio]   美 [belt] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714868714-960dc476150dbdb.mp3"][/audio]    n. 腰带;带状物;地带;皮带 vt. 用皮带抽打;用带系上;用带标示 vi. 疾驰;大声歌唱 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 词源: 1. belt (n.) O.E. belt, from P.Gmc. *baltjaz (cf. O.H.G. balz, O.N. balti, Swed. bälte), an early borrowing from L. balteus "girdle, sword belt," said by Varro to be an Etruscan word. As a mark of rank or distinction, mid-14c.; references to boxing championship belts date from 1812. Transferred sense of "broad stripe encircling something" is from 1660s. Below the belt "unfair" (1889) is from pugilism. To get something under (one's) belt is to get it into one's stomach. 2. belt (v.) "to thrash as with a belt," 1640s, from belt (n.); general sense of "to hit, thrash" is attested from 1838. 词根记忆: n. (皮)带,腰带;地带 The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt. 小单间的卖主很少见到铃铛带子融化. 词根词缀 词根 ball-,bol- = ball 球,球形 派生词 belted 1. adj. 佩礼带的;束带的;装甲的 2. v. 系上腰带;用带系上(belt的过去分词) #四级# #考研# He belted on his sword. 他用带把剑系上。 unbelt n. 解下…的带子 #四级# #考研# belting n. 带类;制带的材料;[机械]调带装置 #四级# #考研# seatbelt n. 座位安全带 #四级# #考研# crossbelt n. 斜挂在肩上的皮带,两条交叉的皮带 #四级# #考研# 同根词 football 1. n. 足球,橄榄球 2. vi. 踢足球;打橄榄球 #四级# #考研# He is a football coach. 他是一位足球教练。 balloon 1. vi. 激增;膨胀如气球 2. n. 气球 #四级# #考研# volleyball 排球 #四级# #考研# ballet n. 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞乐曲 #四级# #考研# baseball n. 棒球运动;棒球 #四级# #考研# [/su_tab] [su_tab title="辨析" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] region, area, belt, district, zone region: 地区,指较大范围内的区域,一般按自然条件和自身特点划分。如:an autonomous  region(自治区) area: 面积,范围,一般用语,没有明确的外围界限,也可指占地面积。如:The factory covers an area of 500 mu.(这工厂占地50亩。) belt: 地带,通常指狭长的地带。如:The northern part of the country is usually regarded as the wheat belt.(这国家的北部通常被看作小麦种植地带。) district: 区,行政区,指一国家或城市按行政区的划分。如:the economic development district(经济开放区) zone: 地带,地区,区域,指某一特定的地方或区域。如:Most of China is in the temperate zone.(中国的大部分地区在温带。) region, area, districk, belt, neighbourhood, zone, section, quarter 这组词都有“地区”的意思,其区别是: region: 普通用词,常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。 area: 普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。 districk: 多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区。 belt: 从本义“带,带状物”引申而指任何广阔的长条地带,也可指种植某种作物的地区。 neighbourhood: 指比section的划定更清楚,范围更小。具体指城市中的住宅区,也可指附近一带。 zone: 科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带。用作一般意义时,也可指具有某种特征的其它地区。 section: 普通用词,指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区。 quarter: 指城市里具有相同性质或独特风味的地区,比section范围小,但划分更精确。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 belt /ˈbɛlt/ noun plural belts [count] 1 : a band of material (such as leather) that is worn around a person's waist腰带;裤带;皮带 I fastened/unfastened the buckle on my belt. = I buckled/unbuckled my belt. 我扣上/解开腰带扣。 I tied the belt of my robe. 我系上了长袍上的腰带。 — see color picture on this page; see also black belt, garter belt, safety belt, seat belt 2 : a band that runs around wheels or other parts in a machine and that is used for moving or carrying something传动带;输送带 — see also fan belt 3 : a region that has a lot of a particular thing(呈某种特征的)地带,地区 a belt of hilly land [=an area with many hills] 多山地区 a storm belt 暴风雨地带 the farm/farming belt 农业区 the corn/cotton belt [=a region with many farms growing corn/cotton] 玉米/棉花种植区 an asteroid belt 小行星带 (chiefly US) cities in the Rust Belt [=an area formerly known for industry and manufacturing] 铁锈地带的城市(指衰落的工业区) — see also bible belt, sunbelt below the belt informal : too harsh and unfair严厉的;不公正的 That remark was below the belt. = That remark really hit (him) below the belt. 那种说法有失偏颇。 ◊ The phrase below the belt comes from the sport of boxing, where it is against the rules to hit your opponent anywhere below the belt.短语below the belt源自拳击运动,指攻击对手腰带以下部位的犯规行为。 tighten your belt : to begin to spend less money : to make changes in order to save money节俭;勒紧裤带;省吃俭用 Many companies are tightening their belts during the recession. 在经济衰退期,许多公司都在压缩开支。 — see also belt-tightening under your belt : as an achievement or as part of your experience作为成就;作为经验 She has a best-selling book under her belt. [=she has written a best-selling book] 她已出版了一部畅销书。 an actor who has several films under his belt [=who has appeared in several films] 已出演过多部影片的演员 He finally has a full year of experience under his belt. 他最终积累了整整一年的经验。 — compare 3belt — belted /ˈbɛltəd/ adjective a belted coat/jacket/robe 带腰带的外套/夹克/睡袍 2 belt /ˈbɛlt/ verb belts; belted; belting 1 [+ object] : to fasten (something) with a belt用腰带系 His bathrobe was loosely belted. 他的浴袍系得很松。 2 [+ object] informal : to hit (someone or something) hard重击;狠揍 He belted the ball down the fairway. 他用力猛击,高尔夫球飞向了球道。 belt a home run 击出一个全垒打 Some drunk got mad and threatened to belt me. 几个醉汉耍起了酒疯,威胁要狠揍我一顿。 3 [+ object] informal : to sing (a song) in a loud and forceful way放声歌唱;劲头十足地唱— usually + out a singer belting out tunes at the top of her lungs 放声高歌的女歌手 4 always followed by an adverb, [+ object] US, informal : to drink (something) quickly快速喝下 He belted down a shot of whiskey. 他一口干了杯威士忌。 belting back a drink 痛快地饮酒 5 always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] chiefly British, informal : to move or go at a high speed高速行进;飞驰 The car was belting down/along the highway. 那辆小汽车在公路上飞驰。 belt up [phrasal verb] British 1 : to fasten a seat belt in a car or other vehicle系安全带 When you're riding in a car, you should always belt up [=(US) buckle up] for safety. 为了安全起见,乘坐小汽车时应系好安全带。 2 informal : to stop talking闭嘴;住口 Will you just belt up [=shut up] for once? 你能不能闭一下嘴? 3 belt /ˈbɛlt/ noun plural belts [count] informal 1 : a hard hit重击;猛击 Some drunk got mad and threatened to give me a belt. [=punch] 几个醉汉耍起了酒疯,威胁要狠揍我一顿。 2 US, informal : a drink of alcohol一口酒;一杯酒 He had a few belts (of whiskey) before dinner. 餐前他喝了几口(威士忌)酒。 — compare 1belt [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belt noun /belt/ /belt/ Idioms a long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the middle part of your body腰带;皮带 to do up/fasten/tighten a belt系上/扎牢/扎紧腰带 a belt buckle腰带扣 a studded leather belt饰钉装饰的皮带 Around his waist he wore a belt.他在腰间系上皮带。 see also black belt, lifebelt, seat belt, suspender belt Topics Clothes and FashionA2 Oxford Collocations Dictionary a continuous band of material that moves round and is used to carry things along or to drive a machine 传送带;传动带 see also conveyor belt, fan belt Topics EngineeringC1 Oxford Collocations Dictionary a narrow area or an area around the edge of something that has particular characteristics地带;地区 the country’s corn/industrial belt这个国家的产粮区/工业区 We live in the commuter belt.我们住在通勤者居住带。 a narrow belt of trees狭长的林带 a belt of rain moving across the country横穿这个国家的降雨带 Towns in the country's industrial belt were particularly affected by the recession.位于该国工业区的城镇受到经济萧条的影响尤其大。 see also green belt, radiation belt, rust belt Topics GeographyC2 Oxford Collocations Dictionary (informal) an act of hitting something/somebody hard狠打;猛击 She gave the ball a terrific belt.她猛击了一下球。 Word Origin Idioms below the belt (of a remark说话) unfair or cruel不公正的;伤人的 That was distinctly below the belt!那显然是不公正的! belt and braces (informal) taking more actions than are really necessary to make sure that something succeeds or works as it should双管齐下;多重保障 a belt-and-braces policy稳妥可靠的政策 Topics SuccessC2 More Like This Alliteration in idioms have something under your belt (informal) to have already achieved or obtained something已经获得某物 She already has a couple of good wins under her belt.她已大胜两场。 Topics SuccessC2 tighten your belt to spend less money because there is less available勒紧腰带(省吃俭用) With price increases on most goods, everyone is having to tighten their belt.随着大多数商品的价格上涨,每个人都不得不勒紧腰带。 There is a need for further belt-tightening.需要进一步的束紧。 belt verb /belt/ /belt/ Verb Forms Phrasal Verbs belt somebody/something (informal) to hit somebody/something hard猛击;狠打 He belted the ball right out of the park.他用力一击,球径直飞出了球场外。 I'll belt you if you do that again.你要是再这样,我就揍你。 [intransitive] + adv./prep. (informal, British English) to move very fast飞奔;飞驰 synonym tear1 A truck came belting up behind us.一辆货车从我们后方飞驰而来。 [transitive] belt something to fasten a belt around something用带子系住 The dress was belted at the waist.那件连衣裙的裙腰束着条带子。 She belted the coat tightly round her.她把外套紧紧地系好。 Her jacket was belted loosely at the waist.她的夹克在腰部宽松地系好腰带。 Word Origin Phrasal Verbs belt out belt up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belt1 /belt/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable] 1 a band of leather, cloth etc that you wear around your waist to hold up your clothes or for decoration腰带,皮带: He unbuckled his leather belt.他解开皮带。 2a large area of land that has particular features or where particular people live〔具有某种特色或某类人居住的〕地区﹐地带: America’s farming belt美国农业区 the green (=countryside) belt British English → green belt 3a circular band of something such as rubber that connects or moves parts of a machine传动带﹔输送带 → conveyor belt, fan belt 4below the belt informal unfair or cruel不公道的﹔刻薄伤人的: That was a bit below the belt, Paul.保罗﹐那样做有点儿不公平。 The comments hit below the belt (=they were unfair or cruel).这些话是恶意中伤。 5have something under your belt to have achieved something useful or important获得某物: a secretary with several years’ experience under her belt一位拥有数年工作经验的秘书 6belt and braces British English informal a belt and braces way of doing something is one in which you do more than necessary in order to make sure that it succeeds〔指做事方法〕双重保险的 → black belt, garter belt, safety belt, seat belt, suspender belt, → tighten your belt at tighten(6) COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2 ADJECTIVES/NOUN + belt a wide belt · Along the coast is a wide belt of sand dunes. a narrow belt · The tree grows in a narrow belt around the western Mediterranean. the green belt British English (=land around a city where building is not allowed) · the government's commitment to protecting the green belt a mountain belt (=a long and wide area of mountains) · mountain belts such as the Himalayas a coastal belt (=land along the coast) · The wide coastal belt is a flat plain, partially wooded. an industrial belt (=where there are a lot of factories etc) · the northern industrial belt of the United States the corn/cotton/wheat belt (=where corn/cotton etc is grown) · Western Australia's wheat belt the commuter belt British English (=an area around a large city from where people travel to work in the city every day) · House prices are high in the London commuter belt. the stockbroker belt British English (=an area around a city where rich people who work in the city live) · wealthy families living in the stockbroker belt noun | verb belt2 verb 1HIT击打 [transitive] informal to hit someone or something hard痛打﹔猛击: Dan belted the ball towards the goal.丹把球大力踢向球门。 2GO QUICKLY快速走 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] British English spoken to go somewhere very fast快速行进 SYN charge belt down/along etc We were belting down the motorway at 95 miles per hour.我们以每小时95英里的速度在高速公路上疾驶。 3FASTEN系 [transitive] to fasten something with a belt〔用皮带〕系﹐束: Maria belted her raincoat firmly.玛丽亚把雨衣系紧。 a dress belted loosely at the waist裙腰处松松地系着带子的连衣裙 belt something ↔ out phrasal verb to sing a song or play an instrument loudly引吭高歌﹔高声演奏〔乐器〕: She was belting out old Broadway favourites.她在高唱百老汇的经典老歌。 