一(个); 每一(个); 任一(个)
1. 基本词义:用于单数可数名词前,表示未曾提及的一(个、件……)人(或物……)
2. 辨析:
- 通常来说,a 是用在以辅音开首的词前面,an 是用在以元音开首的词前面;
- 可数名词前面用 a(或 an),不可数名词前面不可用a(或 an),如可以说 a healthy boy,却不可以说 a health;
- 在特定情况下,a(或 an)可以用在复数形式前面:习语中有a few (books),a great many (books)等表示方法。在表示时间或款项的短语前面,如 a further five minutes。在若干在形式上是复数而在意思上是单数的单词前面,如 a barracks,a links。在美国口语中,如 a good ways,a long ways;
- a(或 an)有时有“一个而不是那所要的一个”的意思。a 也有“任何一个”的意思。I got a letter indeed,but it was from a friend.
事实上,我收到了一封信,但只是一个朋友的来信。I wanted to read a book,I did not care whether it was a history,a novel,or a biography. - a 与 few 搭配使用时,few 是“很少”,有“几乎没有”的意思。a few 是“若干”,有“颇有几个”的意思。注意,only a few 却等于 few,也是“很少”的意思。
a 释义:用于可数名词或单数名词前,表示未曾提到的一人、事;用于前有形容词或后. 有短语的不可数名词前;任何一;每一。
用法不同: one用法:示”一个”,意为one; 指某人或某物;代表-类人或事务;用在可数名词的单数形式前表示泛指。
例句: He’s the one person I can trust. 他是我唯一可以信赖的人。
a用法:通常来说,a是用在以辅音开首的词前面,可数名词前面用a不可数名词前面不可用a,如可以说a healthy boy,却不可以说a health。在特定情况下,a可以用在复数形式前面。
例句:Their new car’s a BMW.
a / E; strong form ei / (also an / En; strong form An / )indefinite article
a 用于辅音前,an 用于元音前。在 FM、UN 等缩略语前,用 a 还是 an,需视首字母如何发音而定。如 F 是辅音字母,但其发音以 e 开头,故应说:an FM radio。U 是元音字母,但其发音以 j 音开头,故应说:a UN declaration。
1. used before countable or singular nouns referring to people or things that have not already been mentioned
a man / horse / unit
an aunt / egg / hour / x-ray
一个姑母;一个鸡蛋;一小时;一张 X 光片
I can only carry two at a time.
There’s a visitor for you.
She’s a friend of my father’s (= one of my father’s friends).
2. used before uncountable nouns when these have an adjective in front of them, or phrase following them
a good knowledge of French
a sadness that won’t go away
3. any; every
A lion is a dangerous animal.
4. used to show that sb / sth is a member of a group or profession
Their new car’s a BMW.
She’s a Buddhist.
He’s a teacher.
Is that a Monet (= a painting by Monet) ?
5. used in front of two nouns that are seen as a single unit
a knife and fork
6. used instead of one before some numbers
(用于某些数字前,代替 one):
A thousand people were there.
7. used when talking about prices, quantities and rates
SYN per :
They cost 50p a kilo.
其价钱是一公斤 50 便士。
I can type 50 words a minute.
我每分钟能打 50 个单词。
He was driving at 50 miles an hour.
当时他正以每小时 50 英里的速度驾车。
8. a person like sb
She’s a little Hitler.
9. used before sb’s name to show that the speaker does not know the person
There’s a Mrs Green to see you.
10. used before the names of days of the week to talk about one particular day
She died on a Tuesday.
1. used to show that you are talking about someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know about一,一个〔用于未曾提及或对方不知道的人或物的名称前〕:
2. used to show that you are referring to a general type of person or thing and not a specific person or thing〔用于泛指一类人或一类事物〕:
3. used before someone’s family name to show that they belong to that family〔用于某人的姓氏前表明其属于这个家庭〕:
4. one一(个):
5. used in some phrases that say how much of something there is〔用于某些表示数量的短语〕:
6. used to mean ‘each’ when stating prices, rates, or speeds每一(个)〔用于表明价格、比率或速度〕:
7. used before singular nouns to mean all things of a particular type任一,每一〔用于单数名词前表示某一类的全部〕:
8. used once before two nouns that are mentioned together very often〔用于两个经常连用的名词前〕:
9. used before the -ing forms of verbs when they are used as nouns referring to an action, event, or sound〔用于表示动作、事件或声音的动词的 -ing 形式之前〕:
10. used before nouns that are usually uncountable when other information about the quality, feeling etc is added by an adjective, phrase, or clause〔用于有形容词、短语或从句修饰的不可数名词前〕:
11. used before the name of a substance, food etc to refer to a particular type of it〔用于物质、食品等名称前表示一类〕:
12. used before the name of a drink to refer to a cup or glass of that drink一杯〔用于饮料名称前〕:
13. used before the name of a famous artist to refer to a painting by that artist一幅…的作品〔用于著名画家的名字前〕:
14. used before a name to mean someone or something that has the same qualities as that person or thing〔用于某人或某物的名字前指与其具有同样特性的人或物〕:
15. used before someone’s name when you do not know who they are某一,一位〔用于陌生人的姓名前〕:
16. used before the names of days, months, seasons, and events in the year to refer to a particular one〔用于某一年的日、月、季节和事件前,指具体的日子或事件〕:
a, an:
Before a word beginning with a vowel sound, use an .读音以元音开头的单词前用 an:
► Use an before an ‘h’ that is not pronounced. 不发音的 h 前用 an:
► Use a before a ‘u’ that is pronounced like ‘you’. u 发 “you” 音时前面用 a:
► Use an before an abbreviation that is pronounced with a vowel sound at the start. 读音以元音开头的缩写前用 an:
A or an is the indefinite article. It is used at the beginning of noun groups which refer to only one person or thing. The form an is used in front of words that begin with vowel sounds.
