
  • n. 能力;才能

have/lose the ability to do sth. 拥有/失去 做某事的能力

例: Behind each door you open are chances to learn new things, and you have the ability to make your own choices.  在你打开的每扇门后面都有学习新事物的机会,你有能力做出自己的选择。




ability, genius, talent 和 gift

ability 普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。
genius 语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。
talent 着重指人某方面具有可发展和培养的突出天赋才能,但语意比genius弱。
gift 着重个人的天赋的才能或在某方面的显著本领,常暗含不能用一般规律作解释的意味。


innovation ability 创新能力
learning ability 学习能力
practical ability 实践能力;实际能力
technical ability 技术能力
reading ability 阅读能力
management ability 管理能力
writing ability 写作能力;书写能力
working ability 工作能力,加工能力
physical ability 体能,体质能力;身体能力
cognitive ability 认知能力
service ability 工作能力
ability to pay 支付能力
combining ability 配合力
develop ability 发挥才能
executive ability 执行力;行政能力
natural ability 本能
administrative ability 行政能力;经营才能
unique ability 独有能力
adaptive ability 自适应能力
(pl. -ies)
1. [sing.] ~ to do sth the fact that sb / sth is able to do sth
The system has the ability to run more than six program at the same time.
Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.
A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax.
OPP  inability
2. [C, U] a level of skill or intelligence
Almost everyone has some musical ability.
He was a man of extraordinary abilities.
students of mixed abilities
A woman of her ability will easily find a job.
I try to do my job to the best of my ability (= as well as I can).
a·bil·i·ty / E5bIlEtI ; E5bIlEti /noun (plural abilities)
1. Cthe state of being able to do something能力,能够:
ability to do sth

the ability to walk行走的能力
The health center serves all patients, regardless of their ability to pay.医疗中心为所有病人服务,不管他们的支付能力如何。
I don’t have the ability to say ‘no’.“不”字我说不出口。

2. C,Usomeone’s level of skill at doing something能力〔的水平〕; 本领; 技能:
athletic / musical / artistic etc ability

The test measures verbal and mathematical ability.这种测试考查的是语言能力和数学能力。
leadership ability领导能力
It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a professional athlete.成为职业运动员需要刻苦的训练以及天赋。
There are musicians of all abilities in the orchestra.那支管弦乐队各种演奏水平的乐师都有。

of great / exceptional etc ability

He’s a writer of remarkable ability.他是个才华横溢的作家。

of high / low / average ability

students of average ability中等能力的学生
mixed ability classes (=classes that include students who are at different levels)学生能力参差不齐的班级

3. to the best of your ability as well as you can竭尽全力:

He completed the job to the best of his ability.他尽全力完成了工作。
1.N-SING 单数名词能力 Your ability to do something is the fact that you can do it.

【搭配模式】:N to-inf
  • The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job…


  • He has the ability to bring out the best in others.


2.N-VAR 可变名词才能;技能;本领 Your ability is the quality or skill that you have which makes it possible for you to do something.

【搭配模式】:oft with poss
  • Her drama teacher spotted her ability


  • I have confidence in the ability of the players…


  • They repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities…


  • Does the school cater for all abilities?


3.PHRASE 短语尽…所能地;竭尽全力地 If you do something to the best of your abilities or to the best of your ability, you do it as well as you can.
  • I take care of them to the best of my abilities…


  • They tackled them to the best of their ability.


Usage Note :Do not confuse ability with capability and capacity. You often use ability to say that someone can do something well. He had remarkable ability as a musician. …the ability to bear hardship. A person’s capability is the amount of work they can do and how well they can do it. …a job that was beyond the capability of one man. …the director’s ideas of the capability of the actor. If someone has a particular capacity, a capacity for something, or a capacity to do something, they have the qualities required to do it. Capacity is a more formal word than ability…their capacity for hard work. …his capacity to see the other person’s point of view.

不要混淆 ability, capability 和 capacity。ability 常用于表示某人将某件事做好的能力:He had remarkable ability as a musician(他拥有杰出的音乐才华),the ability to bear hardship(承受苦难的能力)。capability 指某人所能完成的工作量以及所能达到的工作质量:a job that was beyond the capability of one man(个人力所不及的工作),the director’s ideas of the capability of the actor(导演对于这个演员演技的看法)。capacity指做成某件事所需的素质, 用法比 ability 更加正式,例如 their capacity for hard work(他们能吃苦耐劳),his capacity to see the other person’s point of view(他领会他人观点的能力)。

plural   abilities
: the power or skill to do something能力;才能;技能


— often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式

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