
英 [ə’baʊt]     美 [ə’baʊt]    
  • prep. 关于;大约;在 … 周围
  • adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围
  • adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的

What /How about … ?   ……怎么样?

care about  关心,在意

worry about / be worried about  担心……

be sorry/excited about    对……感到难过/兴奋

be about to do sth.   即将要做某事


almost 指在程度上相差很小,差不多。
nearly 与almost含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。
about 常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。
approximately 多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。
around 多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。
roughly 指按精略估计,常代替about。


how about 你认为…怎样
what about 怎么样;(对于)…怎么样
all about 到处,各处;关于…的一切
about us 关于我们;公司简介
do about 处理;应付;就某事采取行动或措施
go about v. 着手做;四处走动;传开;从事
about to do 刚要;即将
about of 打算;即将
out and about 能够外出走动
up and about (病人病情好转)起床走动
on or about 大约于…
adverb1. a little more or less than; a little before or after
SYN  approximately :
It costs about $10.
这大约要花 10 元钱。
They waited (for) about an hour.
He arrived (at) about ten.
2. nearly; very close to
I’m just about ready.
This is about the best we can hope for.
3. (especially BrE) in many directions; here and there
The children were rushing about in the garden.
4. (especially BrE) in no particular order; in various places
Her books were lying about on the floor.
5. (especially BrE) doing nothing in particular
People were standing about in the road.
6. (especially BrE) able to be found in a place
There was nobody about.
There’s a lot of flu about.
7. (technical 术语 or formal) facing the opposite direction
He brought the ship about.
⇨ note at around
 that’s about ‘all | that’s about ‘it
used to say that you have finished telling sb about sth and there is nothing to add
‘Anything else?’ ‘No, that’s about it for now.’
“还有什么要说的吗?” “没有了,现在我要说的就是这些。”
⇨ more at just adv., out adv.preposition

1. on the subject of sb / sth; in connection with sb / sth
a book about flowers
Tell me all about it.
What’s she so angry about?
There’s something strange about him.
I don’t know what you’re on about (= talking about).
There’s nothing you can do about it now.
2. used to describe the purpose or an aspect of sth
Movies are all about making money these days.
What was all that about? (= what was the reason for what has just happened?)
3. busy with sth; doing sth
Everywhere people were going about their daily business.
And while you’re about it… (= while you’re doing that)
4. (especially BrE) in many directions in a place; here and there
We wandered about the town for an hour or so.
He looked about the room.
5. (especially BrE) in various parts of a place; here and there
The papers were strewn about the room.
6. (especially BrE) next to a place or person; in the area mentioned
She’s somewhere about the office.
7. (literary) surrounding sb / sth
She wore a shawl about her shoulders.
 how / what about…?
1. used when asking for information about sb / sth
How about Ruth? Have you heard from her?
I’m having fish. What about you?
2. used to make a suggestion
How about going for a walk?
What about a break?
休息一下如何?adjective▪ be about to do sth
to be close to doing sth; to be going to do sth very soon
I was just about to ask you the same thing.
 not be about to do sth
to not be willing to do sth; to not intend to do sth
I’ve never done any cooking and I’m not about to start now.

a·bout / E5baut ; E5baJt /preposition
1. concerning or relating to a particular subject关于:

a book about politics一本有关政治的书
She said something about leaving town.她说了些要离开镇子的话。
He lied about his age.他谎报年龄。
About that car of yours. How much are you setting it for?说到你的那辆车,你打算卖什么价钱?
What’s he on about (=talking about) ?他在说些什么?
It’s about Tommy, doctor. He’s been sick again.医生,是汤米,他又病了。
Naturally, my mother wanted to know all about it (=all the details relating to it) .很自然,我母亲想知道事情的全部。

2. used to show why someone is angry, happy, upset etc因为〔用以表明生气、开心、烦恼等的原因〕:

I’m really worried about Jack.我很担心杰克。
She’s upset about missing the party.她因为错过聚会而不开心。

3. in many different directions within a particular place, or in different parts of a place到处;SYNaround,round

We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.我们整个下午都在城里四处走。
Books were scattered about the room.房间里到处摊著书。

4. in the nature or character of a person or thing在…(身)上〔指性格或特点〕:

There’s something really strange about Liza.莉莎真有点怪。
What I like about the job is that it’s never boring.这份工作我喜欢的是它从不枯燥。

5. what / how about sb / sth spoken
a. used to ask a question that directs attention to another person or thing某人/某物怎么样(怎么办)〔用以将注意力转向另一人或另一物〕:

What about Jack? We can’t just leave him here.杰克怎么办? 我们不能把他丢在这里不管。
I’m feeling hungry. How about you?我饿了,你呢?

b. used to make a suggestion某人/某事物怎么样(好吗)〔用以提建议〕:

How about a salad for lunch?午饭吃色拉怎么样?

