
英 [‘benɪfɪt]     美 [‘benɪfɪt]    
n. 利益;津贴;义演;保险金;借助
vt. 有益于;得益

benefit’benɪfɪt n.利益,益处;恩惠;救济金v.有益于;得益benefit from 得益于;mutual benefit 互惠互利The manager did his best for the company’s benefit, but failed. 经理为了公司的利益竭尽全力,但最终失败了。🏠语境记忆法-> 📖 七步找到更加满意的工作

benefit (n.) late 14c., “good or noble deed,” also “advantage, profit,” from Anglo-Fr. benfet “well-done,” from L. benefactum “good deed” (see benefactor). Meaning “performance or entertainment to raise money for some charitable cause” is from 1680s. The verb is attested from 1540s.

Chinese people benefit a lot from the open-up policy.

bene- 表示”善,好”



fac- + bene-

fac-,fact-,fect-,fic- = make, do, 表示“做,制作”,来自拉丁语 facere “to make”。
bene- = good 好的,善的


n. (文字、图画等的)副本;传真

#四级# #考研#

This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book.




#四级# #考研#


n. 家务总管;杂役;杂工

#四级# #考研#


adj. 产生或具有稀疏特点的

#四级# #考研#

benefit 用作及物动词是“有益于……”,用作不及物动词是“得益”。说“得益于……”通常用 benefit by…或 benefit from…,比较少用 be(或 is, are 等)benefited by…。

profit, benefit, avail
profit: 着重于物质方面的受益,常用于财富或知识等方面的得益。
benefit: 通常既可指个人情况(如身体、智力或精神状态等)的好转或改善,又可指对实现某个目标等带来的好处。
avail: 较文雅,常见于历史小说、演说或讲道中,较少用于日常话语,侧重功效或效力。

profit, advantage, benefit, interest, favour, gain
profit: 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。
advantage: 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。
benefit: 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。
interest: 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。
favour: 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。
gain: 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。

1 benefit /ˈbɛnəˌfɪt/ noun
plural benefits
: a good or helpful result or effect好处;益处;成效
[count] the benefits of fresh air and sunshine
A benefit of museum membership is that purchases are discounted.
There are many financial benefits to owning your own home.
She is just now starting to reap/enjoy the benefits of all her hard work.
The benefits of taking the drug outweigh its risks.
[noncount] I see no benefit in changing the system now.
We’re lucky to be able to get the full benefit of/from her knowledge.
These changes will be of benefit to all of you. [=will help/benefit all of you] 这些变化将有益于你们所有人。
These changes will be to your benefit. [=will help you] 这些变化将有益于你。
I’m not doing it for myself; I’m doing it for your benefit. [=to help you; for your sake] 我这么做不是为自己,而是为你好。
Since he owns the land, he thinks he should be free to use it for his own benefit. [=in a way that is helpful to him] 因为他拥有这块土地,所以他认为可以根据自己的利益需要随意使用它。
a : money that is paid by a company (such as an insurance company) or by a government when someone dies, becomes sick, stops working, etc.保险金;补助金;救济金
[count] He began collecting his retirement benefits when he was 65.
a disability benefit
(Brit) a family on benefits [=(US) on welfare; receiving money from the government because of a low income or lack of income] 领取救济金的家庭
[noncount] He began collecting his retirement benefit when he was 65.
(Brit) He is on housing/unemployment benefit.
— see also child benefit, death benefit, sickness benefit
b [count] : something extra (such as vacation time or health insurance) that is given by an employer to workers in addition to their regular pay : fringe benefit福利;额外好处
The company provides health (insurance) benefits.
The job doesn’t pay much, but the benefits are good.
— often used before another noun常用于另一名词前
a company with a good benefit plan/package/program
[count] : a social event to raise money for a person or cause慈善活动;公益活动
The school is having/holding a benefit to raise money for a new gymnasium.
a charity benefit
— often used before another noun常用于另一名词前
a benefit concert/dinner/event/performance
have the benefit of
: to be helped by (something) : to be able to use (something)受益于;得益于
Her judgment will be better when she has the benefit of more experience.
the benefit of the doubt
◊ When people give you the benefit of the doubt, they treat you as someone who is honest or deserving of trust even though they are not sure that you really are.姑且相信;疑罪从无
He might be lying, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept what he says for now.
without the benefit of or US without benefit of
: without the help of (something or someone)没有…的帮助;未得益于
The band had to perform without benefit of a rehearsal.
He was able to learn a great deal without the benefit of formal schooling.
You shouldn’t try to handle this problem without benefit of a lawyer.
They lived together without (the) benefit of marriage. [=without being married] 他们没结婚便同居了。
with the benefit of
: with the help of (something) : by using (something)受益于;得益于
With the benefit of hindsight, he saw where he had made a mistake.
She’ll do better with the benefit of more experience.
2 benefit /ˈbɛnəˌfɪt/ verb
benefits; benefited also benefitted; benefiting also benefitting
[+ object] : to be useful or helpful to (someone or something)有助于;有利于
The new plan may benefit many students.
medicines that benefit thousands of people
These changes will benefit all of you. = All of you will be benefited by these changes.
The politician held a fund-raiser to benefit his campaign.
Some critics say that the tax cuts only benefit wealthy people.
[no object] : to be helped得益;受益
He’ll benefit by having experiences I never did.
— often + from
I benefited from the experience.
Many patients will benefit from the new drug.
All of you will benefit from these changes.
Some critics say that only wealthy people will benefit from the tax cuts.