a 或 an 为不定冠词,用于表示单个事物或人的名词词组之前。an 用于以元音开始的单词之前。
1.DET 限定词(指初次提及或非特指的人或物)一(个) You use a or an when you are referring to someone or something for the first time or when people may not know which particular person or thing you are talking about.
- A waiter entered with a tray…侍者端着托盘进来了。
- He started eating an apple…他开始吃苹果。
- Today you’ve got a new teacher taking you…今天有位新老师来教你们。
- I manage a hotel.我经营一家旅馆。
2.DET 限定词(一类人或事物中非特指的)任何一(个) You use a or an when you are referring to any person or thing of a particular type and do not want to be specific.
- …expensive make-up that we saw being advertised by a beautiful model…我们所见的由一位漂亮模特代言的昂贵化妆品
- I suggest you leave it to an expert…我建议你把它留给专家来解决。
- Bring a sleeping bag…带只睡袋。
- I was waiting for a bus.我在等公共汽车。
3.DET 限定词(用于前加形容词或后加修饰语的不可数名词之前)一(种) You use a or an in front of an uncount noun when that noun follows an adjective, or when the noun is followed by words that describe it more fully.
- There was a terrible sadness in her eyes…她眼神中流露出深深的悲伤。
- He did have a real knowledge of the country…他对该国的确知之甚多。
- Baseball movies have gained an appreciation that far outstrips those dealing with any other sport.以棒球为主题的电影获得的青睐远远超过了其他体育类电影。
4.DET 限定词(用于物质名词前)一(类),一(种) You use a or an in front of a mass noun when you want to refer to a single type or make of something.
- Bollinger ‘RD’ is a rare, highly prized wine.博林格RD香槟是一种名贵的备受推崇的葡萄酒。
5.DET 限定词(用于表示数量的词组中)许多/少许/一点 You use a in quantifiers such as a lot ,a little, and a bit.
- I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing…我花很多钱购买昂贵的首饰和衣服。
- I’ve come looking for a bit of advice.我特来讨教。
6.DET 限定词(一类人或事物中典型的)一(个) You use a or an to refer to someone or something as a typical member of a group, class, or type.
- Some parents believe a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man.有些父母认为男孩子必须学会像男子汉一样顶天立地,勇于抗争。
- …the operation a patient has had.病人做过的手术
7.DET 限定词(用于日子、月份或节日的名称之前以表示特例)一个 You use a or an in front of the names of days, months, or festivals when you are referring to one particular instance of that day, month, or festival.
- The interview took place on a Friday afternoon…采访是在一个星期五的下午进行的。
- It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts.这是一个购物者不理会昂贵的丝绸衣服而热衷于更实用礼物的圣诞节。
8.DET 限定词(从事某一职业的)一(位),一(名) You use a or an when you are saying what someone is or what job they have.
- I explained that I was an artist…我解释说自己是个艺术家。
- He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community.他现在是一位教师,并且是社区内受人尊敬的一员。
9.DET 限定词(用于不为说话人所知的首次提到的人名前)某一(个) You use a or an in front of the names of people as a way of indicating that you do not know them or anything about them and you are saying their name for the first time.
- The full address on a stick-on label was that of a Mrs P. R. Slater of Peterborough…不干胶标签上的完整地址写的是彼得伯勒的一位P. R. 斯莱特太太。
- A Dr Matthew Owens was reported missing while on an expedition to north-eastern Turkey.据报道,一位叫马修·欧文斯的博士在前往土耳其东北部考察的途中失踪了。
10.DET 限定词(用于人名前,表示与该人有相同特性或品质)类似…的一个(或一位) You use a or an in front of the names of people when you want to refer to someone else who has the same qualities or character as the person named.