belt up phrasal verb British English 1 spoken used to tell someone rudely to be quiet住口﹐闭嘴 2informal to fasten your seat belt in a vehicle系好安全带 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belt ★★★☆☆ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:safety belt;seat belt;腰带;裤带;皮带 A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten round your waist. He wore a belt with a large brass buckle. 他系着一条带大铜扣的腰带。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:conveyor belt;fan belt;(机器的)皮带,输送带 A belt in a machine is a circular strip of rubber that is used to drive moving parts or to move objects along. The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。 3.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:Bible Belt;commuter belt;green belt;地带;带状区域 A belt of land or sea is a long, narrow area of it that has some special feature. 【搭配模式】:with supp Miners in Zambia's northern copper belt have gone on strike... 赞比亚北部铜矿带的矿工已经罢工了。 Behind him was a belt of trees, and behind the trees hills and fields. 在他身后是一片树林,树林后面是小山和田地。 4.VERB 动词抽打;痛打 If someone belts you, they hit you very hard. 【语法信息】:V n 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 'Is it right she belted old George in the gut?' she asked. “她真的把老乔治痛打了一顿?”她问。 Belt is also a noun. Father would give you a belt over the head with the scrubbing brush. 爸爸会拿硬毛刷打爆你的头。 5.VERB 动词飞奔;疾驰 If you belt somewhere, you move or travel there very fast. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 We belted down Iveagh Parade to where the motor was. 我们沿着艾维格大街一路飞奔到汽车那儿。 6.N-COUNT 可数名词See also:belted.PHRAESE;(表示柔道或空手道级别的)段,带 If someone is or has a belt of a particular colour in judo or karate, they have reached the standard which that colour represents. 【搭配模式】:usu adj N He is a black belt in karate. 他是空手道黑带选手。 7.PHRASE 短语残酷而不公正的 Something that is below the belt is cruel and unfair. Do you think it's a bit below the belt what they're doing? 你觉得他们的做法是不是有点儿不太光明正大? ...this kind of below-the-belt discrimination. 这种不公正的歧视 8.PHRASE 短语勒紧裤腰带;紧缩开支;节衣缩食 If you have to tighten your belt, you have to spend less money and manage without things because you have less money than you used to have. 【搭配模式】:V inflects Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you'll need to tighten your belt. 明摆着,要是你入不敷出,你就得省着点了。 9.PHRASE 短语已经取得(或完成) If you have something under your belt, you have already achieved it or done it. 【搭配模式】:have/with n PHR Clare is now a full-time author with six books, including four novels, under her belt. 克莱尔现在是全职作家,著有6本书,其中有4部小说。 相关词组: belt out belt up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1. noun [ C ] (CLOTHING) 2. noun [ C ] (MOVING STRIP) 3. noun [ C, usually singular ] (AREA) 4. noun [ C, usually singular ] (HIT) 5. verb [ I + adv/prep ] (MOVE FAST) 6. verb [ T ] (HIT) 7. verb [ T ] (CLOTHING) 1 belt noun [ C ] (CLOTHING)服饰 /belt/ › a strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration 腰带 She fastened her belt tightly around her waist. 她把腰带束紧。 He had eaten so much that he had to undo his belt a couple of notches. 他吃得太多,不得不把腰带放松几个扣。 2 belt noun [ C ] (MOVING STRIP)传送带 /belt/ › a flat strip of material in a machine that moves round continuously to keep another part turning, or to keep objects on it moving round 传送带;传动带 a fan belt 风扇皮带 a conveyor belt 传送带 3 belt noun [ C, usually singular ] (AREA)区域 /belt/ › an area, usually just outside a city, where a particular group of people live, such as the commuter belt and stockbroker belt, or an area that is known for a particular characteristic, such as the cotton belt (= area where cotton is grown) 地带;(特定的)区域 4 belt noun [ C, usually singular ] (HIT)击 /belt/ informal › a hard hit or punch 猛击,狠打 a belt on the jaw 对准下巴猛击 Related Phrases/Idioms belt and braces have sth under your belt 5 belt verb [ I + adv/prep ] (MOVE FAST)快速移动 /belt/ uk informal › (especially of a vehicle) to travel with great speed (尤指交通工具)快速移动 The car was belting along/down the road. 那辆车一路疾驶。 6 belt verb [ T ] (HIT)击 /belt/ informal › to hit someone or something hard, especially with violence 重击 He belted him in the face. 他朝他的脸上猛击一拳。 7 belt verb [ T ] (CLOTHING)服饰 /belt/ › to tie something with a belt 用带子束紧 I belted my coat tightly. 我束紧了外套的腰带。 Related Phrases/Idioms belt sth out belt up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] ▪ I. belt 1 UK [belt] US noun [countable] [singular belt plural belts] ★★ 1. a narrow piece of leather, cloth etc that you wear around your waist, for example to keep your clothes in place or for decoration a leather/​plastic belt put on/​fasten a belt Thesaurus: accessories used to fasten and secure clotheshyponym 1a. in some types of martial art such as judo and karate , a narrow piece of a material worn around the waist to show that you have achieved a particular standard He has a brown belt in karate. Thesaurus: martial artshyponym sports events and competitionshyponym 2. an area of land where there is a particular industry, activity etc the corn belt Thesaurus: areas of countrieshyponym 2a. an area where a particular type of person lives the city’s commuter belt Thesaurus: areas of countrieshyponym 2b. a long thin area that contains a lot of a particular thing a belt of trees Thesaurus: long and narrow areas of landhyponym 2c. an area containing a lot of a particular thing that surrounds something else an asteroid belt Thesaurus: general words for land and miscellaneous areas of landhyponym 3. a circular band that helps to turn or move something in a machine Thesaurus: parts of machines and machinerymeronym describing machines and pieces of equipmenthyponym See also: black belt ▪ tighten Phrases: below the belt ▪ get something under your belt ▪ give someone a belt ▪ give something a belt ▪ have something under your belt ▪ take a belt to someone ▪ II. belt 2 UK [belt] US verb [present tense I/you/we/they belt he/she/it belts present participle belting past tense belted past participle belted] 1. [transitive] informal to hit someone or something very hard Thesaurus: to hit a personsynonym to hit an objectsynonym 2. [intransitive] British informal to move somewhere very quickly belt along/​down etc: They went belting along the road. Thesaurus: to move somewhere quicklysynonym 3. [transitive] to fasten a piece of clothing with a belt Thesaurus: to fasten or unfasten clotheshyponym Phrasal Verbs: belt down ▪ belt out ▪ belt up [/su_tab] [su_tab title="近反义联想词" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 近义词 n. loop, accessory, accoutrement, accouterment, region, part, blow v. sing, hit, fasten, fix, secure 反义词 n. unbelt 解析 districk 多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区。 region 普通用词,常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。 area 普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。 section 普通用词,指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区。 zone 科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带。用作一般意义时,也可指具有某种特征的其它地区。 belt 从本义“带,带状物”引申而指任何广阔的长条地带,也可指种植某种作物的地区。 quarter 指城市里具有相同性质或独特风味的地区,比section范围小,但划分更精确。 neighbourhood 指比section的划定更清楚,范围更小。具体指城市中的住宅区,也可指附近一带。 联想词 buckle扣住;buckles带扣;strap用带捆绑;conveyor输送机,传送机;seatbelt座位安全带;straps绳;waist腰,腰部;pulley滑轮;pants裤子;holster手枪皮套;sash肩带; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] belt conveyor 皮带运输机,带式运输机 conveyor belt 传送带 orogenic belt 造山带 seat belt 安全带 belt conveyer 带式输送机;皮带运输机 leather belt 皮带 green belt n. 城市绿化带 conveyer belt n. 输送带 safety belt 安全带;保险带 black belt [柔道或空手道]黑带;黑人聚居区 abrasive belt 磨带 mesh belt 网状腰带 belt filter 带式过滤机 steel belt 钢带 rubber belt 胶带,橡皮带;橡胶带 synchronous belt 同步带;同步驱动皮带 conveying belt 输送带,传送带 belt drive 皮带传动 timing belt 正时皮带,同步齿带 belt transmission 皮带传动 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 由名词演变用动词 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • benefit

    英 ['benɪfɪt]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714869590-b4aea98a6f42c3f.mp3"][/audio]   美 ['benɪfɪt] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714869602-b4aea98a6f42c3f.mp3"][/audio]    n. 利益;津贴;义演;保险金;借助 vt. 有益于;得益 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="速记" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] benefit'benɪfɪt n.利益,益处;恩惠;救济金v.有益于;得益benefit from 得益于;mutual benefit 互惠互利The manager did his best for the company's benefit, but failed. 经理为了公司的利益竭尽全力,但最终失败了。🏠语境记忆法-> 📖 七步找到更加满意的工作 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 词源: benefit (n.) late 14c., "good or noble deed," also "advantage, profit," from Anglo-Fr. benfet "well-done," from L. benefactum "good deed" (see benefactor). Meaning "performance or entertainment to raise money for some charitable cause" is from 1680s. The verb is attested from 1540s. 词根记忆: n. 利益,好处,恩惠v.有益於;(from,by)受益 Chinese people benefit a lot from the open-up policy. 改革开放政策让中国人民受益匪浅. 好处,利益(bene+fit做→做事後的好处→利益)[bene-表示"善,好"] 词根词缀: benefit好处,利益(bene+fit做=做事后的好处=利益) bene- 表示”善,好” benewolent好意的(bene+vol意愿+ent=好意的) benefaction好事,恩惠(bene+fact做+ion=好事) benefit好处,利益(bene+fit做=做事后的好处=利益) benediction祝福(bene+dict说+ion=说好话) beneficent仁慈的,善行的(bene+fic做+ent=做好事的) 词源树 benefit fac- + bene- 词根词缀 词根 fac-,fact-,fect-,fic- = make, do, 表示“做,制作”,来自拉丁语 facere "to make"。 前缀 bene- = good 好的,善的 同根词 facsimile n. (文字、图画等的)副本;传真 #四级# #考研# This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book. 这是一本18世纪书籍的复制版。 facile 轻率作出的;不动脑筋的;轻易可得的;得来容易的 #四级# #考研# factotum n. 家务总管;杂役;杂工 #四级# #考研# rarefactive adj. 产生或具有稀疏特点的 #四级# #考研# [/su_tab] [su_tab title="疑难" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] benefit 用作及物动词是“有益于……”,用作不及物动词是“得益”。说“得益于……”通常用 benefit by...或 benefit from...,比较少用 be(或 is, are 等)benefited by...。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="辨析" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] profit, benefit, avail 这组词都有“有益于,有益”的意思,其区别是: profit: 着重于物质方面的受益,常用于财富或知识等方面的得益。 benefit: 通常既可指个人情况(如身体、智力或精神状态等)的好转或改善,又可指对实现某个目标等带来的好处。 avail: 较文雅,常见于历史小说、演说或讲道中,较少用于日常话语,侧重功效或效力。 profit, advantage, benefit, interest, favour, gain 这组词都有“利益、好处”的意思,其区别是: profit: 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。 advantage: 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。 benefit: 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。 interest: 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。 favour: 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。 gain: 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 benefit /ˈbɛnəˌfɪt/ noun plural benefits 1 : a good or helpful result or effect好处;益处;成效 [count] the benefits of fresh air and sunshine 新鲜空气与阳光的益处 A benefit of museum membership is that purchases are discounted. 成为博物馆会员的好处是购物可以打折。 There are many financial benefits to owning your own home. 拥有自己的住宅在经济上会有很多好处。 She is just now starting to reap/enjoy the benefits of all her hard work. 她刚刚开始收获/享受自己辛勤工作带来的收益。 The benefits of taking the drug outweigh its risks. 服用这种药的益处大于其风险。 [noncount] I see no benefit in changing the system now. 我现在还看不出体制改革有什么好处。 We're lucky to be able to get the full benefit of/from her knowledge. 我们很幸运能够从她的学识中大获裨益。 These changes will be of benefit to all of you. [=will help/benefit all of you] 这些变化将有益于你们所有人。 These changes will be to your benefit. [=will help you] 这些变化将有益于你。 I'm not doing it for myself; I'm doing it for your benefit. [=to help you; for your sake] 我这么做不是为自己,而是为你好。 Since he owns the land, he thinks he should be free to use it for his own benefit. [=in a way that is helpful to him] 因为他拥有这块土地,所以他认为可以根据自己的利益需要随意使用它。 2 a : money that is paid by a company (such as an insurance company) or by a government when someone dies, becomes sick, stops working, etc.保险金;补助金;救济金 [count] He began collecting his retirement benefits when he was 65. 