benefit noun

[countable, uncountable] an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that something has优势;益处;成效
Freedom of information brings great benefits. 信息自由带来巨大好处。
health/economic/tax benefits健康/经济/税收利益
the benefits of modern medicine现代医学的助益
I’ve had the benefit of a good education.我得益于受过良好教育。
It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work.看到她终于得享辛勤劳动的成果令人欣慰。
The industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery.该产业将是首先受益于这次复苏的行业之一。
The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.公司从这笔交易中得到了很大好处。
benefit of doing something He couldn’t see the benefit of arguing any longer.他看不出再争论下去有什么好处。
be of benefit to somebody/something The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.新规章将使所有有关人员受益。
to somebody’s benefit It will be to your benefit to arrive early.早到将会对你有利。
benefit for somebody/something The project will have major benefits for the local community.该项目将为当地社区带来重大利益。
With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently.借助事后洞察力,我们可以做不同的事情。
without the benefit of something Nobody should be sent to prison without the benefit of legal advice.没有法律咨询,任何人都不应被送入监狱。
For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.饭前服药效果最佳。
see also cost–benefit, fringe benefit
Extra Examples
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
[countable, usually plural, uncountable] (British English)
(also welfare [uncountable] especially in North American English)
money provided by the government to people who need financial help because they are unemployed, ill, etc.福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金)
You may be eligible to receive benefits.你也许有资格领取福利金。
The number of people claiming unemployment benefit fell last month.上个月申请领取失业救济金的人数下降了。
on benefits The aim is to help people who are on benefits (= receiving benefits) to find jobs.目的是帮助领福利金的人找到工作。
see also child benefit, housing benefit, sickness benefit
Extra Examples
Topics Social issuesB2, MoneyB2
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
[countable, usually plural] an advantage that you get from a company in addition to the money that you earn(公司发的)福利,奖金
Private health insurance is offered as part of the employees’ benefits package.私人医疗保险是提供给员工的一整套福利的其中一项。
These benefits will now be extended to agency workers.这些好处现在将会惠及代理机构的员工。
see also fringe benefit
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
[countable, usually plural] money from an insurance company(保险公司发的)给付,保险金
The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death.投保人一旦死亡,该项保险将支付给其家属相当可观的保险金。
[countable] an event such as a performance, a dinner, etc., organized in order to raise money for a particular person or charity慈善(或公益)活动
a benefit match/concert义赛;慈善音乐会
The proceeds from the benefit will go directly to the refugee camps.收益的收益将直接转到难民营。
Topics Film and theatreC2, Social issuesC2
Word Origin
for the benefit of somebody | for somebody’s benefit
especially in order to help or be useful to somebody为帮助某人;为某人的利益
I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.我帮上星期缺席的人打印了些课堂笔记。
Don’t go to any trouble for my benefit!别为我费功夫!
give somebody the benefit of the doubt
to accept that somebody has told the truth or behaved well because you cannot prove that they have not(在证据不足的情况下)假定某人说实话,假定某人没有错
She may have been lying, but I felt I had to give her the benefit of the doubt.她可能一直在撒谎,但我感到不得不怀疑给她带来了好处。
benefit verb

Verb Forms
[transitive] benefit somebody to be useful to somebody or improve their life in some way对(某人)有用;使受益
We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能得益的事上。
The new tax laws will clearly benefit those on low wages.很明显新税法将使低收入者受益。
The project will benefit the local community as a whole.该项目将使整个当地社区受益。
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
[intransitive] to be in a better position because of something得益于;得利于
We all benefit when our young people realize their potential. 当我们的年轻人意识到自己的潜力时,我们都会受益。
benefit from something Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes?到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?
benefit by doing something Most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences.倾诉自己的经历对大多数犯罪受害人来说都大有好处。