6. do something about sth to do something to solve a problem or stop a bad situation想办法解决某个问题,处理某坏情况:

If we don’t do something about it, the problem is going to get worse.如果我们不想办法解决,问题会越来越糟。
What can be done about the rising levels of pollution?污染越来越严重,该如何处理呢?

7. if an organization, a job, an activity etc is about something, that is its basic purpose目的是:

Leadership is all about getting your team to co-operate.当领导就是让你的团队齐心协力。

8. while you’re about it spokenused to tell someone to do something while they are doing something else because it would be easier to do both things at the same time顺便:

Go and see what’s the matter, and while you’re about it you can fetch me my sweater.去看看怎么回事,顺便把我的毛衣拿来。

9. what was all that about? spokenused to ask the reason for something that has just happened, especially someone’s angry behaviour这究竟怎么回事?
10. literarysurrounding a person or thing围绕〔某人或某事〕:

Jo sensed fear and jealousy all about her.乔感觉出她周围充满恐惧和妒嫉。

be quick about it at QUICK¹ (5)
go about your business at BUSINESS(12)

2  about  adverb
1. also round about spokena little more or less than a particular number, amount, or size大约,大概;SYN roughly

I live about 10 miles away.我住的地方离这里十英里左右。
a tiny computer about as big as a postcard明信片大小的微型计算机
We left the restaurant at round about 10.30.我们十点半左右离开了餐厅。

2. BrEin many different directions within a place or in different parts of a place到处,处处;SYN around

People were rushing about, trying to find the driver.人们跑来跑去,想找到那位司机。
Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.垫子散放在椅子上。

3. near to you or in the same place as you在附近,在…周围; 在同一地方:

Is Derrick about? There’s a phone call for him.德里克在吗? 有电话找他。
Quick! Let’s go while there’s no-one about.快点儿! 趁没有人在我们赶紧走。

4. BrE spokenexisting or available now有:

I hope she hasn’t caught flu. There’s a lot of it about .我希望她没得流感,最近得流感的人很多。
She might get temporary work, but there’s not much about.她也许可以找个临时的工作,但这种机会不是很多。

5. informalalmost or probably几乎:

I was about ready to leave when somebody rang the doorbell.我正准备离开,这时有人按响了门铃。
‘Have you finished?’ ‘ Just about .’“做完了吗?”“差不多了。”
It’s just about the worst mistake anyone could make.这差不多是一个人可能犯的最大的错误。

6. that’s about it / all spoken
a. used to tell someone that you have told them everything you know知道的都说了:

He was a quiet chap, married with kids. That’s about it, really.他话不多,已婚,有孩子。 大概就是这样。

b. used to say that there is nothing else available这就是全部,就这些:

There’s some cheese in the fridge and that’s about it.冰箱里有些干酪,就这些。

7. so as to face in the opposite direction向相反方向,转身,掉头:

He quickly turned about and walked away.他一个转身就走了。

 3 aboutadjective
1. be about to do sth if someone is about to do something, or if something is about to happen, they will do it or it will happen very soon即将(马上)做某事:

We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived.我们正要离开,杰里来了。
Work was about to start on a new factory building.新厂房即将动工。

2. not be about to do sth informalused to emphasize that you have no intention of doing something不打算做某事〔用于强调〕:

I’ve never smoked in my life and I’m not about to start now.我从未抽过烟,现在也不打算学。

out and about at OUT¹ (3)
be up and about at UP¹ (11)

In addition to the uses shown below, about is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives to introduce extra information. About is also often used after verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘drive’, and in phrasal verbs such as ‘mess about’ and ‘set about’, especially in British English.

除下列用法外,about可用在一些动词、名词和形容词后引出附加信息。about还常用在walk, drive等表示动作的动词后或mess about,set about 等短语动词中,这类情况尤见于英国英语。

1.PREP 介词关于;对于;涉及;在…方面 You use about to introduce who or what something relates to or concerns.
  • She came in for a coffee, and told me about her friend Shona…


  • She knew a lot about food…


  • He never complains about his wife.


  • …advice about exercise and diet…


2.PREP 介词包含;目的是;为了 When you mention the things that an activity or institution is about, you are saying what it involves or what its aims are.
  • Leadership is about the ability to implement change.


3.PREP 介词对…表示(情绪或心态) You use about after some adjectives to indicate the person or thing that a feeling or state of mind relates to.
  • ‘I’m sorry about Patrick,’ she said…


  • I feel so guilty and angry about the whole issue.