他65岁时便开始领取退休金了。 a disability benefit 伤残补助金 (Brit) a family on benefits [=(US) on welfare; receiving money from the government because of a low income or lack of income] 领取救济金的家庭 [noncount] He began collecting his retirement benefit when he was 65. 他65岁时便开始领取退休金了。 (Brit) He is on housing/unemployment benefit. 他领取住房补贴/失业救济金。 — see also child benefit, death benefit, sickness benefit b [count] : something extra (such as vacation time or health insurance) that is given by an employer to workers in addition to their regular pay : fringe benefit福利;额外好处 The company provides health (insurance) benefits. 公司提供健康保险福利。 The job doesn't pay much, but the benefits are good. 这份工作工资不高,但福利不错。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a company with a good benefit plan/package/program 福利计划/一揽子计划/措施很好的公司 3 [count] : a social event to raise money for a person or cause慈善活动;公益活动 The school is having/holding a benefit to raise money for a new gymnasium. 学校正举行公益活动,为新体育馆的建设筹措资金。 a charity benefit 慈善活动 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a benefit concert/dinner/event/performance 慈善音乐会/晚宴/活动/演出 have the benefit of : to be helped by (something) : to be able to use (something)受益于;得益于 Her judgment will be better when she has the benefit of more experience. 如果她的经验更丰富一些,她的判断会更准确。 the benefit of the doubt ◊ When people give you the benefit of the doubt, they treat you as someone who is honest or deserving of trust even though they are not sure that you really are.姑且相信;疑罪从无 He might be lying, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept what he says for now. 他可能在撒谎,但我们只得疑罪从无,暂且相信他的话。 without the benefit of or US without benefit of : without the help of (something or someone)没有…的帮助;未得益于 The band had to perform without benefit of a rehearsal. 乐队不得不在未经彩排的情况下上台演出。 He was able to learn a great deal without the benefit of formal schooling. 虽然没有受过正规教育,他还是学到了很多东西。 You shouldn't try to handle this problem without benefit of a lawyer. 在没有律师帮助的情况下,你不该费劲儿去处理这个问题。 They lived together without (the) benefit of marriage. [=without being married] 他们没结婚便同居了。 with the benefit of : with the help of (something) : by using (something)受益于;得益于 With the benefit of hindsight, he saw where he had made a mistake. 多亏了事后的领悟,他认识到了自己的错误所在。 She'll do better with the benefit of more experience. 如果有更多的经验,她将做得更好。 2 benefit /ˈbɛnəˌfɪt/ verb benefits; benefited also benefitted; benefiting also benefitting 1 [+ object] : to be useful or helpful to (someone or something)有助于;有利于 The new plan may benefit many students. 这项新计划将有利于许多学生。 medicines that benefit thousands of people 惠及千百万人的药品 These changes will benefit all of you. = All of you will be benefited by these changes. 这些变化将有益于你们所有人。 The politician held a fund-raiser to benefit his campaign. 这名政治家组织了一次筹款活动来为自己助选。 Some critics say that the tax cuts only benefit wealthy people. 一些评论家认为,减税只能惠及富人。 2 [no object] : to be helped得益;受益 He'll benefit by having experiences I never did. 他将从他的经验中获益良多,而我却缺乏这些经验。 — often + from I benefited from the experience. 我从经验中受益。 Many patients will benefit from the new drug. 许多病人将受益于这种新药。 All of you will benefit from these changes. 你们所有人都将从这些变化中获益。 Some critics say that only wealthy people will benefit from the tax cuts. 一些评论家认为,只有富人才能从减税中获益。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] benefit noun /ˈbenɪfɪt/ /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Idioms [countable, uncountable] an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that something has优势;益处;成效 Freedom of information brings great benefits. 信息自由带来巨大好处。 health/economic/tax benefits健康/经济/税收利益 the benefits of modern medicine现代医学的助益 I've had the benefit of a good education.我得益于受过良好教育。 It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work.看到她终于得享辛勤劳动的成果令人欣慰。 The industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery.该产业将是首先受益于这次复苏的行业之一。 The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.公司从这笔交易中得到了很大好处。 benefit of doing something He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.他看不出再争论下去有什么好处。 be of benefit to somebody/something The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.新规章将使所有有关人员受益。 to somebody's benefit It will be to your benefit to arrive early.早到将会对你有利。 benefit for somebody/something The project will have major benefits for the local community.该项目将为当地社区带来重大利益。 With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently.借助事后洞察力,我们可以做不同的事情。 without the benefit of something Nobody should be sent to prison without the benefit of legal advice.没有法律咨询,任何人都不应被送入监狱。 For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.饭前服药效果最佳。 see also cost–benefit, fringe benefit Extra Examples Oxford Collocations Dictionary [countable, usually plural, uncountable] (British English) (also welfare [uncountable] especially in North American English) money provided by the government to people who need financial help because they are unemployed, ill, etc.福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金) You may be eligible to receive benefits.你也许有资格领取福利金。 The number of people claiming unemployment benefit fell last month.上个月申请领取失业救济金的人数下降了。 on benefits The aim is to help people who are on benefits (= receiving benefits) to find jobs.目的是帮助领福利金的人找到工作。 see also child benefit, housing benefit, sickness benefit Wordfinder Extra Examples Topics Social issuesB2, MoneyB2 Oxford Collocations Dictionary [countable, usually plural] an advantage that you get from a company in addition to the money that you earn(公司发的)福利,奖金 Private health insurance is offered as part of the employees' benefits package.私人医疗保险是提供给员工的一整套福利的其中一项。 These benefits will now be extended to agency workers.这些好处现在将会惠及代理机构的员工。 see also fringe benefit Oxford Collocations Dictionary [countable, usually plural] money from an insurance company(保险公司发的)给付,保险金 The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death.投保人一旦死亡,该项保险将支付给其家属相当可观的保险金。 [countable] an event such as a performance, a dinner, etc., organized in order to raise money for a particular person or charity慈善(或公益)活动 a benefit match/concert义赛;慈善音乐会 The proceeds from the benefit will go directly to the refugee camps.收益的收益将直接转到难民营。 Wordfinder Topics Film and theatreC2, Social issuesC2 Word Origin Idioms for the benefit of somebody | for somebody’s benefit especially in order to help or be useful to somebody为帮助某人;为某人的利益 I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.我帮上星期缺席的人打印了些课堂笔记。 Don't go to any trouble for my benefit!别为我费功夫! give somebody the benefit of the doubt to accept that somebody has told the truth or behaved well because you cannot prove that they have not(在证据不足的情况下)假定某人说实话,假定某人没有错 She may have been lying, but I felt I had to give her the benefit of the doubt.她可能一直在撒谎,但我感到不得不怀疑给她带来了好处。 benefit verb /ˈbenɪfɪt/ /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Verb Forms [transitive] benefit somebody to be useful to somebody or improve their life in some way对(某人)有用;使受益 We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能得益的事上。 The new tax laws will clearly benefit those on low wages.很明显新税法将使低收入者受益。 The project will benefit the local community as a whole.该项目将使整个当地社区受益。 Oxford Collocations Dictionary [intransitive] to be in a better position because of something得益于;得利于 We all benefit when our young people realize their potential. 当我们的年轻人意识到自己的潜力时,我们都会受益。 benefit from something Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes?到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益? benefit by doing something Most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences.倾诉自己的经历对大多数犯罪受害人来说都大有好处。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] benefit1 /ˈbenəfɪt/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun 1ADVANTAGE好处 [countable, uncountable] an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something好处﹐益处﹐裨益 → beneficial benefit of the benefits of contact lenses隐形眼镜的好处 I never had the benefit of a university education.我从未受过大学教育。 The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers.新信用卡将大大方便我们的客户。 I hope that the decision taken today will be to the benefit of the whole nation.我希望今天所做的决定将惠及我们整个国家。 for somebody’s benefit Could you just explain again for Mark’s benefit?你为马克再解释一遍好吗? without the benefit of something Most motorists manage without the benefit of four-wheel drive.大多数汽车司机都不用四轮驱动。 ► see thesaurus at advantage 2MONEY FROM GOVERNMENT政府拨款 [countable, uncountable] British English money provided by the government to people who are sick, unemployed, or have little money〔政府为病人﹑失业人士或穷人提供的〕补助金﹐救济金﹐津贴 SYN welfare American English unemployment/housing/child etc benefit You might be entitled to housing benefit.你也许有资格申领住房津贴。 on benefit families on benefit领救济金的家庭 those people eligible to claim benefit那些可以申请补助的人 3EXTRA THINGS额外事物 [countable usually plural] extra money or other advantages that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have〔工作单位提供的〕福利﹐补贴﹔保险金 → perk: We offer an excellent benefits package.我们提供非常好的综合福利。 medical benefits医疗福利 → fringe benefit 4give somebody the benefit of the doubt to accept what someone tells you, even though you think they may be wrong or lying but you cannot be sure虽有怀疑但还是相信某人﹐姑且相信某人: The referee gave him the benefit of the doubt.裁判员虽有怀疑﹐但还是没有判他犯规。 5with the benefit of hindsight/experience used to say it is easier to know the right thing to do after something has happened or if you have a lot of experience借助于事后的认识/经验: He admitted that, with the benefit of hindsight, the original launch had not been large enough.他承认事后才明白最初的投放量不够大。 6benefit concert/performance/match a concert, performance etc arranged to make money for charity慈善音乐会/义演/义赛: a benefit concert for famine relief为饥荒灾民筹款的慈善音乐会 COLLOCATIONS VERBS have the benefit of something获益于某事物 · All the hotel rooms have the benefit of a balcony.所有的酒店客房都有一个阳台。 get a benefit得到好处 (also gain/derive a benefit formal) · In this way, students will gain maximum benefit from their classes.这样﹐学生就能从课上最大限度地受益。 enjoy the benefits享用益处 · You’ll enjoy all the benefits of being a member.你将享受所有的会员优惠。 reap the benefits收获益处 (=enjoy the advantages of something you have worked hard to get) · He was looking forward to reaping the benefits of all his hard work.他期待着收获他所有艰苦努力的成果。 bring/provide benefits带来/提供好处 · The new bridge has brought considerable benefits.这座新桥带来了很大的便利。 something outweighs the benefits某事物大于好处 (=something is more important than the benefits) · Make sure that the risks don’t outweigh the benefits.确保风险不能大于收益。 ADJECTIVES/NOUN + benefit a great/major/substantial benefit巨大的好处 · The new system will be a great benefit to the company.这种新制度将为公司带来极大的益处。 a real benefit实实在在的好处 · To get some real benefit from the exercise, you should continue for at least half an hour.你应该至少连续锻炼半小时﹐才能获得切实的效果。 a direct benefit · The money sent has been of direct benefit to the islanders. a lasting benefit · These plans are likely to result in lasting benefit to the whole of our district. the full benefit of something某事物的全部益处 · They will have the full benefit of our facilities.他们将能充分享用我们的设施。 economic/social/environmental etc benefits经济/社会/环境等效益 · Tourism has brought considerable economic benefits to the island.旅游业给这个岛带来了巨额经济效益。 health benefits健康方面的益处 · Just 30 minutes of moderate daily activity yields health benefits. mutual benefit互惠互利 (=something good for both people, companies etc involved) · Our two companies are working together for mutual benefit. potential benefits · The potential benefits of the scheme must be weighed against the costs involved. for your own benefit · He used the money for his own benefit, instead of using it to help other people. noun | verb benefit2 ●●○ W3 AWL verb (past tense and past participle benefited, present participle benefiting) [intransitive, transitive] if you benefit from something, or it benefits you, it gives you an advantage, improves your life, or helps you in some way受益﹐得益﹔有益于﹐有利于: They are working together to benefit the whole community.