benefit1 /ˈbenəfɪt/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun
1ADVANTAGE好处 [countable, uncountable] an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something好处﹐益处﹐裨益 → beneficial
benefit of
the benefits of contact lenses隐形眼镜的好处
I never had the benefit of a university education.我从未受过大学教育。
The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers.新信用卡将大大方便我们的客户。
I hope that the decision taken today will be to the benefit of the whole nation.我希望今天所做的决定将惠及我们整个国家。
for somebody’s benefit
Could you just explain again for Mark’s benefit?你为马克再解释一遍好吗?
without the benefit of something
Most motorists manage without the benefit of four-wheel drive.大多数汽车司机都不用四轮驱动。
► see thesaurus at advantage
2MONEY FROM GOVERNMENT政府拨款 [countable, uncountable] British English money provided by the government to people who are sick, unemployed, or have little money〔政府为病人﹑失业人士或穷人提供的〕补助金﹐救济金﹐津贴 SYN welfare American English
unemployment/housing/child etc benefit
You might be entitled to housing benefit.你也许有资格申领住房津贴。
on benefit
families on benefit领救济金的家庭
those people eligible to claim benefit那些可以申请补助的人
3EXTRA THINGS额外事物 [countable usually plural] extra money or other advantages that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have〔工作单位提供的〕福利﹐补贴﹔保险金 → perk:
We offer an excellent benefits package.我们提供非常好的综合福利。
medical benefits医疗福利
→ fringe benefit
4give somebody the benefit of the doubt to accept what someone tells you, even though you think they may be wrong or lying but you cannot be sure虽有怀疑但还是相信某人﹐姑且相信某人:
The referee gave him the benefit of the doubt.裁判员虽有怀疑﹐但还是没有判他犯规。
5with the benefit of hindsight/experience used to say it is easier to know the right thing to do after something has happened or if you have a lot of experience借助于事后的认识/经验:
He admitted that, with the benefit of hindsight, the original launch had not been large enough.他承认事后才明白最初的投放量不够大。
6benefit concert/performance/match a concert, performance etc arranged to make money for charity慈善音乐会/义演/义赛:
a benefit concert for famine relief为饥荒灾民筹款的慈善音乐会
have the benefit of something获益于某事物
· All the hotel rooms have the benefit of a balcony.所有的酒店客房都有一个阳台。
get a benefit得到好处
(also gain/derive a benefit formal)
· In this way, students will gain maximum benefit from their classes.这样﹐学生就能从课上最大限度地受益。
enjoy the benefits享用益处
· You’ll enjoy all the benefits of being a member.你将享受所有的会员优惠。
reap the benefits收获益处
(=enjoy the advantages of something you have worked hard to get)
· He was looking forward to reaping the benefits of all his hard work.他期待着收获他所有艰苦努力的成果。
bring/provide benefits带来/提供好处
· The new bridge has brought considerable benefits.这座新桥带来了很大的便利。
something outweighs the benefits某事物大于好处
(=something is more important than the benefits)
· Make sure that the risks don’t outweigh the benefits.确保风险不能大于收益。
a great/major/substantial benefit巨大的好处
· The new system will be a great benefit to the company.这种新制度将为公司带来极大的益处。
a real benefit实实在在的好处
· To get some real benefit from the exercise, you should continue for at least half an hour.你应该至少连续锻炼半小时﹐才能获得切实的效果。
a direct benefit
· The money sent has been of direct benefit to the islanders.
a lasting benefit
· These plans are likely to result in lasting benefit to the whole of our district.
the full benefit of something某事物的全部益处
· They will have the full benefit of our facilities.他们将能充分享用我们的设施。
economic/social/environmental etc benefits经济/社会/环境等效益
· Tourism has brought considerable economic benefits to the island.旅游业给这个岛带来了巨额经济效益。
health benefits健康方面的益处
· Just 30 minutes of moderate daily activity yields health benefits.
mutual benefit互惠互利
(=something good for both people, companies etc involved)
· Our two companies are working together for mutual benefit.
potential benefits
· The potential benefits of the scheme must be weighed against the costs involved.
for your own benefit
· He used the money for his own benefit, instead of using it to help other people.
noun | verb
benefit2 ●●○ W3 AWL verb (past tense and past participle benefited, present participle benefiting)
[intransitive, transitive] if you benefit from something, or it benefits you, it gives you an advantage, improves your life, or helps you in some way受益﹐得益﹔有益于﹐有利于:
They are working together to benefit the whole community.他们在为整个社区的利益共同努力。
benefit from/by
Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment.千千万万的人已受益于这种新疗法。
They would benefit by reducing their labour costs.他们将从劳动力成本降低中获益。
benefit greatly/enormously/considerably etc
I’m sure you’ll benefit greatly from the visit.我相信﹐这次访问将使你获益匪浅。