- When I listen to her play I can hear a new Nigel Kennedy.从她的演奏中我听出了新一代的奈杰尔·肯尼迪。
11.DET 限定词(用于姓氏前,表示某人属于某姓氏家族)一位姓…的人 You use a or an in front of a surname when you want to refer to someone who belongs to the family with that surname.
- As far as I can recall, Patti was a Smith.我记得帕蒂是姓史密斯的。
12.DET 限定词(用于艺术家名字前)一幅…的画,一件…的雕塑作品 You use a or an in front of the names of artists to refer to one individual painting or sculpture created by them.
- Most people have very little difficulty in seeing why a Van Gogh is a work of genius.多数人不难理解为什么凡·高的作品是天才之作。
13.DET 限定词(代替数字one使用,尤用于hundred,hour和metre等表示度量的单词之前以及half, quarter和third等分数之前) You use a or an instead of the number ‘one’, especially with words of measurement such as ‘hundred’, ‘hour’, and ‘metre’, and with fractions such as ‘half’, ‘quarter’, and ‘third’.
- …more than a thousand acres of land.1,000多英亩地
- …a quarter of an hour…一刻钟
- The skirts were shortened an inch or two.这些裙子被改短了一两英寸。
14.DET 限定词(用于表示比率的短语中)每一 You use a or an in expressions such as eight hours a day to express a rate or ratio.
- Prices start at £13.95 a metre for printed cotton…印花棉布以每米13.95英镑的价格起售。
- The helicopter can zip along at about 150 kilometres an hour.该直升机能以每小时150公里左右的速度疾进。
a door一扇门
a human一个人
an icicle一条冰柱
an honor一项荣誉
a one一个单词
a union一个联盟
an FBI investigation联邦调查局的一项调查
an LCD display一台液晶显示器
a historic一个历史性的
an historic一个历史性的
There was a tree in the field.田野里有一棵树。
A man walked past him.一个人从他身边走过。
I heard a shout.我听到一声喊叫。
He bought a house, but this is not the house he bought.他买了一栋房子,但是这栋房子并不是他买的那一栋。
I ordered an apple and some cheese: I ate the apple but not the cheese.我点了一个苹果和一些奶酪:我把苹果吃了,但没吃奶酪。
a hundred and twenty people一百二十人
a million dollars一百万美元
a dozen doughnuts一打炸面圈
This is a [=one] third the size of that.这个的尺寸只有那个的三分之一。
a pound or two [=one or two pounds]一磅或两磅
a week or two [=one or two weeks]一周或两周
a foot and a half of water = one and a half feet of water*1.5英尺深的水
They didn’t charge me a penny. [=they didn’t charge me anything at all]他们没有收我一分钱。
“Did she say anything about it?” “Not a word.”“她对此事说什么了吗?”“一个字都没说。”
My uncle is a plumber.我叔叔是个水管工。
Copper is a metal.铜是一种金属。
She’s a very nice lady.她是一位很和善的女士。
— often used before noncount nouns that are modified by an adjective or phrase常用于由形容词或短语修饰的不可数名词前
a torrential rain一阵急雨
She has a warmth that puts people at ease.她待人热情,让人感到亲切。
I’ve always had a fondness for chocolate.我一直很爱吃巧克力。
A person who is sick can’t work well. [=people can’t work well if they are sick]生病的人工作效率不高。
A Mr. Smith [=a man named Mr. Smith] called to ask about the job.一位史密斯先生打电话询问工作的事。
Among the towns of the area there is a Newton, I believe.据我了解,这个地区有一个牛顿镇。
the attractions of a Boston or a Cleveland波士顿或克利夫兰这类城市的景点
His friends say he’s an Einstein in regard to science.他的朋友们说,在科学方面他是爱因斯坦式的人物。
My birthday falls on a Tuesday this year.今年我的生日是一个星期二。
The museum recently purchased a Rembrandt. [=a painting by Rembrandt]博物馆最近购入了一幅伦勃朗的画作。
My violin is a Stradivarius.我的小提琴出自大师斯特拉迪瓦里之手。
Did you know that she’s a Kennedy?你知道她是肯尼迪家族的一员吗?
A triumphant Ms. Jones greeted her supporters. [=Ms. Jones was triumphant when she greeted her supporters]志得意满的琼斯女士向支持者们致意。
We were met at the door by an embarrassed Mr. Brown. [=Mr. Brown was embarrassed when he met us at the door]布朗先生在门口见到我们时神色尴尬。
We had a very mild January.一月的天气非常温和。
She felt a bit tired.她感到有点疲惫。
It’s getting a little late.天有点晚了。
They meet twice a week. [=twice each week]他们一周见两次面。
The car was traveling at a hundred miles an [=per] hour.汽车当时正以一百英里的时速行驶。