他们在为整个社区的利益共同努力。 benefit from/by Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment.千千万万的人已受益于这种新疗法。 They would benefit by reducing their labour costs.他们将从劳动力成本降低中获益。 benefit greatly/enormously/considerably etc I’m sure you’ll benefit greatly from the visit.我相信﹐这次访问将使你获益匪浅。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1. noun [ C or U ] 2. verb [ I or T ] 1 benefit noun [ C or U ] /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/ › a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help 利益,好处;优势 The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town. 石油的发现给该镇带来很多利益。 One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected. 学会如何应付突发事件是海外旅游的众多益处之一。 He's had the benefit of an expensive education and yet he continues to work as a waiter. 他接受过昂贵的教育,但却继续做一名服务员。 I didn't get/derive (much) benefit from school. 我没从学校学到(多少)东西。 With the benefit of hindsight (= Helped by the knowledge since learned) it is easy for us to see where we went wrong. 通过事后反省,我们比较容易认清自己所犯的错误。 slightly formal She drinks a lot less now, to the benefit of her health as a whole. 她现在酒喝得少多了,整个身体健康状况也有所改善。 › the money given by the government to people who need financial help, for example because they cannot find a job 补助金,救济金 mainly uk unemployment benefit 失业救济金 I'm on benefit at the moment. 我目前靠救济生活。 Related Phrases/Idioms give sb the benefit of the doubt 2 benefit verb [ I or T ] /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/ (-t-) › to be helped by something or to help someone 得益,受惠;(使)受益;对…有帮助 I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom. 我觉得从她的睿智中我获益颇多。 How can we benefit those who most need our help? 我们如何帮助那些最需要帮助的人? [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] I. benefit 1 UK [ˈbenɪfɪt] US [ˈbenəfɪt] noun [singular benefit plural benefits] ★★★ 1. [countable/uncountable] an advantage you get from a situation The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community. benefit for: Consider the potential benefits of the deal for the company. get/​gain/​receive a benefit: The costs involved would outweigh any benefits gained. derive a benefit from something: Even Liza derived little benefit from the changes. reap a benefit: The town was still reaping the benefits years after the film’s release. be of benefit to someone/​something: Not all competition is of benefit to the consumer. for someone’s benefit: Molly explained what was happening for my benefit. have the benefit of something: He has had the benefit of the best education money can buy. Collocations Verbs frequently used with benefit 1 as the object ▪ bring, derive, enjoy, gain, obtain, provide, reap, yield Thesaurus: advantages and benefitssynonym 2. [countable/uncountable] British money or other help that the government gives people who need financial help, for example because they do not have a job. The American word is welfare housing/​sickness/​disability benefit claim (a) benefit: There has been an increase in the number of people claiming benefit. get/​receive (a) benefit: families receiving benefit on benefit: She’s been on unemployment benefit for six years. Thesaurus: financial help given by the governmenthyponym 3. [countable] usually plural extra money or other advantages that you get in addition to your salary from your employer as part of your job The benefits include medical insurance and a company car. Thesaurus: extra payments and benefits in addition to wageshyponym wages and salariessynonym 3a. money or help that an insurance company gives to you Thesaurus: insuring and insurancehyponym types of tax and taxationhyponym 4. [countable] an event organized in order to make money for a person or a charity a benefit concert/​performance Thesaurus: charity events and fundraisershyponym Phrase: give someone the benefit of the doubt ▪ II. benefit 2 UK [ˈbenɪfɪt] US [ˈbenəfɪt] verb [present tense I/you/we/they benefit he/she/it benefits present participle benefiting benefitting past tense benefited benefitted past participle benefited benefitted] ★★★ [intransitive] to get help or an advantage from something Thousands of households could benefit under the scheme. benefit from: Patients have benefited greatly from this treatment. stand to benefit (=be likely to benefit): Unemployed people stand to benefit most from these policies. Thesaurus: to have, or to take advantage of, an opportunitysynonym a. [transitive] to help someone or give them an advantage The system mainly benefited people in the south of the country. Thesaurus: to help someonesynonym [/su_tab] [su_tab title="近反义联想词" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 近义词 n. payment, good, goodness, performance, public presentation v. get, acquire, help, aid 解析 avail 较文雅,常见于历史小说、演说或讲道中,较少用于日常话语,侧重功效或效力。 benefit 通常既可指个人情况(如身体、智力或精神状态等)的好转或改善,又可指对实现某个目标等带来的好处。 profit 着重于物质方面的受益,常用于财富或知识等方面的得益。 联想词 advantage有利条件, 有利因素, 优势;detriment损害, 伤害;beneficial有益的, 有利的;outweigh比…重;accrue自然增加;incentive刺激的;reap收割;derive得到;contribute捐献, 捐助, 贡献出;greatly非常;support支持,支撑,支援; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] economic benefit 经济效益 benefit from 得益于;得利于;因…而得到好处 mutual benefit 互惠互利 social benefit 社会公益 for the benefit of 为…的利益 equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 benefit by 得益于 in benefit 有资格得到救济金(或补助费、抚恤金、保险金) of benefit to 对...有好处 ecological benefit 生态效益,生态效应 public benefit 公益 maximum benefit 最大利益 benefit of the doubt 假定其无过失或无罪(因无充分证据证明某人有罪);裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定 common benefit 公共福利 reciprocity and mutual benefit 互惠互利 benefit package 给付项目;福利待遇 benefit system 福利制度;职工福利制度 unemployment benefit 失业救济金;失业津贴 tax benefit 税收利益;赋税优惠 additional benefit 附加利益;额外利益;附加利益(人身保险) [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • beside

    英 [bɪ'saɪd]  [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714876377-0e4097b08492573.mp3"][/audio]   美 [bɪ'saɪd] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714876395-0e4097b08492573.mp3"][/audio]    prep. 在 ... 旁边;与 ... 相比;和... 无关 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="速记" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside★bɪˈsaɪdprep. 在…旁边be+side(旁边)→在…旁边🏠be- ① 构成动词,表示“使”;② 构成介词;③ 表示“加以,饰以” [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 词源: O.E. be sidan "by the side of" (only as two words), from sidan dative of side (q.v.). By 1200, formed as one word and used as both adverb and preposition. The alternative M.E. meaning "outside" led to the sense preserved in beside oneself "out of one's wits" (late 15c.). 词根记忆: prep. 在…旁边,在…附近;和…相比 He sat down beside the fire. 他在火炉旁坐下. 英语词根词缀记忆词典 词源树 beside be- + side 词根词缀 前缀 be- 构成一些介词。 派生词 besides 1. adv. 而且;此外 2. prep. 除…之外 #四级# #考研# I have five other books besides this. 除这本以外, 我还有五本别的书。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="疑难" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside与besides beside是介词,表示“在旁边”的空间意义。【例如】We stood beside the canyon.我们站在峡谷旁边。Besides也可以是介词,但却表示抽象的“除此之外(还有)”。【例如】Besides the lecture there was a concert. 除了讲座,还举行了音乐会。/ There are three other candidates besides yourself. 除了你自己,还另外有三个人选。/ Besides being old, she was also extremely deaf. 她不但年老,而且还非常耳聋。另外,besides还可以是副词,也是“除此之外(还有)”的意思(主要用于列举理由,不可以用于列举具体事物)。【例如】I am too tired to go, and besides, it is late. 我太累,不去了,何况时间也晚了。但是,besides前面如果有否定词,“除此之外(再另加,但原先的仍保留)”与“排除在外不算”的两种意思之间的区别在此就消失了(中文的“除此之外”也同样有这样两种不同的含义)。【例如】nobody besides you and me除了你和我再也没有别人。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="辨析" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside, besides beside: 在……旁边。如:Come and sit beside me. besides: 除……之外。如:I have two other umbrellas besides this one. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside /bɪˈsaɪd/ preposition 1 : by the side of (someone or something) : next to (someone or something)在…旁边;在…附近 She sat beside him during dinner. 吃饭时她坐在他的旁边。 The man beside her was wearing a brown suit and hat. 她旁边的那个男人穿着棕色西装,头戴礼帽。 They were walking beside me. 他们走在我身旁。 Stand beside the statue and I'll take your picture. 站在雕塑旁边,我给你照张相。 Their house is beside a small lake. 他们的房子在小湖边。 2 : in comparison with (something)和…相比 These problems seem unimportant beside the potential benefits of the new system. 和新体制可能带来的好处相比,这些问题显得无关紧要。 beside the point : not related to the main idea that is being discussed : not important离题的;与主题无关的;不重要的 No one knows what we did, but that's beside the point. What we did was wrong. 没人知道我们做了什么,但那并不重要。问题是,我们的确做得不对。 beside yourself : not thinking clearly because you are feeling very strong emotions : in a state of extreme excitement因过于激动失去自制力的;极度兴奋的;神志失常的 We were beside ourselves with anger/worry/embarrassment/joy. 我们无比愤怒/焦虑/尴尬/喜悦。 He was beside himself [=very upset] after hearing the bad news. 他听到这个坏消息后,悲伤不已。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside preposition /bɪˈsaɪd/ /bɪˈsaɪd/ Idioms next to or at the side of somebody/something在旁边(或附近) He sat beside her all night.整个晚上他都坐在她的身边。 a mill beside a stream小溪旁的磨房 Which Word? beside / besides compared with somebody/something与…相比 My painting looks childish beside yours.同你的相比,我的画显得很幼稚。 Word Origin Idioms be beside the point to not be important or closely related to the main thing you are talking about无关紧要;离题;不相关 Yes, I know it was an accident, but that's beside the point.是的,我知道那是个事故,可是这无关紧要。 They took my words out of context, but that’s beside the point.他们没有理会我的话,但这是没有意义的。 beside yourself (with something) unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling(因情绪)失去自制力;失常 He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.我告诉他我做了什么事,他快气疯了。 They were beside themselves with excitement.他们兴奋地站在自己旁边。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside /bɪˈsaɪd/ ●●● S3 W2 preposition 1next to or very close to the side of someone or something在…旁边﹐在…近旁: Wendy came up and sat beside me.温迪走过来﹐坐在我身边。 the table beside the bed床边的桌子 I was standing right beside her at the time.当时我就站在她的旁边。 ► Do not confuse beside (=next to) and besides (=in addition to)不要混淆beside(在…旁边)和besides(除此之外): He sat down beside Mary.他在玛丽身边坐了下来。 | Who was there besides you?那里除了你还有谁? 2in comparison with something or someone和…相比: This year’s sales figures don’t look very good beside last year’s results.今年的销售额和去年相比不是很好。 The children seemed tiny beside him.孩子们在他身边显得只有一丁点儿大。 3be beside yourself to be feeling so angry, excited etc that you find it difficult to control yourself〔由于气愤﹑激动等而〕失去控制﹔忘形: The poor girl was almost beside herself.那个可怜的女孩快要气疯了。 be beside yourself with anger/excitement/rage etc Mom and Dad will be beside themselves with worry.爸爸和妈妈会担心死的。 4be beside the point to not be directly connected with the main subject or problem that you are talking about离题﹐与主题无关: He’s very charming, but that’s beside the point.他很有魅力﹐但那是题外话了。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside ★★★☆☆ 1.PREP 介词See also:besides;在…旁边;在…附近 Something that is beside something else is at the side of it or next to it. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books... 桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。 I moved from behind my desk to sit beside her. 我从桌子后面走到她身边坐了下来。 2.PHRASE 短语非常;极度 If you are beside yourself with anger or excitement, you are extremely angry or excited. beside the point→see: point; 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR He had shouted down the phone at her, beside himself with anxiety... 他焦急万分地对着电话那头的她大喊大叫。 Cathy was beside herself with excitement. 凯茜兴奋异常。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] preposition /bɪˈsaɪd/ › at the side of, next to 在…旁边;在…附近 Come and sit here beside me. 过来坐在我身边。 Our school was built right beside a river. 我们的学校就建在河边。 › compared to another person or thing 与…相比 Those books seem rather dull beside this one. 与这本书相比,那些书似乎都很枯燥。 be beside the point › to be in no way connected to the subject that is being discussed 离题,与讨论的问题无关 Let's stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all. The exact cost is beside the point. 我们还是继续讨论这条路到底该不该建的问题吧。确切的造价不是问题的根本。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside UK [bɪˈsaɪd] US preposition ★★★ 1. at the side of someone or something and close to them Who’s that standing beside Jeff? I knelt down beside the bed. We found a picnic area down beside the river. Thesaurus: next to, near to and not far awaysynonym 2. used for comparing two people or things Their efforts were puny beside Frederick’s. Thesaurus: ways of comparing thingssynonym Phrases: beside the point ▪ beside yourself [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] beside oneself 极度兴奋;发狂 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] be表状态,side是边的意思 [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