4.PREP 介词针对(问题) If you do something about a problem, you take action in order to solve it.
  • Rachel was going to do something about Jacob…


  • He said he’d ask Nina for a divorce, but he never did anything about it.


5.PREP 介词(某人或某事物)具有(某种特性) When you say that there is a particular quality about someone or something, you mean that they have this quality.
  • There was a warmth and passion about him I never knew existed…


  • I think there’s something a little peculiar about the results of your test.


6.ADV 副词大约;左右 About is used in front of a number to show that the number is not exact.

【搭配模式】:ADV num
  • In my local health centre there’s about forty parking spaces…


  • The rate of inflation is running at about 2.7 percent.


7.ADV 副词四下;到处 If someone or something moves about, they keep moving in different directions.

【搭配模式】:ADV after v
【搭配模式】:v PREP n
  • Everyone was running about.


  • About is also a preposition.
    • From 1879 to 1888 he wandered about Germany, Switzerland, and Italy…


    • His hair was drifting about his shoulders like dirty snow.


8.PREP 介词围绕;环绕 If you put something about a person or thing, you put it around them.
  • Helen threw her arms about him…


  • She was elegantly dressed with a double strand of pearls about her neck.


9.ADJ 形容词在手头的;现成的;能得到的 If someone or something is about, they are present or available.

【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
  • There’s lots of money about these days for schemes like this.


10.ADJ 形容词即将(做…)的;快要(发生…)的 If you are about to do something, you are going to do it very soon. If something is about to happen, it will happen very soon.

【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ to-inf
  • I think he’s about to leave…


  • Argentina has lifted all restrictions on trade and visas are about to be abolished…


  • The film was about to start.


11. how about→see: how; what about→see: what; just about→see: just;
Usage Note :When you are talking about movement in no particular direction, you can use around and round as well as about. It’s so romantic up there, flying around in a small plane… I spent a couple of hours driving round Richmond… Police constables walk about with guns on their hips. When you are talking about something being generally present or available, you can use around or about, but not round, as adverbs. There is a lot of talent around at the moment… There are not that many jobs about.Round has a lot of other meanings, as a noun, verb, and adjective which you can see at the entry for round. You cannot use about in these cases.

表示没有明确方向的移动,可用around, round 和about: It’s so romantic up there, flying around in a small plane(坐着小型飞机在空中翱翔真浪漫),I spent a couple of hours driving round Richmond(我花了几个小时驱车漫游里士满),Police constables walk about with guns on their hips.(警员们胯上别枪四处巡逻)。表示某物就在手头或能够获得,可用around或about作副词, 但不可用round: There is a lot of talent around at the moment(目前有大量现成人才),There are not that many jobs about(可供选择的工作并不多)。round 作名词、动词和形容词有许多其他意思,参见round词条;在这些情况下不可用around。

12.PHRASE 短语(尤指一段时间无法自由行动后)四处走动,外出活动 If someone is out and about, they are going out and doing things, especially after they have been unable to for a while.

【搭配模式】:usu PHR after v
  • Despite considerable pain she has been getting out and about almost as normal…


  • The regulations were relaxed and the prisoners could get out and about a bit.


13.PHRASE 短语(常因工作)奔波 If someone is out and about, they are going to a lot of different places, often as part of their job.

【搭配模式】:usu PHR after v
  • They often saw me out and about.


1 about ˈbaʊt/  adverb

: almost or nearly几乎;差不多

— used to indicate that a number, amount, time, etc., is not exact or certain数字、数量、时间等)大约,大概

: very close to doing something即将;将要;马上 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式

— often used with not to stress that someone will not do something常与not连用强调某人将不会去做某事

chiefly British
: in many different directions(在不同方向)到处,四处

: in many different places(在不同地点)到处,四处,四下

: in or near a particular area or place在附近;在旁边

: in the opposite direction在相反方向;朝相反方向

2 about ˈbaʊt/ preposition

— used to indicate the object of a thought, feeling, or action(思想、感情或行动上)关于,涉及

— used to indicate the subject of something said or written(谈论或写作的主题)涉及,关于

: as part of (someone or something)在…身上;在…上

— used to indicate the most important or basic part or purpose of something用于指明事物最重要或最基本的部分

: near or not far from (something) in time(时间上)接近,在…左右,在…前后

: in the area near to (something or someone)在…附近

: over or in different parts of (a place)在(某地)各处

: on every side of (something or someone)在…周围;环绕;围绕

— used to say that something is done quickly or slowly用于表达做事快或慢

chiefly British : in the act or process of doing (something)在…的过程中;从事于

how about

what about

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