
[ə’ɡəʊ]     美 [ə’ɡoʊ]    

adv. 以前

ago 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:85
I last saw him a few months ago.
Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world far busier, noisier and more intimate (亲密的) than the world we can see and hear.
Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol.
Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a long time ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift.
Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York.

long ago 很久以前
ages ago n. 老早, 早就;从前
years ago 多年前
long long ago 很久很久以前
a while ago 方才,刚才
long time ago 很久以前
two years ago 两年前
three days ago 大前天
not long ago 不久前
a moment ago 刚才,片刻之前

Think long ago 想想前些日子
left ages ago 很久以前
the long long ago 很久很久以前的; 很久以前长;
last msg hour ago 最后消息于一小时前
Schedules three days ago 船期三天前
And long long ago 在很久很久以前
how w long ago 多久前
Thousands of decades ago 数千年前
Good faith long ago 很久以前有诚意; 很久以前诚意; 不久前诚信;
Future not long ago 未来不久远


ad.(常和一般過去時的動詞連用)以前,…前A year ago I could go without the foregoing favorite flavor.一年前沒有先前最喜愛的風味我也能過.

ago / E5^Eu; NAmE E5^ou /
used in expressions of time with the simple past tense to show how far in the past sth happened
two weeks / months / years ago
The letter came a few days ago.
She was here just a minute ago.
a short / long time ago
How long ago did you buy it?
It was on TV not (so) long ago.
He stopped working some time ago (= quite a long time ago).
They’re getting married? It’s not that long ago (= it’s only a short time ago) that they met!

ago /əˈɡəʊ $ əˈɡoʊ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb
used to show how far back in the past something happened 以前
5 minutes/an hour/20 years etc ago
Her husband died 14 years ago.
long ago/a long time ago
He should have finished at university long ago, but he kept taking extra courses.
a minute/moment ago
The little girl you saw a moment ago was my niece.
a little/short while ago
Tom got a letter from him just a little while ago.
They moved to a new house some time ago (=a fairly long time ago).
We had our bicentenary celebrations not that long ago.
 GRAMMAR 语法:ago, before, previously
Origin ago (1400-1500) From the past participle of ago “to pass away” ((11-17 centuries)), from Old English agan, from gan “to go”

ago ★★★★★
1.ADV 副词以前 You use ago when you are referring to past time. For example, if something happened one year ago, it is one year since it happened. If it happened a long time ago, it is a long time since it happened.

【搭配模式】:ADV with v
He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident…


The meeting is the first since the war began 14 years ago…


Harry’s daughter is dead. She died long ago.


Usage Note :
You only use ago when you are talking about a period of time measured back from the present. If you are talking about a period measured back from some earlier time, you use before or previously. He had died a month before… She had rented the flat some fourteen months previously. You use for to say how long a period lasts in the past, present, or future, or how much time passes without something happening. She slept for eight hours… He will be away for three weeks… I hadn’t seen him for four years. You use since to say when a period of time started. She has been with the group since it began. …the first civilian president since the coup 17 years ago. You also use since to refer to the last time that something happened, or to how much time passes without something happening. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast… It was a long time since she had been to church.

ago仅用于谈及现在某个时间以前的时间。如果谈论过去某时间之前的时间,则用before或previously:He had died a month before(他一个月之前就死了),She had rented the flat some fourteen months previously(她大约14个月前租下了该公寓)。for用于表示过去、现在或将来持续的某段时间,或表示某事多长时间没有发生:She slept for eight hours (她睡了8个小时),He will be away for three weeks(他将离开3个星期),I hadn’t seen him for four years (我有4年没见过他了)。表示某段时间开始用since:She has been with the group since it began(该集团创立之初她就在那儿工作),the first civilian president since the coup 17 years ago(自17年前发生政变以来的第一任平民总统)。since也可表示某事最后一次发生的时间或某事多长时间没有发生:She hadn’t eaten since breakfast(她早饭后就一直没吃过东西),It was a long time since she had been to church(她已经有很长时间没去教堂了)。

ago /əˈgoʊ/ adverb
: in the past : before the present time : before now以前;以往
“How long ago did she arrive?” “A few hours ago.”
That culture flourished here over 10,000 years ago.
We met three months ago and we’ll meet again three months from now.
He long ago learned to be patient.
I saw an interesting ad not long ago [=recently] for a new car.
All the good tickets were sold a long time ago. = All the good tickets were sold (quite) some time ago.

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