  • best

    英 [best] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714876888-db82206b1d49042.mp3"][/audio]    美 [best] [audio mp3="https://xdict.cn/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/1714876917-db82206b1d49042.mp3"][/audio]    adj. 最好的 adv. 最;最好地 n. 最好的人(或物) v. 优于;打败 [su_tabs][su_tabs style="modern-blue"] [su_tab title="速记" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] good better best [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词根词缀词源" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 词源: O.E., reduced by assimilation of -t- from earlier O.E. betst "best, first, in the best manner," originally superlative of bot "remedy, reparation," the root word now only surviving in to boot (see boot (2)), though its comparative, better, and superlative, best, transferred to good (and in some cases well). From P.Gmc. root *bat-, with comp. *batizon and superl. *batistaz. The verb "to get the better of" is from 1863. Best-seller is from 1889; best friend was in Chaucer (late 14c.). Best girl is first attested 1887 in a Texas context; best man is 1814, originally Scottish, replacing groomsman. 词根记忆: a. 最好的(good和well最高级)ad.最好地;最 This picture is the best I have seen. 这张是我见过画得最好的画. 英语词根词缀记忆词典 词根记忆 a. 最好的(good和well最高级)ad.最好地;最 This picture is the best I have seen. 这张是我见过画得最好的画. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="疑难" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1. 作为副词well的最高级,best修饰动词时可以同the一起出现,也可以不要the,有the的时候语气更为强调。【例如】Who sings (the) best of all the boys in your class? 你班里的男孩子,谁唱歌唱得最好?但是只有多个事物相互比较时才可以加the,同一事物不同场合的比较就不能加the。【例如】Work out where and how these forces would best (*the best) be used. 弄清楚这些力量最好在什么地方以什么方式来使用。 2. 动词like与love可以用副词very much来修饰,但是用like时very much的最高级不是most而是best(用love时则best与most均可)。反义语dislike与hate则只能用most。 3. 本来两件事物作比较,最好的一件是the better one;多件事物作比较,最好的一件是the best one。Best用作副词也是如此,但是不严格,可以用于两件事物的比较。【例如】Which season do you like best, summer or winter? 你最喜欢夏天还是冬天? 4. 作为形容词,best可以不指质量上的“最好(部分)”而是指数量上的“最大(部分)”。【例如】the best part of a week一周的大部分时间 / the best part of one's life一生的大部分时间。 5. 作为名词,best可以表示“最大的收益”。【例如】She knows how to bring out the best in her students. 她懂得如何发掘学生们最大的潜力。/ He always gets the best out of his employees. 他总是使自己的雇员们发挥最大的力量。/ Just make the best of the opportunity. 有这个机会就好好利用吧。但是get the best of somebody有“打败某人”或“从某人身上捞到最大便宜”的负面意义。【例如】Don't let those people get the best of you. 别让那些人占你的便宜。Make the best of a bad job中,job不一定真的指“工作”、“差事”,而是指“条件不利”,只能尽力而为。 6. best作为名词,有时候容易被误解为形容词最高级。【例如】Still, the policy— which seems impractical if not unenforceable—may be the best university officials can do, short of putting cameras in students' dorm rooms. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, March 21, 2007, editorial) 虽然如此,但是这个规定(看来似乎不实际,甚至是无法执行的)可能是大学主管人员所能采取的最上策了,除非在学生宿舍的房间里装上录像机。这一句中的best,不能同university officials连在一起,误解成“最好的大学主管人员”。它是个名词,同university officials之间本来有个关系代词that略去了。 7. best虽然是最高级,但是在修辞中往往同否定一起使用,作为一种婉转的说法表示“不佳”(直译是“并不最好”),但其实并不一定是“次好”,也许可能是最坏的。【例如】Risking his career didn't seem like the best of options. 拿自己的事业来冒风险,看来实非上策。/… a sailor's life is not the best school of morals.(John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Chapter 6, p. 35) 海员的生活本来就是不检点的。 这种否定最高级,是很常用的修辞手段,中英文也有共通之处。 8. best作为副词,放在to be之后,一个动词过去分词之前,往往可以表示一种判断,即“最好对之加以(某种行动)”,此时这个to be pp尽管pp的动词是瞬时的第四类动词,也可以用一般现在时,因为这个句子已经不是通常意义上的叙述句,而是一个判断句,相当于It is best to inf. X (X本是主语,但在此相当于宾语)。【例如】Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided. 打官司费钱费时间,又揪心揪肺,最好避免(参见better条之7. )。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="惯用法" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1.at best 和 at the best 意思相同,都作“就最乐观的一方面看”或“充其量”解。例如:At (the) best, the sick old man will live another year or two. at his best, at her best 等表达方式作“在他(或她)的最佳状态”解。例如:He is at his best in writing short essays. 2.不可说a best book, a best boy 等。 3.had best 跟 had better 同义,但不很普通。 4.get(有时用 have)the best of(胜过,占……的上风)是美国英语,相当于英国英语 get the better of。 5.best seller 指“畅销书”,有时指这种书的著作人,有时指畅销的唱片等。 6.It is best that he (should) read the book once more 里的 should 可有可无。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="韦氏" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1 best /ˈbɛst/ adjective superlative form of 1good or of 2well 1 a : better than all others in quality or value最好的;最佳的;最优秀的 You should wear your best clothes tonight. 你今晚应该穿上最好的衣服。 He took us to the (very) best restaurants in the city. 他带我们到城里最好的餐厅吃饭。 We ate the best food and drank the best wines. 我们吃的是最好的菜,喝的是最好的酒。 You're our best customers. 您是我们最尊贵的客户。 His modesty and sense of humor are his best qualities. 谦虚和幽默是他最优秀的品德。 Is that your best offer? 这是你们最优惠的报价吗? I've had the best time with you! [=I've had a very enjoyable time with you] 和你在一起,我度过了一段最美好的时光! The best [=most valuable] things in life are free. 生命中最珍贵的东西是无价的。 Which of these do you think tastes best? 这些东西当中你觉得哪种最好吃? Mary sends you her very best wishes/regards. 玛丽向您致以最美好的祝愿/最诚挚的问候。 He's my best friend. [=my closest/dearest friend] = He and I are best friends. 他是我最要好的朋友。 b : most skillful, talented, or successful最熟练的;最有才能的;最出色的 She's the best student in her class. 她是班上最优秀的学生。 He won the award for best actor in a drama. 他获得了戏剧最佳男演员奖。 the team's best player 队里最出色的选手 2 : most appropriate, useful, or helpful最适当的;最有用的;最有帮助的 She truly believes that this is the best way to solve the problem. 她深信这是解决问题的最佳方法。 She's the team's best hope/chance for a medal. 她是队里最有希望/可能拿奖牌的队员。 She thought waiting was best. = She thought that the best thing to do was to wait. = She thought that it was best to wait. 她认为等待是最好的办法。 It's best to leave early if you want to be sure of arriving on time. 要想确保准时到达,你最好早点出发。 We want to do what's best for you. 我们想做对你最有帮助的事情。 He's the best man for the job. 他是这项工作的最佳人选。 You should do whatever you think is the best thing to do. = You should do whatever you think best. 你认为怎样做最好就怎样去做。 We're making the best possible use of these materials. 我们正在尽可能地充分利用这些材料。 best of all ◊ The phrase best of all is often used to refer to the most important or appealing part of something that has many good parts.(某物)最重要的部分,最吸引人的部分 The machine is easy to use, easy to clean, and best of all, it's absolutely free when you order these books. 这台机器操作简单,容易清洗,最重要的是,如果订购这些书,您将免费获赠一台。 next best ◊ A person or thing that is next best is not as good as the best person or thing but is better than all others.仅次于最好的;居第二位的 The shortstop is the best player on the team, and the catcher is the next best player. 这个棒球队里最出色的球员是游击手,其次是接球手。 We can't see each other often, but calling each other on the telephone is the next best thing. 虽然不能经常见面,但是互通电话是我们不错的选择。 on your best behavior ◊ If you are on your best behavior you are behaving very politely and well.表现礼貌得体 Remember to be on your best behavior with your grandmother. 到你奶奶那儿记住要乖乖的。 The children promised to be on their best behavior. 孩子们答应会表现得很乖。 2 best /ˈbɛst/ adverb superlative form of 1well 1 : in the best way : in a way that is better than all others最好地 The sauce is best served/eaten/enjoyed cold. 这种酱汁凉着吃味道最好。 His cooking is best described as spicy. = It can best be described as spicy. 他做菜的最大特点就是辣。 : with the most success or benefit最成功地;最有成效地 They work best under pressure. 他们在压力之下干得最出色。 That's what we do best! 那正是我们最擅长的! We need to think about how best to fix this problem. 我们需要考虑怎样才能最好地解决这个问题。 This is a job best left to the professionals. [=it's better/best to allow professional workers to do this job] 这项工作最好留给专家们去做。 Some things are best left unsaid. [=it's better/best not to talk about some things] 有些事情还是不说为妙。 2 : to the greatest degree or extent : most最;最高程度地;最大限度地 That's the one we liked (the) best. 那是我们最喜欢的。 The work should be done by the people who are best able to do it. 这项工作应该由最有能力的人去完成。 She's best suited to life in the city. 她最适合在城市生活。 He is best known for his invention of the lightbulb. 他最著名的发明是电灯泡。 The museum features some of the best-known examples of this style of painting. 这家博物馆的特色是藏有这种画风的最为知名的一些经典作品。 the industry's best-kept secret 行业最高机密 as best you can or the best (that) you can : as well, skillfully, or accurately as you can尽最大努力 She answered their questions as best she could. [=as well as she could] 她尽力回答了他们的问题。 You don't have to do it perfectly. Just do it the best you can. 你无须做到完美,尽力而为即可。 had best ◊ If you had best do something, you should do it.最好;应当 You'd best get ready for school. [=you'd better get ready for school; you should get ready for school] 你最好为上学做好准备。 Hadn't you best get ready for school? 你难道不该为上学做好准备吗? 3 best /ˈbɛst/ noun [singular] 1 the best : the best person or thing最好的人;最佳的东西 Out of all of my workers, he's the best. 在我的所有员工当中,他是最出色的。 Our company is the best in the business. 我们公司是业内最成功的一家。 Thanks, Dad. You're the best! 谢谢,老爸。您是最棒的! I have one more gift for you, and I saved the best for last. 我还有一份礼物送给你,我可是把这最好的留到最后。 : the best group of people or things最优秀的人群;最好的事物 Our store sells nothing but the best. = We sell only the best. [=the best products] 本店只出售最佳商品。 She's one of the best in the world. = She's among the best. 她是世界级顶尖人物之一。 Bad things happen to the best of us. 我们当中最优秀的人也会碰上倒霉的时候。 They want the best for their children. 他们都想给自己的孩子提供最好的条件。 Even in the best of times, we had trouble paying our bills. 即使在境况最好的时候,我们也付不起账单。 In the best of all possible worlds, no one would be without food and clean water. 在最理想的世界里,人人都有食物吃,有干净的水喝。 He can compete with the best of them. [=he can compete as well as anyone] 他能与他们中的佼佼者媲美。 We were the best of friends. [=we were very good friends] 我们曾是至交。 I have a wonderful family and a great job, so I feel that I have the best of both worlds. 我有美满的家庭和不错的工作,真可谓两全其美。 Problems can occur even in/under the best of circumstances. [=even if the situation is as good as possible] 即使在最理想的情况下,也可能出现问题。 All of the students are good, but these three are the best of the bunch. [=the best ones in the group] 所有的学生都很优秀,但这三个是尖子中的尖子。 — see also sunday best 2 : someone's or something's most effective, capable, or successful condition最佳状态;鼎盛时期— used in phrases like at your best and at its best用于at your best、at its best等短语 He's at his best in front of a live audience. 