1. noun [ C or U ] 2. verb [ I or T ] 1
noun [ C or U ] /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/
› a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help

The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town.
One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.
He’s had the benefit of an expensive education and yet he continues to work as a waiter.
I didn’t get/derive (much) benefit from school.
With the benefit of hindsight (= Helped by the knowledge since learned) it is easy for us to see where we went wrong.
slightly formal She drinks a lot less now, to the benefit of her health as a whole.
› the money given by the government to people who need financial help, for example because they cannot find a job

mainly uk unemployment benefit
I’m on benefit at the moment.
Related Phrases/Idioms
give sb the benefit of the doubt
verb [ I or T ] /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/ (-t-)
› to be helped by something or to help someone

I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom.
How can we benefit those who most need our help?

I. benefit 1 UK [ˈbenɪfɪt] US [ˈbenəfɪt] noun [singular benefit plural benefits] ★★★
1. [countable/uncountable] an advantage you get from a situation
The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community.
benefit for: Consider the potential benefits of the deal for the company.
get/​gain/​receive a benefit: The costs involved would outweigh any benefits gained.
derive a benefit from something: Even Liza derived little benefit from the changes.
reap a benefit: The town was still reaping the benefits years after the film’s release.
be of benefit to someone/​something: Not all competition is of benefit to the consumer.
for someone’s benefit: Molly explained what was happening for my benefit.
have the benefit of something: He has had the benefit of the best education money can buy.

Verbs frequently used with benefit 1 as the object
▪ bring, derive, enjoy, gain, obtain, provide, reap, yield
Thesaurus: advantages and benefitssynonym
2. [countable/uncountable] British money or other help that the government gives people who need financial help, for example because they do not have a job. The American word is welfare
housing/​sickness/​disability benefit
claim (a) benefit: There has been an increase in the number of people claiming benefit.
get/​receive (a) benefit: families receiving benefit
on benefit: She’s been on unemployment benefit for six years.
Thesaurus: financial help given by the governmenthyponym
3. [countable] usually plural extra money or other advantages that you get in addition to your salary from your employer as part of your job
The benefits include medical insurance and a company car.
Thesaurus: extra payments and benefits in addition to wageshyponym wages and salariessynonym
3a. money or help that an insurance company gives to you
Thesaurus: insuring and insurancehyponym types of tax and taxationhyponym
4. [countable] an event organized in order to make money for a person or a charity
a benefit concert/​performance
Thesaurus: charity events and fundraisershyponym
Phrase: give someone the benefit of the doubt
▪ II. benefit 2 UK [ˈbenɪfɪt] US [ˈbenəfɪt] verb [present tense I/you/we/they benefit he/she/it benefits present participle benefiting benefitting past tense benefited benefitted past participle benefited benefitted] ★★★
[intransitive] to get help or an advantage from something
Thousands of households could benefit under the scheme.
benefit from: Patients have benefited greatly from this treatment.
stand to benefit (=be likely to benefit): Unemployed people stand to benefit most from these policies.
Thesaurus: to have, or to take advantage of, an opportunitysynonym
a. [transitive] to help someone or give them an advantage
The system mainly benefited people in the south of the country.
Thesaurus: to help someonesynonym

n. payment, good, goodness, performance, public presentation
v. get, acquire, help, aid
avail 较文雅,常见于历史小说、演说或讲道中,较少用于日常话语,侧重功效或效力。
benefit 通常既可指个人情况(如身体、智力或精神状态等)的好转或改善,又可指对实现某个目标等带来的好处。
profit 着重于物质方面的受益,常用于财富或知识等方面的得益。
advantage有利条件, 有利因素, 优势;detriment损害, 伤害;beneficial有益的, 有利的;outweigh比…重;accrue自然增加;incentive刺激的;reap收割;derive得到;contribute捐献, 捐助, 贡献出;greatly非常;support支持,支撑,支援;

economic benefit 经济效益
benefit from 得益于;得利于;因…而得到好处
mutual benefit 互惠互利
social benefit 社会公益
for the benefit of 为…的利益
equality and mutual benefit 平等互利
benefit by 得益于
in benefit 有资格得到救济金(或补助费、抚恤金、保险金)
of benefit to 对…有好处
ecological benefit 生态效益,生态效应
public benefit 公益
maximum benefit 最大利益
benefit of the doubt 假定其无过失或无罪(因无充分证据证明某人有罪);裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定
common benefit 公共福利
reciprocity and mutual benefit 互惠互利
benefit package 给付项目;福利待遇
benefit system 福利制度;职工福利制度
unemployment benefit 失业救济金;失业津贴
tax benefit 税收利益;赋税优惠
additional benefit 附加利益;额外利益;附加利益(人身保险)

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