他在现场观众面前状态最好。 She's at her best in the morning. 早上她的状态最好。 This is democracy at its best. 这是民主的最佳体现。 3 : the highest level that you can do or achieve(所能达到的)最大限度,最高程度 Was that your best? = Was that the best you could do? 那是你的极限吗? No one expects you to do the job perfectly. Just do your best. = Just do the best you can. [=do as well as you can] 没人指望你尽善尽美,尽力而为即可。 He did his best to help them. 他尽自己的最大努力去帮助他们。 Her time in the race was a personal best. [=it was the fastest time she had ever achieved] 这次比赛的结果是她个人的最好成绩。 (all) for the best : having or producing a better result结果会是好的— used to say that something will have a good result even though it was not the intended result用于说明尽管看来不尽如人意,但结果会是好的 I won't be able to go, but maybe it's all for the best. I have a lot of work to do anyway. 我去不了了,但也许这倒是一件好事,毕竟我还有很多工作要做。 (all) the best ◊ If you wish someone (all) the best, you hope that person will be happy and successful.美满幸福;万事如意 We wish you all the best in your new job. 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利。 at best — used to refer to a result, condition, etc., that is the best one possible even though it is not very good至多;充其量 The company won't make a profit this year. At best, they'll break even. 公司今年不会赢利,充其量不亏不赚。 The work won't be finished for another three months at best. 这项工作最快也要再干三个月才能完成。 best of luck — see 1luck best (out) of three (five, seven, etc.) — used to say that the winner of a series of games will be the one who has won the most times after three (five, seven, etc.) games have been played三局两胜(或五局三胜、七局四胜等) bring out the best in ◊ If someone or something brings out the best in you, that person or thing helps you to use or show your best qualities.发掘…的最优秀品质 She seems to bring out the best in him. 看来她把他最好的一面发掘了出来。 Performing in front of an audience brings out the best in me. [=I perform better when I am in front of an audience] 在观众面前表演使我呈现出了最好的一面。 feel your best : to feel very healthy气色好;感觉身体健康 Exercise helps you look and feel your best. 锻炼能让你面色红润,神清气爽。 I'm not feeling my best this morning. [=I'm not feeling very well this morning] 今天早上我不太舒服。 get the best of ◊ If an emotion or feeling gets the best of you, it causes you to do something that you should not do or that you are trying not to do.使得意忘形;使冲昏头脑;使忘乎所以 I did get a little carried away. I guess the excitement got the best of me. [=got the better of me] 我确实有点失态。我想是激动得忘乎所以了。 Their emotions have gotten the best of them. 高涨的情绪使他们失去了理智。 know best or know what's best — see 1know look your best : to look very good : to look as attractive and pleasant as possible保持最佳状态 Try to look your best when interviewing for a job. 求职面试时,要努力展现自己最好的一面。 make the best of 1 : to use (something) in an effective way充分利用 We may not get another chance, so we need to make the best of this opportunity. 我们也许不会再有机会了,因此我们要充分把握这次机会。 2 : to deal with (a bad situation) as well as possible(在困境中)尽力而为 Life is not very good right now—but let's try to make the best of it. 眼下日子不太好过,但我们还是尽力让逆境为我们所用吧。 We're trying to make the best (out) of a bad situation. = (Brit) We're trying to make the best of a bad job. 我们正设法在不利情况下尽量妥善地处理问题。 the best is yet to come/be — used to say that good things have happened but that even better things will happen in the future更好的还在后面 Life is good now, but the best is yet to come. 现在的日子过得不错,但更好的日子还在后头。 to the best of my knowledge — see knowledge to the best of your ability : as well as you are able to竭尽所能 Every game, we go out and play to the best of our ability. 我们每场比赛都倾尽全力地去拼。 to the best of your belief — see belief 4 best /ˈbɛst/ verb bests; bested; besting [+ object] : to do better than (someone or something) : to defeat or outdo (someone or something)胜过;战胜;击败 They were bested [=beaten] by their opponents in the opening game. 他们在开幕战中被对手击败。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="牛津" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] best adjective /best/ /best/ superlative of goodgood 的最高级 Idioms of the most excellent type or quality最好的;最出色的;最优秀的 That's the best movie I've ever seen!那是我看过的最棒的电影! He wrote his best songs before he was 25.他在25岁之前就创作了最好的歌曲。 She was one of the best tennis players of her generation.她是同辈中最出色的网球运动员之一。 Is that your best suit?那是你最漂亮的一套衣服吗? They've been best friends (= closest friends) since they were children.他们从孩提时起就是最要好的朋友。 the company’s best-ever results公司有史以来最大的成就 We want the kids to have the best possible education.我们想让孩子们接受尽可能最好的教育。 Extra Examples Oxford Collocations Dictionary giving most pleasure; happiest最愉快的;最幸福的 Those were the best years of my life.那些年是我一生最幸福的时光。 Oxford Collocations Dictionary most suitable or appropriate最合适的;最恰当的 What's the best way to cook steak?牛排怎么做最好? He's the best man for the job.他是担任这项工作的最佳人选。 The best thing to do would be to apologize.最恰当的做法应该是道歉。 It's best if you go now.你最好现在就走。 I'm not in the best position to advise you.给你提建议,我不是很适合。 Owen judged it best to make no reply.欧文认为最好不作答复。 Oxford Collocations Dictionary Word Origin Idioms Idioms containing best adj. are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for example on your best behaviour is at behaviour.  best adverb /best/ /best/ superlative of well, often used in adjectives Idioms most; to the greatest extent最;最高程度地 Which one do you like best?你最喜欢哪一个? Well-drained soil suits the plant best.排水性好的土壤最适合于这种植物。 her best-known poem她的最有名的诗 in the most excellent way; to the highest standard最出色地;最高标准地 He works best in the mornings.他早上工作效率最高。 Britain’s best-dressed woman英国最佳穿戴女士 The beaches are beautiful, but, best of all, there are very few tourists.这些海滩很美,最妙的是游客稀少。 in the most suitable or appropriate way最适合地;最恰当地 Painting is best done in daylight.作画的最佳时间是白天。 Do as you think best (= what you think is the most suitable thing to do).你觉得怎么好,就怎么办吧。 Word Origin Idioms as best you can not perfectly but as well as you are able尽可能;尽力 We'll manage as best we can.我们将尽力处理。 be (best) remembered for something | be (best) remembered as something to be famous or known for a particular thing that you have done in the past因某事而成名(或名留青史) He is best remembered as the man who brought jazz to England.他因为将爵士音乐传到英国而为人们所熟知。 She is best remembered for her first book, ‘In the Ditch’.她因第一部作品《在沟里 》为人们所熟知。 best noun /best/ /best/ [singular] (usually the best) Idioms the most excellent thing or person最好的事物(或人) We all want the best for our children.我们都想给孩子提供最好的条件。 They only buy the best.他们只买最好的。 They're all good players, but she's the best of all.他们都是优秀运动员,而她更是其中的佼佼者。 We're the best of friends (= very close friends).我们是至交。 the highest standard that somebody/something can reach(人或事物所能达到的)最高标准 She always brings out the best in people.她总是让人表现出最优秀的品质。 The town looks its best (= is most attractive) in the spring.这个小镇在春天景色最美。 Don't worry about the exam—just do your best.别担心考试,尽你的最大努力吧。 The roses are past their best now.这些玫瑰花已开败了。 I don't really feel at my best today.我今天状态不佳。 something that is as close as possible to what you need or want最合乎要求的事物 Fifty pounds is the best I can offer you.我顶多出五十英镑。 The best we can hope for in the game is a draw.我们至多能希望比赛打成平局。 the highest standard that a particular person has reached, especially in a sport(个人的)最高水平,最高纪录 a lifetime best of 12.0 seconds12.0 秒的毕生最好成绩 see also personal best Word Origin Idioms all the best (informal) used when you are saying goodbye to somebody or ending a letter, to give somebody your good wishes(告别用语或书信结语)祝一切顺利,万事如意 at best used for saying what is the best opinion you can have of somebody/something, or the best thing that can happen, when the situation is bad(表达最正面的看法或恶劣状况下可能出现的最好转机)充其量 Their response to the proposal was, at best, cool.他们对提议的反应充其量只能说是漠然置之。 We can't arrive before Friday at best.我们无论如何星期五之前也到不了。 Topics Opinion and argumentC2 be (all) for the best used to say that although something appears bad or unpleasant now, it will be good in the end结局总会好的 I don't want you to leave, but perhaps it's for the best.我并不想让你走,但也许还是走的好。 Topics SuccessC2 the best of a bad bunch/lot (especially British English, informal) a person or thing that is a little better than the rest of a group, although none are very good一群(或堆)坏的里较好者;矮子中的将军 the best/pick of the bunch the best out of a group of people or things出类拔萃的人(或事物);精英;精品 the best of luck (with something) | good luck (with something) (informal) used to wish somebody success with something祝成功;祝好运 The best of luck with your exams.祝你考试成功! Good luck! I hope it goes well.祝你交好运!我希望这事进展顺利。 (ironic) ‘I'm going to try giving up social media for a year.’ ‘Good luck with that (= I don't think you will succeed).’“我将尝试放弃社交媒体一年。” “祝你好运。” Topics SuccessC1 the best of three, five, etc. (especially in games and sports尤指游戏和体育比赛) up to three, five, etc. games played to decide who wins, the winner being the person who wins most of them三局两胜(或五局三胜等) the best that money can buy the very best佳品;精品;极品 We make sure our clients get the best that money can buy.我们确保客户买到最好的产品。 do, mean, etc. something for the best to do or say something in order to achieve a good result or to help somebody为美好的目的;出于好意 I just don't know what to do for the best.我就是弄不清做什么才好。 I'm sorry if my advice offended you—I meant it for the best.如果我的建议冒犯了你,我很抱歉。但我原本是出于好意。 Topics SuccessC1 have/get the best of something to gain more advantage from something than somebody else获胜;胜过;占上风 I thought you had the best of that discussion.我以为你在那场讨论中占了上风。 hope for the best to hope that something will happen successfully, especially where it seems likely that it will not希望某事顺利;寄予最大的希望 I’m just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best.我将回答所有可能的问题,并希望能做到最好。 Topics SuccessC2 make the best of something/it | make the best of things | make the best of a bad job to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can尽力而为 your Sunday best (informal, humorous) your best clothes自己最好的衣服 I put on my Sunday best for the occasion.我尽量把星期天放在这个场合。 to the best of your knowledge/belief as far as you know据某人所知(或了解) He never made a will, to the best of my knowledge.据我所知,他从未立过遗嘱。 with the best (of them) as well as anyone不亚于任何人;不比任何人差 He'll be out there, dancing with the best of them.他将出现在舞池中,跳得不亚于任何人。 best verb /best/ /best/ [usually passive] (formal) Verb Forms to defeat or be more successful than somebody打败;胜过 be bested (by somebody) He was determined not to be bested by his old rival.他决心不被他的老对手击败。 A great colonial power was nearly bested by a few farmers.一个殖民强国差点儿被几个农场主打败。 Topics SuccessC2 Word Origin Best /best/ /best/ a British magazine for women that contains articles on health, fashion, sex, food, famous people and entertainment. It first appeared in 1987 and is published every week. [/su_tab] [su_tab title="朗文" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] best1 /best/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective [superlative of good] 1better than anything else or anyone else in quality, skill, how effective it is etc: He won the best actor award. What’s the best way to cook this fish? The best thing to do is to stop worrying. it’s best to do something It’s best to go later in the season. easily the best/by far the best (=much better than anything else) John’s idea is by far the best option. Our pilots are given the best possible training. We use only the very best ingredients. 2best friend the friend that you know and like better than anyone else: She was my best friend in college. 3best dress/shoes/clothes etc clothing that you keep for special occasions: I put on my best suit for the wedding. 4the next best thing something that is not exactly what you want but is as similar to it as possible: If sterile equipment isn’t available, the next best thing is to clean equipment with disinfectant. 5best of all used to introduce the fact about a situation that is even better than the other good things: It’s clean and well-located, but best of all, it’s affordable. 6best before British English written on food packets with the date that the food should be eaten before: Best before 13 July. a best-before date → be on your best behaviour at behaviour(2), → your best bet at bet2(2), → the best/better part of at part1(6) COLLOCATIONS ADVERBS the very best · He’s one of the very best players around. easily the best · The series was easily the best TV drama this year. by far the best · One girl stood out as by far the best singer. ADJECTIVES the best possible · We sold the house at the best possible time. the best available · The tuition we offer here is the best available. NOUNS the best way to do/of doing something · The best way to learn a language is to live in a country where it is spoken. the best thing to do · The best thing to do is to apologize immediately. the best way forward (=the best way to make progress or deal with a problem) · We believe that a merger is the best way forward for the business. make the best use of something · Making the best use of space is important in any room. adjective | adverb | noun | verb best2 ●●● S1 W2 adverb [superlative of well] 1in a way that is better than any other: It works best if you let it warm up first. This can best be described as a series of steps. the best-dressed man in Paris 2to the greatest degree SYN most: You know him best – you should ask him. The part I like best is the meal afterwards. He’s perhaps best known for his role in ‘Midnight Cowboy’. 3as best you can spoken as well as you can, even if this is not very good: I’ll try and fix it as best I can. 4had best spoken ought to: We’d best be getting back. → had better at better2(3) adjective | adverb | noun | verb best3 ●●● S2 W2 noun 1the best a)the most helpful, most successful etc situation or results that you can achieve: We all want the best for our children. It’s the best we can do in the circumstances. b)the person or thing that is better than any other: She’s the best of the new young writers. 2do your best to try as hard as you can to do something: As long as you do your best, we’ll be happy. do your best to do something She did her best to make him comfortable. 3at best used to emphasize that something is not very good, pleasant, honest etc even if you consider it in the best possible way: The campaign was at best only partially successful. The technique is at best ineffective and at worst dangerous. 4to the best of your knowledge/belief/ability etc used to say that something is as much as you know, believe, or are able to do: I’m sure he’ll do the work to the best of his ability. 5the best of something used to refer to something very good: We wish him the best of luck with this venture. He hasn’t been in the best of health lately. They didn’t part on the best of terms. They became the best of friends (=very close friends). 6with the best of intentions/for the best of reasons used to mean that someone does something with good intentions or for good reasons, even if the result is not always good: I’m sure he went there with the best of intentions. 7the best of both worlds a situation in which you have the advantages of two different things without any of the disadvantages: They live in a village but it’s only an hour from London, so they have the best of both worlds. 8at your best performing as well or effectively as you are able to: At her best, she’s a really stylish player. He was never at his best early in the morning. 9make the best of something (also make the best of a bad job/situation etc British English) to accept a situation that is not very good, and do whatever you can to make it better: We are stuck here, so we might as well make the best of it. 10all the best used to express good wishes to someone for the future: We’d just like to wish him all the best in his new job. best for All the best for the New Year! 11at the best of times if something is not very good, pleasant etc at the best of times, it is usually even worse than this: It’s crowded at the best of times, but today it was unbearable. 12the best of a bad lot/bunch British English the least bad person or thing in a group of not very good people or things 13be for the best especially spoken used to say that a particular event may seem bad now, but might have a good result later: I still don’t want him to go, but maybe it’s for the best. 14your Sunday best old-fashioned your best clothes, that you only wear on special occasions adjective | adverb | noun | verb best4 verb [transitive] old-fashioned to defeat someone [/su_tab] [su_tab title="柯林" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] best ★★★★★ 1. Best is the superlative of good . If you want further information the best thing to do is have a word with the driver as you get on the bus... 如果你想了解更多信息,最好的办法是在上公交车时问一问司机。 It's not the best place to live if you wish to develop your knowledge and love of mountains. 如果你想增长知识、培养登山爱好的话,这可不是最好的地方。 2. Best is the superlative of well . James Fox is best known as the author of White Mischief. 詹姆斯·福克斯以《欲望城》一书最为出名。 3.N-SING 单数名词最好的;绝佳的 The best is used to refer to things of the highest quality or standard. 【搭配模式】:the N We offer only the best to our clients... 我们只把最好的服务提供给客户。 He'll have the best of care. 他会得到最好的照顾。 4.N-SING 单数名词最大努力;最高成就;最好水平 Someone's best is the greatest effort or highest achievement or standard that they are capable of. 【搭配模式】:oft poss N Miss Blockey was at her best when she played the piano... 布洛基小姐弹钢琴的时候发挥了她的最好水平。 One needs to be a first-class driver to get the best out of that sort of machinery. 只有一流的司机才能让那种机器发挥出最大的功效。 5.N-SING 单数名词最好的结果;顶多 If you say that something is the best that can be done or hoped for, you think it is the most pleasant, successful, or useful thing that can be done or hoped for. 【搭配模式】:the N A draw seems the best they can hope for... 看来他们顶多只能指望打个平局了。 The best we can do is try to stay cool and muddle through. 我们能做的顶多就是设法保持冷静,蒙混过关。 6.ADV-SUPERL 副词最高级形式最;极 If you like something best or like it the best, you prefer it. 【搭配模式】:ADV after v The thing I liked best about the show was the music... 这场演出中我最喜欢的是它的音乐。 Mother liked it best when Daniel got money... 丹尼尔拿到钱的时候,母亲是最高兴的。 What was the role you loved the best? 你最喜欢哪一个角色? 7.(用于构成以good和well开头的复合形容词的最高级,如well-known的最高级为best-known) Best is used to form the superlative of compound adjectives beginning with 'good' and 'well'. For example, the superlative of 'well-known' is 'best-known'. 8.See also:second best;Sunday best; 9.CONVENTION 惯用语(用于道别或信件末尾)万事如意,一切顺利 You can say 'All the best' when you are saying goodbye to someone, or at the end of a letter. 【语用信息】:formulae Wish him all the best, and tell him we miss him. 祝他一切顺利,告诉他我们想念他。 10.PHRASE 短语最好的是 You use best of all to indicate that what you are about to mention is the thing that you prefer or that has most advantages out of all the things you have mentioned. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl/group It was comfortable and cheap: best of all, most of the rent was being paid by two American friends. 房子既舒适又便宜:最妙的是,大部分租金是由两位美国朋友支付的。 11.PHRASE 短语尽全力;竭尽所能;尽最大努力 If someone does something as best they can, they do it as well as they can, although it is very difficult. 【搭配模式】:V inflects The older people were left to carry on as best they could. 年纪大一点的人被留下来,奋力坚持。 12.PHRASE 短语充其量;顶多;至多 You use at best to indicate that even if you describe something as favourably as possible or if it performs as well as it possibly can, it is still not very good. 【搭配模式】:PHR with cl/group This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent... 有人说这项政策往好里说是混乱不堪,往坏里说就是形同虚设。 At best they were effective as antidepressants for no more than four months. 它们充其量也只能起到4个月的抗抑郁剂的效果。 13.PHRASE 短语尽力;竭尽所能 If you do your best or try your best to do something, you try as hard as you can to do it, or do it as well as you can. 【搭配模式】:V inflects I'll do my best to find out... 我会尽力查明真相。 It wasn't her fault, she was trying her best to help... 这不是她的错,她是尽力帮忙的。 It's a Championship fight — do your best. 这是锦标赛——要尽全力。 14.PHRASE 短语(综合考虑起来)是最好的 If you say that something is for the best, you mean it is the most desirable or helpful thing that could have happened or could be done, considering all the circumstances. 【搭配模式】:PHR after v In the long run, it was for the best... 长远来说,这是最好的。 Whatever the circumstances, parents are supposed to know what to do for the best. 不论在什么情况下,父母都应该知道怎样做才是最好的。 15.PHRASE 短语(尤指冰释前嫌后)最好的朋友;知己 If two people are the best of friends, they are close friends, especially when they have had a disagreement or fight in the past. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR Magda is now married to George Callerby and we are the best of friends. 玛格达现在已经和乔治·卡勒比结婚了,我们成了最好的朋友。 16.PHR-MODAL 情态动词短语最好(有些人认为此用法不规范) If you say that someone had best do something or that they'd best do it, you mean they ought to do it. Some people consider this to be non-standard. You'd best take a look. 你最好还是看一看。 17.PHRASE 短语(因经验丰富)最清楚,最明白 If you say that a particular person knows best, you mean that they have a lot of experience and should therefore be trusted to make decisions for other people. 【搭配模式】:V inflects He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best. 他确信医生和牙医最清楚该怎么做。 18.PHRASE 短语看起来处于自己最迷人的状态 If you look your best, you are looking as smart and attractive as you can. 【搭配模式】:V inflects I made sure I was very clean and looking my best. 我把自己收拾得十分整洁,美丽动人。 19.PHRASE 短语乐观地尽可能利用(逆境) If you make the best of something, you accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you can. In British English, you can also say that you make the best of a bad job . 【搭配模式】:V inflects She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work, and making the best of what you have. 她慢慢给孩子们灌输勤奋工作的品德,教导他们充分利用现有的条件。 20. to the best of your ability→see: ability; the best of the bunch→see: bunch; to hope for the best→see: hope; to the best of your knowledge→see: knowledge; best of luck→see: luck; the best part→see: part; at the best of times→see: time; the best of both worlds→see: world; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="剑桥" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 1. adjective 2. adverb 3. noun [ S ] 4. verb [ T ] 1 best adjective /best/ › of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing or effective type of thing or person 最好的;最出色的;最优秀的 This is the best meal I've ever had. 这是我吃过的最好的一餐。 He's one of our best students. 他是我们最优秀的学生之一。 Are you sure this is the best way of doing it? 你肯定这是做这事的最佳方法吗? What's the best (= shortest or quickest) way to get to the station? 哪条路去车站最方便? Your parents only want what is best for you. 你父母只想把最好的给你。 She was my best friend (= the friend I liked most). 她是我最好的朋友。 It's best (= It is wise) to get to the supermarket early. 最好早点儿赶到超市。 Related Phrases/Idioms be on your best behaviour best bet be the best thing since sliced bread May the best man/person win. put your best foot forward with the best will in the world 2 best adverb /best/ › in the most suitable, pleasing or satisfactory way, or to the greatest degree 最;最好地;最高程度地 Which evening would suit you best for the party? 晚会哪天晚上举行对你最合适? The Grand Canyon is best seen at sunset when it seems to change colour. 大峡谷日落时最美,这时它的色彩似乎变幻莫测。 He couldn't decide which one he liked best (= preferred) . 他不知道自己最喜欢哪一个。 › to the greatest degree when used as the superlative of adjectives beginning with 'good' or 'well' (表示以 good 或 well 开头的形容词的最高级)… They were the best-dressed couple at the party. 他们是舞会上衣着最华丽的一对。 He was voted the best-looking (= most attractive) actor in Hollywood. 他被选为好莱坞最英俊的男演员。 as best you can mainly uk › as well as you can 尽力 It is a difficult passage, but just translate it as best you can. 这段文章确实很难,不过你尽力翻译就是。 Related Phrases/Idioms do as you think best had best/better 3 best noun [ S ] /best/ › the most excellent in a group of things or people 最好的人(或事物) My tastes are simple - I only like the best. 我的品位很简单——我只喜欢最好的。 He wanted the best for his children - good schools, a nice house and trips abroad. 他想让自己的孩子们享受到最好的一切——上好学校,住漂亮房子,还有去国外旅行。 I like all of Hitchcock's films, but I think 'Notorious' is the best. 我喜欢希区柯克所有的电影,不过我认为《美人计》是最棒的一部。 Chris and I are the best of friends (= We are very close friends) . 克里斯和我是最好的朋友。 all the best! mainly uk informal › used to say goodbye or to end a letter to someone you know well (用于告别或信末祝福)祝一切顺利! at best › even when considered in the most positive way 最多,充其量 The food was bland at best, and at worst completely inedible. 这种食品往好了说是清淡无味,往差了说则根本不能吃。 at its best › at the highest standard that can be achieved 最高水平的 The documentary was an example of investigative journalism at its best. 这部纪录片是调查性新闻报道的最佳范例。 be at your best › to be as active or intelligent as you can be 处于最好状态 I'm not at my best in the morning. 上午我不在最佳状态。 best of all › this is the most pleasing thing 最棒的 There was wonderful food, good company and, best of all, a jazz band. 那儿有丰盛的食物,热情的伙伴,最棒的是还有一支爵士乐队。 best of luck › an expression used to wish someone success before an examination or a difficult activity 祝你好运 Best of luck with your exams! 祝你考试好运! We would like to wish you the (very) best of luck with your move to the States. 我们祝你到美国之后交好运。 the best of › In a sport such as tennis, if you play the best of a particular number of games, you play that number of games and the winner is the player who wins the greatest number of those games …场比赛中的大部分胜利 Shall we play the best of five? 我们打五局三胜好吗? do/try your best › to make the greatest effort possible 尽力 It doesn't matter if you fail, just do your best. 即使失败了也没关系,只要你尽了力就行。 have had the best of › If you have had the best of something, you have enjoyed the most pleasant part of it, and everything that is left is worse 享受最佳部分 I think we've already had the best of the hot weather this summer. 我想我们已经度过了今年夏天最舒服的日子。 to the best of your ability › as well as you can 尽力 Just do the job to the best of your ability. 只要你尽力工作就行了。 to the best of my knowledge/belief › from what I know and understand from the information that I have 据我所知 To the best of my knowledge, the chemicals which were found are not dangerous. 据我所知,那些被发现的化学品没有危险。 Related Phrases/Idioms at the best of times the best of a bad bunch/lot the best of both worlds the best of British (luck) with the best of them 4 best verb [ T ] /best/ formal › to defeat someone in a fight or competition 击败,战胜 He bested his opponent in just two rounds. 仅仅两个回合他就击败了对手。 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="麦克米伦" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] Best 38 best 1 adjective best used for referring to the person or thing that is the most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, of the highest quality etc ideal 1 adjective ideal of the best or most suitable type first class 1 adjective first class of the best quality or the highest standard first-rate adjective first-rate of the highest quality incomparable 1 adjective incomparable so good that nothing else can compare unsurpassed adjective unsurpassed better than everything or everyone else in a particular way premier adjective premier best, largest, or most important par excellence adjective par excellence formal of the highest quality, or the most typical type there is no substitute for something there is no substitute for something used for saying that nothing else is good or useful enough to replace something second to none second to none the best prime 2 adjective prime of the highest quality definitive 1 adjective definitive better than all others optimal adjective optimal optimum optimum adjective optimum best or most suitable within a range of possibilities world-class adjective world-class one of the best in the world unequalled adjective unequalled better than anyone or anything else top-flight adjective top-flight very high in quality, ability, or status unbeatable 2 adjective unbeatable better than anything else of the same type untouchable 2 adjective untouchable much better at something than similar people or things best 1 adverb best in the way that is most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, successful etc pre-eminent adjective pre-eminent better or more important than anyone or anything else in a particular activity premium 1 adjective premium more expensive or of higher quality than other similar things first 5 adverb, number, pronoun, noun first better than anyone or anything else in a game, competition etc unrivalled adjective unrivalled used for emphasizing that something is much better or more important than other similar things unparalleled adjective unparalleled formal the best of a particular kind peerless adjective peerless formal better than anyone or anything else top-notch adjective top-notch informal very high in quality unmatched adjective unmatched literary better than all others matchless adjective matchless literary better than anyone or anything else world-beating adjective world-beating mainly journalism better than all other similar people or things bar none bar none used for emphasizing that someone or something is the best couldn’t wish for more/better etc 4 used for saying that someone or something is the best at someone’s/​something’s best at someone's best when someone is feeling most intelligent or effective, or when something is showing its most impressive or attractive qualities best of all best of all used for introducing a fact that pleases you more than all the others you have mentioned of all time of all time used for talking about someone or something that is better than all other people or things that have existed the best (something) that money can buy best that money can buy informal used for saying that something is of the best quality head and shoulders above the rest/others/head and shoulders above the rest informal much better than all the others pre-eminently adverb pre-eminently ▪ I. best 1 UK [best] US adjective ★★★ 1. used for referring to the person or thing that is the most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, of the highest quality etc the best hotel in town Negotiation is always the best way of settling a dispute. best for: What kind of soil is best for growing roses? I want to do what’s best for the family. make the best use of something (=use something in the most effective way): I want to make the best use of my time while I’m here. Thesaurus: bestsynonym 1a. used for referring to the person who is the most skilful at doing something the best player in the team Thesaurus: someone who is good at doing somethingsynonym 2. used for referring to your nicest or most expensive clothes that you wear on special occasions At the wedding he’ll be wearing his best suit. Thesaurus: words used to describe clotheshyponym See also: bet2 ▪ bib ▪ foot1 ▪ part1 Phrases: best wishes ▪ someone's best friend ▪ II. best 2 UK [best] US noun ★★★ the best variant the person or thing that is the most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, of the highest quality etc I want the very best for my family. best of: If you go to Ireland in June, you should have the best of the weather. the best of everything (=all the most expensive things): She’s a city lawyer, so she can afford the best of everything. Thesaurus: best person or thing or the best examplesynonym a. the person who is the most skilful at doing something Of all the team, she’s the best by far. simply/​absolutely the best: In the world of ballet she was quite simply the best. Thesaurus: someone who is good at doing somethingsynonym 3c See also: look1 ▪ will2 Phrases: all the best ▪ at best ▪ at someone's best ▪ at the best of times ▪ at ​something's best ▪ be all for the best ▪ be for the best ▪ best of all ▪ best of both worlds ▪ best of friends ▪ best of luck ▪ do your best ▪ get the best of it ▪ have the best of it ▪ make the best of it ▪ to the best of my belief ▪ to the best of my knowledge ▪ to the best of someone's ability ▪ try your best ▪ with the best of them ▪ III. best 3 UK [best] US adverb ★★★ 1. in the way that is most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, successful etc You need to find out which program works best on your computer. He is the kind of musician who always performs best in front of a live audience. The play can be best described as ‘a serious comedy’. do something as best you can (=do something as well as you are able): I’ll try to deal with all these problems as best I can. suit someone best (=be most suitable for someone): Which colour do you think suits me best? Thesaurus: bestsynonym 2. used for saying that someone or something is liked or known more than any other like someone/​something best: What kind of music do you like best? best known/​loved: The Mona Lisa is probably the world’s best-known painting. one of Gershwin’s best loved melodies Thesaurus: loved, liked or wanted very muchsynonym 2a. used for saying that someone or something is famous, especially in one particular way or for one particular reason best known/​remembered for something: James Dean is best remembered for his star performance in Rebel without a Cause . The Bordeaux region is best known for its fine wines. best known as: Conan Doyle is probably best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Thesaurus: famous and well-knownsynonym Phrase: had best do something ▪ IV. best 4 UK [best] US verb [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they best he/she/it bests present participle besting past tense bested past participle bested] formal to gain an advantage over or defeat an opponent The Chinese pair bested the Swedes 3–1. Thesaurus: to defeat someone in a game, competition or argumentsynonym [/su_tab] [su_tab title="近反义联想词" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] 近义词 n. attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try, person, individual v. beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish adj. champion, prizewinning, high-grade, top-quality, top-grade, first, foremost 反义词 n. worst n. worst, inadvisable, unadvisable 联想词 finest警察;worst最差的,最坏的;safestsafe的最高级;greatest最好的;easiest容易的,轻松的;cheapest最便宜的;most最;great伟大的,重大的;fastest最快速的;possible可能的;simplest最简单的,单纯的; [/su_tab] [su_tab title="词组和习惯用语" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] one of the best 好人 best way 最佳方法 best friend 最好的朋友,好朋友 best quality 最佳品质 with the best 跟任何人一样好 for the best 出于好意 all the best 一切顺利,万事如意 try my best 尽最大努力 do our best 做到最好;竭尽所能 best of all 最好的 best price 最佳价格 make the best of 充分利用;尽力而为;妥善处理 one's best 致意,祝好[信末语。是 one's best wishes 的节略] best wish 美好祝愿 like best 最喜欢 do my best 尽力而为,竭尽所能 to the best of 就…所及 at best 最多 best known 最著名的 hope for the best 抱乐观的希望 [/su_tab] [su_tab title="X秘籍" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class=""] [/su_tab] [/su_tabs]